7 |
// |
// |
8 |
#include <sstream> |
#include <sstream> |
9 |
#include <iostream> |
#include <iostream> |
10 |
#include <limits.h> |
11 |
// |
// |
12 |
#include <TFile.h> |
#include <TFile.h> |
13 |
#include <TTree.h> |
#include <TTree.h> |
18 |
#include <GLTables.h> |
#include <GLTables.h> |
19 |
#include <sgp4.h> |
#include <sgp4.h> |
20 |
// |
// |
21 |
ClassImp(Q2TH); |
22 |
ClassImp(GL_TABLES); |
ClassImp(GL_TABLES); |
23 |
ClassImp(GL_TRK_CALIB); |
ClassImp(GL_TRK_CALIB); |
24 |
ClassImp(GL_RUN); |
ClassImp(GL_RUN); |
32 |
// |
// |
33 |
using namespace std; |
using namespace std; |
34 |
35 |
Q2TH::Q2TH(TString host, TString user, TString psw){ |
36 |
this->Open(host,user,psw); |
37 |
}; |
38 |
39 |
void Q2TH::Open(TString host, TString user, TString psw){ |
40 |
fh = gSystem->ExpandPathName(host.Data()); |
41 |
fu = gSystem->ExpandPathName(user.Data()); |
42 |
fp = gSystem->ExpandPathName(psw.Data()); |
43 |
printf(" Connecting to DB %s \n",fh.Data()); |
44 |
dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(fh.Data(),fu.Data(),fp.Data()); |
45 |
if ( dbc && dbc->IsConnected() ){ |
46 |
printf(" connected! \n"); |
47 |
} else { |
48 |
printf(" ERROR! not connected... :( \n"); |
49 |
}; |
50 |
}; |
51 |
52 |
TObject *Q2TH::Draw(TString query, Bool_t verbose, TString hname){ |
53 |
// |
54 |
if ( !strcmp(query.Data(),"help") ){ |
55 |
printf(" USAGE: \n"); |
56 |
printf(" 1) start root and create Q2TH object with \n"); |
57 |
printf(" Q2TH *qt = new Q2TH() \n"); |
58 |
printf(" or \n"); |
59 |
printf(" Q2TH *qt = new Q2TH(\"mysql://srvg-g2-01.ts.infn.it/pamelaProcessing9_TS\",\"pamelaprod_ro\",\"mypassword\") \n"); |
60 |
printf(" 2) query the DB with \n"); |
61 |
printf(" qt->Draw(\"select REAL_TIME_INIT,BAD_PKT_PERCENTAGE from ROOT_TABLE_MERGING;\"); \n"); |
62 |
printf(" qt->Draw(\"select REAL_TIME_INIT,BAD_PKT_PERCENTAGE from ROOT_TABLE_MERGING;\",true); this will print numbers on screen \n"); |
63 |
printf(" qt->Draw(\"select REAL_TIME_INIT from ROOT_TABLE_MERGING;\",true,\"myhisto\"); this will print numbers on screen and create histo \"myhisto\"\n"); |
64 |
printf(" 3) to use your own THxD create it and then query the DB giving as argument the name of histo: \n"); |
65 |
printf(" TH2D *myhisto=new TH2D(\"myhisto\",\"myhisto\",5000,1140000000.,1240000000.,10000,0.,1.) \n"); |
66 |
printf(" qt->Draw(\"select REAL_TIME_INIT,BAD_PKT_PERCENTAGE from ROOT_TABLE_MERGING;\",false,\"myhisto\")\n\n\n"); |
67 |
68 |
return NULL; |
69 |
}; |
70 |
// |
71 |
pResult = dbc->Query(query.Data()); |
72 |
// |
73 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
74 |
// |
75 |
Int_t dim = pResult->GetFieldCount(); |
76 |
if ( dim < 1 || dim > 2 ){ |
77 |
printf(" Dim == %i not supported yet \n",dim); |
78 |
return NULL; |
79 |
}; |
80 |
// |
81 |
TH1D *h1 = NULL; |
82 |
TH2D *h2 = NULL; |
83 |
Double_t f1 = 0.; |
84 |
Double_t minf1 = numeric_limits<Double_t>::max(); |
85 |
Double_t maxf1 = numeric_limits<Double_t>::min(); |
86 |
Double_t f2 = 0.; |
87 |
Double_t minf2 = numeric_limits<Double_t>::max(); |
88 |
Double_t maxf2 = numeric_limits<Double_t>::min(); |
89 |
// |
90 |
while ( Row ){ |
91 |
f1 = (Double_t)atof(Row->GetField(0)); |
92 |
if ( f1 > maxf1 ) maxf1 = f1; |
93 |
if ( f1 < minf1 ) minf1 = f1; |
94 |
if ( dim == 2 ){ |
95 |
f2 = (Double_t)atof(Row->GetField(1)); |
96 |
if ( f2 > maxf2 ) maxf2 = f2; |
97 |
if ( f2 < minf2 ) minf2 = f2; |
98 |
99 |
}; |
100 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
101 |
}; |
102 |
pResult->Delete(); |
103 |
// |
104 |
105 |
// |
106 |
Int_t f1bin = 70; |
107 |
Int_t f2bin = 70; |
108 |
if ( dim == 1 ){ |
109 |
f1bin = int((maxf1-minf1)/1000.); |
110 |
if ( f1bin < 70 ) f1bin = 70; |
111 |
if ( f1bin > 1000 ) f1bin = 1000; |
112 |
if ( !strcmp(hname.Data(),"q2th") ) hname += "1"; |
113 |
// h1 = dynamic_cast<TH1D*>(gDirectory->FindObject(hname.Data())); |
114 |
h1 = (TH1D*)(gDirectory->FindObject(hname.Data())); |
115 |
if ( !strcmp(hname.Data(),"q2th1") ){ |
