/** * \file GLTables.cpp * \author Elena Vannuccini * * The file contains implementation of the methods to query the DB. */ // #include #include #include // #include #include #include #include #include // #include #include // ClassImp(GL_TABLES); ClassImp(GL_TRK_CALIB); ClassImp(GL_RUN); ClassImp(GL_ROOT); ClassImp(GL_PARAM); ClassImp(GL_S4_CALIB); ClassImp(GL_CALO_CALIB); ClassImp(GL_CALOPULSE_CALIB); ClassImp(GL_TIMESYNC); ClassImp(GL_TLE); // using namespace std; GL_TABLES::GL_TABLES(){ }; GL_TABLES::GL_TABLES(TString host, TString user, TString psw){ fHost = new TString(host.Data()); fUser = new TString(user.Data()); fPsw = new TString(psw.Data()); fSet = true; fNquery = 0; mh = host.Data(); mu = user.Data(); mp = psw.Data(); }; void GL_TABLES::Set(TString host, TString user, TString psw){ fHost = new TString(host.Data()); fUser = new TString(user.Data()); fPsw = new TString(psw.Data()); fSet = true; fNquery = 0; mh = host.Data(); mu = user.Data(); mp = psw.Data(); }; //Bool_t GL_TABLES::IsConnected(TSQLServer *&dbc){ Bool_t GL_TABLES::IsConnected(TSQLServer *dbc){ // // // if ( !fSet ){ return true; }; // // printf(" host is %s \n",fHost->Data()); // stringstream myquery; myquery.str(""); myquery << "show databases;"; if ( dbc ){ if ( dbc->IsConnected() ){ dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); fNquery++; if ( !(dbc->GetErrorCode()) ){ // printf("ok\n"); // // if ( (dbc->GetErrorCode() != 2013 && dbc->GetErrorCode() != 2006) ){ // if ( !(dbc->GetErrorCode()) ){ // is connected return true; // }; }; }; }; // if ( true ) { // printf(" WARNING: Lost connection to DB! try to recover... \n"); // TString host = fHost->Data(); TString user = fUser->Data(); TString psw = fPsw->Data(); if ( dbc ){ dbc->Close(); delete dbc; }; dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data()); // myquery.str(""); myquery << "show databases;"; dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); fNquery++; // if ( dbc->GetErrorCode() != 2013 && dbc->GetErrorCode() != 2006 ){ if ( !(dbc->GetErrorCode()) ){ // printf(" ...connection recovered, I can continue! \n"); // myquery.str(""); myquery << "SET time_zone='+0:00'"; dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); fNquery++; myquery.str(""); myquery << "SET wait_timeout=173000;"; dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); fNquery++; return true; }; }; // printf(" GLTABLES: connection is gone away, query will fail\n"); // return false; // }; void GL_TABLES::ResetCounters(){ fNquery = 0; }; void GL_TABLES::AddQ(){ if ( fSet ) fNquery++; }; UInt_t GL_TABLES::GetNqueries(){ UInt_t rn = 0; rn += (UInt_t&)fNquery; return(rn); }; GL_RUN::GL_RUN() { ID = 0; ID_RUN_FRAG = 0; ID_ROOT_L0 = 0; ID_ROOT_L2 = 0; RUNHEADER_TIME = 0; RUNTRAILER_TIME = 0; EV_FROM = 0; EV_TO = 0; TRK_CALIB_USED = 0; EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE = 0; PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A = 0; PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B = 0; ACQ_BUILD_INFO = 0; ACQ_VAR_INFO = 0; RUNHEADER_OBT = 0; RUNTRAILER_OBT = 0; RUNHEADER_PKT = 0; RUNTRAILER_PKT = 0; NEVENTS = 0; LAST_TIMESYNC = 0; OBT_TIMESYNC = 0; COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP = 0; FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE = 0; RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB = 0; RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE = 0; PKT_COUNTER = 0; PKT_READY_COUNTER = 0; TRK_CALIB_USED = 0; CAL_DSP_MASK = 0; BOOT_NUMBER = 0; PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12 = 0; PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC = 0; VALIDATION = 0; } void GL_RUN::Clear(Option_t *t) { ID = 0; ID_RUN_FRAG = 0; ID_ROOT_L0 = 0; ID_ROOT_L2 = 0; RUNHEADER_TIME = 0; RUNTRAILER_TIME = 0; EV_FROM = 0; EV_TO = 0; TRK_CALIB_USED = 0; EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE = 0; PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A = 0; PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B = 0; ACQ_BUILD_INFO = 0; ACQ_VAR_INFO = 0; RUNHEADER_OBT = 0; RUNTRAILER_OBT = 0; RUNHEADER_PKT = 0; RUNTRAILER_PKT = 0; NEVENTS = 0; LAST_TIMESYNC = 0; OBT_TIMESYNC = 0; COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP = 0; FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE = 0; RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB = 0; RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE = 0; PKT_COUNTER = 0; PKT_READY_COUNTER = 0; TRK_CALIB_USED = 0; CAL_DSP_MASK = 0; BOOT_NUMBER = 0; PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12 = 0; PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC = 0; VALIDATION = 0; } GL_ROOT::GL_ROOT(){ ID = 0; ID_RAW = 0; ID_TIMESYNC = 0; PATH = ""; NAME = ""; } GL_RAW::GL_RAW(){ ID = 0; PATH = ""; NAME = ""; BOOT_NUMBER = 0; } GL_PARAM::GL_PARAM(){ ID = 0; PATH = ""; NAME = ""; DESCR = ""; FROM_TIME = 0; TO_TIME = 0; TYPE = 0; } GL_TRK_CALIB::GL_TRK_CALIB(){ ID = 0; ID_ROOT_L0 = 0; EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK1 = 0; EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK2 = 0; FROM_TIME = 0; TO_TIME = 0; OBT1 = 0; OBT2 = 0; PKT1 = 0; PKT2 = 0; BOOT_NUMBER = 0; VALIDATION = 0; } GL_CALO_CALIB::GL_CALO_CALIB(){ ID = 0; ID_ROOT_L0 = 0; EV_ROOT = 0; FROM_TIME = 0; TO_TIME = 0; SECTION = 0; OBT = 0; PKT = 0; BOOT_NUMBER = 0; VALIDATION = 0; } GL_CALOPULSE_CALIB::GL_CALOPULSE_CALIB(){ ID = 0; ID_ROOT_L0 = 0; EV_ROOT = 0; FROM_TIME = 0; TO_TIME = 0; SECTION = 0; PULSED_STRIP = 0; PULSE_AMPLITUDE = 0; OBT = 0; PKT = 0; BOOT_NUMBER = 0; VALIDATION = 0; } GL_S4_CALIB::GL_S4_CALIB(){ ID = 0; ID_ROOT_L0 = 0; EV_ROOT = 0; FROM_TIME = 0; TO_TIME = 0; OBT = 0; PKT = 0; BOOT_NUMBER = 0; } GL_TIMESYNC::GL_TIMESYNC(){ obtfirst = 0; pktfirst = 0; ID_RESURS_OFFSET = 0; ID = 0; ID_RAW = 0; OBT0 = 0; TIMESYNC = 0; TYPE = 0; } // **************************************************** void GL_RUN::SetEV_FROM(UInt_t evfrom){ EV_FROM = evfrom; }; void GL_RUN::SetEV_TO(UInt_t evto){ EV_TO = evto; }; void GL_RUN::SetNEVENTS(UInt_t nev){ NEVENTS = nev; }; void GL_RUN::SetBOOTNUMBER(UInt_t boot){ BOOT_NUMBER = boot; }; void GL_RUN::SetRUNHEADER_TIME(UInt_t absth){ RUNHEADER_TIME = absth; }; void GL_RUN::SetRUNTRAILER_TIME(UInt_t abstt){ RUNTRAILER_TIME = abstt; }; void GL_RUN::SetRUNHEADER_PKT(UInt_t absth){ RUNHEADER_PKT = absth; }; void GL_RUN::SetRUNTRAILER_PKT(UInt_t abstt){ RUNTRAILER_PKT = abstt; }; void GL_RUN::SetRUNHEADER_OBT(UInt_t absth){ RUNHEADER_OBT = absth; }; void GL_RUN::SetRUNTRAILER_OBT(UInt_t abstt){ RUNTRAILER_OBT = abstt; }; void GL_RUN::SetID_ROOT_L2(UInt_t idl2){ ID_ROOT_L2 = idl2; }; void GL_RUN::SetID_ROOT_L0(UInt_t idroot){ ID_ROOT_L0 = idroot; }; void GL_RUN::SetID_RUN_FRAG(UInt_t idfrag){ ID_RUN_FRAG = idfrag; }; void GL_RUN::SetVALIDATION(UInt_t valid){ VALIDATION = valid; }; void GL_RUN::SetLAST_TIMESYNC(UInt_t ts){ LAST_TIMESYNC = ts; }; void GL_RUN::SetOBT_TIMESYNC(UInt_t ts){ OBT_TIMESYNC = ts; }; void GL_RUN:: SetPKT_COUNTER(UInt_t value){ PKT_COUNTER = value; }; void GL_RUN:: SetPKT_READY_COUNTER(UInt_t value){ PKT_READY_COUNTER = value; }; void GL_RUN:: SetCOMPILATIONTIMESTAMP(UInt_t value){ COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP = value; }; void GL_RUN:: SetPHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12(UInt_t value){ PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12 = value; }; void GL_RUN:: SetPHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC(UInt_t value){ PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC = value; }; void GL_RUN:: SetFAV_WRK_SCHEDULE(UInt_t value){ FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE = value; }; void GL_RUN:: SetEFF_WRK_SCHEDULE(UInt_t value){ EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE = value; }; void GL_RUN:: SetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A(UInt_t value){ PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A = value; }; void GL_RUN:: SetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B(UInt_t value){ PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B = value; }; void GL_RUN:: SetACQ_BUILD_INFO(UInt_t value){ ACQ_BUILD_INFO = value; }; void GL_RUN:: SetACQ_VAR_INFO(UInt_t value){ ACQ_VAR_INFO = value; }; void GL_RUN:: SetRM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB(UInt_t value){ RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB = value; }; void GL_RUN:: SetRM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE(UInt_t value){ RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE = value; }; void GL_RUN:: SetTRK_CALIB_USED(UInt_t value){ TRK_CALIB_USED = value; }; void GL_RUN:: SetCAL_DSP_MASK(UInt_t value){ CAL_DSP_MASK = value; }; void GL_RUN:: SetID(UInt_t value){ ID = value; }; void GL_RUN::Set_GL_RUNT(RunTrailerEvent *runt, PscuHeader *pht){ PKT_COUNTER = runt->PKT_COUNTER; PKT_READY_COUNTER = runt->PKT_ReadyCounter; RUNTRAILER_OBT = pht->GetOrbitalTime(); RUNTRAILER_PKT = pht->GetCounter(); }; void GL_RUN::Set_GL_RUNH(RunHeaderEvent *runh, PscuHeader *phh){ TRK_CALIB_USED = runh->TRK_CALIB_USED; PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A = runh->PRH_VAR_TRIGGER_MODE_A; PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B = runh->PRH_VAR_TRIGGER_MODE_B; ACQ_BUILD_INFO = runh->ACQ_BUILD_INFO; ACQ_VAR_INFO = runh->ACQ_VAR_INFO; RUNHEADER_OBT = phh->GetOrbitalTime(); RUNHEADER_PKT = phh->GetCounter(); LAST_TIMESYNC = runh->LAST_TIME_SYNC_INFO; OBT_TIMESYNC = runh->OBT_TIME_SYNC; COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP = runh->COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP; FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE = runh->FAVOURITE_WORKING_SCHEDULE; EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE = runh->EFFECTIVE_WORKING_SCHEDULE; RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB = runh->RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB; RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE = runh->RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE; TRK_CALIB_USED = runh->TRK_CALIB_USED; CAL_DSP_MASK = runh->CAL_DSP_MASK; }; void GL_RUN::Set_GL_RUNT0(){ PKT_COUNTER = 0; PKT_READY_COUNTER = 0; RUNTRAILER_OBT = 0; RUNTRAILER_PKT = 0; }; void GL_RUN::Set_GL_RUNH0(){ TRK_CALIB_USED = 0; PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A = 0; PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B = 0; ACQ_BUILD_INFO = 0; ACQ_VAR_INFO = 0; RUNHEADER_OBT = 0; RUNHEADER_PKT = 0; LAST_TIMESYNC = 0; OBT_TIMESYNC = 0; COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP = 0; FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE = 0; EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE = 0; RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB = 0; RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE = 0; TRK_CALIB_USED = 0; CAL_DSP_MASK = 0; }; void GL_RUN::Set_GL_RUN(TSQLRow *Row){ for( Int_t t = 0; t < 32; t++){ if (t== 0) ID = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 1) ID_RUN_FRAG = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 2) ID_ROOT_L0 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 3) ID_ROOT_L2 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 4) RUNHEADER_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 5) RUNTRAILER_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 6) RUNHEADER_OBT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 7) RUNTRAILER_OBT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 8) RUNHEADER_PKT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 9) RUNTRAILER_PKT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==10) BOOT_NUMBER = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==11) EV_FROM = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==12) EV_TO = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==13) NEVENTS = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==14) PKT_COUNTER = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==15) PKT_READY_COUNTER = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==16) COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==17) FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==18) EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==19) PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A= (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==20) PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B= (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==21) ACQ_BUILD_INFO = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==22) ACQ_VAR_INFO = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==23) RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB= (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==24) RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==25) TRK_CALIB_USED = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==26) CAL_DSP_MASK = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==27) LAST_TIMESYNC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==28) OBT_TIMESYNC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==29) PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==30) PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==31) VALIDATION = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); }; } /** * This method delete the run from the "FromTable" table and store it in the GL_RUN_TRASH table * If IDRUN is 0 "this->ID" run is used. * **/ Int_t GL_RUN::DeleteRun(TSQLServer *dbc,UInt_t IDRUN,TString FromTable){ // MySQL variables TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; stringstream myquery; // if ( !IDRUN ) IDRUN = ID; if ( !IDRUN ) return 1; // ---------------- myquery.str(""); myquery << " INSERT INTO GL_RUN_TRASH ("; myquery << "ID"; myquery << ",ID_RUN_FRAG"; myquery << ",ID_ROOT_L0"; myquery << ",ID_ROOT_L2"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_TIME"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_TIME"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_OBT"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_OBT"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_PKT"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_PKT"; myquery << ",BOOT_NUMBER"; myquery << ",EV_FROM"; myquery << ",EV_TO"; myquery << ",NEVENTS"; myquery << ",PKT_COUNTER"; myquery << ",PKT_READY_COUNTER"; myquery << ",COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP"; myquery << ",FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE"; myquery << ",EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE"; myquery << ",PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A"; myquery << ",PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B"; myquery << ",ACQ_BUILD_INFO"; myquery << ",ACQ_VAR_INFO"; myquery << ",RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB"; myquery << ",RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE"; myquery << ",TRK_CALIB_USED"; myquery << ",CAL_DSP_MASK"; myquery << ",LAST_TIMESYNC"; myquery << ",OBT_TIMESYNC"; myquery << ",PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12"; myquery << ",PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC"; myquery << ",VALIDATION"; myquery << ",INSERT_TIME"; myquery << ") SELECT * FROM "; myquery << FromTable.Data(); myquery << " WHERE ID="; myquery << (UInt_t)IDRUN << ";"; // // printf("1myquery is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // // retrieve this ID_TRASH // myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT ID_TRASH,ID_ROOT_L0,ID_ROOT_L2 FROM GL_RUN_TRASH ORDER BY ID_TRASH DESC LIMIT 1"; if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // UInt_t idtrash = 0; UInt_t idl0 = 0; UInt_t idl2 = 0; // Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row != NULL ){ idtrash = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)); idl0 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)); idl2 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(2)); }; // TString fileL0 = ""; TString fileL2 = ""; myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT NAME FROM GL_ROOT WHERE ID="; myquery << idl0 << ";"; // // printf("2myquery