C C Written by Emiliano Mocchiutti and Mirko Boezio C C * Version: 3.4.07 * C C Changelog: C C 3.4.06 - 3.4.07: (2006-06-29) save CRC values in calselftrig(section,1) and calselftrig(section,2) in case of CRC errors C C 3.4.05 - 3.4.06: (2005-01-12) section order wrong in CLEARSEC, fixed. C C 3.4.04 - 3.4.05: (2005-01-05) XE is section y odd not even, fixed. C C 3.4.03 - 3.4.04: (2004-12-21) bug in recognising decoding errors, fixed. C C 3.4.02 - 3.4.03: (2004-12-17) forget to clear esci/stwerr and vector vect C plus problems with lleng (truncated vect!). Fixed the C clearing, workaround for lleng (to be further investigated) C C 3.4.01 - 3.4.02: (2004-12-10) cleanup of the code and changed sections order. C C 3.4.00 - 3.4.01: (2004-11-26) CA50 comes after Strips Hit, fixed. C C 3.3.03 - 3.4.00: (2004-11-08) changed the DSP program hence changed calunpack C to better find the calorimeter sections. C C 3.3.02 - 3.3.03: (2004-11-08) changes in the commons (one more common for C calpulse and from calstripshit to calstriphit). C C 3.3.01 - 3.3.02: (2004-10-19) italian name of subroutines translated to C english. Forgot to clear vector in case of CRC errors, C fixed. stwerr is integer not real! fixed C C 3.3.00 - 3.3.01: (2004-10-18) forgot to clear stwerr if no sections are found C fixed. C C 3.2.00 - 3.3.00: (2004-10-15) enanched search of sections in case of one or C more missing sections. C Switched to c function "fillin" to create calorimeter words C instead of fortran function "riempi": great improvement in C time processing!! C C 3.1.00 - 3.2.00: (2004-10-13) forget to clean some variables, fixed. C Reprocess event in the case we have CRC errors and a high C number of error trying to understand the kind of event C we are processing (raw, compress, full mode) in order to C distinguish better the four section.The reprocessing happens C on about the 30% of events with CRC errors (in the case of C file 040827_005 the reprocessing is done on about 2% of all C the events). C C 3.0.00 - 3.1.00: (2004-10-12) cleanup and speedup of the code, less loops C same strength in finding the calorimeter sections. C C 2.18.4 - 3.0.00: (2004-10-07) major changes in the procedure to find the C calorimeter sections and enhanced search in the case of c CRC errors (to fix a bug which made the misunderstanding C some kind of CRC errors with missing sections). C Clean up unused variables, speeded up some loops. C Zero length input vector error added. C Enhanced search of the first section recorded since the C starting point is very important to correctly find and C interpret all the other sections. C If section length is absurd and the CRC header bit = 0 C then search again for that section (needed to make a C better search of section when in presence of CRC errors) C Search all the sections and if you reach the end of vector C (EOV) continue searching if you haven't find all the four C section (and go out without looping if no section is C present). C C 2.18.3 - 2.18.4: consider a bad thing if you find a section in the wrong C position of the vector and try again