* * $Id: gpdgeo.inc,v 3.14 2006/05/18 10:52:31 pam-ba Exp $ * * $Log: gpdgeo.inc,v $ * Revision 3.14 2006/05/18 10:52:31 pam-ba * TOF geometry completed and a new material, the polystyrene (density 35 g/l), added * * Revision 3.13 2006/05/09 12:01:16 cafagna * Calo geometry updated * * Revision 3.12 2006/05/02 12:30:02 bottai * change in trcp dimension in order to not overlap with its mother * * Revision 3.11 2006/05/02 11:32:14 pam-ba * TOF geometry and position updated and a new material, the mylar, added * * Revision 3.10 2006/04/09 23:28:54 cafagna * Several new things, among this: ND and CARD * * Revision 3.9 2005/12/20 12:21:04 cafagna * gpnd directory added along with ND files * * Revision 3.8 2005/12/16 10:20:18 cafagna * Bug fixed in the new update * * Revision 3.7 2005/12/16 09:13:55 cafagna * New small valume added to the tracker frame * * Revision 3.6 2005/12/13 10:31:29 pam-ba * added a new volume, TPGI, in the spectrometer * * Revision 3.5 2005/12/05 12:15:20 pam-ba * new spectrometer geometry and internal magnetic field * * Revision 3.4 2005/07/25 11:53:21 cafagna * Several updates. See history for details * * Revision 3.3 2005/06/21 02:42:08 cafagna * Major modification to the geometry and to the random number chain * * Revision 3.2 2002/12/05 10:17:42 pamela * Update CAS and CALO geometries and positions. Makefile updated as well * * Revision 2002/07/11 16:01:59 cafagna * First GPAMELA release on CVS * * * * gpdgeo.inc * * 16/07/2004 16.44.06 by Alexey Bakaldin * 17/10/2002 22.31.45 by Jens Lund *CMZ : 3.00/00 14/11/2000 09.13.05 by Emiliano Mocchiutti *CMZ : 2.02/00 12/10/2000 18.43.21 by Francesco Cafagna *CMZ : 2.01/00 05/04/2000 14.35.17 by Marialuigia Ambriola *CMZ : 2.00/00 03/03/2000 15.39.05 by Francesco Cafagna *CMZ : 1.02/00 04/02/2000 18.40.04 by Francesco Cafagna *CMZ : 1.01/00 06/05/96 11.40.48 by Francesco Cafagna *CMZ : 1.00/02 02/04/96 16.44.16 by Francesco Cafagna *-- Author : Francesco Cafagna 05/12/95 DATA PAME/0.,53.,130./ * AB: C DATA SHEL/69.8,70.,75./ cml DATA SHEL/40.6,52.35,52.5,43.62253,43.77253/ cml DATA MSHE/52.25,52.5,20./ cml DATA BSPH/52.25,52.5,90.,180.,0.,360./ cml: DATA SHEL/38.25,52.5,52.65,43.77,43.92/ DATA MSHE/52.5,52.75,20./ DATA BSPH/52.5,52.75,90.,180.,0.,360./ c end ml * END: AB. C DATA TFLA/126.8,127.,0.,33.45,0.,360./ DATA TFLA/0.,43.77253,0.125/ * AB: C DATA TSPH/0., 150.,0.,0.,0.,360./ cml DATA TSPH/239.83,240.,0.,0.,0.,360./ cml: DATA TSPH/239.83,240.,0.,0.,0.,360./ c end ml. * END: AB. DATA GAPTOP/2./ c ml:26/10/04 c DATA S1/20.4,16.5,.375/ c DATA S2/20.4,16.5,.375/ c DATA S1A/9.,7.5,.375/ c DATA S2A/9.,7.5,.375/ DATA S3/0.,0.,0./ DATA S4/18.,16.,.5/ DATA S11M/0.,0.,0./ DATA S12M/0.,0.,0./ DATA S21M/0.,0.,0./ DATA S22M/0.,0.,0./ DATA S31M/0.,0.,0./ DATA S32M/0.,0.,0./ DATA POL1/0.,0.,0./ DATA POL2/0.,0.,0./ DATA POLY/0.,0.,0./ DATA S11Y/2.55,16.5,0.35/ DATA S12X/20.4,2.75,0.35/ DATA S21X/9.,3.75,0.25/ DATA S22Y/4.5,7.5,0.25/ DATA S31Y/3.,7.5,0.35/ DATA S32X/9.,2.5,0.35/ c DATA HMYLTOF/0.0025/ DATA HMYLTOF/0.0023/ DATA HGLUTOF/0.01/ DATA HPVCMAX/0.9/ DATA