//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // EventViewer.c version 8.01 (2006-01-10) // // Shows PAMELA events - Emiliano Mocchiutti // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The only input needed is the path to the directory ("filename") created by YODA for the data file you want to analyze. // // Standard use: // // root[0] .L ShowEvent.c // root[1] ShowEvent("/home/dati/filesFromYoda/DW_050112_00600/"); // // For further informations use: // // root[3] ShowEvent(); // // or // // root[4] ShowEvent("help"); // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Changelog: // // 8.00 - 8.01 (2006-01-10): Added tracker measured positions used to determine the track. // // 7.03 - 8.00 (2005-11-24): many changes to compile the macro. The code is still very redundant and heavy but some bugs were fixed and now it should be more stable. // Do not require anymore the AcFunctions.h header, a clone has been written (aclev1class.h). // // 7.02 - 7.03 (2005-10-14): load library containing CalorimeterLevel1 class definition. // // 7.01 - 7.02 (2005-10-12): changed neutron detector color scale to a more realistic one. // // 7.00 - 7.01 (2005-10-10): simplyfied input (less parameters), added support for TOF level1 data. // // 6.05 - 7.00 (2005-09-21): changes to work with tracker software version 2.00. // // 6.04 - 6.05 (2005-08-03): changes to fix bugs related to 64 bit arch. // // 6.03 - 6.04 (2005-07-22): small bug in signal visualization in TOF S11 fixed. // // 6.02 - 6.03 (2005-07-19): use clone routines of yodaUtility.c that can be found in CaloFunctions.h and don't load anymore yodaUtility.c // // 6.01 - 6.02 (2005-07-12): small changes due to correction for the compilation of CaloFunctions.h. // // 6.00 - 6.01 (2005-07-07): AC, now it reads LEVEL1 output (hit are shown with different colour if they are not in time with trigger). Some AC related small bugs fixed. // Added synchronization routines between "YODA" output and tracker output (I am assuming that everything comes out from YODA is synchronized). // // 5.21 - 6.00 (2005-07-06): Now it can read tracker rootples generated by the GroundDataConvert software. Some minor bugs related to tracker visualization fixed. // Notice that tracker data are not synchronized yet to the "YODA" data. // // 5.20 - 5.21 (2005-06-29): Added some options in the interactive menu (B/W toggling, track in S4/ND toggling). Created a new include file with structures for the // event viewer, changed the WhatToDO routine, now renamed in WhatToDoEV. Bug: cannot run program twice when showing track without quitting // ROOT, fixed. Changed "CALO" to "Calorimeter" and "TRK" to "Tracker" in verbose infos mode. Bug: don't show trigger configuration on the text // output when no infos are shown on the figure, fixed. Increased the width of the track line. // // 5.19 - 5.20 (2005-06-28): Bug: S4 z dimension is wrong! corrected. New filename and changes needed to upgrade to the new software architecture. // // 5.18 - 5.19 (2005-06-16): Bug: S4/PULSER flag is not always correct since sometimes the trigger is given by S4 but the flag is not set. Fixed (?) with a // workaround, to be checked that is the best we can do. // // 5.17 - 5.18 (2005-06-14): Added black and white visualization (use input variable "BW" as flag). Wrong position of S4 in level0 visualization, fixed. Saved PS files do not // contain the TOF information from TDC position, fixed. // // 5.16 - 5.17 (2005-06-08): S4 level0 and level1 splitted. Level0 shows the patterntrig variable (NB: NOT ALWAYS CORRECT!!), Level1 shows calibrated info from S4. // // 5.15 - 5.16 (2005-06-07): Unload libraries when exiting and change back to the starting directory. Check if the file is older than 050515_007. // // 5.14 - 5.15 (2005-05-17): Crashes if ADC to MIP calorimeter conversion value is zero, fixed. // // 5.13 - 5.14 (2005-05-13): Force level0 visualization also for the calorimeter. // // 5.12 - 5.13 (2005-05-10): Calorimeter Z dimension is WRONG!!! fixed. // // 5.11 - 5.12 (2005-05-02): OBT is On Board Time and not Orbital Time! // // 5.10 - 5.11 (2005-04-19): Bug fixed in the new subroutine ShowTOFL1 and changed to the old behaviour the calorimeter calibration search (it could took long time // to find a good calibration with the new method expecially in the case of a directory with a single file). // // 5.09 - 5.10 (2005-04-18): Added ShowTOFL1 subroutine to show TOF informations instead of trigger infos. Still it possible to see trigger infos forcing level0 data. // // 5.08 - 5.09 (2005-04-11): Changes in the CaloShowL0 subroutine: do not calibrate more than once if there is a jump in OBT. // // 5.07 - 5.08 (2005-04-07): Changes in the CaloShowL0 subroutine. Changed tree name of level1 and adc2mip calorimeter data. // // 5.06 - 5.07 (2005-04-05): Bug in the rigidity and chi2 report in the figure, fixed. // // 5.05 - 5.06 (2005-03-30): Small changes in the whattodo behaviour. // // 5.04 - 5.05 (2005-03-23): Introduced the input variable FORCELEV to force the data level to load. For now it is possible only to force level0 data // reading of calorimeter and tracker. News: the selection file name now can be anyone and must be used as input if you want // to select events. Hence the "selection" integer input has become the string "selfile". // // 5.03 - 5.04 (2005-03-18): Small changes in the print out. // // 5.02 - 5.03 (2005-03-17): Cannot go backward in selection mode, fixed. Change in ShowS4 the S4 calibration parameter. // New: now it is possible to jump to a certain event number and not only to progressive number. // // 5.01 - 5.02 (2005-03-16): Pulser information is now printed in the INFOS and S4 MIP signal (first order calibration) is represented with colours // (same palette as for calorimeter). // // 5.00 - 5.01 (2005-03-14): Information text size increased. // // 4.11 - 5.00 (2005-03-11): Track visualization offset bug fixed. Reload magnetic field maps if back to the first event, fixed. // Added some comments in the code. Added level2 tracker data to filter.c. // // 4.10 - 4.11 (2005-03-10): Tracker LEVEL1 visualization implemented. Changed the tracker directory from "magnet" to "tracker". Show LEVEL1 information // even if LEVEL2 data are not present. // // 4.09 - 4.10 (2005-03-08): Read the calorimeter calibration file if trying to generate level 1 data. // // 4.08 - 4.09 (2005-03-03): S4 always shown as hit, fixed. // // 4.07 - 4.08 (2005-02-25): In filter mode added a progress viewer. CAS1 plane view was filled with full red colour instead of pinkish colour, fixed. // // 4.06 - 4.07 (2005-02-25): crashes when exiting on empty files. Fixed. // // 4.05 - 4.06 (2005-02-24): Changed order of input variables. // // 4.04 - 4.05 (2005-02-24): Changed variable definition from C/C++ style to ROOT style (int->Int_t). // // 4.03 - 4.04 (2005-02-23): Added the "selection" input variable. If set greater than zero the program will look for // events satisfying the condition in the filter.c program. Notice that running in this configuration // will not let you to go backward with events. // // 4.02 - 4.03 (2005-02-23): Sometimes the calorimeter was repeating an event to infinity. Fixed. // // 4.01 - 4.02 (2005-02-22): ROOT 4.03/02 version bug fixed (calorimeter only). // // 4.00 - 4.01 (2005-02-18): Calorimeter compress/full raw mode visualization didn't work. Fixed. Neutron detector data format changed, fixed accordingly. // // 3.04 - 4.00 (2005-02-14): Small changes in the calorimeter x/y view and in the tracker plane view geometries. // Added the track visualization code once you have tracker LEVEL2 data. // // 3.03 - 3.04 (2005-02-10): Show not only the YODA number (progressive number) but also the EVENT NUMBER from the packet header! // // 3.02 - 3.03 (2005-02-08): TOF scintillators divided into A and B PMTs. Upper triangles are A PMT, lower triangles are B PMTs. S4 readout implemented: // the information comes from the trigger board and the energy level is drawn out as LEVEL0 information. Some bugs in the // scintillators order fixed. Changed color of shadow hit in the tracker Y-view; added small black dot on tracker ladders to // indicate the detectors edges. // // 3.01 - 3.02 (2005-02-04): Tracker hit shown in the plane view. CAS shown in the plane view. Level0 TOF information shown in the scintillators. // Bug for which it is not possible to see only the last event, fixed. // // 3.00 - 3.01 (2005-01-31): AC CARD view from above added. Printing bug fixed, now it calls for the WhatToDo routine in CaloFunctions.h. // // 2.01 - 3.00 (2005-01-21): Major changes in the program philosophy: now it will check first for higher order LEVEL data and it will use low level data // only as last resurce. // // 2.00 - 2.01 (2005-01-18): AC cat changed, added PMTs, AC hits out of triggers are shown now in a different colour. Added "go backward" capability. // // 1.01 - 2.00 (2005-01-14): many changes, some cleanup of the code, detectors are in scale. // // 1.00 - 1.01 (2004-12-15): Include also yodaUtility.c . // #include #include // #include #include #include #include // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include // #if !defined (__CINT__) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern const char *pathtocalibration(); extern void creadB(const char []); extern void projectlev1(Trklev1 &); extern void ctrack(int, Double_t [], Double_t [], Double_t [], Double_t [], int &); #endif // // #include #include // #include #include #include #include #include // void unload1(){ #if defined (__CINT__) char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); stringstream libload1; libload1.str(""); libload1 << pam_lib << "/libptlevel1_C"; gSystem->Unload(libload1.str().c_str()); char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); stringstream libload1; libload1.str(""); libload1 << pam_lib << "/libptlevel1"; gSystem->Unload(libload1.str().c_str()); #endif } void unload2(){ #if defined (__CINT__) char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); stringstream libload; libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libreadb2maps_C"; gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); libload << pam_lib << "/libreadb2maps"; gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); libload << pam_lib << "/libtrack_C"; gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str()); stringstream libload; libload.str(""); char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); libload << pam_lib << "/libtrack"; gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str()); #endif } //********************************************************************************** // LEVEL0 SUBROUTINES // //********************************************************************************** void ShowCaloRAW(Int_t i, TTree *otr, Variables & var){ pamela::calorimeter::CalorimeterEvent *de = 0; otr->SetBranchAddress("Calorimeter.Event", &de); if ( !var.nosig ) otr->GetEntry(i); // // Book the histograms: // // stringstream delex; delex.str(""); delex << "x-view event " << (i+1); stringstream deley; deley.str(""); deley << "y-view event " << (i+1); gDirectory->Delete(delex.str().c_str()); gDirectory->Delete(deley.str().c_str()); TH2F *Xview = new TH2F(delex.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); TH2F *Yview = new TH2F(deley.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); Xview->GetYaxis()->SetLabelColor(10); Yview->GetYaxis()->SetLabelColor(10); // // figures: // Int_t bgcolor = 10; TPad *pd1 = new TPad("calox","This is pad1",var.xxvc-0.154*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.3645*var.sfy,var.xxvc+0.154*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.1200*var.sfy,bgcolor); TPad *pd2 = new TPad("caloy","This is pad2",var.xyvc-0.154*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.3645*var.sfy,var.xyvc+0.154*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.1200*var.sfy,bgcolor); pd1->SetFillStyle(4000); pd1->SetFillColor(0); pd1->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); pd2->SetFillStyle(4000); pd2->SetFillColor(0); pd2->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); TLatex *t=new TLatex(); t->SetTextFont(32); t->SetTextColor(1); t->SetTextSize(0.03); t->SetTextAlign(12); pd1->Range(0.,0.,1.,1.); pd2->Range(0.,0.,1.,1.); pd1->SetTicks(); pd2->SetTicks(); pd1->Draw(); pd2->Draw(); pd1->cd(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); Xview->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.5); Xview->SetFillColor(bgcolor); Xview->Fill(1.,1.,1.); Xview->Draw("box"); pd1->Update(); pd2->cd(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); Yview->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.5); Yview->SetFillColor(bgcolor); Yview->Fill(1.,1.,1.); Yview->Draw("box"); pd2->Update(); // // run over views and planes // stringstream xevent; stringstream yevent; for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ // // determine the section number // Int_t se = 5; if ( !l && m%2 == 0 ){ se = 3; }; if ( !l && m%2 != 0 ){ se = 2; }; if ( l && m%2 == 0 ){ se = 1; }; if ( l && m%2 != 0 ){ se = 0; }; // // determine what kind of event we are going to analyze // bool isCOMP = 0; bool isFULL = 0; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 16) ) isCOMP = 1; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 17) ) isFULL = 1; // // run over strips // if ( isCOMP || isFULL ) { for (Int_t n = 0; n < 96; n++){ if ( de->dexyc[l][m][n] > 0. && !var.nosig ){ xevent.str(""); yevent.str(""); xevent << "x-view event " << n; xevent << " " << m; xevent << " " << l; yevent << "y-view event " << n; yevent << " " << m; yevent << " " << l; gDirectory->Delete(xevent.str().c_str()); gDirectory->Delete(yevent.str().c_str()); TH2F *Xview = new TH2F(xevent.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); TH2F *Yview = new TH2F(yevent.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); Int_t colo = 38; Xview->SetFillColor(colo); Yview->SetFillColor(colo); if ( l == 0 ) { Xview->Fill(n,21-m,1.); pd1->cd(); Xview->Draw("box same"); }; if ( l == 1 ) { Yview->Fill(95-n,21-m,1.); pd2->cd(); Yview->Draw("box same"); }; }; }; }; }; }; pd1->Update(); pd2->Update(); var.qtot=0; var.nstrip=0; } void ShowND(Int_t evno, TTree *otr, Variables & var){ Int_t tmpSize; Int_t yUpperTrig = 0; Int_t yUpperBk = 0; Int_t yBottomBk = 0; pamela::neutron::NeutronEvent *ne = 0; pamela::neutron::NeutronRecord *nr = 0; otr->SetBranchAddress("Neutron.Event", &ne); // if ( !var.nosig ) otr->GetEntry(evno); // tmpSize = ne->Records->GetEntries(); for (Int_t j = 0; j < tmpSize; j++){ nr = (pamela::neutron::NeutronRecord*)ne->Records->At(j); yUpperTrig += (int)nr->trigPhysics; yUpperBk += (int)nr->upperBack; yBottomBk += (int)nr->bottomBack; } var.trup = yUpperTrig; var.bkup = yUpperBk; var.bkbo = yBottomBk; if ( var.nosig ){ yUpperTrig = 0; yUpperBk = 0; yBottomBk = 0; } Int_t ucolo = 10; if ( var.bw ){ if ( yUpperTrig == 1 ){ ucolo = 17; } if ( yUpperTrig == 2 ){ ucolo = 15; } if ( yUpperTrig > 2 && yUpperTrig < 7 ){ ucolo = 14; } if ( yUpperTrig > 6 && yUpperTrig < 15 ){ ucolo = 13; } if ( yUpperTrig >= 14 ){ ucolo = 12; }; } else { if ( yUpperTrig == 1 ){ ucolo = 38; } if ( yUpperTrig == 2 ){ ucolo = 4; } if ( yUpperTrig > 2 && yUpperTrig < 7 ){ ucolo = 3; } if ( yUpperTrig > 6 && yUpperTrig < 15 ){ ucolo = 2; } if ( yUpperTrig >= 14 ){ ucolo = 6; }; }; // // figures: // if ( true ){ Float_t xc1[5]={ -0.300, 0.300, 0.300, -0.300, -0.300 }; Float_t yc1[5]={ -0.47-0.04, -0.47-0.04, -0.47+2.*0.075-0.04, -0.47+2.*0.075-0.04, -0.47-0.04}; // // Upper X-view // Float_t xc[5]; Float_t yc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= var.xxvc + xc1[i]*var.nds4; yc[i] = var.yxvc + yc1[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fnd2x = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); fnd2x->SetLineColor(1); fnd2x->SetFillColor(ucolo); fnd2x->SetLineWidth(1); fnd2x->Draw("f"); fnd2x->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ Float_t xc1[5]={ -0.275, 0.275, 0.275, -0.275, -0.275 }; Float_t yc1[5]={ -0.47-0.04-0.075, -0.47-0.04-0.075, -0.47+0.075-0.04, -0.47+0.075-0.04, -0.47-0.04-0.075}; // // Upper Y-view // Float_t xc[5]; Float_t yc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= var.xyvc + xc1[i]*var.nds4; yc[i] = var.yyvc + (yc1[i]+0.075)*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fnd2y = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); fnd2y->SetLineColor(1); fnd2y->SetFillColor(ucolo); fnd2y->SetLineWidth(1); fnd2y->Draw("f"); fnd2y->Draw(); }; } void ShowTRKL0(Int_t evno, TTree *otr, Variables & var){ // pamela::tracker::TrackerEvent *trk = 0; otr->SetBranchAddress("Tracker.Event", &trk); if ( !var.nosig ) otr->GetEntry(evno); // // a matrix of pads for each view x and y // TPad *trkpad[12]; for (Int_t n = 0; n<12; n++){ stringstream spd; spd.str(""); spd << "pd1" << n; gDirectory->Delete(spd.str().c_str()); spd.str(""); spd << "pd2" << n; gDirectory->Delete(spd.str().c_str()); spd.str(""); spd << "pd3" << n; gDirectory->Delete(spd.str().c_str()); spd.str(""); spd << "pd4" << n; gDirectory->Delete(spd.str().c_str()); spd.str(""); spd << "pd5" << n; gDirectory->Delete(spd.str().c_str()); spd.str(""); spd << "pd6" << n; gDirectory->Delete(spd.str().c_str()); spd.str(""); stringstream sbd; sbd.str(""); Int_t magcol = 0; TPad *mag1 = 0; TPad *mag2 = 0; if ( n%2 ) { Float_t posx = var.xxvc; Float_t posy = var.yxvc + (0.29 - 0.089*((n/2.)-1.))*var.sfy; spd.str(""); sbd.str(""); spd << "pd1" << n; sbd << "bd1" << n; trkpad[n] = new TPad(spd.str().c_str(),sbd.str().c_str(),posx-0.081*var.sfx,posy,posx+0.081*var.sfx,posy+0.089*var.sfy,10); trkpad[n]->SetFillStyle(4000); trkpad[n]->SetFillColor(0); trkpad[n]->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); trkpad[n]->Draw(); if ( n != 1 ) { if ( var.bw ) { magcol = 1; } else { magcol = 45; }; spd.str(""); sbd.str(""); spd << "pd2" << n; sbd << "bd2" << n; mag1 = new TPad(spd.str().c_str(),sbd.str().c_str(),posx-(0.039+0.081)*var.sfx,posy+0.004*var.sfy,posx-0.081*var.sfx,posy+0.088*var.sfy,magcol); if ( var.bw ) mag1->SetFillStyle(3001); mag1->Draw(); spd.str(""); sbd.str(""); spd << "pd3" << n; sbd << "bd3" << n; mag2 = new TPad(spd.str().c_str(),sbd.str().c_str(),posx+0.081*var.sfx,posy+0.004*var.sfy,posx+(0.081+0.039)*var.sfx,posy+0.088*var.sfy,magcol); if ( var.bw ) mag2->SetFillStyle(3001); mag2->Draw(); }; } else { Float_t posx = var.xyvc; Float_t posy = var.yyvc + (0.29 - 0.089 * (((n+1.)/2.)-1.))*var.sfy; spd.str(""); sbd.str(""); spd << "pd4" << n; sbd << "bd4" << n; trkpad[n] = new TPad(spd.str().c_str(),sbd.str().c_str(),posx-0.07*var.sfx,posy,posx+0.07*var.sfx,posy+0.089*var.sfy,10); trkpad[n]->SetFillStyle(4000); trkpad[n]->SetFillColor(0); trkpad[n]->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); trkpad[n]->Draw(); if ( n != 0 ) { if ( var.bw ) { magcol = 1; } else { magcol = 45; }; spd.str(""); sbd.str(""); spd << "pd5" << n; sbd << "bd5" << n; mag1 = new TPad(spd.str().c_str(),sbd.str().c_str(),posx-(0.048+0.066)*var.sfx,posy+0.004*var.sfy,posx-0.066*var.sfx,posy+0.088*var.sfy,magcol); if ( var.bw ) mag1->SetFillStyle(3001); mag1->Draw(); spd.str(""); sbd.str(""); spd << "pd6" << n; sbd << "bd6" << n; mag2 = new TPad(spd.str().c_str(),sbd.str().c_str(),posx+0.066*var.sfx,posy+0.004*var.sfy,posx+(0.066+0.048)*var.sfx,posy+0.088*var.sfy,magcol); if ( var.bw ) mag2->SetFillStyle(3001); mag2->Draw(); }; }; }; TPad *trplv; gDirectory->Delete("trkplv"); trplv = new TPad("trkplv","trkplv",var.xcat-0.066*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.081*var.sfy,var.xcat+0.066*var.sfx,var.ycat+0.081*var.sfy,10); trplv->SetFillStyle(4000); trplv->SetFillColor(0); trplv->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); trplv->Draw(); // Int_t sigcol1 = 17; Int_t sigcol2 = 15; Int_t linecol = 13; if ( var.bw ) { sigcol1 = 17; sigcol2 = 15; linecol = 13; } else { sigcol1 = 32; sigcol2 = 38; linecol = 42; }; TLine *linea = 0; TLine *linea1x = 0; TLine *linea2x = 0; TLine *linea1y = 0; Float_t x = 0.; for (Int_t l = 0; l<12; l++){ trkpad[l]->cd(); if ( l%2 ) { trkpad[l]->Range(0.,0.,3100.,1.); linea = new TLine(0.,0.01,3100.,0.01); linea1x = new TLine(1033.,0.01,1033,0.030); linea2x = new TLine(2066.,0.01,2066,0.030); } else { trkpad[l]->Range(0.,0.,2076.,1.); linea = new TLine(0.,0.01,2076.,0.01); linea1y = new TLine(1038.,0.01,1038,0.030); }; linea->SetLineWidth(2); linea->SetLineColor(linecol); linea->Draw(); if ( l%2 ) { linea1x->SetLineWidth(1); linea1x->SetLineColor(1); linea1x->Draw(); linea2x->SetLineWidth(1); linea2x->SetLineColor(1); linea2x->Draw(); } else { linea1y->SetLineWidth(1); linea1y->SetLineColor(1); linea1y->Draw(); }; // Int_t planeno = trk->DSPnumber[l]-1; if ( planeno < 0 || planeno > 11 ) planeno = 0; if ( planeno >= 0 && !var.nosig ) { if ( (planeno+1)%2 ){ trkpad[planeno]->cd(); trkpad[planeno]->Range(0.,0.,2076.,1.); for (Int_t m = 0; m<3; m++){ if ( trk->signcluster[l][m] != 0. ){ if ( planeno == 10 ) { x = 1024 - trk->addrcluster[l][m]; } else { x = trk->addrcluster[l][m]; }; linea = new TLine(14.+x,0.01,14.+x,0.3); linea->SetLineWidth(2); linea->SetLineColor(sigcol1); linea->Draw(); x += 1024.; linea = new TLine(14.+x,0.01,14.+x,0.3); linea->SetLineWidth(2); linea->SetLineColor(sigcol2); linea->Draw(); var.ncly++; }; }; } else { trkpad[planeno]->cd(); trkpad[planeno]->Range(0.,0.,3100.,1.); for (Int_t m = 0; m<3; m++){ if ( trk->signcluster[l][m] != 0. ){ x = trk->addrcluster[l][m] + 1024. * m; linea = new TLine(14.+x,0.01,14.+x,0.3); linea->SetLineWidth(2); linea->SetLineColor(sigcol2); linea->Draw(); var.nclx++; }; }; }; }; }; // // Show track in the plane view! // Float_t xh[6]; Float_t yh1[6]; Float_t yh2[6]; Float_t mag[6]; for (Int_t l = 0; l<6; l++ ){ xh[l] = 0.; yh1[l] = 0.; yh2[l] = 0.; mag[l] = 0.; }; Int_t ncro = 0; // for (Int_t l = 0; l<12; l++ ){ Float_t xsig = 0.; Float_t ysig = 0.; Int_t planeno = trk->DSPnumber[l]-1; for (Int_t e = 0; e<12;e++){ Int_t planeno2 = trk->DSPnumber[e]-1; if ( planeno == planeno2-1 ){ if ( planeno < 0 || planeno > 11 ) planeno = 0; if ( planeno >= 0 && !var.nosig ) { mag[ncro] = ((float)planeno+1.)/5.; if ( (planeno+1)%2 ){ for (Int_t m = 0; m<3; m++){ if ( trk->signcluster[l][m] != 0. ){ if ( planeno == 10 ) { x = 1024 - trk->addrcluster[l][m]; } else { x = trk->addrcluster[l][m]; }; x += 1024.; if ( trk->signcluster[l][m]> ysig ){ ysig = trk->signcluster[l][m]; yh1[ncro] = x-1024.; yh2[ncro] = x; }; }; }; for (Int_t m = 0; m<3; m++){ if ( trk->signcluster[e][m] != 0. ){ x = trk->addrcluster[e][m] + 1024. * m; if ( trk->signcluster[e][m]> xsig && !( planeno == 0 && x > 2800) ){ xsig = trk->signcluster[e][m]; xh[ncro] = x; }; }; }; } else { for (Int_t m = 0; m<3; m++){ if ( trk->signcluster[l][m] != 0. ){ x = trk->addrcluster[l][m] + 1024. * m; if ( trk->signcluster[l][m]> xsig && !