# # $Id: v_100.txt,v 3.17 2006/10/13 16:36:59 pam-ba Exp $ # # $Log: v_100.txt,v $ # Revision 3.17 2006/10/13 16:36:59 pam-ba # Added a new material, the cadmium, for ND # # Revision 3.16 2006/10/12 11:11:21 pam-ba # ND geometry updated. # # Revision 3.15 2006/10/02 11:17:30 pam-ba # NDET 'SPHE' data card meaning changed. Now it eliminates the whole PAMELA container. # # Revision 3.14 2006/06/30 15:38:16 pam-ba # S22 and S12 heights positioned in GPAMELA at the nominal heights in PAMELA (see document: Main geometrical parameters of the PAMELA sub-detectors, 20 December 2005) # # Revision 3.13 2006/06/05 13:56:17 pamela # Gigantic resonance added for gamma enetering in the calorimeter absorber # # Revision 3.12 2006/05/18 10:52:32 pam-ba # TOF geometry completed and a new material, the polystyrene (density 35 g/l), added # # Revision 3.11 2006/05/11 23:53:15 cafagna # More bugs fixed in the CALO ntple structure filling # # Revision 3.10 2006/04/10 11:07:43 cafagna # GEN data card updated, ZDGEN added # # Revision 3.9 2005/12/14 03:34:40 cafagna # An update of the history and inform readme files. # # Revision 3.8 2005/12/14 03:16:08 cafagna # Neutron detector added. Geometry and GPCALOR package # # Revision 3.7 2005/10/18 08:24:35 cafagna # History updated # # Revision 3.6 2005/07/25 11:53:21 cafagna # Several updates. See history for details # # Revision 3.5 2004/04/06 10:33:46 pamela # NON-REPRODUCIBILITY problem of a GPAMELA RUN fixed; bug found and fixed filling in the hit structure of the calorimeter # # Revision 3.4 2003/12/17 11:32:50 pamela # CALO SIMULATION COMPLETED: geometry and special tracking parameters updated and simulation checked by a comparison with the Trieste's standalone Monte Carlo simulation # # Revision 3.3 2002/12/05 17:27:59 pamela # New GARFIELD.GAR file added and GPAMELA.FFR cleaned and updated # # Revision 3.2 2002/12/05 10:17:42 pamela # Update CAS and CALO geometries and positions. Makefile updated as well # # Revision 2002/07/11 16:01:59 cafagna # First GPAMELA release on CVS # # #CMZ : 3.00/00 11/02/2002 20.05.23 by Unknown #CMZ : 2.03/00 06/11/2000 02.14.56 by Francesco Cafagna #CMZ : 2.02/00 12/10/2000 19.22.54 by Francesco Cafagna #CMZ : 2.01/01 05/04/2000 14.37.24 by Marialuigia Ambriola #CMZU: 2.01/00 05/04/2000 09.51.04 by Unknown #CMZ : 2.00/00 03/03/2000 15.22.27 by Francesco Cafagna #CMZ : 1.02/00 15/02/2000 10.19.51 by Francesco Cafagna #CMZ : 1.01/00 23/05/96 16.59.29 by Francesco Cafagna #CMZ : 1.00/03 30/04/96 12.23.59 by Francesco Cafagna #CMZ : 1.00/02 05/04/96 15.31.25 by Francesco Cafagna #CMZ : 1.00/01 28/11/95 18.51.23 by Francesco Cafagna #-- Author : Francesco Cafagna 28/11/95 November 2006, Bari TOF POSITIONS DEFINITELY UPDATED: S2 and S1 have been positioned again, after the simulation of the top plate. Before now, the positions were put ad hoc based on the positions given by Sergio Ricciarini in the document 'Main geometrical parameters of the PAMELA sub-detectors' released by O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, E. Mocchiutti and S. Ricciarini on the 20th of December 2005.. These positions were lightly approximated. ND GEOMETRY COMPLETED. The He3 and the polyethylene (CH2) have been added to fill the volumes NDTI and NDPB in the neutron detector. Leonov gave us the details of these materials. TOP PLATE GEOMETRY ADDED. The top plate geometry has been simulated as a N2 box that has the same dimensions of CATA. Inside it, at the right positions, there are S2 and CATA. The real top plate is a rectangular window having a thickness of 0.5 cm (volume TPTL emptied by the volume TPCV). This volume is filled with a mixture of titanium (90%), aluminum (6%) and vanadium (4%). Other parts of titanium are the four volumes TPTU, which are positioned at the corners of TPTL at the same height of CATA, and the four volumes TPTM, which are positioned at the corners of TPTL, at the same height of S2. The geometry of the top plate is based on a simplified version of the CAD drawings. October 2006, Bari The geometry of the neutron detector has been updated. Some dimensions of some volumes have been corrected and the aluminum cover and the aluminum boxes to put the cables have been added. A new material, the cadmium, has been also defined. September 2006, Bari SPHE and ND data card bugs fixed: the definition of the ND data card, missing in the subroutine gpgeo.F, has been added; the meaning of the SPHE data card has been changed. Before the correction the data card: NDET 'SPHE' was used to delete the spherical top shell to substitute it with a flat one.Now NDET 'SPHE' eliminates the whole container of PAMELA. June 2006, Bari The center of the scintillator planes S22Y (variable ZPAMS22Y in gpdgeo.inc) and S12X (variable ZPAMS12X in gpdgeo.inc) has been positioned at the nominal height as measured in PAMELA (See the document: "Main geometrical parameters of the PAMELA sub-detectors" by O. Adriani, L. Bonechi, E. Mocchiutti, S. Ricciarini, 20 December 2005). Follows that the positions of S21Y and S12X are higher than those in the cited document due to the fact that in GPAMELA the thickness of the mylar has been considered while in the document it has been neglected. May 2006, Bari & Tor Vergata GIGANTIC RESONANCE FOR NEUTRON DETECTOR ADDED Routines to simulate the gigantic resonance of gammas in Tungsten have been added. The GPGIG routine is called in GUSTEP if a gamma enter the calorimeter absorber. This is the steering routine to simulate the production of neutrons from gigantic resonance. It does checks on STEP lenght. If the range is smaller than the other selected for that step, it does generate the neutron and stops the gamma. Please note that the neutron has now a new particle number. This is to tag the gigantic resonance neutrons. May 2006, Bari & Florence CAL HIT STRUCTURE BUGS FIXED The maximum number of hit is now different for the two hit structures: CALST and CALI. Vectors inizialization and HBOOK ntple booking have been updated. The GPDCAL routine has been fixed so to handle the case in wich hits stored are more than the maximum number of hit. In this case in the ntple up to the maximum number of hits will be stored. April 2006, Bari TOF GEOMETRY AND POSITIONS UPDATED AND NEW MIXTURES ADDED The TOF geometry has been modified. The following boxes have been added: POL1, POL2 and POLY made of polystyrene, S11M, S12M, S21M, S22M, S31M and S32M made of mylar, S1A, S2A and S3 made of air and S1 and S2 made of aluminum. Each scintillator paddle has been put in his mylar box and the other materials: air, polystyrene, and aluminum have been added at their nominal positions. According to Naples people the araldite glue has been simulated has an air gap. For this work two new materials: the Mylar (MYLAR) and the polystyrene (POLYSTYRENE) with a density of 35 g/l have been defined as a mixture. The positions of the three bottom scintillator planes that contain respectively the S12X, S22Y and S32X paddles have been regulated according on their official positions in PAMELA. Mar 2006, Bari GEN DATA CARD UPDATED To enable generation on a surface perpendicular to the XY plane, GEN gata card has been updated addingh a new parameter: ZDGEN. This is the dimension, along Z axis , of the generation surface. The Z position will be randomply chosen according to: Z= ZDGEN*RNDM_NUMBER + ZGEN, i.e. Z= GEN(6)*RNDM_NOMBER + GEN(3). Nov 2005, Bari GUHADR AND GUPHAD UPDATED To use GCALOR package the hadronic routines have been updated. The inizialization routine call CALSIG, while the other calls GCALOR. NEW GPKEY ADDED: GPCALOR This logical has been added to enable the GCALOR package. This flag is set to true in GPDAT if the data card: HPAK, is set to 'GCAL'. The gpkey.inc has been update accordingly. NEUTRON DETECTOR ADDED. NEW DIR: GPND The neutron detector has been added. At the moment it is just the geometry. The directory structure of the repository has been updated as well. Dimensions has been taken from picture and literature. A full upgrade to the drawing is needed. GCALOR PACKAGE ADDED. NEW DIRs: GPCALOR, GPCALORDES GCALOR package contins the CALOR simulation code and an interface to use it in GEANT. The important feature for us is the usage of the MICAP code. This is facused on the low energy neutron simulation. for details see: http://www.staff.uni-mainz.de/zeitnitz/Gcalor/gcalor.html This package should be distributed with the GEANT library but is not up to date. I did download the latest release and stored into gpcalor directory of the gpamela tree. Then I did clean up the code substituting the explicit inclusion of the commons with a #include cpp directive. In parallel I did extract the commons to include files having the same common name. I did store the include files into a newly created directory: gpcalordes. The Makefile has been updated accordingly. Please note that to avoid conflict with CRENLIB distribution the gcalor source file has been named gpcalor.F NOTE: There are still problem due to different common sizes. In particular the common MICFIL is maller in the geant library libgeant.a . There the subroutines: gmorin, gmxsec, gmplxs, are present and linked using a wrong version of the common. This still needs to be debuged. NOTE2: The auxiliary files with the cross sections: chetc.dat.gz and xsneut.dat.gz, have been added to the aux directory and moved to the working directory, i.e. GPAMELA_BIN. The GCALOR routine will look for CERN_ROOT environment variable. If found files are searched there at first, then in the working directory. A fool proof policy has to be implemented to avoid problem with synchronization fo these files. The GCALOR package June 2005, Bari TOF