/[PAMELA software]/chewbacca/event/EventCounter.cpp
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Contents of /chewbacca/event/EventCounter.cpp

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Revision 1.5 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Feb 11 09:02:15 2010 UTC (15 years ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v10RED, v9r00, v9r01
Changes since 1.4: +3 -2 lines
9R bugs fixed

1 /** @file
2 * $Source: /afs/ba.infn.it/user/pamela/src/CVS/chewbacca/event/EventCounter.cpp,v $
3 * $Id: EventCounter.cpp,v 1.4 2009/08/04 13:58:16 mocchiut Exp $
4 * $Author: mocchiut $
5 *
6 * Implementation of the EventCounter class.
7 */
8 ////#include <log4cxx/logger.h>
9 #include <sstream>
10 #include <iostream>//mmmm
12 #include "EventCounter.h"
13 #include "PscuHeader.h"
15 //marco
16 ////static log4cxx::LoggerPtr logger = log4cxx::Logger::getLogger(_T("pamela.techmodel.EventCounter"));
17 static std::stringstream oss;
19 using namespace pamela;
22 mapval::mapval(): count(0), name(""){ }
24 mapval::mapval(TString n, Int_t *i): count(i), name(n){ }
26 mappa::mappa(){
27 val = 0;
28 this->Clear();
29 }
31 void mappa::Clear(Option_t *t){
32 // cout << " mappa clear" << endl;
33 t="";
34 if ( val ){
35 val->Delete();
36 val = 0;
37 };
38 fend = false;
39 entries = 0;
40 }
42 void mappa::Set(){
43 // cout << " in mappa set" << endl;
44 if (val) delete val;
45 val = new TClonesArray("pamela::mapval",47);
46 // cout << " out mappa set" << endl;
47 }
49 void mappa::Delete(Option_t *t){
50 // cout << " mappa del" << endl;
51 if ( val ){
52 val->Delete();
53 val = 0;
54 // delete val;
55 };
56 delete this;
57 }
59 void mappa::Insert(TString nme, Int_t *valu){
60 // cout << " mappa insert " << nme.Data() << " valu " << *valu << endl;
61 if ( !val ) this->Set();
62 TClonesArray &t = *val;
63 new(t[entries]) mapval(nme,valu);
64 entries++;
65 }
67 mapval::mapval(const mapval &t){
68 name = t.name;
69 count = t.count;
70 }
72 mapval* mappa::Find(TString n){
73 Bool_t fo = false;
74 fend = false;
75 mapval *c = NULL;
76 for (Int_t i=0; i < entries; i++){
77 c = (mapval*)val->At(i);
78 if ( c && !strcmp(c->name.Data(),n.Data()) ){
79 fo = true;
80 break;
81 };
82 };
83 if ( !fo ) fend = true;
84 return c;
85 }
87 /**
88 * Create a new event counter for a certain run.
89 * @param run Run number.
90 */
91 EventCounter::EventCounter(int run):
92 // New Packets.