( planeno == 0 && x > 2800) ){ xsig = trk->signcluster[l][m]; xh[ncro] = x; }; }; }; if ( (planeno+1)%2 ){ for (Int_t m = 0; m<3; m++){ if ( trk->signcluster[e][m] != 0. ){ if ( planeno == 10 ) { x = 1024 - trk->addrcluster[e][m]; } else { x = trk->addrcluster[e][m]; }; x += 1024.; if ( trk->signcluster[e][m]> ysig ){ ysig = trk->signcluster[e][m]; yh1[ncro] = x-1024.; yh2[ncro] = x; }; }; }; }; }; if ( ysig > 0. && xsig > 0. ) { ncro++; }; }; }; }; }; // // Draw crosses // if ( ncro ) { trplv->cd(); trplv->Range(0.,0.,2076.,3100.); for ( Int_t i = 0; iSetLineWidth((int)lwx); linea->SetLineColor(sigcol1); linea->Draw(); linea = new TLine(yh1[i]-cdx,xh[i]-lwy/2.,yh1[i]+cdx,xh[i]-lwy/2.); linea->SetLineWidth((int)lwy); linea->SetLineColor(sigcol1); linea->Draw(); // linea = new TLine(yh2[i]-lwx/2.,xh[i]-cdy,yh2[i]-lwx/2.,xh[i]+cdy); linea->SetLineWidth((int)lwx); linea->SetLineColor(sigcol2); linea->Draw(); linea = new TLine(yh2[i]-cdy,xh[i]-lwy/2.,yh2[i]+cdx,xh[i]-lwy/2.); linea->SetLineWidth((int)lwy); linea->SetLineColor(sigcol2); linea->Draw(); }; }; } void ShowAC(Int_t i, TTree *otr, Variables & var, Int_t lev){ // Int_t hitmapA = 0; Int_t hitmapB = 0; Int_t hitstatusA = 0; Int_t hitstatusB = 0; if ( lev == 0 ){ pamela::anticounter::AnticounterEvent *ace = 0; otr->SetBranchAddress("Anticounter.Event", &ace); if ( !var.nosig ) otr->GetEntry(i); hitmapA = ace->hitmap[0]; hitmapB = ace->hitmap[1]; if ( lev == 0 ){ hitstatusA = 65535; hitstatusB = 65535; } else { hitstatusA = ace->status[0]; hitstatusB = ace->status[1]; }; }; if ( lev == 1 ){ AnticounterLevel1 *ace1 = new AnticounterLevel1(); otr->SetBranchAddress("AcLevel1.Event", &ace1); if ( !var.nosig ) otr->GetEntry(i); hitmapA = ace1->hitmap[0]; hitmapB = ace1->hitmap[1]; if ( lev == 0 ){ hitstatusA = 65535; hitstatusB = 65535; } else { hitstatusA = ace1->hitstatus[0]; hitstatusB = ace1->hitstatus[1]; }; }; // if ( var.nosig ){ hitmapA = 0; hitmapB = 0; hitstatusA = 0; hitstatusB = 0; }; // Float_t cas1 = 0.; Float_t cas2 = 0.; Float_t cas3 = 0.; Float_t cas4 = 0.; Float_t cas1b = 0.; Float_t cas2b = 0.; Float_t cas3b = 0.; Float_t cas4b = 0.; // Float_t cat1 = 0.; Float_t cat2 = 0.; Float_t cat3 = 0.; Float_t cat4 = 0.; Float_t cat1b = 0.; Float_t cat2b = 0.; Float_t cat3b = 0.; Float_t cat4b = 0.; // Float_t card1 = 0.; Float_t card2 = 0.; Float_t card3 = 0.; Float_t card4 = 0.; Float_t card1b = 0.; Float_t card2b = 0.; Float_t card3b = 0.; Float_t card4b = 0.; // Float_t intime = -0.25; Float_t outtime = -0.375; if ( var.bw ){ intime = -0.25; outtime = -0.375; } else { intime = 1.; outtime = -4.; }; // // main board // if ( hitmapA & (1<<0) ) { card4 = intime; if ( !(hitstatusA & (1<<0)) ) card4 = outtime ; var.hcard++; } if ( hitmapA & (1<<1) ) { cat2 = intime; if ( !(hitstatusA & (1<<1)) ) cat2 = outtime ; var.hcat++; } if ( hitmapA & (1<<2) ) { cas1 = intime; if ( !(hitstatusA & (1<<2)) ) cas1 = outtime ; var.hcas++; } // if ( hitmapA & (1<<4) ) { card2 = intime; if ( !(hitstatusA & (1<<4)) ) card2 = outtime ; var.hcard++; } if ( hitmapA & (1<<5) ) { cat4 = intime; if ( !(hitstatusA & (1<<5)) ) cat4 = outtime ; var.hcat++; } if ( hitmapA & (1<<6) ) { cas4 = intime; if ( !(hitstatusA & (1<<6)) ) cas4 = outtime ; var.hcas++; } // if ( hitmapA & (1<<8) ) { card3 = intime; if ( !(hitstatusA & (1<<8)) ) card3 = outtime ; var.hcard++; } if ( hitmapA & (1<<9) ) { cat3 = intime; if ( !(hitstatusA & (1<<9)) ) cat3 = outtime ; var.hcat++; } if ( hitmapA & (1<<10) ) { cas3 = intime; if ( !(hitstatusA & (1<<10)) ) cas3 = outtime ; var.hcas++; } // if ( hitmapA & (1<<12) ) { card1 = intime; if ( !(hitstatusA & (1<<12)) ) card1 = outtime ; var.hcard++; } if ( hitmapA & (1<<13) ) { cat1 = intime; if ( !(hitstatusA & (1<<13)) ) cat1 = outtime ; var.hcat++; } if ( hitmapA & (1<<14) ) { cas2 = intime; if ( !(hitstatusA & (1<<14)) ) cas2 = outtime ; var.hcas++; } // // extra board // if ( hitmapB & (1<<0) ) { card4b = intime; if ( !(hitstatusB & (1<<0)) ) card4b = outtime ; var.hcard++; } if ( hitmapB & (1<<1) ) { cat2b = intime; if ( !(hitstatusB & (1<<1)) ) cat2b = outtime ; var.hcat++; } if ( hitmapB & (1<<2) ) { cas1b = intime; if ( !(hitstatusB & (1<<2)) ) cas1b = outtime; var.hcas++; } // if ( hitmapB & (1<<4) ) { card2b = intime; if ( !(hitstatusB & (1<<4)) ) card2b = outtime ; var.hcard++; } if ( hitmapB & (1<<5) ) { cat4b = intime; if ( !(hitstatusB & (1<<5)) ) cat4b = outtime ; var.hcat++; } if ( hitmapB & (1<<6) ) { cas4b = intime; if ( !(hitstatusB & (1<<6)) ) cas4b = outtime ; var.hcas++; } // if ( hitmapB & (1<<8) ) { card3b = intime; if ( !(hitstatusB & (1<<8)) ) card3b = outtime ; var.hcard++; } if ( hitmapB & (1<<9) ) { cat3b = intime; if ( !(hitstatusB & (1<<9)) ) cat3b = outtime ; var.hcat++; } if ( hitmapB & (1<<10) ) { cas3b = intime; if ( !(hitstatusB & (1<<10)) ) cas3b = outtime ; var.hcas++; } // if ( hitmapB & (1<<12) ) { card1b = intime; if ( !(hitstatusB & (1<<12)) ) card1b = outtime ; var.hcard++; } if ( hitmapB & (1<<13) ) { cat1b = intime; if ( !(hitstatusB & (1<<13)) ) cat1b = outtime ; var.hcat++; } if ( hitmapB & (1<<14) ) { cas2b = intime; if ( !(hitstatusB & (1<<14)) ) cas2b = outtime ; var.hcas++; }; Int_t colo = 0; // // CAS height and width // Float_t csh = 0.194*var.sfy; Float_t csw = 0.008*var.sfx; Float_t ctw = 0.008; // // CAS2 -0.039-0.081 |TRX TRY // if ( true ){ Float_t xofs = var.xxvc -(0.039+0.081+0.0273)*var.sfx; Float_t yofs = var.yxvc + 0.09*var.sfy ; Double_t x[4] = {xofs-csw,xofs,xofs,xofs-csw}; Double_t y[4] = {yofs-csh,yofs-csh,yofs+csh,yofs-csh}; TPolyLine *fcas2 = new TPolyLine(4,x,y); fcas2->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas2 * 8.); fcas2->SetFillColor(colo); fcas2->SetLineWidth(1); fcas2->Draw("f"); fcas2->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ Float_t xofs = var.xxvc -(0.039 +0.081 +0.0273)*var.sfx; Float_t yofs = var.yxvc + 0.09*var.sfy ; Double_t x[4] = {xofs-csw,xofs-csw,xofs,xofs-csw}; Double_t y[4] = {yofs+csh,yofs-csh,yofs+csh,yofs+csh}; TPolyLine *fcas2b = new TPolyLine(4,x,y); fcas2b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas2b * 8.); fcas2b->SetFillColor(colo); fcas2b->SetLineWidth(1); fcas2b->Draw("f"); fcas2b->Draw(); }; // // CAS1 -0.039+0.081 TRX| TRY // if ( true ){ Float_t xofs = var.xxvc + (0.039 +0.081+0.0273)*var.sfx +csw; Float_t yofs = var.yxvc + 0.09*var.sfy ; Double_t x[4] = {xofs-csw,xofs-csw,xofs,xofs-csw}; Double_t y[4] = {yofs-csh,yofs+csh,yofs-csh,yofs-csh}; TPolyLine *fcas1 = new TPolyLine(4,x,y); fcas1->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas1 * 8.); fcas1->SetFillColor(colo); fcas1->SetLineWidth(1); fcas1->Draw("f"); fcas1->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ Float_t xofs = var.xxvc + (0.039 +0.081+0.0273)*var.sfx +csw; Float_t yofs = var.yxvc + 0.09*var.sfy ; Double_t x[4] = {xofs-csw,xofs,xofs,xofs-csw}; Double_t y[4] = {yofs+csh,yofs+csh,yofs-csh,yofs+csh}; TPolyLine *fcas1b = new TPolyLine(4,x,y); fcas1b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas1b * 8.); fcas1b->SetFillColor(colo); fcas1b->SetLineWidth(1); fcas1b->Draw("f"); fcas1b->Draw(); }; // // CAS4 -0.039-0.081 TRX |TRY // if ( true ){ Float_t xofs = var.xyvc - (0.048 +0.066 +0.0273)*var.sfx; Float_t yofs = var.yyvc + 0.09*var.sfy ; Double_t x[4] = {xofs-csw,xofs,xofs,xofs-csw}; Double_t y[4] = {yofs-csh,yofs-csh,yofs+csh,yofs-csh}; TPolyLine *fcas4 = new TPolyLine(4,x,y); fcas4->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas4 * 8.); fcas4->SetFillColor(colo); fcas4->SetLineWidth(1); fcas4->Draw("f"); fcas4->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ Float_t xofs = var.xyvc - (0.048 +0.066 +0.0273)*var.sfx; Float_t yofs = var.yyvc + 0.09*var.sfy ; Double_t x[4] = {xofs-csw,xofs-csw,xofs,xofs-csw}; Double_t y[4] = {yofs+csh,yofs-csh,yofs+csh,yofs+csh}; TPolyLine *fcas4b = new TPolyLine(4,x,y); fcas4b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas4b * 8.); fcas4b->SetFillColor(colo); fcas4b->SetLineWidth(1); fcas4b->Draw("f"); fcas4b->Draw(); }; // // CAS3 -0.039+0.081 TRX TRY| // if ( true ){ Float_t xofs = var.xyvc + (0.048 +0.066+0.0273)*var.sfx +csw; Float_t yofs = var.yyvc + 0.09*var.sfy ; Double_t x[4] = {xofs-csw,xofs-csw,xofs,xofs-csw}; Double_t y[4] = {yofs-csh,yofs+csh,yofs-csh,yofs-csh}; TPolyLine *fcas3 = new TPolyLine(4,x,y); fcas3->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas3 * 8.); fcas3->SetFillColor(colo); fcas3->SetLineWidth(1); fcas3->Draw("f"); fcas3->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ Float_t xofs = var.xyvc + (0.048 +0.066+0.0273)*var.sfx +csw; Float_t yofs = var.yyvc + 0.09*var.sfy ; Double_t x[4] = {xofs-csw,xofs,xofs,xofs-csw}; Double_t y[4] = {yofs+csh,yofs+csh,yofs-csh,yofs+csh}; TPolyLine *fcas3b = new TPolyLine(4,x,y); fcas3b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas3b * 8.); fcas3b->SetFillColor(colo); fcas3b->SetLineWidth(1); fcas3b->Draw("f"); fcas3b->Draw(); }; // // CAT coordinate system // Float_t xcat = var.xcat; Float_t ycat = var.ycat; Float_t pmt1 = 0.0356; Float_t pmt2 = 0.038; Float_t xpmt1 = -0.149*var.sfx; Float_t ypmt1 = 0.251*var.sfy; Float_t apmt1 = atan((11.*var.sfy)/(14.*var.sfx)); Float_t xpmt2 = -0.257*var.sfx; Float_t ypmt2 = 0.158*var.sfy; Float_t apmt2 = atan((11.*var.sfx)/(15.*var.sfy)); // Int_t cattime = 13; Int_t catnoti = 12; if ( var.bw ){ cattime = 13; catnoti = 12; } else { cattime = 2; catnoti = 42; }; // if ( true ){ // PMTs Float_t xc1[5]={ 0., 0.014*var.sfx, 0.014*var.sfx-var.sfx*var.sfx*pmt1*cos(apmt1), -var.sfx*var.sfx*pmt1*cos(apmt1), 0.}; Float_t yc1[5]={ 0., 0.011*var.sfy, 0.011*var.sfy+var.sfy*var.sfy*pmt1*sin(apmt1), var.sfy*var.sfy*pmt1*sin(apmt1), 0.}; Float_t xc2[5]={ 0., 0.011*var.sfx, 0.011*var.sfx-pmt2*var.sfx*var.sfx*cos(apmt2), -pmt2*var.sfx*var.sfx*cos(apmt2), 0.}; Float_t yc2[5]={ 0., 0.015*var.sfy, 0.015*var.sfy+var.sfy*pmt2*var.sfy*sin(apmt2), var.sfy*pmt2*var.sfy*sin(apmt2), 0.}; // SCINTs Float_t xcc1[10]={-0.149, -0.090165, -0.090165, -0.149, -0.242, -0.257, -0.212, -0.257, -0.242, -0.149}; Float_t ycc1[10]={ 0.169, 0.108165, -0.108165, -0.169, -0.169, -0.158, 0., 0.158, 0.169, 0.169}; Float_t xcc2[10]={-0.149, -0.149, -0.138, 0., 0.138, 0.149, 0.149, 0.090165, -0.090165, -0.149}; Float_t ycc2[10]={ 0.169, 0.251, 0.265, 0.220, 0.265, 0.251, 0.169, 0.108165, 0.108165, 0.169}; // // CAT sections // if ( true ){ Float_t xofs = var.xxvc -0.108165*var.sfx; Float_t yofs = var.yxvc + 0.3725*var.sfy ; Double_t xx[5] = {xofs,xofs-0.112*var.sfx,xofs-0.112*var.sfx,xofs,xofs}; Double_t yy[5] = {yofs,yofs,yofs+ctw,yofs+ctw,yofs}; TPolyLine *fcat3 = new TPolyLine(5,xx,yy); fcat3->SetLineColor(1); if ( cat3 != 0. || cat3b != 0. ){ if ( cat3 > 0 || cat3b > 0 || cat3 == -0.25 || cat3b == -0.25 ){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; } else { colo = 10; }; fcat3->SetFillColor(colo); fcat3->SetLineWidth(1); fcat3->Draw("f"); fcat3->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ Float_t xofs = var.xxvc +0.108165*var.sfx; Float_t yofs = var.yxvc + 0.3725 *var.sfy; Double_t xx[5] = {xofs,xofs+0.112*var.sfx,xofs+0.112*var.sfx,xofs,xofs}; Double_t yy[5] = {yofs,yofs,yofs+ctw,yofs+ctw,yofs}; TPolyLine *fcat4 = new TPolyLine(5,xx,yy); fcat4->SetLineColor(1); if ( cat4 != 0. || cat4b != 0. ){ if ( cat4 > 0 || cat4b > 0 || cat4 == -.25 || cat4b == -.25 ){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; } else { colo = 10; }; fcat4->SetFillColor(colo); fcat4->SetLineWidth(1); fcat4->Draw("f"); fcat4->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ Float_t xofs = var.xyvc + 0.090165*var.sfx; Float_t yofs = var.yyvc + 0.3725*var.sfy ; Double_t xx[5] = {xofs,xofs+0.122*var.sfx,xofs+0.122*var.sfx,xofs,xofs}; Double_t yy[5] = {yofs,yofs,yofs+ctw,yofs+ctw,yofs}; TPolyLine *fcat1 = new TPolyLine(5,xx,yy); fcat1->SetLineColor(1); if ( cat1 != 0. || cat1b != 0. ){ if ( cat1 > 0 || cat1b > 0 || cat1 ==-.25 || cat1b ==-.25 ){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; } else { colo = 10; }; fcat1->SetFillColor(colo); fcat1->SetLineWidth(1); fcat1->Draw("f"); fcat1->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ Float_t xofs = var.xyvc - 0.090165*var.sfx; Float_t yofs = var.yyvc + 0.3725*var.sfy ; Double_t xx[5] = {xofs,xofs-0.122*var.sfx,xofs-0.122*var.sfx,xofs,xofs}; Double_t yy[5] = {yofs,yofs,yofs+ctw,yofs+ctw,yofs}; TPolyLine *fcat2 = new TPolyLine(5,xx,yy); fcat2->SetLineColor(1); if ( cat2 != 0. || cat2b != 0. ){ if ( cat2 > 0 || cat2b > 0 || cat2 ==-.25 || cat2b ==-.25 ){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; } else { colo = 10; }; fcat2->SetFillColor(colo); fcat2->SetLineWidth(1); fcat2->Draw("f"); fcat2->Draw(); }; // // CAT1 // Float_t xcc[10]; Float_t ycc[10]; if ( true ){ for (Int_t i = 0; i<10 ; i++) { xcc[i]= xcat - xcc1[i]*var.sfx; ycc[i] = ycat + ycc1[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fcat1 = new TPolyLine(10,xcc,ycc); fcat1->SetLineColor(1); colo = 10; if ( cat1 != 0. || cat1b != 0. ) { if ( cat1 > 0 || cat1b > 0 || cat1 ==-.25 || cat1b ==-.25 ){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; }; fcat1->SetFillColor(colo); fcat1->SetLineWidth(1); fcat1->Draw("f"); fcat1->Draw(); }; // // CAT2 // if ( true ){ for (Int_t i = 0; i<10 ; i++) { xcc[i]= xcat + xcc1[i]*var.sfx; ycc[i] = ycat + ycc1[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fcat2 = new TPolyLine(10,xcc,ycc); fcat2->SetLineColor(1); colo = 10; if ( cat2 != 0. || cat2b != 0. ) { if ( cat2 > 0 || cat2b > 0 || cat2 ==-.25 || cat2b ==-.25 ){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; }; fcat2->SetFillColor(colo); fcat2->SetLineWidth(1); fcat2->Draw("f"); fcat2->Draw(); }; // // CAT3 // if ( true ){ for (Int_t i = 0; i<10 ; i++) { xcc[i]= xcat + xcc2[i]*var.sfx; ycc[i] = ycat - ycc2[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fcat3 = new TPolyLine(10,xcc,ycc); fcat3->SetLineColor(1); colo = 10; if ( cat3 != 0. || cat3b != 0. ) { if ( cat3 > 0 || cat3b > 0 || cat3 == -.25 || cat3b ==-.25 ){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; }; fcat3->SetFillColor(colo); fcat3->SetLineWidth(1); fcat3->Draw("f"); fcat3->Draw(); }; // // CAT4 // if ( true ){ for (Int_t i = 0; i<10 ; i++) { xcc[i]= xcat + xcc2[i]*var.sfx; ycc[i] = ycat + ycc2[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fcat4 = new TPolyLine(10,xcc,ycc); fcat4->SetLineColor(1); colo = 10; if ( cat4 != 0. || cat4b != 0. ) { if ( cat4 > 0 || cat4b > 0 || cat4 == -.25 || cat4b ==-.25 ){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; }; fcat4->SetFillColor(colo); fcat4->SetLineWidth(1); fcat4->Draw("f"); fcat4->Draw(); }; // // CAT1 PMTs // Float_t xc[5]; Float_t yc[5]; if ( true ){ for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - xpmt2 - xc1[i]; yc[i] = ycat + ypmt2 + yc1[i]; }; TPolyLine *fcat1 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); fcat1->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cat1 * 8.); fcat1->SetFillColor(colo); fcat1->SetLineWidth(1); fcat1->Draw("f"); fcat1->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - xpmt2 - xc1[i]; yc[i] = ycat - ypmt2 - yc1[i]; }; TPolyLine *fcat1b = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); fcat1b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cat1b * 8.); fcat1b->SetFillColor(colo); fcat1b->SetLineWidth(1); fcat1b->Draw("f"); fcat1b->Draw(); }; // // CAT2 PMTs // if ( true ){ for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat + xpmt2 + xc1[i]; yc[i] = ycat + ypmt2 + yc1[i]; }; TPolyLine *fcat2 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); fcat2->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cat2 * 8.); fcat2->SetFillColor(colo); fcat2->SetLineWidth(1); fcat2->Draw("f"); fcat2->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat + xpmt2 + xc1[i]; yc[i] = ycat - ypmt2 - yc1[i]; }; TPolyLine *fcat2b = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); fcat2b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cat2b * 8.); fcat2b->SetFillColor(colo); fcat2b->SetLineWidth(1); fcat2b->Draw("f"); fcat2b->Draw(); }; // // CAT3 PMTs // if ( true ){ for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat + xpmt1 + xc2[i]; yc[i] = ycat - ypmt1 - yc2[i]; }; TPolyLine *fcat3b = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); fcat3b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cat3b * 8.); fcat3b->SetFillColor(colo); fcat3b->SetLineWidth(1); fcat3b->Draw("f"); fcat3b->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - xpmt1 - xc2[i]; yc[i] = ycat - ypmt1 - yc2[i]; }; TPolyLine *fcat3 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); fcat3->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cat3 * 8.); fcat3->SetFillColor(colo); fcat3->SetLineWidth(1); fcat3->Draw("f"); fcat3->Draw(); }; // // CAT4 PMTs // if ( true ){ for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat + xpmt1 + xc2[i]; yc[i] = ycat + ypmt1 + yc2[i]; }; TPolyLine *fcat4b = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); fcat4b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cat4b * 8.); fcat4b->SetFillColor(colo); fcat4b->SetLineWidth(1); fcat4b->Draw("f"); fcat4b->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - xpmt1 - xc2[i]; yc[i] = ycat + ypmt1 + yc2[i]; }; TPolyLine *fcat4 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); fcat4->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cat4 * 8.); fcat4->SetFillColor(colo); fcat4->SetLineWidth(1); fcat4->Draw("f"); fcat4->Draw(); }; }; if ( true ){ // // CAS plane view: // Float_t xofs = -0.025; Float_t yofs = 0.039 +0.081+0.0273; Float_t csy = 0.33/2.; Float_t pmofs = 0.004; Float_t csw2 = 0.008; Float_t xc1[5] = { xofs-csy, xofs-csy, xofs+csy, xofs+csy, xofs-csy}; Float_t yc1[5] = { yofs, yofs+csw2, yofs+csw2, yofs, yofs}; Float_t xc2[5] = { xofs-csy-csw2, xofs-csy-csw2, xofs-csy, xofs-csy, xofs-csy-csw2}; Float_t yc2[5] = { yofs+pmofs, yofs+pmofs+csw2, yofs+pmofs+csw2, yofs+pmofs, yofs+pmofs}; Float_t xc3[5] = { xofs-csy-csw2, xofs-csy-csw2, xofs-csy, xofs-csy, xofs-csy-csw2}; Float_t yc3[5] = { yofs+pmofs, yofs+pmofs-csw2, yofs+pmofs-csw2, yofs+pmofs, yofs+pmofs}; // // CAS1 // Float_t xc[5]; Float_t yc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat + xc1[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat + yc1[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcass1 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcass1->SetLineColor(1); colo = 10; if ( cas1 != 0. || cas1b != 0. ) { if ( cas1 > 0 || cas1b > 0 || cas1 ==-.25 || cas1b ==-.25){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; }; if ( colo != 10 ) pcass1->SetFillStyle(3001); pcass1->SetFillColor(colo); pcass1->SetLineWidth(1); pcass1->SetLineStyle(2); pcass1->Draw("f"); pcass1->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat + xc2[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat + yc2[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcasp1b = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcasp1b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas1b * 8.); if ( colo != 10 ) pcasp1b->SetFillStyle(3001); pcasp1b->SetFillColor(colo); pcasp1b->SetLineWidth(1); pcasp1b->SetLineStyle(2); pcasp1b->Draw("f"); pcasp1b->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat + xc3[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat + yc3[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcasp1 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcasp1->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas1 * 8.); if ( colo != 10 ) pcasp1->SetFillStyle(3001); pcasp1->SetFillColor(colo); pcasp1->SetLineWidth(1); pcasp1->SetLineStyle(2); pcasp1->Draw("f"); pcasp1->Draw(); // // CAS2 // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - xc1[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat - yc1[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcass2 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcass2->SetLineColor(1); colo = 10; if ( cas2 != 0. || cas2b != 0. ) { if ( cas2 > 0 || cas2b > 0 || cas2 ==-.25 || cas2b ==-.25 ){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; }; if ( colo != 10 ) pcass2->SetFillStyle(3001); pcass2->SetFillColor(colo); pcass2->SetLineWidth(1); pcass2->SetLineStyle(2); pcass2->Draw("f"); pcass2->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - xc2[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat - yc2[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcasp2b = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcasp2b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas2b * 8.); if ( colo != 10 ) pcasp2b->SetFillStyle(3001); pcasp2b->SetFillColor(colo); pcasp2b->SetLineWidth(1); pcasp2b->SetLineStyle(2); pcasp2b->Draw("f"); pcasp2b->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - xc3[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat - yc3[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcasp2 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcasp2->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas2 * 8.); pcasp2->SetFillColor(colo); if ( colo != 10 ) pcasp2->SetFillStyle(3001); pcasp2->SetLineWidth(1); pcasp2->SetLineStyle(2); pcasp2->Draw("f"); pcasp2->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ Float_t xofs = 0.048 +0.066+0.0273; Float_t yofs = 0.02; Float_t csy = 0.33/2.; Float_t pmofs = 0.004; Float_t csw2 = 0.008; Float_t xc1[5] = { xofs, xofs+csw2, xofs+csw2, xofs, xofs}; Float_t yc1[5] = { yofs-csy, yofs-csy, yofs+csy, yofs+csy, yofs-csy}; Float_t xc2[5] = { xofs+pmofs, xofs+pmofs+csw2, xofs+pmofs+csw2, xofs+pmofs, xofs+pmofs}; Float_t yc2[5] = { yofs+csy+csw2, yofs+csy+csw2, yofs+csy, yofs+csy, yofs+csy+csw2}; Float_t xc3[5] = { xofs+pmofs, xofs+pmofs-csw2, xofs+pmofs-csw2, xofs+pmofs, xofs+pmofs}; Float_t yc3[5] = { yofs+csy+csw2, yofs+csy+csw2, yofs+csy, yofs+csy, yofs+csy+csw2}; // // CAS3 // Float_t xc[5]; Float_t yc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat + xc1[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat + yc1[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcass3 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcass3->SetLineColor(1); colo = 10; if ( cas3 != 0. || cas3b != 0. ) { if ( cas3 > 0 || cas3b > 0 || cas3 ==-.25 || cas3b ==-.25){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; }; if ( colo != 10 ) pcass3->SetFillStyle(3001); pcass3->SetFillColor(colo); pcass3->SetLineWidth(1); pcass3->SetLineStyle(2); pcass3->Draw("f"); pcass3->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat + xc2[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat + yc2[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcasp3b = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcasp3b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas3b * 8.); if ( colo != 10 ) pcasp3b->SetFillStyle(3001); pcasp3b->SetFillColor(colo); pcasp3b->SetLineWidth(1); pcasp3b->SetLineStyle(2); pcasp3b->Draw("f"); pcasp3b->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat + xc3[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat + yc3[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcasp3 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcasp3->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas3 * 8.); pcasp3->SetFillColor(colo); if ( colo != 10 ) pcasp3->SetFillStyle(3001); pcasp3->SetLineWidth(1); pcasp3->SetLineStyle(2); pcasp3->Draw("f"); pcasp3->Draw(); // // CAS4 // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - xc1[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat - yc1[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcass4 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcass4->SetLineColor(1); colo = 10; if ( cas4 != 0. || cas4b != 0. ) { if ( cas4 > 0 || cas4b > 0 || cas4 ==-.25 || cas4b ==-.25 ){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; }; pcass4->SetFillColor(colo); if ( colo != 10 ) pcass4->SetFillStyle(3001); pcass4->SetLineWidth(1); pcass4->SetLineStyle(2); pcass4->Draw("f"); pcass4->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - xc2[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat - yc2[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcasp4 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcasp4->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas4 * 8.); pcasp4->SetFillColor(colo); if ( colo != 10 ) pcasp4->SetFillStyle(3001); pcasp4->SetLineWidth(1); pcasp4->SetLineStyle(2); pcasp4->Draw("f"); pcasp4->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - xc3[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat - yc3[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcasp4b = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcasp4b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - cas4b * 8.); pcasp4b->SetFillColor(colo); if ( colo != 10 ) pcasp4b->SetFillStyle(3001); pcasp4b->SetLineWidth(1); pcasp4b->SetLineStyle(2); pcasp4b->Draw("f"); pcasp4b->Draw(); }; Float_t alfa = 1.2020334; Float_t lcrd = 0.1815/2.; Float_t wcrd = 0.008; if ( true ){ // // CARD plane view: // Float_t xc1[5] = { -0.090165, -0.090165, -0.082165, -0.082165, -0.090165}; Float_t yc1[5] = { -0.100, 0.092, 0.092, -0.100, -0.100}; Float_t xc2[5] = { -0.094165, -0.094165, -0.086165, -0.086165, -0.094165}; Float_t yc2[5] = { 0.092, 0.100, 0.100, 0.092, 0.092}; Float_t xc3[5] = { -0.086165, -0.086165, -0.078165, -0.078165, -0.086165}; Float_t yc3[5] = { 0.092, 0.100, 0.100, 0.092, 0.092}; // // CARD1 // Float_t xc[5]; Float_t yc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat + xc1[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat + yc1[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcars1 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcars1->SetLineColor(1); colo = 10; if ( card1 != 0. || card1b != 0. ) { if ( card1 > 0 || card1b > 0 || card1 ==-.25 || card1b ==-.25 ){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; }; pcars1->SetFillColor(colo); pcars1->SetLineWidth(1); pcars1->Draw("f"); pcars1->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat + xc2[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat + yc2[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcarp1b = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcarp1b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card1b * 8.); pcarp1b->SetFillColor(colo); pcarp1b->SetLineWidth(1); pcarp1b->Draw("f"); pcarp1b->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i] = xcat + xc3[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat + yc3[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcarp1 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcarp1->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card1 * 8.); pcarp1->SetFillColor(colo); pcarp1->SetLineWidth(1); pcarp1->Draw("f"); pcarp1->Draw(); // // CARD4 // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - xc1[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat - yc1[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcars4 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcars4->SetLineColor(1); colo = 10; if ( card4 != 0. || card4b != 0. ) { if ( card4 > 0 || card4b > 0 || card4 ==-.25 || card4b ==-.25){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; }; pcars4->SetFillColor(colo); pcars4->SetLineWidth(1); pcars4->Draw("f"); pcars4->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - xc2[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat - yc2[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcarp4b = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcarp4b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card4b * 8.); pcarp4b->SetFillColor(colo); pcarp4b->SetLineWidth(1); pcarp4b->Draw("f"); pcarp4b->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - xc3[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat - yc3[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcarp4 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcarp4->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card4 * 8.); pcarp4->SetFillColor(colo); pcarp4->SetLineWidth(1); pcarp4->Draw("f"); pcarp4->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ Float_t xc1[5] = { -0.074, 0.074, 0.074, -0.074, -0.074}; Float_t yc1[5] = { 0.108165, 0.108165, 0.100165, 0.100165, 0.108165}; Float_t xc2[5] = { 0.074, 0.082, 0.082, 0.074, 0.074}; Float_t yc2[5] = { 0.112165, 0.112165, 0.104165, 0.104165, 0.112165}; Float_t xc3[5] = { 0.074, 0.082, 0.082, 0.074, 0.074}; Float_t yc3[5] = { 0.104165, 0.104165, 0.096165, 0.096165, 0.104165}; // // CARD2 // Float_t xc[5]; Float_t yc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - (xc1[i]-0.0025)*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat - yc1[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcars2 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcars2->SetLineColor(1); colo = 10; if ( card2 != 0. || card2b != 0.) { if ( card2 > 0 || card2b > 0 || card2 ==-.25 || card2b ==-.25 ){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; }; pcars2->SetFillColor(colo); pcars2->SetLineWidth(1); pcars2->Draw("f"); pcars2->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - (xc2[i]-0.0025)*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat - yc2[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcarp2 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcarp2->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card2 * 8.); pcarp2->SetFillColor(colo); pcarp2->SetLineWidth(1); pcarp2->Draw("f"); pcarp2->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat - (xc3[i]-0.0025)*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat - yc3[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcarp2b = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcarp2b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card2b * 8.); pcarp2b->SetFillColor(colo); pcarp2b->SetLineWidth(1); pcarp2b->Draw("f"); pcarp2b->Draw(); // // CARD3 // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat + (xc1[i]-0.0025)*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat + yc1[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcars3 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcars3->SetLineColor(1); colo = 10; if ( card3 != 0. || card3b != 0. ) { if ( card3 > 0 || card3b > 0 || card3==-.25 || card3b ==-.25){ colo = cattime; } else { colo = catnoti; }; }; pcars3->SetFillColor(colo); pcars3->SetLineWidth(1); pcars3->Draw("f"); pcars3->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat + (xc2[i]-0.0025)*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat + yc2[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcarp3 = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcarp3->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card3 * 8.); pcarp3->SetFillColor(colo); pcarp3->SetLineWidth(1); pcarp3->Draw("f"); pcarp3->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xcat + (xc3[i]-0.0025)*var.sfx; yc[i] = ycat + yc3[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *pcarp3b = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); pcarp3b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card3b * 8.); pcarp3b->SetFillColor(colo); pcarp3b->SetLineWidth(1); pcarp3b->Draw("f"); pcarp3b->Draw(); // // CARD - X-view // Float_t cardcx = 0.143168*var.sfx; Float_t cardcy = 0.1475*var.sfy; Float_t acrdx[4] = {-lcrd*cos(alfa), lcrd*cos(alfa), -lcrd*cos(alfa)+wcrd*sin(alfa), -lcrd*cos(alfa)}; Float_t acrdy[4] = {-lcrd*sin(alfa), lcrd*sin(alfa), -lcrd*sin(alfa)-wcrd*cos(alfa), -lcrd*sin(alfa)}; Float_t bcrdx[4] = { lcrd*cos(alfa), lcrd*cos(alfa)+wcrd*sin(alfa), -lcrd*cos(alfa)+wcrd*sin(alfa), lcrd*cos(alfa)}; Float_t bcrdy[4] = { lcrd*sin(alfa), lcrd*sin(alfa)-wcrd*cos(alfa), -lcrd*sin(alfa)-wcrd*cos(alfa), lcrd*sin(alfa)}; // // CARD3 X/ Y // Float_t xcc[4]; Float_t ycc[4]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xcc[i] = cardcx + var.xxvc + acrdx[i]*var.sfx; ycc[i] = cardcy + var.yxvc + (0.36 + acrdy[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fcard3 = new TPolyLine(4,xcc,ycc); fcard3->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card3 * 8.); fcard3->SetFillColor(colo); fcard3->SetLineWidth(1); fcard3->Draw("f"); fcard3->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xcc[i] = cardcx + var.xxvc + bcrdx[i]*var.sfx; ycc[i] = cardcy + var.yxvc + (0.36 + bcrdy[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fcard3b = new TPolyLine(4,xcc,ycc); fcard3b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card3b * 8.); fcard3b->SetFillColor(colo); fcard3b->SetLineWidth(1); fcard3b->Draw("f"); fcard3b->Draw(); // // CARD2 \X Y // for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xcc[i] = -cardcx + var.xxvc - acrdx[i]*var.sfx; ycc[i] = cardcy + var.yxvc + (0.36 + acrdy[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fcard2 = new TPolyLine(4,xcc,ycc); fcard2->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card2 * 8.); fcard2->SetFillColor(colo); fcard2->SetLineWidth(1); fcard2->Draw("f"); fcard2->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xcc[i] = -cardcx + var.xxvc - bcrdx[i]*var.sfx; ycc[i] = cardcy + var.yxvc + (0.36 + bcrdy[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fcard2b = new TPolyLine(4,xcc,ycc); fcard2b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card2b * 8.); fcard2b->SetFillColor(colo); fcard2b->SetLineWidth(1); fcard2b->Draw("f"); fcard2b->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ Float_t acrdx[4] = {-lcrd*cos(alfa), lcrd*cos(alfa), -lcrd*cos(alfa)+wcrd*sin(alfa), -lcrd*cos(alfa)}; Float_t acrdy[4] = {-lcrd*sin(alfa), lcrd*sin(alfa), -lcrd*sin(alfa)-wcrd*cos(alfa), -lcrd*sin(alfa)}; Float_t bcrdx[4] = { lcrd*cos(alfa), lcrd*cos(alfa)+wcrd*sin(alfa), -lcrd*cos(alfa)+wcrd*sin(alfa), lcrd*cos(alfa)}; Float_t bcrdy[4] = { lcrd*sin(alfa), lcrd*sin(alfa)-wcrd*cos(alfa), -lcrd*sin(alfa)-wcrd*cos(alfa), lcrd*sin(alfa)}; // // CARD - Y-view // Float_t cardcx = 0.12*var.sfx; Float_t cardcy = 0.1475*var.sfy; // // CARD4 X Y/ // Float_t xcc[4]; Float_t ycc[4]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xcc[i] = cardcx + var.xyvc + acrdx[i]*var.sfx; ycc[i] = cardcy + var.yyvc + (0.36 + acrdy[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fcard4 = new TPolyLine(4,xcc,ycc); fcard4->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card4 * 8.); fcard4->SetFillColor(colo); fcard4->SetLineWidth(1); fcard4->Draw("f"); fcard4->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xcc[i] = cardcx + var.xyvc + bcrdx[i]*var.sfx; ycc[i] = cardcy + var.yyvc + (0.36 + bcrdy[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fcard4b = new TPolyLine(4,xcc,ycc); fcard4b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card4b * 8.); fcard4b->SetFillColor(colo); fcard4b->SetLineWidth(1); fcard4b->Draw("f"); fcard4b->Draw(); // // CARD1 X \Y // for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xcc[i] = -cardcx + var.xyvc - acrdx[i]*var.sfx; ycc[i] = cardcy + var.yyvc + (0.36 + acrdy[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fcard1 = new TPolyLine(4,xcc,ycc); fcard1->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card1 * 8.); fcard1->SetFillColor(colo); fcard1->SetLineWidth(1); fcard1->Draw("f"); fcard1->Draw(); // for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xcc[i] = -cardcx + var.xyvc - bcrdx[i]*var.sfx; ycc[i] = cardcy + var.yyvc + (0.36 + bcrdy[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fcard1b = new TPolyLine(4,xcc,ycc); fcard1b->SetLineColor(1); colo = (int)(10. - card1b * 8.); fcard1b->SetFillColor(colo); fcard1b->SetLineWidth(1); fcard1b->Draw("f"); fcard1b->Draw(); }; } void ShowTOF(Int_t j, TTree *otr, Variables & var){ // // get the trigger infos // pamela::trigger::TriggerEvent *trigger = 0; otr->SetBranchAddress("Trigger.Event", &trigger); if ( !var.nosig ) otr->GetEntry(j); // // // on day these variables will contain the MIP value for each paddle // Float_t ms11a[8] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms12a[6] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms21a[2] = {0.,0.}; Float_t ms22a[2] = {0.,0.}; Float_t ms31a[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms32a[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms11b[8] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms12b[6] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms21b[2] = {0.,0.}; Float_t ms22b[2] = {0.,0.}; Float_t ms31b[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms32b[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; // // TDC info for each PMT // Float_t mt11[2][8]; Float_t mt12[2][6]; Float_t mt21[2][2]; Float_t mt22[2][2]; Float_t mt31[2][3]; Float_t mt32[2][3]; // Int_t S3 = 0; Int_t S2 = 0; Int_t S12 = 0; Int_t S11 = 0; if ( !var.nosig ) { S3 = trigger->patterntrig[2]; S2 = trigger->patterntrig[3]; S12 = trigger->patterntrig[4]; S11 = trigger->patterntrig[5]; }; // for ( Int_t i = 0; i<8; i++ ) { if ( S11 & (1<SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms11a[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; if ( mt11[0][j] == 4095. ) colo = noadc; // ftof11xa[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof11xa[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof11xa[j]->Draw("f"); ftof11xa[j]->Draw(); }; // B s11p = 0.051; TPolyLine *ftof11xb[8]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<8; j++){ Float_t xc1[4]={ (s11p*j), s11p*(j+1), s11p*(j+1), (s11p*j)}; Float_t yc1[4]={ 0., 0., ws13, 0.}; Float_t xc[4]; Float_t yc[4]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xc[i]= xs2x + (-0.204+xc1[i])*var.sfx; yc[i] = ys2x + (0.295+yc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof11xb[j] = new TPolyLine(4,xc,yc); ftof11xb[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms11b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; if ( mt11[1][j] == 4095. ) colo = noadc; // ftof11xb[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof11xb[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof11xb[j]->Draw("f"); ftof11xb[j]->Draw(); }; // // S11 Y-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.165, 0.165, 0.165, -0.165, -0.165}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., ws13, ws13, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (0.295+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof11y = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof11y->SetLineColor(1); ftof11y->SetFillColor(ocolo); ftof11y->SetLineWidth(1); ftof11y->Draw("f"); ftof11y->Draw(); }; // // S12 Y-view // // A Float_t s12p = 0.055; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof12ya[6]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<6; j++){ Float_t xc1[4]={ (s12p*j), s12p*(j), s12p*(j+1), (s12p*j)}; Float_t yc1[4]={ -ws13, 0., 0., -ws13}; Float_t xc[4]; Float_t yc[4]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xc[i]= xs2y + (-0.165+xc1[i])*var.sfx; yc[i] = ys2y + (0.295+yc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof12ya[j] = new TPolyLine(4,xc,yc); ftof12ya[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms12a[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; if ( mt12[0][j] == 4095. ) colo = noadc; // ftof12ya[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof12ya[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof12ya[j]->Draw("f"); ftof12ya[j]->Draw(); }; // B s12p = 0.055; TPolyLine *ftof12yb[6]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<6; j++){ Float_t xc1[4]={ (s12p*j), s12p*(j+1), s12p*(j+1), (s12p*j)}; Float_t yc1[4]={ -ws13, -ws13, 0., -ws13}; Float_t xc[4]; Float_t yc[4]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xc[i]= xs2y + (-0.165+xc1[i])*var.sfx; yc[i] = ys2y + (0.295+yc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof12yb[j] = new TPolyLine(4,xc,yc); ftof12yb[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms12b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; if ( mt12[1][j] == 4095. ) colo = noadc; // ftof12yb[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof12yb[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof12yb[j]->Draw("f"); ftof12yb[j]->Draw(); }; // // S12 X-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.204, 0.204, 0.204, -0.204, -0.204}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., -ws13, -ws13, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (0.295+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof12x = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof12x->SetLineColor(1); ftof12x->SetFillColor(ocolo); ftof12x->SetLineWidth(1); ftof12x->Draw("f"); ftof12x->Draw(); }; // // S21 Y-view // // A Float_t s21p = 0.075; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof21ya[2]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){ Float_t xc1[4]={ s21p*(j-1), s21p*(j-1), s21p*j, s21p*(j-1)}; Float_t yc1[4]={ 0., ws2, ws2, 0.}; Float_t xc[4]; Float_t yc[4]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xc[i]= xs2y + xc1[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ys2y + yc1[i]*var.sfy; }; ftof21ya[j] = new TPolyLine(4,xc,yc); ftof21ya[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms21a[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; if ( mt21[0][j] == 4095. ) colo = noadc; // ftof21ya[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof21ya[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof21ya[j]->Draw("f"); ftof21ya[j]->Draw(); }; // B s21p = 0.075; TPolyLine *ftof21yb[2]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){ Float_t xc1[4]={ s21p*(j-1), s21p*j, s21p*j, s21p*(j-1)}; Float_t yc1[4]={ 0., 0., ws2, 0.}; Float_t xc[4]; Float_t yc[4]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xc[i]= xs2y + xc1[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ys2y + yc1[i]*var.sfy; }; ftof21yb[j] = new TPolyLine(4,xc,yc); ftof21yb[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms21b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; if ( mt21[1][j] == 4095. ) colo = noadc; // ftof21yb[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof21yb[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof21yb[j]->Draw("f"); ftof21yb[j]->Draw(); }; // // S21 X-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.09, 0.09, 0.09, -0.09, -0.09}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., ws2, ws2, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + nyc1[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof21x = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof21x->SetLineColor(1); ftof21x->SetFillColor(ocolo); ftof21x->SetLineWidth(1); ftof21x->Draw("f"); ftof21x->Draw(); }; // // S22 X-view // // A Float_t s22p = 0.090; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof22xa[2]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){ Float_t xc1[4]={ s22p*(j-1), s22p*(j-1), s22p*j, s22p*(j-1)}; Float_t yc1[4]={ -ws2, 0., 0., -ws2}; Float_t xc[4]; Float_t yc[4]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xc[i]= xs2x + xc1[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ys2x + yc1[i]*var.sfy; }; ftof22xa[j] = new TPolyLine(4,xc,yc); ftof22xa[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms22a[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; if ( mt22[0][j] == 4095. ) colo = noadc; // ftof22xa[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof22xa[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof22xa[j]->Draw("f"); ftof22xa[j]->Draw(); }; // B s22p = 0.090; TPolyLine *ftof22xb[2]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){ Float_t xc1[4]={ s22p*(j-1), s22p*j, s22p*j, s22p*(j-1)}; Float_t yc1[4]={ -ws2, -ws2, 0., -ws2}; Float_t xc[4]; Float_t yc[4]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xc[i]= xs2x + xc1[i]*var.sfx; yc[i] = ys2x + yc1[i]*var.sfy; }; ftof22xb[j] = new TPolyLine(4,xc,yc); ftof22xb[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms22b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; if ( mt22[1][j] == 4095. ) colo = noadc; // ftof22xb[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof22xb[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof22xb[j]->Draw("f"); ftof22xb[j]->Draw(); }; // // S22 Y-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.075, 0.075, 0.075, -0.075, -0.075}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., -ws2, -ws2, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + nyc1[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof22y = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof22y->SetLineColor(1); ftof22y->SetFillColor(ocolo); ftof22y->SetLineWidth(1); ftof22y->Draw("f"); ftof22y->Draw(); }; // // S31 X-view // // A Float_t s31p = 0.060; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof31xa[3]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<3; j++){ Float_t xc1[4]={ (s31p*j), (s31p*j), s31p*(j+1), (s31p*j)}; Float_t yc1[4]={ 0., ws13, ws13, 0.}; Float_t xc[4]; Float_t yc[4]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xc[i]= xs2x + (-0.090+xc1[i])*var.sfx; yc[i] = ys2x + (-0.488+yc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof31xa[j] = new TPolyLine(4,xc,yc); ftof31xa[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms31a[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; if ( mt31[0][j] == 4095. ) colo = noadc; // ftof31xa[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof31xa[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof31xa[j]->Draw("f"); ftof31xa[j]->Draw(); }; // B s31p = 0.060; TPolyLine *ftof31xb[3]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<3; j++){ Float_t xc1[4]={ (s31p*j), s31p*(j+1), s31p*(j+1), (s31p*j)}; Float_t yc1[4]={ 0., 0., ws13, 0.