/[PAMELA software]/chewbacca/PamOffLineSW/forroutines/tof/tofunpack.for
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Contents of /chewbacca/PamOffLineSW/forroutines/tof/tofunpack.for

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Mar 27 08:34:02 2012 UTC (12 years, 11 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v10RED, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +11 -1 lines
YodaProfiler v10r00, new retrieve_TLE.sh script

1 C--------------------------------------------------------------------
4 C modified D.Campana, May. 06
5 C D.Campana, Dec. 04
6 C--------------------------------------------------------------------
10 C
11 C Normal variables definition
12 C
13 integer lung
14 integer*1 vecta(lung)
15 integer*1 vectof(lung,16)
16 integer*2 ibuf
17 integer me
18 integer check, crctof
19 integer ic0,sup,inf
20 integer i, ic, bit, bi,j ,iadd, iword,iw,idw,iup,ind
21 integer start,ntdc,tdcfirst,tdccodeq,tdccodet
22 integer tdcnum(12), boardnum(12)
23 integer tdcadd(8),coldadd(8)
24 integer tdcid(12),evcount(12)
25 integer tdcmask(12),adc(4,12),tdc(4,12)
26 integer rawadc(4,12),rawtdc(4,12),grayadc(4,12),graytdc(4,12)
27 integer temp1(12),temp2(12)
28 logical flag2
29 integer ii,ik,adc_ch2,tdc_ch1,icorr
30 integer dsphot,dspcold,code
31 C
32 c data start,ntdc /150,12/ ! to read data before Christmas 2004
33 data start,ntdc /153,12/ ! to read data after Christmas 2004
34 data tdcadd /1,0,3,2,5,4,7,6/
35 data coldadd /6,7,4,5,2,3,0,1/
37 COMMON / tofvar /tdcid,evcount,tdcmask,adc,tdc,temp1,temp2
38 save / tofvar /
40 C
41 c----+---1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8
42 C Begin !
43 C 'start' is a pointer to the ToF data
44 c----+---1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8
46 C
47 ic = start
48 C
49 c print *,'++++++++++ Tof Unpack entro ++++++++++++++++'
51 dspcold = 0
52 dsphot = 0
54 do j = 1,ntdc
55 flag2=.true.
56 ic0 = ic ! first index for the CRC computation
57 tdcid(j) = 0
58 evcount(j) = 0
59 tdcnum(j) = 0 ! the 4 MSBs in TDCid
60 boardnum(j) = 0 ! the 4 LSBs in TDCid
61 do bit = 0, 7
62 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
63 if (bi.eq.1)then
64 tdcid(j) = ibset(tdcid(j),bit)
65 if (bit.le.3)then
66 boardnum(j) = ibset(boardnum(j),bit)
67 else
68 tdcnum(j) = ibset(tdcnum(j),bit-4)
69 endif
70 endif
71 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
72 if (bi.eq.1) evcount(j) = ibset(evcount(j),bit)
73 enddo
74 c
75 ic=ic+2
77 if ((ic+1).gt.lung) then
78 c print *,' 1 ME'
79 me=1
80 return
81 endif
83 c print *,'++++++++++ Tof Unpack 2 ++++++++++++++++'
84 tdcmask(j) = 0
85 do bit = 0, 7
86 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
87 if (bi.eq.1) tdcmask(j) = ibset(tdcmask(j),bit+8)
88 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
89 if (bi.eq.1) tdcmask(j) = ibset(tdcmask(j),bit)
90 enddo
91 c
92 ic=ic+2
93 if (ic.gt.lung) then
94 c print *,' 2 ME'
95 me=1
96 return
97 endif
98 c
99 c print *,'++++++++++ Tof Unpack 3 ++++++++++++++++'
100 c
101 c if the first word RAWADC are equal to 0
102 c the data storage is shifted by a word --> ic = ic+1
103 c and TEMP2 is overwritten by the CRC --> flag2=.false.
104 c
105 tdcfirst = 0
106 do bit = 0,7
107 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
108 if (bi.eq.1) tdcfirst = ibset(tdcfirst,bit)
109 enddo
110 if (tdcfirst.eq.0) then
111 ic=ic+1
112 flag2=.false.