SCINTILLATOR PADDLES UPDATED The dimensions and the number of the scintillator paddles for each TOF planes have been updated. May 2005, Bari Some updates on the latest modification done in the past year. NEW DATA CARD ADDED: HFSF To define a policy for the random number initial seeds definition. Using this card is possible to override GEANT seeds defined via NRDM card. The policy is selected according to the values: - 1: The seeds are initialized to the initial values found in a user defined file or the default file: INPUTSEED.DAT - 2: The seeds are initialized to the final values found in a user defined file or the default file: INPUTSEED.DAT The case 1 must be used in case the user needs to reproduce the random chain of a previous run. In this case the user can save the initial seeds, used in the run he would like to reproduce, in a binary file and pass the filename to the program using the *FLSF data card. In case the user file is not specified the default INPUTSEED.DAT will be used. The case 2 must be used in case the user needs to chain several GPAMELA run and likes to be sure he is starting the random generator using the right sequence. In this case the user must specify an input binary file using the *FLSF data card, otherwise the INPUTSEED.DAT file will be used. NEW DATA CARD ADDED: *FSFI Using this card the user can specify the logical unit and name of the file storing the initial seeds to be used to initialize the random number generator. This file must be a FORTRAN binary one storing four integer numbers. The first two are the number to be used in the case: HFSF=1, the other two will be used in the case: HFSF=2. This file can be one created by GPAMELA or by the user filled with his own seeds. For this purpose an utility program: writeseeds.f, has been added in the aux directory. In case the *FSFI card is not specified the default values: 24 and INPUTSEEDS.DAT, will be used as LUN and file name respectively. NEW DATA CARD ADDED: *LSFI Using this card the user can specify the logical unit and name of the file storing the first and last seeds used in the GPAMELA run. This file is a FORTRAN binary one. This file can be used as input one specifying it in the *FSFI data card of the next GPAMELA run. In case the *LSFI card is not specified the default values: 26 and HBOOKFILENAME.DAT (as sepified in *HFI), will be used as LUN and file name respectively. NEW UTILITY PROGRAMS ADDED: writeseeds.f, readseeds.f These new programs have been added in the aux directory. Using these a user defined seed file can be created and re-read. NEW VOLUMES ADDED: MSHE, BSPH; PRESSURIZED CONTAINER ADDED Alexey Bakaldin, in MEPHI, did add the PAMELA pressurized container to the simulation. He did defined new volumes filled with aluminum and placed inside the mother volume. Positions have been fine tuned by Marialuigia Ambriola and compared to the CAD drawings. Two new volumes have been added to simulate the container: - MSHE, a tube simulating the middle part of the container - BSPH, the spherical bottom part of the container To better simulate the upper part the SHEL volume has been modified into a cone. Dimentions of the top cover: TSPH, have been modified accordingly. DETECTOR POSITIONS REVIEWED All detector Z positions have been reviewd to fit into the simulated pressurized container. TRD GEOMETRY AND CALIBRATION REVIEWD The TRD geometry has been deeply reviewed. Using the CAD drawings the carbon fiber frames have been simulated and radiator dimentions corrected. For this reason the calibration done on the beam tests has been revied and new sets of calibration constants calculated comparing the beam test data with the GPAMELA results. The new constants are about 3% larger than the previous ones. TRACKER GEOMETRY REVIEWED. NEW VOLUME DEFINED: THBP, TPAS, TPAI Thanks to Lorenzo Bonechi for the drawings and explanations. Now the hybrd cards have been put into the simulation and the geometry updated considering the dead zones in the silicon detectors. The hybrid zone has been simulated as well. At the moment the hybrid is simulated as a G10 plates. The full height of the tracker magnet has been reviewed as well. The tracker ladder is now simulated inside a nitrogen box: TPAS, placed inside an aluminum frame: TRPB. Each silicon ladder has been simulated using two silicon blocks: TRSL, into each of this block a smaller silicon detector: TPAI, has been placed inside the larger silicon block TRSL. In this way the subdivided silicon ladder can be upgraded with an indipendend roto-translation for each sensor. The TRPB aluminum frame has been enlarged to fit the external magnet canister frame. The last plane has been flipped with a 180 degree rotation around the X axis. TRACKER HIT STRUCTURE REVIEWED Taking into account the new version of the tracker geometry, the hit structure for this detector has been revied. CALORIMETER GEOMETRY REVIEWED Marco Albi reviewed the calorimeter dimentions and positioning. 29 March 2004, Bari NON-REPRODUCIBILITY PROBLEM OF A GPAMELA RUN FIXED. The non-reproducibility of a GPAMELA run was due to the random number initialization in the GARFIELD code. In GARFIELD by default, the initial seeds of the random number generators are always the same while the random number generators are called a given number of times (determined by the hour of the day) during the initialization phase (see init.f subroutine in the GARFIELD code for details). Follows that different runs produce different results without changing the initial seeds. To have identical results in different runs, the GARFIELD program has to start typing the noRNDM_initialisation switch. To avoid of specifying this switch by the user, the GARFIELD package has been upgraded with a patch. In this way the problem is partially solved because, now, the initial seeds of the random generators in GARFIELD will be always the same even if the RNDM GEANT data card is activated by the user for changing the initial seeds in the GPAMELA program. Work is in progress for a more general correction of this problem. Please, use the updated GARFIELD code released with the CVS version v4r1 to fix this problem. RNDM ROUTINE REPLACED BY THE GRNDM ROUTINE IN GPXTR AND NPOISS. The obsolete RNDM random number generator has been replaced by the GEANT GRNDN routine in the gpxtr.F subroutine and in the npoiss.F function. BUG FOUND AND FIXED: the set and detector calorimeter addresses (ISCAL and IDCASI variables) used in GUTREV were respectively set to a fixed values of 12 and 1. The correct values of these variables are stored in the GPSED common when the set and the detector ZEBRA banks are filled during a run. In general the values of the set and detector addresses depend on the number of active detectors in a given run. ISCAL=12 and IDCASI=1 are only right when all the detectors of GPAMELA are active. 9 December 2003, Bari CALORIMETER SIMULATION completed! The update of the geometry and of the special tracking parameters and the tuning of the calorimeter have been successfully done. A great quantity of simulated data have been produced in the calorimeter for different particles (muons, electrons and pions) and momenta (5 and 40 GeV/c) and the output data have been analyzed. The distributions of the total energy deposited in the calorimeter and the total number of strips hit have been compared with the respective distributions produced by the Trieste's tuned standalone Monte Carlo simulation program of the PAMELA calorimeter. The accord between the two simulations is excellent. Many thanks to Mirko for his collaboration. Working in progress on TRD. The GARFIELD interface to the HEED program is not optimized to track particle with a charge greater than one and photons. The program print a warning message to advise the user when it is the case. 18 April 2003, Bari The buffer size of each column of the GPAMELA Ntuple has been increased to 4096 and set equal to the record length, defined by a call to the HROPEN routine. Also the length of the common /PAWC/ (parameter NWPAW) has been increased to 1.34E8, according to the rule that it has to be larger than the number of columns times the buffer size. 10 April 2003, Bari The variables in the HIT STRUCTURE of the CALORIMETER and their way to be filled have been changed according to the electronics system of the real detector. In fact, because each silicon detector (module) consists of 32 strips and each strip is connected to those belonging to the two detectors of the same row (or column) for forming 24 cm long strips, the sum of the deposited energies in the strips forming a `long strip' is now calculated for each event (gpucal.F subroutine) and it is stored in a hit only at the end of the event (gutrev.F subroutine). The output variables of the GPAMELA en-tuple are then filled in the vectors ICAPLANE(NTHCAL), ICASTRIP(NTHCAL), ENESTRIP(NTHCAL) and ICAMOD(NTHCAL), by a call to the GPDCAL subroutine: -ICAPLANE(i) contains the number of hit plane; -ICASTRIP(i) contains the number of hit strip; -ICAMOD(i) can assume different values based on the number of times and positions in which a `long strip' has been hit. -ENESTRIP(i) contains the deposited energy in the hit strip; where i is the number of hit (1 VERSION NUMBER UPDATED <:::::::: The version number has been updated to: 2.03/00. NEW DATA CARDS ADDED: CAS, CAT, TOF, TRD, SPE, CAL, S4 To allow the simulation of a detector geometry without the physics, i.e. hits, and/or the n-tple, new data cards have been added: CAS, CAT, TOF, TRD, SPE, CAL, S4. All of them work in the same way. The user can define NVOL, NPHY, NHBK for each card. These user options perform: - NVOL, similar to the NDET actions, the whole detector is NOT simulated - NPHY, just the physics is not simulated. SET, DETECTOR and HITS definitions are skipped and the n-tple as well. - NHBK, just the n-tple is disabled The NVOL option does automatically set the other two, while the NPHY option does set the NHBK one. The old NDET card is kept for compatibility but does still have the priority on these cards, i.e. if the user does requires a detector cancellation via NDET the action is considered as the NVOL option and the card content is not even checked. For example: NDET 'TOF ' TOF 'NHBK' Is considered as a request for TOF cancellation, the program does not disable just the TOF n-tple. As usual the $GPDKEY, $GPKEY, GPFFR and GPDAT banks and routines have been modified. A new logical variable for each detector has been introduced to control the NPHY action: PCAS, PCAT, PTOF, PTRD, PSPE, PCAL, PS4. These variables are now controlling the definition of SETS, DETECTORS and HITS into GPSED and GPHIT routines. With these also the GUDIGI has been modified and the detector digitization is performed if the Pxxx variable is TRUE for each detector. NOTE: S4 is not jet separated from the TOF !!!!!! So the TOF data card does eliminate S4. S4 data card does nothing 30 October 2000, Trieste CHANGED MISURE UNIT FOR CALORIMETER ENERGY The energy is now stored in MIP in the entuple. 