5 |
* |
* |
6 |
* Description: . |
* Description: . |
7 |
* |
* |
* Parameters: |
* base - the path where to find the PAMELA unpacked root file. |
* outDirectory - the path where to put the output file. |
* orbPath - the path where to find an orb format for the output. |
8 |
* |
* |
9 |
* version 1.0 - 27 April 2006 |
* 27 April 2006 |
10 |
* First implementation |
* First implementation |
11 |
* |
12 |
* 6 July 2006 |
13 |
* Released version adding as an "emergency" Trigger and Anticounter plot. A future release should |
14 |
* foreseen a general class called OrbitalRate, to be put into the "Utility" for plotting whatever |
15 |
* data related to the orbit. Under a preliminary analysis this Class will contain |
16 |
* |
17 |
* OrbitalRate(String TLEFile) - file containing one or more TLE |
18 |
* |
19 |
* void populateHisto(double data, double timeFromTLE) - fill the histogram |
20 |
* TCanvas getCanvas() - return the populated TCanvas |
21 |
* |
22 |
*/ |
*/ |
23 |
#include <physics/anticounter/AnticounterEvent.h> |
24 |
#include <physics/trigger/TriggerEvent.h> |
25 |
#include <mcmd/McmdEvent.h> |
#include <mcmd/McmdEvent.h> |
26 |
#include <mcmd/McmdRecord.h> |
#include <mcmd/McmdRecord.h> |
27 |
#include <EventHeader.h> |
#include <EventHeader.h> |
30 |
#include "cTle.h" |
#include "cTle.h" |
31 |
#include "cEci.h" |
#include "cEci.h" |
32 |
#include "cOrbit.h" |
#include "cOrbit.h" |
33 |
#include "cJulian.h" |
34 |
#include "TH2F.h" |
#include "TH2F.h" |
35 |
#include "TFrame.h" |
#include "TFrame.h" |
36 |
#include "TGraph.h" |
#include "TGraph.h" |
37 |
#include "TCanvas.h" |
#include "TCanvas.h" |
38 |
#include "TASImage.h" |
#include "TASImage.h" |
39 |
#include "TMarker.h" |
#include "TMarker.h" |
40 |
#include <TDatime.h> |
41 |
42 |
#include "TString.h" |
#include "TString.h" |
43 |
#include "TObjString.h" |
#include "TObjString.h" |
45 |
#include "TPaletteAxis.h" |
#include "TPaletteAxis.h" |
46 |
#include "TROOT.h" |
#include "TROOT.h" |
47 |
#include <sys/stat.h> |
#include <sys/stat.h> |
48 |
#include <fstream> |
49 |
50 |
#define TRUE 1 |
#define TRUE 1 |
51 |
#define FALSE 0 |
#define FALSE 0 |
115 |
116 |
} |
} |
117 |
118 |
void Rate(TString base, TString outDirectory = "", TString format = "jpg", TString mapFile = ""){ |
void Rate(TString base, TString outDirectory = "", TString format = "png", TString mapFile = "", TString tleFile = "", int offDate = 20060614, int offTime = 210000){ |
119 |
TTree *tr = 0; |
TTree *tr = 0; |
120 |
pamela::McmdEvent *mcmdev = 0; |
pamela::McmdEvent *mcmdev = 0; |
121 |
pamela::McmdRecord *mcmdrc = 0; |
pamela::McmdRecord *mcmdrc = 0; |
122 |
TArrayC *mcmddata = 0; |
pamela::EventHeader *eh = 0; |
123 |
pamela::PscuHeader *ph = 0; |
124 |
TArrayC *mcmddata; |
125 |
ULong64_t nevents = 0; |
ULong64_t nevents = 0; |
126 |
ULong64_t timesync = 0; |
double timesync = 0; |
pamela::EventHeader *eh = 0; |
pamela::PscuHeader *ph = 0; |
127 |
stringstream oss; |
stringstream oss; |
128 |
double offsetTime = 0; |
double offsetTime = 0; |
129 |
double absTime; |
double absTime = 0; |
130 |
UInt_t i = 0; |
UInt_t i = 0; |
131 |
UInt_t j = 0; |
UInt_t j = 0; |
132 |
struct stat buf; |
struct stat buf; |
140 |
141 |
TString filename = ((TObjString*)base.Tokenize('/')->Last())->GetString(); |
TString filename = ((TObjString*)base.Tokenize('/')->Last())->GetString(); |
142 |
filename = ((TObjString*)filename.Tokenize('.')->First())->GetString(); |
filename = ((TObjString*)filename.Tokenize('.')->First())->GetString(); |
143 |
// Test SGP4 |
144 |
string str1 = "SGP4 Test"; |
string str1 = "RESURS-DK 1"; |
145 |
string str2 = "1 25544U 98067A 06117.32388940 .00009459 00000-0 64427-4 0 8131"; |
string str2 = "1 29228U 06021A 06170.19643714 .00009962 00000-0 21000-3 0 196"; |
