/[PAMELA software]/chewbacca/PamOffLineSW/PamOffLineSW_Main.cpp_30
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Contents of /chewbacca/PamOffLineSW/PamOffLineSW_Main.cpp_30

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Tue Sep 23 07:20:13 2008 UTC (16 years, 5 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: v0r00
CVS Tags: start
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Imported sources, 23/09/2008

1 //============================================================================
2 // $Id: PamOffLineSW_Main.cpp,v 1.50 2008-04-01 16:05:45 messineo Exp $
3 // Description : Pamela Off-Line Software
4 //============================================================================
6 #include <sys/time.h>
7 #include "PamInclude.h"
8 #include "StateManager.h"
10 #include "PacketUser.h"
12 extern "C" {
13 #include <dirent.h>
14 }
16 using namespace PamOffLineSW;
18 // dbg purposes
19 bool exitdbg = false;
20 void exitDBG(){exitdbg=true;}
21 //function needed only for dbg purposes:
22 void split_input(char fni[]);
24 #define LENGTH_DATA_SIMU 1024
25 #define LENGTH_CADRE_VRL 1024
26 #define LENGTH_HEADER_VRL 8
29 //main functions
30 void readOptions(int argc, char *argv[]);
31 void init();
32 void firstLog();
33 void DB_config();
34 void mainRead_RealData(char fni[]);
35 void mainRead_SimulatedData(char fni[]);
36 void finish();
37 void deleteAll();
39 //utilities functions
40 bool VRL_Header_Check(char * headVRL, int length);
41 short int CRC_Cadre_Check(char dataVRL[], int length);
43 //global variables
44 bool simulated_data = false;
45 bool do_vrl_check = false;
47 char* db_host = "";
48 int db_port = 0;
49 char* db_name = "";
50 char conn[100]="";
51 //char* connection = NULL;
52 //char* db_user = "yoda_user";
53 //char* db_pwd = "yoda_pwd";
55 LogUtil::logLevel loglevel=LogUtil::LOGERROR;
56 char* logfilename = "pamofflinesw.log";
57 int route = 999;
58 bool skip_cadre = false;
59 long int iNumGoodCadres=0; //total number of good cadres
61 // global variables used in all the project
62 namespace PamOffLineSW
63 {
64 char* db_user = "";
65 char* db_pwd = "";
66 char* connection = NULL;
68 long int iNumCadres=0; //cadre's number
69 unsigned long long int iByte_tot=0;// how many bytes I have read till now
71 bool isCadreGood = true;//if the cadre is good
72 char* fni; //path completo
73 short compression = 3;
74 // char *outDir = ".";
75 char *outDir = "";
77 char * nome_output="yoda";
78 bool multiFile = 0;
79 unsigned long int step_pkt_number=0;
80 unsigned long int step_pkt_obt=0;
81 LogUtil* mainLogUtil = NULL;
82 TSQLServer* sqlServer = NULL;
83 unsigned long int max_pkt_number = 16777215;//biggest value before reset
84 unsigned long int max_pkt_obt = 4294967295u;//biggest value before reset
86 bool is_new_route = true;
87 unsigned int download = 0;
88 unsigned int orbit_number=0;
89 unsigned int mmm_number = 0;//session_number
90 unsigned long int time_Offset=0;
91 bool tryMerge = false;
93 bool do_cont_check=true;//if do_cont_check is false do not use a DB ...
95 //TODO: now it is unused
96 unsigned long int delta_Time=0;//in seconds
97 }
99 // main:
100 //
101 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
102 {
103 // read command line options
104 readOptions(argc,argv);
106 cout<<"Please wait"<<endl;
108 // initialize everything and write few things in the log file
109 init();
111 // take time to measure the performance.
