/** * OrbitalRate * author Nagni * version 1.0 - 27 April 2006 * * version 2.0 * author De Simone * - most of the code rewritten * - added graphs, magnetic field, new overflow resolution (AC), tle * stuff. * */ #include #include #include #include "physics/neutronDetector/NeutronRecord.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "sgp4.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "TFrame.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TASImage.h" #include #include #include #include "TString.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TPaletteAxis.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace std; int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ TString *rootFile = NULL; TString outDir = "./"; TString mapFile = ""; TString tleFile = ""; int offDate = 20060928; // int offDate = 20060614; int offTime = 210000; if (argc < 2){ printf("You have to insert at least the file to analyze and the mapFile \n"); printf("Try '--help' for more information. \n"); exit(1); } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--help")){ printf( "Usage: OrbitRate FILE -map mapFile [OPTION] \n"); printf( "mapFile have to be a mercator map image [gif|jpg|png] \n"); printf( "\t --help Print this help and exit \n"); printf( "\t -tle[File path] Path where to find the tle infos \n"); printf( "\t\tUse the script retrieve_TLE.sh to create the file.\n "); printf( "\t -outDir[path] Path where to put the output.\n"); printf( "\t -offDate Date of resetting of the Resource counter [format YYMMDD (UTC date) default 20060928] \n"); printf( "\t -offTime Time of resetting of the Resource counter [format HHMMSS (UTC date) default 210000] \n"); exit(1); } // Ok, here we should have at least one root file. We check that // the filename contains ".root". if(strstr(argv[1], ".root")) rootFile = new TString(argv[1]); else { cerr << "OrbitalRate: no root file." << endl << "See --help" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++){ if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-outDir")){ if (++i >= argc){ printf( "-outDir needs arguments. \n"); printf( "Try '--help' for more information. \n"); exit(1); } else { outDir = argv[i]; continue; } } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-tle")){ if (++i >= argc){ printf( "-tle needs arguments. \n"); printf( "Try '--help' for more information. \n"); exit(1); } else { tleFile = argv[i]; continue; } } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-offTime")){ if (++i >= argc){ printf( "-offTime needs arguments. \n"); printf( "Try '--help' for more information. \n"); exit(1); } else{ offTime = atol(argv[i]); continue; } } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-offDate")){ if (++i >= argc){ printf( "-offDate needs arguments. \n"); printf( "Try '--help' for more information. \n"); exit(1); } else{ offDate = atol(argv[i]); continue; } } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-map")){ if (++i >= argc){ printf( "-map needs arguments. \n"); printf( "Try '--help' for more information. \n"); exit(1); } else { mapFile = argv[i]; continue; } } } if (mapFile != ""){ Rate(rootFile, outDir, mapFile, tleFile, offDate, offTime); } else { printf("You have to insert at least the file to analyze and the mapFile \n"); printf("Try '--help' for more information. \n"); } } void InitStyle() { gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); TStyle *myStyle[2], *tempo; myStyle[0]=new TStyle("StyleWhite", "white"); myStyle[1]=new TStyle("StyleBlack", "black"); tempo=gStyle; Int_t linecol, bkgndcol, histcol; for(Int_t style=0; style<2; style++) { linecol=kWhite*style+kBlack*(1-style); bkgndcol=kBlack*style+kWhite*(1-style); histcol=kYellow*style+kBlack*(1-style); // was 95 