/[PAMELA software]/quicklook/OrbitalRate/README
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Contents of /quicklook/OrbitalRate/README

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Dec 6 08:18:31 2006 UTC (18 years, 3 months ago) by pam-rm2
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v2r02, v2r01, v2r00, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +1 -1 lines
*** empty log message ***

1 OrbitalRate produces maps about some rates or other parameters along
2 the orbit from level0 files.
4 To compile and install see the file INSTALL.
6 To get help, type:
7 $ OrbitalRate --help
9 It should be used together with the script retrieve-tle.sh that should
10 be run before OrbitalRate with option --force. You could also use an
11 old list of TLEs if your root files are not recent.
13 To get help using retrive-tle.sh, type:
14 $ ./retrieve.sh --help
16 You should also take care of updating the command line parameters
17 "-offDate" and "-offTime" to the last Resurs Time reset. The date is
18 UTC.

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