1 MIP = 108.5200 KeV obtained from the Landau distribution fo the energy in the strips in the case of a run of muons of 40 GeV. To take account of this change $GPUCAL and $GPDHIT has been modified. IMPORTANT: to obtain the correct energy value for the calorimeter the Special Tracking Parameter "SICA" MUST be enabled!! 12 October 2000, LNGS ::::::::> VERSION NUMBER UPDATED <:::::::: The version number has been updated to: 2.02/00. NEW VOLUMES ADDED: CAPD, CAAD Actually the calorimeter last plane has been substituted by the read-out cards. So the plane will be replaced by two aluminum support for the g10 electronics cards. So to account for this modification two new volumes have been created: CAPD, CAAD. CAPD is exactly the same as CAPL but it doesn't contain the glue, kapton and silicon sandwich. CAAD is the absorber, CAAB, but with the tungsten replaced by the aluminum. To allow changes in the number of dummy planes the variable NCAPLD has been added, it has the same function of the NCAPL one. So a general loop on the number of this dummy planes has been implemented in GPCALV to position them into CALB. The sequences: $GPGEO and $GPDGEO, as well as the routines: GPDAT, GPCALV, has been modified to account for the dimension calculation, the definition and positioning of these new volumes respectively. NEW DATA CARD ADDED: NCPL To exclude from the simulation any calorimeter silicon plane a new data card has been added: NCPL. This is an array of 44 integer, one for each calorimeter plane. The user can enter the plane number corresponding to the excluded one in any of this 44 location. Please note that the original numbering will be kept for compatibility, i.e. the remaining plane will be numbered as there was the full calorimeter simulation. The correspondence between the random 44 data card and the plane to be excluded is done in the GPDAT routine. The sequences $GPKEY and $GPDKEY has been modified, routines: GPDAT, GPFFR, GPCALV as well. NEW DATA CARD ADDED: NCSI To exclude from the simulation any of the 9 silicon detector in any silicon calorimeter plane a new data card has been added: NCSI. It works like the NCPL but having to specify 9 integer instead of 44. Also in this case the original numbering in the plane is preserved. The same routines and sequences as for NCPL have been modified NEW DATA CARD ADDED: NCAB To exclude from the simulation any of the 22 calorimeter absorber planes a new data card has been added: NCAB. It works like the previous two but using 22 integers. The original numbering is preserved as well. The same routines and sequences as for NCPL and NCSI have been modified. 11 October 2000, LNGS Bug found in $GPMAT The new material number for the detector were declared but not included in the common. Fixed. GPEXE kumac updated Has been dofied to account for the ALPHA UNIX case. libcrypt library has been disabled and the f77 compiler has been used as default one. 10 October 2000, LNGS GPXINT kumac updated Some modification done in GPXINT. It does now consider the case ALPHA UNIX and define f77 as compiler and does not use the libcrypt. 9 October 2000, Trieste NEW VOLUMES ADDED: KAOL, KAPT, GLUE An upgrade of the calorimeter structure is done; it's introduced the fine structure of the plane with Kaolinita (an insulator), Kapton and Glue. So to account for this modification three new volumes have been created: CAKA, CAKP and CAGL. NEW MIXTURE ADDED: W2, CERA, G10C W2 is the correct tungsten/nichel/copper mixture that compose an absorber plane of the calorimeter CERA is Kaolinite, an electric insulator for the calorimeter G10C is the mixture of the electronic cards of the calorimeter; this mixture is used instead of G10 in the old volume CG10. To implement these cards the following routines and commons have been modified: GPMAT, GPMED. 3 NEW DATA CARDS added to tag tracking parameters of these new materials With these cards is now possible to set any of the five tracking parameters: TMAXFD, STEMAX, DEEMAX, EPSIL and STMIN; for each of the new 3 tracking media. Every data card is a real vector of 5 elements, that store respectively TMAXFD, STEMAX, DEEMAX, EPSIL and STMIN. These elements are passed to the GSTMED routine call in the GPMED procedure. To implement these cards the following routines and commons have been modified: $GPKEY, $GPDKEY, GPDAT, GPMED, GPFFR. Each data card value is initialized to -1111. in $GPDKEY. These cards are checked for selection in GPMED. If these cards have been set these values override the ones set by the global data cards: TMAX, STMA, DEEM, EPSI, STMI; or the defaults set in GPDAT. CHANGED DIMENSIONS OF VOLUMES FOR CALORIMETER The following routines and data set are changed to take account of the correct dimensions of the calorimeter: GPGEO, GPCALV, GPDAT. 6 April 2000, Bari ::::::::> VERSION NUMBER UPDATED <:::::::: The version number has been updated to: 2.01/01. 5 April 2000, Bari ::::::::> VERSION NUMBER UPDATED <:::::::: The version number has been set to: 2.01/00, updating all the decks. 5 April 2000, Bari 14 NEW DATA CARDS added to tag tracking parameters of each material. With these cards is now possible to set any of the five tracking parameters: TMAXFD, STEMAX, DEEMAX, EPSIL and STMIN; for each of the fourteen tracking media. Every data card is a real vector of 5 elements, that store respectively TMAXFD, STEMAX, DEEMAX, EPSIL and STMIN. These elements are passed to the GSTMED routine call in the GPMED procedure. To implement these cards the following routines and commons have been modified: $GPKEY, $GPDKEY, GPDAT, GPMED, GPFFR. Each data card value is initialized to -1111. in $GPDKEY. These cards are checked for selection in GPMED. If these cards have been set these values override the ones set by the global data cards: TMAX, STMA, DEEM, EPSI, STMI; or the defaults set in GPDAT. 6 March 2000, Bari PAW MEMORY incremented in GPCDES: The paw memory has been set to 36.65E6 words, because of the incremented maximum number of hits in the TRD (from 100 to 200). TRD hits increased in GPCDES: The maximum number of hits has been set equal to 200 instead of 100. Like calorimeter, for TRD is no more necessary to modify both the maximum number of hits, in sequence $GPPHIT, and the HBNAME call in GPHBK routine. The CWN block is now booked directly using the maximum number of hit found in the $GPPHIT parameters. If the number of hits is greater than 200, the GPDTRD sets the last hit equal to 201 and exit. In this way all the CWN variables corresponding to this hit are null for the TRD. 3 March 2000, Bari GPXINT macro modified This macro now save gpamela[grap].f code file instead of a simple gpamela.f . This is to avoid conflicts with the GPEXE macro that create the executable to be used in batch mode. Please note that [grap] is tipically, 99.999% of the time, set to X11. 1 March 2000, Bari New DATA CARDS PHI and THETA added: These data cards have been introduced to select a range for the zenith (THETA) and the azimuth (PHI). With these cards the user can override the default values: [0,90] and [0.360] degree, respectively for THETA and PHI, choosing its own maximum and minimum values. If these values are equal the generation is performed at a fixed angle for all the events. No more flat generation on cos**2(THETA) The flat generation on cos**2(THETA) has been deleted in GUKINE. 29 feb 2000, Bari HBOOK Filename corrected. The HBOOK user filename, passed via *HBFI card, was incorrect. Unwanted character were added at the end of the string. It has been fixed initializing the data card variable to the null string. MEMORY incremented in GPCDES: The memory of paw and geant have been increased to process electrons of 200 GeV, both for interactive and not-interactive case. In particular, the geant memory is set now to 3500000 words and the paw memory to 35.42E6 words. This increment is taking into account the augmented number of hits for the calorimeter (It is now possible to store an hit for each of the 4224 calorimeter channels). Calorimeter hits increased in GPCDES: To store all hits produced in the calorimeter, its maximum number of hits has been set equal to its number of channels (4224). For this detector is no more necessary to modify both the maximum number of hits, in sequence $GPPHIT, and the HBNAME call in GPHBK routine. The CWN block is now booked directly using the maximum number of hit found in the $GPPHIT parameters. Insufficient number of bits for variable CASI in GPSED: The number of bits in which to pack the copy number of volume CASI is now 4 instead of 3. S4 hit structure modified. Because of its position S4 was overwhelmed by particles produced in the calorimeter. This caused an abnormal use of memory, for this detector, having to store a number of hits larger than the maximum. Now S4 hits are stored in a calorimeter-like fashion using the GSCHIT routine instead of the GSAHIT one. This forces the number of hit to one and sums up just the energy released into the scintillator. For this purpose also the position of the energy released variable has been changed placing it at the end of the hit record. 