to C find the real data (if they exist). C C 2.18.2 - 2.18.3: vectors belonging to common must be cleared if the calo C isn't found. Fixed. C C 2.18.1 - 2.18.2: fixed unclearing error codes if the program doesn't find C the calorimeter where it should be but shifted somewhere C else forgotten to clear st2c variable: fixed C exit error code wrong in some cases: fixed C self trigger data not saved: fixed. C C 2.18.0 - 2.18.1: small changes in the common varie to fix a memory leak; C fixed an error in reporting error codes (stwerr,pwerror). C C 2.17.0 - 2.18.0: corrected bug which made unable the program to find CRC C errors in the last section of the calorimeter; C added a "debugging" option to dump to standard output C the whole packet in hexadecimal format and other C useful informations. To activate it the dump variable C in the common varie must be passed with the value C of iev you want to check. Do nothing if you don't want C any output. C C------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE CALUNPACK(vecta,lung,me) C------------------------------------------------ IMPLICIT NONE C C PARAMETERS DEFINITION C C START = WHERE TO START TO LOOK FOR THE CALORIMETER, IN WORDS C 1STSEC = MAXIMUM POSITION, IN BYTES, WHERE WE SUPPOSE TO FIND THE C HEADER OF THE FIRST SECTION C INTEGER START, SEC1ST INTEGER NPLA, NCHA, LENSEV INTEGER*2 ival C PARAMETER (START=50,SEC1ST=1200) PARAMETER (NPLA=22,NCHA=96,LENSEV=NPLA*NCHA) PARAMETER (ival='FFFF'x) C C Normal variables definition C integer lung, SOGLIA0, SEC2ND INTEGER*1 VECTA(lung) INTEGER*2 vect(60000), test integer*2 check, crc, e2(4) INTEGER*2 length, length2 integer me, m, dumpo, finoa INTEGER merror(4), headcor, ichc, coco INTEGER i, j, iev, min, st2c, bit, bi, lleng INTEGER ic, k,l, ke, ic0, icsave, chi INTEGER hcchi(1000), hcic(1000),hcco INTEGER contr, isfull, israw, iscomp INTEGER inf, sup, em, icb INTEGER XO, YO, XE, YE, icold integer st1b, st2b, lunga, pari integer stwerr(4),yescbra, chis, esci, icprima integer seemcomp, seemfull, cberaw, yesisco, yesisfu,yesisra integer ca50, ca50a, ca50b C real dedx1(11,96),dedx2(11,96),dedx3(11,96),dedx4(11,96) real dedx1c(11,96),dedx2c(11,96),dedx3c(11,96),dedx4c(11,96) real base1(11,6),base2(11,6),base3(11,6),base4(11,6) REAL DEXY(2,NPLA,NCHA), dexyc(2,npla,ncha), base(2,npla,6) real auto(7) real calselftrig(4,7), calIItrig(4), calstriphit(4), & calDSPtaberr(4), calevnum(4) real perror(4) C DATA YE/246/ ! CODE_EV_R YE = 111 10110 DATA YO/237/ ! CODE_EV_R YO = 111 01101 DATA XE/234/ ! CODE_EV_R XE = 111 01010 DATA XO/241/ ! CODE_EV_R XO = 111 10001 C COMMON / evento / iev, stwerr, perror, & dexy,dexyc,base, & calselftrig,calIItrig, & calstriphit,calDSPtaberr,calevnum save / evento / C COMMON / VARIE / dumpo, CONTR, merror SAVE / VARIE / C C Begin ! C SOGLIA0 = 70 C C input length must be > 0, if not go out with error code 142 C if (lung.le.0) then if (dumpo.eq.iev) print *,'lung = ',lung do i=1,4 merror(i)=142 enddo goto 999 endif C C no debug informations C if (dumpo.eq.0) dumpo=-1 C C DEBUG: PRINT OUT THE INPUT VECTOR C if (iev.eq.dumpo) then