116 |
if ( h1 ) h1->Delete(); |
117 |
}; |
118 |
if ( !h1 ) h1 = new TH1D(hname.Data(),hname.Data(),f1bin,minf1*0.98,maxf1*1.02); |
119 |
// h1->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); |
120 |
if ( verbose ) printf("\n\n Row %s \n",pResult->GetFieldName(0)); |
121 |
}; |
122 |
if ( dim == 2 ){ |
123 |
f2bin = int((maxf2-minf2)/1000.); |
124 |
if ( f2bin < 70 ) f2bin = 70; |
125 |
if ( f2bin > 1000 ) f2bin = 1000; |
126 |
if ( !strcmp(hname.Data(),"q2th") ) hname += "2"; |
127 |
// h2 = dynamic_cast<TH2D*>(gDirectory->FindObject(hname.Data())); |
128 |
h2 = (TH2D*)(gDirectory->FindObject(hname.Data())); |
129 |
if ( !strcmp(hname.Data(),"q2th2") ){ |
130 |
if ( h2 ) h2->Delete(); |
131 |
}; |
132 |
if ( !h2 ) h2 = new TH2D(hname.Data(),hname.Data(),f1bin,minf1*0.98,maxf1*1.02,f2bin,minf2*0.98,maxf2*1.02); |
133 |
// h2->SetBit(TH2::kCanRebin); |
134 |
if ( verbose ) printf("\n\n Row %s %s \n",pResult->GetFieldName(0),pResult->GetFieldName(1)); |
135 |
}; |
136 |
// |
137 |
pResult = dbc->Query(query.Data()); |
138 |
// |
139 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
140 |
// |
141 |
Int_t r = 0; |
142 |
// |
143 |
while ( Row ){ |
144 |
f1 = (Double_t)atof(Row->GetField(0)); |
145 |
if ( dim == 1 ){ |
146 |
if ( verbose ) printf(" %i %f \n",r,f1); |
147 |
h1->Fill(f1); |
148 |
} else { |
149 |
f2 = (Double_t)atof(Row->GetField(1)); |
150 |
if ( verbose ) printf(" %i %f %f \n",r,f1,f2); |
151 |
h2->Fill(f1,f2); |
152 |
}; |
153 |
r++; |
154 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
155 |
}; |
156 |
// |
157 |
TCanvas *c = NULL; |
158 |
TString cname = Form("%sc",hname.Data()); |
159 |
// c = dynamic_cast<TCanvas*>(gDirectory->FindObject(hname.Data())); |
160 |
c = (TCanvas*)(gDirectory->FindObject(cname.Data())); |
161 |
if ( !c ) c = new TCanvas(Form("%sc",cname.Data())); |
162 |
c->Clear(); |
163 |
c->cd(); |
164 |
if ( dim == 1 ) h1->Draw(); |
165 |
if ( dim == 2 ) h2->Draw(); |
166 |
// |
167 |
pResult->Delete(); |
168 |
if ( dim == 1 ) return h1; |
169 |
if ( dim == 2 ) return h2; |
170 |
// |
171 |
return NULL; |
172 |
}; |
173 |
174 |
175 |
}; |
}; |
176 |
197 |
mp = psw.Data(); |
mp = psw.Data(); |
198 |
}; |
}; |
199 |
200 |
Bool_t GL_TABLES::IsConnected(TSQLServer *&dbc){ |
//Bool_t GL_TABLES::IsConnected(TSQLServer *&dbc){ |
201 |
Bool_t GL_TABLES::IsConnected(TSQLServer *dbc){ |
202 |
// |
// |
203 |
// |
// |
204 |
// |
// |
234 |
TString host = fHost->Data(); |
TString host = fHost->Data(); |
235 |
TString user = fUser->Data(); |
TString user = fUser->Data(); |
236 |
TString psw = fPsw->Data(); |
TString psw = fPsw->Data(); |
237 |
dbc->Close(); |
if ( dbc ){ |
238 |
delete dbc; |
dbc->Close(); |
239 |
delete dbc; |
240 |
}; |
241 |
dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data()); |
dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data()); |
242 |
// |
// |
243 |
myquery.str(""); |
myquery.str(""); |
674 |
Int_t GL_RUN::DeleteRun(TSQLServer *dbc,UInt_t IDRUN,TString FromTable){ |
Int_t GL_RUN::DeleteRun(TSQLServer *dbc,UInt_t IDRUN,TString FromTable){ |
675 |
// MySQL variables |
// MySQL variables |
676 |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
677 |
TSQLRow *Row; |
TSQLRow *Row = NULL; |
678 |
stringstream myquery; |
stringstream myquery; |
679 |
// |
// |
680 |
if ( !IDRUN ) IDRUN = ID; |
if ( !IDRUN ) IDRUN = ID; |
738 |
UInt_t idl0 = 0; |
UInt_t idl0 = 0; |
739 |
UInt_t idl2 = 0; |
UInt_t idl2 = 0; |
740 |
// |
// |
741 |
if (Row) |
742 |
delete Row; |
743 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
744 |
if( Row != NULL ){ |
if( Row != NULL ){ |
745 |
idtrash = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)); |
idtrash = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)); |
759 |
this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); |
this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); |
760 |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
761 |
// |
// |
762 |
if (Row) |
763 |