24 FEB 2000, BARI Paolo "bachetto" fixed In GPDTRD the "filling" index INDEX has been substituted with I. IRUN and IEVNT increment These variables were not incremented. Now they are set initially in GPDAT; initial value is the one set by RUNG GEANT general data card. IEVNT is then incremented into GUTREV at the beginning of each new event. IRUN is left untouched. 23 Feb 2000, Bari New data card GEN enabled. Data card GEN was implemented but not enabled ..... (See 20 Mar. 1997 notes) It has been enabled now setting XYZGEN vector to -1111 in the $GPDKEY data declaration sequence for $GPKEY common. In GPDAT it will check if these values have been overwritten by the GEN data card and take appropriate action in GUKINE. 15 Feb 2000, Bari ::::::::> VERSION NUMBER UPDATED <:::::::: The version number has been updated in its release part: 1.02/00, is the actual version. 11 Feb 2000, Bari Changes in TRD geometry. GPTRDV modified. 1. Now TRSO is inside TRSI. For this, the external radius of TRSI has been set equal to the external radius of TRSO. Data assignment in GPGEO modified. 2. Each TRBS volume (the Trd Boxes for Sraw Tubes) has been shifted to avoid dead spaces between two adjacent modules. For this, the two lateral TRBS boxes of the planes with 3 modules have been shifted of one TRSI radius, the central boxes of the planes with 4 modules have been shifted of an half radius while the lateral boxes have been shifted of 3/2 radius. Subroutine GSCHIT modified in GPUCAL There was an error. All the quantities were cumulatively summed up instead of just the energy. This caused a missalignment of the hits. Now just the energy is summed up. 19 Gen. 1999, Bari Paolo "bachetto" fixed In GPDSPE the "filling" index INDEX has been substituted with I. 31 Dec. 1999, Barletta TRD dimensions reviewed The angular pieces have been reviewed. In the actual design they are "L" shaped. Here they are simulated as square piaces 3.5x3.5 cm^2, 2mm thick. The TRD virtual box TRDB has been reviewd as well. It is now tall: 10 frames plus 11 angular pieces plus one top piece. 30 Dec. 1999, Barletta TRD dimensions reviewed Based on the original Aereostudi drawings the TRFR volume dimenions have been reviewd. The frame is 350mm in length, 380mm width, 4mm tick. The frame itself is 35mm width. The 32 straw module as an overall length of 361mm, for placement easiness 360mm has been used. WARNING: The angle piece is .5mm taller than the module! Once again 2cm has been used instead of 2.05mm, for easiness. 5 Nov. 1999, LNGS GPHBK Modified The strip number is now 32 instead of 22, the CWN has been modified accordingly on both long an short version. TRD Frames added. Two new volumes added: TRFR, TRFI. TRFR is the carbon fiber frame, TRFI is the internal volume. These frames have been added into the $GPGEO, $GPDGEO definitions and into GPTRDV routine as well. 22 Oct. 1999, Bari NEW magnetic field read-out Instead of a raw binary file the magnetic field has been saved into a CWN-tplu stored in a RZ file. This guarantees portability between different OS. In GPDAT the FIELD is read-out from the CWN. CWN booking and filling reviewd. CWN-tplue structure reviewed. All the variable names have been unified and updated accordingly to the new hit structure. The CWN fill has been reviewed as well. HLON Data card introduced. To select a more detailed, let's say verbose, CWN-tple a new card has been introduced. Setting HLON 1, the long version will be selected. PAOLO flag declared OBSOLETE !!! See the next entry. SPE DIGI structure OBSOLETE !!! The spectrometer DIGI structure has been declared obolete by the author. Dr. Papini forced Dr. Cafagna to move all the routines: GPSPEHD and GPSDINI, from the directory GPSPE to the newly created GPOBSOLETE one. The GPDSPE common has been commented out as well. HIT structure reviewed. Hit structure has been reviewed. For all detectors the volume PAME and the detector container have been deleted. So the detector identifier has been reduced by two numbers. Besides the SPE hit structure has been enlarged adding the IPAR hit, storing the particle number. The CALO hit structure has been reduced eliminating the IPA0 and PA0 hits from the structure. All the routines and commons pertaning to the hit structure has been reviewd and updated. 21 Oct. 1999, Bari DZSH data card added A new data card DZSH has been added to adjust the height of the external shel : SHEL. NDET flag changed. SPHE instead of SPHI The data card NDET 'SPHI' is now obsolete. The data card NDET 'SPHE' is now used to select spherical or flat top. Using NDET 'SPHE' one automatically delete the spherical top and substituted it with a flat one. TSHE name changed into TFLA TSHE volume has been named into TFLA. All the subroutines referring to this volume have been changed accordingly. TSHI name changed into TSPH TSHI volume has been named into TSPH. All the subroutines referring to this volume have been changed accordingly. SHEI deleted SHEI is no more created neither positioned inside PAMELA. GPGEO has been modified accordingly, besides the dimensions are left into the $GPGEO common. S4 quote changed S4 is now automatically positioned underneath the calorimeter box. ZS4 is calclulated in GPDAT CAS dimensions and positions modified CAS is now a single counter instead of Five. CAS dimensions modified after PAOLO simulation and Tom design. Here are the new dimensions: DATA CASX/15.25,0.55,5*4.6/ DATA CASY/0.55,14.75,5*4.6/ CAS position inside PAMELA has been modified accordingly in GPGEO. CAT dimension modified CAT dimensions modified after PAOLO simulation and Tom design. Here are the new dimensions: DATA CATB/22.05,21.05,0.55/ DATA CATL/15.75,6.675,0.55/ DATA CATT/6.3,14.375,0.55/ DATA ZCAT/75.75/ SC13/4 name modified in SC21/2 SC13/4 name have been changed. So all the occurences of SC13/4 string have been changed accordingly. This means that also the name of the volumes, detectos, hits etc. etc. referring to SC13/4 have been changed in SC21/2 SC2n name modified in SC3n SC2n name have been changed. So all the occurences of SC2 string have been changed accordingly. This means that also the name of the volumes, detectos, hits etc. etc. referring to SC2n have been changed in SC2n . S14 name modified in S22 S14 name have been changed. So all the occurences of S14 string have been changed accordingly. This means that also the name of the volumes, detectos, hits etc. etc. referring to S14 have been changed to S22. S13 name modified in S21 S13 name have been changed. So all the occurences of S13 string have been changed accordingly. This means that also the name of the volumes, detectos, hits etc. etc. referring to S13 have been changed to S21. S2n name modified in S3n S2n name have been changed. So all the occurences of S2 string have been changed accordingly. This means that also the name of the volumes, detectos, hits etc. etc. referring to S2n have been changed to S3n. S3 name modified in S4 S3 name have been changed. So all the occurences of S3 string have been changed accordingly. This means that also the name of the volumes, detectos, hits etc. etc. referring to S3 have been changed to S4. CALO modified ..... $GPDGEO modified Magnet dimensions where wrong !!!!! Internal not bending half dimension is 6.55cm. External not bending half dimension is 11.4cm. So now: DATA MGPL/12.,11.4,4.05/ DATA MGPI/8.05,6.55,4.05/ GPGEO mod. GPGEO has been modified. The TRD doesn't have an external box anymore. So, volume definitions for TRDS & TRDT have been left in GPTRDV but they are no more placed into PAME mother volume. 20 Mar. 1997, Bari GPXINT update Using an UNIX machine I have update GPXINT to create executable on a UNIX machine. To be used on alboot I created the WORK kumac. #GPAMELA updated The pilot patchy, *GPAMELA, was updated inserting the GPHYS patchy. GPDTOFx routien deleted The old digitization routine GPDTOFx, x being 'T' 'M' 'B', has been deleted in the patchy GPTOF. CHERENKOV detector deleted All the GPCHE patchy containing CHERENKOV specific code has been deleted. All the other routines containing code specific for the Cherenkov has been updated and the cherenkov code deleted. Please note that the AEROGEL definitio are still in place. NEW GENERATION SURFACE DEFINITION The generation surface is now definited in GPDAT using the S11 dimentions. New variables have been added to the GPGEO common: XGEN, YGEN, ZGEN, XDGEN, YDGEN; representing the origin, quote and dimentions of the generation surface. NEW DATA CARD ADDED GEN With this data card the user can pass all the five above mentioned geneeration surface variables. 19 Mar. 1997, Bari CASD and NCAS data card gone. This card are no more needed for the calorimeter. GPDAT UPDATE GPDAT has been updated checking the SSTR new data card to look for new DELTA2 parameter passed. CALO user division removed. It's no more possible to choose between a whole silicon plane or smaller block. 