146 |
string str3 = "2 25544 51.6388 89.2928 0009043 155.3293 354.6512 15.75673697425143"; |
string str3 = "2 29228 069.9363 054.7893 0167576 127.4359 017.0674 15.31839265 604"; |
147 |
if (tleFile != ""){ |
148 |
fstream fileTle(tleFile.Data(),ios::in); |
149 |
if (fileTle.is_open()) { |
150 |
getline (fileTle,str1); |
151 |
getline (fileTle,str2); |
152 |
getline (fileTle,str3); |
153 |
} |
154 |
fileTle.close(); |
155 |
} |
156 |
157 |
cTle tle1(str1, str2, str3); |
cTle tle1(str1, str2, str3); |
158 |
cOrbit orbit(tle1); |
cOrbit orbit(tle1); |
175 |
nevents = tr->GetEntries(); |
nevents = tr->GetEntries(); |
176 |
177 |
bool timeFound = FALSE; |
bool timeFound = FALSE; |
178 |
while ((i < nevents) | !timeFound){ |
while (i < nevents) { |
179 |
tr->GetEntry(i); |
tr->GetEntry(i); |
180 |
recEntries = mcmdev->Records->GetEntries(); |
recEntries = mcmdev->Records->GetEntries(); |
181 |
while ((j < recEntries) | !timeFound){ |
while (j < recEntries){ |
182 |
mcmdrc = (pamela::McmdRecord*)mcmdev->Records->At(j); |
mcmdrc = (pamela::McmdRecord*)mcmdev->Records->At(j); |
183 |
if (mcmdrc->ID1 == 0xE0){ |
//mcmddata = mcmdrc->McmdData; |
184 |
mcmddata = mcmdrc->McmdData; |
//printf(" timesync TimeSync %i \n", (unsigned int)mcmddata->At(0)); |
185 |
timesync = (((ULong64_t)mcmddata->At(0)<<24)&0xFF000000) + |
//It is a TimeSync? |
186 |
(((ULong64_t)mcmddata->At(1)<<16)&0x00FF0000) + |
if ((mcmdrc != 0) && (mcmdrc->ID1 == 0xE0)){ |
187 |
(((ULong64_t)mcmddata->At(2)<<8)&0x0000FF00) + |
mcmddata = mcmdrc->McmdData; |
188 |
(((ULong64_t)mcmddata->At(3))&0x000000FF); |
timesync = (((unsigned int)mcmddata->At(0)<<24)&0xFF000000) + (((unsigned int)mcmddata->At(1)<<16)&0x00FF0000) + (((unsigned int)mcmddata->At(2)<<8)&0x0000FF00) + (((unsigned int)mcmddata->At(3))&0x000000FF); |
189 |
offsetTime = timesync - (mcmdrc->MCMD_RECORD_OBT)*(1./1000.); |
timesync = timesync - (mcmdrc->MCMD_RECORD_OBT)*(1./1000.); |
190 |
timeFound = TRUE; |
timeFound = TRUE; |
191 |
//printf(" timesync TimeSync %i \n", timesync); |
192 |
} |
193 |
194 |
//It is an Inclination Mcmd? |
195 |
if ((mcmdrc != 0) && (mcmdrc->ID1 == 0xE2)){ |
196 |
mcmddata = mcmdrc->McmdData; |
197 |
timesync = (((mcmddata->At(0) << 24) & 0xFF000000) + ((mcmddata->At(1) << 16) & 0x00FF0000) + ((mcmddata->At(2) << 8) & 0x0000FF00) + (mcmddata->At(3) & 0x000000FF))/128.0; |
198 |
timesync = timesync - (mcmdrc->MCMD_RECORD_OBT)*(1./1000.); |
199 |
timeFound = TRUE; |
200 |
//printf(" timesync Inclination %16.8f \n", timesync); |
201 |
} |
} |
202 |
j++; |
203 |
if (timeFound) break; |
204 |
j++; |
205 |
} |
} |
206 |
if (timeFound) break; |
207 |
i++; |
i++; |
208 |
} |
} |
209 |
210 |
if (!timeFound) { |
211 |
printf("No timesync info have been found in the file %s", base.Data()); |
212 |
exit(0); |
213 |
} |
214 |
215 |
//Get the Julian date of the TLE Epoch |
216 |
cJulian offTLE = cJulian(((int)tle1.getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHYEAR) + 2000), tle1.getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHDAY)); |
217 |
218 |
//Get the Julian date of the Resours offset |
219 |
TDatime offRes = TDatime(offDate, offTime); |
220 |
cJulian offResours = cJulian(offRes.GetYear(), offRes.GetMonth(), offRes.GetDay(), offRes.GetHour(), offRes.GetMinute(), offRes.GetSecond()); |
221 |
//Add to the Resours Offset the seconds differece beetwen the timesynch from MCMD and the relative OBT |
222 |
offResours.addSec(timesync); |
223 |
224 |
//Get the MINUTES past since the TLE Epoch |
225 |
offsetTime = (offResours.getDate() - offTLE.getDate()) * 24.0 * 60.0; |
226 |
tr = (TTree*)rootFile->Get("Physics"); |
tr = (TTree*)rootFile->Get("Physics"); |
227 |
TBranch *headBr = tr->GetBranch("Header"); |