delete Row; |
764 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
765 |
if( Row != NULL ){ |
if( Row != NULL ){ |
766 |
fileL0 = (TString)Row->GetField(0); |
fileL0 = (TString)Row->GetField(0); |
778 |
this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); |
this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); |
779 |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
780 |
// |
// |
781 |
if (Row) |
782 |
delete Row; |
783 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
784 |
if( Row != NULL ){ |
if( Row != NULL ){ |
785 |
fileL2 = (TString)Row->GetField(0); |
fileL2 = (TString)Row->GetField(0); |
786 |
}; |
} |
787 |
if (Row){ |
788 |
delete Row; |
789 |
Row = NULL; // This variable is not used below |
790 |
} |
791 |
// |
// |
792 |
// |
// |
793 |
// |
// |
852 |
853 |
// MySQL variables |
// MySQL variables |
854 |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
855 |
TSQLRow *Row; |
TSQLRow *Row = NULL; |
856 |
stringstream myquery; |
stringstream myquery; |
857 |
// |
// |
858 |
if ( !IDRUN ) IDRUN = ID; |
if ( !IDRUN ) IDRUN = ID; |
1153 |
Int_t GL_RUN::Query_GL_RUN(UInt_t run, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
Int_t GL_RUN::Query_GL_RUN(UInt_t run, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
1154 |
// MySQL variables |
// MySQL variables |
1155 |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
1156 |
TSQLRow *Row; |
TSQLRow *Row = NULL; |
int t; |
1157 |
int r; |
int r; |
1158 |
stringstream myquery; |
stringstream myquery; |
1159 |
// ---------------- |
// ---------------- |
1202 |
// |
// |
1203 |
if( !pResult->GetRowCount() ) return(-50); |
if( !pResult->GetRowCount() ) return(-50); |
1204 |
// |
// |
1205 |
for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ |
for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ |
1206 |
if (Row) |
1207 |
delete Row; |
1208 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
1209 |
if( Row == NULL ) break; |
if( Row == NULL ) break; |
1210 |
// Set_GL_RUN(Row); |
// Set_GL_RUN(Row); |
1211 |
for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ |
for( int t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ |
1212 |
if (t== 0) ID = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t== 0) ID = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1213 |
if (t== 1) ID_RUN_FRAG = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t== 1) ID_RUN_FRAG = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1214 |
if (t== 2) ID_ROOT_L0 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t== 2) ID_ROOT_L0 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1242 |
if (t==30) PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t==30) PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1243 |
if (t==31) VALIDATION = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t==31) VALIDATION = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1244 |
}; |
}; |
1245 |
}; |
} |
1246 |
// delete pResult; |
1247 |
if (Row) |
1248 |
delete Row; |
1249 |
delete pResult; |
1250 |
return(0); |
return(0); |
1251 |
}; |
}; |
1252 |
1260 |
Int_t GL_RUN::Query_GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(TString where, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
Int_t GL_RUN::Query_GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(TString where, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
1261 |
// MySQL variables |
// MySQL variables |
1262 |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
1263 |
TSQLRow *Row; |
TSQLRow *Row = NULL; |
1264 |
int t; |
int t; |
1265 |
int r; |
int r; |
1266 |
stringstream myquery; |
stringstream myquery; |
1308 |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
1309 |
if(!pResult->GetRowCount())return(-50); |
if(!pResult->GetRowCount())return(-50); |
1310 |
for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ |
for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ |
1311 |
if (Row) |
1312 |
delete Row; |
1313 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