myStyle[style]->Copy(*tempo); myStyle[style]->SetCanvasBorderMode(0); myStyle[style]->SetCanvasBorderSize(1); myStyle[style]->SetFrameBorderSize(1); myStyle[style]->SetFrameBorderMode(0); myStyle[style]->SetPadBorderSize(1); myStyle[style]->SetStatBorderSize(1); myStyle[style]->SetTitleBorderSize(1); myStyle[style]->SetPadBorderMode(0); myStyle[style]->SetPalette(1,0); myStyle[style]->SetPaperSize(20,27); myStyle[style]->SetFuncColor(kRed); myStyle[style]->SetFuncWidth(1); myStyle[style]->SetLineScalePS(1); myStyle[style]->SetCanvasColor(bkgndcol); myStyle[style]->SetAxisColor(linecol,"XYZ"); myStyle[style]->SetFrameFillColor(bkgndcol); myStyle[style]->SetFrameLineColor(linecol); myStyle[style]->SetLabelColor(linecol,"XYZ"); myStyle[style]->SetPadColor(bkgndcol); myStyle[style]->SetStatColor(bkgndcol); myStyle[style]->SetStatTextColor(linecol); myStyle[style]->SetTitleColor(linecol,"XYZ"); myStyle[style]->SetTitleFillColor(bkgndcol); myStyle[style]->SetTitleTextColor(linecol); myStyle[style]->SetLineColor(linecol); myStyle[style]->SetMarkerColor(histcol); myStyle[style]->SetTextColor(linecol); myStyle[style]->SetGridColor((style)?13:kBlack); myStyle[style]->SetHistFillStyle(1001*(1-style)); myStyle[style]->SetHistLineColor(histcol); myStyle[style]->SetHistFillColor((style)?bkgndcol:kYellow); myStyle[style]->SetOptStat(0); // Remove statistic summary } myStyle[1]->cd(); gROOT->ForceStyle(); } void Rate(TString *filename, TString outDirectory = "", TString mapFile = "", TString tleFile = "", int offDate = 20060614, int offTime = 210000) { // **** Offset to temporarily correct the TDatime bug ****/ // offTime += 10000; //********************************************************/ TTree *tr = 0; TFile *rootFile; FILE *f; pamela::McmdEvent *mcmdev = 0; pamela::McmdRecord *mcmdrc = 0; pamela::EventHeader *eh = 0; pamela::PscuHeader *ph = 0; TArrayC *mcmddata; ULong64_t nevents = 0; stringstream oss; Float_t timesync = 0, obt_timesync = 0; Long64_t offsetTime = 0; Long64_t timeElapsedFromTLE = 0; Long64_t deltaTime = 0, oldtimeElapsedFromTLE = 0; bool a_second_is_over; Float_t lon, lat, alt; vector vector_trigAndOr; vector vector_trigAndAnd; vector vector_trigS11andS12; vector vector_trigS12andS21andS22; vector vector_trigS111A; double mean_trigAndOr; double mean_trigAndAnd; double mean_trigS11andS12; double mean_trigS12andS21andS22; double mean_trigS111A; // We'll use this size for the generated images. TImage *tImage=TImage::Open(mapFile); int width=(int)(tImage->GetWidth()*0.80); int height=(int)(tImage->GetHeight()*0.80); delete tImage; // This histogram will store time (in seconds) spent in each bin. TH2F *obtBinTime = new TH2F("obtBinTime", "Time of acquisition of background data", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); // Now I create histograms longitude x latitude to hold values. I // use the suffix _counter to say that this values are what I read // from Pamela and they are not normalized in any way. // This historam will store the number of events occurred in each bin. TH2F *event_counter = new TH2F("event_counter", "Event rate", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); TH2F *nd_counter = new TH2F("nd_counter", "Upper background neutrons", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); TH2F *antiCAS4_counter = new TH2F("CAS4_counter", "CAS4 rate", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); TH2F *antiCAS3_counter = new TH2F("CAS3_counter", "CAS3 rate", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); TH2F *trigAndOr_counter = new TH2F("trigAndOr_counter", "Rate of triggering in (S11+S12)*(S21+S22)*(S31+S32) configuration", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); TH2F *trigAndAnd_counter = new TH2F("trigAndAnd_counter", "Rate of triggering in (S11*S12)*(S21*S22)*(S31*S32) configuration", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); TH2F *trigS11andS12_counter = new TH2F("trigS11andS12_counter", "Rate of S1 triggers", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); //(S11+S12) TH2F *trigS12andS21andS22_counter = new TH2F("trigS12andS21andS22_counter", "Rate of S11*S21*S21 triggers", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); //(S11*S12*S21) TH2F *trigS111A_counter = new TH2F("trigS111A_counter", "Rate of S111A counts", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); //(S111A) // Magnetic field histograms. I use always the suffix _counter // because they are not normalized. Imagine that an instrument // give us the value of the magnetic field for each event. TH2F *hbabs_counter = new TH2F("hbabs_counter", "B module", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); TH2F *hbnorth_counter = new TH2F("hbnorth_counter", "B north", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); TH2F *hbdown_counter = new TH2F("hbdown_counter", "B down", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); TH2F *hbeast_counter = new TH2F("hbeast_counter", "B east", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); TH2F *hb0_counter = new TH2F("hb0_counter", "B_0", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); TH2F *hl_counter = new TH2F("hl_counter", "l", 360, -180, 180, 180, -90, 90); // Get a char* to "file" from "/dir1/dir2/.../file.root" TString basename; basename = ((TObjString*) filename->Tokenize('/')->Last())->GetString(); // we get file.root basename = ((TObjString*)basename.Tokenize('.')->First())->GetString(); // we get file // Exit if the map file doesn't exist. if(! (f = fopen(mapFile.Data(), "r")) ) { cerr << "Error: the file " << mapFile.Data() << " does not exists." << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Open the root file. rootFile = new TFile(filename->Data()); if (rootFile->IsZombie()) { printf("The file %s does not exist\n", (filename->Data())); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Look for a timesync in the TFile rootFile. We also get the obt // of the timesync mcmd. bool err; err = lookforTimesync(rootFile, ×ync, &obt_timesync); if(!err) { cerr << "Warning!!! No timesync info has been found in the file " << filename->Data() << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //Get the Julian date of the Resours offset TDatime offRes = TDatime(offDate, offTime); // Add to the Resours Offset the timesync. This is now the date at // the moment of the timesync. offRes.Set(offRes.Convert() + (UInt_t) timesync); // Now I need a pointer to a cTle object. The class misses a // constructor without arguments, so we have to give it a dummy TLE. string str1 = "RESURS-DK 1"; string str2 = "1 29228U 06021A 06170.19643714 .00009962 00000-0 21000-3 0 196"; string str3 = "2 29228 069.9363 054.7893 0167576 127.4359 017.0674 15.31839265 604"; cTle *tle1 = new cTle(str1, str2, str3); // If we have to use a TLE file, call getTle(). if (tleFile != "") tle1 = getTle(tleFile, offRes); cOrbit orbit(*tle1); cEci eci; cCoordGeo coo; // offRes is now "offset date" + timesync. Now I subtract the obt // of the timesync. Remember that the time of the event from the // tle date is: // tle date - (offset date + timesync - obt timesync + obt event). offRes.Set(offRes.Convert() - (UInt_t) obt_timesync); // Get the Julian date of the TLE epoch string datetime = getTleDatetime(tle1); TDatime tledate = TDatime(datetime.c_str()); cJulian jdatetime = cJulian((int) (tle1->getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHYEAR)+2e3), tle1->getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHDAY)); int pYear, pMon; double pDOM; jdatetime.getComponent(&pYear, &pMon, &pDOM); offsetTime = ((Long64_t) offRes.Convert() - (Long64_t) tledate.Convert()); /********** Magnetic Field **************/ // Check that all this is correct! float br, btheta, bphi; // I can now compute the magnetic dipole moment at the actual date, // using the cJulian date. I don't to recompute it for every event // beacause changes are not relevant at all. Int_t y = tledate.GetYear(); Int_t m = tledate.GetMonth(); Int_t d = tledate.GetDay(); float year = (float) y + (m*31+d)/365; // Initialize common data for geopack recalc_(y, m*31+d, 0, 0, 0); /********** Magnetic Field **************/ tr = (TTree*)rootFile->Get("Physics"); TBranch *headBr = tr->GetBranch("Header"); tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); /********** Anticounter **************/ pamela::anticounter::AnticounterEvent *antiev = 0; tr->SetBranchAddress("Anticounter", &antiev); Int_t oldCAS4 = 0; Int_t diffCAS4 = 0; Int_t oldCAS3 = 0; Int_t diffCAS3 = 0; /********** Anticounter **************/ /********** Trigger **************/ pamela::trigger::TriggerEvent *trigger = 0; tr->SetBranchAddress("Trigger", &trigger); Int_t oldtrigAndOr = 0; Int_t oldtrigAndAnd = 0; Int_t oldtrigS11andS12 = 0; Int_t oldtrigS12andS21andS22 = 0; Int_t oldtrigS111A = 0; /********** Trigger **************/ /********** ND **************/ Int_t