113 endif
114 if (ic.gt.lung) then
115 c print *,' 3 ME'
116 me=1
117 return
118 endif
119 c
120 c ----- se stiamo acquisendo con il DSP cold, bisogna tener conto
121 c ----- che c'e' un' inversione nel cavo che va alla scheda 5
122 c ----- quindi per TDCnum =1,2 e Boardnum=4 (va da 0 a 5)
123 c ----- le parole che seguono sono invertite bit a bit
124 c ----- cioe' si fa il complemento a 2**8-1 =255
125 c
126 if (dspcold.eq.0 .and. dsphot.eq.0) then
127 if (boardnum(j).eq.4)then
128 if((tdcnum(j).eq.1).or.(tdcnum(j).eq.2))then
129 code = 0
130 do bit = 5,7
131 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
132 if (bi.eq.1) code = ibset(code,bit-5)
133 enddo
134 if (code.eq.coldadd(1)) dspcold = 1
135 if (code.eq.tdcadd(1)) dsphot = 1
136 endif
137 endif
138 endif
139 c
140 c print *,'++++++++++ Tof Unpack 4 ++++++++++++++++'
141 c
143 do i=1,16
144 do iword=0,17
145 vectof(ic+iword,i)=0
146 enddo
147 enddo
148 c
149 do iword=0,17 ! le parole successive sono copiate in vectof
151 if ((ic+iword).gt.lung) then
152 c print *,' 4 ME'
153 me=1
154 return
155 endif
157 vectof(ic+iword,1)=vecta(ic+iword)
158 enddo
159 c
160 if (dspcold.eq.1) then
161 if (boardnum(j).eq.4)then
162 if((tdcnum(j).eq.1).or.(tdcnum(j).eq.2))then
163 do iword=0,17
164 if ((ic+iword).gt.lung) then
165 c print *,' 5 ME'
166 me=1
167 return
168 endif
169 vectof(ic+iword,1)= 255 - vecta(ic+iword)
170 enddo
171 endif
172 endif
173 endif
175 c print *,'++++++++++ Tof Unpack 5 ++++++++++++++++'
177 c
178 c -----fine cura inversione cavo FE to DSP cold
179 c
180 c
181 ind=1 ! all'inizio parto da vecta(ic)==vectof(ic,1)
182 tdc_ch1=0
183 adc_ch2=0
184 icorr=0
185 c
187 do i=1,4 ! loop on TDC 4 channels
188 c print *,'====================='
189 c print *,'TDC =',J,' CANALE =',I
191 C
192 C -------------- inizio correzione per le coppie di zeri ------------
193 C
194 c if first 3 bits of the word RAWADC(TDC) are not equal to
195 c tdcadd(iadd)
196 c the data storage has to be shifted by 2 bit (are spurious zeroes
197 c introduced by the F.E.board)
198 c
199 c
200 c Check only on the MSB (bit 13,14 e 15 of 2(+2) word RAWADC(TDC):
201 c vecta(ic) and vecta(ic+2))
202 c
203 iadd = 2*(i-1)+1 ! = 1,3,5,7
204 ii=i
205 C
206 C ----------------- Controllo sulla parola ADC
207 C
208 11 continue
209 if (ind.lt.15)then
210 tdccodeq = 0
211 c print *,'++++++++++ Tof Unpack 6 (11 continue) ++++++++++++'
212 C
213 do bit = 5,7
214 bi = ibits(vectof(ic,ind),bit,1)
215 if (bi.eq.1) tdccodeq = ibset(tdccodeq,bit-5)
216 enddo
217 C
218 if (tdccodeq.ne.tdcadd(iadd)) then
219 c
220 c------------- controllo che la colpa dei 2 zeri non sia di TDC(ch1)
221 c
222 if ((iadd.eq.3).and.(tdc_ch1.eq.0))then
223 if (tdccodeq.ne.0) then
224 c print *,'2 zeri in ADC, ma la colpa forse e` del TDC'
225 ic=ic-4
226 iadd=1
227 ii=1
228 adc_ch2=99
229 goto 12
230 endif
231 endif
232 c--------------- fine controllo
233 c
234 c PRINT *, '---------shift di 2 zeri sui dati ADC ! '
235 c print *,'numero di tdc = ',j,', ind = ',ind
236 c print *,'vectof(ic,ind),tdccodeq,tdcadd(iadd),iadd'
237 c print *,vectof(ic,ind),tdccodeq,tdcadd(iadd),iadd
238 c
239 iup = 17-4*(ii-1)
240 idw = 0
241 do iw=idw,iup
242 do bit = 0, 7
243 if(bit.le.5)then
244 bi = ibits(vectof(ic+iw,ind),bit,1)
245 if (bi.eq.1) vectof(ic+iw,ind+1) =
246 + ibset(vectof(ic+iw,ind+1),bit+2)
247 else
248 bi = ibits(vectof(ic+1+iw,ind),bit,1)
249 if (bi.eq.1) vectof(ic+iw,ind+1) =
250 + ibset(vectof(ic+iw,ind+1),bit-6)
251 endif
252 enddo ! loop sui bit
253 enddo ! loop sulle parole
254 c
255 c----+---1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8
256 c
257 if(iadd.eq.3)adc_ch2=adc_ch2+1
258 ind = (ind + 1) ! aggiorno l' indice
259 if (ind.lt.15)then
260 go to 11 ! rifaccio il check
261 else
262 c print *,'exit ADC senza soluzione',ind
263 continue
264 endif
265 endif
267 c ------- se e' l'ADC channel 2 bisogna ricontrollare il TDC precedente
269 if ((iadd.eq.3).and.(adc_ch2.ge.2).and.(tdc_ch1.eq.0))then
270 c print *,'ci sono!!ADC ch 2 torno al TDC!!!'