112 timeval tv1;
113 gettimeofday(&tv1,NULL);
114 unsigned long long timems1 = (unsigned long long)tv1.tv_sec * (unsigned long long)1000 + tv1.tv_usec / 1000;
116 if(simulated_data)
117 {
118 mainLogUtil->logAll("Using simulated data");
119 mainRead_SimulatedData(fni);
120 }
121 else
122 {
123 mainLogUtil->logAll("Using real data");
124 mainRead_RealData(fni);
125 }
127 finish();
129 timeval tv2;
130 gettimeofday(&tv2,NULL);
131 unsigned long long timems2 = (unsigned long long)tv2.tv_sec * (unsigned long long)1000 + tv2.tv_usec / 1000;
132 unsigned long long timems = timems2 -timems1;
134 string msg = "The analisys took: " + mainLogUtil->value2string(timems) + " ms";
135 mainLogUtil->logAlways(msg);
137 deleteAll();
139 cout<<"The end "<<endl;
140 return 0;
141 }
143 void readOptions(int argc, char *argv[])
144 {
145 if (argc < 2)
146 {
147 cout << "You have forgotten the file name. \n";
148 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
149 exit(1);
150 }
152 if((!strcmp(argv[1], "-help"))||(!strcmp(argv[1], "--help"))||(!strcmp(argv[1], "-h")))
153 {
154 // cout << "Usage: PamOffLineSW INPUT_FILE [OPTIONS] \n";
155 cout << "Usage: chewbacca INPUT_FILE [OPTIONS] \n";
156 cout << "\t (-help | --help | -h) print this help and exit \n";
157 cout << "\t -simu if the input file contains simulated data instead of real data\n";
158 cout << "\t -vrl if you want to perform the vrl check\n";
159 cout << "\t -filelog set the log filename. [default: pamofflinesw.log]\n";
160 cout << "\t -loglevel set the log level. Values: [0,3] (error,warning,info,all) [default:0]\n";
161 cout << "\t -c set the compression level for the generated ROOT file(s). Values: [0,9] [default = 3]\n";
162 cout << "\t -root_name set the root-name for the generated ROOT file(s). [default = yoda]\n";
163 cout << "\t -outDir set the output directory for the generated root file(s). [default = .]\n";
164 cout << "\t -delta_counter set the allowed difference in the Packet Counter between two continuos packets. If 0 all packets are considered continuos. [default = 0]\n";
165 cout << "\t -delta_obt set the allowed difference (ms) in the Packet Orbital Time between two continuos packets. If 0 all packets are considered continuos. [default = 0]\n";
166 cout << "\t -db_host set the host-name of the DataBase. [default = localhost]\n";
167 cout << "\t -db_port set the port of the DataBase. [default = 3306]\n";
168 cout << "\t -db_name set the name of the DataBase. [default = yoda_db]\n";
169 cout << "\t -db_user set the user of the DataBase. [default = yoda_user]\n";
170 cout << "\t -db_pwd set the user of the DataBase. [default = yoda_pwd]\n";
171 cout << "\t -max_pkt_number Maximum value for Packet Counter, after this value it is resetted. [default = 2^24 - 1]\n";
172 cout << "\t -max_pkt_obt Maximum value for Packet OBT, after this value it is resetted. [default = 2^32 - 1]\n";
173 cout << "\t -orbit_number Value of the orbital number. If 0 this is retrieved from the input file name. [default = 0]\n";
174 cout << "\t -session_number Value of the session number. If 0 this is retrieved from the input file name. [default = 0]\n";
175 cout << "\t -time_Offset Value of the timeOffset. If 0 this is retrieved using the orbital number. [default = 0]\n";
176 cout << "\t -tryMerge if you want to try to Merge ROOT files\n";
177 // cout << "\t -delta_Time set the allowed difference (seconds) in the Real Time between two root file. [default = 0]\n";
179 //cout << "\t -multi generate multiple root files \n";
180 exit(1);
181 }
183 if(!strcmp(argv[1], "-usage")){
184 cout << "\t chewbacca INPUT_FILE [OPTIONS] \n";
185 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
186 exit(1);
187 }
189 //http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chewbacca_defense
190 //http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chewbacca+defense
