/[PAMELA software]/chewbacca/YodaProfiler/docs/GP_PARAM.sql
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Annotation of /chewbacca/YodaProfiler/docs/GP_PARAM.sql

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Revision 1.5 - (hide annotations) (download)
Mon Sep 28 16:44:51 2009 UTC (15 years, 2 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.4: +3 -0 lines
In conjunction with DV changes, do not use plane 18X in calorimeter simulations

1 mocchiut 1.1 USE dbname;
3     SET time_zone='+0:00';
5 pam-fi 1.2 DELETE FROM GL_PARAM where TYPE=4;
6     insert into GL_PARAM values(0,"$PAM_CALIB/trk-param/","eta_param_GP-1/",0,0,4,"trk pfa",NULL);
7 mocchiut 1.1
8 pam-fi 1.2 DELETE FROM GL_PARAM where TYPE=5;
9     insert into GL_PARAM values(0,"$PAM_CALIB/trk-param/","align_param_GP-1/",0,0,5,"trk alignment",NULL);
12 mocchiut 1.1 insert into GL_PARAM values(0,"$PAM_CALIB/trk-param/","mask_param-1/",0,0,6,"trk mask",NULL);
13 pam-fi 1.2
14 pam-fi 1.3 DELETE FROM GL_PARAM where TYPE=50;
15     insert into GL_PARAM values(0,"$PAM_CALIB/trk-param/","calib_GP/",0,0,50,"GP trk calibration",NULL);
16 pam-fi 1.2
17 mocchiut 1.1
18     DELETE FROM GL_PARAM where TYPE=201;
19     insert into GL_PARAM values(0,"$PAM_CALIB/tof-param/","tofcalib_gp.rz",0,0,201,"GPAMELA default calibration",NULL);
21 mocchiut 1.5 DELETE FROM GL_PARAM where TYPE=103;
22     insert into GL_PARAM values(0,"$PAM_CALIB/cal-param/","FCaloBadMask.dat",0,0,103,"Calorimeter bad strip offline mask",NULL);
24 mocchiut 1.4 INSERT INTO `GL_TLE` VALUES (1,'RESURS DK-1','1 29228U 06021A 06166.45315890 -.00001271 40192-5 00000+0 0 12','2 29228 069.9476 065.6885 0106036 060.6946 300.4810 16.02948390 10','2006-06-15 10:52:32','2009-03-04 15:33:20'),(2,'RESURS DK-1','1 29228U 06021A 06166.51560127 .00781144 00000-0 59452-3 0 59','2 29228 069.9490 065.4847 0109492 060.1077 301.1744 16.02913389 26','2006-06-15 12:22:27','2009-03-04 15:33:20'),(3,'RESURS DK-1','1 29228U 06021A 06166.76519729 .00718188 00000-0 53626-3 0 64','2 29228 069.9490 064.7488 0108911 059.6958 301.5722 16.03251707 69','2006-06-15 18:21:53','2009-03-04 15:33:20'),(4,'RESURS DK-1','1 29228U 06021A 06166.84985791 .00653589 40353-5 46770-3 0 20','2 29228 069.9609 064.5016 0111459 060.4385 069.3509 16.03348515 78','2006-06-15 20:23:47','2009-03-04 15:33:20'),(5,'RESURS DK-1','1 29228U 06021A 06167.10288289 .00921992 40517-5 64986-3 0 36','2 29228 069.9578 063.7534 0109459 060.2049 089.8944 16.03885106 118','2006-06-16 02:28:09','2009-03-04 15:33:20');

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