HPVCMIN/0.4/ DATA HALTOF/0.033/ DATA HAIRS3/0.15/ DATA ZPAMS12X/53.04/ DATA ZPAMS22Y/23.44/ c ml: 28/10/04: c dimensions of top plate. At the moment, it is a reduced version, c i.e. a gap of gas with a surface equal to S21. DATA TPLA/9.,7.5,.25/ c end ml. c DATA SCTIC/0.025/ c ml:26/10/04: DATA NS11Y/8/ DATA NS12X/6/ DATA NS21X/2/ DATA NS22Y/2/ DATA NS31Y/3/ DATA NS32X/3/ c end ml. C ml 28/03/06: official z coordinates in the PAMELA reference system with c origin in the centre of the central plane of the central magnetic module: DATA ZPAMS31,ZPAMS32/-23.49,-24.34/ c DATA ZS11,ZS12,ZS21,ZS22,ZS31,ZS32,ZS4 c ml 22/10/04: c + /107.8,106.8,74.9,74.1,27.1,26.3,2.3/ c ml 28/10/04: introducing the top plate and calculating the zpos of S21, S22 c starting from the zpos of CATA: c + /106.66,105.66,74.9,74.1,27.1,26.3,2.3/ c + /106.66,105.66,74.875,74.125,27.1,26.3,2.3/ c DATA ZTPLA/73.5/ C HORMG is the distance beteween the bottom the tracker and the center of c the third magnetic module. DATA HORMG/22.57/ c end ml 28/10/04 c end ml 22/10/04: C CAT data *EM: *JeL: DATA CATA/28.0,0.6,27.165/ *END: JeL. c DATA CATB/22.05,21.05,0.55/ DATA CATB/22.2,21.3,0.5/ c DATA CATL/15.75,6.675,0.55/ c DATA CATT/6.3,14.375,0.55/ DATA CATL/2.6,14.9,0.4/ DATA CATT/8.45,21.2,0.4/ DATA CATH/9.4,7.7,0.5/ DATA CATF/2.6,3.15,0.4/ DATA CATO/9.3,0.05,0.5/ DATA CATP/0.05,7.7,0.5/ c DATA ZCAT/75.85/ C CAS data *EM: *JeL: DATA CASA/21.45,0.6,20.55/ *END: JeL. C DATA CASX/15.25,0.55,23./ C DATA CASY/0.55,14.75,23./ DATA CSSX/15.7,0.5,21.6/ DATA CSSY/0.5,15.7,21.6/ DATA CASX/15.6,0.4,21.5/ DATA CASY/0.4,15.6,21.5/ DATA CASXD/2.4/ DATA CASYD/2.2/ C DATA ZCAS/51.25/ *END: EM. C CARD data DATA CARDB/10.,10.,10./ C TRD data c ml: 11/11/04 c DATA TRFR/19,17.5,.2/ DATA TRFR/21.1,19.0,.275/ DATA TRFD/19.75,13.9,.2425/ DATA TRFU/19.4,13.55,.2425/ DATA TRFM/21.1,19.0,0.1375/ DATA TRFL/20.175,14.325,1.13/ c DATA TRFI/15.5,14.,.2/ DATA TRR0/21.1,38.5,.25/ DATA TRI0/10.65,8.85,.15/ DATA TRRF/16.0,15.4,0.1/ DATA TRRI/9.8,8.0,0.1/ c end ml. DATA TRBS/3.3,18.3,1./ *ml: 10/11/66: DATA TRAL/3.3,2.15,1./ DATA TRR2/19.025,13.175,1.51/ *end ml. DATA TRDS/24.,24.5,13.5/ DATA TRDT/3.,3.,.25/ DATA TRDB/17.7,18.5,0/ DATA TRSO/0.197,0.2,14./ C DATA TRSI/0.,0.197,14./ DATA TRSI/0.,0.2,14./ *ml: 12/11/04: c DATA TRRA/13.2,14.,0/ DATA TRRA/18.25,12.4,0.76/ *end ml. *ml: 17/11/04: c DATA TRAN/1.75,1.75,1.0/ c DATA TRAI/1.75,1.65,0.9/ DATA TRAN/1.8,1.8,1.0/ DATA TRAI/1.0,1.0,1.0/ *end ml. DATA ZTRD/90.55/ DATA GAPTRD/1.5/ C Spectrometer data, mod by Caf on 20 Jul 2005 DATA SPEB/15.,14.4,22.615/ c ml: 31/10/05: c DATA MGFR/14.,13.4,4.0/ DATA MGFR/15.,14.4,4.45/ c end ml. c ml: 26/10/04: c DATA MGPL/12.,11.4,4.05/ DATA MGPL/12.,11.4,4.0/ DATA MGPA/8.1,6.6,4.0/ c DATA MGPI/8.05,6.55,4.05/ c ml: 31/10/05: c DATA MGPI/8.1,6.6,4.0/ C DATA MGPI/8.07,6.57,4./ C DATA MGPI/8.07,6.57,4.03/ DATA MGPI/8.07,6.57,4./ C end ml. c ml:31/10/05: c new volumes: C DATA TPGA/10.5,10.65,0.055/ DATA TPGA/10.29,10.65,0.04/ DATA TPGU/10.49,12.15,0.01/ DATA TPGD/12.,11.4,0.005/ DATA TPGI/8.07,6.57,0.015/ c end