tmpSize=0; Int_t sumTrig=0; Int_t sumUpperBackground=0; Int_t sumBottomBackground=0; pamela::neutron::NeutronRecord *nr = 0; pamela::neutron::NeutronEvent *ne = 0; tr->SetBranchAddress("Neutron", &ne); /********** ND **************/ nevents = tr->GetEntries(); for(UInt_t i = 0; i < nevents; i++) //Fill variables from root-ple { tr->GetEntry(i); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); // obt in ms ULong64_t obt = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); // timeElapsedFromTLE is the difference, in seconds, between the // event and the tle date. I use seconds and not milliseconds // because the indetermination on the timesync is about 1s. timeElapsedFromTLE = offsetTime + obt/1000; // I also need the abstime in seconds rounded to the lower // value. Every second, we set a_second_is_over to true. Only // in this case histograms with triggers are filled. a_second_is_over = (timeElapsedFromTLE > oldtimeElapsedFromTLE) ? 1 : 0; oldtimeElapsedFromTLE = timeElapsedFromTLE; // I need the acquisition time between two triggers to fill the // obtBinTime (histo of time spent in the bin). The time is in // second. deltaTime = timeElapsedFromTLE - oldtimeElapsedFromTLE; oldtimeElapsedFromTLE = timeElapsedFromTLE; // Finally, we get coordinates from absolute time the orbit // object initialised with the TLE data. cOrbit::getPosition() // requires the elapased time from the tle in minutes. // Coordinates are stored in the structure eci. orbit.getPosition(((double) timeElapsedFromTLE)/60., &eci); coo = eci.toGeo(); /********** ND **************/ // Summing over all stored pamela::neutron::NeutronRecords in // this event *ne. for(Int_t j = 0; j < ne->Records->GetEntries(); j++) { nr = (pamela::neutron::NeutronRecord*)ne->Records->At(j); sumTrig += (int)nr->trigPhysics; sumUpperBackground += (int)nr->upperBack; sumBottomBackground += (int)nr->bottomBack; } /********** ND **************/ /********** Anticounter **************/ // Get the difference between the actual counter and the // previous counter for anticoincidence, dealing with the // overflow with solve_ac_overflow(). diffCAS4 = solve_ac_overflow(oldCAS4, antiev->counters[0][6]); diffCAS3 = solve_ac_overflow(oldCAS3, antiev->counters[0][10]); /********** Anticounter **************/ // Build coordinates in the right range. We want to convert, // just for aesthetic, longitude from (0, 2*pi) to (-pi, pi). // We also want to convert from radians to degrees. lon = (coo.m_Lon > PI) ? rad2deg(coo.m_Lon - 2*PI) : rad2deg(coo.m_Lon); lat = rad2deg(coo.m_Lat); alt = coo.m_Alt; /********** Magnetic Field **************/ igrf_geo__((coo.m_Alt+6371.2)/6371.2, M_PI/2.-coo.m_Lat, coo.m_Lon, br, btheta, bphi); // cout<<"("<<(coo.m_Alt+6371.2)/6371.2<<", "< 1) cout << endl << "******** deltaTime<1 ********" << endl; // Does nothing for the first two events or if acquisition time if more // than 1s. if(i<1 || (deltaTime > 1)) continue; // CAS3 and CAS4 are not rates but only counters. So I fill // with the bin with the difference beetween the actual counter // and the previous one and then divide with the time (see // below) to have rates. if(diffCAS3>1e3) // additional cut to avoid the peaks after dead time diffCAS3 = (Int_t) antiCAS3_counter->GetBinContent((Int_t)antiCAS3_counter->GetEntries()-1); antiCAS3_counter->Fill(lon , lat, diffCAS3); if(diffCAS4>1e3) // additional cut to avoid the peaks after dead time diffCAS4 = (Int_t) antiCAS4_counter->GetBinContent((Int_t) antiCAS4_counter->GetEntries()-1); antiCAS4_counter->Fill(lon, lat, diffCAS4); // Magnetic field values should be handled a bit carefully. // For every event I get a position and the related magnetic // field values. I can fill the histograms lon x lat with // this values but I need to count how many times I fill // each bin. This is done by the histogram event_counter. // I will normalize later. hbabs_counter->Fill(lon, lat, sqrt(br*br+btheta*btheta+bphi*bphi)*1e-5); hbnorth_counter->Fill(lon, lat, -btheta*1e-5); hbdown_counter->Fill(lon, lat, -br*1e-5); hbeast_counter->Fill(lon, lat, bphi*1e-5); // This histograms is now filled with the number of entries. // Below we will divide with the time (in seconds) to