is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row != NULL ){ fileL0 = (TString)Row->GetField(0); }; // // // myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT NAME FROM GL_ROOT WHERE ID="; myquery << idl2 << ";"; // // printf("3myquery is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row != NULL ){ fileL2 = (TString)Row->GetField(0); }; // // // myquery.str(""); myquery << " UPDATE GL_RUN_TRASH SET FILENAMEL0='"; myquery << fileL0.Data() << "' where ID_TRASH="; myquery << idtrash << ";"; // // printf("4myquery is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // myquery.str(""); myquery << " UPDATE GL_RUN_TRASH SET FILENAMEL2='"; myquery << fileL2.Data() << "' where ID_TRASH="; myquery << idtrash << ";"; // // printf("4myquery is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // myquery.str(""); myquery << " UPDATE GL_RUN_TRASH SET BELONGED_TO='"; myquery << FromTable.Data() << "' where ID_TRASH="; myquery << idtrash << ";"; // // printf("4myquery is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // myquery.str(""); myquery << " DELETE FROM "; myquery << FromTable.Data() << " where ID="; myquery << IDRUN << ";"; // // printf("5myquery is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // return 0; }; /** * This method restore a run from the GL_RUN_TRASH table. * If ID is 0 "this->ID" is used; if "ToTable" is empty BELONG_TO field of GL_RUN_TRASH is used. * **/ Int_t GL_RUN::RestoreRun(TSQLServer *dbc,UInt_t IDRUN,TString ToTable){ // insert into GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS select * FROM GL_RUN where ID=11; //insert into GL_RUN_TRASH VALUES (ID , ID_RUN_FRAG , ID_ROOT_L0 , ID_ROOT_L2 , RUNHEADER_TIME , RUNTRAILER_TIME , RUNHEADER_OBT , RUNTRAILER_OBT , RUNHEADER_PKT , RUNTRAILER_PKT , BOOT_NUMBER , EV_FROM , EV_TO , NEVENTS , PKT_COUNTER , PKT_READY_COUNTER , COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP , FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE , EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE , PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A , PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B , ACQ_BUILD_INFO , ACQ_VAR_INFO , RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB , RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE, TRK_CALIB_USED,CAL_DSP_MASK, LAST_TIMESYNC, OBT_TIMESYNC, VALIDATION, INSERT_TIME) select * FROM GL_RUN where ID=11; // MySQL variables TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; stringstream myquery; // if ( !IDRUN ) IDRUN = ID; if ( !IDRUN ) return 1; // if ( !strcmp(ToTable.Data(),"") ){ // myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT BELONGED_TO FROM GL_RUN_TRASH WHERE ID="; myquery << (UInt_t)IDRUN << ";"; // printf(" qui? myquery is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row != NULL ){ ToTable = (TString)Row->GetField(0); } else { return 1; }; }; // ---------------- myquery.str(""); myquery << " INSERT INTO "; myquery << ToTable.Data(); myquery << " ("; myquery << "ID"; myquery << ",ID_RUN_FRAG"; myquery << ",ID_ROOT_L0"; myquery << ",ID_ROOT_L2"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_TIME"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_TIME"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_OBT"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_OBT"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_PKT"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_PKT"; myquery << ",BOOT_NUMBER"; myquery << ",EV_FROM"; myquery << ",EV_TO"; myquery << ",NEVENTS"; myquery << ",PKT_COUNTER"; myquery << ",PKT_READY_COUNTER"; myquery << ",COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP"; myquery << ",FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE"; myquery << ",EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE"; myquery << ",PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A"; myquery << ",PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B"; myquery << ",ACQ_BUILD_INFO"; myquery << ",ACQ_VAR_INFO"; myquery << ",RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB"; myquery << ",RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE"; myquery << ",TRK_CALIB_USED"; myquery << ",CAL_DSP_MASK"; myquery << ",LAST_TIMESYNC"; myquery << ",OBT_TIMESYNC"; myquery << ",PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12"; myquery << ",PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC"; myquery << ",VALIDATION"; myquery << ",INSERT_TIME"; myquery << ") SELECT "; myquery << "ID"; myquery << ",ID_RUN_FRAG"; myquery << ",ID_ROOT_L0"; myquery << ",ID_ROOT_L2"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_TIME"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_TIME"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_OBT"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_OBT"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_PKT"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_PKT"; myquery << ",BOOT_NUMBER"; myquery << ",EV_FROM"; myquery << ",EV_TO"; myquery << ",NEVENTS"; myquery << ",PKT_COUNTER"; myquery << ",PKT_READY_COUNTER"; myquery << ",COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP"; myquery << ",FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE"; myquery << ",EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE"; myquery << ",PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A"; myquery << ",PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B"; myquery << ",ACQ_BUILD_INFO"; myquery << ",ACQ_VAR_INFO"; myquery << ",RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB"; myquery << ",RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE"; myquery << ",TRK_CALIB_USED"; myquery << ",CAL_DSP_MASK"; myquery << ",LAST_TIMESYNC"; myquery << ",OBT_TIMESYNC"; myquery << ",PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12"; myquery << ",PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC"; myquery << ",VALIDATION"; myquery << ",INSERT_TIME"; myquery << " FROM GL_RUN_TRASH "; myquery << " WHERE BELONGED_TO='GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS' AND ID="; myquery << (UInt_t)IDRUN << ";"; // // printf("5myquery is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // // myquery.str(""); myquery << " DELETE FROM GL_RUN_TRASH where BELONGED_TO='GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS' AND ID="; myquery << IDRUN << ";"; // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // return 0; }; /** * Function to fill the GL_RUN table of the DB. * * \param * */ Int_t GL_RUN::Fill_GL_RUN(TSQLServer *dbc){ // MySQL variables stringstream myquery; // ---------------- myquery.str(""); myquery << " INSERT INTO GL_RUN ("; myquery << "ID"; myquery << ",ID_RUN_FRAG"; myquery << ",ID_ROOT_L0"; myquery << ",ID_ROOT_L2"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_TIME"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_TIME"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_OBT"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_OBT"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_PKT"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_PKT"; myquery << ",EV_FROM"; myquery << ",EV_TO"; myquery << ",NEVENTS"; myquery << ",LAST_TIMESYNC"; myquery << ",OBT_TIMESYNC"; myquery << ",COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP"; myquery << ",FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE"; myquery << ",EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE"; myquery << ",PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A"; myquery << ",PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B"; myquery << ",ACQ_BUILD_INFO"; myquery << ",ACQ_VAR_INFO"; myquery << ",RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB"; myquery << ",RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE"; myquery << ",PKT_COUNTER"; myquery << ",PKT_READY_COUNTER"; myquery << ",TRK_CALIB_USED"; myquery << ",CAL_DSP_MASK"; myquery << ",BOOT_NUMBER"; myquery << ",PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12"; myquery << ",PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC"; myquery << ",VALIDATION"; myquery << ") VALUES ('"; myquery << (UInt_t)ID << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)ID_RUN_FRAG << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)ID_ROOT_L0 << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)ID_ROOT_L2 << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RUNHEADER_TIME << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RUNTRAILER_TIME << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RUNHEADER_OBT << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RUNTRAILER_OBT << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RUNHEADER_PKT << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RUNTRAILER_PKT << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)EV_FROM << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)EV_TO << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)NEVENTS << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)LAST_TIMESYNC << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)OBT_TIMESYNC << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)ACQ_BUILD_INFO << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)ACQ_VAR_INFO << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)PKT_COUNTER << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)PKT_READY_COUNTER << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)TRK_CALIB_USED << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)CAL_DSP_MASK << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)BOOT_NUMBER << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12 << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)VALIDATION << "');"; // // printf("myquery is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // return 0; };// **************************************************** /** * Function to fill the GL_RUN table of the DB. * * \param * */ Int_t GL_RUN::Fill_GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(TSQLServer *dbc){ // MySQL variables stringstream myquery; // ---------------- myquery.str(""); myquery << " INSERT INTO GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS ("; myquery << "ID"; myquery << ",ID_ROOT_L0"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_TIME"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_TIME"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_OBT"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_OBT"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_PKT"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_PKT"; myquery << ",EV_FROM"; myquery << ",EV_TO"; myquery << ",NEVENTS"; myquery << ",LAST_TIMESYNC"; myquery << ",OBT_TIMESYNC"; myquery << ",COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP"; myquery << ",FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE"; myquery << ",EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE"; myquery << ",PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A"; myquery << ",PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B"; myquery << ",ACQ_BUILD_INFO"; myquery << ",ACQ_VAR_INFO"; myquery << ",RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB"; myquery << ",RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE"; myquery << ",PKT_COUNTER"; myquery << ",PKT_READY_COUNTER"; myquery << ",TRK_CALIB_USED"; myquery << ",CAL_DSP_MASK"; myquery << ",BOOT_NUMBER"; myquery << ",PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12"; myquery << ",PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC"; myquery << ") VALUES ('"; myquery << (UInt_t)ID << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)ID_ROOT_L0 << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RUNHEADER_TIME << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RUNTRAILER_TIME << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RUNHEADER_OBT << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RUNTRAILER_OBT << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RUNHEADER_PKT << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RUNTRAILER_PKT << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)EV_FROM << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)EV_TO << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)NEVENTS << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)LAST_TIMESYNC << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)OBT_TIMESYNC << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)ACQ_BUILD_INFO << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)ACQ_VAR_INFO << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)PKT_COUNTER << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)PKT_READY_COUNTER << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)TRK_CALIB_USED << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)CAL_DSP_MASK << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)BOOT_NUMBER << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12 << "','"; myquery << (UInt_t)PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC << "');"; // // printf("myquery is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // return 0; };// **************************************************** /** * Function to query the GL_RUN table of the DB. * * \param RUN id * \return struct of type GL_RUN _data, which stores the query result * */ Int_t GL_RUN::Query_GL_RUN(UInt_t run, TSQLServer *dbc){ // MySQL variables TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; int t; int r; stringstream myquery; // ---------------- myquery.str(""); myquery << " select "; myquery << "ID"; myquery << ",ID_RUN_FRAG"; myquery << ",ID_ROOT_L0"; myquery << ",ID_ROOT_L2"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_TIME"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_TIME"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_OBT"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_OBT"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_PKT"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_PKT"; myquery << ",EV_FROM"; myquery << ",EV_TO"; myquery << ",NEVENTS"; myquery << ",LAST_TIMESYNC"; myquery << ",OBT_TIMESYNC"; myquery << ",COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP"; myquery << ",FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE"; myquery << ",EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE"; myquery << ",PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A"; myquery << ",PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B"; myquery << ",ACQ_BUILD_INFO"; myquery << ",ACQ_VAR_INFO"; myquery << ",RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB"; myquery << ",RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE"; myquery << ",PKT_COUNTER"; myquery << ",PKT_READY_COUNTER"; myquery << ",TRK_CALIB_USED"; myquery << ",CAL_DSP_MASK"; myquery << ",BOOT_NUMBER"; myquery << ",PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12"; myquery << ",PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC"; myquery << ",VALIDATION"; myquery << " from GL_RUN where ID=" << run << ";"; // // printf(" myquery is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); if ( !this->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // // printf(" getrowcount %i \n",pResult->GetRowCount()); // if( !pResult->GetRowCount() ) return(-50); // for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row == NULL ) break; // Set_GL_RUN(Row); for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ if (t== 0) ID = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 1) ID_RUN_FRAG = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 2) ID_ROOT_L0 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 3) ID_ROOT_L2 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 4) RUNHEADER_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 5) RUNTRAILER_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 6) RUNHEADER_OBT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 7) RUNTRAILER_OBT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 8) RUNHEADER_PKT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 