191 if(!strcmp(argv[1], "-defense")){
192 cout << "\n Why would a Wookiee, an eight-foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor,\n with a bunch of two-foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense!\n But more important, you have to ask yourself:\n What does this have to do with this case? \n Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! \n It does not make sense!\n Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, \n and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? \n Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! \n None of this makes sense! \n And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room\n deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation,\n does it make sense? \n No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense!\n If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! \n The defense rests."<<endl;
193 cout << "\nTry '-help' for more information. \n";
194 exit(1);
195 }
197 for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++)
198 {
199 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-tryMerge"))
200 {
201 tryMerge = true;
202 continue;
203 }
205 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-time_Offset")){
206 if (++i >= argc){
207 cerr << "-time_Offset needs arguments. \n";
208 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
209 exit(1);
210 }
211 if ((isdigit(*argv[i])) && ( (atoi(argv[i]) >= 0) )) {
212 time_Offset = atoll(argv[i]);
213 } else {
214 cerr << "-time_Offset needs an integer value. \n";
215 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
216 exit(1);
217 }
218 continue;
219 }
221 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-orbit_number")){
222 if (++i >= argc){
223 cerr << "-orbit_number needs arguments. \n";
224 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
225 exit(1);
226 }
227 if ((isdigit(*argv[i])) && ( (atoi(argv[i]) >= 0) )) {
228 orbit_number = atoi(argv[i]);
229 } else {
230 cerr << "-orbit_number needs an integer value. \n";
231 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
232 exit(1);
233 }
234 continue;
235 }
237 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-session_number")){
238 if (++i >= argc){
239 cerr << "-session_number needs arguments. \n";
240 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
241 exit(1);
242 }
243 if ((isdigit(*argv[i])) && ( (atoi(argv[i]) >= 0) )) {
244 mmm_number = atoi(argv[i]);
245 } else {
246 cerr << "-session_number needs an integer value. \n";
247 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
248 exit(1);
249 }
250 continue;
251 }
253 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-max_pkt_number")){
254 if (++i >= argc){
255 cerr << "-max_pkt_number needs arguments. \n";
256 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
257 exit(1);
258 }
259 if ((isdigit(*argv[i])) && ( (atoi(argv[i]) >= 0) )) {
260 max_pkt_number = atoll(argv[i]);
261 } else {
262 cerr << "-max_pkt_number needs an integer value. \n";
263 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
264 exit(1);
265 }
266 continue;
267 }
269 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-max_pkt_obt")){
270 if (++i >= argc){
271 cerr << "-max_pkt_obt needs arguments. \n";
272 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
273 exit(1);
274 }
275 if ((isdigit(*argv[i])) && ( (atoi(argv[i]) >= 0) )) {
276 max_pkt_obt = atoll(argv[i]);
277 } else {
278 cerr << "-max_pkt_obt needs an integer value. \n";
279 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
280 exit(1);
281 }
282 continue;
283 }
286 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-simu"))
287 {
288 simulated_data = true;
289 continue;
290 }
292 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-vrl"))
293 {
294 do_vrl_check = true;
