/[PAMELA software]/gp2root/testcashit.cpp
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Contents of /gp2root/testcashit.cpp

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Sun Oct 22 08:27:23 2006 UTC (18 years, 4 months ago) by cafagna
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v0r9, v0r10, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +36 -25 lines
Stable version, lot of changes, ROOT support included, persistency not yet activated

1 #include <iostream>
2 #include "pEvent.h"
3 #include "TROOT.h"
4 #include "TFile.h"
5 #include "TTree.h"
7 using std::cout;
8 using std::endl;
10 struct a{
11 int _ical;
12 int _ical2;
13 int _ipart;
14 float _xin,_yin,_zin;
15 // float _xout,_yout,_zout;
16 float _erel;
17 // float _time;
18 // float _pathcal;
19 // float _p0;
20 };
21 union test {
22 a adesc;
23 char b[24];
24 };
26 int main(){
27 TROOT baseapp("baseapp","My first root application");
28 test prova;
29 // pDetector pcal=pUtil::GetDet("CAL");
30 pEvent *event=new pEvent();
32 TFile *mf= new TFile("test.root","recreate");
33 TTree *mt=new TTree("gptree","GPAMELA Tree");
34 mt->Branch("pEvent_branch","pEvent",&event,16000,0);
36 event->AddDetector("CAL");
37 for(int i=0; i<3; ++i){
38 prova.adesc._ipart=1+i;
39 prova.adesc._ical=2+i;
40 prova.adesc._ical2=22+i;
41 prova.adesc._xin=3.+i;
42 prova.adesc._yin=4.+i;
43 prova.adesc._zin=5.+i;
44 // prova.adesc._xout=6.+i;
45 // prova.adesc._yout=7.+i;
46 // prova.adesc._zout=8.+i;
47 prova.adesc._erel=9.+i;
48 // prova.adesc._time=10.+i;
49 // prova.adesc._pathcal=11.+i;
50 // prova.adesc._p0=12.+i;
51 // pcal.AddHit(new pCalHit(prova.b));
52 // pcal.AddHit(pUtil::GetpHit(pcal.GetName(),prova.b));
53 event->AddHit("CAL",prova.b);
55 }
56 // event.AddDetector(pcal.GetName(),&pcal);
57 // pcal.Print();
58 event->Print();
59 // pCalHit phit(prova.b);
62 // phit.Print();
63 // cout << cid->GetIcas() << endl;
64 // cout << phit.GetXin() << endl;
65 // cout << phit.GetYin() << endl;
66 // cout << phit.GetZin() << endl;
67 // cout << phit.GetXout() << endl;
68 // cout << phit.GetYout() << endl;
69 // cout << phit.GetZout() << endl;
70 // cout << phit.GetTime() << endl;
71 // cout << phit.GetErel() << endl;
72 // cout << phit.GetPath() << endl;
73 // cout << phit.GetP0() << endl;
74 // cout << phit.GetIpart() << endl;
75 mt->Fill();
76 mf->Write();
77 mf->Close();
78 return 0;
79 }

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