9) RUNTRAILER_PKT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==10) EV_FROM = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==11) EV_TO = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==12) NEVENTS = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==13) LAST_TIMESYNC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==14) OBT_TIMESYNC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==15) COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==16) FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==17) EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==18) PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A= (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==19) PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B= (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==20) ACQ_BUILD_INFO = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==21) ACQ_VAR_INFO = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==22) RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB= (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==23) RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==24) PKT_COUNTER = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==25) PKT_READY_COUNTER = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==26) TRK_CALIB_USED = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==27) CAL_DSP_MASK = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==28) BOOT_NUMBER = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==29) PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==30) PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==31) VALIDATION = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); }; }; // delete pResult; return(0); }; /** * Function to query the GL_RUN table of the DB. * * \param where = condition string * \return struct of type GL_RUN _data, which stores the query result * */ Int_t GL_RUN::Query_GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(TString where, TSQLServer *dbc){ // MySQL variables TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; int t; int r; stringstream myquery; // ---------------- myquery.str(""); myquery << " select "; myquery << "ID"; myquery << ",ID_RUN_FRAG"; myquery << ",ID_ROOT_L0"; myquery << ",ID_ROOT_L2"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_TIME"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_TIME"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_OBT"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_OBT"; myquery << ",RUNHEADER_PKT"; myquery << ",RUNTRAILER_PKT"; myquery << ",EV_FROM"; myquery << ",EV_TO"; myquery << ",NEVENTS"; myquery << ",LAST_TIMESYNC"; myquery << ",OBT_TIMESYNC"; myquery << ",COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP"; myquery << ",FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE"; myquery << ",EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE"; myquery << ",PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A"; myquery << ",PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B"; myquery << ",ACQ_BUILD_INFO"; myquery << ",ACQ_VAR_INFO"; myquery << ",RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB"; myquery << ",RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE"; myquery << ",PKT_COUNTER"; myquery << ",PKT_READY_COUNTER"; myquery << ",TRK_CALIB_USED"; myquery << ",CAL_DSP_MASK"; myquery << ",BOOT_NUMBER"; myquery << ",PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12"; myquery << ",PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC"; myquery << ",VALIDATION"; myquery << " from GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS where " << where.Data() << ";"; // // printf(" query is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); if(!pResult->GetRowCount())return(-50); for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row == NULL ) break; for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ if (t== 0) ID = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 1) ID_RUN_FRAG = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 2) ID_ROOT_L0 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 3) ID_ROOT_L2 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 4) RUNHEADER_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 5) RUNTRAILER_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 6) RUNHEADER_OBT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 7) RUNTRAILER_OBT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 8) RUNHEADER_PKT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t== 9) RUNTRAILER_PKT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==10) EV_FROM = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==11) EV_TO = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==12) NEVENTS = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==13) LAST_TIMESYNC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==14) OBT_TIMESYNC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==15) COMPILATIONTIMESTAMP = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==16) FAV_WRK_SCHEDULE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==17) EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==18) PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A= (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==19) PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B= (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==20) ACQ_BUILD_INFO = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==21) ACQ_VAR_INFO = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==22) RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB= (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==23) RM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==24) PKT_COUNTER = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==25) PKT_READY_COUNTER = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==26) TRK_CALIB_USED = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==27) CAL_DSP_MASK = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==28) BOOT_NUMBER = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==29) PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S3S2S12 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==30) PHYSENDRUN_MASK_S11CRC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==31) VALIDATION = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); }; }; // delete pResult; return(0); };// **************************************************** /** * Function to query the GL_ROOT table of the DB. * * \param entry ID * \return struct of type GL_ROOT_data, which stores the query result */ Int_t GL_ROOT::Query_GL_ROOT(UInt_t id, TSQLServer *dbc){ // MySQL variables TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; int t; int r; stringstream myquery; // ---------------- myquery.str(""); myquery << "select "; myquery << " ID"; myquery << ",ID_RAW"; myquery << ",ID_TIMESYNC"; myquery << ",PATH"; myquery << ",NAME"; myquery << " from GL_ROOT where ID=" << id << ";"; // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); if(!pResult->GetRowCount())return (-51); for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row == NULL ) break; for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ if(t==0) ID = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if(t==1) ID_RAW = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if(t==2) ID_TIMESYNC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if(t==3) PATH = (TString)gSystem->ExpandPathName(Row->GetField(t))+'/'; if(t==4) NAME = Row->GetField(t); }; }; delete pResult; return 0; }; // **************************************************** /** * Function to query the GL_TRK_CALIB table of the DB. * * \param run starting time * \param dbc DB server * \return struct of type GL_TRK_CALIB_data, which stores the query result */ Int_t GL_TRK_CALIB::Query_GL_TRK_CALIB(UInt_t time, TSQLServer *dbc){ // MySQL variables TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; int t; int r; stringstream