From Fri Apr 10 09:30:53 2009 Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 09:30:35 +0200 From: Cecilia Pizzolotto To: Emiliano Mocchiutti Subject: spherical distribution // Spherical distribution -- Test by Cecilia P march 2009 -----------------------------/// -25 25 -25 25 108 108 void PamVMCPrimaryGenerator::GenSphPhiThe(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Double_t ymin, Double_t ymax, Double_t zmin, Double_t zmax) { Bool_t trkGood = kFALSE; Double_t theta = 999.; Double_t phi = 0.; Double_t x2,y2,x3,y3; //static const Double_t rad2deg = 57.2958; //static const Double_t s1_xmax=20.4, s1_ymax=16.5, s1_pz=102.8866; // calo cavity 8.07x6.57 with z2=71.6 z3=27.4 circa static const Double_t s2_xmax=7.8, s2_ymax=6.0, s2_z=73.489; static const Double_t s3_xmax=8.0, s3_ymax=6.0, s3_z=25.3159; // Generate random position unif. distr. // GenPosition(-25.,25., 25.,25., 108.0,108.0); // Double_t x0= fprim.fX0; // Double_t y0= fprim.fY0; // Double_t z0= fprim.fZ0; Double_t x0= frnd->Uniform(xmin,xmax); Double_t y0= frnd->Uniform(ymin,ymax); Double_t z0= frnd->Uniform(zmin,zmax); Int_t posGood = 0; while (trkGood!=kTRUE) { // Generate phi theta theta=999.; // init while (theta>=0.82) //take only theta smaller than 30deg=0.52rad { Double_t xcos = sqrt( frnd->Uniform(0.,1.) ); theta = acos(xcos); //RAD } phi = frnd->Uniform(0.,2.*Pi()); // Calculate xy at beginning/end of magnet cavity Double_t fact2 = (s2_z-z0)/cos(theta); x2 = x0 + fabs(fact2) * sin(theta) * cos(phi); y2 = y0 + fabs(fact2) * sin(theta) * sin(phi); Double_t fact3 = (s3_z-z0)/cos(theta); x3 = x0 + fabs(fact3) * sin(theta) * cos(phi); y3 = y0 + fabs(fact3) * sin(theta) * sin(phi); // Test condition on the direction if ( Abs(x2) <= Abs(s2_xmax) && Abs(y2) <= Abs(s2_ymax) && Abs(x3) <= Abs(s3_xmax) && Abs(y3) <= Abs(s3_ymax) ) { trkGood = kTRUE; //cout<<" x/y0= "< def new start position posGood++; if ( posGood == 100 ) { x0= frnd->Uniform(xmin,xmax); y0= frnd->Uniform(ymin,ymax); z0= frnd->Uniform(zmin,zmax); posGood = 0; } } // Set direction and position: SetDirection(theta, phi); SetPosition(x0, y0, z0); return; } //--- end Test by Cecilia ------------------------------------///