do l=1,lung write(*,17)l,vecta(l) enddo endif C C DETERMINE LENGTH IN WORDS FROM LENGTH IN BYTES C IF (MOD(LUNG,2).EQ.0) THEN lunga = lung / 2 pari = 1 else lunga = int(lung/2) + 1 endif SEC2ND = LUNGA C C IS LENGTH IS TOO LONG? C if (lunga.gt.60000.and.dumpo.gt.0) then print *,'Calorimeter WARNING: more than 60000 words!' lunga = 60000 endif C C PRE-CLEAR VARIABLES C yesisco = 0 yesisfu = 0 yesisra = 0 yescbra = 0 C 1 CONTINUE c C CLEAR VARIABLES C if (iev.lt.0.or.iev.gt.90000000) iev = 0 esci = 0 chi = 0 chis = 0 min = 0 lleng = 0 m = 0 pari = 0 icb = 0 em = 0 coco = 0 me = 1 contr = 1 ic = 1 icsave = 0 C call clearall call azero(dedx1,11*96) call azero(dedx2,11*96) call azero(dedx3,11*96) call azero(dedx4,11*96) call azero(dedx1c,11*96) call azero(dedx2c,11*96) call azero(dedx3c,11*96) call azero(dedx4c,11*96) call azero(base1,11*6) call azero(base2,11*6) call azero(base3,11*6) call azero(base4,11*6) C do l = 1,4 e2(l) = 0 perror(l) = 0. stwerr(l) = 0 merror(l) = 0 enddo C C DETERMINE WHERE TO START TO FIND THE CALORIMETER IN THE INBUT BUFFER C length2 = start c 20 continue C if (length2.ge.-2) then ic = ic + (2 * (length2 + 2)) else if (dumpo.gt.0) & print *,'Calorimeter WARNING: length errors ',ic,length2 endif C headcor = 0 ichc = ic icprima = ic hcco = 0 do i=1,1000 hcchi(i) = 0 hcic(i) = 0 enddo c 32 continue C ke = 0 chis = chi icold = ic DO i = 1, 60000 vect(i) = 0 enddo do while (ke.eq.0) C C if (iev.eq.dumpo) print *,'parto da ',ic,contr C C Check consistency of header. C it is composed by CODE+D# (8 bits) and by SATUS WORD (8 bits) c so we must split vect into the two components: C st1b = 0 st2b = 0 C C A CALORIMETER SECTION IS MADE OF AT LEAST 4 BYTES C IF WE HAVE NO ROOM FOR A SECTION GO OUT C if ((ic+4).gt.lung.or.esci.eq.1) then if (headcor.eq.1.and.contr.lt.5) then headcor=-1 ic=ichc goto 32 else if (headcor.eq.0.or.headcor.eq.2) then chi = chi + 8 * (5 - contr) endif merror(contr) = 129 stwerr(contr) = 0 if (iev.eq.dumpo) print *,'put to zero here ',headcor if (esci.eq.0) then ic = icsave else ic = icprima endif if (headcor.eq.2) then chi = chis endif esci = 0 headcor = 0 hcco = 0 ichc = 0 do i=1,1000 hcchi(i) = 0 hcic(i) = 0 enddo length2 = -2 lleng = 0 length = 0 goto 150 endif endif C C ST1B IS "CODE", ST2B IS "D#" C do bit = 0, 7 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1) if (bi.eq.1) st1b = ibset(st1b,bit) bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1) if (bi.eq.1) st2b = ibset(st2b,bit) enddo c C IC+2 AND IC+3 CONTAINS THE LENGTH OF THE CALORIMETER SECTION c length2 = 0 do bit=0, 7 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+3),bit,1) if (bi.eq.1) length2 = ibset(length2,bit) bi = ibits(vecta(ic+2),bit,1) if (bi.eq.1) length2 = ibset(length2,bit+8) enddo C C calorimeter signature in DSP mode (CA50 CA50): C ca50 = 0 if (ic+24.lt.lung) then ca50a = 0 do bit=0, 7 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+23),bit,1) if (bi.eq.1) ca50a = ibset(ca50a,bit) bi = ibits(vecta(ic+22),bit,1) if (bi.eq.1) ca50a = ibset(ca50a,bit+8) enddo ca50b = 0 do bit=0, 7 