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# $Id: v_100.txt,v 2002/07/11 16:01:59 cafagna Exp $ |
# $Id: v_100.txt,v 3.4 2003/12/17 11:32:50 pamela Exp $ |
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# |
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# $Log: v_100.txt,v $ |
# $Log: v_100.txt,v $ |
5 |
# Revision 3.4 2003/12/17 11:32:50 pamela |
6 |
# CALO SIMULATION COMPLETED: geometry and special tracking parameters updated and simulation checked by a comparison with the Trieste's standalone Monte Carlo simulation |
7 |
# |
8 |
# Revision 3.3 2002/12/05 17:27:59 pamela |
9 |
# New GARFIELD.GAR file added and GPAMELA.FFR cleaned and updated |
10 |
# |
11 |
# Revision 3.2 2002/12/05 10:17:42 pamela |
12 |
# Update CAS and CALO geometries and positions. Makefile updated as well |
13 |
# |
14 |
# Revision 2002/07/11 16:01:59 cafagna |
# Revision 2002/07/11 16:01:59 cafagna |
15 |
# First GPAMELA release on CVS |
# First GPAMELA release on CVS |
16 |
# |
# |
26 |
#CMZ : 1.00/03 30/04/96 12.23.59 by Francesco Cafagna |
#CMZ : 1.00/03 30/04/96 12.23.59 by Francesco Cafagna |
27 |
#CMZ : 1.00/02 05/04/96 15.31.25 by Francesco Cafagna |
#CMZ : 1.00/02 05/04/96 15.31.25 by Francesco Cafagna |
28 |
#CMZ : 1.00/01 28/11/95 18.51.23 by Francesco Cafagna |
#CMZ : 1.00/01 28/11/95 18.51.23 by Francesco Cafagna |
29 |
#-- Author : Francesco Cafagna 28/11/95 |
#-- Author : Francesco Cafagna 28/11/95 |
30 |
31 |
29 March 2004, Bari |
32 |
33 |
34 |
The non-reproducibility of a GPAMELA run was due to the random number |
35 |
initialization in the GARFIELD code. In GARFIELD by default, the initial |
36 |
seeds of the random number generators are always the same while the random |
37 |
number generators are called a given number of times (determined by the |
38 |
hour of the day) during the initialization phase (see init.f subroutine in |
39 |
the GARFIELD code for details). Follows that different runs produce |
40 |
different results without changing the initial seeds. To have identical |
41 |
results in different runs, the GARFIELD program has to start typing the |
42 |
noRNDM_initialisation switch. To avoid of specifying this switch by the user, |
43 |
the GARFIELD package has been upgraded with a patch. In this way the problem |
44 |
is partially solved because, now, the initial seeds of the random generators |
45 |
in GARFIELD will be always the same even if the RNDM GEANT data card is |
46 |
activated by the user for changing the initial seeds in the GPAMELA program. |
47 |
Work is in progress for a more general correction of this problem. |
48 |
Please, use the updated GARFIELD code released with the CVS version v4r1 |
49 |
to fix this problem. |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
The obsolete RNDM random number generator has been replaced by the GEANT |
54 |
GRNDN routine in the gpxtr.F subroutine and in the npoiss.F function. |
55 |
56 |
BUG FOUND AND FIXED: the set and detector calorimeter addresses (ISCAL |
57 |
and IDCASI variables) used in GUTREV were respectively set to a fixed |
58 |
values of 12 and 1. The correct values of these variables are stored in |
59 |
the GPSED common when the set and the detector ZEBRA banks are filled |
60 |
during a run. In general the values of the set and detector addresses |
61 |
depend on the number of active detectors in a given run. ISCAL=12 and |
62 |
IDCASI=1 are only right when all the detectors of GPAMELA are active. |
63 |
64 |
9 December 2003, Bari |
65 |
66 |
CALORIMETER SIMULATION completed! The update of the geometry and of the |
67 |
special tracking parameters and the tuning of the calorimeter have been |
68 |
successfully done. A great quantity of simulated data have been produced |
69 |
