/[PAMELA software]/quicklook/QLflightS4_ND/S4_Calibration_QL.cpp
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Contents of /quicklook/QLflightS4_ND/S4_Calibration_QL.cpp

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Revision 1.3 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Aug 22 09:06:35 2006 UTC (18 years, 6 months ago) by pam-rm2
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v1r06
Changes since 1.2: +21 -4 lines
modificato S4 calibration

1 /**
2 * S4 Calibration Quick Look
3 * Author Marcelli-Malvezzi
4 * Version 1.00 - 27 February 2006
5 *
6 * Description: The aim of S4 Calibration QL software is to keep under control the bahaviour of S4 Calibration.
7 * It creates only one output canvas relative to the time behaviour of collected calibration data.
8 * See documentation for a more detailed description of the output.
9 *
10 * Parameters:
11 * TSTring base - the path to the root directory for the specific Pamela unpack session
12 * There is no default value, without this input the program will not run
13 * TString outDir - the path where to save the output image (Default = ./)
14 * TString format - the format which will be used fo rsave the produced images (Default = "jpg")
15 *
16 *
17 * Version 1.1 - June 2006
18 * Fixed bugs: for a large namber of events is not possible to initialize vectors, so all graphs have been converted in histograms
19 *
20 * Known bugs: it is no possible to choise the figure format
21 *
22 * Version 1.2 - August 2006
23 * Fixed bugs: is possible to choise figure format; all calibration are drown
24 **************/
26 #include <fstream>
27 #include <iostream>
28 #include <iostream>
29 #include <sstream>
30 #include "TStyle.h"
31 #include "TFile.h"
32 #include "TList.h"
33 #include "TTree.h"
34 #include "TLatex.h"
35 #include "TObjString.h"
36 #include "TCanvas.h"
37 #include "TGraph.h"
38 #include "TH1F.h"
39 #include "TF1.h"
40 #include "TGaxis.h"
41 #include "TString.h"
42 #include "TPaveText.h"
43 #include "TMultiGraph.h"
44 #include "TGraphErrors.h"
45 #include "EventHeader.h"
46 #include "PscuHeader.h"
47 #include "physics/S4/S4Event.h"
48 #include "CalibS4Event.h"
49 #include "tmtc/TmtcEvent.h"
50 #include "tmtc/TmtcRecord.h"
52 using namespace std;
54 //--------------- root function ----------------------------------
56 void S4_Calibration_QL(TString base, TString outDir, TString format){
58 //--------------- Variables initialization -----------------------------------//
59 const Int_t channels = 4096;
60 Double_t calib_1;
61 Double_t calib_2;
62 Double_t calib_4;
63 Double_t calib_1_RMS;
64 Double_t calib_2_RMS;
65 Double_t calib_4_RMS;
66 Double_t obt;
67 TString status;
68 Int_t IPM1status, IPM2status;
69 //------------------------- Open data file -------------------------------------//
70 TFile *file =new TFile(base.Data()) ;
71 TString filename = ((TObjString*)base.Tokenize('/')->Last())->GetString();
72 filename = ((TObjString*)filename.Tokenize('.')->First())->GetString();
74 if (!file){
75 printf("No such file in the directory has been found");
76 return;
77 }
79 TTree *CalibS4tr = (TTree*)file->Get("CalibS4");
80 TBranch *S4Br = CalibS4tr->GetBranch("CalibS4");