18 Mar. 1997, Bari New PATCH added GPHYS A new patch has been added GPHYS to store the PHYSICS related routines. GFLUCT routine copied from GEANT code The GFLUCT routine has been copied from the GEANT code. This routine takes care of the energy fluctuations inside each "physics" routine in GEANT. Gaussian straggling added to the GFLUCT routine The gaussian straggling has been adedd to the GFLUVT routine. This routine has been modified adding at the end the Paolo Paini code to calculate the straggling into the silicons detectors. The DELTA2 parameters needed for the calculation has been retrived from the JMATE structure. NEW CMZ flag added: NOGFLUCT This new flag select the place in wich the straggling is calculating. The default is into GFLUCT routine, a GEANT routine miodified for us. Using this flag the straggling will be selected into the GPUSPE and GPUCAL routine. This means that is calulated after each step in a given detector. User words added to JMATE structure The variables needed for the gaussian straggling have been added to the Silicon material definition for both calorimeter and tracking. New data card added: SSTR SSTR data card added. This word controls the gaussian straggling in silicon. The first word is the straggling flag, the other two are the DELTA2 for calorimeter and tracker. See $INFORM for details. 17 Mar. 1997, Bari GAUSSIAN straggling added to the calorimeter The gaussian straggling after the ionization losses has been adedd to the calorimeter too. Before saving an hit into GPUCAL the gaussian straggling has been added. This depend on the path in the silicon also, the PATH variable is stored entering the volume and the PATH calculated before adding the straggling. Adjusting the DIGI spectrometer structure The gaussian straggling has been added into the GPUSPE routine when the particle is leaving the detector: IACT = 3. 15 Mar. 1997, Bari NEW hits for CAS and CAT CAT and CAS hits are now the same as the TOF. TIME and P0 has been added to the hit structure. All the routine involved, GPDCAS and CAT, GPUCAS and CAT, GPHBK and the commons $GPCAS, $GPCAT have been modified, as well. 6-7 Mar. 1997, Bari NEW geometry for TRD TRD geometry has been reviewed. There are no more three different sets of straw tube, depending on the lenght, but just one lenght. Besides the box containing the straws and radiator has been changed. Here is the new geometrical tree: MOTHER SUBVOLUME NAME DESCRIPTION TRDS No subvolume TRD external aluminum shell TRDT No subvolume TRD TOP and BOTTOM aluminum cover TRDB TRD Box, internal gas volume TRBS TRd Box for Sraw, contains the 32 straws and a radiator "pillow" on top TRRA TRd RAdiator, just one extra plane on top of the TRD straw pyramid TRBD TRSO TRd Straw Out, external mylar straw tube, 32 volumes placed on two shifted line TRRA TRd RAdiator, placed on top of these two straw layers TRSO TRSI TRd Straw Internal, internal gas volume Please note that the TRBS geometry is now totally changed. The two straw layers aren't placed on the middle of the volume anymore. They are placed on the bottom of the TRBS, this to accomodate more easly a geometry with a double radiator layer on top and no radiator on bottom. Sets and detectors definition have been updated with the new structure. NEW geometry for the MAGNET The magnet geometry has been reviewed diminuishing the internal window. NEW geometry for CALORIMETER The calorimeter structure has been "rationalized". All the different possibilities of having a block or a full plane structure and the division inside each block, have been thrown away. There is now a basic block consituted of a 8x12 cm^2 silicon paddle, divided in 22 stripes. This because the three 8x8cm^2 silicon blocks will be bound with stripes having one and an half lenght of the basic block. Besides there are no more X & Y planes but a single plane type that, once rotated and turned over, plays the role of the Y view plane. This configuration is more easy to handle for the PAMELA calorimeter case, where the first plane is just a Y one and the last one a X. In detail, the way in wich the geometry for the calorimeter is calculated and definited: - The box height is subdivided in NPLAN division - This height is reduced by the height of the absorber - The result is divided by two, this represent the height of an active plane: CAPL - The calorimeter silicon paddles, CASI are placed into CAPL. - The calorimeter box is filled with CASI, rotated and flipped for Y view, interleaved with the absorber. NEW hit added for the calorimeter The momemtum module has been added as hit for the calorimeter too. All the routines have been changed consequently. NEW geometry for the TRACKER. The tracker geometry has been changed. In particular the ladder supports are now two carbon fiber rods placed on the left and right sided of each ladder. The roacell and kapton plane have been eliminated. NEW parameter for the TRACKER digitization Paolo updated the tracker DIGIt parameter using the ones calculated on the basis of the PSI test beam. Some small bugs in the digitization routines have been fixed as well. NEW detectors quote. Each detector has now the quote from the mechanical drawings. There is no more autocalculation of these position. In particulare the quotes are: ZS11 =107.8 ZS12 =106.8 ZS13 =74.9 ZS14 =74.1 ZS21 =27.1 ZS22 =26.3 ZS3 =2.3 ZCAT =75.75 ZTRD =90.55 ZSPEC=50.6 ZCAL =13.05 These are the quote of the MARS of each detectors, means that half detector height has been added to each quote. NEW top shell The top shell is no more a sphere but is a flat cylinidrical plane. NEW variables usefull for the geometry definition In particular the gep between the top shell and the TRD box is user definited in the variable GAPTOP. Is also possible to define the gap between the bottom TRD plane and the TRD box: GAPTRD. To keep into count the dead zone at the edge of the calorimeter paddle is it possible to start subdividing the calorimeter paddle into NCASTR stripes starting from CASIOFF centimeters from the paddle edge. Is it also possible to define the number of calo stripes to be used: NCASTR; and their width:CALSTWID. NEW CAS and CAT geometry The CAT geometry has been reviewed. Just smaller paddle has been used. The CAS are now placed horizontally. NEW Magnetic field map The new magnet definition has also a new magnetic field that Paolo calculated 6 Mar. 1997, Bari NEW geometry for TOF The TOF geometry has been updated. The volume name are the same of the proposal. Besides the paddle structure has been considered with the carbon fiber planes that should consitute the mechanical structure of the plane. Each plane but S3 should be composed of N paddle along X or Y and a top and bottom layer of carbon fiber to stiffen the structure. For the name we have used the proposal name for the mother box, the subvolume are named as follow: MOTHER SUBVOLUME NAME S11 S11X , Scint paddle SC11 , Carbon fiber plane S12 S12Y , Scint paddle SC12 , Carbon fiber plane S13 S13X , Scint paddle SC13 , Carbon fiber plane S14 S14Y , Scint paddle SC14 , Carbon fiber plane S21 S21Y , Scint paddle SC21 , Carbon fiber plane S22 S22X , Scint paddle SC22 , Carbon fiber plane S3 No subvolumes Please note that we saved the direction of measurement for the paddle name. The S3 is leaved as a big scint paddle without any segmentation. The number of paddle for each plane has been added into the common. So the variables: NS11X,NS12Y,NS13X,NS14Y,NS21Y,NS22X; contain the number of each Snnd (nn: number, d: direction) detector for each plane. The $GPGEO sequence has been changed accordingly. Please note that the Snnd volume dimention are automatically calculated using the Snn, SCnn dimentions and the number of paddle to be positioned inside the Snn. As usual these calculation are preformed in GPDAT. The quote for each Snn has been added into the GPGEO common as well. HIT and CWN revised for TOF The time of flight and momentum infos for the tracking particles have been added. The routine GPUTOF has a new input variable with the time-of-flight, this quantities has been added as hit no. 8. The module of the momentum has been added as hit no. 10. This is taken directly from the VECT array in GPUTOF. The TOF structure is now: DATA CHTOF/'XAVE','YAVE','ZAVE','XOUT','YOUT','ZOUT', + 'EREL','TIME','PATH','IPAR','P0 '/ The CWN booking and filling has been revised as well. In particulare the CWN variables for TOF block have been merged into a big vector contining all the TOF hits infos. The GPDTOF routine has been created from the previous separated routine used for TOFT, TOFM, TOFB. This routine is now just filling in the CWN variables. 28 May. 1996, Bari BUG FIXED IN GPUSED The Paolo's stragling was not activated because the code checked on IFL variable instead of IMEC one. Fixed. 27 May. 1996, Bari ::::::::> VERSION NUMBER UPDATED <:::::::: The version number has been updated in its level part: 1.01/01, is the actual version. 22 May. 1996, Bari ::::::::> VERSION NUMBER UPDATED <:::::::: The version number has been updated in its release part: 1.01/00, is the actual version. 