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+25),bit,1) if (bi.eq.1) ca50b = ibset(ca50b,bit) bi = ibits(vecta(ic+24),bit,1) if (bi.eq.1) ca50b = ibset(ca50b,bit+8) enddo if (ca50a.eq.ca50b.and.ca50a.eq.51792) ca50 = 1 endif C c the crc should be at vect(length) with C length = length2 + 1 C c some checks to be sure we have found the calorimeter data: c status word is always less then 129 c if (st2b.gt.128) then length = 0 length2 = 0 goto 100 endif c c length of the packet IN WORDS must be less then HALF OF THE C LENGTH IN BYTES if noT THERE ARE SOME errors c bi = ibits(st2b,0,1) if (length2.gt.lunga.OR.LENGTH2.LE.0) then if (headcor.eq.2) then chi = chi + 4 endif length = 0 length2 = 0 goto 100 endif c e2(contr) = 0 C if (CONTR.eq.1) then c c is it the first section? c if (st1b.eq.XE.and.(ca50.eq.1.or.length2.eq.1064)) then c if so go out of this loop and go on recording data ke = 1 icsave = ic m = ic if (iev.eq.dumpo) then print *,'1m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari',m,lunga,lleng,lung, & pari endif call fillin(m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari,vect,vecta) C icb = 1 E2(contr) = vect(icb) if (iev.eq.dumpo) then print *,'headcor ',headcor write(*,22)vect(icb) print *,'1m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari',m,lunga,lleng,lung, & pari endif if (headcor.eq.2) then if (coco.ne.1) then coco = 1 else coco = -1 endif if (st2b.ne.0) then call counter(e2(contr),chi) endif endif goto 100 endif ENDIF C c the same for the second section, ... c if (CONTR.eq.2) then if (st1b.eq.XO.and.(ca50.eq.1.or.length2.eq.1064)) then ke = 2 icsave = ic m = ic if (iev.eq.dumpo) then print *,'2m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari',m,lunga,lleng,lung, & pari endif call fillin(m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari,vect,vecta) icb = 1 E2(contr) = vect(icb) if (iev.eq.dumpo) then print *,'headcor ',headcor write(*,22)vect(icb) print *,'2m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari',m,lunga,lleng,lung, & pari endif if (headcor.eq.2) then if (coco.ne.2) then coco = 2 else coco = -1 endif if ((ic-icold).ne.0) chi=chi+abs(ic-icold) if (st2b.ne.0) then call counter(e2(contr),chi) endif endif goto 100 endif ENDIF c C ... for the third,... c if (CONTR.eq.3) then if (st1b.eq.YE.and.(ca50.eq.1.or.length2.eq.1064)) then ke = 3 icsave = ic m = ic if (iev.eq.dumpo) then print *,'3m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari',m,lunga,lleng,lung, & pari endif call fillin(m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari,vect,vecta) icb = 1 E2(contr) = vect(icb) if (iev.eq.dumpo) then print *,'headcor ',headcor write(*,22)vect(icb) print *,'3m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari',m,lunga,lleng,lung, & pari endif if (headcor.eq.2) then if (coco.eq.3) then coco = 3 else coco = -1 endif if (ic-icold.ne.0) chi = chi + abs(ic-icold) if (st2b.ne.0) then call counter(e2(contr),chi) endif endif goto 100 endif ENDIF C c ...and for the last section. c if (CONTR.eq.4) then if (st1b.eq.YO.and.