}; Float_t xc[4]; Float_t yc[4]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xc[i]= xs2x + (-0.090+xc1[i])*var.sfx; yc[i] = ys2x + (-0.488+yc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof31xb[j] = new TPolyLine(4,xc,yc); ftof31xb[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms31b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; if ( mt31[1][j] == 4095. ) colo = noadc; // ftof31xb[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof31xb[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof31xb[j]->Draw("f"); ftof31xb[j]->Draw(); }; // // S31 Y-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.075, 0.075, 0.075, -0.075, -0.075}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., ws13, ws13, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (-0.488+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof31y = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof31y->SetLineColor(1); ftof31y->SetFillColor(ocolo); ftof31y->SetLineWidth(1); ftof31y->Draw("f"); ftof31y->Draw(); }; // // S32 Y-view // Float_t s32p = 0.050; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof32ya[3]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<3; j++){ Float_t xc1[4]={ (s32p*j), (s32p*j), s32p*(j+1), (s32p*j)}; Float_t yc1[4]={ -ws13, 0., 0., -ws13}; Float_t xc[4]; Float_t yc[4]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xc[i]= xs2y + (-0.075+xc1[i])*var.sfx; yc[i] = ys2y + (-0.488+yc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof32ya[j] = new TPolyLine(4,xc,yc); ftof32ya[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms32a[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; if ( mt32[0][j] == 4095. ) colo = noadc; // ftof32ya[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof32ya[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof32ya[j]->Draw("f"); ftof32ya[j]->Draw(); }; s32p = 0.050; TPolyLine *ftof32yb[3]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<3; j++){ Float_t xc1[4]={ (s32p*j), s32p*(j+1), s32p*(j+1), (s32p*j)}; Float_t yc1[4]={ -ws13, -ws13, 0., -ws13}; Float_t xc[4]; Float_t yc[4]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<4 ; i++) { xc[i]= xs2y + (-0.075+xc1[i])*var.sfx; yc[i] = ys2y + (-0.488+yc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof32yb[j] = new TPolyLine(4,xc,yc); ftof32yb[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms32b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; if ( mt32[1][j] == 4095. ) colo = noadc; // ftof32yb[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof32yb[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof32yb[j]->Draw("f"); ftof32yb[j]->Draw(); }; // // S32 X-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.09, 0.09, 0.09, -0.09, -0.09}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., -ws13, -ws13, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (-0.488+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof32x = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof32x->SetLineColor(1); ftof32x->SetFillColor(ocolo); ftof32x->SetLineWidth(1); ftof32x->Draw("f"); ftof32x->Draw(); }; } void ShowS4L0(Int_t i, TTree *otr, Variables & var){ pamela::trigger::TriggerEvent *trigger = 0; otr->SetBranchAddress("Trigger.Event", &trigger); if ( !var.nosig ) otr->GetEntry(i); Float_t ms4[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; Int_t S4 = 0; if ( !var.nosig ) { S4 = trigger->patterntrig[1]; }; // for ( Int_t i = 0; i<3; i++ ) { if ( S4 & (1<<0) ) ms4[i] = 1.; }; // Int_t colo; Float_t xs4x = var.xxvc; Float_t ys4x = var.yxvc - 0.3250*var.sfy; //25 Float_t xs4y = var.xyvc; Float_t ys4y = var.yyvc - 0.3250*var.sfy; Float_t ws4 = 0.010; // // Y-view // Float_t s4p = 0.1606667; Int_t ocolo = 0; TPolyLine *fs4y[3]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<3; j++){ Float_t xc1[5]={ (s4p*j), s4p*(j+1), s4p*(j+1), (s4p*j), (s4p*j)}; Float_t yc1[5]={ 0., 0., ws4, ws4, 0.}; Float_t xc[5]; Float_t yc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xs4y + (-0.241+xc1[i])*var.nds4; yc[i] = ys4y + (yc1[i]-0.03)*var.sfy; }; fs4y[j] = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); fs4y[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms4[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; // fs4y[j]->SetFillColor(colo); fs4y[j]->SetLineWidth(1); fs4y[j]->Draw("f"); fs4y[j]->Draw(); }; // // X-view // Float_t xc1[5]={ -0.241, 0.241, 0.241, -0.241, -0.241}; Float_t yc1[5]={ 0., 0., ws4, ws4, 0.}; Float_t xc[5]; Float_t yc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xs4x + xc1[i]*var.nds4; yc[i] = ys4x + (yc1[i]-0.03)*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fs4x = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); fs4x->SetLineColor(1); fs4x->SetFillColor(ocolo); fs4x->SetLineWidth(1); fs4x->Draw("f"); fs4x->Draw(); } //********************************************************************************** // LEVEL1 SUBROUTINES // //********************************************************************************** void ShowS4L1(Int_t i, TTree *otr, Variables & var){ pamela::S4::S4Event *s4 = 0; otr->SetBranchAddress("S4.Event", &s4); if ( !var.nosig ) otr->GetEntry(i); Float_t ms4[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; Int_t data = 0; if ( !var.nosig ) { data = s4->S4_DATA; }; // Float_t calibdata; if ( !s4->unpackError && data > 31 ){ calibdata = ((Float_t)data - 32.) * 0.5; } else { calibdata = 0.; }; var.s4sig = calibdata; // for ( Int_t j = 0; j<3; j++ ) { ms4[j] = calibdata; }; Int_t colo; Float_t xs4x = var.xxvc; Float_t ys4x = var.yxvc - 0.3250*var.sfy; Float_t xs4y = var.xyvc; Float_t ys4y = var.yyvc - 0.3250*var.sfy; Float_t ws4 = 0.010; // // Y-view // Float_t s4p = 0.1606667; Int_t ocolo = 0; TPolyLine *fs4y[3]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<3; j++){ Float_t xc1[5]={ (s4p*j), s4p*(j+1), s4p*(j+1), (s4p*j), (s4p*j)}; Float_t yc1[5]={ 0., 0., ws4, ws4, 0.}; Float_t xc[5]; Float_t yc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xs4y + (-0.241+xc1[i])*var.nds4; yc[i] = ys4y + (yc1[i]-0.03)*var.sfy; }; fs4y[j] = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); fs4y[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms4[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; // fs4y[j]->SetFillColor(colo); fs4y[j]->SetLineWidth(1); fs4y[j]->Draw("f"); fs4y[j]->Draw(); }; // // X-view // Float_t xc1[5]={ -0.241, 0.241, 0.241, -0.241, -0.241}; Float_t yc1[5]={ 0., 0., ws4, ws4, 0.}; Float_t xc[5]; Float_t yc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { xc[i]= xs4x + xc1[i]*var.nds4; yc[i] = ys4x + (yc1[i]-0.03)*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *fs4x = new TPolyLine(5,xc,yc); fs4x->SetLineColor(1); fs4x->SetFillColor(ocolo); fs4x->SetLineWidth(1); fs4x->Draw("f"); fs4x->Draw(); } void ShowCaloL1(Int_t i, TTree *otr, Variables & var){ // CalorimeterLevel1 *calo = new CalorimeterLevel1(); otr->SetBranchAddress("CaloLevel1.Event", &calo); if ( !var.nosig ) otr->GetEntry(i); // // Book the histograms: // // stringstream xview; stringstream yview; xview.str(""); yview.str(""); xview << "x-view event " << (i+1); yview << "y-view event " << (i+1); gDirectory->Delete(xview.str().c_str()); gDirectory->Delete(yview.str().c_str()); TH2F *Xview = new TH2F(xview.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); TH2F *Yview = new TH2F(yview.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); Xview->GetYaxis()->SetLabelColor(10); Yview->GetYaxis()->SetLabelColor(10); // // figures: // Int_t bgcolor = 10; TPad *pd1 = new TPad("calox","This is pad1",var.xxvc-0.154*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.3645*var.sfy,var.xxvc+0.154*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.1200*var.sfy,bgcolor); TPad *pd2 = new TPad("caloy","This is pad2",var.xyvc-0.154*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.3645*var.sfy,var.xyvc+0.154*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.1200*var.sfy,bgcolor); pd1->SetFillStyle(4000); pd1->SetFillColor(0); pd1->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); pd2->SetFillStyle(4000); pd2->SetFillColor(0); pd2->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); TLatex *t=new TLatex(); t->SetTextFont(32); t->SetTextColor(1); t->SetTextSize(0.03); t->SetTextAlign(12); pd1->Range(0.,0.,1.,1.); pd2->Range(0.,0.,1.,1.); pd1->SetTicks(); pd2->SetTicks(); pd1->Draw(); pd2->Draw(); pd1->cd(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); Xview->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.5); Xview->SetFillColor(bgcolor); Xview->Fill(1.,1.,1.); Xview->Draw("box"); pd1->Update(); pd2->cd(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); Yview->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.5); Yview->SetFillColor(bgcolor); Yview->Fill(1.,1.,1.); Yview->Draw("box"); pd2->Update(); // // run over views and planes // stringstream xvev; stringstream yvev; for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t n = 0; n < 96; n++){ if ( calo->estrip[l][m][n] > 0.7 ) { // // OK, now in estrip we have the energy deposit in MIP of all the strips for this event (at the end of loops of course) // // if ( l == 0 && m == 21 ) printf(" xpos n=%i calo bottom: %f \n",n,(n*2.44-117.12)/10.); Int_t colo; if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(calo->estrip[l][m][n],colo); if ( l == 0 && !var.nosig ) { xvev.str(""); xvev << "x-view event " << n; xvev << " " << m; xvev << " " << l; gDirectory->Delete(xvev.str().c_str()); TH2F *Xview = new TH2F(xvev.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); Xview->SetFillColor(colo); Xview->Fill(n,21-m,1.); pd1->cd(); Xview->Draw("box same"); }; if ( l == 1 && !var.nosig ) { yvev.str(""); yvev << "y-view event " << n; yvev << " " << m; yvev << " " << l; gDirectory->Delete(yvev.str().c_str()); TH2F *Yview = new TH2F(yvev.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); Yview->SetFillColor(colo); Yview->Fill(95-n,21-m,1.); pd2->cd(); Yview->Draw("box same"); }; }; }; }; }; pd1->Update(); pd2->Update(); var.qtot=(int)calo->qtot; var.nstrip=(int)calo->nstrip; } void ShowTRKL1(Int_t evno, TTree *ttr1, Variables & var){ // Int_t syncro = 1; Int_t itr = evno; Int_t trnevents = ttr1->GetEntries(); Int_t nodata = 0; Int_t pktnum = 0; Int_t obt = 0; trkcalosync: struct Tracklev1 trk; struct CTracklev1 ev2; settrklev1(ttr1,trk); if ( itr >= trnevents ){ printf(" WARNING: no more tracker level1 data.\n"); nodata = 1; goto goon; }; if ( !var.nosig ) ttr1->GetEntry(itr); accesstrklev1(trk,ev2); pktnum = var.headc; obt = var.etime; if ( pktnum != ev2.pkt_num1 || obt != ev2.obt1 ){ if ( pktnum > ev2.pkt_num1 || obt > ev2.obt1 ){ itr++; if ( syncro ) printf(" WARNING: lost sync! try to recover... \n"); syncro = 0; goto trkcalosync; }; if ( pktnum < ev2.pkt_num1 || obt < ev2.obt1 ){ printf(" WARNING: no tracker level2 data. \n"); nodata = 1; goto goon; }; }; // if ( !syncro ) printf(" ...synchronization recovered! \n"); syncro = 1; // goon: struct Trklev1 ev; ev.good1 = (Bool_t)ev2.good1; ev.nev1 = ev2.nev1; ev.pkt_type1 = ev2.pkt_type1; ev.pkt_num1 = ev2.pkt_num1; ev.obt1 = ev2.obt1; ev.which_calib1 = ev2.which_calib1; ev.nclstr1 = ev2.nclstr1; ev.totcllength = ev2.totcllength; for ( Int_t ii = 0 ; ii<8500; ii++){ ev.clsignal[ii] = ev2.clsignal[ii]; }; for ( Int_t ii = 0 ; ii<500 ; ii++){ ev.view[ii] = (Int_t)ev2.view[ii]; ev.ladder[ii] = (Int_t)ev2.ladder[ii]; ev.maxs[ii] = (Int_t)ev2.maxs[ii]; ev.mult[ii] = (Int_t)ev2.mult[ii]; ev.dedx[ii] = (Float_t)ev2.dedx[ii]; ev.indstart[ii] = (Int_t)ev2.indstart[ii]; ev.indmax[ii] = (Int_t)ev2.indmax[ii]; }; for ( Int_t ii = 0 ; ii<12 ; ii++){ for ( Int_t ij = 0 ; ij<24 ; ij++){ ev.cnev[ij][ii] = ev2.cnev[ii][ij]; }; }; for ( Int_t ii = 0 ; ii<12 ; ii++){ for ( Int_t ij = 0 ; ij<3072 ; ij++){ ev.sigma_matrix[ij][ii] = var.DSPsig_par[ii][ij]; }; }; // // find the cluster, position and signal with the external fortran routine. We must pass the common. // if ( !nodata ){ projectlev1(ev); } else { ev.nclstr1 = 0; }; // // a matrix of pads for each view x and y // TPad *trkpad[12]; Int_t magcol = 0; TPad *mag1 = 0; TPad *mag2 = 0; for (Int_t n = 0; n<12; n++){ stringstream spd; spd.str(""); spd << "pd1" << n; gDirectory->Delete(spd.str().c_str()); spd.str(""); spd << "pd2" << n; gDirectory->Delete(spd.str().c_str()); spd.str(""); spd << "pd3" << n; gDirectory->Delete(spd.str().c_str()); spd.str(""); spd << "pd4" << n; gDirectory->Delete(spd.str().c_str()); spd.str(""); spd << "pd5" << n; gDirectory->Delete(spd.str().c_str()); spd.str(""); spd << "pd6" << n; gDirectory->Delete(spd.str().c_str()); stringstream bpd; bpd.str(""); if ( n%2 ) { Float_t posx = var.xxvc; Float_t posy = var.yxvc + (0.29 - 0.089*((n/2.)-1.))*var.sfy; spd.str(""); spd << "pd1" << n; bpd.str(""); bpd << "bd1" << n; trkpad[n] = new TPad(spd.str().c_str(),bpd.str().c_str(),posx-0.081*var.sfx,posy,posx+0.081*var.sfx,posy+0.089*var.sfy,10); trkpad[n]->SetFillStyle(4000); trkpad[n]->SetFillColor(0); trkpad[n]->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); trkpad[n]->Draw(); if ( n != 1 ) { if ( var.bw ) { magcol = 1; } else { magcol = 45; }; spd.str(""); spd << "pd2" << n; bpd.str(""); bpd << "bd2" << n; mag1 = new TPad(spd.str().c_str(),bpd.str().c_str(),posx-(0.039+0.081)*var.sfx,posy+0.004*var.sfy,posx-0.081*var.sfx,posy+0.088*var.sfy,magcol); if ( var.bw ) mag1->SetFillStyle(3001); mag1->Draw(); spd.str(""); spd << "pd3" << n; bpd.str(""); bpd << "bd3" << n; mag2 = new TPad(spd.str().c_str(),bpd.str().c_str(),posx+0.081*var.sfx,posy+0.004*var.sfy,posx+(0.081+0.039)*var.sfx,posy+0.088*var.sfy,magcol); if ( var.bw ) mag2->SetFillStyle(3001); mag2->Draw(); }; } else { Float_t posx = var.xyvc; Float_t posy = var.yyvc + (0.29 - 0.089 * (((n+1.)/2.)-1.))*var.sfy; spd.str(""); spd << "pd4" << n; bpd.str(""); bpd << "bd4" << n; trkpad[n] = new TPad(spd.str().c_str(),bpd.str().c_str(),posx-0.07*var.sfx,posy,posx+0.07*var.sfx,posy+0.089*var.sfy,10); trkpad[n]->SetFillStyle(4000); trkpad[n]->SetFillColor(0); trkpad[n]->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); trkpad[n]->Draw(); if ( n != 0 ) { if ( var.bw ) { magcol = 1; } else { magcol = 45; }; spd.str(""); spd << "pd5" << n; bpd.str(""); bpd << "bd5" << n; mag1 = new TPad(spd.str().c_str(),bpd.str().c_str(),posx-(0.048+0.066)*var.sfx,posy+0.004*var.sfy,posx-0.066*var.sfx,posy+0.088*var.sfy,magcol); if ( var.bw ) mag1->SetFillStyle(3001); mag1->Draw(); spd.str(""); spd << "pd6" << n; bpd.str(""); bpd << "bd6" << n; mag2 = new TPad(spd.str().c_str(),bpd.str().c_str(),posx+0.066*var.sfx,posy+0.004*var.sfy,posx+(0.066+0.048)*var.sfx,posy+0.088*var.sfy,magcol); if ( var.bw ) mag2->SetFillStyle(3001); mag2->Draw(); }; }; }; TPad *trplv; gDirectory->Delete("trkplv"); trplv = new TPad("trkplv","trkplv",var.xcat-0.07*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.081*var.sfy,var.xcat+0.07*var.sfx,var.ycat+0.081*var.sfy,10); trplv->SetFillStyle(4000); trplv->SetFillColor(0); trplv->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); trplv->Draw(); Int_t sigcol1 = 17; Int_t sigcol2 = 15; Int_t linecol = 13; if ( var.bw ) { sigcol1 = 17; sigcol2 = 15; linecol = 13; } else { sigcol1 = 32; sigcol2 = 38; linecol = 42; }; // TLine *linea = 0; TLine *linea1x = 0; TLine *linea2x = 0; TLine *linea1y = 0; for (Int_t l = 0; l<12; l++){ trkpad[l]->cd(); if ( l%2 ) { trkpad[l]->Range(-8.1,0.,8.1,1000.); linea = new TLine(-8.1,10.,8.1,10.); linea1x = new TLine(-2.7,10.,-2.7,30.); linea2x = new TLine(2.7,10.,2.7,30.); } else { trkpad[l]->Range(-7.05,0.,7.05,1000.); linea = new TLine(-7.05,10.,7.05,10.); linea1y = new TLine(0.,10.,0.,30.); }; linea->SetLineWidth(2); linea->SetLineColor(linecol); linea->Draw(); if ( l%2 ) { linea1x->SetLineWidth(1); linea1x->SetLineColor(1); linea1x->Draw(); linea2x->SetLineWidth(1); linea2x->SetLineColor(1); linea2x->Draw(); } else { linea1y->SetLineWidth(1); linea1y->SetLineColor(1); linea1y->Draw(); }; // }; Int_t planeno = 0; if ( !var.nosig ){ planeno = 0; Float_t x = 0.; Float_t y = 0.; for (Int_t l = 0; l 20. ) planeno = 1 - m; if ( ev.clz[l][m] < 20. && ev.clz[l][m] > 10. ) planeno = 3 - m; if ( ev.clz[l][m] < 10. && ev.clz[l][m] > 0. ) planeno = 5 - m; if ( ev.clz[l][m] < 0. && ev.clz[l][m] > -10. ) planeno = 7 - m; if ( ev.clz[l][m] <-10. && ev.clz[l][m] >-20. ) planeno = 9 - m; if ( ev.clz[l][m] < -20. ) planeno = 11 - m; // if ( (planeno+1)%2 ){ trkpad[planeno]->cd(); trkpad[planeno]->Range(-7.05,0.,7.05,1000.); if ( ev.cls[l][m] != 0. ){ x = ev.clp[l][1]; y = ev.cls[l][m]; linea = new TLine(x,0.,x,y); linea->SetLineWidth(3); linea->SetLineColor(sigcol1); linea->Draw(); // x = ev.clp[l][2]; linea = new TLine(x,0.,x,y); linea->SetLineWidth(3); linea->SetLineColor(sigcol2); linea->Draw(); var.ncly++; }; } else { trkpad[planeno]->cd(); trkpad[planeno]->Range(-8.1,0.,8.1,1000.); if ( ev.cls[l][m] != 0. ){ x = ev.clp[l][0]; y = ev.cls[l][m]; linea = new TLine(x,0.,x,y); linea->SetLineWidth(3); linea->SetLineColor(sigcol2); linea->Draw(); var.nclx++; }; }; }; }; }; }; // // Show track in the plane view! // Float_t xh[6]; Float_t yh1[6]; Float_t yh2[6]; Float_t mag[6]; Float_t xsig[6]; Float_t ysig[6]; Int_t mask[6]; for (Int_t l = 0; l<6; l++ ){ xh[l] = 0.; yh1[l] = 0.; yh2[l] = 0.; mag[l] = 0.; xsig[l] = 0.; ysig[l] = 0.; mask[l] = 0; }; Int_t ncro = 0; // // return; // for (Int_t l = 0; l 20. ) { planeno = 1 - m; ncro = 0; }; if ( ev.clz[l][m] < 20. && ev.clz[l][m] > 10. ) { planeno = 3 - m; ncro = 1; }; if ( ev.clz[l][m] < 10. && ev.clz[l][m] > 0. ) { planeno = 5 - m; ncro = 2; }; if ( ev.clz[l][m] < 0. && ev.clz[l][m] > -10. ) { planeno = 7 - m; ncro = 3; }; if ( ev.clz[l][m] <-10. && ev.clz[l][m] >-20. ) { planeno = 9 - m; ncro = 4; }; if ( ev.clz[l][m] < -20. ) { planeno = 11 - m; ncro = 5; } // mag[ncro] = ((float)planeno+1.)/5.; if ( (planeno+1)%2 ){ if ( ev.cls[l][m] > ysig[ncro] ){ ysig[ncro] = ev.cls[l][m]; yh1[ncro] = ev.clp[l][1]; yh2[ncro] = ev.clp[l][2]; }; } else { if ( ev.cls[l][m] > xsig[ncro] ){ xsig[ncro] = ev.cls[l][m]; xh[ncro] = ev.clp[l][0]; }; }; if ( ysig[ncro] > 0. && xsig[ncro] > 0. ) { mask[ncro] = 1; }; }; }; }; // // Draw crosses // trplv->cd(); trplv->Range(-7.05,-8.1,7.05,8.1); for ( Int_t i = 0; i<6; i++){ if ( mask[i] ){ // Float_t cdx = (0.55/mag[i])*var.sfx; Float_t cdy = (0.55/mag[i])*var.sfy; Float_t lwx = (0.019)*var.sfy; Float_t lwy = (0.019)*var.sfx; // linea = new TLine(yh1[i]-lwx/2.,xh[i]-cdy,yh1[i]-lwx/2.,xh[i]+cdy); linea->SetLineWidth((int)lwx); linea->SetLineColor(sigcol1); linea->Draw(); linea = new TLine(yh1[i]-cdx,xh[i]-lwy/2.,yh1[i]+cdx,xh[i]-lwy/2.); linea->SetLineWidth((int)lwy); linea->SetLineColor(sigcol1); linea->Draw(); // linea = new TLine(yh2[i]-lwx/2.,xh[i]-cdy,yh2[i]-lwx/2.,xh[i]+cdy); linea->SetLineWidth((int)lwx); linea->SetLineColor(sigcol2); linea->Draw(); linea = new TLine(yh2[i]-cdy,xh[i]-lwy/2.,yh2[i]+cdx,xh[i]-lwy/2.); linea->SetLineWidth((int)lwy); linea->SetLineColor(sigcol2); linea->Draw(); }; }; } void ShowTOFGENL1(Int_t j, TTree *otr, Variables & var){ // // the channels MAP: // Int_t ch11a[8] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1}; Int_t hb11a[8] = { 0, 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 1, 3}; Int_t ch11b[8] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}; Int_t hb11b[8] = { 5, 7, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1}; Int_t ch12a[6] = { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}; Int_t hb12a[6] = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}; Int_t ch12b[6] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3}; Int_t hb12b[6] = { 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1}; Int_t ch21a[2] = { 0, 0}; Int_t hb21a[2] = { 0, 4}; Int_t ch21b[2] = { 1, 0}; Int_t hb21b[2] = { 8, 6}; Int_t ch22a[2] = { 0, 0}; Int_t hb22a[2] = { 2, 8}; Int_t ch22b[2] = { 1, 0}; Int_t hb22b[2] = { 10, 10}; Int_t ch31a[3] = { 1, 2, 2}; Int_t hb31a[3] = { 6, 8, 10}; Int_t ch31b[3] = { 1, 1, 1}; Int_t hb31b[3] = { 4, 2, 0}; Int_t ch32a[3] = { 2, 2, 3}; Int_t hb32a[3] = { 0, 4, 8}; Int_t ch32b[3] = { 2, 2, 3}; Int_t hb32b[3] = { 2, 6, 10}; // pamela::tof::TofEvent *tof = 0; otr->SetBranchAddress("Tof.Event", &tof); if ( !var.nosig ) otr->GetEntry(j); // // ADC values // Float_t ms11a[8] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms12a[6] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms21a[2] = {0.,0.}; Float_t ms22a[2] = {0.,0.}; Float_t ms31a[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms32a[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms11b[8] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms12b[6] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms21b[2] = {0.,0.}; Float_t ms22b[2] = {0.,0.