93 RunNumber(run),
94 Pscu(0),
95 PhysEndRun(0),
96 CalibCalPulse1(0),
97 CalibCalPulse2(0),
98 Physics(0),
99 CalibTrkBoth(0),
100 CalibTrk1(0),
101 CalibTrk2(0),
102 CalibCal(0),
103 CalibTof(0),
104 CalibS4(0),
105 CalibCalPed(0),
106 Calib1_Ac1(0),
107 Calib1_Ac2(0),
108 Calib2_Ac1(0),
109 Calib2_Ac2(0),
110 RunHeader(0),
111 RunTrailer(0),
112 CalibHeader(0),
113 CalibTrailer(0),
114 InitHeader(0),
115 InitTrailer(0),
116 EventTrk(0),
117 Log(0),
118 VarDump(0),
119 ArrDump(0),
120 TabDump(0),
121 Tmtc(0),
122 Mcmd(0),
123 ForcedFECmd(0),
124 Ac1Init(0),
125 CalInit(0),
126 TrkInit(0),
127 TofInit(0),
128 TrgInit(0),
129 NdInit(0),
130 S4Init(0),
131 Ac2Init(0),
132 CalAlarm(0),
133 Ac1Alarm(0),
134 TrkAlarm(0),
135 TrgAlarm(0),
136 TofAlarm(0),
137 S4Alarm(0),
138 Ac2Alarm(0),
139 TsbT(0),
140 TsbB(0) {
141 CMap.Set();
142 CMap.Insert(PacketType::Physics->GetName(), &Physics);
143 CMap.Insert(PacketType::Pscu->GetName(), &Pscu);
144 CMap.Insert(PacketType::RunHeader->GetName(), &RunHeader);
145 CMap.Insert(PacketType::RunTrailer->GetName(), &RunTrailer);
146 CMap.Insert(PacketType::PhysEndRun->GetName(), &PhysEndRun);
147 CMap.Insert(PacketType::InitHeader->GetName(), &InitHeader);
148 CMap.Insert(PacketType::InitTrailer->GetName(), &InitTrailer);
149 CMap.Insert(PacketType::Log->GetName(), &Log);
150 CMap.Insert(PacketType::VarDump->GetName(), &VarDump);
151 CMap.Insert(PacketType::ArrDump->GetName(), &ArrDump);
152 CMap.Insert(PacketType::TabDump->GetName(), &TabDump);
153 CMap.Insert(PacketType::Tmtc->GetName(), &Tmtc);
154 CMap.Insert(PacketType::Mcmd->GetName(), &Mcmd);
155 CMap.Insert(PacketType::TsbT->GetName(), &TsbT);
156 CMap.Insert(PacketType::TsbB->GetName(), &TsbB);
157 CMap.Insert(PacketType::CalibHeader->GetName(), &CalibHeader);
158 CMap.Insert(PacketType::CalibTrailer->GetName(), &CalibTrailer);
159 CMap.Insert(PacketType::CalibCalPulse1->GetName(), &CalibCalPulse1);
160 CMap.Insert(PacketType::CalibCalPulse2->GetName(), &CalibCalPulse2);
161 CMap.Insert(PacketType::CalibTrkBoth->GetName(), &CalibTrkBoth);
162 CMap.Insert(PacketType::CalibTrk1->GetName(), &CalibTrk1);
163 CMap.Insert(PacketType::CalibTrk2->GetName(), &CalibTrk2);
164 CMap.Insert(PacketType::CalibS4->GetName(), &CalibS4);
165 CMap.Insert(PacketType::CalibCalPed->GetName(), &CalibCalPed);
166 CMap.Insert(PacketType::Calib1_Ac1->GetName(), &Calib1_Ac1);
167 CMap.Insert(PacketType::Calib2_Ac1->GetName(), &Calib2_Ac1);
168 CMap.Insert(PacketType::Calib1_Ac2->GetName(), &Calib1_Ac2);
169 CMap.Insert(PacketType::Calib2_Ac2->GetName(), &Calib2_Ac2);
170 CMap.Insert(PacketType::CalibCal->GetName(), &CalibCal);
171 CMap.Insert(PacketType::EventTrk->GetName(), &EventTrk);
172 CMap.Insert(PacketType::Ac1Init->GetName(), &Ac1Init);
173 CMap.Insert(PacketType::CalInit->GetName(), &CalInit);
174 CMap.Insert(PacketType::TrkInit->GetName(), &TrkInit);
175 CMap.Insert(PacketType::TofInit->GetName(), &TofInit);
176 CMap.Insert(PacketType::TrgInit->GetName(), &TrgInit);
177 CMap.Insert(PacketType::NdInit->GetName(), &NdInit);
178 CMap.Insert(PacketType::S4Init->GetName(), &S4Init);
179 CMap.Insert(PacketType::Ac2Init->GetName(), &Ac2Init);
180 CMap.Insert(PacketType::CalAlarm->GetName(), &CalAlarm);
181 CMap.Insert(PacketType::Ac1Alarm->GetName(), &Ac1Alarm);
182 CMap.Insert(PacketType::TrkAlarm->GetName(), &TrkAlarm);
183 CMap.Insert(PacketType::TrgAlarm->GetName(), &TrgAlarm);
184 CMap.Insert(PacketType::TofAlarm->GetName(), &TofAlarm);
185 CMap.Insert(PacketType::S4Alarm->GetName(), &S4Alarm);
186 CMap.Insert(PacketType::Ac2Alarm->GetName(), &Ac2Alarm);
187 CMap.Insert(PacketType::ForcedFECmd->GetName(), &ForcedFECmd);
188 CMap.Insert(PacketType::CalibTof->GetName(), &CalibTof);
190 }
192 /**
193 * Increment the event counter for a certain packet.