in the calorimeter for different particles (muons, electrons and pions) |
70 |
and momenta (5 and 40 GeV/c) and the output data have been analyzed. The |
71 |
distributions of the total energy deposited in the calorimeter and the |
72 |
total number of strips hit have been compared with the respective |
73 |
distributions produced by the Trieste's tuned standalone Monte Carlo |
74 |
simulation program of the PAMELA calorimeter. The accord between the |
75 |
two simulations is excellent. Many thanks to Mirko for his collaboration. |
76 |
77 |
Working in progress on TRD. The GARFIELD interface to the HEED program is not |
78 |
optimized to track particle with a charge greater than one and photons. The |
79 |
program print a warning message to advise the user when it is the case. |
80 |
81 |
18 April 2003, Bari |
82 |
83 |
The buffer size of each column of the GPAMELA Ntuple has been increased to |
84 |
4096 and set equal to the record length, defined by a call to the HROPEN |
85 |
routine. |
86 |
Also the length of the common /PAWC/ (parameter NWPAW) has been increased |
87 |
to 1.34E8, according to the rule that it has to be larger than the number |
88 |
of columns times the buffer size. |
89 |
90 |
10 April 2003, Bari |
91 |
92 |
The variables in the HIT STRUCTURE of the CALORIMETER and their way to be |
93 |
filled have been changed according to the electronics system of the real |
94 |
detector. In fact, because each silicon detector (module) consists of |
95 |
32 strips and each strip is connected to those belonging to the two detectors |
96 |
of the same row (or column) for forming 24 cm long strips, the sum of the |
97 |
deposited energies in the strips forming a `long strip' is now calculated for |
98 |
each event (gpucal.F subroutine) and it is stored in a hit only at the |
99 |
end of the event (gutrev.F subroutine). |
100 |
The output variables of the GPAMELA en-tuple are then filled in the vectors |
101 |
102 |
by a call to the GPDCAL subroutine: |
103 |
-ICAPLANE(i) contains the number of hit plane; |
104 |
-ICASTRIP(i) contains the number of hit strip; |
105 |
-ICAMOD(i) can assume different values based on the number of times and |
106 |
positions in which a `long strip' has been hit. |
107 |
-ENESTRIP(i) contains the deposited energy in the hit strip; |
108 |
where i is the number of hit (1<i<4224). |
109 |
Note that in the calorimeter each hit is filled at the end of the event and |
110 |
that there is a hit for each `long strip' hit from |
111 |
the particle. This use of the hit structure is different for the other |
112 |
detectors and it has been considered to avoid a too big number of hit in the |
113 |
calorimeter due to the showers. Follows that NTHCAL, which is the |
114 |
max number of hit in the calorimeter, is equal to 4224, the total |
115 |
number of `long strips'. So, for each event, the real number of hit will |
116 |
be less or equal to 4224. |
117 |
ICAMOD(i) is an additional information that does not exist in the real |
118 |
detector: if the strip i (i=1,32) of the module 1 or 2 or 3 |
119 |
is hit, the value of ICAMOD(i) is respectively incremented of 1, 100, 10000. |
120 |
Analogously it is done, if it is the strip j (j=33,64) of the modules 4, 5 |
121 |
and 6 or if it is the strip k (k=65,96) of the modules 7, 8 and 9. |
122 |
For example if we consider the hit 1 of an event, we could read: |
123 |
ICASTRIP(1)=30, ICAPLANE(1)=21, ENESTRIP(1)=0.5E-03 and ICAMOD(1)=10001. |
124 |
It means that the hit 1 contains the information that in the strip 30 of the |
125 |
plane 21 has been deposited a total energy of 0.5E-03 GeV. In addition the |
126 |
`long strip 30' has been hit two times, one in the first module and the |
127 |
other in the third one. |
128 |