1314 |
if( Row == NULL ) break; |
if( Row == NULL ) break; |
1315 |
for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ |
for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ |
1346 |
if (t==30) PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t==30) PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1347 |
if (t==31) VALIDATION = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t==31) VALIDATION = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1348 |
}; |
}; |
1349 |
}; |
} |
1350 |
// delete pResult; |
1351 |
if (Row) |
1352 |
delete Row; |
1353 |
delete pResult; |
1354 |
return(0); |
return(0); |
1355 |
};// **************************************************** |
};// **************************************************** |
1356 |
1363 |
Int_t GL_ROOT::Query_GL_ROOT(UInt_t id, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
Int_t GL_ROOT::Query_GL_ROOT(UInt_t id, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
1364 |
// MySQL variables |
// MySQL variables |
1365 |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
1366 |
TSQLRow *Row; |
TSQLRow *Row = NULL; |
1367 |
int t; |
int t; |
1368 |
int r; |
int r; |
1369 |
stringstream myquery; |
stringstream myquery; |
1382 |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
1383 |
if(!pResult->GetRowCount())return (-51); |
if(!pResult->GetRowCount())return (-51); |
1384 |
for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ |
for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ |
1385 |
if (Row) |
1386 |
delete Row; |
1387 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
1388 |
if( Row == NULL ) break; |
if( Row == NULL ) break; |
1389 |
for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ |
for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ |
1392 |
if(t==2) ID_TIMESYNC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if(t==2) ID_TIMESYNC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1393 |
if(t==3) PATH = (TString)gSystem->ExpandPathName(Row->GetField(t))+'/'; |
if(t==3) PATH = (TString)gSystem->ExpandPathName(Row->GetField(t))+'/'; |
1394 |
if(t==4) NAME = Row->GetField(t); |
if(t==4) NAME = Row->GetField(t); |
1395 |
}; |
} |
1396 |
}; |
} |
1397 |
if (Row) |
1398 |
delete Row; |
1399 |
delete pResult; |
delete pResult; |
1400 |
return 0; |
return 0; |
1401 |
}; |
}; |
1410 |
Int_t GL_TRK_CALIB::Query_GL_TRK_CALIB(UInt_t time, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
Int_t GL_TRK_CALIB::Query_GL_TRK_CALIB(UInt_t time, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
1411 |
// MySQL variables |
// MySQL variables |
1412 |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
1413 |
TSQLRow *Row; |
TSQLRow *Row = NULL; |
1414 |
int t; |
int t; |
1415 |
int r; |
int r; |
1416 |
stringstream myquery; |
stringstream myquery; |
1426 |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
1427 |
if(!pResult->GetRowCount())return (-53); |
if(!pResult->GetRowCount())return (-53); |
1428 |
for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ |
for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ |
1429 |
if (Row) |
1430 |
delete Row; |
1431 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
1432 |
if( Row == NULL ) break; |
if( Row == NULL ) break; |
1433 |
for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ |
for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ |
1448 |
if (t==10) BOOT_NUMBER = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t==10) BOOT_NUMBER = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1449 |
if (t==11) VALIDATION = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t==11) VALIDATION = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1450 |
}; |
}; |
1451 |
}; |
} |
1452 |
if (Row) |
1453 |
delete Row; |
1454 |
delete pResult; |
delete pResult; |
1455 |
// |
// |
1456 |
// if ( TO_TIME < time ) return(51); |
// if ( TO_TIME < time ) return(51); |
1470 |
