/** @file * $Source: /afs/ba.infn.it/user/pamela/src/CVS/chewbacca/PamOffLineSW/techmodel/TmtcReader.cpp,v $ * $Id: TmtcReader.cpp,v 2008/09/23 07:20:28 mocchiut Exp $ * $Author: mocchiut $ * * Implementation of the TmtcReader class. * ToBeDone: * Control the CRC for the entire data Packet not just for single records */ extern "C" { #include "CRC.h" } #include "ReaderAlgorithms.h" using namespace pamela::techmodel; /** * Constructor. */ TmtcReader::TmtcReader(void): TechmodelAlgorithm(PacketType::Tmtc, "TechmodelTmtcReader") { Tmtc = new TmtcEvent(); } /** * Get a string with the version info of the algorithm. */ std::string TmtcReader::GetVersionInfo(void) const { return "$Header: /afs/ba.infn.it/user/pamela/src/CVS/chewbacca/PamOffLineSW/techmodel/TmtcReader.cpp,v 2008/09/23 07:20:28 mocchiut Exp $\n"; } /** * Initialize the algorithm with a special run. This will initialize the * event reader routines for all packet types. */ void TmtcReader::Init(PamelaRun *run) { run->WriteSubPacket(this, &Tmtc, Tmtc->Class()); } /** * Unpack the Tmtc event */ void TmtcReader::PKT_RunEvent(char* mysubData, long int length) throw (WrongCRCException_PKTUsed){ stringstream oss; string msg; int k; /* The ' k ' indexs the number of recs. * It is needed to be indipendent from ' i ' because in case of CRC error the single record is skipped and ' i ' increase by one, but correct records to be stored are still ' i '. */ k = 0; char subData[TMTC_SUB_LENGTH]={0}; char CRCbuff[TMTC_SUBCRC_LENGTH]={0}; // char eventCRC[TMTC_CRC_LENGTH]={0}; int numRecords = (length-TMTC_CRC_LENGTH)/(TMTC_SUB_LENGTH + TMTC_SUBCRC_LENGTH); //subtract the last two bytes because are the final CRC long int start=0; TmtcRecord* rec; Tmtc->Records->Clear(); TClonesArray &recs = *(Tmtc->Records); UINT16 partialCRC = 0; //partial CRC updated as mcmd packet is read (to compare with the last two bytes of this event) UINT16 readCRC = 0; //partial CRC updated as mcmd packet is read (to compare with the last two bytes of this event) for(int i=0; i < numRecords; i++) { start=(TMTC_SUB_LENGTH+TMTC_SUBCRC_LENGTH)*i; for(int m=0; mTM_RECORD_OBT = (((UINT32)subData[0]<<24)&0xFF000000) + (((UINT32)subData[1]<<16)&0x00FF0000) + (((UINT32)subData[2]<<8)&0x0000FF00) + (((UINT32)subData[3])&0x000000FF); rec->TM_DIAG_AND_BILEVEL_ACQ = (((UINT16)subData[4]<<8)&0x0000FF00) + (((UINT16)subData[5])&0x000000FF); for(int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { rec->TM_TH_ANA[j] = ((((UINT16)subData[6 + 2*j]<<8)&0xFF00) + (((UINT16)subData[7 + 2*j])&0x00FF)); //20 is the size of TM_DEA_ANA(16) + OBT(4) } for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { rec->TM_DEA_ANA[j] = subData[38+j]; } } else { oss.str(""); oss << "TMTC: Wrong CRC on Subpacket "<< i <<" int TMTC Packet starting at position " << start; msg=oss.str(); PamOffLineSW::mainLogUtil->logAll(msg); } } // readCRC = (((UINT16)(eventCRC[0]<<8))&0xFF00) + (((UINT16)eventCRC[1])&0x00FF); readCRC = (((UINT16)(mysubData[length - 2]<<8))&0xFF00) + (((UINT16)mysubData[length - 1])&0x00FF); // readCRC = (((UINT16)(mysubData[length - 1]<<8))&0xFF00) + (((UINT16)mysubData[length])&0x00FF); // if(partialCRC != readCRC) throw WrongCRCException(" Wrong Global CRC for TMTC Packet "); if (partialCRC != readCRC) { oss.str(""); oss<<"Wrong CRC for TMTC Packet: "<<" CRC COMPUTED= "<< partialCRC<<" CRC READ= "<< readCRC; msg=oss.str(); PamOffLineSW::mainLogUtil->logWarning(msg); throw WrongCRCException_PKTUsed(" Wrong CRC for TMTC Packet. "); } }