/[PAMELA software]/chewbacca/PamOffLineSW/forroutines/tracker/readraw/findstart.c
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Contents of /chewbacca/PamOffLineSW/forroutines/tracker/readraw/findstart.c

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Tue Sep 23 07:20:16 2008 UTC (16 years, 5 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: v0r00, MAIN
CVS Tags: v1r02, v1r00, v1r01, start, v10RED, v9r00, v9r01, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Imported sources, 23/09/2008

1 /************************************************************
2 * 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele to read buffer-data
3 * instead raw-data-file
4 **************************************************************
6 * include needed system headers
7 */
8 #include <stdio.h> /* include standard i/o library */
9 #include <stdlib.h> /* include standard library */
10 #include <string.h> /* include string library */
11 #include <unistd.h> /* include unix standard library */
12 #include <sys/types.h> /* */
13 #include <sys/stat.h> /* */
14 #include <fcntl.h> /* */
15 #include <errno.h> /* error simbol definitions */
16 #include <time.h> /* system time definitions */
17 #include <math.h> /* math library */
19 /* looks for a DSP header beginning (a word beginning with 1110) */
21 /************************************************************
22 * 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele
23 * void findstart_(int *error, int *fd)*/
24 void getbytes_(int *nbytes, char *buffer, int *p, unsigned int *value);
26 void findstart_(int *error,char *buffer, int *len, int *curpos)
27 {
28 char *buff=buffer;
29 int nbytes2=2;
30 /* int nread */
31 /* unsigned short word; */
32 /* unsigned short temp; */
33 unsigned int word;
34 /***********************************************************/
36 *error=0;
37 do {
38 /************************************************************/
39 /* 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele */
40 /* nread=read(*fd, &word, 2); //reads 16 bits */
41 /* if(nread == 0) { */
42 /* // printf("findstart: Unexpected end of file %d at %d \n",*fd,nread); */
43 /* *error=1; */
44 /* return ; */
45 /* } */
46 /* if(nread != 2) { */
47 /* // printf("findstart: Error on reading: bytes read -> nread = %d \n",nread); */
48 /* *error=-1; */
49 /* return ; */
50 /* } */
52 /* /\*** corrects byte ***\/ //endianess... */
53 /* temp = word; */
54 /* word = ( (temp&0x00ff) << 8 ) | ( (temp&0xff00) >> 8 ); */
55 /* // printf("word %x , temp: %x: \n", word, temp);//??? */
57 /* /\*** goes back 8 bits ***\/ */
58 /* lseek(*fd, -1, SEEK_CUR); //SEEK_CUR ---> from current position */
60 /* // unsigned short num=lseek(*fd, -1, SEEK_CUR); //SEEK_CUR ---> from current position */
61 /* // printf("%i \n",num); */
63 getbytes_(&nbytes2,buff,curpos,&word);
65 *curpos=*curpos-1;
66 if(*curpos-1 > *len) {
67 // printf("findstart: Unexpected end of file \n");
68 *error=1;
69 return ;
70 }
71 /***********************************************************/
73 } while ((word&0xf000) != 0xe000);
75 /************************************************************/
76 /* 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele */
77 /* /\*** goes back 8 bits ***\/ */
78 /* lseek(*fd, -1, SEEK_CUR); */
79 *curpos=*curpos-1;
81 /************************************************************/
82 return;
83 }

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