Int_t GL_CALO_CALIB::Query_GL_CALO_CALIB(UInt_t time, UInt_t &uptime, UInt_t section, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
Int_t GL_CALO_CALIB::Query_GL_CALO_CALIB(UInt_t time, UInt_t &uptime, UInt_t section, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
1471 |
// MySQL variables |
// MySQL variables |
1472 |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
1473 |
TSQLRow *Row; |
TSQLRow *Row = NULL; |
1474 |
int t; |
int t; |
1475 |
stringstream myquery; |
stringstream myquery; |
1476 |
uptime = 0; |
uptime = 0; |
1490 |
// printf(" mysquery is %s\n",myquery.str().c_str()); |
// printf(" mysquery is %s\n",myquery.str().c_str()); |
1491 |
// |
// |
1492 |
if( !pResult->GetRowCount() ) return(-54); |
if( !pResult->GetRowCount() ) return(-54); |
1493 |
if (Row) |
1494 |
delete Row; |
1495 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
1496 |
if( Row == NULL ) return (-54); |
if( Row == NULL ) return (-54); |
1497 |
// |
// |
1519 |
// |
// |
1520 |
if( !pResult->GetRowCount() ) return (-54); |
if( !pResult->GetRowCount() ) return (-54); |
1521 |
// |
// |
1522 |
if (Row) |
1523 |
delete Row; |
1524 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
1525 |
// |
// |
1526 |
myfromtime = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)); |
myfromtime = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)); |
1555 |
if (t==1) FROM_TIME = myfromtime; |
if (t==1) FROM_TIME = myfromtime; |
1556 |
if (t==2) TO_TIME = mytotime; |
if (t==2) TO_TIME = mytotime; |
1557 |
if (t==3) EV_ROOT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t==3) EV_ROOT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1558 |
}; |
} |
1559 |
if (Row) |
1560 |
delete Row; |
1561 |
pResult->Delete(); |
pResult->Delete(); |
1562 |
return 0; |
return 0; |
1563 |
}; |
}; |
1573 |
Int_t GL_CALOPULSE_CALIB::Query_GL_CALOPULSE_CALIB(UInt_t time, UInt_t section, UInt_t pampli, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
Int_t GL_CALOPULSE_CALIB::Query_GL_CALOPULSE_CALIB(UInt_t time, UInt_t section, UInt_t pampli, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
1574 |
// MySQL variables |
// MySQL variables |
1575 |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
1576 |
TSQLRow *Row; |
TSQLRow *Row = NULL; |
1577 |
int t; |
int t; |
1578 |
stringstream myquery; |
stringstream myquery; |
1579 |
// |
// |
1591 |
// |
// |
1592 |
if( !pResult ) return(-54); |
if( !pResult ) return(-54); |
1593 |
// |
// |
1594 |
if (Row) |
1595 |
delete Row; |
1596 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
1597 |
// |
// |
1598 |
if( !Row ) return (-54); |
if( !Row ) return (-54); |
1605 |
if (t==1) FROM_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t==1) FROM_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1606 |
if (t==2) TO_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t==2) TO_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1607 |
if (t==3) EV_ROOT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t==3) EV_ROOT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1608 |
}; |
} |
1609 |
if (Row) |
1610 |
delete Row; |
1611 |
pResult->Delete(); |
pResult->Delete(); |
1612 |
return 0; |
return 0; |
1613 |
}; |
}; |
1623 |
Int_t GL_S4_CALIB::Query_GL_S4_CALIB(UInt_t time, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
Int_t GL_S4_CALIB::Query_GL_S4_CALIB(UInt_t time, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
1624 |
// MySQL variables |
// MySQL variables |
1625 |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
1626 |
TSQLRow *Row; |
TSQLRow *Row = NULL; |
1627 |
int t; |
int t; |
1628 |
int r; |
int r; |
1629 |
stringstream myquery; |
stringstream myquery; |
1637 |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
1638 |
if(!pResult->GetRowCount())return (-55);//throw -55; |
if(!pResult->GetRowCount())return (-55);//throw -55; |
1639 |
for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ |
for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ |
1640 |
if (Row) |
1641 |
delete Row; |