295 if(simulated_data)
296 {
297 cout<<"Impossible to perform VRL check with simulated data. Don't use -simu option"<<endl;
298 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
299 exit(1);
300 }
302 continue;
303 }
305 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-filelog")){
306 if (++i >= argc){
307 cerr << "-filelog needs arguments. \n";
308 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
309 exit(1);
310 }
311 logfilename=argv[i];
312 continue;
313 }
315 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-loglevel")){
316 if (++i >= argc){
317 cerr << "-loglevel needs arguments. \n";
318 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
319 exit(1);
320 }
321 if ((isdigit(*argv[i])) && ( (atoi(argv[i]) >= 0) && (atoi(argv[i]) <= 3))) {
322 loglevel = (LogUtil::logLevel) atoi(argv[i]);
323 } else {
324 cerr << "-loglevel needs an integer value beetween 0 and 3. \n";
325 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
326 exit(1);
327 }
328 continue;
329 }
332 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-c")){
333 if (++i >= argc){
334 cerr << "-c needs arguments. \n";
335 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
336 exit(1);
337 }
338 if ((isdigit(*argv[i])) && ( (atoi(argv[i]) >= 0) && (atoi(argv[i]) <= 9))) {
339 compression = atoi(argv[i]);
340 } else {
341 cerr << "-c needs an integer value beetween 0 and 9. \n";
342 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
343 exit(1);
344 }
345 continue;
346 }
348 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-outDir")){
349 if (++i >= argc){
350 cerr << "-outDir needs arguments. \n";
351 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
352 exit(1);
353 }
354 DIR* tempdir;
355 if ((tempdir = opendir(argv[i])) != 0) {
356 outDir = argv[i];
357 closedir(tempdir);
358 } else {
359 cerr << "-outDir needs an existing/accessable directory. \n";
360 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
361 exit(1);
362 }
363 continue;
364 }
366 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-root_name")){
367 if (++i >= argc){
368 cerr << "-root_name needs arguments. \n";
369 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
370 exit(1);
371 }
373 nome_output = argv[i];
374 continue;
375 }
377 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-delta_counter")){
378 if (++i >= argc){
379 cerr << "-delta_counter needs arguments. \n";
380 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
381 exit(1);
382 }
383 if ((isdigit(*argv[i])) && ( (atoi(argv[i]) >= 0) )) {
384 step_pkt_number = atoi(argv[i]);
385 } else {
386 cerr << "-delta_counter needs an integer value. \n";
387 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
388 exit(1);
389 }
390 continue;
391 }
393 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-delta_obt")){
394 if (++i >= argc){
395 cerr << "-delta_obt needs arguments. \n";
396 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
397 exit(1);
398 }
399 if ((isdigit(*argv[i])) && ( (atoi(argv[i]) >= 0) )) {
400 step_pkt_obt = atoi(argv[i]);
401 } else {
402 cerr << "-delta_obt needs an integer value. \n";
403 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
404 exit(1);
405 }
406 continue;
407 }
408 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-delta_Time")){
409 if (++i >= argc){
410 cerr << "-delta_Time needs arguments. \n";
411 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
412 exit(1);
413 }
414 if ((isdigit(*argv[i])) && ( (atoi(argv[i]) >= 0) )) {
415 delta_Time = atoi(argv[i]);
416 } else {
417 cerr << "-delta_Time needs an integer value. \n";
418 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
419 exit(1);
420 }
421 continue;
422 }
424 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-db_host")){
425 if (++i >= argc){
426 cerr << "-db_host needs arguments. \n";