(ca50.eq.1.or.length2.eq.1064)) then ke = 4 icsave = ic m = ic call fillin(m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari,vect,vecta) icb = 1 E2(contr) = vect(icb) if (headcor.eq.2) then if (coco.eq.4) then coco = 4 else coco = -1 endif if ((ic-icold).ne.0) chi = chi + abs(ic-icold) if (st2b.ne.0) then call counter(e2(contr),chi) endif endif goto 100 endif endif C if (contr.gt.4) then if (iev.eq.dumpo) print *,'go out here' headcor = 0 hcco = 0 ichc = 0 do i=1,1000 hcchi(i) = 0 hcic(i) = 0 enddo goto 200 endif C 100 CONTINUE c c increment vector of one searching for the next section c ic = ic + 1 c enddo C c format not used c 10 FORMAT(2X,'Error for view:',2X,I1,2X,'Status word:',2X,Z4) 11 FORMAT(2X,'View or command not recognized for view:',2X,I1,2X, & 'Status word:',2X,Z4) 12 FORMAT(2X,'Error - did NOT find view:',2X,I1) 13 FORMAT(2X,'Error - eof reached, exiting') 14 FORMAT(2X,I8,2X,I10) 15 FORMAT(2X,I8,2X,Z8) 17 FORMAT(2X,'Element:',2X,I6,2X,' word:',2X,Z8) 18 FORMAT(2X,'Element:',2X,I6,2X,' word:',2X,Z2,Z2) 21 FORMAT(2X,'CRC: ',2X,Z8) 22 FORMAT(2X,'vect(icb): ',2X,Z8) C c go on recording data ic = ic - 1 c c K = CONTR ic0 = icb icb = icb + 1 length = vect(icb) + 2 length2 = vect(icb) lleng = (length*2) - 1 C C Check consistency of CRCs. C C C IF THE STATUS WORD HAS THE CRC BIT ON AND WE ARE NOT IN THE C HEADCOR CASE 0 (WE WERE BELIEVING THE SECTION FOUND WAS FINE) C if ((ibits(e2(contr),0,1).ne.0.or. & (ibits(e2(contr),3,1).eq.1.and.length2.ne.1064)) & .and.headcor.EQ.0) then headcor = 1 ichc = ic - 1 if (iev.eq.dumpo) print *,'crc st word wrong',ic,ichc,headcor endif C C HEADOCR = 1 MEANS SEARCH AGAIN FOR THAT SECTION C if (headcor.eq.1) then hcco = hcco + 1 if (st2b.ne.0) then call counter(e2(contr),hcchi(hcco)) endif C if (contr.gt.1.or.yesisco.ne.0.or.yesisfu.ne.0 & .or.yesisra.ne.0.or.yescbra.ne.0) then iscomp = 0 isfull = 0 israw = 0 if (yesisco.ne.0.or.yesisfu.ne.0 & .or.yesisra.ne.0.or.yescbra.ne.0) then if (yesisra.ne.0.or.yescbra.ne.0) israw = 2 if (yesisco.ne.0) iscomp = 2 if (yesisfu.ne.0) isfull = 2 else i = 1 do while(iscomp.eq.0.and.isfull.eq.0.and.israw.eq.0.and. & i.lt.(contr-1)) if (ibits(stwerr(i),16,1).eq.1) iscomp = iscomp + 1 if (ibits(stwerr(i),17,1).eq.1) isfull = isfull + 1 if (ibits(e2(i),3,1).eq.1.and.merror(i).eq.0) & israw = israw + 1 i = i + 1 enddo endif c c how does this section look like? (note that in case of crc errors c this test has no value...) c test = vect(icb+12) seemcomp = 0 seemfull = 0 if (test.eq.ival) then seemcomp = 1 elseif (test.eq.0) then seemfull = 1 endif c c if a previous good section was raw and this header we are analyzing c is not raw something strange is happening, add a weight. c if ((israw.ne.0.and.ibits(e2(contr),3,1).ne.1) & .or.(israw.ne.0.and.length2.ne.1064)) then hcco = hcco - 1 length=0 length2=0 lleng=0 ic = ic + 1 if (iev.eq.dumpo) & print *,'not raw, search again ',ic,ichc,headcor goto 32 endif c c the same with compress and full mode c if ((iscomp.ne.0.or.isfull.ne.0) & .and.ibits(e2(contr),3,1).eq.1) then hcco = hcco - 1 length=0 length2=0 lleng=0 ic = ic + 1 if (iev.eq.dumpo) & print *,'raw in full or compress mode, search again ',ic,ichc, & headcor goto 32 endif if (iscomp.ne.0.and.