//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FEventViewer.c version 1.03 (2006-04-04) // // Shows PAMELA events - Emiliano Mocchiutti // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // Standard use: // // bash> EventViewer // // For further informations use: // // EventViewer --help // // or // // EventViewer --version // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Changelog: // // 1.02 - 1.03 (2006-04-04): Make it possible to select events with the calorimeter also when generating level1 from level0. // // 1.01 - 1.02 (2006-03-22): Read calorimeter ADC2MIP flight conversion file. Do not install FEventviewer.cxx! // // 1.00 - 1.01 (2006-03-09): Flight version, read unique YODA file. Many capabilities disabled at the moment (reads only LEVEL0 data). // // 0.00 - 1.00 (2006-03-09): Clone of EventViewer.c v9r01. // #include #include // #include #include #include #if (__GNUC__ == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ == 2) char* operator+( std::streampos&, char* ); #endif // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include #include extern void stringcopy(TString&, const TString&, Int_t, Int_t); extern void stringappend(TString&, const TString&); #include // #include #include #include #include // using namespace std; // Bool_t existfile(TString filename){ ifstream myfile; myfile.open(filename.Data()); if ( !myfile ){ return(false); }; myfile.close(); return(true); } // // MAIN ROUTINE // void ShowEvent(TString filename="help", TString selfile="", TString outDir = ""){ Int_t ctrlword = 509; Int_t FORCELEV = -1; TString startingdir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); // TApplication app("app",0,0); // Bool_t firsttime = true; // Bool_t popup = false; // gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->Delete(); gDirectory->GetList()->Delete(); // // here windows dimension (based on the computer screen size) and position and dimension of figures // Int_t xw, yw; UInt_t ww, hw; gVirtualX->GetWindowSize(gClient->GetRoot()->GetId(),xw,yw,ww,hw); Float_t winx = (float)ww*0.80; Float_t winy = (float)hw*0.80; // 95 Float_t winrap = winx/winy; // // // TString plugindir = (TString)gSystem->ExpandPathName("$FEV_PLUGIN"); if ( strcmp(plugindir,"$FEV_PLUGIN") ){ TString wdir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); printf("\n\n Plugin directory is %s \n",plugindir.Data()); printf(" Loading plugins: \n"); // TSystemDirectory *datadir = new TSystemDirectory(gSystem->BaseName(plugindir),plugindir); TList *temp = datadir->GetListOfFiles(); TIter next(temp); TSystemFile *questo = 0; Int_t npl = 0; while ( (questo = (TSystemFile*) next()) ) { TString name = questo->GetName(); if( name.EndsWith(".so") || name.EndsWith(".o") ){ npl++; // char *fullpath = gSystem->ConcatFileName(gSystem->DirName(plugindir),gSystem->BaseName(name)); char *fullpath = gSystem->ConcatFileName(plugindir.Data(),gSystem->BaseName(name)); if ( !gSystem->Load(fullpath) ) printf(" %i -> %s plugin loaded (%s)\n",npl,name.Data(),fullpath); delete fullpath; }; } gSystem->cd(wdir.Data()); delete temp; delete datadir; }; // // Add working directory to file names if no full path is provided // if ( !strcmp(gSystem->BaseName(filename),filename.Data()) ){ filename = startingdir+"/"+filename; }; if ( !strcmp(gSystem->BaseName(selfile),selfile.Data()) && strcmp(selfile.Data(),"") ){ selfile = startingdir+"/"+selfile; }; // // book the canvas // TCanvas *figure = new TCanvas("PAMELA event viewer", "PAMELA event viewer",(int)winx,(int)winy); // // create the PAMELA detector // FEVdetector *pamela = new FEVdetector(filename,selfile,ctrlword,*figure); // // Pop up the GUI // PAMevcontrol *pamgui = 0; // pamgui = new PAMevcontrol(gClient->GetRoot(),400,800,pamela->var,pamela->level,*figure); popup = true; pamela->SetGUIPtr(*pamgui); if ( outDir == "" ) outDir = startingdir; // TTree *otr0 = 0; TTree *otr1 = 0; TTree *otr2 = 0; TTree *otr3 = 0; TTree *otr4 = 0; TTree *otr5 = 0; TTree *otr6 = 0; TTree *otr7 = 0; TTree *otr8 = 0; // pamela->var.fl0 = false; pamela->var.restart = false; Int_t i = 0; Int_t isOK = 0; // restart: // if ( !pamela->var.restart ){ if ( i < 0 ){ i = -i; } else { i = 0; }; }; // // set boolean variables // pamela->var.waitforever = false; pamela->var.jumprog = true; pamela->var.jumpen = false; pamela->var.goon = false; pamela->var.refresh = false; pamela->var.alrforc = false; // // check if we have an input filename // // if ( filename.Data() == "" || !strcmp(filename.Data(),"help") ){ if ( !strcmp(gSystem->BaseName(filename),"") || filename.Contains("help") ){ pamela->var.waitforever = true; }; // // // // chek if we are forcing level0 // // // if ( pamela->var.fl0 == true ){ // FORCELEV = 0; // } else { // FORCELEV = -1; // }; // // Define some variables // pamela->var.bw = 0; pamela->var.xxvc = 0.20; pamela->var.yxvc = 0.44; pamela->var.xyvc = 0.815; pamela->var.yyvc = 0.44; pamela->var.sfx = 0.81/winrap; pamela->var.sfy = 0.81; pamela->var.nds4 = pamela->var.sfx; pamela->var.xcat = 0.515; pamela->var.ycat = 0.74; pamela->var.tracknds4 = 1; figure->Range(0.,0.,1.,1.); gStyle->SetOptDate(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetLabelSize(0); gStyle->SetNdivisions(1,"X"); gStyle->SetNdivisions(1,"Y"); // isOK = 0; // // from here to refresh // refresh: // // reset pointers // TFile *headerFile = 0; TChain *otr = 0; TTree *L0 = 0; // // gROOT->Reset(); // // set selection file variables // if ( pamela->var.refresh ){ if ( pamela->var.selex ){ // pamela->var.selex = true; //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<var.thefilter.Data(); }; }; // // if ( pamela->var.fl0 == true ) { FORCELEV = 0; } else { if ( pamela->var.refresh ) FORCELEV = -1; //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<var.refresh ) pamela->checkctrlword(); //pamela->checkctrlword(); // // open a dialog if the program is launched without input filename // if ( firsttime ){ firsttime = false; if ( !strcmp(gSystem->BaseName(filename),"") || filename.Contains("help") ) pamgui->DIALOG(3," - Insert the filename and press load to start \n - To unload selection file clean the line and press the \"Load\" button \n - run with \"-v\" option to have STDOUT on the screen \n - select a detector and press \"Show Data\" to print data event by event on the screen "); // if ( filename.Contains("help") ) pamgui->DIALOG(3," - Insert the filename and press load to start \n - To unload selection file clean the line and press the \"Load\" button \n - run with \"-v\" option to have STDOUT on the screen \n - select a detector and press \"Show Data\" to print data event by event on the screen "); // printf(" - %s - %s =\n",gSystem->BaseName(filename),filename.Data()); }; // // WAIT for an input filename // while( pamela->var.waitforever ) { if ( !gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->FindObject(figure) ) { pamgui->Terminate(); }; pamgui->Refresh(); gSystem->ProcessEvents(); gSystem->Sleep(10); }; // // if ( pamela->var.restart ){ // filename = pamela->var.thefilename.Data(); // goto restart; // }; // // check if we are forcing level0 data // if ( FORCELEV != -1 ) { printf("\n WARNING: FORCING LEVEL%i DATA \n\n",FORCELEV); if ( !pamela->var.alrforc ) { pamgui->DIALOG(1," Forcing LEVEL0 data "); pamela->var.alrforc = true; }; }; // // LOAD SELECTION FILE // if ( !strcmp(gSystem->BaseName(selfile),"") ){ //selfile == "" ){ //if ( !pamela->var.selex ) pamgui->DIALOG(0," Selection file unloaded "); if ( pamela->var.selex ) pamgui->DIALOG(0," Selection file unloaded "); pamela->var.selex = false; } else { // // determine where to find the headers // gROOT->Reset(); stringstream paminc; paminc.str(""); const