427 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
428 exit(1);
429 }
430 db_host = argv[i];
431 continue;
432 }
435 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-db_port")){
436 if (++i >= argc){
437 cerr << "-db_port needs arguments. \n";
438 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
439 exit(1);
440 }
441 if ((isdigit(*argv[i])) && ( (atoi(argv[i]) >= 0) )) {
442 db_port = atoi(argv[i]);
443 } else {
444 cerr << "-db_port needs an integer value. \n";
445 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
446 exit(1);
447 }
448 continue;
449 }
451 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-db_name")){
452 if (++i >= argc){
453 cerr << "-db_name needs arguments. \n";
454 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
455 exit(1);
456 }
457 db_name = argv[i];
458 continue;
459 }
460 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-db_user")){
461 if (++i >= argc){
462 cerr << "-db_name needs arguments. \n";
463 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
464 exit(1);
465 }
466 db_user = argv[i];
467 continue;
468 }
470 if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-db_pwd")){
471 if (++i >= argc){
472 cerr << "-db_name needs arguments. \n";
473 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
474 exit(1);
475 }
476 db_pwd = argv[i];
477 continue;
478 }
480 //TODO: check that multiFile is always 0
481 // if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-multi")){multiFile = 1; cout<<"debug: multi= "<<multiFile<<endl;}
482 }
484 //input file
485 fni= argv[1];
487 //TODO: maybe if simulated data I don't need nothig so I can skip the following lines
488 // and use instead something similar to:
489 //if(simulated data){orbit_number=99999; mmm_number=999; download=999; }
491 //I need the following lines only to retrieve orbit_number and mmm_number (session_number)from the filename
492 if((!orbit_number)||(!mmm_number))
493 {
494 std::string input = fni;
495 std::string fileName;
496 int pos = input.find_last_of("/");
497 fileName = input.substr(pos+1);
498 pos = fileName.find_last_of(".");
499 fileName = fileName.substr(0,pos);
501 if(fileName.length()<8){
502 cout<<"Wrong filename unable to retrieve orbit_number and session_number."<<endl;
503 cout<<"Rename input in format nnnnnmmm.pam or set orbit_number and session_number."<<endl;
504 cout << "Try '-help' for more information. \n";
505 exit(1);
506 }
508 if(!orbit_number){
509 std::string downlink;
510 downlink = fileName.substr(0,5);
511 orbit_number= atoi(downlink.c_str());
512 }
514 if(!mmm_number){
515 std::string mmm;
516 mmm = fileName.substr(5,3);
517 mmm_number= atoi(mmm.c_str());
518 }
519 }
521 }
523 void init()
524 {
525 //initial condition of automaton
526 StateManager::getInstance().init();
527 mainLogUtil = new LogUtil(logfilename,loglevel);
529 //TODO check if you like this
530 if (!strcmp(outDir,""))
531 {
532 char *pam_out = getenv("PAM_L0");
533 if (pam_out)
534 {
535 outDir = pam_out;
536 }
537 else
538 {
539 outDir = ".";
540 }
542 }
543 // write some initial things in the Log file
544 firstLog();
546 if(do_cont_check){
547 DB_config();
548 sqlServer = TSQLServer::Connect(connection,db_user,db_pwd);
549 if ((!sqlServer)||(!(sqlServer->IsConnected()))){cout<<"Can not connect with MYSQL sever"<<endl; exit(1);}
550 }
552 }
554 void DB_config()
555 {
557 if( (!strcmp(db_host,""))||(db_port==0)||(!strcmp(db_name,"")))
558 {
559 char *pamdbhost = getenv("PAM_DBHOST");
560 if (pamdbhost)
561 {
562 connection = pamdbhost;
563 }
564 else
565 {
566 if (!strcmp(db_host,""))
567 {
568 db_host="localhost";
569 }
571 if (db_port==0)
572 {
573 db_port=3306;
574 }
576 if (!strcmp(db_name,""))
577 {
578 db_name="yoda_db";
579 }
580 sprintf(conn,"mysql://%s:%d/%s",db_host,db_port,db_name);
581 connection=conn;
582 }
583 }
584 else{