2 May - 22 May 1996, Bari BUG FIXED IN CREAGPXINT.COM The CREATE command in this OPEN-VMS command file was used after an IF statements on a new line, this caused the command to wait for a Ctrl-Z to exit, hunging up all the procedure. TWO NEW KUMACS ADDED To facilitate the GPAMELA executable build up two new MACROS have been added: GPLIB, GPEXE. The first one creates a GPLIB.OLB file containing all the GPAMELA routines but GPMAIN. The second create a GPAMELA.FOR with GPMAIN and all the routines stored in the CMZ decklist buffer. If you specify the option USER=Y at the GPEXE macro it will add all the user's action routines to your buffer. Please note that this last macro, will create the CREAGP.COM file containing all the dcl procedures to link GPAMELA, in particular the /INCLUDE option is mandatory in the link command to avoid the dummy GEANT user routines, i.e. GUKINE, to be linked instead of the GPAMELA ones. CUSTOM STRAGLING ADDED TO GEANT CODE After a number of test and an "official" confirmation we reach the conclusion that the GEANT code is not fine tuned for energy stragling in silicon. Following some references (in particular see: Hall, NIM 220 (1984) 356) Paolo developed a routine to add ad hoc stragling to the energy released in silicon. This is at the moment performed in the GPUSPE routine at the hit level. Before storing the his the routines uses the path length to calculate the gaussian spread to be used to convolve the usual Landau-like energy loss distribution. SPECTROMETER DIGITIZATION ADDED Paolo Papini digitization for the spectrometer has been added. In GPDSPE a call to GPSPEHD performs the digitization of the HIT. GPSPEHD calculates the charge read out from each strip in both views. NOTE: Respect to the original Paolo's code the GEANT capability in storing and retriving the geometrical informations for each detector has been used. In this way one can change the geometrical definition for the spectrometer having small or no changes on the digitization code. You can select the original Paolo's code slecting the option PAOLO. GPSTSPE SUBROUTINE UPDATED For the digitization routine we need to set up special tracking parameters. The specific routine has been updated with the parameters needed. DCUTESITR VARIABLE ADDED TO $GPSITR COMMON DCUTESITR variable was miss in $GPSITR common added. SUBROUTINE GPRHIT UPDATE GPRHIT routine update to use GPRSHT. The first hit to be red has been added. All the calls to the GPRHIT routines have been updated as well. SUBROUTINE GPRSHT ADDED This routine allows a hit retrival starting from a specific hit. Basically it is a modified version of GFHITS with an extra parameter, the first hit to be started with. It is useful if one needs to retrive the structure hit by hit. INTEGER FUNCTION GPNHIT ADDED An integer function GPNHIT has been added to count the number of hits stored in the HITS structure for CSET set and CDET detector. UGINIT ROUTINE UPDATED UGINIT routine has been updated to call GPADIGI. $GPSPE COMMON AND GPHBK UPDATED The common /GPSPE/ containing the spectrometer infos passed to the CWN has been updated with the DIGIT data. The booking touyine, GPHBK, has been updated as well. GPSDINI UPDATED The GPSDINI routine has been update to use the newly creted commons. Besides the UDSPE vector contining the digitization user's parameters has been added, The vector length NUDSPE, i.e. the number of digitzation user's parameters, has been added as parameter in $GPPDIGI sequence. COMMONS $GPDIGI, $GPDDIGI, $GPPDIGI, $GPDSPE, $GPDDSPE, ADDED The commons $GPDIGI, $GPDDIGI, $GPPDIGI, $GPDSPE, $GPDDSPE have been added. They contains the DIGI definition and bit length, for each instruments (only spectrometer filled at the moment), the DATA statements for the GPDIGI common, the parameters for the DIGI part, the DIGI parameters and quantities for the spectrometer, the DATA statements for the GPDSPE common. USER'S PARAMETERS STORED IN DIGI STRUCTURE At the moment the following 19 user's parameter have been stored in the DIGI structure, please note that the conversion factors are store at first, in this way you can retrive them more easily with GFDETU: ADCX , Conversion factor charge to ADC channels for X view ADCY , Conversion factor charge to ADC channels for X view PIEDX , Pedestal for X view, in ADC channels PIEDY , Pedestal for Y view, in ADC channels ENOISX, Noise for X view, in electrons ENOISY, Noise for Y view, in electrons NPCHXY, Number of point along X and Y for integeration NPCHZ , Number of point along Z for integeration WXSTR , Strip width in X view WYSTR , Strip width in Y view D , Silicon height TVX , Diffusion temperature (Volt), X view TVY , Diffusion temperature (Volt), Y view UD , Volt (junction) UU , Volt (external) PX1 , C1-x PX2 , C2-X PY1 , C1-Y PY2 , C2-Y NEW SUBROUTINE GPSDINI ADDED GPSDINI routine calculates all the qunatities needed for the spectrometer digitization routines. It calculates the capacitive coupling integrals and stores all the digitization constant, 19 at the moment, in the user reserved bank area in JSET bank. NEW SUBROUTINE GPUDIGI ADDED To manage the user's action in GPADIGI the GPUDIGI subroutine has been created. It's called at the end of GPADIGI. NEW SUBROUTINE GPADIGI ADDED To manage the DIGI definition for each instrument a new subroutine GPADIGI has been added. It is similar to GPHIT. Please note that the name is anomalus, it started with GPA, this is because a GPDIGI routine is used in GEANT code. NEW FUNCTION GPGAUS ADDED A new real function GPGAUS have been added to generate normal distributed random number, with unitary standard deviation and centered on zero. 2 May. 1996, Bari GPFIL CALL MOVED IN UGINIT SUBROUTINE AND GPDUNIT ADDED To enable the user file name and LUNIT to be used opening the HBOOK file, the GPFIL call has been moved after the GFFGO one. To avoid the user filename to be overwritten, the sequence GPDUNIT has been moved from GPDAT to UGINIT. NEW DATA CARD ADDED. TO MANAGE HBOOK FILE NAME To define a user HBOOK file name a new data card has been added: HBFI. The card must be used with an '*' preceding it. The user must specifies the Logical Unit number to be used. Please note that the max string length for file name is 80 characters. This card overwrites the default GPAMELA.HIS name on LUNIT=34. See $INFORM for card usage. 30 Apr. 1996, Bari BUG FIXED IN GUFLD A bug in GUFLD cause the magnetic filed to be interbolated with steps of 0.5 cm instead of 2cm, along the Z axis. Fixed. 30 Apr. 1996, Bari ::::::::> VERSION NUMBER UPDATED <:::::::: The version number has been updated in its level part: 1.00/03, is the actual version. 30 Apr. 1996, Bari USER ACTION IN SOME ROUTINES A user action has been enabled in several routine via user's dummy routines. The new routines added are: GPUDAT, GPUFFR, GPUFIL, GPUGEO, GPUHBK, GPUHIT, GPUINI, GPUKIN, GPULAS, GPUMAT, GPUMED, GPUOUT, GPUSED, GPUSTEP, GPUTRA, GPUTRE. The control is passed from the following routines: GPDAT, GPFFR, GPFIL, GPGEO, GPHBK, GPHIT, UGINIT, GUKINE, UGLAST, GPMAT, GPMED, GUOUT, GPSED, GUSTEP, GUTRAK, GUTREV. Routines: GPUKIN, GPUSTEP, GPUTRA, GPUTRE, are called twice in the main routine. A flag is passed with value 1 or 2 depending on the call sequence. More detailes in the routines' comment. 29 Apr. 1996, Bari GSCIN ROUTINE RENAMED The GSCIN routine, to set the special tracking parameter for scintilators, has the same name of an inner GEANT routine, not reported in the manual (!). This routine has been renamed to GPSCINT now. BUG FIXED IN GUSTEP Sometimes a particle is stopped by GEANT having an energy released in the step. In GUSTEP the mechanisms LOSS and STOP were looked for in a complementary way causing mainly a delta ray stopped having an energy release to not be counted in the hit. Now a particle is considered for the hit filling if: 1. Ionization present 2. Particle stopped for Electrons (Delta) 3. Ionization present and particle stopped for Electrons (Delta). BUG FIXED IN GPHBK The IMTPAR and IBTPAR were mistyped in defining TOFM and TOFB blocks. BUG FIXED IN GPMED The tracking parameters were not backuped for each material separately. So if a parameter was changed once the changed one was used in the folowing calls to GPMED. Now each parameter has is own tracking parameter set. MODS IN GPMED Now only parameters selected with the AUTM data cards are passed as negative. NEW DATA CARDS ADDED To manage the tracking parameter 6 new data cards have been added: AUTM, TMAX, STMA, DEMA, EPDI, STMI. With AUTM is possible to tag tracking parameter for automatic calculation in GEANT regardless of AUTO value, i.e. they are passed negative to GSTMED. With the cards TMAX, STMAX, DEMA, EPDI, STMI is possible to pass the value for the respective tracking parameter: TMAXFD, STEMAX, DEEMAX, EPSIL, STMIN. (See GEANT manual at CONS200-1). See $INFO patchy for usage examples. 15 Apr. 1996, Bari ::::::::> VERSION NUMBER UPDATED <:::::::: The version number has been updated in its level part: 1.00/02, is the actual version. 5 Apr. 1996, Bari NEW DATA CARD ADDED: HPAK To select a specific hadronic intercation program a new data card ha been added: HPAK. Specifing: HPAK 'FLUK'; in your .FFR file, you will select the FLUKA package for the hadronic interaction. USER HADRONIC ROUTINES ADDED The routines: GUPHAD, GUHADR; have been added into /GPAMELA directory. These routine are called every time there is an hadronic intercation. Action to control hadronic process can be performed in these routines. BUGS FIXED IN GUKINE The two +SELF statement required to select the non interactive or debug state had a bad logic. Fixed. BUG FIXED IN GPDCAL The NUMD1 and NUMV1 vectors, required in case of the NO stripes division, were declared REAL instead of INTEGER. 