/[PAMELA software]/gpamela/gpgar/xbfield.inc
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Contents of /gpamela/gpgar/xbfield.inc

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Thu Jul 11 16:02:14 2002 UTC (22 years, 8 months ago) by cafagna
Branch: v3r0, MAIN
CVS Tags: v4r4, v4r5, v4r6, v4r7, v4r0, v4r1, v4r2, v4r3, v4r8, v4r9, firstrelease, v4r14, v4r12, v4r13, v4r10, v4r11, v3r3, v3r1, v3r2, HEAD
Changes since 3.1: +0 -0 lines
First GPAMELA release on CVS

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2 * $Id$
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4 * $Log$
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7 * xbfield.inc
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9 *CMZ : 3.00/00 02/05/2001 20.42.25 by Unknown
10 *-- Author :
11 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
12 * MAGDAT - Common block storing the information on the magnetic field.
13 * VARIABLES : SUSWIR : Magn. permeability of wire material.
14 * SUSGAS : " " " gas.
16 * B0X,B0Y,B0Z: Magnetic field components.
17 * MAGOK : Indicates that a magnetic field is present.
18 * MAGSRC : 0 = no field, 1 = above, 2 = field map
19 * IB[XYZ]TYP : 0 = not set, 1 = fixed value, 2 = formula,
20 * 3 = matrix interpolation.
21 * (Last changed on 29/ 2/00.)
22 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------

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