/[PAMELA software]/gpamela/gpgar/xgraphics.inc
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Contents of /gpamela/gpgar/xgraphics.inc

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Thu Jul 11 16:02:15 2002 UTC (22 years, 8 months ago) by cafagna
Branch: v3r0, MAIN
CVS Tags: v4r4, v4r5, v4r6, v4r7, v4r0, v4r1, v4r2, v4r3, v4r8, v4r9, firstrelease, v4r14, v4r12, v4r13, v4r10, v4r11, v3r3, v3r1, v3r2, HEAD
Changes since 3.1: +0 -0 lines
First GPAMELA release on CVS

1 *
2 * $Id$
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4 * $Log$
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7 * xgraphics.inc
8 *
9 *CMZ : 3.00/00 02/05/2001 20.42.25 by Unknown
10 *-- Author :
11 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
12 * GRADAT - Common block storing some data relevant for graphics.
13 * VARIABLES : LGRID : Plot grid lines.
14 * LOGX : Plot x-axis on logarithmic scale.
15 * LOGY : Plot y-axis on logarithmic scale.
16 * STAMP : Stamp placed on plots when complete.
17 * LSTAMP : Put a time stamp on the plots.
18 * LWAITB : Wait before a plot is made.
19 * LWAITA : Wait after a plot has been made.
20 * LGCLRB : Clear graphics window before a plot.
21 * LGCLRA : Clear graphics window after a plot.
22 * LXCCH : Execute control characters.
23 * WKNAME : Name of the workstations.
24 * WKATTR : Attributes - not yet used.
25 * WKLUN : Logical unit associated with a workstation
26 * WKFREF : Pointer for file name used by STRBUF.
27 * WKCON : Connection identifier of a workstation.
28 * WKID : Workstation type of a workstation.
29 * WKSTAT : Workstation state: 0 - not known
30 * 1 - defined, 2 - open, 3 - active.
31 * USERXn/Yn : WC of the whole plot
32 * FRX/YMINMAX : WC of the box
33 * GPXN : Distance between x-axis and numbers
34 * GPXN10 : Distance between x-axis and powers of 10
35 * GPYN : Distance between y-axis and numbers
36 * GPYN10 : Distance between y-axis and powers of 10
37 * GPXL : Distance between x-frame and label
38 * GPYL : Distance between y-frame and label
39 * GPXT : Distance between x-frame and title
40 * DISPX0 : (Like .X1, .Y0 and .Y1) display area.
41 * (Last changed on 9/ 9/99.)
42 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------

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