194 * @param type Event type to be incremented.
195 */
196 void EventCounter::Increment(PacketType const * type) throw (NotExistingCounterException){
197 // cout << " increment "<< endl;
198 mapval *p = CMap.Find(type->GetName());
199 if ( !CMap.end()) {
200 // cout << " A Counter." << type->GetName() << " = " << (*(&p->count)) << endl;
201 (*(p->count))++;
202 //(*(&p->count))++;
203 // cout << " B Counter." << type->GetName() << " = " << (*(&p->count)) << endl;
204 } else {
205 oss.str("");
206 oss << "\n No counter of type " << type->GetName();
207 throw NotExistingCounterException(oss.str().c_str());
208 }
209 }
211 /**
212 * Get the counter corresponding to a certain packet type.
213 * @param type Event type to be incremented.
214 * @return The counter of that packet type. For the current event type,
215 * this is the actual event number. For all other types, this is the event
216 * number of the last read event of that type.
217 * @retval -1 if there was no event of this type.
218 */
219 int EventCounter::Get(PacketType const * type) throw (NotExistingCounterException){
220 // cout << " get "<< endl;
221 mapval *p = CMap.Find(type->GetName());
222 if ( !CMap.end()) {
223 // cout << " C Counter." << type->GetName() << " = " << (*(p->count)) << endl;
224 return ((*(p->count)));
225 // return ((*(&p->count)));
226 } else {
227 throw NotExistingCounterException(type->GetName());
228 return -1;
229 }
230 }
232 /**
233 * Get the counter of the next event corresponding to a certain packet type.
234 * @param type Event type to be incremented.
235 * @return The next counter of that packet type.
236 * @retval -1 if there was no event of this type.
237 */
238 int EventCounter::Next(PacketType const * type) throw (NotExistingCounterException){
239 // cout << " next "<< endl;
240 mapval *p = CMap.Find(type->GetName());
241 if ( !CMap.end()) {
242 // cout << " NEXT Counter." << type->GetName() << " = " << (*(p->count))+1 << endl;
243 return ((*(p->count)) + 1);
244 // return ((*(&p->count)) + 1);
245 // return ((&(p->count)) + 1);
246 } else {
247 throw NotExistingCounterException(type->GetName());
248 return -1;
249 }
250 }
252 /**
253 * Get the all the counters
254 * @retval 0 if there was no event of this type.
255 */
256 void EventCounter::PrintCounters(){
257 std::cout<<"PrintCounters:"<<std::endl;
258 //
259 for (Int_t i=0; i < CMap.GetEntries(); i++){
260 mapval *p = CMap.Get(i);
261 oss.str("");
262 oss << " Counter." << (p->name).Data() << " \t \t " << (*(p->count));
263 // oss << " Counter." << (p->name).Data() << " \t \t " << (*(&p->count));
264 // oss << " Counter." << (p->name).Data() << " \t \t " << (&(p->count));
265 std::cout<<oss.str()<<std::endl;
266 };
267 }
269 ClassImp(mapval)
270 ClassImp(mappa)
271 ClassImp(EventCounter)

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