/[PAMELA software]/chewbacca/PamOffLineSW/Logger.h
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Contents of /chewbacca/PamOffLineSW/Logger.h

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Aug 5 18:48:42 2009 UTC (15 years, 7 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v10RED, v9r00, v9r01, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +9 -9 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Various minor modifications for compatibility with gcc 4.4, removal of warnings due to mismatch between char* and const char*, bug fix.

1 //============================================================================
2 // $Id: Logger.h,v 2008-09-23 07:20:11 mocchiut Exp $
3 // Description :
4 //============================================================================
5 #ifndef LOGGER_H_
6 #define LOGGER_H_
8 #include <string>
9 #include <fstream>
10 #include <sstream>
12 namespace PamOffLineSW{
14 class LogUtil{
15 public:
16 enum logLevel{
21 };
22 LogUtil(std::string& filename, logLevel level);
23 LogUtil(std::string& filename);
24 LogUtil(const char* filename,logLevel level);
25 LogUtil(const char* filename);
26 void setLoglevel(logLevel level);
27 std::string& getLogFileName();
28 void logError(std::string& msg);
29 void logWarning(std::string& msg);
30 void logInfo(std::string& msg);
31 void logAll(std::string& msg);
33 void logAlways(std::string& msg);
34 void logAlways(const char* msg);
35 void logError(const char* msg);
36 void logWarning(const char* msg);
37 void logInfo(const char* msg);
38 void logAll(const char* msg);
40 void appendLog(const char* msg){mtempstring+=msg;};
41 void flushLog(logLevel level){
42 if(level == LOGERROR) logError(mtempstring);
43 if(level == LOGWARN) logError(mtempstring);
44 if(level == LOGINFO) logError(mtempstring);
45 mtempstring+"";
46 };
47 ~LogUtil();
48 template <class T>
49 std::string value2string(T& val)
50 {
51 std::ostringstream os;
52 os << val;
53 return os.str();
54 }
55 private:
56 std::string mFilename;
57 std::ofstream mOutStream;
58 std::string mtempstring;
59 logLevel mLevel;
60 };
62 class Logger{
63 public:
64 Logger();
65 Logger(bool autoflush); //currently not used
66 ~Logger();
67 bool setLogFile(std::string& fileName);
68 bool setLogFile(char* fileName);
69 std::string& getLogFileName();
71 //TODO: this need to be checked
72 template <class T>
73 bool logValue(T& val)
74 {
75 mOutStream << val;
76 return checkOutFileStreamError(Logger::LOG_MSG_OPERATION);
77 }
79 bool logENDL();
80 bool logMsg(std::string&);
81 bool logMsg(char* charstar, int lenght);
82 bool logMsg(char* charstar, long int lenght);
83 //If the charstar buffer is null terminated
84 bool logMsg(char* charstar_nullterminated);
86 bool close();
87 std::ofstream& getOutStream();
88 //void setToBeflushedMemorySize(long charCountSize);
89 private:
90 bool checkOutFileStreamError(int operationKind,std::string& optionalMsg);
91 bool checkOutFileStreamError(int operationKind);
92 std::string mFileName;
93 std::string mDummyOptionalMsg;
94 std::string mBlankString;
95 std::string mUnableToOpenFileMsg;
96 std::string mUnableToLogMsg;
97 std::string mToFileMsg;
98 std::string mUnableToCloseMsg;
99 std::string mFileMsg;
100 std::ofstream mOutStream;
101 bool mAutoFlush;//currently not used. it is here for future improvements, if any
102 static const int OPEN_FILE_OPERATION;
103 static const int LOG_MSG_OPERATION;
104 static const int CLOSE_FILE_OPERATION;
105 void initStringMsg();
106 };
107 }
109 #endif /*LOGGER_H_*/

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