TBranch *headBr = tr->GetBranch("Header"); |
228 |
tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); |
tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); |
229 |
230 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
231 |
pamela::anticounter::AnticounterEvent *antiev = 0; |
232 |
TH2F *antiRate40 = new TH2F("rate40", base, 360, -180, 180, 161, -80.5, 80.5); |
233 |
TH2F *antiRate30 = new TH2F("rate30", base, 360, -180, 180, 161, -80.5, 80.5); |
234 |
tr->SetBranchAddress("Anticounter", &antiev); |
235 |
Int_t oldAntiRate40 = 0; |
236 |
Int_t newAntiRate40 = 0; |
237 |
Int_t oldAntiRate30 = 0; |
238 |
Int_t newAntiRate30 = 0; |
239 |
Int_t rateAnti40 = 0; |
240 |
Int_t rateAnti30 = 0; |
241 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
242 |
243 |
/********** Trigger **************/ |
244 |
pamela::trigger::TriggerEvent *trigger = 0; |
245 |
TH2F *trigAnd = new TH2F("trigAnd", base, 360, -180, 180, 161, -80.5, 80.5); // (S11+S12)*(S21+S22)*(S31+S32) |
246 |
TH2F *trigS1 = new TH2F("trigS1", base, 360, -180, 180, 161, -80.5, 80.5); //(S11+S12) |
247 |
TH2F *trigS111A = new TH2F("trigS111A", base, 360, -180, 180, 161, -80.5, 80.5); //(S111A) |
248 |
tr->SetBranchAddress("Trigger", &trigger); |
249 |
/********** Trigger **************/ |
250 |
251 |
nevents = tr->GetEntries(); |
nevents = tr->GetEntries(); |
252 |
//Fill variables from root-ple |
//Fill variables from root-ple |
253 |
for (i = 0; i < nevents; i++){ |
for (i = 0; i < nevents; i++){ |
254 |
//for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++){ |
255 |
tr->GetEntry(i); |
tr->GetEntry(i); |
256 |
ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); |
ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); |
257 |
absTime = ((ph->GetOrbitalTime()*(1./1000.)) + absTime)/60; |
absTime = offsetTime + (ph->GetOrbitalTime()*(1./60000.)); |
258 |
orbit.getPosition(absTime, &eci); |
orbit.getPosition(absTime, &eci); |
259 |
coo = eci.toGeo(); |
coo = eci.toGeo(); |
260 |
rate->Fill(rad2deg(coo.m_Lon), rad2deg(coo.m_Lat)); |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
261 |
/* |
oldAntiRate40 = newAntiRate40; |
262 |
printf(" %16.8f %16.8f %16.8f\n", |
oldAntiRate30 = newAntiRate30; |
263 |
rad2deg(coo.m_Lat), |
newAntiRate40 = antiev->counters[0][6]; |
264 |
rad2deg(coo.m_Lon), |
newAntiRate30 = antiev->counters[0][10]; |
265 |
coo.m_Alt); |
if (newAntiRate40 < oldAntiRate40){ |
266 |
*/ |
newAntiRate40 += 0xFFFF; |
267 |
} |
268 |
if (newAntiRate30 < oldAntiRate30){ |
269 |
newAntiRate30 += 0xFFFF; |
270 |
} |
271 |
rateAnti40 = newAntiRate40 - oldAntiRate40; |
272 |
rateAnti30 = newAntiRate30 - oldAntiRate30; |
273 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
274 |
275 |
if (coo.m_Lon > PI) { |
276 |
rate->Fill(rad2deg(coo.m_Lon - 2*PI) , rad2deg(coo.m_Lat)); |
277 |
antiRate30->Fill(rad2deg(coo.m_Lon - 2*PI) , rad2deg(coo.m_Lat), rateAnti30); |
278 |
antiRate40->Fill(rad2deg(coo.m_Lon - 2*PI) , rad2deg(coo.m_Lat), rateAnti40); |
279 |
trigAnd->Fill(rad2deg(coo.m_Lon - 2*PI) , rad2deg(coo.m_Lat), (1/4.)*trigger->trigrate[1]); |
280 |
trigS1->Fill(rad2deg(coo.m_Lon - 2*PI) , rad2deg(coo.m_Lat), 1.*trigger->pmtpl[0]); |
281 |
trigS111A->Fill(rad2deg(coo.m_Lon - 2*PI) , rad2deg(coo.m_Lat), 1.*trigger->pmtcount1[0]); |
282 |
} else { |
283 |
rate->Fill(rad2deg(coo.m_Lon) , rad2deg(coo.m_Lat)); |
284 |
antiRate30->Fill(rad2deg(coo.m_Lon) , rad2deg(coo.m_Lat), rateAnti30); |
285 |
antiRate40->Fill(rad2deg(coo.m_Lon) , rad2deg(coo.m_Lat), rateAnti40); |
286 |
trigAnd->Fill(rad2deg(coo.m_Lon) , rad2deg(coo.m_Lat), (1/4.)*trigger->trigrate[1]); |
287 |
trigS1->Fill(rad2deg(coo.m_Lon) , rad2deg(coo.m_Lat), 1.*trigger->pmtpl[0]); |
288 |
trigS111A->Fill(rad2deg(coo.m_Lon) , rad2deg(coo.m_Lat), 1.*trigger->pmtcount1[0]); |