(ibits(e2(contr),3,1).eq.1.or. & seemcomp.eq.0)) hcchi(hcco) = hcchi(hcco) + 2 if (isfull.ne.0.and.(ibits(e2(contr),3,1).eq.1.or. & seemfull.eq.0)) hcchi(hcco) = hcchi(hcco) + 2 endif C if (ibits(e2(contr),3,1).eq.1.and.length2.eq.1064) then hcchi(hcco) = hcchi(hcco) - 2 elseif ((ibits(e2(contr),3,1).eq.1.or.israw.ne.0) & .and.length2.ne.1064) then hcco = hcco - 1 length=0 length2=0 lleng=0 ic = ic + 1 if (iev.eq.dumpo) & print *,'raw bit not raw length, search again ',ic,ichc,headcor goto 32 endif C hcic(hcco) = ic ic = ic + 1 length=0 length2=0 lleng=0 if (iev.eq.dumpo) print *,'search again ',ic,ichc,headcor goto 32 endif C C HEADCOR = - 1 MEANS STOP SEARCHING FOR THAT SECTION, SELECT C THE CASE WITH LESS ERRORS, FOUND THAT SECTION AND GIVE C HEADCOR = 2 (I.E. GO OUT OF THE LOOP) C if (headcor.eq.-1) then if (iev.eq.dumpo) print *,'enter -1, ',hcco,ke headcor = 2 if (ke.le.2.and.hcco.ge.1) then finoa = 0 do i = 1, hcco if (ke.eq.1.and.hcic(i).lt.SEC1ST) finoa = i if (ke.eq.2.and.hcic(i).lt.SEC2ND) finoa = i enddo if (finoa.eq.0) then esci = 1 if (iev.eq.dumpo) & print *,'finoa=0! no possible solutions ' else if (iev.eq.dumpo) print *,'ke = ',ke,' and hcco>1 ',finoa call minerr(ic,hcic,hcchi,min,finoa) endif else if (hcco.eq.0) then esci = 1 if (iev.eq.dumpo) & print *,'hcco=0! no possible solutions' else call minerr(ic,hcic,hcchi,min,hcco) endif endif e2(contr) = 0 if (iev.eq.dumpo) then print *,'stop searching' print *,'ic,hcic(min),min,... ',ic,hcic(min),min, & hcchi(min),hcco,coco do i=1,hcco print *,'i, hcchi ',i,hcchi(i) enddo endif c length=0 length2=0 lleng=0 esci = 0 MERROR(contr) = 0 goto 32 endif C C determine the type of data if not raw (compress or full) C if (headcor.eq.0.or.headcor.eq.2 & .and.ibits(e2(contr),3,1).ne.1) then test = vect(icb+12) seemcomp = 0 seemfull = 0 if (test.eq.ival) then C C compress mode C stwerr(contr) = ibset(stwerr(contr),16) elseif (test.eq.0) then C C full mode C stwerr(contr) = ibset(stwerr(contr),17) endif endif C hcco = 0 ichc = 0 check = 0 do i=1,1000 hcchi(i) = 0 hcic(i) = 0 enddo inf = ic0 sup = length - 1 do i = inf,sup check=crc(check,vect(i)) enddo C if (iev.eq.dumpo) then write(*,21)vect(length) print *,' CRC position ',length write(*,21)check endif C if (check.ne.vect(length)) then merror(contr) = 132 chi = chi + 4 lleng = 0 length2 = 0 length = 0 C C clear vectors of that section in the common C call clearsec C calselftrig(k,1) = check calselftrig(k,2) = vect(length) c if (ke.eq.1.and.headcor.ne.2) then ic = 10 elseif (headcor.eq.2) then contr = contr + 1 endif headcor = 1 ichc = ic - 1 if (iev.eq.dumpo) & print *,'crc is wrong ',ic, & ' search section ',contr,' coco = ',coco goto 32 else chi = chi - 4 if (chi.lt.0) chi = 0 endif C headcor = 0 C 19 CONTINUE C C Process data. C call clearsec do i = 1, 7 icb = icb + 1 auto(i) = vect(icb) enddo C st2c = 0 if (st2b.ne.0) then do bit=0, 6 bi = ibits(st2b,bit,1) if (bit.eq.3.and.bi.ne.0) st2c = 8 enddo endif C if (st2c.eq.8) then if (length2.ne.1064) then merror(contr) = 