1642 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
1643 |
if( Row == NULL ) break; |
if( Row == NULL ) break; |
1644 |
for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ |
for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ |
1648 |
if (t==3) FROM_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t==3) FROM_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1649 |
if (t==4) TO_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t==4) TO_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1650 |
}; |
}; |
1651 |
}; |
} |
1652 |
if (Row) |
1653 |
delete Row; |
1654 |
delete pResult; |
delete pResult; |
1655 |
// |
// |
1656 |
if(TO_TIME < time)return(51); |
if(TO_TIME < time)return(51); |
1669 |
// Bool_t debug = 1; |
// Bool_t debug = 1; |
1670 |
// MySQL variables |
// MySQL variables |
1671 |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
1672 |
TSQLRow *Row; |
TSQLRow *Row = NULL; |
1673 |
int t; |
int t; |
1674 |
int r; |
int r; |
1675 |
stringstream myquery; |
stringstream myquery; |
1687 |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
1688 |
if(!pResult->GetRowCount())return (-52); |
if(!pResult->GetRowCount())return (-52); |
1689 |
for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ |
for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ |
1690 |
if (Row) |
1691 |
delete Row; |
1692 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
1693 |
if( Row == NULL ) break; |
if( Row == NULL ) break; |
1694 |
for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ |
for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ |
1700 |
if (t==5) TO_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t==5) TO_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1701 |
if (t==6) TYPE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
if (t==6) TYPE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); |
1702 |
}; |
}; |
1703 |
}; |
} |
1704 |
if (Row) |
1705 |
delete Row; |
1706 |
delete pResult; |
delete pResult; |
1707 |
// |
// |
1708 |
if(TO_TIME==0) TO_TIME = numeric_limits<UInt_t>::max(); |
if(TO_TIME==0) TO_TIME = numeric_limits<UInt_t>::max(); |
1738 |
UInt_t idtsy = 0; |
UInt_t idtsy = 0; |
1739 |
// |
// |
1740 |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
1741 |
TSQLRow *Row = 0; |
TSQLRow *Row = NULL; |
1742 |
stringstream myquery; |
stringstream myquery; |
1743 |
stringstream rname; |
stringstream rname; |
1744 |
// pcksList packetsNames; |
// pcksList packetsNames; |
1758 |
this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); |
this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); |
1759 |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
1760 |
if( pResult->GetRowCount() ){ |
if( pResult->GetRowCount() ){ |
1761 |
if (Row) |
1762 |
delete Row; |
1763 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
1764 |
if( Row ){ |
if( Row ){ |
1765 |
stringstream fname; |
stringstream fname; |
1780 |
T->GetEntry(0); |
T->GetEntry(0); |
1781 |
ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); |
ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); |
1782 |
pktfirst = ph->GetCounter(); |
pktfirst = ph->GetCounter(); |
1783 |
obtfirst = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); |
// obtfirst = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); |
1784 |
// |
// |
1785 |
}; |
}; |
1786 |
// |
// |
1804 |
pResult = dbc->Query(oss.str().c_str()); |
pResult = dbc->Query(oss.str().c_str()); |
1805 |
Bool_t fndit = false; |
Bool_t fndit = false; |
1806 |
if ( pResult ){ |
if ( pResult ){ |
1807 |
if (Row) |
1808 |
delete Row; |
1809 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
1810 |
if ( Row ){ |
if ( Row ){ |
1811 |
// |
// |
1812 |
OBT0 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)); |
OBT0 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)); |
1813 |
obtfirst = OBT0; |
1814 |
TIMESYNC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)); |
TIMESYNC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)); |
1815 |