289 |
//printf(" Time: %16.8f Lat: %16.8f Long: %16.8f Alt: %16.8f\n", absTime, rad2deg(coo.m_Lat), rad2deg(coo.m_Lon), coo.m_Alt); |
290 |
} |
291 |
} |
} |
292 |
double posx=-1000,posy=-1000,oldposx=-1000,oldposy=-1000; |
double posx=-1000,posy=-1000,oldposx=-1000,oldposy=-1000; |
293 |
int ptcnt=0, color=0; |
294 |
TMarker *tma=NULL; |
TMarker *tma=NULL; |
TLine *tli=NULL; |
double step=0; |
295 |
TImage *tImage=TImage::Open(mapFile); |
TImage *tImage=TImage::Open(mapFile); |
296 |
int width=(int)(tImage->GetWidth()*0.80); |
int width=(int)(tImage->GetWidth()*0.80); |
297 |
int height=(int)(tImage->GetHeight()*0.80); |
int height=(int)(tImage->GetHeight()*0.80); |
298 |
InitStyle(); |
InitStyle(); |
299 |
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","rate/orbit",-width, height); // - : removes the menu bars |
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","rate/orbit",-width, height); // - : removes the menu bars |
300 |
301 |
TH1F *hframe=NULL; |
TH1F *hframe=NULL; |
302 |
hframe=gPad->DrawFrame(-180,-90,180,90); |
hframe=gPad->DrawFrame(-180,-90,180,90); |
303 |
304 |
oss.str(""); |
oss.str(""); |
305 |
oss << filename << " - Event Rate (Hz)"; |
oss << filename << " - Event Rate (Hz)"; |
306 |
hframe->SetTitle(oss.str().c_str()); |
hframe->SetTitle(oss.str().c_str()); |
307 |
hframe->SetXTitle("Longitude (deg)"); |
hframe->SetXTitle("Longitude (deg)"); |
308 |
hframe->SetYTitle("Latitude (deg)"); |
hframe->SetYTitle("Latitude (deg)"); |
c1->cd(); |
309 |
310 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
311 |
TCanvas *anti30 = new TCanvas("anti30","rate/orbit",-width, height); // - : removes the menu bars |
312 |
TH1F *hframe30=NULL; |
313 |
hframe30=gPad->DrawFrame(-180,-90,180,90); |
314 |
315 |
oss.str(""); |
316 |
oss << filename << " - CAS3 rate/degree"; |
317 |
hframe30->SetTitle(oss.str().c_str()); |
318 |
hframe30->SetXTitle("Longitude (deg)"); |
319 |
hframe30->SetYTitle("Latitude (deg)"); |
320 |
321 |
TCanvas *anti40 = new TCanvas("anti40","rate/orbit",-width, height); // - : removes the menu bars |
322 |
TH1F *hframe40=NULL; |
323 |
hframe40=gPad->DrawFrame(-180,-90,180,90); |
324 |
325 |
oss.str(""); |
326 |
oss << filename << " - CAS4 rate/degree"; |
327 |
hframe40->SetTitle(oss.str().c_str()); |
328 |
hframe40->SetXTitle("Longitude (deg)"); |
329 |
hframe40->SetYTitle("Latitude (deg)"); |
330 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
331 |
332 |
/********** Trigger **************/ |
333 |
TCanvas *trigAndC = new TCanvas("AND","rate/orbit",-width, height); // - : removes the menu bars |
334 |
TH1F *trigAndF=NULL; |
335 |
trigAndF=gPad->DrawFrame(-180,-90,180,90); |
336 |
337 |
oss.str(""); |
338 |
oss << filename << " - (S11+S12)*(S21+S22)*(S31+S32) rate/degree"; |
339 |
trigAndF->SetTitle(oss.str().c_str()); |
340 |
trigAndF->SetXTitle("Longitude (deg)"); |
341 |
trigAndF->SetYTitle("Latitude (deg)"); |
342 |
343 |
TCanvas *trigS1C = new TCanvas("trigS1","rate/orbit",-width, height); // - : removes the menu bars |
344 |
TH1F *trigS1F=NULL; |
345 |
trigS1F=gPad->DrawFrame(-180,-90,180,90); |
346 |
347 |
oss.str(""); |
348 |
oss << filename << " - (S11+S12) rate/degree"; |
349 |
trigS1F->SetTitle(oss.str().c_str()); |
350 |
trigS1F->SetXTitle("Longitude (deg)"); |
351 |
trigS1F->SetYTitle("Latitude (deg)"); |
352 |
353 |
TCanvas *trigS111AC = new TCanvas("trigS111A","rate/orbit",-width, height); // - : removes the menu bars |
354 |
TH1F *trigS111AF=NULL; |
355 |
trigS111AF=gPad->DrawFrame(-180,-90,180,90); |
356 |
357 |
oss.str(""); |
358 |
oss << filename << " - S111A rate/degree"; |
359 |
trigS111AF->SetTitle(oss.str().c_str()); |
360 |
trigS111AF->SetXTitle("Longitude (deg)"); |
361 |
trigS111AF->SetYTitle("Latitude (deg)"); |