}; Float_t ms31b[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms32b[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; // Float_t xp11[8]; Float_t A11[8] = {-19.,-9.6,-25.7,-13.1,-30.9,-21.1,-11.7,-15.9}; Float_t B11[8] = {-2.6,-2.6,-2.3,-2.4,-2.4,-2.8,-2.75,-2.5}; Float_t E11[8] = {2.6,2.6,2.6,2.6,2.6,2.6,2.6,2.6}; Float_t xp12[6]; Float_t A12[6] = {11.6,16.6,5.9,-22.2,-18.0,-14.2}; Float_t B12[6] = {-2.309,-2.424,-1.958,-2.092,-2.241,-2.144}; Float_t E12[6] = {2.6,2.6,2.6,2.6,2.6,2.6}; Float_t xp21[2]; Float_t A21[2] = {12.5, 21.7}; Float_t B21[2] = {-1.492,-1.519}; Float_t E21[2] = {2.2,2.2}; Float_t xp22[2]; Float_t A22[2] = {-27.0, -45.8}; Float_t B22[2] = {-1.897,-1.477}; Float_t E22[2] = {2.9,2.9}; Float_t xp31[3]; Float_t A31[3] = {-25.1, -41.4, -33.9}; Float_t B31[3] = {-3.374,-3.793,-3.495}; Float_t E31[3] = {1.2,1.2,1.2}; Float_t xp32[3]; Float_t A32[3] = {1.3, 3.9, -22.0}; Float_t B32[3] = {-3.134,-3.526,-3.417}; Float_t E32[3] = {2.3,2.3,2.3}; // // TDC info for each PMT // Float_t mt11[2][8]; Float_t mt12[2][6]; Float_t mt21[2][2]; Float_t mt22[2][2]; Float_t mt31[2][3]; Float_t mt32[2][3]; Int_t noadc = 12; if ( var.bw ){ noadc = 12; } else { noadc = 41; }; // Int_t ii = 0; if ( var.nosig ) goto draw; for ( Int_t i = 0; i<8; i++ ) { mt11[0][i] = tof->tdc[ch11a[i]][hb11a[i]]; mt11[1][i] = tof->tdc[ch11b[i]][hb11b[i]]; ms11a[i] = tof->adc[ch11a[i]][hb11a[i]]; ms11b[i] = tof->adc[ch11b[i]][hb11b[i]]; xp11[i] = ( -A11[i] + (mt11[0][i]-mt11[1][i]) / 2. ) / B11[i] ; if ( ms11a[i] == 4095. ) { ms11a[i] = 0.; } else { ms11a[i] = 1.; }; if ( ms11b[i] == 4095. ) { ms11b[i] = 0.; } else { ms11b[i] = 1.; }; }; for ( Int_t i = 0; i<6; i++ ) { mt12[0][i] = tof->tdc[ch12a[i]][hb12a[i]]; mt12[1][i] = tof->tdc[ch12b[i]][hb12b[i]]; ms12a[i] = tof->adc[ch12a[i]][hb12a[i]]; ms12b[i] = tof->adc[ch12b[i]][hb12b[i]]; xp12[i] = ( -A12[i] + (mt12[0][i]-mt12[1][i]) / 2. ) / B12[i] ; if ( ms12a[i] == 4095. ){ ms12a[i] = 0.; } else { ms12a[i] = 1.; }; if ( ms12b[i] == 4095. ){ ms12b[i] = 0.; } else { ms12b[i] = 1.; }; }; ii = 2; for ( Int_t i = 0; i<2; i++ ) { ii--; mt21[0][ii] = tof->tdc[ch21a[i]][hb21a[i]]; mt21[1][ii] = tof->tdc[ch21b[i]][hb21b[i]]; ms21a[ii] = tof->adc[ch21a[i]][hb21a[i]]; ms21b[ii] = tof->adc[ch21b[i]][hb21b[i]]; xp21[ii] = ( -A21[ii] + (mt21[0][ii]-mt21[1][ii]) / 2. ) / B21[ii] ; if ( ms21a[ii] == 4095. ){ ms21a[ii] = 0.; } else { ms21a[ii] = 1.; }; if ( ms21b[ii] == 4095. ){ ms21b[ii] = 0.; } else { ms21b[ii] = 1.; }; }; for ( Int_t i = 0; i<2; i++ ) { mt22[0][i] = tof->tdc[ch22a[i]][hb22a[i]]; mt22[1][i] = tof->tdc[ch22b[i]][hb22b[i]]; ms22a[i] = tof->adc[ch22a[i]][hb22a[i]]; ms22b[i] = tof->adc[ch22b[i]][hb22b[i]]; xp22[i] = ( -A22[i] + (mt22[0][i]-mt22[1][i]) / 2. ) / B22[i] ; if ( ms22a[i] == 4095. ){ ms22a[i] = 0.; } else { ms22a[i] = 1.; }; if ( ms22b[i] == 4095. ){ ms22b[i] = 0.; } else { ms22b[i] = 1.; }; }; for ( Int_t i = 0; i<3; i++ ) { mt31[0][i] = tof->tdc[ch31a[i]][hb31a[i]]; mt31[1][i] = tof->tdc[ch31b[i]][hb31b[i]]; ms31a[i] = tof->adc[ch31a[i]][hb31a[i]]; ms31b[i] = tof->adc[ch31b[i]][hb31b[i]]; xp31[i] = ( -A31[i] + (mt31[0][i]-mt31[1][i]) / 2. ) / B31[i] ; if ( ms31a[i] == 4095. ){ ms31a[i] = 0.; } else { ms31a[i] = 1.; }; if ( ms31b[i] == 4095. ){ ms31b[i] = 0.; } else { ms31b[i] = 1.; }; }; for ( Int_t i = 0; i<3; i++ ) { mt32[0][i] = tof->tdc[ch32a[i]][hb32a[i]]; mt32[1][i] = tof->tdc[ch32b[i]][hb32b[i]]; ms32a[i] = tof->adc[ch32a[i]][hb32a[i]]; ms32b[i] = tof->adc[ch32b[i]][hb32b[i]]; xp32[i] = ( -A32[i] + (mt32[0][i]-mt32[1][i]) / 2. ) / B32[i] ; if ( ms32a[i] == 4095. ){ ms32a[i] = 0.; } else { ms32a[i] = 1.; }; if ( ms32b[i] == 4095. ){ ms32b[i] = 0.; } else { ms32b[i] = 1.; }; }; // draw: Int_t colo = 0; Int_t ocolo = 0; Float_t xs2x = var.xxvc; Float_t ys2x = var.yxvc + 0.36*var.sfy; Float_t xs2y = var.xyvc; Float_t ys2y = var.yyvc + 0.36*var.sfy; Float_t ws2 = 0.005; Float_t ws13 = 0.007; // // S11 X-view // Float_t s11p = 0.051; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof11x[8]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<8; j++){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ (s11p*j), (s11p*j), s11p*(j+1), s11p*(j+1), (s11p*j)}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., ws13, ws13, 0., 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + (-0.204+nxc1[i])*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (0.295+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof11x[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof11x[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms11a[j]+ms11b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; // ftof11x[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof11x[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof11x[j]->Draw("f"); ftof11x[j]->Draw(); }; // // S11 Y-view // Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.165, 0.165, 0.165, -0.165, -0.165}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., ws13, ws13, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (0.295+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof11y = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof11y->SetFillStyle(4000); ftof11y->SetFillColor(0); ftof11y->SetLineColor(1); ftof11y->SetLineWidth(1); ftof11y->Draw("f"); ftof11y->Draw(); TPolyLine *sftof11[8]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<8; j++){ if ( (mt11[0][j]<4095. || mt11[1][j]<4095.) && !var.nosig ){ if ( ocolo == 10 ) ocolo = noadc; Float_t lowp = (xp11[j]-E11[j])/100.; Float_t higp = (xp11[j]+E11[j])/100.; if ( lowp < -0.164 ) lowp = -0.164; if ( higp > 0.164 ) higp = 0.164; if ( lowp < higp ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ lowp, higp, higp, lowp, lowp}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0.0015, 0.0015, ws13-0.0015, ws13-0.0015, 0.0015}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (0.295+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; sftof11[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); sftof11[j]->SetLineColor(ocolo); sftof11[j]->SetFillColor(ocolo); sftof11[j]->SetLineWidth(1); sftof11[j]->Draw("f"); sftof11[j]->Draw(); }; }; }; // // S12 Y-view // Float_t s12p = 0.055; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof12y[6]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<6; j++){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ (s12p*j), (s12p*j), s12p*(j+1), s12p*(j+1), (s12p*j)}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ -ws13, 0., 0., -ws13, -ws13}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + (-0.165+nxc1[i])*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (0.295+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof12y[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof12y[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms12a[j]+ms12b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; // ftof12y[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof12y[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof12y[j]->Draw("f"); ftof12y[j]->Draw(); }; // // S12 X-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.204, 0.204, 0.204, -0.204, -0.204}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., -ws13, -ws13, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (0.295+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof12x = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof12x->SetLineColor(1); ftof12x->SetFillStyle(4000); ftof12x->SetFillColor(0); ftof12x->SetLineWidth(1); ftof12x->Draw("f"); ftof12x->Draw(); TPolyLine *sftof12[6]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<6; j++){ if ( (mt12[0][j]<4095. || mt12[1][j]<4095.) && !var.nosig ){ if ( ocolo == 10 ) ocolo = noadc; Float_t lowp = (xp12[j]-E12[j])/100.; Float_t higp = (xp12[j]+E12[j])/100.; if ( lowp < -0.203 ) lowp = -0.203; if ( higp > 0.203 ) higp = 0.203; if ( lowp < higp ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ lowp, higp, higp, lowp, lowp}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ -0.0015, -0.0015, -ws13+0.0015, -ws13+0.0015, -0.0015}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (0.295+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; sftof12[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); sftof12[j]->SetLineColor(ocolo); sftof12[j]->SetFillColor(ocolo); sftof12[j]->SetLineWidth(1); sftof12[j]->Draw("f"); sftof12[j]->Draw(); }; }; }; }; // // // S21 Y-view // Float_t s21p = 0.075; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof21y[2]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ s21p*(j-1), s21p*(j-1), s21p*j,s21p*j, s21p*(j-1)}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., ws2, ws2, 0., 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + nyc1[i]*var.sfy; }; ftof21y[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof21y[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms21a[j]+ms21b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; // ftof21y[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof21y[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof21y[j]->Draw("f"); ftof21y[j]->Draw(); }; // // S21 X-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.09, 0.09, 0.09, -0.09, -0.09}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., ws2, ws2, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + nyc1[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof21x = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof21x->SetLineColor(1); ftof21x->SetFillStyle(4000); ftof21x->SetFillColor(0); ftof21x->SetLineWidth(1); ftof21x->Draw("f"); ftof21x->Draw(); TPolyLine *sftof21[2]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){ if ( (mt21[0][j]<4095. || mt21[1][j]<4095.) && !var.nosig ){ if ( ocolo == 10 ) ocolo = noadc; Float_t lowp = (xp21[j]-E21[j])/100.; Float_t higp = (xp21[j]+E21[j])/100.; if ( lowp < -0.089 ) lowp = -0.089; if ( higp > 0.089 ) higp = 0.089; if ( lowp < higp ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ lowp, higp, higp, lowp, lowp}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0.0015, 0.0015, ws2-0.0015, ws2-0.0015, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + nyc1[i]*var.sfy; }; sftof21[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); sftof21[j]->SetLineColor(ocolo); sftof21[j]->SetFillColor(ocolo); sftof21[j]->SetLineWidth(1); sftof21[j]->Draw("f"); sftof21[j]->Draw(); }; }; }; }; // // // S22 X-view // Float_t s22p = 0.090; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof22x[2]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ s22p*(j-1), s22p*(j-1), s22p*j, s22p*j, s22p*(j-1)}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ -ws2, 0., 0., -ws2, -ws2}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + nyc1[i]*var.sfy; }; ftof22x[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof22x[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms22a[j]+ms22b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; // ftof22x[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof22x[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof22x[j]->Draw("f"); ftof22x[j]->Draw(); }; // // S22 Y-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.075, 0.075, 0.075, -0.075, -0.075}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., -ws2, -ws2, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + nyc1[i]*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof22y = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof22y->SetLineColor(1); ftof22y->SetFillStyle(4000); ftof22y->SetFillColor(0); ftof22y->SetLineWidth(1); ftof22y->Draw("f"); ftof22y->Draw(); TPolyLine *sftof22[2]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){ if ( (mt22[0][j]<4095. || mt22[1][j]<4095.) && !var.nosig ){ if ( ocolo == 10 ) ocolo = noadc; Float_t lowp = (xp22[j]-E22[j])/100.; Float_t higp = (xp22[j]+E22[j])/100.; if ( lowp < -0.074 ) lowp = -0.074; if ( higp > 0.074 ) higp = 0.074; if ( lowp < higp ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ lowp, higp, higp, lowp, lowp}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ -0.0015, -0.0015, -ws2+0.0015, -ws2+0.0015, -0.0015}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + nyc1[i]*var.sfy; }; sftof22[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); sftof22[j]->SetLineColor(ocolo); sftof22[j]->SetFillColor(ocolo); sftof22[j]->SetLineWidth(1); sftof22[j]->Draw("f"); sftof22[j]->Draw(); }; }; }; }; // // // S31 X-view // Float_t s31p = 0.060; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof31x[3]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<3; j++){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ (s31p*j), (s31p*j), s31p*(j+1), s31p*(j+1), (s31p*j)}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., ws13, ws13, 0., 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + (-0.090+nxc1[i])*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (-0.488+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof31x[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof31x[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms31a[j]+ms31b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; // ftof31x[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof31x[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof31x[j]->Draw("f"); ftof31x[j]->Draw(); }; // // S31 Y-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.075, 0.075, 0.075, -0.075, -0.075}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., ws13, ws13, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (-0.488+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof31y = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof31y->SetLineColor(1); ftof31y->SetFillStyle(4000); ftof31y->SetFillColor(0); ftof31y->SetLineWidth(1); ftof31y->Draw("f"); ftof31y->Draw(); TPolyLine *sftof31[3]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<3; j++){ if ( (mt31[0][j]<4095. || mt31[1][j]<4095.) && !var.nosig){ if ( ocolo == 10 ) ocolo = noadc; Float_t lowp = (xp31[j]-E31[j])/100.; Float_t higp = (xp31[j]+E31[j])/100.; if ( lowp < -0.074 ) lowp = -0.074; if ( higp > 0.074 ) higp = 0.074; if ( lowp < higp ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ lowp, higp, higp, lowp, lowp}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0.0015, 0.0015, ws13-0.0015, ws13-0.0015, 0.0015}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (-0.488+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; sftof31[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); sftof31[j]->SetLineColor(ocolo); sftof31[j]->SetFillColor(ocolo); sftof31[j]->SetLineWidth(1); sftof31[j]->Draw("f"); sftof31[j]->Draw(); }; }; }; }; // // // S32 Y-view // Float_t s32p = 0.050; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof32y[3]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<3; j++){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ (s32p*j), (s32p*j), s32p*(j+1),s32p*(j+1), (s32p*j)}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ -ws13, 0., 0., -ws13, -ws13}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + (-0.075+nxc1[i])*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (-0.488+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof32y[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof32y[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(ms32a[j]+ms32b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; // ftof32y[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof32y[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof32y[j]->Draw("f"); ftof32y[j]->Draw(); }; // // S32 X-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.09, 0.09, 0.09, -0.09, -0.09}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., -ws13, -ws13, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (-0.488+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof32x = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof32x->SetLineColor(1); ftof32x->SetLineWidth(1); ftof32x->SetFillStyle(4000); ftof32x->SetFillColor(0); ftof32x->Draw("f"); ftof32x->Draw(); TPolyLine *sftof32[3]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<3; j++){ if ( (mt32[0][j]<4095. || mt32[1][j]<4095.) && !var.nosig ){ if ( ocolo == 10 ) ocolo = noadc; Float_t lowp = (xp32[j]-E32[j])/100.; Float_t higp = (xp32[j]+E32[j])/100.; if ( lowp < -0.089 ) lowp = -0.089; if ( higp > 0.089 ) higp = 0.089; if ( lowp < higp ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ lowp, higp, higp, lowp, lowp}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ -0.0015, -0.0015, -ws13+0.0015, -ws13+0.0015, -0.0015}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (-0.488+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; sftof32[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); sftof32[j]->SetLineColor(ocolo); sftof32[j]->SetFillColor(ocolo); sftof32[j]->SetLineWidth(1); sftof32[j]->Draw("f"); sftof32[j]->Draw(); }; }; }; }; // } void ShowTOFL1(Int_t j, TTree *toftr, Variables & var){ // for (Int_t i=0 ; i<5; i++){ var.beta[i] = 0.; }; // struct Toflev1 ntof; settoflev1(toftr,ntof); // Int_t syncro = 1; Int_t itr = j; Int_t trnevents = toftr->GetEntries(); Int_t pktnum = 0; Int_t obt = 0; trkcalosync: if ( itr >= trnevents ){ printf(" WARNING: no more tof level1 data.\n"); return; }; if ( !var.nosig ) toftr->GetEntry(itr); pktnum = var.headc; obt = var.etime; if ( pktnum != ntof.pkt_num || obt != ntof.obt ){ if ( pktnum > ntof.pkt_num || obt > ntof.obt ){ itr++; if ( syncro ) printf(" WARNING: lost sync! try to recover... \n"); syncro = 0; goto trkcalosync; }; if ( pktnum < ntof.pkt_num || obt < ntof.obt ){ printf(" WARNING: no tof level1 data. \n"); return; }; }; // if ( !syncro ) printf(" ...synchronization recovered! \n"); syncro = 1; // if ( !var.nosig ) { for (Int_t i=0 ; i<5; i++){ if ( ntof.beta[i] < 100.) var.beta[i] = ntof.beta[i]; }; }; struct CToflev1 tof; accesstoflev1(ntof,tof); // // the channels MAP: // Int_t ch11a[8] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1}; Int_t hb11a[8] = { 0, 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 1, 3}; Int_t ch11b[8] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}; Int_t hb11b[8] = { 5, 7, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1}; Int_t ch12a[6] = { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}; Int_t hb12a[6] = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11}; Int_t ch12b[6] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3}; Int_t hb12b[6] = { 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1}; Int_t ch21a[2] = { 0, 0}; Int_t hb21a[2] = { 0, 4}; Int_t ch21b[2] = { 1, 0}; Int_t hb21b[2] = { 8, 6}; Int_t ch22a[2] = { 0, 0}; Int_t hb22a[2] = { 2, 8}; Int_t ch22b[2] = { 1, 0}; Int_t hb22b[2] = { 10, 10}; Int_t ch31a[3] = { 1, 2, 2}; Int_t hb31a[3] = { 6, 8, 10}; Int_t ch31b[3] = { 1, 1, 1}; Int_t hb31b[3] = { 4, 2, 0}; Int_t ch32a[3] = { 2, 2, 3}; Int_t hb32a[3] = { 0, 4, 8}; Int_t ch32b[3] = { 2, 2, 3}; Int_t hb32b[3] = { 2, 6, 10}; // Float_t E11 = 2.6; Float_t E12 = 2.6; Float_t E21 = 2.2; Float_t E22 = 2.9; Float_t E31 = 1.2; Float_t E32 = 2.3; // // ADC values // Float_t ms11a[8] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms12a[6] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms21a[2] = {0.,0.}; Float_t ms22a[2] = {0.,0.}; Float_t ms31a[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms32a[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms11b[8] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms12b[6] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms21b[2] = {0.,0.}; Float_t ms22b[2] = {0.,0.}; Float_t ms31b[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; Float_t ms32b[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; // Float_t xp11 = 0.; Float_t xp12 = 0.; Float_t xp21 = 0.; Float_t xp22 = 0.; Float_t xp31 = 0.; Float_t xp32 = 0.; // Int_t noadc = 12; if ( var.bw ){ noadc = 12; } else { noadc = 41; }; // Int_t ii = 2; // if ( var.nosig ) goto draw; xp11 = tof.ytof[0]; for ( Int_t i = 0; i<8; i++ ) { if ( tof.adc_c[ch11a[i]][hb11a[i]] < 1000. ){ ms11a[i] = tof.adc_c[ch11a[i]][hb11a[i]]/2.; }; if ( tof.adc_c[ch11b[i]][hb11b[i]] < 1000. ){ ms11b[i] = tof.adc_c[ch11b[i]][hb11b[i]]/2.; }; }; xp12 = tof.xtof[0]; for ( Int_t i = 0; i<6; i++ ) { if ( tof.adc_c[ch12a[i]][hb12a[i]] < 1000. ) ms12a[i] = tof.adc_c[ch12a[i]][hb12a[i]]/2.; if ( tof.adc_c[ch12b[i]][hb12b[i]] < 1000. ) ms12b[i] = tof.adc_c[ch12b[i]][hb12b[i]]/2.; }; xp21 = tof.xtof[1]; ii = 2; for ( Int_t i = 0; i<2; i++ ) { ii--; if ( tof.adc_c[ch21a[i]][hb21a[i]] < 1000. ) ms21a[ii] = tof.adc_c[ch21a[i]][hb21a[i]]/2.; if ( tof.adc_c[ch21b[i]][hb21b[i]] < 1000. ) ms21b[ii] = tof.adc_c[ch21b[i]][hb21b[i]]/2.; }; xp22 = tof.ytof[1]; for ( Int_t i = 0; i<2; i++ ) { if ( tof.adc_c[ch22a[i]][hb22a[i]] < 1000. ) ms22a[i] = tof.adc_c[ch22a[i]][hb22a[i]]/2.; if ( tof.adc_c[ch22b[i]][hb22b[i]] < 1000. ) ms22b[i] = tof.adc_c[ch22b[i]][hb22b[i]]/2.; }; xp31 = tof.ytof[2]; for ( Int_t i = 0; i<3; i++ ) { if ( tof.adc_c[ch31a[i]][hb31a[i]] < 1000. ) ms31a[i] = tof.adc_c[ch31a[i]][hb31a[i]]/2.; if ( tof.adc_c[ch31b[i]][hb31b[i]] < 1000. ) ms31b[i] = tof.adc_c[ch31b[i]][hb31b[i]]/2.; }; xp32 = tof.xtof[2]; for ( Int_t i = 0; i<3; i++ ) { if ( tof.adc_c[ch32a[i]][hb32a[i]] < 1000. ) ms32a[i] = tof.adc_c[ch32a[i]][hb32a[i]]/2.; if ( tof.adc_c[ch32b[i]][hb32b[i]] < 1000. ) ms32b[i] = tof.adc_c[ch32b[i]][hb32b[i]]/2.; }; // draw: // Int_t colo; Int_t ocolo; Float_t xs2x = var.xxvc; Float_t ys2x = var.yxvc + 0.36*var.sfy; Float_t xs2y = var.xyvc; Float_t ys2y = var.yyvc + 0.36*var.sfy; Float_t ws2 = 0.005; Float_t ws13 = 0.007; // // S11 X-view // Float_t s11p = 0.051; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof11x[8]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<8; j++){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ (s11p*j), (s11p*j), s11p*(j+1), s11p*(j+1), (s11p*j)}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., ws13, ws13, 0., 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + (-0.204+nxc1[i])*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (0.295+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof11x[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof11x[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorTOFMIP(ms11a[j]+ms11b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; // ftof11x[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof11x[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof11x[j]->Draw("f"); ftof11x[j]->Draw(); }; // // S11 Y-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.165, 0.165, 0.165, -0.165, -0.165}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., ws13, ws13, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (0.295+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof11y = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof11y->SetFillStyle(4000); ftof11y->SetFillColor(0); ftof11y->SetLineColor(1); ftof11y->SetLineWidth(1); ftof11y->Draw("f"); ftof11y->Draw(); TPolyLine *sftof11; if ( !var.nosig ){ if ( ocolo == 10 ) ocolo = noadc; Float_t lowp = (xp11-E11)/100.; Float_t higp = (xp11+E11)/100.; if ( lowp < -0.164 ) lowp = -0.164; if ( higp > 0.164 ) higp = 0.164; if ( lowp < higp ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ lowp, higp, higp, lowp, lowp}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0.0015, 0.0015, ws13-0.0015, ws13-0.0015, 0.0015}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (0.295+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; sftof11 = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); sftof11->SetLineColor(ocolo); sftof11->SetFillColor(ocolo); sftof11->SetLineWidth(1); sftof11->Draw("f"); sftof11->Draw(); }; }; }; // // S12 Y-view // Float_t s12p = 0.055; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof12y[6]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<6; j++){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ (s12p*j), (s12p*j), s12p*(j+1), s12p*(j+1), (s12p*j)}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ -ws13, 0., 0., -ws13, -ws13}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + (-0.165+nxc1[i])*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (0.295+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof12y[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof12y[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorTOFMIP(ms12a[j]+ms12b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; // ftof12y[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof12y[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof12y[j]->Draw("f"); ftof12y[j]->Draw(); }; // // S12 X-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.204, 0.204, 0.204, -0.204, -0.204}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., -ws13, -ws13, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (0.295+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof12x = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof12x->SetLineColor(1); ftof12x->SetFillStyle(4000); ftof12x->SetFillColor(0); ftof12x->SetLineWidth(1); ftof12x->Draw("f"); ftof12x->Draw(); TPolyLine *sftof12; if ( !var.nosig ){ if ( ocolo == 10 ) ocolo = noadc; Float_t lowp = (xp12-E12)/100.; Float_t higp = (xp12+E12)/100.; if ( lowp < -0.203 ) lowp = -0.203; if ( higp > 0.203 ) higp = 0.203; if ( lowp < higp ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ lowp, higp, higp, lowp, lowp}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ -0.0015, -0.0015, -ws13+0.0015, -ws13+0.0015, -0.0015}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (0.295+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; sftof12 = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); sftof12->SetLineColor(ocolo); sftof12->SetFillColor(ocolo); sftof12->SetLineWidth(1); sftof12->Draw("f"); sftof12->Draw(); }; }; }; // // // S21 Y-view // Float_t s21p = 0.075; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof21y[2]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ s21p*(j-1), s21p*(j-1), s21p*j,s21p*j, s21p*(j-1)}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., ws2, ws2, 