/[PAMELA software]/gpamela/gpgar/xdriftline.inc
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Contents of /gpamela/gpgar/xdriftline.inc

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Revision 3.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Jul 11 16:02:15 2002 UTC (22 years, 8 months ago) by cafagna
Branch point for: v3r0, MAIN
Initial revision

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2 * $Id$
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4 * $Log$
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7 * xdriftline.inc
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9 *CMZ : 3.00/00 02/05/2001 20.42.25 by Unknown
10 *-- Author :
11 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
12 * DRFDAT - Common block giving full information on one drift line
13 * this common block is used for the communication between the
14 * routine calculating drift lines (DLCALC) and others needing
15 * this information (such as : DRFWIR, DRFEDG, DRFTRA etc).
16 * VARIABLES : XU : x-coordinates of the drift line
17 * YU : y-coordinates of the drift line
18 * TU : t-coordinates of the drift line
19 * NU : number of points on the drift line
20 * ISTAT : way the particle ends its life:
21 * ISTAT= 0 calculation still in progress
22 * -1 left the drift area
23 * -2 needed more than MXLIST steps
24 * -3 stopped, returned, abandonned etc.
25 * -4 hit a plane
26 * n ( 0<n<=MXWIRE ) hit wire number n
27 * n ( n>MXWIRE ) hit replica wire n
28 * ISTAT1-6 : ISTAT's for leaving via various edges
29 * IPTYPE : Particle type 0=unknown, 1=electron, 2=ion
30 * IPTECH : Technique 0=unknown, 1=RKF, 2=MC, 3=vacuum
31 * QPCHAR : Particle charge
32 * DXMIN,DXMAX: x-range of drift area,
33 * DYMIN,DYMAX: y-range of drift area.
34 * MXDIFS, MXTWNS, MXATTS: Maximum stack depths.
35 * LREPSK : Check only attracting wires.
36 * RDF2 : Distance to switch L+T diff integration
37 * MDF2 : L+T integration method when reaching wire
38 * MDF2 = 0 no special treatment
39 * = 1 full integration of the cloud
40 * = 2 integration with constant velocity
41 * = 3 project longitudinal dimension
42 * = 4 project largest dimension
43 * TMC : MC drift line step time.
44 * DMC : MC drift line step distance.
45 * NMC : Number of collisions to be skipped.
46 * MCMETH : MC integration method,
47 * = 0 constant time steps
48 * = 1 constant distance steps
49 * = 2 collision time based steps
50 * EPSDIF : Maximum error made while solving diff. eq.
51 * RTRAP : A particle found within RTRAP wire radii
52 * is considered to be trapped.
53 * STMAX : Maximum step length.
54 * EPSDFI : Accuracy diffusion integration.
55 * MXDIFS : Maximum stack depth diffusion integration.
56 * EPSTWI : Accuracy Townsend integration.
57 * MXTWNS : Maximum stack depth Townsend integration.
58 * LAVPRO : Avalanche over projected drift path.
59 * EPSATI : Accuracy attachment integration.
60 * MXATTS : Maximum stack depth attachment integration.
61 * EQTTHR : Maximum relative distance between equal
62 * time contour points to be joined.
63 * EQTASP : Aspect ratio threshold to classify an
64 * isochrone as circle or straight line
65 * EQTCLS : Maximum relative distance for an isochrone
66 * to be closed
67 * LEQSRT : Sort isochrones
68 * LEQCRS : Check for drift line - isochrone crossings
69 * LEQMRK : Mark rather than draw isochrones
70 * (Last changed on 7/11/00.)
71 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------

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