get // event rate per bin. event_counter->Fill(lon, lat); // counters about triggers are already rates (Hz). Only // every second we fill fill with the mean over all values. if(a_second_is_over) { // This histograms will hold the time, in seconds, spent // in the bin. obtBinTime->Fill(lon, lat, 1); // get the means mean_trigAndOr = getMean(vector_trigAndOr); mean_trigAndAnd = getMean(vector_trigAndAnd); mean_trigS11andS12 = getMean(vector_trigS11andS12); mean_trigS12andS21andS22 = getMean(vector_trigS12andS21andS22); mean_trigS111A = getMean(vector_trigS111A); // clear data about the last second vector_trigAndOr.clear(); vector_trigAndAnd.clear(); vector_trigS11andS12.clear(); vector_trigS12andS21andS22.clear(); vector_trigS111A.clear(); // Fill with the mean rate value trigAndOr_counter->Fill(lon , lat, mean_trigAndOr); trigAndAnd_counter->Fill(lon , lat, mean_trigAndAnd); trigS11andS12_counter->Fill(lon , lat, mean_trigS11andS12); trigS12andS21andS22_counter->Fill(lon , lat, mean_trigS12andS21andS22); trigS111A_counter->Fill(lon, lat, mean_trigS111A); } else { // Collect values for all the second vector_trigAndOr.push_back((1/4.)*trigger->trigrate[0]); vector_trigAndAnd.push_back((1/4.)*trigger->trigrate[1]); // pmtpl[0] is the rate every 60ms but I want Hz. vector_trigS11andS12.push_back((1000./60.)*trigger->pmtpl[0]); vector_trigS12andS21andS22.push_back((1/4.)*trigger->trigrate[4]); vector_trigS111A.push_back(1.*trigger->pmtcount1[0]); } // Now we discard ND data if: // - NeutronEvent is corrupted. if((ne->unpackError != 1)) nd_counter->Fill(lon, lat, 1.*(sumUpperBackground+sumTrig)); // Reset counters for ND. sumTrig = 0; sumUpperBackground = 0; sumBottomBackground = 0; } // We now need to normalize the histograms to print something // meaningful. I create similar histograms with the suffix _rate or // _norm. TH2F *event_rate = (TH2F*) event_counter->Clone("event_rate"); TH2F *trigS111A_rate = (TH2F*) trigS111A_counter->Clone("trigS111A_rate"); TH2F *antiCAS4_rate = (TH2F*) antiCAS4_counter->Clone("antiCAS4_rate"); TH2F *antiCAS3_rate = (TH2F*) antiCAS3_counter->Clone("antiCAS3_rate"); TH2F *trigS11andS12_rate = (TH2F*) trigS11andS12_counter->Clone("trigS11andS12_rate"); TH2F *trigS12andS21andS22_rate = (TH2F*) trigS12andS21andS22_counter->Clone("trigS12andS21andS22_rate"); TH2F *trigAndOr_rate = (TH2F*) trigAndOr_counter->Clone("trigAndOr_rate"); TH2F *trigAndAnd_rate = (TH2F*) trigAndAnd_counter->Clone("trigAndAnd_rate"); TH2F *nd_rate = (TH2F*) nd_counter->Clone("nd_rate"); TH2F *hbabs_norm = (TH2F*) hbabs_counter->Clone("hbabs_norm"); TH2F *hbnorth_norm = (TH2F*) hbnorth_counter->Clone("hbnorth_norm"); TH2F *hbdown_norm = (TH2F*) hbabs_counter->Clone("hbdown_norm"); TH2F *hbeast_norm = (TH2F*) hbabs_counter->Clone("hbeast_norm"); // Now we divide each histogram _counter with the time histogram // obtBinTime to have an histogram _rate. Note that, when a second // is passed in the above cycle, we fill the histogram obtBinTime // with 1 (second) together with all the other histograms. So // dividing here does make sense. // // Then we call printHist() for each filled TH2F. These are // refered to the root file we're now reading. We also build up a // filename to be passed to the function. Pay attention that the // filename must end with a file format (such as .png or .pdf) // recognised by TPad::SaveAs(). trigS111A_rate->Divide(trigS111A_counter, obtBinTime, 1, 1, ""); oss.str(""); oss << basename.Data() << "_orbit_trigS111A.png"; trigS111A_rate->SetMinimum(9); printHist(trigS111A_rate, mapFile, outDirectory, oss.str().c_str(), "S111A (Hz)", -width, height, true, 0); antiCAS4_rate->Divide(antiCAS4_counter, obtBinTime, 1, 1, ""); oss.str(""); oss << basename.Data() << "_orbit_CAS4.png"; antiCAS4_rate->SetMinimum(99); printHist(antiCAS4_rate, mapFile, outDirectory, oss.str().c_str(), "CAS4 (Hz)", -width, height, true, 0); antiCAS3_rate->Divide(antiCAS3_counter, obtBinTime, 1, 1, ""); oss.str(""); oss << basename.Data() << "_orbit_CAS3.png"; antiCAS3_rate->SetMinimum(99); printHist(antiCAS3_rate, mapFile, outDirectory, oss.str().c_str(), "CAS3 (Hz)", -width, height, true, 0); event_rate->Divide(event_counter, obtBinTime, 