129 |
The energy deposited in the calorimeter is calculated in GeV. |
130 |
131 |
To store the hits in the calorimeter the subroutine GSAHIT is used instead of |
132 |
133 |
134 |
To retrieve the hit structure the call to the routine GPRHIT is done instead |
135 |
of a call to the GFHITS subroutine. |
136 |
137 |
25 February 2003, Bari |
138 |
139 |
BUG found: |
140 |
141 |
142 |
DCUTEW, DCUTEXE variables missed in the commons: gpaer.inc, gpal.inc, gpce.inc, |
143 |
gpcp.inc, gpfe.inc, gpg10c.inc, gpg10.inc, gpkap.inc, gpn2g.inc, gproa.inc, |
144 |
gpscin.inc (obsolete), gpscint.inc, gpsica.inc, gptrad.inc, gpw2.inc, gpw.inc, |
145 |
gpxe.inc, gpdaer.inc, gpdal.inc, gpdce.inc, gpdcp.inc, gpdfe.inc, gpdg10c.inc, |
146 |
gpdg10.inc, gpdkap.inc, gpdn2g.inc, gpdroa.inc, gpdscin.inc, gpdsica.inc, |
147 |
gpdtrad.inc, gpdw2.inc, gpdw.inc, gpdxe.inc. |
148 |
They have been added in these commons and they have been initialized in the |
149 |
GPSTM subroutine. |
150 |
151 |
Updated the special tracking parameters SICALO, TUNGA, KAOLINITE and G10C |
152 |
in the subroutines gpsica.F, gpw2.F, gpw.F, gpce.F and gpg10c.F. They were |
153 |
suggested by Mirko Boezio. |
154 |
155 |
Updated the value of the absorption length for silicon in the calorimeter |
156 |
and tracker although this parameter is ignored by GEANT. For this reason |
157 |
it was equal to the radiation length. |
158 |
159 |
Updated the relative positions of the calorimeter planes. The corrected |
160 |
shifting are: |
161 |
162 |
first view: (Dxo,Dyo)=(0.10,0.05) cm |
163 |
second view: (Dxo,Dyo)=(-0.05,0.10) cm |
164 |
third view: (Dxo,Dyo)=(-0.10,-0.05) cm |
165 |
fourth view: (Dxo,Dyo)=(0.05,-0.10) cm |
166 |
167 |
4 November 2002, Bari |
4 November 2002, Bari |
168 |
169 |
CAS detectors distances modified |
CAS detectors distances modified |
170 |
171 |
The distances between the CAS detectors has been modified based on the |
The distances between the CAS detectors have been modified based on the |
172 |
latest CAD drawings. |
latest CAD drawings. |
173 |
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2 November 2002, Bari |
2 November 2002, Bari |
303 |
304 |
305 |
To generate the ionization in the TRD straw tubes the HEED program |
To generate the ionization in the TRD straw tubes the HEED program |
306 |
interfaced by GARFIELD is used (GEANT does not simulate the ionization |
interfaced by GARFIELD is used (GEANT does not correctly simulate |
307 |
in thin layer and in the gas, correctly). The idea is that GEANT tracks |
the ionization in thin layer and in the gas). The idea is that GEANT |
308 |
the particle in the gas and then passes the coordinates, translated in |
tracks the particle in the gas and then passes the coordinates, |
309 |
the DRS, to GARFIELD. The GARFIELD subroutines are called by GPUTRD. |
translated in the DRS, to GARFIELD. The GARFIELD subroutines are |
310 |
The energy loss and the number of clusters in TRD are stored in the |
called by GPUTRD. The energy loss and the number of clusters in TRD |
311 |
variables EGARTRD and NGARTRD of the CWN-tplu. |
are stored in the variables EGARTRD and NGARTRD of the CWN-tplu. |
312 |
313 |
1 May 2001, Bari |
1 May 2001, Bari |
314 |
387 |
The definition of the ITRSO detector has been changed in the GPSED routine: |
The definition of the ITRSO detector has been changed in the GPSED routine: |
388 |
NVTRD has been forced to 2 for compatibility with GPDTRD. |
NVTRD has been forced to 2 for compatibility with GPDTRD. |
389 |
3 april 2001, Bari |
390 |
28 march 2001, Bari |
28 march 2001, Bari |
391 |
392 |
ITRSO has been defined as a sensitive detector in GSTMED routine and it has |
ITRSO has been defined as a sensitive detector in GSTMED routine and it has |