/[PAMELA software]/chewbacca/extractcalibs.sh
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Contents of /chewbacca/extractcalibs.sh

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Revision 1.4 - (show annotations) (download) (as text)
Fri Feb 12 04:47:45 2010 UTC (15 years, 1 month ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v10RED, v9r00, v9r01, HEAD
Changes since 1.3: +1 -1 lines
File MIME type: application/x-sh
Small change in extractcalibs.sh

1 #!/bin/bash --norc
2 THISDIR=`pwd` ;
3 INDIR=`pwd` ;
4 OUTDIR=`pwd` ;
5 FNAME=extcalibs ;
6 #
7 if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
8 for INPUT in $*; do
9 if [ $INPUT == "--help" ] || [ $INPUT == "-h" ]; then
10 echo ""
11 echo " Usage: ./extractcalibs.sh [options] "
12 echo ""
13 echo " Options: "
14 echo ""
15 echo " --input-dir=/path/to/level0/files/ : Path to level0 files "
16 echo ""
17 echo " --output-dir=/path/to/output/tar/file/ : Path were to put the output file with calibrations and temporary folder."
18 echo ""
19 echo " --filename=name: Name of the output file (no extension) "
20 echo ""
21 exit 0
22 fi
23 TEST=`echo $INPUT | sed 's/--input-dir=//g'`
24 if [ $TEST != $INPUT ]; then
25 INDIR=`echo $TEST`;
26 fi
27 TEST=`echo $INPUT | sed 's/--output-dir=//g'`
28 if [ $TEST != $INPUT ]; then
29 OUTDIR=`echo $TEST`;
30 fi
31 TEST=`echo $INPUT | sed 's/--filename=//g'`
32 if [ $TEST != $INPUT ]; then
33 FNAME=`echo $TEST`;
34 fi
35 done
36 fi;
37 echo ""
38 echo " Extracting calibrations from files in the directory $INDIR "
39 echo ""
40 #
41 if [ -d ${OUTDIR}/${FNAME} ]; then
42 echo "";
43 echo " Directory ${OUTDIR}/${FNAME} already exists, DELETING IT in 30 seconds (use CTRL-C to stop me NOW) ";
44 echo "";
45 sleep 30;
46 rm -rf ${OUTDIR}/${FNAME} ;
47 fi;
48 rm -rf ${OUTDIR}/${FNAME}.log ;
49 touch ${OUTDIR}/${FNAME}.log ;
50 LOG=${OUTDIR}/${FNAME}.log ;
51 mkdir ${OUTDIR}/${FNAME} ;
52 #
53 rm -rf ${OUTDIR}/extcal.template;
54 TEMPL=${OUTDIR}/extcal.template;
55 touch ${TEMPL};
56 echo "TFile *_file0 = TFile::Open(\"${INDIR}/nome\");" >> ${TEMPL};
57 echo "TTree *cp = (TTree*)_file0->Get(\"CalibCalPed\")" >> ${TEMPL};
58 echo "TTree *cp1 = (TTree*)_file0->Get(\"CalibCalPulse1\")" >> ${TEMPL};
59 echo "TTree *cp2 = (TTree*)_file0->Get(\"CalibCalPulse2\")" >> ${TEMPL};
60 echo "TTree *tcb = (TTree*)_file0->Get(\"CalibTrkBoth\")" >> ${TEMPL};
61 echo "TTree *tc1 = (TTree*)_file0->Get(\"CalibTrk1\")" >> ${TEMPL};
62 echo "TTree *tc2 = (TTree*)_file0->Get(\"CalibTrk2\")" >> ${TEMPL};
63 echo "TTree *s4c = (TTree*)_file0->Get(\"CalibS4\")" >> ${TEMPL};
64 echo "TTree *mcmd = (TTree*)_file0->Get(\"Mcmd\")" >> ${TEMPL};
65 echo "TTree *ccp = 0;" >> ${TEMPL};
66 echo "TTree *ccp1 = 0;" >> ${TEMPL};
67 echo "TTree *ccp2 = 0;" >> ${TEMPL};
68 echo "TTree *ctcb = 0;" >> ${TEMPL};
69 echo "TTree *ctc1 = 0;" >> ${TEMPL};
70 echo "TTree *ctc2 = 0;" >> ${TEMPL};
71 echo "TTree *cs4c = 0;" >> ${TEMPL};
72 echo "TTree *cmcmd = 0;" >> ${TEMPL};
73 echo "TFile *calib = new TFile(\"${OUTDIR}/${FNAME}/nome\",\"RECREATE\");" >> ${TEMPL};
74 echo "calib->SetCompressionLevel(9);" >> ${TEMPL};
75 echo "calib->cd();" >> ${TEMPL};
76 echo "ccp=cp->CloneTree(-1,\"fast\");" >> ${TEMPL};
77 echo "ccp1=cp1->CloneTree(-1,\"fast\");" >> ${TEMPL};
78 echo "ccp2=cp2->CloneTree(-1,\"fast\");" >> ${TEMPL};
79 echo "ctcb=tcb->CloneTree(-1,\"fast\");" >> ${TEMPL};
80 echo "ctc1=tc1->CloneTree(-1,\"fast\");" >> ${TEMPL};
81 echo "ctc2=tc2->CloneTree(-1,\"fast\");" >> ${TEMPL};
82 echo "cs4c=s4c->CloneTree(-1,\"fast\");" >> ${TEMPL};
83 echo "cmcmd=mcmd->CloneTree(-1,\"fast\");" >> ${TEMPL};
84 echo "calib->Write();" >> ${TEMPL};
85 echo "calib->Close();" >> ${TEMPL};
86 echo ".q" >> ${TEMPL};
87 #
88 rm -rf ${OUTDIR}/go.exe ;
89 GO=${OUTDIR}/go.exe ;
90 #
91 for file in `ls ${INDIR}`; do
92 FN=`basename $file`;
93 echo ${FN} >> ${LOG};
94 CH=`echo $FN |grep .root`;
95 if [ "$CH" != "" ]; then
96 echo " Processing file $FN";
97 cat ${TEMPL} | sed s/nome/${FN}/ > ${GO};
98 root -n -b -l < ${GO} &> ${LOG};
99 fi;
100 done
101 rm -f ${LOG};
102 rm -f ${GO};
103 rm -f ${TEMPL};
104 cd ${OUTDIR} && tar zcvf ${OUTDIR}/${FNAME}.tar.gz ${FNAME} ;
105 rm -rf ${OUTDIR}/${FNAME} ;
106 cd ${THISDIR} ;

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