2 |
*** Activate magnetic field |
*** Activate magnetic field |
3 |
MAGN 1 |
MAGN 1 |
4 |
**** Special tracking parameter |
**** Special tracking parameter |
5 |
****SPTM 'SITR' 'SICA' 'CE ' 'G10C' |
SPTM 'SITR' 'SICA' 'CE ' 'G10C' 'N2G ' 'XE ' 'W2 ' |
****SPTM 'SITR' 'SICA' 'CE ' 'G10C' 'N2G ' |
************* |
SPTM 'XE ' |
***SPTM 'W2 ' |
6 |
**** Calo plane subdivided in block |
**** Calo plane subdivided in block |
7 |
**** CALO 'CASD' |
**** CALO 'CASD' |
8 |
**** HBOOK CWN activated |
**** Hadronic package (default is gheisha) |
HCWN 1 |
**** Select particle and momentum using KINE (elettroni da 20 GeV) |
**** per versione non interattiva |
**** ele=3, pi=9, mu=6 |
****KINE 3 5. |
kine 3 3. |
**** per versione interattiva: |
**** KINE 3 0. 0. 130. 0. 0. -20. |
**** Hadronic package |
9 |
**** HPAK 'FLUK' |
**** HPAK 'FLUK' |
10 |
**** Eliminates detectors |
**** Eliminates detectors |
11 |
NDET 'CAL ' 'SPHE' 'TOF ' 'SPE ' 'S4 ' 'CAS ' 'CAT ' |
**** NDET 'CAL ' 'SPHE' 'TOF ' 'SPE ' 'S4 ' 'CAS ' 'CAT ' |
**** NDET 'CAS ' 'CAT ' |
12 |
**** AUTO calculated parameter |
**** AUTO calculated parameter |
13 |
AUTO 0 |
AUTO 0 |
14 |
**** Force AUTO calculation for specified parameters |
15 |
**** AUTM 'STMI' 'DEEM' 'TMAX' |
16 |
**** Pass tracking parameters for xenon |
17 |
**** TPXE 2=100. 3=0.05 4=0.0001 |
**** TPXE 2=100. 3=0.05 4=0.0001 |
18 |
****TPXE 2=0.08 3=0.005 4=0.0001 |
**** Set some tracking parameters for all materials |
19 |
****TPXE 2=0.8 3=1.e-8 4=0.0001 |
**** STMA .015 |
20 |
GEN 1. 0. 105. 2. 2. |
**** COORDINATES of the origin and DIMENSIONS of the generation surface |
21 |
****GEN 1. 0. 101. 2. 2. |
**** GEN 1. 0. 105. 2. 2. |
22 |
****GEN 1. 0. 100.29 2. 2. |
GEN 1. 0. 101.8 2. 2. |
23 |
**** minimum and the maximum azimuth |
24 |
PHI 0. 0. |
PHI 0. 0. |
25 |
**** minimum and the maximum zenith |
26 |
THET 0. 0. |
THET 0. 0. |
27 |
**** Generate according to a power law, spectral index PLAW(1), range PLAW(2)-PLAW(3) |
28 |
***PLAW -2.7 5. 10. |
29 |
**** Select particle and momentum using KINE |
30 |
**** non-interactive version: |
31 |
KINE 3 3. |
32 |
**** interactive version: |
33 |
**** KINE 3 0. 0. 130. 0. 0. -20. |
34 |
**** Let's activate the standard CWN |
**** Let's activate the standard CWN |
35 |
**** HBOOK file name (chiamo primo.his) |
**** HBOOK CWN activated |
36 |
*** *HBFI 11 'GPTESTS1.HIS' |
HCWN 1 |
37 |
**** *HBFI 11 'ELE_3GEV_65%.HIS' |
**** CWN long format |
38 |
HLON 1 |
39 |
**** HBOOK file name |
40 |
41 |
**** GARFIELD file name |
**** GARFIELD file name |
42 |
43 |
**** Set some tracking parameter |
**** HFSF card to manage the random number seed chain |
44 |
**** STMA .015 |
HFSF 2 |
45 |
**** General GEANT data cards (commento per versione interattiva) |
**** FSFI card to set the file with the starting seeds |
46 |
47 |
**** LSFI card to set the file where the last random seeds will be stored |
48 |
49 |
**** General GEANT data cards |
50 |
RNDM 1517634070 138017667 |
RNDM 1517634070 138017667 |
51 |
**** TRIG 5000 |
TRIG 100 |
**** TRIG 10000 |
TRIG 5 |
52 |
**** DEBU 1=1 2=9999 3=1000 |
**** DEBU 1=1 2=9999 3=1000 |
53 |
****DEBU 1 99999 1 |
****DEBU 1 99999 1 |
54 |
****CUTS 1=0.00001 2=0.00001 8=0.00001 9=0.00001 |
55 |
CUTS 1=0.0001 2=0.0001 8=0.0001 9=0.0001 5=0.0001 |
CUTS 1=0.0001 2=0.0001 8=0.0001 9=0.0001 5=0.0001 |
56 |
CUTS 6=.001 7=.001 3=0.0001 4=.0001 10=.01 |
CUTS 6=.001 7=.001 3=0.0001 4=.0001 10=.01 |
57 |
****SWIT 1=1 2=2 3=1 4=104 5=101 6=107 7=108 |
****SWIT 1=1 2=2 3=1 4=104 5=101 6=107 7=108 |
66 |
PHOT 1 |
PHOT 1 |
67 |
RAYL 0 |
RAYL 0 |
68 |
HADR 4 |
HADR 4 |
PFIS 1 |
************** |
****per prove trd commento: |
HADR 0 |
69 |
PFIS 0 |
PFIS 0 |
****ANNI 0 |
****BREM 0 |
****COMP 0 |
****DCAY 0 |
****DRAY 0 |
****MULS 0 |
****MUNU 0 |
****PAIR 0 |
****PHOT 0 |
****RAYL 0 |
************** |
70 |
LOSS 1 |
LOSS 1 |
***MULS 3 |
***LOSS 1 |
***DRAY 1 |
***HADR 2 |
71 |
TIME -1 -1 -1 |
TIME -1 -1 -1 |
****HLON 6144 |
HLON 1 |
72 |
***accumulates the statistic of the various geometrical routines called. |
***accumulates the statistic of the various geometrical routines called. |
73 |
STAT 1 |
STAT 1 |
74 |
***Set run and first event number |
***Set run and first event number |