1, 1, ""); oss.str(""); oss << basename.Data() << "_orbit_EventRate.png"; printHist(event_rate, mapFile, outDirectory, oss.str().c_str(), "Event rate (Hz)", -width, height, 0, 0); trigS11andS12_rate->Divide(trigS11andS12_counter, obtBinTime, 1, 1, ""); oss.str(""); oss << basename.Data() << "_orbit_trigS11andS12.png"; trigS11andS12_rate->SetMinimum(99); printHist(trigS11andS12_rate, mapFile, outDirectory, oss.str().c_str(), "(S11*S12) (Hz)", -width, height, 1, 0); trigS12andS21andS22_rate->Divide(trigS12andS21andS22_counter, obtBinTime, 1, 1, ""); oss.str(""); oss << basename.Data() << "_orbit_trigS12andS21andS22.png"; trigS12andS21andS22_rate->SetMinimum(9); printHist(trigS12andS21andS22_rate, mapFile, outDirectory, oss.str().c_str(), "(S12*S12*S21) (Hz)", -width, height, true, 0); trigAndOr_rate->Divide(trigAndOr_counter, obtBinTime, 1, 1, ""); oss.str(""); oss << basename.Data() << "_orbit_trigANDofOR.png"; printHist(trigAndOr_rate, mapFile, outDirectory, oss.str().c_str(), "(S11+S12)*(S21+S22)*(S31+S32) (Hz)", -width, height, 0, 0); trigAndAnd_rate->Divide(trigAndAnd_counter, obtBinTime, 1, 1, ""); oss.str(""); oss << basename.Data() << "_orbit_trigANDofAND.png"; printHist(trigAndAnd_rate, mapFile, outDirectory, oss.str().c_str(), "(S11*S12)*(S21*S22)*(S31*S32) (Hz)", -width, height, 0, 0); nd_rate->Divide(nd_counter, obtBinTime, 1, 1, ""); oss.str(""); oss << basename.Data() << "_orbit_ND.png"; printHist(nd_rate, mapFile, outDirectory, oss.str().c_str(), "Neutron rate (Hz)", -width, height, 0, 0); // Also normalize histograms about magnetic fields. Beacause we // fill the bins with the values of the magnetic field for each // event, we need to divide with the number of fills done, that is // event_counter. hbabs_norm->Divide(hbabs_counter, event_counter, 1, 1, ""); oss.str(""); oss << basename.Data() << "_orbit_Babs.png"; printHist(hbabs_norm, mapFile, outDirectory, oss.str().c_str(), "B abs (G)", -width, height, 0, 0); hbnorth_norm->Divide(hbnorth_counter, event_counter, 1, 1, ""); oss.str(""); oss << basename.Data() << "_orbit_Bnorth.png"; printHist(hbnorth_norm, mapFile, outDirectory, oss.str().c_str(), "B north (G)", -width, height, 0, 1); hbdown_norm->Divide(hbdown_counter, event_counter, 1, 1, ""); oss.str(""); oss << basename.Data() << "_orbit_Bdown.png"; printHist(hbdown_norm, mapFile, outDirectory, oss.str().c_str(), "B down (G)", -width, height, 0, 1); hbeast_norm->Divide(hbeast_counter, event_counter, 1, 1, ""); oss.str(""); oss << basename.Data() << "_orbit_Beast.png"; printHist(hbeast_norm, mapFile, outDirectory, oss.str().c_str(), "B east (G)", -width, height, 0, 1); delete obtBinTime; delete event_counter; delete nd_counter; delete antiCAS4_counter; delete antiCAS3_counter; delete trigAndOr_counter; delete trigAndAnd_counter; delete trigS11andS12_counter; delete trigS111A_counter; delete trigS12andS21andS22_counter; delete event_rate; delete nd_rate; delete antiCAS4_rate; delete antiCAS3_rate; delete trigAndOr_rate; delete trigAndAnd_rate; delete trigS11andS12_rate; delete trigS111A_rate; delete trigS12andS21andS22_rate; delete hbabs_counter; delete hbnorth_counter; delete hbdown_counter; delete hbeast_counter; delete hbabs_norm; delete hbnorth_norm; delete hbdown_norm; delete hbeast_norm; rootFile->Close(); } // Print the istogram *h on the file outputfilename in the direcotry // outDirectory, using mapFile as background image, sizing the image // width per height. Log scale will be used if use_log is true. // // If bool_shift is true a further process is performed to solve a // problem with actual root version (5.12). This should be used when // the histrogram is filled also with negative values, because root // draws zero filled bins (so I have all the pad colorized and this is // really weird!). To avoid this problem I shift all the values in a // positive range and draw again using colz. Now I will not have zero // filled bins painted but the scale will be wrong. This is why I // need to draw a new axis along the palette. // // Pay attention: you cannot use a mapFile different from the provided // one without adjusting the scaling and position of the image (see // Scale() and Merge()). // // This