81 TBranch *headBr = CalibS4tr->GetBranch("Header");
82 TTree *tmtcTr = (TTree*)file->Get("Tmtc");
83 TBranch *tmtcBr = tmtcTr->GetBranch("Tmtc");
85 pamela::TmtcEvent *tme = 0;
86 pamela::TmtcRecord *tmr = 0;
87 pamela::S4::S4Event *s4Record;
88 pamela::CalibS4Event *s4Event = new pamela::CalibS4Event();
89 pamela::EventHeader *eh = 0;
90 pamela::PscuHeader *ph = 0;
92 CalibS4tr->SetBranchAddress("CalibS4", &s4Event);
93 CalibS4tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh);
94 tmtcTr->SetBranchAddress("Tmtc", &tme);
95 Long64_t nevents= CalibS4tr->GetEntries();
96 Long64_t neventstmtc = tmtcBr->GetEntries();
98 if (neventstmtc<=0) {
99 printf("Tmtc packet: nevents = %i\n", nevents);
100 printf(" No info about kind of calibration (hot or cold) \n");
101 }
102 //----------------- if nevents = 0 ----------------------------------------------//
103 if (nevents<=0){
104 cout<<"WARNING: No Entries, RETURN"<<"\n";
106 TCanvas *canvas4 = new TCanvas("No entries", "No entries ", 400, 200);
107 canvas4->SetFillColor(10);
108 canvas4->cd();
110 TLatex *l = new TLatex();
111 l->SetTextAlign(12);
112 l->SetTextSize(0.15);
113 l->SetTextColor(2);
114 stringstream oss, noentries;
115 noentries.str("");
116 noentries<< "S4_Calibration_QL:";
117 l->DrawLatex(0.05, 0.7, noentries.str().c_str());
118 noentries.str("");
119 noentries<< "No entries for this files";
120 l->DrawLatex(0.05, 0.5, noentries.str().c_str());
122 if (outDir== "./") {
123 oss.str("");
124 oss << filename.Data() << "_S4_Calibration_QL." << format.Data();
125 } else {
126 oss.str("");
127 oss << outDir.Data() << filename.Data() << "_S4_Calibration_QL." << format.Data();
128 }
130 canvas4->Update();
131 canvas4->SaveAs(oss.str().c_str());
132 return;
133 }
135 //---------------Look for configuration hot or cold -----------------------//
136 Int_t recordstot=0;
137 for (Int_t i = 0; i < neventstmtc; i++){
138 tmtcBr->GetEntry(i);
139 Long64_t tmpSizetmtc = tme->Records->GetEntries();
140 recordstot=recordstot+tmpSizetmtc;
141 }
142 const Int_t lungmax=16*recordstot;
143 Double_t xrecordobtcc[lungmax], yccdiagacq[lungmax], xrecordobtcc_1[lungmax], yccdiagacq_1[lungmax];
144 recordstot=0;
145 for (Int_t i = 0; i < neventstmtc; i++){
146 tmtcBr->GetEntry(i);
147 Long64_t tmpSizetmtc = tme->Records->GetEntries();
148 Int_t size_b = tmpSizetmtc;
149 for (Int_t j = 0; j < size_b; j++){
150 tmr = (pamela::TmtcRecord*)tme->Records->At(j);
151 for (Int_t k =0; k <16; k++){
152 yccdiagacq[16*recordstot+16*j+k] = (((tmr->TM_DIAG_AND_BILEVEL_ACQ)>>(15-k))&0x0001);
153 xrecordobtcc[16*recordstot+16*j+k] = tmr->TM_RECORD_OBT;
154 }
155 }
156 recordstot=recordstot+tmpSizetmtc;
157 }
158 Int_t riftime = recordstot/2;
159 //CC (0=IPM1=hot; 1=IPM2=cold for S4 calibration)
160 for (Int_t k =0; k<16; k++){
161 for (Int_t i = 0; i < recordstot; i++){
162 yccdiagacq_1[i]= yccdiagacq[16*i+k];
163 xrecordobtcc_1[i]= xrecordobtcc[16*i+k];
164 }
165 if (k==0) IPM1status=(Int_t)yccdiagacq_1[riftime];
166 if (k==1) IPM2status=(Int_t)yccdiagacq_1[riftime];
167 }
168 if (IPM1status==0 && IPM2status==1){
169 status="CONFIGURATION: HOT";
170 }
171 if (IPM1status==1 && IPM2status==0){
173 }
175 //------------- Create and fill histograms -------------------------------------------//