ml. c ml:17/12/04: c DATA TRPB/12.,11.4,0.4/ c$$$ mod by Caf on 20 Jul 2005 c$$$ DATA TRPB/10.49,12.15,0.365/ c ml 31/10/05: c DATA TRPB/15.,14.4,0.365/ DATA TRPB/10.49,12.15,0.365/ c end ml. ccc ml: 20/04/05: cc DATA TRPL/0.,7.,0.4/ C # DATA TPAI/8.0995,8.5,0.055/ C # DATA TPAS/8.0995,9.75,0.06/ C # Mod by CAF on 15 Jul 2005 c DATA TPAI/8.0995,1.25,0.055/ c DATA TPAS/8.0995,9.75,0.365/ c ml: 15/12/05: c ml 19/9/05: c DATA TPAS/8.144,9.9,0.365/ DATA TPAS/8.2,9.9,0.365/ DATA TPAI/8.144,1.25,0.05/ C # End mod c DATA TRSL/0.,7.,0./ C # DATA TRSL/2.6665,7.,0.015/ DATA TRSL/2.6665,3.5,0.015/ c DATA TSPA/2.666,3.5,0.015/ DATA TSPA/2.596,3.413,0.015/ DATA THBP/2.6665,2.75,0.015/ c DATA TRCP/0.005,7.,0.3/ c DATA TRCP/0.025,10.125,0.25/ c ml: 19/9/05: (based on the measure of the final version of the tracker plane) c DATA TRCP/0.035,10.125,0.25/ c change TRCP in order to not overla with mother DATA TRCP/0.035,9.9,0.25/ DATA TBAL/1.49,2.25,0.365/ c ml:16/11/05: distance between the bottom of the tracker and the bottom of c the base plate. DATA ZSPEBP/2.97/ c DATA ZSPEC/50.6/ C ml: 15/12/05: xglue is the dimension along x of the glue between each carbon c fiber barrel and the TRSL volume DATA XGLUE/0.0015/ C # DATA NTRSL/3/ DATA NTRSL/6/ DATA NTHBP/3/ c end ml. C Calorimeter data *EM: * DATA CASI/3.9,3.9,0.019/ DATA CASI/3.904,3.904,0.019/ *F.V.&ML: C DATA CG10/12.1,12.1,0.0875/ C DATA C10C/12.1,12.1,0.08/ C DATA CAAB/12.1,12.1,0.133/ C DATA CAPL/12.1,12.1,0./ C DATA CAAD/12.1,12.1,0.133/ C DATA CAPD/12.1,12.1,0./ C DATA CALB/19.7,19.7,10.2/ *MA DATA DZM0/0.19/, DZST/0.390/ DATA CG10/12.3,12.3,0.0875/ C # DATA C10C/12.3,12.3,0.08/ C # DATA CAAB/12.3,12.3,0.1315/ DATA C10C/12.3,12.3,0.06/ DATA CAAB/12.3,12.3,0.1315/ * end MA DATA CAPL/12.3,12.3,0./ DATA CANS/12.3,12.3,0./ DATA CAAD/12.3,12.3,0.133/ DATA CAPD/12.3,12.3,0./ *ML: * DATA CALB/19.7,19.7,10.45/ DATA CALB/23.2,23.2,10.589/ *END ML. *END F.V.&ML. *ML: * DATA CALS/20.,20.,10.5/ DATA CALS/24.2,24.2,10.639/ DATA ZCAL/13.05/ C with ZCAL=13.03 the distance between the bottom of the magnet and C the top of the top silicon strips is about 44.24 mm, as it has to be C if 37 mm is the height of the base plate and 7.24 mm is the distance C between the bottom of the end of the base plate and the top silicium C strips. Because of the difference is small and the height of the base C plate could be approximate, I left ZCAL=13.05. C DATA ZCAL/13.03/ *END ML. * DATA CALSTWID/0.36/ DATA CALSTWID/0.244/ * * NOTE: IF you change NCAPL, remember to modify the NCPL, NCSI, NOCAPL, * NOCASI array dimentions in $GPKEY, $GPDKEY common and data block. * The corresponding FFKEY call in GPFFR must be changed as well. * The GPDAT loop on these arrays should be checked too. * DATA NCAPL/22/ DATA NCAPLD/1/ DATA DCASIX/0.242/ DATA DCASIY/0.242/ DATA DCASIZ/0.694/ DATA NCASTR/32/ DATA CAKA/12.3,12.3,0.0025/ DATA CAGL/12.3,12.3,0.005/ DATA CAKP/12.3,12.3,0.0025/ C ***** Neutron detector DATA NDBI/20.,20.,7.5/,NDTU/0.92,0.925,10./,NDTI/0.,0.92,10./, + NDPB/20.,20.,1./,NDCD/20.,20.,0.025/,NDBX/20.5,20.5,8./