362 |
/********** Trigger **************/ |
363 |
364 |
c1->cd(); |
365 |
TPad *p2 = new TPad("p2", "p2", 0.10, 0.04, 0.983, 1); |
TPad *p2 = new TPad("p2", "p2", 0.10, 0.04, 0.983, 1); |
366 |
p2->Draw(); |
367 |
p2->cd(); |
p2->cd(); |
368 |
TPaletteAxis *tpa=NULL; |
TPaletteAxis *tpa=NULL; |
369 |
TH2F *forpal=new TH2F("forpal","",2,0,2,2,0,2); |
TH2F *forpal=new TH2F("forpal","",2,0,2,2,0,2); |
370 |
forpal->SetAxisColor(kBlack); //Delete the stat box |
forpal->SetAxisColor(kBlack); //Delete the stat box |
371 |
forpal->SetStats(0); //Delete the stat box |
forpal->SetStats(0); //Delete the stat box |
372 |
forpal->SetMinimum(0.1); |
forpal->SetMinimum(0.1); |
373 |
forpal->SetMaximum(200); |
forpal->SetMaximum(rate->GetMaximum()); |
374 |
p2->SetLogy(); |
375 |
forpal->SetBinContent(5,1); // just to initialize the histo |
forpal->SetBinContent(5,1); // just to initialize the histo |
376 |
forpal->SetContour(50); |
forpal->SetContour(50); |
377 |
TPaletteAxis *tpp=(TPaletteAxis*)((forpal->GetListOfFunctions())->FindObject("palette")); |
TPaletteAxis *tpp=(TPaletteAxis*)((forpal->GetListOfFunctions())->FindObject("palette")); |
step=forpal->GetContourLevel(1)-forpal->GetContourLevel(0); |
378 |
tpa=new TPaletteAxis(184,-90,195,90,forpal); |
tpa=new TPaletteAxis(184,-90,195,90,forpal); |
379 |
tpa->SetLabelColor(kWhite); |
tpa->SetLabelColor(kWhite); |
380 |
forpal->Draw("colz"); |
forpal->Draw("colz"); |
381 |
382 |
c1->cd(); |
383 |
p2->DrawClone(); |
384 |
385 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
386 |
Double_t stepPP30 = (antiRate30->GetMaximum() / 50.0); |
387 |
forpal->SetMaximum(antiRate30->GetMaximum()); |
388 |
anti30->cd(); |
389 |
p2->DrawClone(); |
390 |
391 |
Double_t stepPP40 = (antiRate40->GetMaximum() / 50.0); |
392 |
forpal->SetMaximum(antiRate40->GetMaximum()); |
393 |
anti40->cd(); |
394 |
p2->DrawClone(); |
395 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
396 |
397 |
/********** Trigger **************/ |
398 |
Double_t trigAndPP = (trigAnd->GetMaximum() / 50.0); |
399 |
forpal->SetMaximum(trigAnd->GetMaximum()); |
400 |
trigAndC->cd(); |
401 |
p2->DrawClone(); |
402 |
403 |
Double_t trigS1PP = (trigS1->GetMaximum() / 50.0); |
404 |
forpal->SetMaximum(trigS1->GetMaximum()); |
405 |
trigS1C->cd(); |
406 |
p2->DrawClone(); |
407 |
408 |
Double_t trigS111APP = (trigS111A->GetMaximum() / 50.0); |
409 |
forpal->SetMaximum(trigS111A->GetMaximum()); |
410 |
trigS111AC->cd(); |
411 |
p2->DrawClone(); |
412 |
/********** Trigger **************/ |
413 |
414 |
c1->cd(); |
c1->cd(); |
415 |
TPad *p1 = new TPad("p1", "p1", 0.10,0.10,0.90,0.92); |
TPad *p1 = new TPad("p1", "p1", 0.10,0.10,0.90,0.92); |
416 |
p1->Draw(); |
p1->Draw(); |
417 |
418 |
p1->cd(); |
p1->cd(); |
419 |
tImage->Draw("X"); |
tImage->Draw("X"); |
420 |
421 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
422 |
anti30->cd(); |
423 |
p1->DrawClone(); |
424 |
anti40->cd(); |
425 |
p1->DrawClone(); |
426 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
427 |
428 |
/********** Trigger **************/ |
429 |
trigAndC->cd(); |
430 |
p1->DrawClone(); |
431 |
trigS1C->cd(); |
432 |
p1->DrawClone(); |
433 |
trigS111AC->cd(); |
434 |
p1->DrawClone(); |
435 |
/********** Trigger **************/ |
436 |
437 |
c1->cd(); |
c1->cd(); |
438 |
gPad->RedrawAxis(); |
gPad->RedrawAxis(); |
439 |
c1->Update(); |
c1->Update(); |
440 |
441 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
442 |
anti30->cd(); |
443 |
gPad->RedrawAxis(); |
444 |
anti30->Update(); |
445 |
anti40->cd(); |
446 |
gPad->RedrawAxis(); |
447 |
anti40->Update(); |
448 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
449 |
450 |
/********** Trigger **************/ |
451 |
trigAndC->cd(); |
452 |