177 TH1F *calibS4_1 =new TH1F("calibS4_1", "calibS4_1", channels, 0, channels);
178 TH1F *calibS4_2 =new TH1F("calibS4_2", "calibS4_2", channels, 0, channels);
179 TH1F *calibS4_4 =new TH1F("calibS4_4", "calibS4_4", channels, 0, channels);
180 ULong_t lastime, firstime, obt1;
181 double obmin=0.;
182 double obmax=0.;
183 double limitdown=0;
184 double limitup=0;
185 const Int_t size = nevents;
186 cout<<"size "<<size <<"\n";
188 headBr->GetEntry(0);
189 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
190 firstime = ph->GetOrbitalTime();
191 headBr->GetEntry(nevents-1);
192 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
193 lastime = ph->GetOrbitalTime();
194 obmin=firstime;
195 obmax=lastime;
196 if(nevents < 2){
197 for(Int_t kk = 0; kk<nevents; kk++){
198 headBr->GetEntry(kk);
199 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
200 if(obmin >= ph->GetOrbitalTime())obmin=ph->GetOrbitalTime();
201 if(obmax <= ph->GetOrbitalTime())obmax=ph->GetOrbitalTime();
202 }
203 limitdown= obmin - 1000000;
204 limitup= obmax + 1000000;
205 }else{
206 for(Int_t kk = 0; kk<nevents; kk++){
207 headBr->GetEntry(kk);
208 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
209 cout<<"OrbitalTime()"<<ph->GetOrbitalTime()<<"\n";
210 if(obmin >= ph->GetOrbitalTime())obmin=ph->GetOrbitalTime();
211 if(obmax <= ph->GetOrbitalTime())obmax=ph->GetOrbitalTime();
212 }
213 limitdown=obmin;
214 limitup=obmax;
215 }
216 stringstream oss;
217 oss.str("");
218 oss << "S4_Calibration_QL: "<< filename.Data();
219 TH1F *cal1 =new TH1F("calibS4_1", oss.str().c_str(), size, obmin-1000000, obmax+ 1000000);
220 TH1F *cal2 =new TH1F("calibS4_2", oss.str().c_str(), size, obmin-1000000, obmax+ 1000000);
221 TH1F *cal4 =new TH1F("calibS4_4", oss.str().c_str(), size, obmin-1000000, obmax+ 1000000);
223 for(Int_t k = 0; k<nevents; k++){
224 headBr->GetEntry(k);
225 S4Br->GetEntry(k);
226 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
227 Int_t tmpSize = s4Event->Records->GetEntries();
228 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 4; j++){
229 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 128; i++){
230 s4Record = (pamela::S4::S4Event*)s4Event->Records->At((j*128 + i));
231 switch (j) {
232 case 0 :{
233 calibS4_1->Fill(s4Record->S4_DATA);
234 break;
235 }
236 case 1 :{
237 calibS4_2->Fill(s4Record->S4_DATA);
238 break;
239 }
240 case 3 :{
241 calibS4_4->Fill(s4Record->S4_DATA);
242 break;
243 }
244 }
245 }
246 }
248 //obt=ph->GetOrbitalTime();
249 calib_1=calibS4_1->GetMean(1);
250 //calib_1_RMS=calibS4_1->GetRMS(1);
251 calib_2=calibS4_2->GetMean(1);
252 //calib_2_RMS=calibS4_2->GetRMS(1);
253 calib_4=calibS4_4->GetMean(1);
254 //calib_4_RMS=calibS4_4->GetRMS(1);
255 cal1->Fill(ph->GetOrbitalTime(),calib_1);
256 cal2->Fill(ph->GetOrbitalTime(),calib_2);
257 cal4->Fill(ph->GetOrbitalTime(),calib_4);
258 cout<<"k"<<k<<"\n";
259 //cout<<calib_1_RMS<<"\n";
260 //cout<<calib_2_RMS<<"\n";
261 //cout<<calib_4_RMS<<"\n";
262 //cout<<k<<" "<<obt<<" \n "<<calib_1<<" "<<calib_2<<" "<<calib_4<<"\n";
264 }
266 //----------------- Create and draw canvas -----------------------------------------//
267 TCanvas *finalCanv = new TCanvas("S4Calib","Calibration_QL", 1280, 1024);