271 c print *,'adc_ch2 = ',adc_ch2
272 c print *,'ind = ',ind
274 ind=ind-adc_ch2
275 c print *,'ind - adc_ch2 = ',ind
276 do ik=1,adc_ch2
277 do iword=0,17
278 vectof(ic+iword,ind+ik)=0
279 enddo
280 enddo
281 ic=ic-4
282 iadd=1
283 ii=1
284 goto 12
285 endif
287 endif ! fine controllo su ind < 15
289 c print *,'++++++++++ Tof Unpack 6,5 registro ADC ++++++++++++++'
290 c
291 c --- registro RAWADC
292 c
293 rawadc(i,j) = 0
294 do bit = 0, 7
295 bi = ibits(vectof(ic,ind),bit,1)
296 if (bi.eq.1) rawadc(i,j) = ibset(rawadc(i,j),bit+8)
297 bi = ibits(vectof(ic+1,ind),bit,1)
298 if (bi.eq.1) rawadc(i,j) = ibset(rawadc(i,j),bit)
299 enddo
300 C
301 C
302 C ----------------- Controllo sulla parola TDC
303 C
304 12 continue
305 if (ind.lt.16)then
306 tdccodet = 0
307 c print *,'++++++++++ Tof Unpack 7 (12 continue) ++++++++++++++++'
308 do bit = 5,7
309 bi = ibits(vectof(ic+2,ind),bit,1)
310 if (bi.eq.1) tdccodet = ibset(tdccodet,bit-5)
311 enddo
312 if ((tdccodet.ne.tdcadd(iadd+1)).or.
313 + ((adc_ch2.ge.2).and.(iadd.eq.1)))then
314 c----+---1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8
315 c
316 if(adc_ch2.ge.2)then
317 adc_ch2=0
318 icorr=1
319 endif
320 c PRINT *, '---------shift di 2 zeri sui dati TDC ! '
321 c print *,'vectof(ic+2,ind),tdccodet,tdcadd(iadd+1),(iadd+1)'
322 c print *,vectof(ic+2,ind),tdccodet,tdcadd(iadd+1),(iadd+1)
323 c
324 iup = 17-4*(ii-1)
325 idw =2
326 do iw=idw,iup
327 do bit = 0, 7
328 if(bit.le.5)then
329 bi = ibits(vectof(ic+iw,ind),bit,1)
330 if (bi.eq.1) vectof(ic+iw,ind+1) =
331 + ibset(vectof(ic+iw,ind+1),bit+2)
332 else
333 bi = ibits(vectof(ic+1+iw,ind),bit,1)
334 if (bi.eq.1) vectof(ic+iw,ind+1) =
335 + ibset(vectof(ic+iw,ind+1),bit-6)
336 endif
337 enddo ! loop sui bit
338 enddo ! loop sulle parole
339 c----+---1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8
340 c
341 if(iadd.eq.1)tdc_ch1=tdc_ch1+1
342 ind = (ind + 1) ! aggiorno l' indice
343 if (ind.lt.16) then
344 go to 12 ! rifaccio il check
345 else
346 c print *,'exit TDC senza successo ',ind
347 continue
348 endif
349 endif
351 endif ! fine controllo su ind < 16
353 c print *,'++++++++++ Tof Unpack 8 registro TDC +++++++++++++'
354 c
355 c --- registro RAWTDC
356 c
357 rawtdc(ii,j) = 0
358 do bit = 0, 7
359 bi = ibits(vectof(ic+2,ind),bit,1)
360 if (bi.eq.1) rawtdc(ii,j) = ibset(rawtdc(ii,j),bit+8)
361 bi = ibits(vectof(ic+3,ind),bit,1)
362 if (bi.eq.1) rawtdc(ii,j) = ibset(rawtdc(ii,j),bit)
363 enddo
364 c
365 c
366 c ------- se e' il TDC channel 1 e' il risultato dell'iterazione prodotta
367 c dall' ADC channel 2 bisogna ripassare all' ADC successivo
369 if ((iadd.eq.1).and.(icorr.eq.1).and.(tdc_ch1.gt.0))then
370 iadd=3
371 ii=2
372 ic=ic+4
373 c print *,'sto tornando all ADC dopo aver corr. il TDC',ind
374 goto 11
375 endif
376 C
377 C -------------- fine correzione per le coppie di zeri ------------
378 C
380 ic=ic+4
381 enddo ! fine loop sui 4 TDC channel
383 c print *,'++++++ Tof Unpack 9 fine primo loop sui ch +++++++++'
385 c
386 c adc e tdc data have to be translated from Gray code to binary (bit 0-11)
387 c bit 12 is added after conversion (control bit)
388 c bit 13 is 1(0) for charge(time) information
389 c bits 14-15 give the channel 1-4 on the board.