myquery; // ---------------- myquery.str(""); myquery << "select ID,ID_ROOT_L0,EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK1,EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK2,FROM_TIME,TO_TIME,OBT1,OBT2,PKT1,PKT2,BOOT_NUMBER,VALIDATION from GL_TRK_CALIB where FROM_TIME <= "<< time; // myquery << " AND VALIDATION=1 ORDER BY FROM_TIME DESC LIMIT 1;"; // RIVEDERE LA VALIDAZIONE!!! myquery << " and EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK1>=0 and EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK2>=0 "; // EM! SE MANCA UN PACCHETTO DEI DUE IL PROCESSAMENTO CRASHA... DA RIVEDERE LA VALIDAZIONE myquery << " ORDER BY FROM_TIME DESC LIMIT 1;"; // myquery << " ORDER BY FROM_TIME DESC LIMIT 1;"; if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); if(!pResult->GetRowCount())return (-53); for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row == NULL ) break; for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ stringstream row; row.str(""); row << "0" << Row->GetField(t); // add leading 0 since we have two fields that could be "null" and we want to avoid crashes due to atoll if (t==0) ID = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==1) ID_ROOT_L0 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==2) EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK1 = (UInt_t)atoll(row.str().c_str()); if (t==3) EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK2 = (UInt_t)atoll(row.str().c_str()); if (t==4) FROM_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==5) TO_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); // if (t==6) OBT1 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==7) OBT2 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==8) PKT1 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==9) PKT2 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==10) BOOT_NUMBER = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==11) VALIDATION = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); }; }; delete pResult; // // if ( TO_TIME < time ) return(51); // if ( (!OBT1 && !PKT1 ) || (!OBT2 && !PKT2) ) return(52); // ONE CALIBRATION PACKET IS MISSING! // return 0; }; // **************************************************** /** * Function to query the GL_CALO_CALIB table of the DB. * * \param run starting time * \return struct of type GL_CALO_CALIB_data, which stores the query result */ Int_t GL_CALO_CALIB::Query_GL_CALO_CALIB(UInt_t time, UInt_t &uptime, UInt_t section, TSQLServer *dbc){ // MySQL variables TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; int t; stringstream myquery; uptime = 0; // // select the correct calibration // myquery.str(""); myquery << "select ID_ROOT_L0, FROM_TIME, TO_TIME, EV_ROOT,VALIDATION from GL_CALO_CALIB where SECTION=" << section; myquery << " and FROM_TIME <= " << time; myquery << " and TO_TIME > " << time; myquery << " ;"; //myquery << " and VALIDATION=1;"; // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // printf(" mysquery is %s\n",myquery.str().c_str()); // if( !pResult->GetRowCount() ) return(-54); Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row == NULL ) return (-54); // uptime = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(2)); // UInt_t myfromtime = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)); UInt_t mytotime = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(2)); // // if it is corrupted validation is 0 and we have no results from the query... // if( atoi(Row->GetField(4)) == 0 ){ // if validation = 0 // // in this case take relax the conditions and take the valid calibration that preceed the correct one // myquery.str(""); myquery << "select ID_ROOT_L0, FROM_TIME, TO_TIME, EV_ROOT,VALIDATION from GL_CALO_CALIB where SECTION=" << section; myquery << " and FROM_TIME <= " << time; myquery << " and VALIDATION=1 ORDER BY FROM_TIME DESC LIMIT 1;"; if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // printf(" mysquery is %s\n",myquery.str().c_str()); // // if no results yet quit with error // if( !pResult->GetRowCount() ) return (-54); // Row = pResult->Next(); // myfromtime = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)); // }; // // if the selected calibration is too old (more than 5 orbits old) try to take the closest not corrupted one // if ( (time-myfromtime)>28500 && myfromtime > 0 ){ // myquery.str(""); myquery << "select ID_ROOT_L0, FROM_TIME, TO_TIME, EV_ROOT from GL_CALO_CALIB where SECTION=" << section; myquery << " and VALIDATION=1 ORDER BY ABS(" << time << "-FROM_TIME) asc limit 1;"; if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // printf(" mysquery is %s\n",myquery.str().c_str()); // // if no results yet quit with error // if( !pResult->GetRowCount() ) return (-54); // Row = pResult->Next(); // }; // // store infos and exit // if( Row == NULL ) return (-54); for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ if (t==0) ID_ROOT_L0 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==1) FROM_TIME = myfromtime; if (t==2) TO_TIME = mytotime; if (t==3) EV_ROOT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); }; pResult->Delete(); return 0; }; // **************************************************** /** * Function to query the GL_CALOPULSE_CALIB table of the DB. * * \param run starting time * \return struct of type GL_CALOPULSE_CALIB_data, which stores the query result */ Int_t GL_CALOPULSE_CALIB::Query_GL_CALOPULSE_CALIB(UInt_t time, UInt_t section, UInt_t pampli, TSQLServer *dbc){ // MySQL variables TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; int t; stringstream myquery; // // select the correct calibration i.e. the closest to our time // myquery.str(""); myquery << "select ID_ROOT_L0, FROM_TIME, TO_TIME, EV_ROOT from GL_CALOPULSE_CALIB where SECTION=" << section; myquery << " and PULSE_AMPLITUDE=" << pampli; myquery << " and VALIDATION=1 and (PULSED_STRIP IS NULL OR PULSED_STRIP<100) ORDER BY ABS(" << time << "-FROM_TIME) asc limit 1;"; // printf(" myq is %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // if( !pResult ) return(-54); // Row = pResult->Next(); // if( !Row ) return (-54); // // store infos and exit // for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ // printf(" field %i is %s \n",t,Row->GetField(t)); if (t==0) ID_ROOT_L0 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==1) FROM_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==2) TO_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==3) EV_ROOT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); }; pResult->Delete(); return 0; }; // **************************************************** /** * Function to query the GL_S4_CALIB table of the DB. * * \param run starting time * \return struct of type GL_S4_CALIB_data, which stores the query result */ Int_t GL_S4_CALIB::Query_GL_S4_CALIB(UInt_t time, TSQLServer *dbc){ // MySQL variables TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; int t; int r; stringstream myquery; // ---------------- myquery.str(""); myquery << "select ID,ID_ROOT_L0,EV_ROOT,FROM_TIME,TO_TIME from GL_S4_CALIB where FROM_TIME <= "<< time; myquery << " ORDER BY FROM_TIME DESC LIMIT 1;"; // myquery << " ORDER BY FROM_TIME DESC LIMIT 1;"; if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); if(!pResult->GetRowCount())return (-55);//throw -55; for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row == NULL ) break; for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ if (t==0) ID = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==1) ID_ROOT_L0 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==2) EV_ROOT = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==3) FROM_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==4) TO_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); }; }; delete pResult; // if(TO_TIME < time)return(51); // return 0; }; // **************************************************** /** * Function to query the GL_PARAM table of the DB. * * \param run starting time * \param parameter description (DESCR) * \return