585 sprintf(conn,"mysql://%s:%d/%s",db_host,db_port,db_name);
586 connection=conn;
587 }
589 if (!strcmp(db_user,""))
590 {
591 char *pamdbuser = getenv("PAM_DBUSER");
592 if (pamdbuser)
593 {
594 db_user = pamdbuser;
595 }
596 else
597 {
598 db_user="yoda_user";
599 }
601 }
603 if(!strcmp(db_pwd,""))
604 {
605 char *pamdbpsw = getenv("PAM_DBPSW");
606 if (pamdbpsw)
607 {
608 db_pwd = pamdbpsw;
609 }
610 else
611 {
612 db_pwd="yoda_pwd";
613 }
614 }
616 //char *pamdbhost = getenv("PAM_DBHOST");
618 //if (pamdbhost) connection = pamdbhost;
620 string msg = "Using DB: " + string(connection);// +" "+ string(db_user) +" "+ string(db_pwd);
621 mainLogUtil->logAlways(msg);
622 }
625 void firstLog(){
626 string msg = "Input file: " + (string)fni;
627 mainLogUtil->logAlways(msg);
629 msg = "Output directory for the generated root file(s): " + (string)outDir;
630 mainLogUtil->logAlways(msg);
632 msg = "Output root name for the generated root file(s): " + (string)nome_output;
633 mainLogUtil->logAlways(msg);
635 stringstream oss1;
636 oss1.str()="";
637 oss1<< "Compression level for the generated root file(s): " <<compression;
638 msg = oss1.str();
639 mainLogUtil->logInfo(msg);
641 stringstream oss2;
642 oss2.str()="";
643 oss2<< "Max value for Packet Counter: " <<max_pkt_number<<" - Max value for Packet OBT: " <<max_pkt_obt;
644 msg = oss2.str();
645 mainLogUtil->logAll(msg);
647 if(do_vrl_check)
648 {
649 mainLogUtil->logInfo("VRL check set to true");
650 }
651 else
652 {
653 mainLogUtil->logWarning("VRL check skipped");
654 }
656 if(step_pkt_number)
657 {
658 stringstream oss;
659 oss.str()="";
660 oss<<"The allowed difference in the Packet Counter between two continuos packets: "<<step_pkt_number;
661 msg = oss.str();
662 mainLogUtil->logAlways(msg);
663 }
665 if(step_pkt_obt)
666 {
667 stringstream oss;
668 oss.str()="";
669 oss<<"The allowed difference in the Packet Orbital Time between two continuos packets: " <<step_pkt_obt;
670 msg = oss.str();
671 mainLogUtil->logAlways(msg);
672 }
674 if((!step_pkt_number)&&(!step_pkt_obt)){
675 mainLogUtil->logAlways("No check about continuity; DB unused. No Merging ...");
676 do_cont_check=false;
677 tryMerge=false;
678 //return;
679 }
681 /*
682 if(do_cont_check){
683 sprintf(connection,"mysql://%s:%d/%s",db_host,db_port,db_name);
684 string msg = "Using DB: " + (string)connection;
685 mainLogUtil->logAlways(msg);
686 }
687 */
689 if(tryMerge)
690 {
691 mainLogUtil->logInfo("Try to Merge ROOT files");
692 }
694 /*
695 if(tryMerge){
696 stringstream oss1;
697 oss1.str()="";
698 oss1<<"The allowed difference in the Real Time between two ROOT files: " <<delta_Time<<" s";
699 string msg1=oss1.str();
700 mainLogUtil->logAlways(msg1);
701 }
702 */
704 }
706 void finish()
707 {
708 PacketUser::getInstance().FinishLastGroup();
709 }
711 void deleteAll()
712 {
713 if(mainLogUtil){delete mainLogUtil; mainLogUtil = NULL;}
715 if(sqlServer){delete sqlServer; sqlServer = NULL;}
716 }
718 //read simulated data
719 // without vrl header
720 void mainRead_SimulatedData(char fni[])
721 {
722 //we read LENGTH_DATA_SIMU bytes each time ...
723 char ccData[LENGTH_DATA_SIMU]={0};
724 ifstream fin;
725 fin.open(fni, ifstream::binary);
726 if (!fin) {cout<<"Can not open input file "<<fni<<endl; exit(1);}
727 //main read loop
728 isCadreGood = true;//all the cadres are good ;-)
730 while(fin.eof()==0)
731 {
732 //reading data in the cadre
733 fin.read(ccData,LENGTH_DATA_SIMU);
734 stringstream oss;
736 if (!fin.good())
737 {
738 // if (fin.eof()){break;}//if we reach the end of file
739 stringstream oss;
740 oss<<"Read only "<<fin.gcount()<<" bytes instead of "<<LENGTH_DATA_SIMU<<
741 " This error occurred after byte: "<<iByte_tot
742 <<" ... use the data read, then ... exit ";
743 string msg = oss.str();
744 mainLogUtil->logAll(msg);
745 //I want try to use it ...