4 Apr. 1996, Bari GPDAT UPDATED The GPDAT routines has been upadate to use the GPLOOK function and the routines to manage the special tracking parameters. I hope is more clean now. NEW SUBROUTINES ADDED. The following desks have been added: GPAMELA/GPAL,GPAMELA/GPN2G,GPCAL/GPG10, GPCAL/GPW,GPCAL/GPSICA,GPSPE/GPFE,GPSPE/GPKAP,GPSPE/GPROA,GPSPE/GPCP, GPSPE/GPSITR,GPTRD/GPTRAD,GPTRD/GPXE,GPTOF/GPSCIN,GPCHE/GPAER. These to manage the Special tracking parameter for each detector. The user have to change the parameter in these routines now. NEW FUNCTION GPLOOK ADDED This function is TRUE if a 4 letter string is found into an integer vector. Is a mask on GLOOK. NEW HIT ADDED, PARTICLE NUMBER To help in studing the interaction inside the TOF, the anticoincidence detectors and the delta rays productions inside the TRD a new word in the HITS structures for this detector. It is the particle number. It is added at the end of the structure. No compression have been requested. GPUxxx AND GPDxxx ROUTINES REVIEWED To accomodate the enlarged hit structure for some detectros the GPUxxx routines are now called with and extra input word. The CALL sequnece and the SUBROUTINEs definition have been changed. The change being implemented on all the GPUxxx routines foreseeing a possible use of the particle numbers for the other detectors. Just the GPDxxx routines corresponding to the detector with the new hits structure have been changerd. GPHBK ROUTINE AND $GPTOF, $GPTRD, $GPCAS AND $GPCAT COMMONS UPDATED The CWN structure has been updated including the id number of the particle producing the hit. This has been done for TOF, CAT, CAS and TRD detectors. The common storing the CWN variables have been updated as well. 3 Apr. 1996, Bari NEW VOLUME CONTROL ADDED TO NDET DATA CARD With NDET data card is now possible to eliminate the inner shell, SHEI. As usual NDET 'SHEI', will cancel the SHEI and TSHI volumes from the simulation. The $INFORM patchy has been updated as well. INNER SHELL ADDED To simulate the inner shell, to vent PAMELA, proposed by russian guys two volumes have been added: TSHI, SHEI. The latter being a tube, having the same height of the external one but a radius 2cm smaller. The former being a dome sector having the same radius of the external one but the lower opening angle of just 5degree. The shells thickness have been set to 0.1cm. As for TSHE case the maximum theta angle of the spherical sector and its position inside PAME is calculated on the base of SHEI dimention. GEOMETRY REVIEWED The shell thickness was 1cm, corrected to 0.1cm. The CAS X&Y positions were calculated on the base of CATB dimentions; they are now calculated on the base of the CAS dimentions. In this way the anticoincidence counters are placed around the spectrometer and there is no uncovered space between them. The quote of the top tof is now calculated not counting the cherenkov if this ddetector is not requested. 2 Apr. 1996, Bari NEW VOLUME ADDED The TSHE volume has been added. It's the satellite dome. At the moment the radius is 130mm. The opening angle is calculated on the base of SHEL volume dimentions. UPDATED GDRAWS ROUTINE ADDED To draw a spherical sector an updated GDRAWS routine to draw SPHE volume have been added into /GPAMELA directory. Respect to the standard routine is able to draw spherical segment. 28 Mar. 1996, Bari BUG FIXED IN GPSED In defining the TRD detectors the TRSn volume mane were used instead of the actual TBSn to specify the TrdBoxStraw BUGS FIXED IN GPDTOFx In these routines the NTHTPADx variables have been substituted by NTHTOFx. The latter being the actual variables use to book the CWN-tple. BUGS FIXED IN GPHBK The ERCAT & ERCAS variables where mistyped in ERRCAT & ERRCAS. Bugs fixed. BUG FIXED IN GPSED The bin to be used to store the detector number CASI and CSNW were calculate from the NCASIX*NCASIY number. The actual number is twice the latter because we have X & Y view. Now the number of bins is calculated from 2*NCASIX*NCASIY 27 Mar. 1996, Bari BUGS FIXED IN GPDxxx In the GPD routines referring to set zith multiple detector a bug was found. The hits were read shifted by the number of hits of the previous detector. This end-up with an abnormal number of zeros, and to the absence of certain detector numbers. 25 Mar. 1996, Bari BUG FIXED IN GUFLD The GUFLD routine calculate the magnetic field in a volume with all the coordinates positive, then calculate the actual field mirroing the field component. To actual position is compared to a grid of not decimal value. This comparison were made using the actual position value not the absolute value. This have been fixed now. WARNING PRINTOUT IN GPDxxx AND GPRHIT The warning printouts have been update adding the run and event number, in the GPDxxx and GPRHIT routine. 20 Mar. 1996, Bari COMPILATION WARNING REDUCED The GPDxxx routine have been modified to avoid IF acting on parameter. The IF is used to check a remote error on SET and DET definition. The IF acts on two integer now. This will avoid the compilation warnings. LINK WARNING REDUCED More dummy routine added in CRAGPXINT to simulate some MULTINET routines. The errors now are reducet to one warning linking the no-MULTINET case. 19 Mar. 1996, Bari LINK WARNING REDUCED The CREAGPXINT VMS script has been modified. The CERNLIB command parameter sequence has been modified and the undefined symbols errors on PACKLIB reduced to 1 for MULTINET case, and to the MULTINET related routine to the non multinet one. BUG FIND IN GUSTEP IN LOOKING FOR THE MECHANISM ACTIVE The NAMEC vector in GCTRAK common doesn't contain the "list of the mechanism name for the current step", as they say, besides just the list of the names. So you need to look at LMEC vector to have the correct mechanisms active in the step. MANAGMENT OF DELTA RAYS IN GUSTEP The delta ray were not collected in GUSTE. This because in GUSTEP we look for an ioniwation only. The energy of the delta is so low that they survive for justr a couple of step. The first one being a NULL one ( just entering the volume), in the second one the particle energy falling below threshold so having just the STOP mechanism active. Now if there is an electron and a positron and the STOP mechanism is present the IN varible is set to 2 to force the hit storage. BUGS FOUND IN GPDCAL & GPUCAL In GPDCAL the last hit was retrived from the seventhn word of the vector VHIT Instead of the fourth. In GPUCAL the GSCHIT was called with 4 as latest hits to be summed up. This caused all the 4 hits to be summed up, the correct value for this is 1. NEW MATERIAL DEFINITED: SILICON CA Due to the fact that we can select special parameter in GEANT for each tracking media, more tracking media cannot refer to the same material. Infact GEANT will append the special parameter to the material structure. Due to this two materials have been definited for the tracker and the calorimeter silicon: SILICON CA, SILICON TR. The SILICON TR has the number 21 and 22 the other. The tracking media corresponding to this materials now point to each material separately. The new material numbers are: 17. Plast. sci: H 50%, C 50% , Rho=1.032 g/cm**3 from P.D.Book 18. G10 : SiO2 60%, Epoxy 40%, Rho=1.7 g/cm**3 from P.D.Book Epoxy from CRC handbook (Raw estimation) 19. N2 (Gas) : A=14.01, Z=7, Rho=1.25 g/l 20. Silicon TR: A=28.09, Z=14,Rho=2.33 g/cm**3, X0=9.36 from P.D.Book 21. Silicon CA: A=28.09, Z=14,Rho=2.33 g/cm**3, X0=9.36 from P.D.Book 22. Xenon : A=131.29, Z=54,Rho=5.858 g/l, X0=1447.6cm from P.D.Book 23. TRD rad. : Carbon fiber with density 0.060 g/cm**3, used in TS93 24. Aerogel : A=96.11, Z=54 (Comp. n(SiO2)+2n(H2O)), Rho=.2g/cm**3 (Ave.), X0=150 cm, from P.D.Book CALO HITS STRUCTURE CHANGED AGAIN The calorimeter set 'CAL ' have been definited and two detector in it: 'CAST', 'CASN'. Corresponding to the strip in the plane with and without tungsten respectively. The routine GPSED, GPHIT, GUSTEP, GPDCAL have been updated. TRD GEOMETRY UPDATED The TRD has a new geometry. There are three different straw lenghts. Besides the 32 straws set are 6x4, 5x4, 4x4, starting from the top. So the volume TRBS, TRSO, TRSI, TRRA have been deleted and the TBSx, TSOx, TSIx, TRAx (x being 1,2,3 respectively) have been created. The set structure has been revised as well. The set 'TRD ' has been left but tree detector have been definited for this set. The corresponding identifier in /GPSED/ common have been created. The routines GPTRDV, GPDTRD, GPSED, GPHIT have been updated to the new geometry. 14 Mar. 1996, Bari TRACKING MEDIA PARAMETER UPDATED FOR SICA, W AND G10 MEDIA The tracking media parameter STEMAX has been set to .5 for SICA and .15 for W and G10 following the M. Masini & M.P. De PAscale suggestion. CHANGES IN GPTMED ROUTINE To allow the automatic calculation of non critical parameters for tracking media, the tracking media default value, initialized in GPDAT, have been turned to negative value. In this way they are automatically calculated by GEANT also if you select AUTO 0. DATA CARD SPTM ADDED TO MANAGE SPECIAL TRACKING PARAMETER To manage the special tracking parameter definition the SPTM card have been added. As usual specifying a tracking material as data card argument will force an action in GPDAT. Here the SPTM data words are scanned and the parameter for the selected medium are changed. SPTM option are: 'AL ', 'G10 ', 'N2G ', 'W ', 'FE ', 'KAP ', 'TRAD', 'ROA ', 'CP ', 'SCIN', 'SICA', 'SITR', 'XE ', 'AER '. NOTE: The parameter must been CHARACTER*4 SPECIAL TRACKING PARAMETER MANAGEMENT To manage different settings of tracking parameter specialized for each tracking media a routine has been added: GPSPTM; and a common as well:/GPSPTM/. (In //GPAMELA/GPAMELA and //GPAMELA/GPCDES respectivelly) In the sequence $GPDSPTM all the available GEANT tracking media parameter are initializated to -111., for all the 14 media definited in GPAMELA. In GPDAT these parameter are changed. In GPSPTM the GSTPAR GEANT routine is called only if the corrisponding parameter to be changed is different from -111. For the moment only the SICA and W media has been changed following M. Masini & M.P. De Pascale suggestions. 