gPad->RedrawAxis(); |
453 |
trigAndC->Update(); |
454 |
455 |
trigS1C->cd(); |
456 |
gPad->RedrawAxis(); |
457 |
trigS1C->Update(); |
458 |
459 |
trigS111AC->cd(); |
460 |
gPad->RedrawAxis(); |
461 |
trigS111AC->Update(); |
462 |
/********** Trigger **************/ |
463 |
464 |
c1->cd(); |
c1->cd(); |
ptcnt=0; |
465 |
tma=new TMarker(); |
tma=new TMarker(); |
466 |
tma->SetMarkerStyle(4); |
tma->SetMarkerStyle(21); |
467 |
tli=new TLine(); |
tma->SetMarkerSize(0.5); |
468 |
tli->SetLineColor(kMagenta); |
Double_t color = 0.0; |
469 |
Stat_t freq; |
Double_t freq = 0.0; |
470 |
for (Int_t kk = 0; kk < 360; kk++){ |
Double_t stepPP = (rate->GetMaximum() / 50.0); |
471 |
for (Int_t jj = 0; jj < 161; jj++){ |
//Double_t cutoffFreq = stepPP/1000.0; |
472 |
//Double_t alpha = log10(cutoffFreq/stepPP) * (-1.0); //Obviously is 3.0 |
473 |
474 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
475 |
Double_t color30 = 0.0; |
476 |
Double_t freq30 = 0.0; |
477 |
//Double_t cutoffFreq30 = stepPP30/1000.0; |
478 |
//Double_t alpha30 = log10(cutoffFreq30/stepPP30) * (-1.0); //Obviously is 3.0 |
479 |
480 |
Double_t color40 = 0.0; |
481 |
Double_t freq40 = 0.0; |
482 |
//Double_t cutoffFreq40 = stepPP40/1000.0; |
483 |
//Double_t alpha40 = log10(cutoffFreq40/stepPP40) * (-1.0); //Obviously is 3.0 |
484 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
485 |
486 |
/********** Trigger **************/ |
487 |
Double_t trigAndCol = 0.0; |
488 |
Double_t trigAndFreq = 0.0; |
489 |
490 |
Double_t trigS1Col = 0.0; |
491 |
Double_t trigS1Freq = 0.0; |
492 |
493 |
Double_t trigS111ACol = 0.0; |
494 |
Double_t trigS111AFreq = 0.0; |
495 |
/********** Trigger **************/ |
496 |
497 |
for (Int_t kk = 0; kk < 360; kk++){ |
498 |
for (Int_t jj = 0; jj < 161; jj++){ |
499 |
freq = rate->GetBinContent(kk, jj); |
freq = rate->GetBinContent(kk, jj); |
500 |
if (freq>0) { |
501 |
posx=(kk - 180); posy= jj - 80.5; |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
502 |
freq30 = antiRate30->GetBinContent(kk, jj); |
503 |
freq40 = antiRate40->GetBinContent(kk, jj); |
504 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
505 |
506 |
/********** Trigger **************/ |
507 |
trigAndFreq = trigAnd->GetBinContent(kk, jj); |
508 |
trigS1Freq = trigS1->GetBinContent(kk, jj); |
509 |
trigS111AFreq = trigS111A->GetBinContent(kk, jj); |
510 |
/********** Trigger **************/ |
511 |
512 |
//printf(" Freq: %16.8f \n", freq); |
513 |
posx=kk - 180; |
514 |
posy= jj - 80.5; |
515 |
if (freq > 0) { |
516 |
c1->cd(); |
517 |
// color: palette colors from 51 to 100 ie 50 levels |
// color: palette colors from 51 to 100 ie 50 levels |
518 |
color=51+(int) ((log10((rate==0)?0.1:freq)-log10(0.1))/step); // step defined by palette |
//color = ((log10(freq/stepPP))/alpha)*49.0 + 100.0; // step defined by palette |
519 |
if (color>100) color=100; // just in case if max rate is not max... |
color = 50.0 + (freq / stepPP); // step defined by palette |
520 |
tma->SetMarkerColor(color); |
//printf(" Color: %16.8f \n", color); |
521 |
if (!(posx<0 && oldposx>0) && oldposx!=-1000 && oldposy!=-1000) tli->DrawLine(oldposx,oldposy,posx,posy); |
//if (freq < stepPP) color = 51; |
522 |
//if (color < -100.0) color = 100.0; // just in case if max rate is not max... |
523 |
tma->SetMarkerColor((int)color); |
524 |
tma->DrawMarker(posx,posy); |
tma->DrawMarker(posx,posy); |
oldposx=posx; |
oldposy=posy; |
525 |
} |
} |
526 |
} |
527 |
} |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
528 |
if (freq30 > 0) { |
529 |
anti30->cd(); |
530 |
color30 = 50.0 + (freq30 / stepPP30); // step defined by palette |
531 |
//printf(" Color: %16.8f \n", color30); |
532 |
//color30 = ((log10(freq30/stepPP30))/alpha30)*49.0 + 100.0; // step defined by palette |