390 c
391 do i=1,4 ! loop on TDC 4 channels
392 c print *,'=========== graytobin e registro =========='
393 c print *,'TDC =',J,' CANALE =',I
394 grayadc(i,j) = 0
395 graytdc(i,j) = 0
397 grayadc(i,j)=ibits(rawadc(i,j),0,12)
398 graytdc(i,j)=ibits(rawtdc(i,j),0,12)
399 c
400 call graytobin(grayadc(i,j),adc(i,j),12)
401 call graytobin(graytdc(i,j),tdc(i,j),12)
402 c
403 bi = ibits(rawtdc(i,j),12,1)
404 if (bi.eq.1) tdc(i,j) = ibset(tdc(i,j),12)
405 bi = ibits(rawadc(i,j),12,1)
406 if (bi.eq.1) adc(i,j) = ibset(adc(i,j),12)
407 c
408 c PRINT *,'i, j, RAWadc(i,j) ,RAWtdc(i,j)'
409 c PRINT *, i, j, rawadc(i,j) ,rawtdc(i,j)
410 c PRINT *,'i, j, ADC(i,j), TDC(i,j)'
411 c PRINT *, i, j, adc(i,j), tdc(i,j)
412 c
413 enddo
415 c----+---1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8
417 c print *,'+++++++ Tof Unpack 10 fine secondo loop sui ch +++++++'
419 c
420 temp1(j) = 0
421 temp2(j) = 0
422 do bit = 0, 7
423 bi = ibits(vectof(ic,ind),bit,1)
424 if (bi.eq.1) temp1(j) = ibset(temp1(j),bit)
425 enddo
426 ic=ic+1
427 c
428 if (flag2.eqv..true.) then
429 do bit = 0, 7
430 bi = ibits(vectof(ic,ind),bit,1)
431 if (bi.eq.1) temp2(j) = ibset(temp2(j),bit)
432 enddo
433 ic=ic+1
434 else
435 temp2(j) = 99
436 endif
437 c print *,'++++++++++ Tof Unpack 11 fine temperatura ++++++++'
438 c
439 c vecta(ic) is the CRC
440 c Check consistency of CRC.
441 c
442 ccc if(vecta(ic).lt.0)vecta(ic)=vecta(ic)+256
443 if (ic.gt.lung) then
444 c print *,' 6 ME'
445 me=1
446 return
447 endif
449 ibuf=0
450 do bit = 0, 7
451 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
452 if (bi.eq.1) ibuf = ibset(ibuf,bit)
453 enddo
454 c
455 check = 0
456 inf = ic0
457 sup = ic - 1
458 do i = inf,sup
459 if ((i.gt.lung).or.(i.lt.1)) then
460 c print *,' 7 ME'
461 me=1
462 return
463 endif
464 check=crctof(check,vecta(i))
465 enddo
466 c if (check.ne.vecta(ic)) then
467 c print *,' 8 ME = 0'
468 me = 0
469 if (check.ne.ibuf) then
470 c print *,'crc wrong ',ibuf, check
471 c print *,' 9 ME'
472 me = 1
473 endif
475 c
476 c print *,'---------> ic, j' ,ic,j
477 ic=ic+1
478 if (ic.gt.lung) then
479 c print *,' 10 ME'
480 me=1
481 return
482 endif
484 enddo ! j = 1,ntdc
486 c print *,'++++++++++ Tof Unpack escooo ! ++++++++++++++++'
490 END

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