13 Mar. 1996, Bari HOUSEKEEPING OF CALO ROUTINES Some bugs were found into GPCALV. The Y view plane is now rotated, wasn't before. CHERENKOV DETECTOR MOVED The CHE variable has been forced to FALSE in GPDAT. This will cause the skiping of all the CHE definition. MAX NUMBER OF HITS CHANGED The max number of hits to be retrived for each detector is changed. It's no more the same but the calorimeter, now the GPPHIT sequence contains the NHMxxx parameter, xxx being the detector name. Thie paremeter is used in the corresponding GPDxxx routine and stored into the generic NHM variable. The CWN definition in GPHBK routine has been changed accordingly. CALO HITS STRUCTURE CHANGED GEANT doesn't understand if two detector with the same name depend from sets. It just doesn't consider them detectors. This is the case for CASI or CAST in CAL and CANW. Now a new detector has been introduced CANW to describe the NO tungsten calorimeter plane case. 12 Mar. 1996, Bari HCNW DATA CARD ADDED A data card to control the CWN booking and filling has been added. HCWN 1 will enable the CWN booking and filling of the group corresponding to the detector in use. This measn that the CWN will not be enable for the detector deleted with the NDET card. The DATA card check is performed in GPDAT. The UGINIT, GPHB, GUOUT, UGLAST routines has been updated considering this new data card. THE NCWN PARAMETER ADDED. The CWN number is now passed into a parameter filled up in the sequence GPPNTP. This sequence contains the record size and the number of the standard n-tple. The routine the n-tpla is called from are been updated as well, i.e. GPHBK, GPOUT. SPETCROMETER DIMENTIONS CHANGED Following Paolo I have changed some magnet and tracker ladders dimentions. Here follow the changes: SPEB/12.1,11.6,0./,MGPL/12.1,11.6,4./,MGPI/8.1,7.1,4./,TRPB/12.1,11.6,0.4/ TRPL/8.,7.,0.4/,TRSL/0.,7.,0./,TSPA/0.,3.5,0.015/,TSKP/2.6666,7.,0.0025/ TRCP/8.,7.,0.015/,TRRP/8.,7.,0.25/,NTRSL/3/ 11 Mar. 1996, Bari HITS STRUCTURE FILL UP CHANGED The HIT structure is now filled only if there is an ionization loss into the corresponding detector. The SAVE logical ha been added to all the GPUxxx routines. This is switched TRUE if an ionization has been encountered. This action to avoid the gamma to be counted. MAGNET DIMENTIONS UPDATED The magnet dimentions have been updated following Paolo Papini update. Here are the new dimentions: SPEB/12.1,11.6,0./,MGPL/12.1,11.6,4./, MGPI/8.1,7.1,4./,TRPB/12.1,11.6,0.35/ 28 Feb. 1996, Bari-Rome REVIEW OF THE HITS RETRIVAL PROCEDURE The GIUDIGI routine has been created. There is a call for each instrument. The corresponding routines are named GPDxxx, xxx being the detector name. Each routine simply call GPRHIT, a genral pourpuse routine that retrives the hit structure corresponding to the IS-th and ID-th set and detector. Each routine needs the GPRHIT sequence containing the arrays to be passed to the GPRHIT routine. The GPPHIT sequence has been updated adding new parameter to fiw the maximum number of hits to be read for each detector. The GPHBK routine has been changed accordingly. 21 Feb. 1996, Bari CHANGE IN CAL HIT STRUCTURE After the GPAMELA meeting in Bari, the CAL hist structure have been reduced. Due to the great number of tracks we will be deling with following an e.m. shower, is it convinient to have just the XYZ coordinates of the origin of the detector, i.e. the strip, instead of the IN and OUT coord. The Path lenght is meaningless as well. GPHBK UPDATES & HBOOK CWN SEQUENCE ADDED The GPTOFT, GPTOFM, GPTOFB, GPCHE, GPTRD, GPCAT, GPCAS, GPSPE, GPCAL sequences have been added. These commons conting the variable to be stored into the standard CWN ntple filled by GPAMELA. The GPHBK routine have been updated accordling, both INTER and -INTER cases have been considered. 20 Feb. 1996, Bari NEW SEQUENCES ADDED. THE GPCDES/$GPUNIT & $GPDUNIT, have been added. The commons contining the logical unit numbers and the file name for all the files open from GPAMELA have been stored. 16 Feb. 1996, Bari MAGNETIC FIELD ADDED The GPFIELD patchy has been added. The GUFLD routine as well. This routine call FIN3 to interpolated the mangetic field value red from the GPFIELD.MAP. This file is red into GPDAT routine, it's opened into GPFIL and closed in GULAST. 13 Feb. 1996, Bari CALO DIVISION AND CONTROL CARD ADDED To create calorimeter divisions a DATA CARD word is checked. Using: GEOM 'DCAL' will force the CALDIV variable in /GPKEY/ to TRUE and the CASI detector, CAlorimeter SIlicon paddle, will be divided into NCALSTR division along X axis. The new volume will be called CAST, CAlorimeter STrip. 12 Feb. 1996, Bari NEW VOLUME ADDED To correctly simulate the aluminium shell the SHEL volume has been added with the previous PAME dimention. The PAME volume is now a full tube filled uo with nitrogen. 8 Feb. 1996, Bari NEW CALORIMETER GEOMETRY After the PAMELA week in Dec. 95 the calorimeter geometry has been changend. No more two silicon layer glued back to back and place into a ceramic support but a sandwich of two G10 planes interleaved with a radiator, tungsten, plate supports two planes of silicon "chips". The Y view is place on the top of this layer and the X on the back. This simplifies the calorimeter geometry gratly. It is now definited just one volume, CASI, for the silicon 6x6 cm^2 chip. These volumes are place on the top and back sandwich plane into che CAPL volume that simulate a clorimeter plane. Due to the still indefined number of chips for each plane two variable, NCISX and NCISY, have been definited to fix the number of si chips along X and Y dimentions respectively. The CAPL, CALB volume dimentions are calculate accordling. Besides the variable DCASIX & DCASIY have been introduced to take care of the distance between two chip along X and Y view. CAS VARIABLE NAME CHANGED The name of the vector with the side anticoincidence counters, CAS, have been changed from CAS to CASP NEW ROUTINES FOR CAS AND CAT GEOMETRY DEFINITION The CAT and CAS, anticoincidence counters, volume definition have been moved from GPTOFV routine to GPCATV and GPCASV, brand new routines. In this way is much more easy to exclude these detectors from the simulation (see NEW KEY "NDET" DEFINITED note). NEW KEY "NDET" DEFINITED A new user data card has been definited: NDET. Its action is to exclude single detector from the simulation. It has 7 values: TOF, CHE, TRD, CAT, CAS, SPE, CAL. NOTE. This has to be character*4 !!!!!! Usage: NDET 'TOF ' 'SPE ' the previous line in the DATA CAD file, will exclude from the simulation the TOF, TOP, MIDDLE and BOTTOM ones, and the whole spectrometer, i.e. silicon ladders and magnet planes. Please note, for the SPE case the magnetic field is not excluded, the MAGN data card is responsible for switching on or off the magnetic field. 7 Feb. 1996, Bari MATERIAL AND TRACKING MEDIA ADDENDUM More material definited and tracking media correspondly. For general comment see the 6th of Feb. HISTORY. Please note, for the moment the KAPTON, ROACELL and CARBON FIBER materials are substituted by scintillator. Here follows the updated list: 17. Plast. sci: H 50%, C 50% , Rho=1.032 g/cm**3 from P.D.Book 18. G10 : SiO2 60%, Epoxy 40%, Rho=1.7 g/cm**3 from P.D.Book Epoxy from CRC handbook (Raw estimation) 19. N2 (Gas) : A=14.01, Z=7, Rho=1.25 g/l 20. Silicon : A=28.09, Z=14,Rho=2.33 g/cm**3, X0=9.36 from P.D.Book 21. Xenon : A=131.29, Z=54,Rho=5.858 g/l, X0=1447.6cm from P.D.Book 22. TRD rad. : Carbon fiber with density 0.060 g/cm**3, used in TS93 23. Aerogel : A=96.11, Z=54 (Comp. n(SiO2)+2n(H2O)), Rho=.2g/cm**3 (Ave.), X0=150 cm, from P.D.Book The left numbers are the materiale namber has declared to GEANT. Tracking media: Not sensitive: 1. ALUMINIUM 2. G10 3. N2 GAS 4. TUNGSTEN 5. IRON 6. KAPTON 7. TRD RADIATOR 8. ROACELL 9. CARBON FIBER Sensitive: 10. SCINTILLATOR 11. SICALO 12. SITRACKER 13. XENON 14. AEROGEL 6 Feb. 1996, Bari NEW GEOMETRY DEFINITION After the PAMELA week the geometrical structure of the tracker has been modified. Is now possible to select the number of silicon paddle to be placed into a silicon ladder. The dimentions are scaled accordling. Change the NTRSL variable initialization into the deck //GPAMELA/GPCDES/GPDGEO, containing DATA statement for the geometry. MATERIAL AND TRACKING MEDIA DEFINITION Some material has been definited, namely: 17. Plast. sci: H 50%, C 50% , Rho=1.032 g/cm**3 from P.D.Book 18. G10 : SiO2 60%, Epoxy 40%, Rho=1.7 g/cm**3 from P.D.Book Epoxy from CRC handbook (Raw estimation) 19. N2 (Gas) : A=14.01, Z=7, Rho=1.25 g/l 20. Silicon : A=28.09, Z=14,Rho=2.33 g/cm**3, X0=9.36 from P.D.Book 21. Xenon : A=131.29, Z=54,Rho=5.858 g/l, X0=1447.6cm from P.D.Book The left numbers are the materiale namber has declared to GEANT. Tracking media have been definited as well: Not sensitive: 1. ALUMINIUM 2. G10 3. N2 GAS 4. TUNGSTEN 5. IRON Sensitive: 6. SCINTILLATOR 7. SICALO 8. SITRACKER 9. XENON The numbers are the tracking media ones. The tracking media parameter has been initialized into GPDAT routine but EPSIL. This is a critical parameter and define the tracking precision. M. Boezio suggested to set it as 1% of the volume thickness. This is way this parameter is set directly into GPMED routine, where the tracking media are definited. Please note that for the aluminium the value of 10 microns have been used. Here there are the tracking parameter used as user default: FIELDM = 40. TMAXFD = 1. STEMAX = 100. DEEMAX = 0.05 STMIN = 0.0005 The FFIELD variable, switching ON or OFF the magnetic field, is definited via the DATA card MAGN 28 Nov. 1995, Gran Sasso FILE ORGANIZATION The CMZ file GPAMELA has been created. The overall structure of $HISTORY, $INFORM, $VERSION and the pilot patchy *GPAMELA has been created.