268 finalCanv->SetFillColor(10);
270 finalCanv->cd();
271 gPad->SetLogy();
273 cal1->SetStats(kFALSE);
274 cal1->SetMarkerSize(.5);
275 cal1->SetMarkerStyle(21);
276 cal1->SetMarkerColor(3);
277 cal1->SetMinimum(1);
278 cal1->SetMaximum(10000);
279 cal1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("S4 mean value (ADC)");
280 cal1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.03);
281 cal1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1);
282 cal1->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle();
283 cal1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02);
284 cal1->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle();
285 cal1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.03);
286 cal1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1);
287 cal1->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.02);
288 cal1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("OBT (ms)");
289 cal1->Draw("9p");
291 cal2->SetStats(kFALSE);
292 cal2->SetMarkerSize(.5);
293 cal2->SetMarkerStyle(21);
294 cal2->SetMarkerColor(6);
295 cal2->SetMinimum(1);
296 cal2->SetMaximum(10000);
297 cal2->Draw("9psame");
299 cal4->SetStats(kFALSE);
300 cal4->SetMarkerSize(.5);
301 cal4->SetMarkerStyle(21);
302 cal4->SetMarkerColor(4);
303 cal4->SetMinimum(1);
304 cal4->SetMaximum(10000);
305 cal4->Draw("9psame");
306 if (IPM1status==0 && IPM2status==1){ ////hot configuration
307 TF1 *func1 = new TF1("func1", "1560"); ///valore di riferimento 1300
308 //func1->SetRange(obmin, obmax);
309 func1->SetRange(limitdown, limitup);
310 func1->SetLineColor(4);
311 func1->SetLineStyle(1);
312 func1->SetLineWidth(3);
313 func1->Draw("same");
314 TF1 *func2 = new TF1("func2", "1040"); ///valore di riferimento 1300
315 //func2->SetRange(obmin, obmax);
316 func2->SetRange(limitdown, limitup);
317 func2->SetLineColor(4);
318 func2->SetLineStyle(1);
319 func2->SetLineWidth(3);
320 func2->Draw("same");
321 TF1 *func3 = new TF1("func3", "109"); ///valore di riferimento 95
322 //func3->SetRange(obmin, obmax);
323 func3->SetRange(limitdown, limitup);
324 func3->SetLineColor(6);
325 func3->SetLineStyle(1);
326 func3->SetLineWidth(3);
327 func3->Draw("same");
328 TF1 *func4 = new TF1("func4", "71"); ///valore di riferimento 95
329 //func4->SetRange(obmin, obmax);
330 func4->SetRange(limitdown, limitup);
331 func4->SetLineColor(6);
332 func4->SetLineStyle(1);
333 func4->SetLineWidth(3);
334 func4->Draw("same");
335 TF1 *func5 = new TF1("func5", "38.4"); //valore di riferimento 32
336 //func5->SetRange(obmin, obmax);
337 func5->SetRange(limitdown, limitup);
338 func5->SetLineStyle(1);
339 func5->SetLineColor(3);
340 func5->SetLineWidth(3);
341 func5->Draw("same");
342 TF1 *func6 = new TF1("func6", "25.6"); //valore di riferimento 32
343 //func6->SetRange(obmin, obmax);
344 func6->SetRange(limitdown, limitup);
345 func6->SetLineStyle(1);
346 func6->SetLineColor(3);
347 func6->SetLineWidth(3);
348 func6->Draw("same");
349 }
351 if (IPM1status==1 && IPM2status==0){ ////cold configuration
352 TF1 *func1 = new TF1("func1", "2400");
353 //func1->SetRange(obmin, obmax);
354 func1->SetRange(limitdown, limitup);
355 func1->SetLineColor(4);