function depends on InitStyle(); int printHist(TH2F *h, TString mapFile, TString outDirectory, TString outputFilename, char *title, int width, int height, bool use_log, bool bool_shift) { InitStyle(); // Create a canvas and draw the TH2F with a nice colormap for z // values, using log scale for z values, if requested, and setting // some title. TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas("h", "h histogram", width*2, height*2); if(use_log) canvas->SetLogz(); h->SetTitle(title); h->SetXTitle("Longitude (deg)"); h->SetYTitle("Latitude (deg)"); h->SetLabelColor(0, "X"); h->SetAxisColor(0, "X"); h->SetLabelColor(0, "Y"); h->SetAxisColor(0, "Y"); h->SetLabelColor(0, "Z"); h->SetAxisColor(0, "Z"); h->Draw("colz"); canvas->Update(); // Update! Otherwise we can't get any palette. // If shift in a positive range required (see comment above). if(bool_shift) { // Remember the minimum and maximum in this graph. Float_t min = h->GetMinimum(); Float_t max = h->GetMaximum(); // Shift the graph up by 100. Increase the value if you still get // negative filled bins. h = shiftHist(h, 100.0); h->SetMinimum(min+100.0); h->SetMaximum(max+100.0); // Hide the current axis of the palette TPaletteAxis *palette = (TPaletteAxis*) h->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("palette"); if(!palette) cout << "palette is null" << endl; TGaxis *ax = (TGaxis*) palette->GetAxis(); if(!ax) cout << "ax is null" << endl; ax->SetLabelOffset(999); ax->SetTickSize(0); // Create a new axis of the palette using the right min and max and draw it. TGaxis *gaxis = new TGaxis(palette->GetX2(), palette->GetY1(), palette->GetX2(), palette->GetY2(), min, max, 510,"+L"); gaxis->SetLabelColor(0); gaxis->Draw(); // Update again. canvas->Update(); } // We merge two images: the image of the earth read from a file on // that one of the TPad of canvas (the histogram). The first one is // scaled and adjusted to fit well inside the frame of the second // one. Finally we draw them both. // // Here there's a trick to avoid blurring during the merging // operation. We get the image from a canvas sized (width*2 x // height*2) and draw it on a canvas sized (width x height). TCanvas *mergeCanvas = new TCanvas("", "", width, height); TImage *img = TImage::Create(); TImage *terra = TImage::Create(); img->FromPad(canvas); // get the TCanvas canvas as TImage terra->ReadImage(mapFile, TImage::kPng); // get the png file as TImage terra->Scale(1304,830); img->Merge(terra, "add", 166, 112); // add image terra to image img img->Draw("X"); // see what we get, eXpanding img all over mergeCanvas. stringstream oss; oss << outDirectory.Data() << "/" << outputFilename.Data(); mergeCanvas->SaveAs(oss.str().c_str()); mergeCanvas->Close(); canvas->Close(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } void saveHist(TH1 *h, TString savetorootfile) { TFile *file = new TFile(savetorootfile.Data(), "update"); h->Write(); file->Close(); } // Get the TLE from tleFile. The right TLE is that one with the // closest previous date to offRes, that is the date at the time of // the first timesync found in the root file. // // Warning: you must use a tle file obtained by space-track.org // querying the database with the RESURS DK-1 id number 29228, // selecting the widest timespan, including the satellite name in the // results. cTle *getTle(TString tleFile, TDatime offRes) { Float_t tledatefromfile, tledatefromroot; fstream tlefile(tleFile.Data(), ios::in); vector ctles; vector::iterator iter; // Build a vector of *cTle while(1) { cTle *tlef; string str1, str2, str3; getline(tlefile, str1); if(tlefile.eof()) break; getline(tlefile, str2); if(tlefile.eof()) break; getline(tlefile, str3); if(tlefile.eof()) break; // We now have three good lines for a cTle. tlef = new cTle(str1, str2, str3); ctles.push_back(tlef); } // Sort by date sort(ctles.begin(), ctles.end(), compTLE); tledatefromroot = (offRes.GetYear()-2000)*1e3 + (offRes.Convert() - (TDatime(offRes.GetYear(), 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).Convert())/ (24.