746 for(int i=0;i<fin.gcount();i++)
747 {
748 StateManager::getInstance().getCurrentState()->readInput(ccData[i]);
749 iByte_tot++;
750 }
751 //anyhow then exit
752 break;
753 }
755 //main processing of the data, searching for Pamela Packets
756 for(int i=0;i<LENGTH_DATA_SIMU;i++)
757 {
758 StateManager::getInstance().getCurrentState()->readInput(ccData[i]);
759 iByte_tot++;
760 }
761 iNumCadres++;
762 }
764 fin.close();
766 stringstream oss1;
767 oss1<<"Total bytes read "<<iByte_tot;
768 string msg = oss1.str();
769 mainLogUtil->logInfo(msg);
770 }
772 //read real data
773 void mainRead_RealData(char fni[])
774 {
775 //header VRL
776 char ccHeader_VRL[LENGTH_HEADER_VRL]={0};
777 //data in each cadre, it can contain the PAMELA PKT
778 char ccData[LENGTH_DATA_CADRE]={0};
779 //last byte of each cadre, it is used to check CRC of the cadre
780 char cCrc_VRL=0;
782 //file di input = fni[]
783 ifstream fin;
784 fin.open(fni, ifstream::binary);
785 if (!fin) {cout<<"Can not open input file "<<fni<<endl; exit(1);}
787 //main read loop
788 while(fin.eof()==0)
789 {
790 isCadreGood = true;
791 //start reading the file
792 fin.read(ccHeader_VRL, LENGTH_HEADER_VRL);
793 if (!fin.good())
794 {
795 //TODO: check here
796 if (fin.eof())//if we reach the end of file
797 {
798 break;
799 }
801 stringstream oss;
802 oss<<"The cadre: "<<iNumCadres<<" has something wrong in its header VRL lenght"<<
803 " This error occurred after byte: "<<iByte_tot<<" ... exit";
804 string msg = oss.str();
805 mainLogUtil->logError(msg);
807 if(do_vrl_check){isCadreGood=false;}
808 break;
809 }
811 //check of the VRL header
812 if(!VRL_Header_Check(ccHeader_VRL,LENGTH_HEADER_VRL))
813 {
814 isCadreGood=false;//Check if it is better set it to true ...
815 stringstream oss;
816 oss<<"The cadre: "<<iNumCadres<<" has something wrong in its header VRL"<<
817 " This error occurred after byte: "<<iByte_tot<<" ... use the data carefully";
818 string msg = oss.str();
819 mainLogUtil->logWarning(msg);
820 }
822 //we have read and analysed the header VRL of this cadre
823 iByte_tot+=fin.gcount();
825 //reading data in the cadre
826 fin.read(ccData,LENGTH_DATA_CADRE);
827 if (!fin.good())
828 {
829 stringstream oss;
830 oss<<"The cadre: "<<iNumCadres<<" has something wrong in its data"<<
831 " This error occurred after byte: "<<iByte_tot<<" ... use the data carefully then ... exit ";
832 string msg = oss.str();
833 mainLogUtil->logWarning(msg);
835 //I am sure that this cadre is not good ...
836 if(do_vrl_check)
837 {
838 isCadreGood=false;
839 }
841 //... but maybe I want try to use it ...
842 for(int i=0;i<fin.gcount();i++)
843 {
844 StateManager::getInstance().getCurrentState()->readInput(ccData[i]);
845 iByte_tot++;
846 }
848 //... anyhow then exit
849 break;
850 }
852 //reading the last byte of the cadre
853 fin.get(cCrc_VRL);
854 if (!fin.good())
855 {
856 //if the last byte representing the CRC_VRL is not present
857 //or if we are not able to read it
858 stringstream oss;
859 oss<<"The cadre: "<<iNumCadres<<" has something wrong in its last byte"<<
860 " This error occurred after byte: "<<iByte_tot<<" ... use the data carefully then ... exit ";
861 string msg = oss.str();
862 mainLogUtil->logWarning(msg);
864 //I am sure that this cadre is not good ...