133 chi = chi + 4 if (iev.eq.dumpo) & print *,'raw lung 4' lleng = 0 goto 150 else if (k.eq.1) call CALRAW(vect,icb+1,length-1,dedx1) if (k.eq.2) call CALRAW(vect,icb+1,length-1,dedx2) if (k.eq.3) call CALRAW(vect,icb+1,length-1,dedx3) if (k.eq.4) call CALRAW(vect,icb+1,length-1,dedx4) endif goto 50 endif C 41 FORMAT(2X,I2,2X,'word :',1x,z4) test = vect(icb+5) c if (test.eq.ival) then if (length2.gt.1201) then merror(contr) = 134 chi = chi + 4 if (iev.eq.dumpo) & print *,'compr lung 4' lleng = 0 goto 150 else icb = icb + 1 calIItrig(k) = vect(icb) icb = icb + 1 calstriphit(k) = vect(icb) icb = icb + 1 C FIRST CALORIMETER SIGNATURE: CA50 icb = icb + 1 C SECOND CALORIMETER SIGNATURE: CA50 icb = icb + 1 C test is here! icb = icb + 1 calDSPtaberr(k) = vect(icb) icb = icb + 1 calevnum(k) = vect(icb) if (k.eq.1) call CALCOMPRESS(vect,icb+1,length-1,dedx1c, & base1) if (k.eq.2) call CALCOMPRESS(vect,icb+1,length-1,dedx2c, & base2) if (k.eq.3) call CALCOMPRESS(vect,icb+1,length-1,dedx3c, & base3) if (k.eq.4) call CALCOMPRESS(vect,icb+1,length-1,dedx4c, & base4) goto 50 endif else if (test.eq.0) then if (length2.gt.2257) then merror(contr) = 135 chi = chi + 4 if (iev.eq.dumpo) & print *,'full lung 4' lleng = 0 goto 150 else icb = icb + 1 calIItrig(k) = vect(icb) icb = icb + 1 calstriphit(k) = vect(icb) icb = icb + 1 C FIRST CALORIMETER SIGNATURE: CA50 icb = icb + 1 C SECOND CALORIMETER SIGNATURE: CA50 icb = icb + 1 C test is here! icb = icb + 1 calDSPtaberr(k) = vect(icb) icb = icb + 1 calevnum(k) = vect(icb) if (k.eq.1) call CALFULL(vect,icb+1,length-1,dedx1, & dedx1c,base1) if (k.eq.2) call CALFULL(vect,icb+1,length-1,dedx2, & dedx2c,base2) if (k.eq.3) call CALFULL(vect,icb+1,length-1,dedx3, & dedx3c,base3) if (k.eq.4) call CALFULL(vect,icb+1,length-1,dedx4, & dedx4c,base4) goto 50 endif else merror(contr) = 136 chi = chi + 4 if (iev.eq.dumpo) & print *,'decoding problems 4' lleng = 0 goto 150 endif c 50 continue c C do i = 1,7 calselftrig(k,i) = auto(i) enddo C DO I = 1,11 DO J = 1,96 DEXY(2,2*I,J) = DEDX2(I,J) DEXY(1,2*I-1,J) = DEDX4(I,J) DEXY(2,2*I-1,97-J) = DEDX1(I,J) DEXY(1,2*I,J) = DEDX3(I,J) DEXYC(2,2*I,J) = DEDX2C(I,J) DEXYC(1,2*I-1,J) = DEDX4C(I,J) DEXYC(2,2*I-1,97-J) = DEDX1C(I,J) DEXYC(1,2*I,J) = DEDX3C(I,J) enddo do j = 1,6 base(2,2*i,j) = base2(i,j) base(1,2*i-1,j) = base4(i,j) base(2,2*i-1,7-j) = base1(i,j) base(1,2*i,j) = base3(i,j) enddo enddo C 150 continue C contr = contr + 1 C c go on till we have found all the four sections c if (contr.lt.5) goto 20 c 200 continue C iscomp = 0 isfull = 0 israw = 0 do i = 1, 4 if (ibits(stwerr(i),16,1).eq.1) iscomp = iscomp + 1 if (ibits(stwerr(i),17,1).eq.1) isfull = isfull + 1 if (ibits(e2(i),3,1).eq.1) israw = israw + 1 enddo if (iscomp.ne.0) chi = chi + 8 * (4 - iscomp) if (israw.ne.0) chi = chi + 8 * (4 - israw) if (isfull.ne.0) chi = chi + 8 * (4 - isfull) C C if chi>10 and we have information enough to understand the physic event C was acquired in a certain mode (RAW, FULL or COMPRESS) then reprocess C the event using this information, sometimes we miss a section due to C CRC errors