TYPE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(2)); |
TYPE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(2)); |
1816 |
// |
// |
1821 |
this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); |
this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); |
1822 |
delete pResult; |
delete pResult; |
1823 |
pResult = dbc->Query(oss.str().c_str()); |
pResult = dbc->Query(oss.str().c_str()); |
1824 |
if ( pResult ){ |
if (pResult){ |
1825 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
if (Row) |
1826 |
if ( Row ){ |
delete Row; |
1827 |
// printf(" GREAT! the DB structure is the new one! \n"); |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
1828 |
fndit = true; |
if ( Row ){ |
1829 |
dworbit = 1; |
// printf(" GREAT! the DB structure is the new one! \n"); |
1830 |
}; |
fndit = true; |
1831 |
dworbit = 1; |
1832 |
}; |
1833 |
}; |
1834 |
}; |
1835 |
}; |
1836 |
if ( !fndit ){ |
1837 |
// |
1838 |
printf(" ERROR OLD DB! \n"); |
1839 |
printf(" ERROR FROM GLTables! cannot determine Resurs offset \n"); |
1840 |
// |
1841 |
}; |
1842 |
// |
1843 |
TTimeStamp tu = TTimeStamp((UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(0)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(1)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(2)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(3)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(4)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(5)),0,true,0); |
1844 |
T0 = (UInt_t)tu.GetSec(); |
1845 |
// |
1846 |
toffset = (UInt_t)TIMESYNC - (UInt_t)(this->DBobt(OBT0)/1000) + T0; |
1847 |
// |
1848 |
// printf(" T0 %u toffset is %u \n",T0,toffset); |
1849 |
// |
1850 |
if ( file ) file->Close(); |
1851 |
if (Row) |
1852 |
delete Row; |
1853 |
delete pResult; |
1854 |
}; |
1855 |
1856 |
GL_TIMESYNC::GL_TIMESYNC(UInt_t id, TString type, TSQLServer *dbc, Bool_t usel0file){ |
1857 |
// MySQL variables |
1858 |
TFile *file = 0; |
1859 |
UInt_t idtsy = 0; |
1860 |
// |
1861 |
TSQLResult *pResult; |
1862 |
TSQLRow *Row = NULL; |
1863 |
stringstream myquery; |
1864 |
stringstream rname; |
1865 |
// pcksList packetsNames; |
1866 |
// pcksList::iterator Iter; |
1867 |
// getPacketsNames(packetsNames); |
1868 |
rname.str(""); |
1869 |
// ---------------- |
1870 |
myquery.str(""); |
1871 |
myquery << "select "; |
1872 |
myquery << "PATH"; |
1873 |
myquery << ",NAME,ID_TIMESYNC"; |
1874 |
myquery << " from GL_ROOT where "; |
1875 |
myquery << type.Data(); |
1876 |
myquery << "=" << id << ";"; |
1877 |
// |
1878 |
if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return; |
1879 |
this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); |
1880 |
pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
1881 |
if( pResult->GetRowCount() ){ |
1882 |
if (Row) |
1883 |
delete Row; |
1884 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
1885 |
if( Row ){ |
1886 |
stringstream fname; |
1887 |
fname.str(""); |
1888 |
fname << gSystem->ExpandPathName(Row->GetField(0)) << "/" << Row->GetField(1); |
1889 |
rname << Row->GetField(1); |
1890 |
if ( usel0file ) file = new TFile(fname.str().c_str(),"READ"); |
1891 |
idtsy = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(2)); |
1892 |
}; |
1893 |
}; |
1894 |
// |
1895 |
if ( usel0file && file && file->IsOpen() ){ |
1896 |
TTree *T=(TTree*)file->Get("Physics"); |
1897 |
pamela::EventHeader *eh = 0; |
1898 |
pamela::PscuHeader *ph = 0; |
1899 |
T->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); |
1900 |
// |
1901 |
T->GetEntry(0); |
1902 |
ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); |
1903 |
pktfirst = ph->GetCounter(); |
1904 |
// obtfirst = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); |
1905 |
// |
1906 |
}; |
1907 |
if ( !usel0file ) pktfirst = 0; |
1908 |
// |
1909 |
// look for Resurs offset |
1910 |
// |
1911 |
T0 = 0; |
1912 |
// |
1913 |
stringstream oss; |
1914 |
// |
1915 |
TString name=rname.str().c_str(); |
1916 |
UInt_t dworbit = 0; |
1917 |