0., 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + nyc1[i]*var.sfy; }; ftof21y[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof21y[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorTOFMIP(ms21a[j]+ms21b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; // ftof21y[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof21y[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof21y[j]->Draw("f"); ftof21y[j]->Draw(); }; // // S21 X-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.09, 0.09, 0.09, -0.09, -0.09}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., ws2, ws2, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (0.0+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof21x = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof21x->SetLineColor(1); ftof21x->SetFillStyle(4000); ftof21x->SetFillColor(0); ftof21x->SetLineWidth(1); ftof21x->Draw("f"); ftof21x->Draw(); TPolyLine *sftof21; if ( !var.nosig ){ if ( ocolo == 10 ) ocolo = noadc; Float_t lowp = (xp21-E21)/100.; Float_t higp = (xp21+E21)/100.; if ( lowp < -0.089 ) lowp = -0.089; if ( higp > 0.089 ) higp = 0.089; if ( lowp < higp ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ lowp, higp, higp, lowp, lowp}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0.0015, 0.0015, ws2-0.0015, ws2-0.0015, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (0.0+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; sftof21 = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); sftof21->SetLineColor(ocolo); sftof21->SetFillColor(ocolo); sftof21->SetLineWidth(1); sftof21->Draw("f"); sftof21->Draw(); }; }; }; // // // S22 X-view // Float_t s22p = 0.090; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof22x[2]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ s22p*(j-1), s22p*(j-1), s22p*j, s22p*j, s22p*(j-1)}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ -ws2, 0., 0., -ws2, -ws2}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (0.0+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof22x[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof22x[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorTOFMIP(ms22a[j]+ms22b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; // ftof22x[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof22x[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof22x[j]->Draw("f"); ftof22x[j]->Draw(); }; // // S22 Y-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.075, 0.075, 0.075, -0.075, -0.075}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., -ws2, -ws2, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (0.0+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof22y = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof22y->SetLineColor(1); ftof22y->SetFillStyle(4000); ftof22y->SetFillColor(0); ftof22y->SetLineWidth(1); ftof22y->Draw("f"); ftof22y->Draw(); TPolyLine *sftof22; if ( !var.nosig ){ if ( ocolo == 10 ) ocolo = noadc; Float_t lowp = (xp22-E22)/100.; Float_t higp = (xp22+E22)/100.; if ( lowp < -0.074 ) lowp = -0.074; if ( higp > 0.074 ) higp = 0.074; if ( lowp < higp ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ lowp, higp, higp, lowp, lowp}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ -0.0015, -0.0015, -ws2+0.0015, -ws2+0.0015, -0.0015}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (0.0+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; sftof22 = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); sftof22->SetLineColor(ocolo); sftof22->SetFillColor(ocolo); sftof22->SetLineWidth(1); sftof22->Draw("f"); sftof22->Draw(); }; }; }; // // // S31 X-view // Float_t s31p = 0.060; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof31x[3]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<3; j++){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ (s31p*j), (s31p*j), s31p*(j+1), s31p*(j+1), (s31p*j)}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., ws13, ws13, 0., 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + (-0.090+nxc1[i])*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (-0.488+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof31x[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof31x[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorTOFMIP(ms31a[j]+ms31b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; // ftof31x[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof31x[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof31x[j]->Draw("f"); ftof31x[j]->Draw(); }; // // S31 Y-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.075, 0.075, 0.075, -0.075, -0.075}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., ws13, ws13, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (-0.488+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof31y = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof31y->SetLineColor(1); ftof31y->SetFillStyle(4000); ftof31y->SetFillColor(0); ftof31y->SetLineWidth(1); ftof31y->Draw("f"); ftof31y->Draw(); TPolyLine *sftof31; if ( !var.nosig ){ if ( ocolo == 10 ) ocolo = noadc; Float_t lowp = (xp31-E31)/100.; Float_t higp = (xp31+E31)/100.; if ( lowp < -0.074 ) lowp = -0.074; if ( higp > 0.074 ) higp = 0.074; if ( lowp < higp ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ lowp, higp, higp, lowp, lowp}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0.0015, 0.0015, ws13-0.0015, ws13-0.0015, 0.0015}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (-0.488+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; sftof31 = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); sftof31->SetLineColor(ocolo); sftof31->SetFillColor(ocolo); sftof31->SetLineWidth(1); sftof31->Draw("f"); sftof31->Draw(); }; }; }; // // // S32 Y-view // Float_t s32p = 0.050; ocolo = 10; TPolyLine *ftof32y[3]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<3; j++){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ (s32p*j), (s32p*j), s32p*(j+1),s32p*(j+1), (s32p*j)}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ -ws13, 0., 0., -ws13, -ws13}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2y + (-0.075+nxc1[i])*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2y + (-0.488+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; ftof32y[j] = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof32y[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorTOFMIP(ms32a[j]+ms32b[j],colo); // if ( colo != 10 ) ocolo = colo; // ftof32y[j]->SetFillColor(colo); ftof32y[j]->SetLineWidth(1); ftof32y[j]->Draw("f"); ftof32y[j]->Draw(); }; // // S32 X-view // if ( true ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ -0.09, 0.09, 0.09, -0.09, -0.09}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ 0., 0., -ws13, -ws13, 0.}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (-0.488+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; TPolyLine *ftof32x = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); ftof32x->SetLineColor(1); ftof32x->SetLineWidth(1); ftof32x->SetFillStyle(4000); ftof32x->SetFillColor(0); ftof32x->Draw("f"); ftof32x->Draw(); TPolyLine *sftof32; if ( !var.nosig ){ if ( ocolo == 10 ) ocolo = noadc; Float_t lowp = (xp32-E32)/100.; Float_t higp = (xp32+E32)/100.; if ( lowp < -0.089 ) lowp = -0.089; if ( higp > 0.089 ) higp = 0.089; if ( lowp < higp ){ Float_t nxc1[5]={ lowp, higp, higp, lowp, lowp}; Float_t nyc1[5]={ -0.0015, -0.0015, -ws13+0.0015, -ws13+0.0015, -0.0015}; Float_t nxc[5]; Float_t nyc[5]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5 ; i++) { nxc[i]= xs2x + nxc1[i]*var.sfx; nyc[i] = ys2x + (-0.488+nyc1[i])*var.sfy; }; sftof32 = new TPolyLine(5,nxc,nyc); sftof32->SetLineColor(ocolo); sftof32->SetFillColor(ocolo); sftof32->SetLineWidth(1); sftof32->Draw("f"); sftof32->Draw(); }; }; }; // } //********************************************************************************** // LEVEL2 SUBROUTINES // //********************************************************************************** void ShowTRACK(Int_t evno, TTree *ttr, Variables & var){ // var.rig = 0.; var.chi2 = 0.; struct Tracklev2 trk; settrklev2(ttr,trk); // Int_t trcol = 10; Int_t syncro = 1; Int_t itr = evno; Int_t trnevents = ttr->GetEntries(); Int_t pktnum = 0; Int_t obt = 0; trkcalosync: if ( itr >= trnevents ){ printf(" WARNING: no more tracker level2 data.\n"); return; }; if ( !var.nosig ) ttr->GetEntry(itr); pktnum = var.headc; obt = var.etime; if ( pktnum != trk.pkt_num || obt != trk.obt ){ if ( pktnum > trk.pkt_num || obt > trk.obt ){ itr++; if ( syncro ) printf(" WARNING: lost sync! try to recover... \n"); syncro = 0; goto trkcalosync; }; if ( pktnum < trk.pkt_num || obt < trk.obt ){ printf(" WARNING: no tracker level2 data. \n"); return; }; }; // if ( !syncro ) printf(" ...synchronization recovered! \n"); // if ( trk.ntrk > 0 ){ Int_t l = 0; Int_t tobeinc = 0; while ( l chiB ) { l = trk.image[l]-1; tobeinc = 2; }; tobeinc = 1; }; for ( Int_t e = 0; e < 100 ; e++) { xout[e] = 0.; yout[e] = 0.; // tx[e] = 0.; ty[e] = 0.; tzx[e] = 0.; tzy[e] = 0.; if ( e < 50 ){ ptx1[e] = 0.; pty1[e] = 0.; ptx2[e] = 0.; pty2[e] = 0.; if ( e < 15 ){ tx1[e] = 0.; ty1[e] = 0.; tzx1[e] = 0.; tzy1[e] = 0.; }; }; // if ( e < 5 ) { al_p[e] = (Double_t)trk.al[l][e]; }; zin[e] = 60. - (124./99.)*(float)e; }; // zin[85] = -45.5; // ctrack(npoint,zin,xout,yout,al_p,ifail); // // if ( !ifail ){ if ( l == 0 || ( l == 1 && tobeinc ==2 ) ){ if ( trk.al[l][4] != 0. ) { var.rig = 1./trk.al[l][4]; var.chi2 = trk.chi2[l]; } else { var.rig = 0.; var.chi2 = 0.; }; }; // for ( Int_t e = 0; e < npoint ; e++) { tx[e] = ((float)xout[e]/100.)*var.sfx + var.xxvc; ty[e] = ((float)yout[e]/100.)*var.sfx + var.xyvc; // printf("tx %i %f \n",e,tx[e]); //printf("xout %i %f \n",e,xout[e]); if ( e < 50 ) { ptx1[e] = ((float)yout[e]/100.)*var.sfx + var.xcat; pty1[e] = ((float)xout[e]/100.)*var.sfy + var.ycat; } else { ptx2[e-50] = ((float)yout[e]/100.)*var.sfx + var.xcat; pty2[e-50] = ((float)xout[e]/100.)*var.sfy + var.ycat; }; if ( e > 84 ) { tx1[e-85] = ((float)xout[e]/100.)*var.nds4 + var.xxvc; ty1[e-85] = ((float)yout[e]/100.)*var.nds4 + var.xyvc; tzx1[e-85] = (0.112)*var.sfy+((float)zin[e]/100.)*var.sfy + var.yxvc; tzy1[e-85] = (0.112)*var.sfy+((float)zin[e]/100.)*var.sfy + var.yyvc; }; tzx[e] = (0.112)*var.sfy+((float)zin[e]/100.)*var.sfy + var.yxvc; tzy[e] = (0.112)*var.sfy+((float)zin[e]/100.)*var.sfy + var.yyvc; }; // // From S1 to CALO // if ( var.bw ){ trcol = 17-l; } else { trcol = 50-l; }; TPolyLine *trackx = new TPolyLine(86,tx,tzx); trackx->SetLineColor(trcol); trackx->SetLineWidth(1); trackx->Draw(); TPolyLine *tracky = new TPolyLine(86,ty,tzy); tracky->SetLineColor(trcol); tracky->SetLineWidth(1); tracky->Draw(); // // ND and S4 // if ( var.tracknds4 ){ TPolyLine *trackx1 = new TPolyLine(15,tx1,tzx1); trackx1->SetLineColor(trcol); trackx1->SetLineWidth(1); trackx1->Draw(); TPolyLine *tracky1 = new TPolyLine(15,ty1,tzy1); tracky1->SetLineColor(trcol); tracky1->SetLineWidth(1); tracky1->Draw(); }; // // Plane View // TPolyLine *trackp1 = new TPolyLine(50,ptx1,pty1); trackp1->SetLineColor(trcol); trackp1->SetLineWidth(1); trackp1->Draw(); TPolyLine *trackp2 = new TPolyLine(50,ptx2,pty2); trackp2->SetLineColor(trcol); trackp2->SetLineWidth(1); trackp2->SetLineStyle(3); trackp2->Draw(); // // Dots on measured points // TEllipse *elli; Float_t x; Float_t y; Float_t z1; Float_t z2; for (Int_t g = 0; g<6; g++){ x = trk.xm[l][g]*var.sfx/100. + var.xxvc; y = trk.ym[l][g]*var.sfx/100. + var.xyvc; z1 = (trk.zm[l][g]+11.2)*var.sfy/100. + var.yxvc; z2 = (trk.zm[l][g]+11.2)*var.sfy/100. + var.yyvc; elli = new TEllipse(x,z1,0.004,0.004,0.,-180.); elli->SetFillStyle(1001); elli->SetFillColor(2); elli->Draw(); elli = new TEllipse(y,z2,0.004,0.004,0.,-180.); elli->SetFillStyle(1001); elli->SetFillColor(2); elli->Draw(); }; // // } else { printf(" WARNING: failed in determining the track! \n"); }; l++; if ( tobeinc ) { l++; tobeinc = 0; }; }; }; } //********************************************************************************** // OTHER SUBROUTINES ** //********************************************************************************** void ShowCaloL0(TString filename, Int_t i, Calib & calib, Int_t b[4], Float_t mip[2][22][96], TTree *otr, Variables & var){ struct Evento evento; Int_t tot0 = 0; Int_t tot1 = 0; Int_t tot2 = 0; Int_t nstrip = 0; Float_t qtot = 0.; pamela::calorimeter::CalorimeterEvent *de = 0; otr->SetBranchAddress("Calorimeter.Event", &de); if ( !var.nosig ) otr->GetEntry(i); // // Define variables // Int_t etime = var.etime; Float_t estrip[2][22][96], ener, basel,sdexy[2][22][96],sdexyc[2][22][96]; Int_t badstrip = 0; qtot = 0.; nstrip = 0; // // Book the histograms: // // stringstream xvev; stringstream yvev; xvev.str(""); yvev.str(""); xvev << "x-view event " << (i+1); yvev << "y-view event " << (i+1); gDirectory->Delete(xvev.str().c_str()); gDirectory->Delete(yvev.str().c_str()); TH2F *Xview = new TH2F(xvev.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); TH2F *Yview = new TH2F(yvev.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); Xview->GetYaxis()->SetLabelColor(10); Yview->GetYaxis()->SetLabelColor(10); // // figures: // Int_t bgcolor = 10; TPad *pd1 = new TPad("calox","This is pad1",var.xxvc-0.154*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.3645*var.sfy,var.xxvc+0.154*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.1200*var.sfy,bgcolor); TPad *pd2 = new TPad("caloy","This is pad2",var.xyvc-0.154*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.3645*var.sfy,var.xyvc+0.154*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.1200*var.sfy,bgcolor); pd1->SetFillStyle(4000); pd1->SetFillColor(0); pd1->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); pd2->SetFillStyle(4000); pd2->SetFillColor(0); pd2->SetFrameFillStyle(4000); TLatex *t=new TLatex(); t->SetTextFont(32); t->SetTextColor(1); t->SetTextSize(0.03); t->SetTextAlign(12); pd1->Range(0.,0.,1.,1.); pd2->Range(0.,0.,1.,1.); pd1->SetTicks(); pd2->SetTicks(); pd1->Draw(); pd2->Draw(); pd1->cd(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); Xview->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.5); Xview->SetFillColor(bgcolor); Xview->Fill(1.,1.,1.); Xview->Draw("box"); pd1->Update(); pd2->cd(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); Yview->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.5); Yview->SetFillColor(bgcolor); Yview->Fill(1.,1.,1.); Yview->Draw("box"); pd2->Update(); // // for each event check that the calibration we are using are still within calibration limits, if not call the next calibration // for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ if ( calib.ttime[s][b[s]+1] && calib.time[s][b[s]] ){ while ( etime > calib.time[s][b[s]] && calib.time[s][b[s]] != 0 ){ printf(" CALORIMETER: \n" ); printf(" - Section %i, event at time %i while old calibration time limit at %i. Use new calibration at time %i -\n",s,etime,calib.time[s][b[s]],calib.ttime[s][b[s]+1]); printf(" END CALORIMETER. \n\n" ); b[s]++; CaloPede(filename,s,calib.ttime[s][b[s]],calib); }; }; }; // // do whatever you want with data // evento.iev = de->iev; // // run over views and planes // stringstream xve; stringstream yve; for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ // // determine the section number // Int_t se = 5; if (l == 0 && m%2 == 0) se = 3; if (l == 0 && m%2 != 0) se = 2; if (l == 1 && m%2 == 0) se = 1; if (l == 1 && m%2 != 0) se = 0; // // determine what kind of event we are going to analyze // bool isCOMP = 0; bool isFULL = 0; bool isRAW = 0; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 16) ) isCOMP = 1; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 17) ) isFULL = 1; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 3) ) isRAW = 1; // // save the prevoius energy deposit and calibration in sbase, sdexy, sdexyc // Int_t pre = -1; if ( isRAW ){ for (Int_t nn = 0; nn < 96; nn++){ if ( nn%16 == 0 ) pre++; evento.base[l][m][pre] = calib.calbase[l][m][pre]; sdexy[l][m][nn] = evento.dexy[l][m][nn]; evento.dexy[l][m][nn] = de->dexy[l][m][nn] ; sdexyc[l][m][nn] = evento.dexyc[l][m][nn]; evento.dexyc[l][m][nn] = de->dexyc[l][m][nn] ; }; }; // // run over strips // Int_t done = 0; Int_t rdone = 0; Int_t fdone = 0; pre = -1; for (Int_t n =0 ; n < 96; n++){ if ( n%16 == 0 ) { pre++; done = 0; rdone = 0; fdone = 0; }; // // baseline check and calculation // if ( !isRAW ) { // // if it isn't raw and we haven't checked yet, check that the baseline is fine, if not calculate it with a relaxed algorithm. // if ( !done ){ evento.base[l][m][pre] = de->base[l][m][pre] ; evento.dexyc[l][m][n] = de->dexyc[l][m][n] ; }; } else { // // if it is a raw event and we haven't checked yet, calculate the baseline. Then check that the baseline is fine, // if not calculate it with relaxed algorithm. // if ( !rdone ){ CaloFindBaseRaw(calib,evento,l,m,pre); tot1++; rdone = 1; }; }; // // no suitable new baseline, use old ones // if ( !done && (evento.base[l][m][pre] == 31000. || evento.base[l][m][pre] == 0.) ){ tot0++; evento.base[l][m][pre] = calib.sbase[l][m][pre]; Int_t upnn = n+16; if ( upnn > 96 ) upnn = 96; for ( Int_t nn = n; nndexyc[l][m][nn] ; }; CaloCompressData(calib,evento,l,m,pre); done = 1; }; // // if here we don't have a valid baseline we will skip the event. // if ( evento.base[l][m][pre] == 31000. ) tot2++; // // CALIBRATION ALGORITHM // basel = evento.base[l][m][pre]; ener = evento.dexyc[l][m][n]; estrip[l][m][n] = 0.; if ( basel>0 && basel < 30000. && ener > 0. ){ estrip[l][m][n] = (ener - calib.calped[l][m][n] - basel)/mip[l][m][n] ; // // OK, now in estrip we have the energy deposit in MIP of all the strips for this event (at the end of loops of course) // xve.str(""); yve.str(""); xve << "x-view event " << n; xve << " " << m; xve << " " << l; yve << "y-view event " << n; yve << " " << m; yve << " " << l; gDirectory->Delete(xve.str().c_str()); gDirectory->Delete(yve.str().c_str()); TH2F *Xview = new TH2F(xve.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); TH2F *Yview = new TH2F(yve.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); if ( estrip[l][m][n] > 0.7 && !var.nosig ){ Int_t colo; if ( var.bw ){ colo = -1; } else { colo = 1; }; ColorMIP(estrip[l][m][n],colo); Xview->SetFillColor(colo); Yview->SetFillColor(colo); if ( l == 0 ) { Xview->Fill(n,21-m,1.); pd1->cd(); Xview->Draw("box same"); }; if ( l == 1 ) { Yview->Fill(95-n,21-m,1.); pd2->cd(); Yview->Draw("box same"); }; }; if ( estrip[l][m][n] > 0.7 && calib.calgood[l][m][n] != 0 ) badstrip++; if ( estrip[l][m][n] > 0.7 && calib.calgood[l][m][n] == 0 ) { qtot += estrip[l][m][n]; nstrip++; }; }; calib.sbase[l][m][pre] = evento.base[l][m][pre]; }; }; }; pd1->Update(); pd2->Update(); var.qtot=(int)qtot; var.nstrip=nstrip; } void ShowPalette(Int_t bw){ Float_t xp = 0.33; Float_t yp = 0.02; Float_t xw = 0.35; Float_t yh = 0.19; Double_t xx[5] = {xp, xp+xw, xp+xw, xp, xp}; Double_t yy[5] = {yp, yp, yp+yh, yp+yh, yp}; TPolyLine *fpale = new TPolyLine(5,xx,yy); fpale->SetLineColor(1); fpale->SetLineWidth(1); fpale->Draw(); TLatex *txt=new TLatex(); txt->SetTextSize(0.01); txt->DrawLatex(xp+0.005,yp+yh-0.015,"PALETTE"); txt->DrawLatex(xp+0.005,yp+yh-0.04,"TOF, CALO, S4 [MIP]:"); Float_t xwc = (xp+0.01)/6.; Float_t yhc = 0.03; Int_t colo = 0; Float_t yc = 0.135; TPolyLine *fc1[6]; if ( bw ){ for ( Int_t j=0; j<6; j++){ Float_t xc = 0.335+(j*xwc); Double_t xx[5] = {xc, xc+xwc, xc+xwc, xc, xc}; Double_t yy[5] = {yc, yc, yc+yhc, yc+yhc, yc}; fc1[j] = new TPolyLine(5,xx,yy); fc1[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( j == 0 ) { colo = 10; }; if ( j == 1 ) { colo = 17; }; if ( j == 2 ) { colo = 15; }; if ( j == 3 ) { colo = 14; }; if ( j == 4 ) { colo = 13; }; if ( j == 5 ) { colo = 12; }; fc1[j]->SetFillColor(colo); fc1[j]->SetLineWidth(1); fc1[j]->Draw("f"); fc1[j]->Draw(); if ( j == 0 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"0"); }; if ( j == 1 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"0 - 2"); }; if ( j == 2 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"2 - 10"); }; if ( j == 3 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"10 - 100"); }; if ( j == 4 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"100 - 500"); }; if ( j == 5 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"> 500"); }; }; txt->DrawLatex(xp+0.005,yp+yh-0.095,"ND [neutrons]:"); Float_t yc = 0.08; TPolyLine *fc2[6]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<6; j++){ Float_t xc = 0.335+(j*xwc); Double_t xx[5] = {xc, xc+xwc, xc+xwc, xc, xc}; Double_t yy[5] = {yc, yc, yc+yhc, yc+yhc, yc}; fc2[j] = new TPolyLine(5,xx,yy); fc2[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( j == 0 ) { colo = 10; }; if ( j == 1 ) { colo = 17; }; if ( j == 2 ) { colo = 15; }; if ( j == 3 ) { colo = 14; }; if ( j == 4 ) { colo = 13; }; if ( j == 5 ) { colo = 12; }; fc2[j]->SetFillColor(colo); fc2[j]->SetLineWidth(1); fc2[j]->Draw("f"); fc2[j]->Draw(); if ( j == 0 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"0"); }; if ( j == 1 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01," 1 "); }; if ( j == 2 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01," 2 "); }; if ( j == 3 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01," 3 - 6 "); }; if ( j == 4 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01," 7 - 14 "); }; if ( j == 5 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"> 14"); }; }; // txt->DrawLatex(xp+0.005,yp+yh-0.15,"AC:"); yc = 0.025; TPolyLine *fc3[3]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<3; j++){ Float_t xc = 0.335+(j*xwc); Double_t xx[5] = {xc, xc+xwc, xc+xwc, xc, xc}; Double_t yy[5] = {yc, yc, yc+yhc, yc+yhc, yc}; fc3[j] = new TPolyLine(5,xx,yy); fc3[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( j == 0 ) { colo = 10; }; if ( j == 1 ) { colo = 13; }; if ( j == 2 ) { colo = 12; }; fc3[j]->SetFillColor(colo); fc3[j]->SetLineWidth(1); fc3[j]->Draw("f"); fc3[j]->Draw(); if ( j == 0 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01," NOT HIT "); }; if ( j == 1 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01," HIT trigger"); }; if ( j == 2 ) { txt->SetTextSize(0.0095); txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.001,yc+0.011," HIT background"); txt->SetTextSize(0.01); }; }; } else { for ( Int_t j=0; j<6; j++){ Float_t xc = 0.335+(j*xwc); Double_t xx[5] = {xc, xc+xwc, xc+xwc, xc, xc}; Double_t yy[5] = {yc, yc, yc+yhc, yc+yhc, yc}; fc1[j] = new TPolyLine(5,xx,yy); fc1[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( j == 0 ) { colo = 10; }; if ( j == 1 ) { colo = 38; }; if ( j == 2 ) { colo = 4; }; if ( j == 3 ) { colo = 3; }; if ( j == 4 ) { colo = 2; }; if ( j == 5 ) { colo = 6; }; fc1[j]->SetFillColor(colo); fc1[j]->SetLineWidth(1); fc1[j]->Draw("f"); fc1[j]->Draw(); if ( j == 0 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"0"); }; if ( j == 1 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"0 - 2"); }; if ( j == 2 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"2 - 10"); }; if ( j == 3 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"10 - 100"); }; if ( j == 4 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"100 - 500"); }; if ( j == 5 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"> 500"); }; }; txt->DrawLatex(xp+0.005,yp+yh-0.095,"ND [neutrons]:"); Float_t yc = 0.08; TPolyLine *fc2[6]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<6; j++){ Float_t xc = 0.335+(j*xwc); Double_t xx[5] = {xc, xc+xwc, xc+xwc, xc, xc}; Double_t yy[5] = {yc, yc, yc+yhc, yc+yhc, yc}; fc2[j] = new TPolyLine(5,xx,yy); fc2[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( j == 0 ) { colo = 10; }; if ( j == 1 ) { colo = 38; }; if ( j == 2 ) { colo = 4; }; if ( j == 3 ) { colo = 3; }; if ( j == 4 ) { colo = 2; }; if ( j == 5 ) { colo = 6; }; fc2[j]->SetFillColor(colo); fc2[j]->SetLineWidth(1); fc2[j]->Draw("f"); fc2[j]->Draw(); if ( j == 0 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"0"); }; if ( j == 1 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01," 1 "); }; if ( j == 2 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01," 2 "); }; if ( j == 3 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01," 3 - 6 "); }; if ( j == 4 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01," 7 - 14 "); }; if ( j == 5 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01,"> 14"); }; }; // txt->DrawLatex(xp+0.005,yp+yh-0.15,"AC:"); yc = 0.025; TPolyLine *fc3[3]; for ( Int_t j=0; j<3; j++){ Float_t xc = 0.335+(j*xwc); Double_t xx[5] = {xc, xc+xwc, xc+xwc, xc, xc}; Double_t yy[5] = {yc, yc, yc+yhc, yc+yhc, yc}; fc3[j] = new TPolyLine(5,xx,yy); fc3[j]->SetLineColor(1); if ( j == 0 ) { colo = 10; }; if ( j == 1 ) { colo = 2; }; if ( j == 2 ) { colo = 42; }; fc3[j]->SetFillColor(colo); fc3[j]->SetLineWidth(1); fc3[j]->Draw("f"); fc3[j]->Draw(); if ( j == 0 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01," NOT HIT "); }; if ( j == 1 ) { txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.005,yc+0.01," HIT trigger"); }; if ( j == 2 ) { txt->SetTextSize(0.0095); txt->DrawLatex(xc+0.001,yc+0.011," HIT background"); txt->SetTextSize(0.01); }; }; }; } void DrawX(Float_t cx, Float_t cy, Float_t si, Variables & var){ if ( true ){ Float_t x[2] = {-si*var.sfx,si*var.sfx}; Float_t y[2] = {-si*var.sfy,si*var.sfy}; Float_t xb[2]; Float_t yb[2]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<2 ; i++){ xb[i] = x[i]+cx; yb[i] = y[i]+cy; }; TLine *x2 = new TLine(xb[0],yb[0],xb[1],yb[1]); x2->SetLineColor(1); x2->SetLineWidth(1); x2->Draw(); }; if ( true ){ Float_t x[2] = {-si*var.sfx,si*var.sfx}; Float_t y[2] = {si*var.sfy,-si*var.sfy}; Float_t xa[2]; Float_t ya[2]; for (Int_t i = 0; i<2 ; i++){ xa[i] = x[i]+cx; ya[i] = y[i]+cy; }; TLine *x1 = new TLine(xa[0],ya[0],xa[1],ya[1]); x1->SetLineColor(1); x1->SetLineWidth(1); x1->Draw(); }; } // // // void ShowHelp(){ char input[256]; printf("\n USE:\n\n The only input needed is the path to the directory (\"filename\") created by YODA\n for the data file you want to analyze.