* * $Id$ * * $Log$ * * * xalgdata.inc * *CMZ : 3.00/00 02/05/2001 20.42.25 by Unknown *-- Author : *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * ALGDAT - Common block containing the executable statements for the * evaluation of symbolic expressions. * VARIABLES : INS(I, . ) : List of instructions, the first element is * a register address (in case of a normal * operation) or a function descriptor, the * second is the operator, the third an addres * and the fourth the address of the result. * NINS : Number of instructions in INS. * REG(I) : Contents of register I, REG(0)=0, REG(-1)=1 * and REG(-2)=2, REG(-3)=pi. * NREG : Number of registers in use. * EXEC(I) : .TRUE. if instruction I is to be executed. * NERR : Number of errors since last call to ALGPRE. * NAERR : Individual error counts. * NRES : Number of independent results. * ALGENT(I,.): Instruction list entry refernce table. * 1: reference no, 2: in use 0/1, 3: can be * executed 0/1, 4: sequential 0/1, 5: first * instruction, 6: no of instructions, 7: no * of variables, 8: first constant, 9: no of * constants, 10: no of results. * ARGREF(I,1): Modification flag for arguments, * 0: modifiable global variable, * 1: modifiable non-global variable, * 2: non-modifiable global variable, * 3: non-modifiable non-global variable. * ARGREF(I,2): Origin of each argument. * NALGE : Number of entries in use in ALGENT. * ISYNCH : 0: no check, 1: algebra, 2: procedure * LIGUND : Ignore exponential underflow * (Last changed on 3/ 6/97.) *-----------------------------------------------------------------------