char *testinc = pathtoinclude(); paminc << testinc; // stringstream carica; // // load the structure header // carica.str(""); carica << paminc.str().c_str() << "/feventvstruct.h"; gROOT->LoadMacro(carica.str().c_str()); // carica.str(""); // carica << paminc.str().c_str() << "/CaloNuclei.h"; // gROOT->LoadMacro(carica.str().c_str()); // // load the selection macro // Int_t chkload = gROOT->LoadMacro(selfile); // pamela->var.selex = false; // if ( chkload ){ // // not able to open the selection file // stringstream dialog; dialog.str(""); dialog << pamela->var.thefilter.Data(); dialog << " : no such file!"; pamgui->DIALOG(2,dialog.str().c_str()); printf("\n\n ERROR! cannot read the selection file you give me as input! \n"); pamela->var.selex = false; printf("\n WARNING! no selection file loaded! \n\n"); pamgui->DIALOG(1," No selection file loaded! "); selfile = ""; // // clear field in the GUI // pamgui->clearselfi(); } else { // // ok, selection file loaded // printf("\n\n Selection file loaded \n\n The first event will be shown anyway. \n\n"); // if ( !pamela->var.selex ) pamgui->DIALOG(0," Selection file successfully loaded "); // pamela->var.selex = true; }; }; // // LOAD FILES // // // if ( headerFile ) headerFile->Close(); // if ( otr ) otr->Delete(); // if ( L0 ) L0->Delete(); // // check if user has given as input a correct path // ifstream myfile; myfile.open(filename.Data()); if ( !myfile ){ if ( filename != "" ){ printf("ERROR: no such file, exiting...\n"); stringstream hfile; hfile.str(""); hfile << filename.Data(); hfile << " : no such file! "; pamgui->DIALOG(2,hfile.str().c_str()); }; pamela->var.waitforever = true; goto refresh; }; myfile.close(); // // ok, open file and determine if it is a YODA or DARTHVADER file // headerFile=new TFile(filename.Data()); if ( FORCELEV == 0 ){ pamela->level.file = 0; L0 = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("Physics"); if ( !L0 ){ printf("ERROR: no Physics tree...\n"); pamgui->DIALOG(2,"No Physics tree in this file"); pamela->var.waitforever = true; goto refresh; } } else { pamela->level.file = 2; otr0 = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("Trigger"); otr1 = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("Calorimeter"); otr2 = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("Tracker"); otr3 = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("NeutronD"); otr4 = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("OrbitalInfo"); otr5 = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("S4"); otr6 = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("ToF"); otr7 = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("Run"); otr8 = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("Anticounter"); if ( !otr0 && !otr1 && !otr2 && !otr3 && !otr4 && !otr5 && !otr6 && !otr7 && !otr8 ){ L0 = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("Physics"); pamela->level.file = -1; } else { stringstream dddec; dddec.str(""); dddec << " +AUTO "; // dddec << " +ALL +RUN +CAL1 -TRKh -TRK1 -TRK0 -CAL0"; if ( !otr0 ){ dddec << " -TRG "; pamela->var.TRG = 0; otr0 = otr1; }; if ( !otr1 ){ dddec << " -CAL "; pamela->var.CALO = 0; if ( !otr0 ) otr0 = otr2; }; if ( !otr2 ){ dddec << " -TRK2 -TRK "; pamela->var.TRK = 0; if ( !otr0 ) otr0 = otr3; }; if ( !otr3 ){ dddec << " -ND "; pamela->var.ND = 0; if ( !otr0 ) otr0 = otr4; }; if ( !otr4 ){ dddec << " -ORB "; pamela->var.ORB = 0; if ( !otr0 ) otr0 = otr5; }; if ( !otr5 ){ dddec << " -S4 "; pamela->var.S4 = 0; if ( !otr0 ) otr0 = otr6; }; if ( !otr6 ){ dddec << " -TOF "; pamela->var.TOF = 0; if ( !otr0 ) otr0 = otr8; }; if ( !otr7 ){ dddec << " -RUN "; pamela->var.RUN = 0; }; if ( !otr8 ){ dddec << " -AC "; pamela->var.AC = 0; }; pamela->SetDDEC(dddec.str().c_str()); }; if ( !otr0 && !otr1 && !otr2 && !otr3 && !otr4 && !otr5 && !otr6 && !otr7 && !otr8 && !L0 ){ pamela->level.file = -1; printf("ERROR: nor Physics nor Run tree...