356 func1->SetLineStyle(1);
357 func1->SetLineWidth(3);
358 func1->Draw("same");
359 TF1 *func2 = new TF1("func2", "1600"); ///valore di riferimento 2000
360 //func2->SetRange(obmin, obmax);
361 func2->SetRange(limitdown, limitup);
362 func2->SetLineColor(4);
363 func2->SetLineStyle(1);
364 func2->SetLineWidth(3);
365 func2->Draw("same");
366 TF1 *func3 = new TF1("func3", "180");
367 //func3->SetRange(obmin, obmax);
368 func3->SetRange(limitdown, limitup);
369 func3->SetLineColor(6);
370 func3->SetLineStyle(1);
371 func3->SetLineWidth(3);
372 func3->Draw("same");
373 TF1 *func4 = new TF1("func4", "120"); ///valore di riferimento 150
374 //func4->SetRange(obmin, obmax);
375 func4->SetRange(limitdown, limitup);
376 func4->SetLineColor(6);
377 func4->SetLineStyle(1);
378 func4->SetLineWidth(3);
379 func4->Draw("same");
380 TF1 *func5 = new TF1("func5", "38.4");
381 //func5->SetRange(obmin, obmax);
382 func5->SetRange(limitdown, limitup);
383 func5->SetLineStyle(1);
384 func5->SetLineColor(3);
385 func5->SetLineWidth(3);
386 func5->Draw("same");
387 TF1 *func6 = new TF1("func6", "25.6"); //valore di riferimento 32
388 //func6->SetRange(obmin, obmax);
389 func6->SetRange(limitdown, limitup);
390 func6->SetLineStyle(1);
391 func6->SetLineColor(3);
392 func6->SetLineWidth(3);
393 func6->Draw("same");
394 }
396 TPad *pad = new TPad("pad","pad", .75, .93, .99, .99);
397 pad->SetFillColor(10);
398 pad->Draw();
399 pad->cd();
400 TLatex *l = new TLatex();
401 l->SetTextAlign(12);
402 l->SetTextSize(0.35);
403 l->SetTextColor(8);
404 l->DrawLatex(0.05, 0.65, status.Data());
406 oss.str("");
407 if (outDir == "./") {
408 oss << filename.Data() << "_S4_Calibration_QL." << format.Data();
409 } else {
410 oss << outDir.Data() << filename.Data() << "_S4_Calibration_QL." << format.Data();
411 }
412 finalCanv->SaveAs(oss.str().c_str());
418 }
420 int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
421 TString path;
422 TString outDir ="./";
423 TString format ="jpg";
425 if (argc < 2){
426 printf("You have to insert at least the file to analyze \n");
427 printf("Try '--help' for more information. \n");
428 exit(1);
429 }
431 if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--help")){
432 printf( "Usage: S4_Calibration_QL FILE [OPTION] \n");
433 printf( "\t --help Print this help and exit \n");
434 printf( "\t -outDir[path] Path where to put the output [default ./] \n");
435 // printf( "\t -format[] Format for output files [default 'jpg'] \n");
436 exit(1);
437 }
439 path=argv[1];
441 for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++){
443 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-outDir")){
444 if (++i >= argc){
445 printf( "-outDir needs arguments. \n");
446 printf( "Try '--help' for more information. \n");
447 exit(1);
448 }
449 else{
450 outDir = argv[i];
451 continue;
452 }
453 }
455 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-format")){
456 if (++i >= argc){
457 printf( "-format needs arguments. \n");
458 printf( "Try '--help' for more information. \n");
459 exit(1);
460 }
461 else{
462 format = argv[i];
463 continue;
464 }
465 }
468 }
471 S4_Calibration_QL(argv[1], outDir, format);
473 }

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