// Int_t nlength = name.Length(); |
1918 |
delete pResult; |
1919 |
// |
1920 |
// New code, we have one more column on GL_TIMESYNC so we can trust that one for the Resurs offset |
1921 |
// |
1922 |
oss.str(""); |
1923 |
oss << "SELECT OBT0,TIMESYNC,TYPE,ID_RESURS_OFFSET from GL_TIMESYNC where ID=" << idtsy <<";"; |
1924 |
if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return; |
1925 |
this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); |
1926 |
pResult = dbc->Query(oss.str().c_str()); |
1927 |
Bool_t fndit = false; |
1928 |
if ( pResult ){ |
1929 |
if (Row) |
1930 |
delete Row; |
1931 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
1932 |
if ( Row ){ |
1933 |
// |
1934 |
OBT0 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)); |
1935 |
obtfirst = OBT0; |
1936 |
TIMESYNC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)); |
1937 |
TYPE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(2)); |
1938 |
// |
1939 |
oss.str(""); |
1940 |
1941 |
<< Row->GetField(3) << ";"; |
1942 |
if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return; |
1943 |
this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); |
1944 |
delete pResult; |
1945 |
pResult = dbc->Query(oss.str().c_str()); |
1946 |
if (pResult){ |
1947 |
if (Row) |
1948 |
delete Row; |
1949 |
Row = pResult->Next(); |
1950 |
if (Row){ |
1951 |
// printf(" GREAT! the DB structure is the new one! \n"); |
1952 |
fndit = true; |
1953 |
dworbit = 1; |
1954 |
}; |
1955 |
}; |
}; |
1956 |
}; |
}; |
1957 |
}; |
}; |
1965 |
TTimeStamp tu = TTimeStamp((UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(0)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(1)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(2)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(3)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(4)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(5)),0,true,0); |
TTimeStamp tu = TTimeStamp((UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(0)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(1)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(2)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(3)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(4)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(5)),0,true,0); |
1966 |
T0 = (UInt_t)tu.GetSec(); |
T0 = (UInt_t)tu.GetSec(); |
1967 |
// |
// |
1968 |
toffset = TIMESYNC - (UInt_t)(this->DBobt(OBT0/1000)) + T0; |
toffset = (UInt_t)TIMESYNC - (UInt_t)(this->DBobt(OBT0)/1000) + T0; |
1969 |
// |
// |
1970 |
// printf(" T0 %u toffset is %u \n",T0,toffset); |
// printf(" T0 %u toffset is %u \n",T0,toffset); |
1971 |
// |
// |
1972 |
file->Close(); |
if ( file ) file->Close(); |
1973 |
if (Row) |
1974 |
delete Row; |
1975 |
delete pResult; |
delete pResult; |
1976 |
}; |
}; |
1977 |
2242 |
// |
// |
2243 |
Int_t GL_TLE::DoQuery(TString myquery, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
Int_t GL_TLE::DoQuery(TString myquery, TSQLServer *dbc){ |
2244 |
TSQLResult *result; |
TSQLResult *result; |
2245 |
TSQLRow *row; |
TSQLRow *row = NULL; |
2246 |
2247 |
// Set the right time_zone (otherwise horrible things will occur! :) |
// Set the right time_zone (otherwise horrible things will occur! :) |
2248 |
if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; |
if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; |
2261 |
tle = GiveTle(row); |
tle = GiveTle(row); |
2262 |
2263 |
tleFromTime = strtol(row->GetField(4), NULL, 10); |
tleFromTime = strtol(row->GetField(4), NULL, 10); |
2264 |
if (row) |
2265 |
delete row; |
2266 |
row = result->Next(); // second tle row |
row = result->Next(); // second tle row |
2267 |
if(row) |
if(row) |
2268 |
tleToTime = strtol(row->GetField(4), NULL, 10); |
tleToTime = strtol(row->GetField(4), NULL, 10); |
2271 |
tleToTime = UINT_MAX; |
tleToTime = UINT_MAX; |
2272 |
} |
} |
2273 |
2274 |
delete row; |
if (row) |
2275 |
delete row; |
2276 |
delete result; |
delete result; |
2277 |
2278 |
return 0; |
return 0; |