533 |
//printf(" Color: %16.8f Step: %16.8f Freq: %16.8f \n", color, stepPP, freq); |
534 |
//if (freq30 < cutoffFreq30) color30 = 51; |
535 |
//if (color30 > 100.0) color30 = 100.0; // just in case if max rate is not max... |
536 |
tma->SetMarkerColor((int)color30); |
537 |
tma->DrawMarker(posx,posy); |
538 |
} |
539 |
540 |
if (freq40 > 0) { |
541 |
anti40->cd(); |
542 |
color40 = 50.0 + (freq40 / stepPP40); // step defined by palette |
543 |
//color40 = ((log10(freq40/stepPP40))/alpha40)*49.0 + 100.0; // step defined by palette |
544 |
//printf(" Color: %16.8f Step: %16.8f Freq: %16.8f \n", color, stepPP, freq); |
545 |
//if (freq40 < cutoffFreq40) color40 = 51; |
546 |
//if (color40 > 100.0) color40 = 100.0; // just in case if max rate is not max... |
547 |
tma->SetMarkerColor((int)color40); |
548 |
tma->DrawMarker(posx,posy); |
549 |
} |
550 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
551 |
552 |
/********** Trigger **************/ |
553 |
if (trigAndFreq > 0) { |
554 |
trigAndC->cd(); |
555 |
trigAndCol = 50.0 + (trigAndFreq / trigAndPP); // step defined by palette |
556 |
tma->SetMarkerColor((int)trigAndCol); |
557 |
tma->DrawMarker(posx,posy); |
558 |
} |
559 |
560 |
if (trigS1Freq > 0) { |
561 |
trigS1C->cd(); |
562 |
trigS1Col = 50.0 + (trigS1Freq / trigS1PP); // step defined by palette |
563 |
tma->SetMarkerColor((int)trigS1Col); |
564 |
tma->DrawMarker(posx,posy); |
565 |
} |
566 |
567 |
if (trigS111AFreq > 0) { |
568 |
trigS111AC->cd(); |
569 |
trigS111ACol = 50.0 + (trigS111AFreq / trigS111APP); // step defined by palette |
570 |
tma->SetMarkerColor((int)trigS111ACol); |
571 |
tma->DrawMarker(posx,posy); |
572 |
} |
573 |
/********** Anticounter **************/ |
574 |
} |
575 |
} |
576 |
577 |
oss.str(""); |
oss.str(""); |
578 |
if (outDirectory == "") { |
if (outDirectory == "") { |
579 |
oss << filename.Data() << "_OrbitRate." << format.Data(); |
oss << filename.Data() << "_OrbitRate." << format.Data(); |
580 |
} else { |
} else { |
581 |
oss << outDirectory.Data() << filename.Data() << "_OrbitRate." << format.Data(); |
oss << outDirectory.Data() << filename.Data() << "_OrbitRate." << format.Data(); |
582 |
} |
} |
583 |
c1->SaveAs(oss.str().c_str()); |
c1->SaveAs(oss.str().c_str()); |
584 |
585 |
oss.str(""); |
586 |
if (outDirectory == "") { |
587 |
oss << filename.Data() << "_CAS3." << format.Data(); |
588 |
} else { |
589 |
oss << outDirectory.Data() << filename.Data() << "_CAS3." << format.Data(); |
590 |
} |
591 |
anti30->SaveAs(oss.str().c_str()); |
592 |
593 |
oss.str(""); |
594 |
if (outDirectory == "") { |
595 |
oss << filename.Data() << "_CAS4." << format.Data(); |
596 |
} else { |
597 |
oss << outDirectory.Data() << filename.Data() << "_CAS4." << format.Data(); |
598 |
} |
599 |
anti40->SaveAs(oss.str().c_str()); |
600 |
601 |
oss.str(""); |
602 |
if (outDirectory == "") { |
603 |
oss << filename.Data() << "_TrigAND." << format.Data(); |
604 |
} else { |
605 |
oss << outDirectory.Data() << filename.Data() << "_TrigAND." << format.Data(); |
606 |
} |
607 |
trigAndC->SaveAs(oss.str().c_str()); |
608 |
609 |
oss.str(""); |
610 |
if (outDirectory == "") { |
611 |
oss << filename.Data() << "_TrigS1." << format.Data(); |
612 |
} else { |
613 |
oss << outDirectory.Data() << filename.Data() << "_TrigS1." << format.Data(); |
614 |
} |
615 |
trigS1C->SaveAs(oss.str().c_str()); |
616 |
617 |
oss.str(""); |
618 |
if (outDirectory == "") { |
619 |
oss << filename.Data() << "_trigS111A." << format.Data(); |
620 |
} else { |
621 |
oss << outDirectory.Data() << filename.Data() << "_trigS111A." << format.Data(); |
622 |
} |
623 |
trigS111AC->SaveAs(oss.str().c_str()); |
624 |
625 |
rootFile->Close(); |
rootFile->Close(); |
626 |
} |
} |
627 |
628 |
629 |
630 |
