/[PAMELA software]/gpamela/gpgar/xgasdata.inc
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Contents of /gpamela/gpgar/xgasdata.inc

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Thu Jul 11 16:02:14 2002 UTC (22 years, 8 months ago) by cafagna
Branch: v3r0, MAIN
CVS Tags: v4r4, v4r5, v4r6, v4r7, v4r0, v4r1, v4r2, v4r3, v4r8, v4r9, firstrelease, v4r14, v4r12, v4r13, v4r10, v4r11, v3r3, v3r1, v3r2, HEAD
Changes since 3.1: +0 -0 lines
First GPAMELA release on CVS

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2 * $Id$
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4 * $Log$
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7 * xgasdata.inc
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9 *CMZ : 3.00/00 02/05/2001 20.42.25 by Unknown
10 *-- Author :
11 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
12 * GASDAT - Common block containing information on the drift speed
13 * GASCHR in the gas..
14 * VARIABLES : EGAS : E/p values [V/cm.torr].
15 * VGAS : Drift velocity || E [cm/microsec].
16 * XGAS : Drift velocity || ExB [cm/microsec].
17 * YGAS : Drift velocity || Btrans [cm/microsec].
18 * DGAS : Diffusion corresponding to E/P [cm2/sec].
19 * AGAS : Townsend coefficient,
20 * BGAS : attachment coefficient,
21 * MGAS : ion mobility
22 * WGAS : Lorentz angle
23 * CVGAS : Spline coefficients belonging to VGAS.
24 * CXGAS : Spline coefficients belonging to XGAS.
25 * CYGAS : Spline coefficients belonging to YGAS.
26 * CDGAS : Spline coefficients belonging to DGAS.
27 * CAGAS : Spline coefficients belonging to AGAS.
28 * CBGAS : Spline coefficients belonging to BGAS.
29 * CMGAS : Spline coefficients belonging to MGAS.
30 * CWGAS : Spline coefficients belonging to WGAS.
31 * NGAS : Number of points in EGAS, VGAS etc.
32 * PGAS : Pressure of the gas [torr].
33 * TGAS : Temperature of the gas [K].
34 * Z : 'Nuclear' charge of the gas.
35 * A : 'Atomic' number of the gas.
36 * RHO : Specific weight of the gas.
37 * CMEAN : Average number of clusters per cm.
38 * EMPROB : Most probable energy loss / cm in the gas.
39 * EPAIR : Energy needed to form one ion pair in the
40 * cluster.
41 * GASOK(I) : .TRUE. if present
42 * (1) electron drift velocity || E
43 * (2) ion mobility,
44 * (3) longitudinal diffusion || E
45 * (4) Townsend coefficient,
46 * (5) cluster size distribution.
47 * (6) attachment coefficient,
48 * (7) Lorentz angle,
49 * (8) transverse diffusion || Bt
50 * (9) electron drift velocity || Bt
51 * (10) electron drift velocity || ExB
52 * (11) transverse diffusion || ExB
53 * (12) diffusion correlation(E,Bt)
54 * (13) diffusion correlation(E,ExB)
55 * (14) diffusion correlation(Bt,ExB)
56 * CLSTYP : Cluster size distribution origin.
57 * function, 2 from a table, 3 from A, Z etc.
58 * VEXTR1...4 : Used for drift velocity extrapolation.
59 * XEXTR1...4 : Used for drift velocity extrapolation.
60 * YEXTR1...4 : Used for drift velocity extrapolation.
61 * DEXTR1...4 : Used for diffusion extrapolation.
62 * AEXTR1...4 : Used for Townsend extrapolation.
63 * BEXTR1...4 : Used for attachment coeff. extrapolation.
64 * MEXTR1...4 : Used for mobility coeff. extrapolation.
65 * WEXTR1...4 : Used for Lorentz angle extrapolation.
66 * OEXTR1...4 : Used for transv. diff. extrapolation.
67 * I/JVEXTR : Extrapolate V 0: const, 1: linear, 2:exp.
68 * I/JXEXTR : Extrapolate V 0: const, 1: linear, 2:exp.
69 * I/JYEXTR : Extrapolate V 0: const, 1: linear, 2:exp.
70 * I/JDEXTR : Ex. diffusion 0: const, 1: linear, 2:exp.
71 * I/JAEXTR : Ex. Townsend 0: const, 1: linear, 2:exp.
72 * I/JBEXTR : Ex. attachm. 0: const, 1: linear, 2:exp.
73 * I/JMEXTR : Ex. mobility 0: const, 1: linear, 2:exp.
74 * I/JWEXTR : Lorentz angle 0: const, 1: linear, 2:exp.
75 * I/JOEXTR : Transv. diff. 0: const, 1: linear, 2:exp.
76 * I(V/D/A/B/M/W/O)METH : Interpolation method: 0 = spline,
77 * higher: DIVDIF with order I(V/D/A/B/M)METH
78 * HEEDOK : Tells whether HEED has been run.
79 * GASDEN : Density of the gas in g/l for HEED.
80 * (Last changed on 12/ 2/00.)
81 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------

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