/[PAMELA software]/gpamela/gpgar/xcelldata.inc
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Contents of /gpamela/gpgar/xcelldata.inc

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Thu Jul 11 16:02:14 2002 UTC (22 years, 8 months ago) by cafagna
Branch: v3r0, MAIN
CVS Tags: v4r4, v4r5, v4r6, v4r7, v4r0, v4r1, v4r2, v4r3, v4r8, v4r9, firstrelease, v4r14, v4r12, v4r13, v4r10, v4r11, v3r3, v3r1, v3r2, HEAD
Changes since 3.1: +0 -0 lines
First GPAMELA release on CVS

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2 * $Id$
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4 * $Log$
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7 * xcelldata.inc
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9 *CMZ : 3.00/00 02/05/2001 20.42.25 by Unknown
10 *-- Author :
11 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
12 * CELDAT - Common block containing all information on the cell, such
13 * CELCHR as the wire data, planes, constants etc.
14 * VARIABLES : X(I),Y(I) : Position of wire I [cm].
15 * WMAP(I) : Mapped wire positions [cm].
16 * D(I) : Diameter of wire I [cm].
17 * E(I),V(I) : Charge on wire i, potential of wire I.
18 * W(I) : Stretching weight of the wire [grams].
19 * U(I) : Length of the wire [cm].
20 * DENS(I) : Density of the wire [g/cm3].
21 * WIRTYP(I) : Type of wire of wire I.
22 * NWIRE : Number of wires present in the cell.
23 * N3D : Number of three-dimensional charges.
24 * X3D,Y3D,Z3D: Positions of the three-dimensional charges.
25 * E3D : Charge of the three-dimensional charges.
26 * NTERMB/D : Number of terms for 3D B2 potentials.
27 * XMIN, XMAX : x-range of the cell comsidered [cm].
28 * YMIN, YMAX : y-range of the cell considered [cm].
29 * ZMIN, ZMAX : z-range of the cell considered [cm].
30 * YNPLAN(I) : Plane I exist if .TRUE.
31 * COPLAN(I) : Relevant coordinate of plane I
32 * VTPLAN(I) : Potential of plane I.
33 * PLATYP(I) : Label of plane I.
34 * YNPLAX,YNPLAY: Yes/no plane in x or y (reduce CPU time).
35 * COPLAX,COPLAY: Coordinates of planes (reduce CPU time).
36 * INDPLA : Conductor group number for plane I,
37 * the tube has number 5.
38 * PLSTR1(I,J,K): x/y-strip J for plane I, K=1: lower
39 * limit, K=2: upper limit, K=3: gap.
40 * PLSTR2(I,J,K): z-strip J for plane I, K=1: lower limit,
41 * K=2: upper limit, K=3: gap.
42 * PSLAB1/2 : Labels of strips.
43 * NPSTR1/2(I): Number of x/y and z strips in plane I.
44 * INDST1/2 : Conductor group numbers for strips.
45 * XMATT(I,.) : x-start, x-end, eps of x-dielectricum I.
46 * YMATT(I,.) : y-start, y-end, eps of y-dielectricum I.
47 * NXMATT : Number of x-dielectrica.
48 * NYMATT : Number of y-dielectrica.
49 * V0 : Voltage added to obtain: sum charges =0.
50 * PERX/Y/Z : Yes/no x, y, z periodicity.
51 * PERMX/Y/Z : Yes/no x, y, z mirror periodicity.
52 * PERAX/Y/Z : Yes/no x, y, z axial periodicity.
53 * PERRX/Y/Z : Yes/no x, y, z rotation symmetry
54 * TYPE : Cell type.
55 * ICTYPE : Integer cell type (is more efficient).
56 * SX, SY, SZ : Periodicity in x, y, z (if relevant).
57 * INDSW(I) : Gives the sense wire number for wire I.
58 * NSW : Number of sense wires.
59 * YNMATX,YNMATY: Yes/no dielectricum in x or y (idem).
60 * COMATX,COMATY: Coordinates of dielectricum (idem).
61 * B2SIN : Vector of sinuses for B2 (reduce CPU time).
63 * potential due to the planes only.
64 * VMIN,VNAX : Range of voltages in the cell.
65 * DOWN : Chamber orientation
66 * POLAR : The cell has cylindrical/polar symmetry.
67 * TUBE : Geometry with wires inside a tube.
68 * VTTUBE : Voltage of the tube.
69 * COTUBE : Radius of the tube.
70 * NTUBE : Number of edges of the tube.
71 * MTUBE : Periodicity in the tube.
72 * KAPPA : Constant used for mappings.
73 * CNALSO : Flag to select only mirror images of a wire
74 * IENBGF : Entry for the background field.
75 * LBGFMP : Background field uses field map.
76 * (Last changed on 5/12/00.)
77 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------

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