struct of type GL_ROOT_data, which stores the query result */ Int_t GL_PARAM::Query_GL_PARAM(UInt_t time, UInt_t type, TSQLServer *dbc){ // Bool_t debug = 1; // MySQL variables TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; int t; int r; stringstream myquery; // ---------------- myquery.str(""); myquery << " select "; myquery << " ID, PATH, NAME, DESCR, FROM_TIME,TO_TIME, TYPE "; myquery << " from GL_PARAM "; myquery << " where TYPE = '"<GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); if(!pResult->GetRowCount())return (-52); for( r=0; r < 1000; r++){ Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row == NULL ) break; for( t = 0; t < pResult->GetFieldCount(); t++){ if (t==0) ID = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==1) PATH = (TString)gSystem->ExpandPathName(Row->GetField(t))+'/';// put in fpath the path to that file if (t==2) NAME = Row->GetField(t); if (t==3) DESCR = Row->GetField(t); if (t==4) FROM_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==5) TO_TIME = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); if (t==6) TYPE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(t)); }; }; delete pResult; // if(TO_TIME==0) TO_TIME = numeric_limits::max(); // if(TO_TIME < time) return(51); // return 0; }; /** * Fills a struct cGLRun with values from a GLRun object (to put data into a F77 common). */ void GL_RUN::GetLevel2Struct(cGLRun *l2) const{ l2->id = ID; l2->id_reg_run = ID_ROOT_L0; l2->id_reg_run_l2 = ID_ROOT_L2; l2->runheader_time = RUNHEADER_TIME; l2->runtrailer_time = RUNTRAILER_TIME; l2->ev_from = EV_FROM; l2->trk_calib_used = TRK_CALIB_USED; l2->eff_wrk_schedule = EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE; l2->prh_var_trg_mode_a = PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A; l2->prh_var_trg_mode_b = PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B; l2->acq_build_info = ACQ_BUILD_INFO; l2->acq_var_info = ACQ_VAR_INFO; }; GL_TIMESYNC::GL_TIMESYNC(UInt_t id, TString type, TSQLServer *dbc){ // MySQL variables TFile *file = 0; UInt_t idtsy = 0; // TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row = 0; stringstream myquery; stringstream rname; // pcksList packetsNames; // pcksList::iterator Iter; // getPacketsNames(packetsNames); rname.str(""); // ---------------- myquery.str(""); myquery << "select "; myquery << "PATH"; myquery << ",NAME,ID_TIMESYNC"; myquery << " from GL_ROOT where "; myquery << type.Data(); myquery << "=" << id << ";"; // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); if( pResult->GetRowCount() ){ Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row ){ stringstream fname; fname.str(""); fname << gSystem->ExpandPathName(Row->GetField(0)) << "/" << Row->GetField(1); rname << Row->GetField(1); file = new TFile(fname.str().c_str(),"READ"); idtsy = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(2)); }; }; // if ( file && file->IsOpen() ){ TTree *T=(TTree*)file->Get("Physics"); pamela::EventHeader *eh = 0; pamela::PscuHeader *ph = 0; T->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); // T->GetEntry(0); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); pktfirst = ph->GetCounter(); // obtfirst = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); // }; // // look for Resurs offset // T0 = 0; // stringstream oss; // TString name=rname.str().c_str(); UInt_t dworbit = 0; // Int_t nlength = name.Length(); delete pResult; // // New code, we have one more column on GL_TIMESYNC so we can trust that one for the Resurs offset // oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT OBT0,TIMESYNC,TYPE,ID_RESURS_OFFSET from GL_TIMESYNC where ID=" << idtsy <<";"; if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(oss.str().c_str()); Bool_t fndit = false; if ( pResult ){ Row = pResult->Next(); if ( Row ){ // OBT0 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)); obtfirst = OBT0; TIMESYNC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)); TYPE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(2)); // oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT YEAR(OFFSET_DATE),MONTH(OFFSET_DATE),DAY(OFFSET_DATE),HOUR(OFFSET_DATE),MINUTE(OFFSET_DATE),SECOND(OFFSET_DATE) FROM GL_RESURS_OFFSET WHERE ID=" << Row->GetField(3) << ";"; if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); delete pResult; pResult = dbc->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( pResult ){ Row = pResult->Next(); if ( Row ){ // printf(" GREAT! the DB structure is the new one! \n"); fndit = true; dworbit = 1; }; }; }; }; if ( !fndit ){ // printf(" ERROR OLD DB! \n"); printf(" ERROR FROM GLTables! cannot determine Resurs offset \n"); // }; // TTimeStamp tu = TTimeStamp((UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(0)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(1)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(2)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(3)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(4)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(5)),0,true,0); T0 = (UInt_t)tu.GetSec(); // toffset = (UInt_t)TIMESYNC - (UInt_t)(this->DBobt(OBT0)/1000) + T0; // // printf(" T0 %u toffset is %u \n",T0,toffset); // if ( file ) file->Close(); delete pResult; }; GL_TIMESYNC::GL_TIMESYNC(UInt_t id, TString type, TSQLServer *dbc, Bool_t usel0file){ // MySQL variables TFile *file = 0; UInt_t idtsy = 0; // TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row = 0; stringstream myquery; stringstream rname; // pcksList packetsNames; // pcksList::iterator Iter; // getPacketsNames(packetsNames); rname.str(""); // ---------------- myquery.str(""); myquery << "select "; myquery << "PATH"; myquery << ",NAME,ID_TIMESYNC"; myquery << " from GL_ROOT where "; myquery << type.Data(); myquery << "=" << id << ";"; // if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); if( pResult->GetRowCount() ){ Row = pResult->Next(); if( Row ){ stringstream fname; fname.str(""); fname << gSystem->ExpandPathName(Row->GetField(0)) << "/" << Row->GetField(1); rname << Row->GetField(1); if ( usel0file ) file = new TFile(fname.str().c_str(),"READ"); idtsy = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(2)); }; }; // if ( usel0file && file && file->IsOpen() ){ TTree *T=(TTree*)file->Get("Physics"); pamela::EventHeader *eh = 0; pamela::PscuHeader *ph = 0; T->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); // T->GetEntry(0); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); pktfirst = ph->GetCounter(); // obtfirst = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); // }; if ( !usel0file ) pktfirst = 0; // // look for Resurs offset // T0 = 0; // stringstream oss; // TString name=rname.str().c_str(); UInt_t dworbit = 0; // Int_t nlength = name.Length(); delete pResult; // // New code, we have one more column on GL_TIMESYNC so we can trust that one for the Resurs offset // oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT OBT0,TIMESYNC,TYPE,ID_RESURS_OFFSET from GL_TIMESYNC where ID=" << idtsy <<";"; if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); pResult = dbc->Query(oss.str().c_str()); Bool_t fndit = false; if ( pResult ){ Row = pResult->Next(); if ( Row ){ // OBT0 = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)); obtfirst = OBT0; TIMESYNC = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)); TYPE = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(2)); // oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT YEAR(OFFSET_DATE),MONTH(OFFSET_DATE),DAY(OFFSET_DATE),HOUR(OFFSET_DATE),MINUTE(OFFSET_DATE),SECOND(OFFSET_DATE) FROM GL_RESURS_OFFSET WHERE ID=" << Row->GetField(3) << ";"; if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return; this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); delete pResult; pResult = dbc->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( pResult ){ Row = pResult->Next(); if ( Row ){ // printf(" GREAT! the DB structure is the new one! \n"); fndit = true; dworbit = 1; }; }; }; }; if ( !fndit ){ // printf(" ERROR OLD DB! \n"); printf(" ERROR