*3600.); for(iter = ctles.begin(); iter != ctles.end(); iter++) { cTle *tle = *iter; tledatefromfile = getTleJulian(tle); if(tledatefromroot > tledatefromfile) { tlefile.close(); cTle *thisTle = tle; ctles.clear(); return thisTle; } } // File ended withoud founding a TLE with a date after offRes. We'll use the last aviable date. cerr << "Warning: using last available TLE in " << tleFile.Data() << ". Consider updating your tle file." << endl; tlefile.close(); cTle *thisTle = ctles[ctles.size()-1]; ctles.clear(); return thisTle; } // Return whether the first TLE is older than the second bool compTLE (cTle *tle1, cTle *tle2) { return getTleJulian(tle1) > getTleJulian(tle2); } // Return the date of the tle using the format (year-2000)*1e3 + // julian day. e.g. 6364.5 is the 31th Dec 2006 12:00:00. // It does *not* return a cJulian date. float getTleJulian(cTle *tle) { return tle->getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHYEAR)*1e3 + tle->getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHDAY); } // Look for a timesync in the TFile rootFile. Set timesync and // obt_timesync. Returns 1 if timesync is found, 0 otherwise. int lookforTimesync(TFile *rootFile, Float_t *timesync, Float_t *obt_timesync) { *timesync = -1; // will be != -1 if found ULong64_t nevents = 0; pamela::McmdRecord *mcmdrc = 0; pamela::McmdEvent *mcmdev = 0; TArrayC *mcmddata; TTree *tr = (TTree*) rootFile->Get("Mcmd"); tr->SetBranchAddress("Mcmd", &mcmdev); nevents = tr->GetEntries(); // Looking for a timesync. We stop at the first one found. long int recEntries; for(UInt_t i = 0; i < nevents; i++) { tr->GetEntry(i); recEntries = mcmdev->Records->GetEntries(); for(UInt_t j = 0; j < recEntries; j++) { mcmdrc = (pamela::McmdRecord*)mcmdev->Records->At(j); if ((mcmdrc != 0) && (mcmdrc->ID1 == 0xE0)) //Is it a TimeSync? { mcmddata = mcmdrc->McmdData; *timesync = (((unsigned int)mcmddata->At(0)<<24)&0xFF000000) + (((unsigned int)mcmddata->At(1)<<16)&0x00FF0000) + (((unsigned int)mcmddata->At(2)<<8)&0x0000FF00) + (((unsigned int)mcmddata->At(3))&0x000000FF); *obt_timesync = (mcmdrc->MCMD_RECORD_OBT)*(1./1000.); goto out; // a timesync is found } } } out: if (*timesync == -1) return 0; else return 1; } // Returns the mean value of the elements stored in the vector v. double getMean(vector v) { double mean = 0; for(int i=0; i < v.size(); i++) mean += v.at(i); return mean/v.size(); } // Shift all non zero bins by shift. TH2F* shiftHist(TH2F* h, Float_t shift) { // Global bin number. Int_t nBins = h->GetBin(h->GetNbinsX(), h->GetNbinsY()); for(int i = 0; i < nBins; i++) if(h->GetBinContent(i)) h->AddBinContent(i, shift); return h; } // Return a string like YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, a datetime format. string getTleDatetime(cTle *tle) { int year, mon, day, hh, mm, ss; double dom; // day of month (is double!) stringstream date; // date in datetime format // create a cJulian from the date in tle cJulian jdate = cJulian( 2000 + (int) tle->getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHYEAR), tle->getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHDAY)); // get year, month, day of month jdate.getComponent(&year, &mon, &dom); // build a datetime YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss date.str(""); day = (int) floor(dom); hh = (int) floor( (dom - day) * 24); mm = (int) floor( ((dom - day) * 24 - hh) * 60); ss = (int) floor( ((((dom - day) * 24 - hh) * 60 - mm) * 60)); // ms = (int) floor( (((((dom - day) * 24 - hh) * 60 - mm) * 60) - ss) * 1000); date << year << "-" << mon << "-" << day << " " << hh << ":" << mm << ":" << ss; return date.str(); } // // Solve the overflow for anticoincidence because this counter is // stored in 2 bytes so counts from 0 to 65535. // // counter is the actual value. // oldValue is meant to be the previous value of counter. // // Example: // for(...) { // ... // corrected_diff = solve_ac_overflow(oldValueOfTheCounter, actualValue); // ... // } // // // Returns the corrected difference between counter and oldValue and // set oldValue to the value of counter. // Attention: oldValue is a reference. Int_t solve_ac_overflow(Int_t& oldValue, Int_t counter) { Int_t truediff = 0; if (counter < oldValue) // overflow! truediff = 0xFFFF - oldValue + counter; else truediff = counter - oldValue; oldValue = counter; return truediff; }