/[PAMELA software]/gpamela/gpgar/xdimensions.inc
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Contents of /gpamela/gpgar/xdimensions.inc

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Thu Jul 11 16:02:14 2002 UTC (22 years, 8 months ago) by cafagna
Branch: v3r0, MAIN
CVS Tags: v4r4, v4r5, v4r6, v4r7, v4r0, v4r1, v4r2, v4r3, v4r8, v4r9, firstrelease, v4r14, v4r12, v4r13, v4r10, v4r11, v3r3, v3r1, v3r2, HEAD
Changes since 3.1: +0 -0 lines
First GPAMELA release on CVS

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2 * $Id$
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4 * $Log$
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7 * xdimensions.inc
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9 *CMZ : 3.00/00 02/05/2001 20.42.25 by Unknown
10 *-- Author :
11 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
12 * Parameter block containing the dimensions of the arrays.
13 * Changing the parameters in this block influences the entire
14 * program, but it should be used to save space on the one
15 * hand and to accomodate many wires on the other hand.
16 * PARAMETER : MXWIRE : Maximum number of wires that can be stored.
17 * MXSW : Maximum number of sense wires.
18 * MXPSTR : Maximum number of strips per plane.
19 * MXMATT : Maximum number of x and y dielectrica.
20 * MX3D : Maximum number of 3 dimensional charges.
21 * MXPOLE : Maximum number of multipole terms.
22 * MXLIST : Maximum number of points in lists eg in the
23 * gas tables or on the drift lines etc.
24 * MXGRID : Maximum number of grid points.
25 * MXNAME : Maximum number of characters in dsnames.
26 * MXLUN : Highest input LUN allowed to be open.
27 * MXCLUS : Maximum number of clusters along the track.
28 * MXPAIR : Maximum number of ion pairs in one cluster
29 * MXLINE : Maximum number of drift lines (equal time).
30 * MXEQUT : Maximum number of equal time contours.
31 * MXFOUR : Maximum number of Fourier terms (ion tail).
32 * MXRECL : Maximum lrecl of a direct access file.
33 * MXINCH : Maximum number of characters / input line.
34 * MXWORD : Maximum number of words a line may contain.
35 * MXCHAR : Maximum number of characters in each word.
36 * MXINS : Maximum number of instructions in a list.
37 * MXREG : Maximum number of varying numbers.
38 * MXCONS : Maximum number of constants.
39 * MXVAR : Maximum number of variables to be passed.
40 * MXZERO : Maximum number of zeros to be handled.
41 * MXCHA : Maximum number of channels in a histogram.
42 * MXPART : Maximum number of particles on a track.
43 * MXSTCK : Maximum stack level for integrations.
44 * MXFPAR : Maximum number of fitting parameters.
45 * MXFPNT : Maximum number of fitting data-points.
46 * MXWKLS : Maximum number of active workstations.
47 * MXHLRL : Record length for the help file.
48 * MXSUBT : Maximum sublevel depth during help.
49 * MXHLEV : Maximum number of levels in the help file.
50 * MXFRAC : Maximum number of gas components.
51 * MXBANG : Maximum number of E-B angles in tables.
52 * MXBTAB : Maximum number of B fields in the tables.
53 * MXORIA : Maximum number of ion origin angles.
54 * MXMAT : Maximum number of matrices.
55 * MXEMAT : Total matrix storage area.
56 * MXMDIM : Maximum number of matrix dimensions.
57 * MXEPS : Maximum number of media in a field map.
58 * MXMAP : Maximum number of triangles in a field map.
59 * MXWMAP : Maximum number of weighting field maps.
60 * MXSOLI : Maximum number of conductors.
61 * MXPLAN : Maximum number of planes in buffer.
62 * MXPOIN : Maximum number of points in buffer.
63 * MXEDGE : Maximum number of edges per polygon.
64 * MXMCA : Maximum avalanche size
65 * (Last changed on 6/ 1/01.)
66 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------

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