FROM GLTables! cannot determine Resurs offset \n"); // }; // TTimeStamp tu = TTimeStamp((UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(0)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(1)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(2)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(3)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(4)),(UInt_t)atoi(Row->GetField(5)),0,true,0); T0 = (UInt_t)tu.GetSec(); // toffset = (UInt_t)TIMESYNC - (UInt_t)(this->DBobt(OBT0)/1000) + T0; // // printf(" T0 %u toffset is %u \n",T0,toffset); // if ( file ) file->Close(); delete pResult; }; /** * * Returns the DB absolute time needed to associate calibrations to data * */ UInt_t GL_TIMESYNC::DBabsTime(UInt_t OBT){ // // printf(" OBT %u DBobt %llu toffset %u dbabstime %u\n",OBT,this->DBobt(OBT),toffset,((UInt_t)(this->DBobt(OBT)/1000)+toffset)); return(((UInt_t)(this->DBobt(OBT)/1000)+toffset)); // }; /** * * Returns the Resurs time given the OBT needed to process inclination and orbital infos * */ UInt_t GL_TIMESYNC::ResursTime(UInt_t OBT){ // return(((UInt_t)((Int_t)(this->DBobt(OBT)-this->DBobt(OBT0)/1000))+TIMESYNC)); // }; /** * Return the correct packet number if we went back to zero */ Long64_t GL_TIMESYNC::DBpkt(UInt_t pkt_num){ // if ( pkt_num < (pktfirst/2) && pktfirst > (16777214/2) ){ return((Long64_t)pkt_num+16777215LL); }; // if ( pkt_num > pktfirst*2 && pkt_num > (16777214/2) ){ return((Long64_t)pkt_num-16777215LL); }; // return((Long64_t)pkt_num); // }; /** * Return the correct On Board Time if we went back to zero */ Long64_t GL_TIMESYNC::DBobt(UInt_t obt){ // if ( obt < ((Long64_t)obtfirst/2) && obtfirst > (numeric_limits::max()/2) ){ return((Long64_t)obt+(Long64_t)numeric_limits::max()); }; // if ( obt > ((Long64_t)obtfirst*2) && obt > (numeric_limits::max()/2) ){ return((Long64_t)obt-(Long64_t)numeric_limits::max()); }; // return((Long64_t)obt); }; // ULong64_t GL_TIMESYNC::DBobt(UInt_t obt){ // // // if ( obt < (obtfirst/2) && obtfirst > (numeric_limits::max()/2) ) return((ULong64_t)(obt+numeric_limits::max())); // // // if ( obt > (obtfirst*2) && obt > (numeric_limits::max()/2) ){ // if ( (obt-numeric_limits::max()) < 0 ){ // return((ULong64_t)(numeric_limits::max()-obt)); // } else { // return((ULong64_t)(obt-numeric_limits::max())); // }; // }; // // // return((ULong64_t)obt); // // // }; // UInt_t GL_TIMESYNC::DBpkt(UInt_t pkt_num){ // // // if ( pkt_num < (pktfirst/2) && pktfirst > (16777214/2) ) return((pkt_num+16777215)); // // // if ( pkt_num > pktfirst*2 && pkt_num > (16777214/2) ){ // if ( (pkt_num-16777215) < 0 ){ // return((16777215-pkt_num)); // } else { // return((pkt_num-16777215)); // }; // }; // // // return(pkt_num); // // // }; /* * * Convert the time in the DB from UInt_t to a string * * @param dbt time in the DB * @param tzone Time Zone, can be UTC,GMT,CET,CEST,MSD default is MSK * */ TString GL_TIMESYNC::ConvertTime(TString &tzone, UInt_t dbt){ // Int_t offset = 0; TString rtime; Bool_t found = false; // if ( !strcmp(tzone.Data(),"MSK") || !strcmp(tzone.Data(),"MWT") ){ // offset = 60*60*3; // UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) + 3hs = Moscow Winter Time found = true; // }; // if ( !strcmp(tzone.Data(),"CET") ){ // offset = 60*60*1; // CET (Central European Time) = UTC + 1 hs found = true; // }; // if ( !strcmp(tzone.Data(),"CEST") ){ // offset = 60*60*2; // CEST (Central European Summer Time) = UTC + 2 h found = true; // }; // if ( !strcmp(tzone.Data(),"MSD") || !strcmp(tzone.Data(),"MST")){ // offset = 60*60*4; // MSD (Moscow Summer Time) = UTC + 4 h found = true; // }; // if ( !found && strcmp(tzone.Data(),"UTC") && strcmp(tzone.Data(),"GMT") && strcmp(tzone.Data(),"") ){ printf("\n Unknown time zone %s using UTC \n",tzone.Data()); tzone = "UTC"; }; // dbt += offset; // TTimeStamp *time = new TTimeStamp((time_t)dbt,0); // rtime = time->AsString("s"); // delete time; // return(rtime); } /* * * Convert the time from TZONE to UTC * * @param dbt time in the DB * @param tzone Time Zone, can be UTC,GMT,CET,CEST,MSD default is MSK * */ TString GL_TIMESYNC::UnConvertTime(TString &tzone, UInt_t dbt){ // Int_t offset = 0; TString rtime; // Bool_t found = false; // if ( !strcmp(tzone.Data(),"MSK") || !strcmp(tzone.Data(),"MWT") ){ // offset = -60*60*3; // UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) = Moscow Winter Time - 3hs found = true; // }; // if ( !strcmp(tzone.Data(),"CET") ){ // offset = -60*60*1; // CET (Central European Time) - 1 hs = UTC found = true; // }; // if ( !strcmp(tzone.Data(),"CEST") ){ // offset = -60*60*2; // CEST (Central European Summer Time) - 2 h = UTC found = true; // }; // if ( !strcmp(tzone.Data(),"MSD") || !strcmp(tzone.Data(),"MST") ){ // offset = -60*60*4; // MSD (Moscow Summer Time) - 4 h = UTC found = true; // }; // if ( !found && strcmp(tzone.Data(),"UTC") && strcmp(tzone.Data(),"GMT") && strcmp(tzone.Data(),"") ){ // offset = 0; printf("\n Unknown time zone %s using UTC \n",tzone.Data()); tzone = "UTC"; }; // dbt += offset; TTimeStamp *time = new TTimeStamp((time_t)dbt,0); // rtime = time->AsString("s"); // return(rtime); } // // Build a query and call DoQuery. // // date it's an SQL datetime date and dbc is the connection to be // used. It will query for the tle with the nearest but previous date // and the immediatly next one. // Int_t GL_TLE::Query(TString date, TSQLServer *dbc){ stringstream myquery; myquery.str(""); myquery << "(SELECT ID, TLE1, TLE2, TLE3, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_TIME) FROM GL_TLE " << "WHERE FROM_TIME <= '" << date.Data() << "' ORDER BY FROM_TIME DESC LIMIT 1) " << "UNION " << "(SELECT ID, TLE1, TLE2, TLE3, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_TIME) FROM GL_TLE " << "WHERE FROM_TIME > '" << date.Data() << "' ORDER BY FROM_TIME ASC LIMIT 1)"; return DoQuery(myquery.str().c_str(), dbc); } // // Build a query and call DoQuery. // // time is the UTC date in unix time (UTC) and dbc is the connection // to be used. It will query for the tle with the nearest but // previous date and the immediatly next one. // // Returns the value returned by DoQuery(). // Int_t GL_TLE::Query(UInt_t time, TSQLServer *dbc){ stringstream myquery; myquery.str(""); myquery << "(SELECT ID, TLE1, TLE2, TLE3, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_TIME) FROM GL_TLE " << "WHERE FROM_TIME <= FROM_UNIXTIME('" << time << "') ORDER BY FROM_TIME DESC LIMIT 1) " << "UNION " << "(SELECT ID, TLE1, TLE2, TLE3, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_TIME) FROM GL_TLE " << "WHERE FROM_TIME > FROM_UNIXTIME('" << time << "') ORDER BY FROM_TIME ASC LIMIT 1)"; return DoQuery(myquery.str().c_str(), dbc); } // // Do the query myquery on the connectio dbc. Initialize tle, // tleFromTime and tleToTime. // // We should have two rows (unless the table is old). From the last // one we only take tleToTime. // // Returns 0 for success, 1 for failure. // Int_t GL_TLE::DoQuery(TString myquery, TSQLServer *dbc){ TSQLResult *result; TSQLRow *row; // Set the right time_zone (otherwise horrible things will occur! :) if ( !this->GetGLTABLES()->IsConnected(dbc) ) return -57; dbc->Query("SET time_zone = '+0:00'"); // Do the query this->GetGLTABLES()->AddQ(); result = dbc->Query(myquery.Data()); if(! result->GetRowCount() ) { cerr << "GL_TLE: query failed: " << myquery.Data() << endl; return 1; } // Get results row = result->Next(); // first tle row tle = GiveTle(row); tleFromTime = strtol(row->GetField(4), NULL, 10); row = result->Next(); // second tle row if(row) tleToTime = strtol(row->GetField(4), NULL, 10); else { cerr << "GL_TLE: Warning: using last avaible TLE. Please update GL_TLE table!\n"; tleToTime = UINT_MAX; } delete row; delete result; return 0; } // // Build a cTle object from the GL_TLE row. // cTle* GL_TLE::GiveTle(TSQLRow *row) { cTle *thistle = NULL; string tle1, tle2, tle3; // Build cTle object tle1 = row->GetField(1); tle2 = row->GetField(2); tle3 = row->GetField(3); thistle = new cTle(tle1, tle2, tle3); return thistle; }