\n Standard use:\n root[0] .L ShowEvent.c\n root[1] ShowEvent(\"/home/dati/filesFromYoda/DW_050112_00600/\");\n \n\n\n\n\n\n"); printf("Press to continue\n"); cin.getline(input,256); printf(" FEATURES:\n\n ShowEvent(TString filename, Int_t fromevent = 0, Int_t toevent = 0,\n TString selfile = \"\", Int_t FORCELEVEL = -1,\n Int_t ctrlword = 509, Int_t BW=0, TString outDir = \"\",\n TString calcalibfile = \"\")\n Input variables\n * fromevent = the first event to be shown (0 means \"show all\")\n"); printf(" * toevent = the last event to be shown (NB: if fromevent differs from zero\n and toevent is equal zero only one event will be shown,\n number \"fromevent\")\n\n\n\n"); printf("Press to continue\n"); cin.getline(input,256); printf(" * ctrword is an integer which can be used as a mask to customize the figure:\n ctrword bit: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 \n detector : special TOF AC TRK CALO S4 ND infos names legenda\n Examples:\n ctrword = 509 = 0111111101 : all detectors+infos are printed(DEFAULT)\n ctrword = 511 = 0111111111 : show all\n ctrword = 505 = 0111111001 : don't print infos on figure\n ctrword = 507 = 0111111011 : show detector names+legenda (no infos)\n ctrword = 8 = 0000001000 : show only ND\n ctrword = 1019 = 1111111011 : show all but infos without signals\n\n"); printf("Press to continue\n"); cin.getline(input,256); printf("\n\n When the \"special\" bit is set NO SIGNAL will be shown in the detectors.\n It can be used to draw a draft of the PAMELA apparatus without any event.\n "); printf(" * selfile = selection file. Can be used to select events.\n Default is \"\" that is no selection applied.\n"); printf(" * FORCELEVEL = to force a certain level visualization.\n For the moment only level0 can be forced.\n"); printf(" * BW = 0 flag to display black and white figures.\n Default is 0, colours, set it to 1 to have BW visualization.\n"); printf(" * outDir = directory where to place figures (if you want to print them).\n Default is \"filename\".\n\n"); printf("Press to continue\n"); cin.getline(input,256); printf(" * calcalibfile = the calorimeter needs a calibration to display events. If a\n calibration is not in the file you want to analylze put \n here the path to a directory created by YODA for a data \n file with calorimeter calibration. Default is \"filename\".\n"); printf("\n\n For further informations read the README.ShowEvent file.\n"); return; } // // MAIN ROUTINE // void ShowEvent(TString filename="help", TString selfile="", Int_t ctrlword = 509, Int_t FORCELEV = -1, Int_t fromevent = 0, Int_t toevent = 0, TString outDir = ""){ gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->Delete(); gDirectory->GetList()->Delete(); TString calcalibfile = ""; TString startingdir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); const char* startingdir2 = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); TString path; stringcopy(path,startingdir2); Int_t BW = 0; #if defined (__CINT__) emicheckLib(); const char *pamlib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); stringstream lolib; lolib.str(""); lolib << pamlib << "/EVpathtoc_c.so"; gSystem->Load(lolib.str().c_str()); // if (!TClassTable::GetDict("CalorimeterLevel1")){ const char *pamlib2 = gSystem->ExpandPathName("$PAM_LIB"); stringstream liblo; liblo.str(""); liblo << pamlib2 << "/caloclasses_h.so"; gSystem->Load(liblo.str().c_str()); } #endif #if !defined (__CINT__) TApplication app("app",0,0); #endif const char *pam_calib = pathtocalibration(); stringstream calfile; calfile.str(""); calfile << pam_calib << "/CaloADC2MIP.root"; struct Levels level; // const char *name= filename; if ( filename == "" || !strcmp(name,"help") ){ ShowHelp(); return; }; // // // if ( FORCELEV != -1 ) printf("\n WARNING: FORCING LEVEL%i DATA \n\n",FORCELEV); // // LOAD SELECTION FILE // Int_t selection = 0; if ( selfile == "" ){ selection = 0; } else { #if !defined (__CINT__) // // if running the compiled program we must load header files for the selection macros! // gROOT->Reset(); stringstream paminc; paminc.str(""); const char *testinc = gSystem->Getenv("PAM_INC"); if ( testinc == "" ){ const char *pam_calib = pathtocalibration(); paminc << pam_calib << "../include/"; } else { paminc << testinc; }; stringstream carica; carica.str(""); carica << paminc.str().c_str() << "/eventviewer.h"; gROOT->LoadMacro(carica.str().c_str()); carica.str(""); carica << paminc.str().c_str() << "/trklev1struct.h"; gROOT->LoadMacro(carica.str().c_str()); carica.str(""); carica << paminc.str().c_str() << "/ctrkstruct.h"; gROOT->LoadMacro(carica.str().c_str()); carica.str(""); carica << paminc.str().c_str() << "/ctrkinclude.h"; gROOT->LoadMacro(carica.str().c_str()); carica.str(""); carica << paminc.str().c_str() << "/ctofstruct.h"; gROOT->LoadMacro(carica.str().c_str()); carica.str(""); carica << paminc.str().c_str() << "/ctofinclude.h"; gROOT->LoadMacro(carica.str().c_str()); #endif // // load the selection macro // selection = gROOT->LoadMacro(selfile); if ( selection ){ printf("\n\n ERROR! cannot read the selection file you give me as input! \n"); selection = 0; printf("\n WARNING! no selection file loaded! \n\n"); } else { printf("\n\n Selection file loaded \n\n The first event will be shown anyway. \n\n"); selection = 1; }; }; // // // LOAD FILES // Int_t SHOWDEC = 0; Int_t TOF = 0; Int_t AC = 0; Int_t TRK = 0; Int_t CALO = 0; Int_t S4 = 0; Int_t ND = 0; Int_t INFOS = 0; Int_t VINFOS = 0; Int_t PALETTE = 0; // if ( ctrlword & (1<<0) ) { PALETTE = 1; printf("Show Palette\n"); }; if ( BW ) printf(" --> Black and White visualization! \n"); if ( ctrlword & (1<<1) ) { VINFOS = 1; printf("Show Verbose Text Informations\n"); }; if ( ctrlword & (1<<2) ) { INFOS = 1; printf("Show Text Informations\n"); }; if ( ctrlword & (1<<3) ) { ND = 1; }; if ( ctrlword & (1<<4) ) { S4 = 1; }; if ( ctrlword & (1<<5) ) { CALO = 1; }; if ( ctrlword & (1<<6) ) { TRK = 1; }; if ( ctrlword & (1<<7) ) { AC = 1; }; if ( ctrlword & (1<<8) ) { TOF = 1; }; if ( ctrlword & (1<<9) ) { SHOWDEC = 1; fromevent = 1; toevent = 1; printf("\n ** WARNING! YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO SHOW ONLY DETECTORS AND NO SIGNALS! **\n\n"); gSystem->Exec("sleep 5"); }; // TString fififile = getFilename(filename); const char *file = fififile; // Int_t trk1noev = 0; Int_t trk2noev = 0; Int_t tofnoev = 0; // open files TFile *headerFile = 0; TFile *triggerFile = 0; TFile *caloFile = 0; TFile *trackerFile = 0; TFile *trackerFile2 = 0; TFile *neutronFile = 0; TFile *acFile = 0; TFile *s4File = 0; TFile *tofFile = 0; TFile *tofFileL1 = 0; TTree *toftr = 0; // headerFile = emigetFile(filename, "Physics", "Header"); if ( !headerFile ){ printf("ERROR: no Header file, exiting...\n"); return; }; TTree *otr = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("Pscu"); printf("Get the Header informations\n"); // triggerFile = emigetFile(filename, "Trigger"); if ( !triggerFile ){ printf("ERROR: no Trigger file, exiting...\n"); return; }; otr->AddFriend("Trigger", triggerFile); printf("Get the Trigger informations\n"); // TTree *ttr = 0; TTree *ttr1 = 0; Int_t STRACK = 0; Int_t TRKLEV = 0; Int_t ACLEV = 0; TFile *trackhead = 0; TFile *trackcalibFile1 = 0; TTree *ctrk = 0; TFile *trackcalibFile2 = 0; TFile *trackerFile2b = 0; if ( TRK ) { if ( FORCELEV == 0 ){ trackerFile2 = emigetFile(filename, "Tracker"); if ( !trackerFile2 ){ printf("WARNING: no Tracker file! \n"); TRK = 0; } else { otr->AddFriend("Tracker", trackerFile2); printf("Show the Tracker detector, LEVEL0 data \n"); TRKLEV = 0; }; } else { trackerFile = emigetFile(filename, "Physics.Level2", "Tracker"); if ( !trackerFile ){ // trackhead = emigetFile(filename, "CalibTrk1", "Header"); ctrk = (TTree*)trackhead->Get("Pscu"); // trackerFile = emigetFile(filename, "Physics.Level1", "Tracker"); trackcalibFile1 = emigetFile(filename, "CalibTrk1"); trackcalibFile2 = emigetFile(filename, "CalibTrk2"); // if ( !trackerFile || !trackcalibFile1 || !trackcalibFile2 || !trackhead ){ trackerFile = emigetFile(filename, "Tracker"); if ( !trackerFile ){ printf("WARNING: no Tracker file! \n"); TRK = 0; } else { otr->AddFriend("Tracker", trackerFile); printf("Show the Tracker detector, LEVEL0 data \n"); TRKLEV = 0; }; } else { ttr1 = (TTree*)trackerFile->Get("TrkLevel1"); ctrk->AddFriend("CalibTrk1", trackcalibFile1); ctrk->AddFriend("CalibTrk2", trackcalibFile2); printf("Show the Tracker detector, LEVEL1 data \n"); TRKLEV = 1; trk1noev = ttr1->GetEntries(); }; } else { ttr = (TTree*)trackerFile->Get("TrkLevel2"); trk2noev = ttr->GetEntries(); printf("Get the track informations (LEVEL2 Tracker data!)\n"); STRACK = 1; // trackhead = emigetFile(filename, "CalibTrk2", "Header"); ctrk = (TTree*)trackhead->Get("Pscu"); // trackerFile2b = emigetFile(filename, "Physics.Level1", "Tracker"); trackcalibFile1 = emigetFile(filename, "CalibTrk1"); trackcalibFile2 = emigetFile(filename, "CalibTrk2"); // if ( !trackerFile2b || !trackcalibFile1 || !trackcalibFile2 || !trackhead ){ printf(" WARNING: no LEVEL1 Tracker data, load LEVEL0 data \n"); trackerFile2b = emigetFile(filename, "Tracker"); if ( !trackerFile2b ){ printf("WARNING: no Tracker file! \n"); TRK = 0; } else { otr->AddFriend("Tracker", trackerFile2b); printf("Show the Tracker detector, LEVEL0 data \n"); TRKLEV = 0; }; } else { ttr1 = (TTree*)trackerFile2b->Get("TrkLevel1"); ctrk->AddFriend("CalibTrk1", trackcalibFile1); ctrk->AddFriend("CalibTrk2", trackcalibFile2); printf("Show the Tracker detector, LEVEL1 data \n"); TRKLEV = 1; trk1noev = ttr1->GetEntries(); }; }; }; }; // Int_t CALOLEV = 0; if ( CALO ) { if ( FORCELEV == 0 ){ caloFile = emigetFile(filename, "Calorimeter"); if ( !caloFile ){ printf("WARNING: no calorimeter file! \n"); CALO = 0; } else { otr->AddFriend("Calorimeter", caloFile); printf("Show the Calorimeter detector, LEVEL0 data \n"); }; CALOLEV = -1; } else { caloFile = emigetFile(filename, "Physics.Level1", "Calorimeter"); if ( !caloFile ){ caloFile = emigetFile(filename, "Calorimeter"); if ( !caloFile ){ printf("WARNING: no calorimeter file! \n"); CALO = 0; } else { otr->AddFriend("Calorimeter", caloFile); printf("Show the Calorimeter detector, try to generate LEVEL1 data \n"); }; CALOLEV = 0; } else { otr->AddFriend("CaloLevel1", caloFile); printf("Show the Calorimeter detector, LEVEL1 data \n"); CALOLEV = 1; }; }; }; // if ( ND ) { neutronFile = emigetFile(filename, "Neutron"); if ( !neutronFile ){ printf("WARNING: no neutron detector file! \n"); ND = 0; } else { otr->AddFriend("Neutron", neutronFile); printf("Show the Neutron detector, LEVEL0 data \n"); }; }; // if ( AC ) { if ( FORCELEV == 0 ){ acFile = emigetFile(filename, "Anticounter"); if ( !acFile ){ printf("WARNING: no AC file! \n"); AC = 0; } else { otr->AddFriend("Anticounter", acFile); printf("Show the Anticoincidence detector, LEVEL 0 data\n"); ACLEV = 0; }; } else { acFile = emigetFile(filename, "Physics.Level1", "Anticounter"); if ( !acFile ){ acFile = emigetFile(filename, "Anticounter"); if ( !acFile ){ printf("WARNING: no AC file! \n"); AC = 0; } else { otr->AddFriend("Anticounter", acFile); printf("Show the Anticoincidence detector, LEVEL 0 data\n"); ACLEV = 0; }; } else { otr->AddFriend("AcLevel1", acFile); printf("Show the Anticoincidence detector, LEVEL 1 data\n"); ACLEV = 1; }; }; }; Int_t S4LEV = 0; if ( S4 ) { s4File = emigetFile(filename, "S4"); if ( !s4File ){ printf("WARNING: no S4 file! \n"); S4 = 0; } else { otr->AddFriend("S4", s4File); if ( FORCELEV != 0 ){ printf("Show the S4 detector, try to generate LEVEL1 data \n"); S4LEV = 1; } else { printf("Show the S4 detector, LEVEL0 data \n"); S4LEV = 0; }; }; }; // Int_t TOFLEV = 0; if ( TOF ) { if ( FORCELEV != 0 ){ tofFileL1 = emigetFile(filename, "Physics.Level1","TofTrigger"); if ( !tofFileL1 ){ tofFile = emigetFile(filename, "Tof"); if ( !tofFile ){ printf("WARNING: no TOF file! \n"); printf("Show the Time of Flight detector, LEVEL0 (trigger board) data\n"); // TOF = 0; TOFLEV = 0; } else { otr->AddFriend("Tof", tofFile); printf("Show the Time of Flight, try to generate LEVEL1 data \n"); TOFLEV = 10; }; } else { toftr = (TTree*)tofFileL1->Get("TofLevel1"); printf("Show the Time of Flight, LEVEL1 data \n"); TOFLEV = 1; tofnoev = toftr->GetEntries(); }; } else { printf("Show the Time of Flight detector, LEVEL0 data\n"); TOFLEV = 0; }; }; // printf("\n"); // pamela::PscuHeader *ph = 0; pamela::EventHeader *eh = 0; pamela::trigger::TriggerEvent *trig = 0; Long64_t nevents = otr->GetEntries(); // printf(" The file contains %i physics events \n",(int)nevents); // if (nevents<=0) { headerFile->Close(); triggerFile->Close(); if ( TRK ) trackerFile->Close(); if ( CALO )caloFile->Close(); if ( ND ) neutronFile->Close(); if ( AC ) acFile->Close(); if ( TOF ) tofFile->Close(); if ( S4 ) s4File->Close(); printf("The file is empty, exiting...\n"); return; } // // Define some variables // Int_t OBT = 0; Int_t DOBT = 0; Int_t ifout = 0; Int_t OOBT = 0; // if ( calcalibfile == "" ) calcalibfile = filename; if ( outDir == "" ) outDir = filename; // struct Variables var; // if ( SHOWDEC ){ var.nosig = 1; } else { var.nosig = 0; }; // // here windows dimension (based on the computer screen size) and position and dimension of figures // Int_t xw, yw; UInt_t ww, hw; gVirtualX->GetWindowSize(gClient->GetRoot()->GetId(),xw,yw,ww,hw); Float_t winx = (float)ww*0.95; Float_t winy = (float)hw*0.95; Float_t winrap = winx/winy; var.bw = 0; if ( BW ) var.bw = 1; var.xxvc = 0.17; var.yxvc = 0.44; var.xyvc = 0.83; var.yyvc = 0.44; // var.sfx = 0.82/winrap; var.sfy = 0.82; // var.nds4 = 0.4; //var.nds4 = 0.85/winrap; var.xcat = 0.5; var.ycat = 0.74; // var.tracknds4 = 1; // // READ the CALORIMETER ADC to MIP conversion table (if trying to generate level1 data) // Float_t mip[2][22][96]; Int_t okcalo = 0; TTree *ctree = 0; TFile *chfile; CalorimeterCalibration *ccalo = 0; Long64_t cnevents = 0; if ( !CALOLEV && CALO ){ chfile = new TFile(calfile.str().c_str(),"READ","Calorimeter CALIBRATION data"); if ( chfile->IsZombie() ){ printf(" WARNING: no calorimeter calibration file! \n Using 26 as conversion factor for all strips. \n"); okcalo = 0; } else { okcalo = 1; ctree = (TTree*)chfile->Get("CaloADC"); ctree->SetBranchAddress("Event", &ccalo); // cnevents = ctree->GetEntries(); ctree->GetEntry(cnevents-1); }; // if ( okcalo ) { for (Int_t m = 0; m < 2 ; m++ ){ for (Int_t k = 0; k < 22; k++ ){ for (Int_t l = 0; l < 96; l++ ){ if ( (ccalo->fp[1][m][k][l] > 20. && ccalo->fp[1][m][k][l] < 32.) || ccalo->mask[m][k][l] == 1. ) { if ( ccalo->mip[m][k][l] != 0. ){ mip[m][k][l] = ccalo->mip[m][k][l]; } else { mip[m][k][l] = 26. ; }; } else { mip[m][k][l] = 26. ; }; }; }; }; } else { for (Int_t m = 0; m < 2 ; m++ ){ for (Int_t k = 0; k < 22; k++ ){ for (Int_t l = 0; l < 96; l++ ){ mip[m][k][l] = 26. ; }; }; }; }; chfile->Close(); }; // // Check that given input are inside the boundary conditions // if ( fromevent > toevent && toevent ){ printf("It must be fromevent < toevent \n"); return; }; if ( fromevent > nevents+1 || fromevent < 0 ) { printf("You can choose fromevent between 0 (all) and %i \n",(int)nevents+1); return; }; if ( toevent > nevents+1 || toevent < 0 ) { printf("You can choose toevent between 0 (all) and %i \n",(int)nevents+1); return; }; Int_t minevent = 0; Int_t maxevent = nevents - 1; if ( fromevent == 0 ) { minevent = 0; maxevent = nevents - 1; } else { minevent = fromevent - 1; if ( toevent > 0 ){ maxevent = toevent-1; } else { maxevent = fromevent-1; }; }; // // book the canvas // TCanvas *figure = new TCanvas("PAMELA event viewer", "PAMELA event viewer",(int)winx,(int)winy); TLatex *text=new TLatex(); stringstream testo; stringstream testo2; stringstream testo3; figure->Range(0.,0.,1.,1.); gStyle->SetOptDate(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetLabelSize(0); gStyle->SetNdivisions(1,"X"); gStyle->SetNdivisions(1,"Y"); // stringstream libload; Int_t doflag = 1; Int_t thefirst = 1; Int_t trackdone1 = 0; Int_t trackdone2 = 0; Int_t seldone = 0; Float_t headc = 0.; Float_t headcold = 0.; Int_t i = minevent; Int_t OK = 0; Int_t jumpto = 0; // otr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); otr->GetEntry(maxevent); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); Int_t lastevno = (int)ph->GetCounter(); otr->GetEntry(minevent); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); Int_t firstevno = (int)ph->GetCounter(); struct Calib calib; Int_t b[4]; Int_t si = 0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MAIN LOOP STARTS HERE: run over all the events ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// while ( i < maxevent+1 ){ // // clear canvas and variables // var.beta[0] = 0.; var.beta[1] = 0.; var.beta[2] = 0.; var.beta[3] = 0.; var.beta[4] = 0.; var.s4sig = 0.; var.nstrip = 0; var.qtot = 0; var.nclx = 0; var.ncly = 0; var.trup = 0; var.bkup = 0; var.bkbo = 0; var.hcas = 0; var.hcat = 0; var.hcard = 0; // // call the filter to select events (if filter file is given) // if ( jumpto ){ otr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); otr->GetEntry(i); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); Int_t cjumpto = (int)ph->GetCounter(); if ( cjumpto == jumpto ) jumpto = 0; if ( jumpto && i == maxevent ) { i = si; printf(" WARNING: NO EVENT WITH EVENT NUMBER %i \n",jumpto); jumpto = 0; }; }; // OK = 0; if ( !selection || ( i == minevent && !seldone) ){ OK = 1; seldone = 1; } else { OK = 0; #if defined (__CINT__) OK = filter(i,otr,ttr,level); #endif #if !defined (__CINT__) stringstream cintcom; cintcom.str(""); cintcom << "Int_t *i = (Int_t*)0x" << hex; cintcom << &i; gROOT->ProcessLine(cintcom.str().c_str()); gROOT->ProcessLine("Int_t a = *i;"); cintcom.str(""); cintcom << "TTree *otr = (TTree*)0x" << hex; cintcom << otr; gROOT->ProcessLine(cintcom.str().c_str()); cintcom.str(""); cintcom << "TTree *ttr = (TTree*)0x" << hex; cintcom << ttr; gROOT->ProcessLine(cintcom.str().c_str()); cintcom.str(""); cintcom << "struct Levels &level = (struct Levels &)0x" << hex; cintcom << &level; gROOT->ProcessLine(cintcom.str().c_str()); OK = gApplication->ProcessLine("filter((Int_t)a,(TTree *)otr,(TTree *)ttr,(Levels &)level);"); #endif seldone = 1; printf("Scanning data: %d%c done",100*(i-minevent)/(maxevent-minevent),37); fflush(stdout); }; // // if the event is selected go on // if ( OK && !jumpto ) { printf("\n"); figure->Clear(); figure->SetFillColor(10); figure->cd(); // // Get Orbital Time information and header event number // otr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); if ( !var.nosig) otr->GetEntry(i); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); headcold = headc; headc = ph->GetCounter(); var.headc = (int)ph->GetCounter(); OBT = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); DOBT = OBT - OOBT; OOBT = OBT; if ( i == minevent || DOBT < 0 || (headc-headcold-1)!