631 |
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ |
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ |
632 |
TString outDir = "./"; |
TString outDir = "./"; |
633 |
TString mapFile = ""; |
TString mapFile = ""; |
634 |
TString format = "jpg"; |
TString tleFile = ""; |
635 |
TString format = "png"; |
636 |
int offDate = 20060614; |
637 |
int offTime = 210000; |
638 |
639 |
if (argc < 2){ |
if (argc < 2){ |
640 |
printf("You have to insert at least the file to analyze and the mapFile \n"); |
printf("You have to insert at least the file to analyze and the mapFile \n"); |
646 |
printf( "Usage: OrbitRate FILE -map mapFile [OPTION] \n"); |
printf( "Usage: OrbitRate FILE -map mapFile [OPTION] \n"); |
647 |
printf( "mapFile have to be a mercator map image [gif|jpg|png] \n"); |
printf( "mapFile have to be a mercator map image [gif|jpg|png] \n"); |
648 |
printf( "\t --help Print this help and exit \n"); |
printf( "\t --help Print this help and exit \n"); |
649 |
printf( "\t -tleFile[path] Path where to find the tle infos [default dummyOrbit] \n"); |
650 |
printf( "\t\tThe tle file have to satisfy a 3-line structure like (this is the included dummyOrbit)\n "); |
651 |
printf( "\t\t\tGP4 Test\n"); |
652 |
printf( "\t\t\t1 25544U 98067A 06117.32388940 .00009459 00000-0 64427-4 0 8131\n"); |
653 |
printf( "\t\t\t2 25544 51.6388 89.2928 0009043 155.3293 354.6512 15.75673697425143\n"); |
654 |
printf( "\t -outDir[path] Path where to put the output [default ~/tmp] \n"); |
printf( "\t -outDir[path] Path where to put the output [default ~/tmp] \n"); |
655 |
printf( "\t -format[jpg|gif|ps] Format for output files [default 'jpg'] \n"); |
printf( "\t -format[jpg|gif|ps] Format for output files [default 'png'] \n"); |
656 |
printf( "\t -offDate Date of resetting of the Resource counter [format YYMMDD default 20060614] \n"); |
657 |
printf( "\t -offTime Time of resetting of the Resource counter [format HHMMSS default 210000] \n"); |
658 |
exit(1); |
exit(1); |
659 |
} |
} |
660 |
670 |
} |
} |
671 |
} |
} |
672 |
673 |
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-tle")){ |
674 |
if (++i >= argc){ |
675 |
printf( "-tle needs arguments. \n"); |
676 |
printf( "Try '--help' for more information. \n"); |
677 |
exit(1); |
678 |
} else { |
679 |
tleFile = argv[i]; |
680 |
continue; |
681 |
} |
682 |
} |
683 |
684 |
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-offTime")){ |
685 |
if (++i >= argc){ |
686 |
printf( "-offTime needs arguments. \n"); |
687 |
printf( "Try '--help' for more information. \n"); |
688 |
exit(1); |
689 |
} |
690 |
else{ |
691 |
offTime = atol(argv[i]); |
692 |
continue; |
693 |
} |
694 |
} |
695 |
696 |
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-offDate")){ |
697 |
if (++i >= argc){ |
698 |
printf( "-offDate needs arguments. \n"); |
699 |
printf( "Try '--help' for more information. \n"); |
700 |
exit(1); |
701 |
} |
702 |
else{ |
703 |
offDate = atol(argv[i]); |
704 |
continue; |
705 |
} |
706 |
} |
707 |
708 |
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-map")){ |
if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-map")){ |
709 |
if (++i >= argc){ |
if (++i >= argc){ |
710 |
printf( "-map needs arguments. \n"); |
printf( "-map needs arguments. \n"); |
728 |
} |
} |
729 |
} |
} |
730 |
if (mapFile != ""){ |
if (mapFile != ""){ |
731 |
Rate(argv[1], outDir, format, mapFile); |
Rate(argv[1], outDir, format, mapFile, tleFile, offDate, offTime); |
732 |
} else { |
} else { |
733 |
printf("You have to insert at least the file to analyze and the mapFile \n"); |
printf("You have to insert at least the file to analyze and the mapFile \n"); |
734 |
printf("Try '--help' for more information. \n"); |
printf("Try '--help' for more information. \n"); |