865 if(do_vrl_check)
866 {
867 isCadreGood=false;
868 }
870 //don't exit now, we need to keep it alive to process data
871 //we will exit the main reading cicle after,
872 }
874 if((do_vrl_check)&&(!skip_cadre))
875 {
876 //check CRC for the cadre
877 short int CalcCheckSum;
878 CalcCheckSum=CRC_Cadre_Check(ccData,(int)LENGTH_DATA_CADRE);
880 if (CalcCheckSum!=(short int)(cCrc_VRL))
881 {
882 isCadreGood=false;
883 stringstream oss;
884 oss<<"The cadre: "<<iNumCadres<<" failed the CRC check"<<
885 " This error occurred after byte: "<<iByte_tot<<" ... use the data carefully";
886 string msg = oss.str();
887 mainLogUtil->logWarning(msg);
888 }
889 }
891 if(!skip_cadre)
892 {
893 //main processing of the data, searching for Pamela Packets
894 for(int i=0; i<LENGTH_DATA_CADRE; i++)
895 {
896 StateManager::getInstance().getCurrentState()->readInput(ccData[i]);
897 iByte_tot++;
898 if(exitdbg==true){cout<<"**** DBG EXIT FOR****"<<endl; break;}
899 }
900 }
901 else{
902 iByte_tot+=LENGTH_DATA_CADRE;
903 }
905 if(exitdbg==true){cout<<"**** DBG EXIT WHILE***##*#*#"<<endl; break;}
907 //taking in account the cCrc_VRL read before
908 iByte_tot++;
910 //increment the number of cadre processed
911 if(!skip_cadre)
912 iNumCadres++;
914 if(isCadreGood)
915 {
916 if(!skip_cadre)
917 iNumGoodCadres++;
918 }
921 // if(iNumCadres>=0){cout<<"################DBG EXIT ##################"<<endl; break;}
923 }//end reading cycle
925 fin.close();
927 stringstream oss1;
928 oss1<<"Total bytes read "<<iByte_tot
929 <<" Total number of cadres processed "<<iNumCadres
930 <<" Total number of good cadres "<<iNumGoodCadres;
931 string msg = oss1.str();
932 mainLogUtil->logInfo(msg);
933 }
935 //function that check the header VRL
936 bool VRL_Header_Check(char* headVRL, int length)
937 {
938 if(((int)(unsigned char)headVRL[0]==0)&&((int)(unsigned char)headVRL[1]==0)&&((int)(unsigned char)headVRL[2]==0)&&((int)(unsigned char)headVRL[3]==0)&&((int)(unsigned char)headVRL[7]==0))
939 {
940 skip_cadre=true;
941 stringstream oss;
942 oss<<"The cadre is all zeros"<<
943 " This error occurred after byte: "<<iByte_tot<<" cadre ...DISCARDED and not computed ";
944 string msg = oss.str();
945 mainLogUtil->logWarning(msg);
946 return false;
947 }
949 int old_route = route;
950 route = (int)headVRL[3];
951 if(route!=old_route)
952 {
953 is_new_route=true;
954 download++;
955 stringstream oss;
956 oss<<"Found a new download n: "<<download<<" at byte: "<<iByte_tot;
957 string msg = oss.str();
958 mainLogUtil->logAll(msg);
959 }
960 // is_new_route will be reset to false in PacketUser after the packet is used and stored
962 if(
963 ((int)(unsigned char)headVRL[0]!=CODE_FF)||
964 ((int)(unsigned char)headVRL[1]!=CODE_46)||
965 ((int)(unsigned char)headVRL[2]!=CODE_D5)
966 )
967 {
968 return false;
969 }
971 //TODO: check the cadre number and save this info?
972 //TODO check that the lenght is 8
973 return true;
974 }
976 //function that computes the CRC for each cadre
977 short int CRC_Cadre_Check(char dataVRL[], int length)
978 {
979 //function used only if(do_vrl_check)
980 short int Summ;
981 int i;
982 int CSum, tmp;
984 tmp=(int)dataVRL[0];
985 CSum=tmp;
986 for (i=1;i<length;i++) {tmp=dataVRL[i]; CSum=CSum^tmp;}
987 Summ=(short int) (CSum);
988 return Summ;
989 }
992 //TODO: funzione per debug, rimuovere marco
993 void split_input(char fni[])
994 {
995 cout<<"splitting input file"<<endl;
997 system("mkdir splitted");
999 ifstream fin;
1000 fin.open(fni, ifstream::binary);
1001 if (!fin) {cout<<"Can not open input file "<<fni<<endl; exit(1);}
1003 ofstream fout;
1004 static int num=0;
1006 int cic = 1024;
1007 int mille =1000;
1008 int quanti = 50;
1009 int tanti =quanti*mille*cic;
1010 char * tmp = new char[tanti];
1011 while(fin.eof()==0)
1012 {
1013 fin.read(tmp,tanti);
1014 stringstream fno;
1015 fno<<"./splitted/splitted_"<<++num;
1016 fout.open(fno.str().c_str(), ios::binary);
1017 fout.write(tmp,tanti);
1018 fout.close();
1019 }
1021 delete[] tmp;
1022 fin.close();
1023 cout<<"done, output in folder splitted"<<endl;
1024 }

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