\n"); pamgui->DIALOG(2,"Nor Physics nor Run tree in this file"); pamela->var.waitforever = true; goto refresh; }; }; headerFile->Close("R"); // if ( pamela->level.file != 2 ){ printf(" This is a YODA (level0) file \n"); } else { printf(" This is a DARTHVADER (level2) file \n"); }; // // Disable on the GUI the buttons that cannot be used with this file // pamgui->CheckLevel(); // // Load the file // if ( otr0 || L0 ){ otr = pamela->Load(filename.Data()); if ( !otr ){ pamela->level.file = -1; printf("ERROR: problems opening file...\n"); pamgui->DIALOG(2,"Problems opening file"); pamela->var.waitforever = true; goto refresh; }; } else { pamela->level.file = -1; printf("ERROR: problems with TTree while opening file...\n"); pamgui->DIALOG(2,"Problems opening file"); pamela->var.waitforever = true; goto refresh; }; // printf("\n"); // // get the number of entries // if ( !otr ) printf(" AGH! \n"); // Long64_t nevents = otr->GetEntries(); printf(" The file contains %i physics events \n",(int)nevents); // // check we have at least one event // if (nevents<=0) { // headerFile->Close(); printf("The file is empty, exiting...\n"); pamgui->DIALOG(0," The file contains no physics data! "); pamela->var.waitforever = true; goto refresh; } // // Check that given input are inside the boundary conditions // pamela->minevent = 0; pamela->maxevent = nevents - 1; // // Determine the boundaries // pamela->GetWindow(); Int_t lastevno = pamela->lastevno; Int_t firstevno = pamela->firstevno; // // display the first event (unless we are refreshing only the window) // if ( !pamela->var.refresh && !pamela->var.restart ) i = pamela->minevent; pamela->var.restart = false; pamela->var.refresh = false; // pamgui->RefreshButtons(); // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MAIN LOOP STARTS HERE: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // while ( 1 ){ // // update progress bar // if ( popup ) pamgui->increment((float)(i+1)*100./(float)nevents); // // clear canvas and variables // pamela->ClearVariables(); // // get entry i // pamela->GetEntry(i); // // 9RED feature // if ( pamela->level.file == 2 ){ if ( pamela->L2->GetOrbitalInfo() ){ if ( pamela->L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->absTime==1158278754 && pamela->L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->pkt_num==355447 ) pamgui->DIALOG(0," Emiliano!! "); if ( pamela->L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->absTime==1158213863 && pamela->L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->pkt_num==11522442 ) pamgui->DIALOG(0," Cecilia!! "); if ( pamela->L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->absTime==1158211486 && pamela->L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->pkt_num==11433603 ) pamgui->DIALOG(0," Nicola!! "); if ( pamela->L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->absTime==1158192175 && pamela->L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->pkt_num==10961128 ) pamgui->DIALOG(0," Massimo!! "); if ( pamela->L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->absTime==1158200475 && pamela->L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->pkt_num==11165923 ) pamgui->DIALOG(0," Donatella!! "); if ( pamela->L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->absTime==1158192513 && pamela->L2->GetOrbitalInfo()->pkt_num==10970370 ) pamgui->DIALOG(0," Rita!! "); }; }; // // call the filter to select events (if filter file is given) // isOK = pamela->SelectEvent(); // // if the event is selected go on // if ( isOK ) { // // reset working variables // printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); pamela->SetEntry(i); pamela->si = i; pamela->var.doflag = 1; pamela->var.i = i; pamela->var.nevents = nevents; pamela->var.lastevno = lastevno; pamela->var.firstevno = firstevno; // printf("\n"); // // disable "stop" button in the GUI // pamgui->StopSearching(); // // make the canvas editable and clear it // figure->SetEditable(kTRUE); figure->Clear(); figure->SetFillColor(10); figure->cd(); // // retrieve general info for the event (OBT, pkt_num, etc. etc.) // pamela->GetGeneralInfo(); // // display the event // pamela->DisplayEvent(); // // prepare the string for the figure filename // const char *bw; if ( pamela->var.bw ){ bw = "_bw"; } else { bw = ""; }; TString filenm = pamela->var.thefilename; const string fil = gSystem->BaseName(filenm.Data()); Int_t posiz = fil.find(".root"); TString file2; if ( posiz == -1 ){ file2 = gSystem->BaseName(filename.Data()); } else { Int_t posiz2 = 0; stringcopy(file2,gSystem->BaseName(filename.Data()),posiz2,posiz); }; const char *figrec = file2; const char *outdir = outDir; stringstream figsave; figsave.str(""); figsave << outdir << "/"; figsave << figrec; figsave << "_ev_"; figsave << (pamela->var.i+1); figsave << bw; pamela->var.svas=figsave.str().c_str(); // printf(" qua %s \n",figsave.str().c_str()); // // upgrade the figure filename in the GUI // pamgui->upgrnamfi(); // // WAIT for user input // pamela->var.jumpen = false; while( !pamela->var.goon && !pamela->var.refresh && !pamela->var.restart ) { if ( !gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->FindObject(figure) ) { pamgui->Terminate(); }; gSystem->ProcessEvents(); gSystem->Sleep(10); }; // // interpret user input // pamela->var.goon = false; if ( pamela->var.refresh || pamela->var.restart ){ // printf(" qua \n"); if ( pamela->GetL2() ) pamela->GetL2()->Clear(); if ( pamela->GetL2() ) pamela->GetL2()->Reset(); if ( pamela->GetL2() ) pamela->GetL2()->Delete(); pamela->Reset(); if ( pamela->level.file != 2 ) pamela->GetChain()->Delete(); otr = NULL; // if ( headerFile ) headerFile->Close("R"); // if ( pamela->var.refresh ){ // pamela->var.refresh = false; // pamela->var.restart = true; // }; if ( pamela->var.refresh ) goto refresh; if ( pamela->var.restart ){ // if ( pamela->GetL2() ) pamela->GetL2()->Reset(); // pamela->Reset(); // if ( pamela->level.file != 2 ) pamela->GetChain()->Delete(); // otr = NULL; i = pamela->var.i; filename = pamela->var.thefilename.Data(); goto restart; }; }; // // printf(" que %i \n",i); // if ( i < 0 ) i = 0; // boh i = pamela->var.i; if ( i != pamela->si ) pamela->OOBT = 1000000000; if ( pamela->maxevent < i ) { pamela->maxevent = nevents; printf("WARNING: you have chosen an event number out of the starting range.\n Range extended to %i\n\n",pamela->maxevent); }; // }; // // if the returned entry is -1 it means we must start again from the first event going forward (doflag=1) // if ( pamela->GetThisEntry() == -1 ){ pamela->var.doflag = 1; i = pamela->minevent; }; // // doflag = 2 means "go backward" (check for lower boundary) // if ( pamela->var.doflag == 2 && i == 0 ) { printf("\n WARNING: Cannot go backward! Going forward. \n"); pamela->var.doflag = 1; }; if ( pamela->var.doflag == 2 && i>0 ) i--; // // doflag = 1 means go forward (the check on the upper boundary is made in FEVpamevcontrol) // if ( pamela->var.doflag == 1 ) i++; // // if in selection mode, print out a event progress bar in the text window: // if ( !pamela->var.selex || i == pamela->minevent ){ // do nothing } else { if ( (pamela->maxevent-pamela->minevent) != 0 ){ if((100*(i-pamela->minevent)/(pamela->maxevent-pamela->minevent))<10.){ printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c",8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8); } else { printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c",8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8); }; }; }; }; // // END OF THE MAIN LOOP AND OF THE MAIN PROGRAM // printf("\n"); printf(" ...done! \n\n"); return; }