=0 ) DOBT = 0; var.etime = OBT; // // who gave the trigger? // otr->SetBranchAddress("Trigger.Event", &trig); if ( !var.nosig) otr->GetEntry(i); Int_t calotrig = 0; if ( trig->patterntrig[0] ) calotrig = 1; Int_t toftrig = 0; if ( trig->patterntrig[2] || trig->patterntrig[3] || trig->patterntrig[4] || trig->patterntrig[5] ) toftrig = 1; Int_t s4pulser = 0; if ( trig->patterntrig[1] & (1<<0) ) s4pulser = 1; // // TOF and calorimeter when giving a trigger will always set this flag since the time window of the signal is greater than 100 ns. // S4 sometimes could not set the flag even if the trigger is given. This is a workaround to fix this "bug": // if ( !calotrig && !toftrig ) s4pulser = 1; // Int_t trigconf = trig->trigconf; stringstream trc; trc.str(""); if ( trigconf & (1<<0) ) trc << "TOF1"; if ( trigconf & (1<<1) ) trc << " TOF2"; if ( trigconf & (1<<2) ) trc << " TOF3"; if ( trigconf & (1<<3) ) trc << " TOF4"; if ( trigconf & (1<<4) ) trc << " TOF5"; if ( trigconf & (1<<5) ) trc << " TOF6"; if ( trigconf & (1<<6) ) trc << " TOF7"; if ( trigconf & (1<<7) ) trc << " S4"; if ( trigconf & (1<<8) ) trc << " CALO"; if ( trigconf & (1<<9) ) trc << " CALIB_ON"; TString trcs(trc.str().c_str()); // // show TOF // if ( TOF ){ figure->cd(); if ( TOFLEV == 0 ){ ShowTOF(i,otr,var); level.tof = 0; }; if ( TOFLEV == 10 ){ ShowTOFGENL1(i,otr,var); level.tof = 0; }; if ( TOFLEV == 1 ){ ShowTOFL1(i,toftr,var); level.tof = 1; }; }; // // show anticounters // if ( AC ){ figure->cd(); if ( ACLEV == 0 ){ ShowAC(i,otr,var,0); level.ac = 0; }; if ( ACLEV == 1 ){ ShowAC(i,otr,var,1); level.ac = 1; }; }; // // show S4 // if ( S4 ){ figure->cd(); if ( S4LEV == 0 ){ ShowS4L0(i,otr,var); level.s4 = 0; }; if ( S4LEV == 1 ){ ShowS4L1(i,otr,var); level.s4 = 1; }; }; // // // show neutron detector // if ( ND ){ figure->cd(); ShowND(i,otr,var); level.nd = 0; }; // // show tracker // if ( TRK ){ // // if we have level2 data show the track // if ( STRACK == 1 ) { if ( i == minevent && !trackdone1 ) { // // Load tracker libraries to read the magnetic field and compute the paritcle trajectory // trackdone1 = 1; #if defined (__CINT__) printf("\n\n TRACKER: loading shared libraries...\n"); const char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libtrack"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libtrack_C"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libreadb2maps"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libreadb2maps_C"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); printf(" ...done!\n\n"); #endif // // Read the magnetic field map (two files), here it goes the path AND name of one of them. // printf("\n\n TRACKER: loading the magnetic field maps...\n\n\n"); const char *pam_calib = pathtocalibration(); stringstream bdir; bdir.str(""); bdir << pam_calib << "."; creadB(bdir.str().c_str()); // printf(" ...done! \n"); }; level.track2 = 1; figure->cd(); ShowTRACK(i,ttr,var); }; // // show level1 data // figure->cd(); if ( TRKLEV == 1 ) { if ( i == minevent && !trackdone2 ) { trackdone2 = 1; #if defined (__CINT__) printf("\n\n TRACKER: loading level1 libraries...\n"); const char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); printf("\n Opening libptlev1.so \n"); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libptlevel1"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); printf("\n Opening libptlev1_C.so \n\n"); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libptlevel1_C"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); printf(" ...done! \n\n"); #endif // pamela::CalibTrk1Event *te1 = 0; ctrk->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk1.Event", &te1); if ( ctrk->GetEntries() > 0 ){ ctrk->GetEntry(0); for ( Int_t ii = 0 ; ii<6 ; ii++){ for ( Int_t ij = 0 ; ij<3072 ; ij++){ var.DSPsig_par[ii][ij] = te1->DSPsig_par[ii][ij]; }; }; pamela::CalibTrk2Event *te2 = 0; ctrk->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk2.Event", &te2); ctrk->GetEntry(0); for ( Int_t ii = 6 ; ii<12 ; ii++){ for ( Int_t ij = 0 ; ij<3072 ; ij++){ var.DSPsig_par[ii][ij] = te2->DSPsig_par[ii-6][ij]; }; }; } else { for ( Int_t ii = 0 ; ii<12 ; ii++){ for ( Int_t ij = 0 ; ij<3072 ; ij++){ if ( ii > 5 ) var.DSPsig_par[ii][ij] = 8.; if ( ii < 6 ) var.DSPsig_par[ii][ij] = 3.; }; }; }; }; ShowTRKL1(i,ttr1,var); }; // // if everything fails, show at least level0 data // if ( TRKLEV == 0 ) ShowTRKL0(i,otr,var); figure->Modified(); figure->Update(); level.track = TRKLEV; }; // // show calorimeter // if ( CALO ){ figure->cd(); // // if we have LEVEL1 data // if ( CALOLEV == 1 ) ShowCaloL1(i,otr,var); // // if we have only LEVEL0 data try to generate event by event LEVEL1 data // if ( CALOLEV == 0 ) { if ( !thefirst ) { ShowCaloL0(calcalibfile,i,calib,b,mip,otr,var); } else { printf("\n\n CALORIMETER: looking for calibration data...\n"); thefirst = 0; Calo1stcalib(calcalibfile,calib,b); // // check calibration // Int_t calibex = 0; Int_t stop = 0; for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){ if ( b[s] > 4 ) b[s] = 0; stop = 0; for (Int_t d = 0; d<48; d++){ if ( calib.ttime[s][d] != 0 ) calibex++; if ( calib.time[s][0] != 0 ){ if ( calib.time[s][d+1] == 0 ) { if ( !stop ){ stop = 1; }; }; }; }; }; printf(" ...done! \n\n\n"); if ( calibex < 1 ) { printf(" No calorimeter calibrations! Switching to raw mode visualitation \n Only COMPRESS and FULL mode acquisition are supported \n\n"); CALOLEV = -1; } else { ShowCaloL0(calcalibfile,i,calib,b,mip,otr,var); }; }; }; // // if everything fail, show level0 data // if ( CALOLEV == -1 ) { ShowCaloRAW(i,otr,var); }; if ( var.nosig ){ var.qtot = 0; var.nstrip = 0; }; level.calo = CALOLEV; }; figure->cd(); // // SHOW INFOS // if ( INFOS ){ figure->cd(); text->SetTextAngle(0); text->SetTextFont(32); text->SetTextColor(1); text->SetTextSize(0.025); // 0.02 text->SetTextAlign(12); Float_t txthi = 0.47; testo.str(""); testo << "File: " << file; testo << " - Event number: " << (int)headc; text->DrawLatex(0.33,txthi,testo.str().c_str()); txthi -= 0.03; testo.str(""); testo << "Progressive number: " << (i+1); if ( s4pulser ){ testo << " - S4 trigger - "; }; if ( calotrig ){ testo << " - CALO trigger - "; }; text->DrawLatex(0.33,txthi,testo.str().c_str()); txthi -= 0.03; testo2.str(""); testo2 << "On Board Time: " << (int)OBT; if ( DOBT > 0 ) { testo2 << " (delta: " << (int)DOBT; testo2 << ")"; }; testo2 << " [ms]"; text->DrawLatex(0.33,txthi,testo2.str().c_str()); txthi -= 0.03; text->SetTextSize(0.020); // 0.015 const char *trc2 = trcs; testo3.str(""); testo3 << "TRIGGER: " << trc2; text->DrawLatex(0.33,txthi,testo3.str().c_str()); txthi -= 0.03; testo3.str(""); testo3 << "AC: CARD hit = " << var.hcard; testo3 << " CAT hit = " << var.hcat; testo3 << " CAS hit = " << var.hcas; text->DrawLatex(0.33,txthi,testo3.str().c_str()); txthi -= 0.03; testo3.str(""); if ( STRACK ){ testo3 << "TRK: RIG = " << setprecision(3) << var.rig; testo3 << " [GV] CHI2 = " << setprecision(3) << var.chi2; } else { testo3 << "TRK: NCLX = "<< var.nclx; testo3 << " NCLY = "<DrawLatex(0.33,txthi,testo3.str().c_str()); txthi -= 0.03; testo3.str(""); testo3 << "CALO: NSTRIP = " << var.nstrip; testo3 << " QTOT = "<DrawLatex(0.33,txthi,testo3.str().c_str()); txthi -= 0.03; testo3.str(""); testo3 << "S4: " << setprecision(2); testo3 << var.s4sig << " [MIP] TOF: #beta(1,...,5) = ("; testo3 << setprecision(3) << var.beta[0]; testo3 << ","; testo3 << setprecision(3) << var.beta[1]; testo3 << ","; testo3 << setprecision(3) << var.beta[2]; testo3 << ","; testo3 << setprecision(3) << var.beta[3]; testo3 << ","; testo3 << setprecision(3) << var.beta[4]; testo3 << ")"; text->DrawLatex(0.33,txthi,testo3.str().c_str()); txthi -= 0.03; testo3.str(""); testo3 << "ND: Trigger: neutrons = " << var.trup; testo3 << " - Background: upper = " << var.bkup; testo3 << " lower = " << var.bkbo; text->DrawLatex(0.33,txthi,testo3.str().c_str()); txthi -= 0.03; text->SetTextSize(0.01); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.025*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.519*var.sfy,"CPU SIDE"); text->SetTextAngle(90); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.17*var.sfx,var.yyvc+0.075*var.sfy,"CPU SIDE"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc-0.17*var.sfx,var.yyvc+0.075*var.sfy,"VME SIDE"); if ( AC || TRK ){ text->SetTextAngle(90); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat-0.235*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.025*var.sfy,"VME SIDE"); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat+0.235*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.025*var.sfy,"CPU SIDE"); // text->SetTextAngle(0); text->SetTextSize(0.015); TEllipse *elli = new TEllipse(var.xcat+0.219*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.249*var.sfy,0.003,0.003); elli->Draw(); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat+0.229*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.261*var.sfy,"z"); TArrow *arr; arr = new TArrow(var.xcat+0.22*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.25*var.sfy,var.xcat+0.22*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.21*var.sfy); arr->SetArrowSize(0.005); arr->Draw(); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat+0.229*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.21*var.sfy,"x"); arr = new TArrow(var.xcat+0.22*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.25*var.sfy,var.xcat+0.18*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.25*var.sfy); arr->SetArrowSize(0.005); arr->Draw(); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat+0.18*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.261*var.sfy,"y"); text->SetTextSize(0.01); }; // // coordinates systems and x/y view labels // figure->cd(); text->SetTextAngle(0); text->SetTextFont(32); text->SetTextColor(1); text->SetTextAlign(12); text->SetTextSize(0.01); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.025*var.sfx,var.yxvc+0.67*var.sfy,"X VIEW"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc-0.025*var.sfx,var.yyvc+0.67*var.sfy,"Y VIEW"); // text->SetTextSize(0.015); text->SetTextFont(2); DrawX(var.xxvc-0.23*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.508*var.sfy,0.005,var); text->SetTextFont(32); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.246*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.508*var.sfy,"y"); TArrow *arr; arr = new TArrow(var.xxvc-0.23*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.508*var.sfy,var.xxvc-0.19*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.508*var.sfy); arr->SetArrowSize(0.005); arr->Draw(); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.19*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.515*var.sfy,"x"); arr = new TArrow(var.xxvc-0.23*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.508*var.sfy,var.xxvc-0.23*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.468*var.sfy); arr->SetArrowSize(0.005); arr->Draw(); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.246*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.468*var.sfy,"z"); // text->SetTextSize(0.015); text->SetTextFont(2); DrawX(var.xyvc+0.22*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.508*var.sfy,0.005,var); text->SetTextFont(32); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.23*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.508*var.sfy,"x"); arr = new TArrow(var.xyvc+0.22*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.508*var.sfy,var.xyvc+0.18*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.508*var.sfy); arr->SetArrowSize(0.005); arr->Draw(); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.17*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.511*var.sfy,"y"); arr = new TArrow(var.xyvc+0.22*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.508*var.sfy,var.xyvc+0.22*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.468*var.sfy); arr->SetArrowSize(0.005); arr->Draw(); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.23*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.468*var.sfy,"z"); text->SetTextSize(0.01); }; // // SHOW PALETTE // if ( PALETTE ) ShowPalette(var.bw); // // SHOW VERBOSE INFOS // if ( VINFOS ){ figure->cd(); text->SetTextAngle(0); text->SetTextFont(32); text->SetTextColor(1); text->SetTextSize(0.01); text->SetTextAlign(12); if ( AC ){ // // Plane view // text->SetTextAngle(90); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat+0.1*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.015*var.sfy,"CARD4"); text->SetTextAngle(-90); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat-0.1*var.sfx,var.ycat+0.015*var.sfy,"CARD1"); text->SetTextAngle(0); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat-0.015*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.116*var.sfy,"CARD2"); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat-0.015*var.sfx,var.ycat+0.116*var.sfy,"CARD3"); text->SetTextAngle(90); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat+0.13*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.015*var.sfy,"CAS3"); text->SetTextAngle(-90); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat-0.13*var.sfx,var.ycat+0.015*var.sfy,"CAS4"); text->SetTextAngle(0); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat-0.015*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.140*var.sfy,"CAS2"); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat-0.015*var.sfx,var.ycat+0.140*var.sfy,"CAS1"); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat+0.17*var.sfx,var.ycat,"CAT1"); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat-0.2*var.sfx,var.ycat,"CAT2"); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat-0.015*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.198*var.sfy,"CAT3"); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat-0.015*var.sfx,var.ycat+0.198*var.sfy,"CAT4"); // // X and Y views // text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.192*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.08*var.sfy,"CAS2"); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc+0.17*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.08*var.sfy,"CAS1"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc-0.192*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.08*var.sfy,"CAS4"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.17*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.08*var.sfy,"CAS3"); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.192*var.sfx,var.yxvc+0.48*var.sfy,"CARD2"); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc+0.155*var.sfx,var.yxvc+0.48*var.sfy,"CARD3"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc-0.170*var.sfx,var.yyvc+0.48*var.sfy,"CARD1"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.13*var.sfx,var.yyvc+0.48*var.sfy,"CARD4"); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.192*var.sfx,var.yxvc+0.39*var.sfy,"CAT3"); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc+0.155*var.sfx,var.yxvc+0.39*var.sfy,"CAT4"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc-0.170*var.sfx,var.yyvc+0.39*var.sfy,"CAT2"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.13*var.sfx,var.yyvc+0.39*var.sfy,"CAT1"); }; if ( CALO ){ text->SetTextSize(0.020); text->SetTextAngle(90); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.22*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.290*var.sfy,"Calorimeter"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.22*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.290*var.sfy,"Calorimeter"); text->SetTextSize(0.01); text->SetTextAngle(0); }; if ( TRK ){ text->SetTextSize(0.020); text->SetTextAngle(90); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.22*var.sfx,var.yxvc+0.080*var.sfy,"Tracker"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.22*var.sfx,var.yyvc+0.080*var.sfy,"Tracker"); text->SetTextSize(0.01); text->SetTextAngle(0); }; if ( ND ){ text->SetTextSize(0.020); text->SetTextAngle(90); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.22*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.430*var.sfy,"ND"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.22*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.430*var.sfy,"ND"); text->SetTextSize(0.01); text->SetTextAngle(0); }; if ( TOF ){ text->SetTextSize(0.020); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.24*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.130*var.sfy,"S3"); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.24*var.sfx,var.yxvc+0.350*var.sfy,"S2"); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.24*var.sfx,var.yxvc+0.653*var.sfy,"S1"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.21*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.130*var.sfy,"S3"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.21*var.sfx,var.yyvc+0.350*var.sfy,"S2"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.21*var.sfx,var.yyvc+0.653*var.sfy,"S1"); text->SetTextSize(0.01); }; if ( S4 ){ text->SetTextSize(0.020); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.24*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.350*var.sfy,"S4"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.21*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.350*var.sfy,"S4"); text->SetTextSize(0.01); }; if ( !INFOS ){ text->SetTextSize(0.01); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.025*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.520*var.sfy,"CPU SIDE"); text->SetTextAngle(90); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.17*var.sfx,var.yyvc+0.075*var.sfy,"CPU SIDE"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc-0.17*var.sfx,var.yyvc+0.075*var.sfy,"VME SIDE"); if ( AC || TRK ){ text->SetTextAngle(90); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat-0.235*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.025*var.sfy,"VME SIDE"); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat+0.235*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.025*var.sfy,"CPU SIDE"); // text->SetTextAngle(0); text->SetTextSize(0.015); TEllipse *elli = new TEllipse(var.xcat+0.219*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.249*var.sfy,0.003,0.003); elli->Draw(); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat+0.229*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.261*var.sfy,"z"); TArrow *arr; arr = new TArrow(var.xcat+0.22*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.25*var.sfy,var.xcat+0.22*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.21*var.sfy); arr->SetArrowSize(0.005); arr->Draw(); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat+0.229*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.21*var.sfy,"x"); arr = new TArrow(var.xcat+0.22*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.25*var.sfy,var.xcat+0.18*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.25*var.sfy); arr->SetArrowSize(0.005); arr->Draw(); text->DrawLatex(var.xcat+0.18*var.sfx,var.ycat-0.261*var.sfy,"y"); text->SetTextSize(0.01); }; // // coordinates systems and x/y view labels // figure->cd(); text->SetTextAngle(0); text->SetTextFont(32); text->SetTextColor(1); text->SetTextAlign(12); text->SetTextSize(0.01); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.025*var.sfx,var.yxvc+0.67*var.sfy,"X VIEW"); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc-0.025*var.sfx,var.yyvc+0.67*var.sfy,"Y VIEW"); // text->SetTextSize(0.015); text->SetTextFont(2); DrawX(var.xxvc-0.23*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.508*var.sfy,0.005,var); text->SetTextFont(32); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.246*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.508*var.sfy,"y"); TArrow *arr; arr = new TArrow(var.xxvc-0.23*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.508*var.sfy,var.xxvc-0.19*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.508*var.sfy); arr->SetArrowSize(0.005); arr->Draw(); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.19*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.515*var.sfy,"x"); arr = new TArrow(var.xxvc-0.23*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.508*var.sfy,var.xxvc-0.23*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.468*var.sfy); arr->SetArrowSize(0.005); arr->Draw(); text->DrawLatex(var.xxvc-0.246*var.sfx,var.yxvc-0.468*var.sfy,"z"); // text->SetTextSize(0.015); text->SetTextFont(2); DrawX(var.xyvc+0.22*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.508*var.sfy,0.005,var); text->SetTextFont(32); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.23*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.508*var.sfy,"x"); arr = new TArrow(var.xyvc+0.22*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.508*var.sfy,var.xyvc+0.18*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.508*var.sfy); arr->SetArrowSize(0.005); arr->Draw(); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.17*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.511*var.sfy,"y"); arr = new TArrow(var.xyvc+0.22*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.508*var.sfy,var.xyvc+0.22*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.468*var.sfy); arr->SetArrowSize(0.005); arr->Draw(); text->DrawLatex(var.xyvc+0.23*var.sfx,var.yyvc-0.468*var.sfy,"z"); text->SetTextSize(0.01); }; }; // // update figure // figure->Modified(); figure->Update(); figure->cd(); // // print infos on terminal // printf(" File: %s \n",name); if ( !s4pulser && !calotrig ){ printf(" Event number: %i - Progressive number: %i \n",(int)headc,i+1); }; if ( s4pulser ){ printf(" Event number: %i - Progressive number: %i - S4 trigger -\n",(int)headc,i+1); }; if ( calotrig ){ printf(" Event number: %i - Progressive number: %i - CALO trigger -\n",(int)headc,i+1); }; printf(" On Board Time: %i (delta %i) [ms]\n",OBT,DOBT); const char *trc2 = trcs; printf(" TRIGGER: %s \n",trc2); printf(" AC: CARD hit = %i CAT hit = %i CAS hit = %i \n",var.hcard,var.hcat,var.hcas); if ( STRACK ){ printf(" TRK: NCLX = %i NCLY = %i RIG = %f [GV] CHI2 = %f \n",var.nclx,var.ncly,var.rig,var.chi2); } else { printf(" TRK: NCLX = %i NCLY = %i \n ",var.nclx,var.ncly); }; printf(" CALO: NSTRIP = %i QTOT = %i [MIP]\n",var.nstrip,var.qtot); printf(" S4: %.2f [MIP] TOF: beta(1,...,5) = (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) \n",var.s4sig,var.beta[0],var.beta[1],var.beta[2],var.beta[3],var.beta[4]); printf(" ND: Trigger: neutrons = %i - Background: upper = %i lower = %i \n",var.trup,var.bkup,var.bkbo); // // Interact with user: do you want to continue, go backward, exit or print the figure? // printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); if ( i != maxevent ) { si = i; doflag = 1; jumpto = 0; TString figty = "ev"; var.i = i; var.doflag = doflag; var.jumpto = jumpto; var.nevents = nevents; var.lastevno = lastevno; var.firstevno = firstevno; Int_t ifout = WhatToDoEV(var,file,outDir,figty,*figure); i = var.i; doflag = var.doflag; jumpto = var.jumpto; if ( i != si ) OOBT = 1000000000; if ( maxevent < i+1 ) { maxevent = nevents; printf("WARNING: you have chosen an event number out of the starting range.\n Range extended to %i\n\n",maxevent); }; if ( ifout ) goto theend; } else { printf("\n\n"); }; }; if ( doflag == 2 && i == 0 ) { printf("\n WARNING: Cannot go backward! Going forward. \n"); doflag = 1; }; if ( doflag == 2 && i>0 ) i--; if ( doflag == 1 ) i++; // // if in selection mode, print out a event progress bar: // if ( !selection || i == minevent ){ // do nothing } else { if ( (maxevent-minevent) != 0 ){ if((100*(i-minevent)/(maxevent-minevent))<10.){ printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c",8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8); } else { printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c",8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8); }; }; }; }; // // END OF THE MAIN LOOP AND OF THE MAIN PROGRAM // printf("\n"); theend: if ( !ifout ) printf("\nFinished, exiting... \n\n"); #if defined (__CINT__) gSystem->ChangeDirectory(path); if ( trackdone2 ){ unload1(); }; if ( trackdone1 ){ unload2(); }; #endif printf(" ...done! \n\n"); return; }