in the previous one but if we know what we are looking for C then it is possible to save this kind of events. C if (chi.gt.5.and.yesisco.eq.0.and.yesisfu.eq.0 & .and.yesisra.eq.0.and.yescbra.eq.0) then israw = 0 cberaw = 0 do i = 1, 4 if (ibits(e2(i),3,1).eq.1.and.merror(i).eq.0) & israw = israw + 1 if (ibits(e2(i),3,1).eq.1.and.merror(i).eq.132) & cberaw = cberaw + 1 enddo yesisco = 0 yesisfu = 0 yesisra = 0 yescbra = 0 if (iscomp.ne.0) yesisco = 1 if (isfull.ne.0) yesisfu = 1 if (israw.ne.0) yesisra = 1 if (cberaw.ne.0) yescbra = 1 if ((yesisco+yesisfu+yesisra).eq.1.or. & ((yesisco+yesisfu+yesisra).eq.0.and.yescbra.eq.1)) then if (iev.eq.dumpo) then print *,'************************' if (iscomp.ne.0) print *,'is a compress acq.' if (isfull.ne.0) print *,'is a full acq.' if (israw.ne.0) print *,'is a raw acq.' if (israw.eq.0.and.cberaw.ne.0) & print *,'could be a raw acq.' print *,'so, SGARBUF, do it again! ',chi print *,'************************' endif SOGLIA0 = SOGLIA0 - ISCOMP - ISFULL - ISRAW goto 1 endif if ((yesisco+yesisfu+yesisra+yescbra).eq.0) chi = 1000 endif C if (iev.eq.dumpo) & print *,'chi <= soglia0 ?',chi,soglia0 if (chi.lt.soglia0) then me = 0 else me = 1 do i = 1, 4 merror(i) = 129 e2(i) = 0 stwerr(i) = 0 enddo call clearall goto 999 endif C C if all section are missing clear vectors and go out C if (merror(1).eq.129.and.merror(2).eq.129 & .and.merror(3).eq.129.and.merror(4).eq.129) then do l = 1,4 e2(l) = 0 stwerr(l) = 0 enddo call clearall endif c 999 continue c do l = 1, 4 do bit=0, 31 if (bit.lt.16) then bi = ibits(E2(L),bit,1) elseif (bit.gt.17) then bi = 0 elseif (bit.ge.16.and.bit.le.17) then bi = 2 endif if (bi.eq.1) then stwerr(l) = ibset(stwerr(l),bit) elseif (bi.eq.0) then stwerr(l) = ibclr(stwerr(l),bit) endif enddo perror(l) = float(merror(l)) enddo c if ( iev.eq.dumpo ) then if (perror(3).eq.132.and.perror(4).eq.129) then do i = 1, 2 do j = 1, 22 do l = 1, 96 print *,'Evento ',i,j,l,dexy(i,j,l) enddo enddo enddo do l=1,lung write(*,17)l,vecta(l) enddo endif endif iev = iev + 1 RETURN END C------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE CALRAW(vect,inf,sup,dedx) C------------------------------------------------ IMPLICIT NONE C INTEGER NPLA, NCHA, LENSEV PARAMETER (NPLA=22,NCHA=96,LENSEV=NPLA*NCHA) C INTEGER*2 VECT(30000) INTEGER inf, sup INTEGER i,j,k, iev INTEGER contr integer stwerr(4), dumpo, merror(4) C REAL DEXY(2,NPLA,NCHA), dexyc(2,npla,ncha), base(2,npla,6) real calselftrig(4,7), calIItrig(4), calstriphit(4), & calDSPtaberr(4), calevnum(4) REAL dedx(11,96) real perror(4) C COMMON / evento / iev, stwerr, perror, & dexy,dexyc,base, & calselftrig,calIItrig, & calstriphit,calDSPtaberr,calevnum save / evento / c COMMON / VARIE / dumpo, CONTR, merror SAVE / VARIE / c k = inf do j = 1,96 do i = 1,11 DEDX(I,J) = 0. dedx(i,j) = vect(k) k = k + 1 enddo enddo c RETURN END C------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE CALCOMPRESS(vect,inf,sup,dedx,basse) C------------------------------------------------ IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER NPLA, NCHA, LENSEV PARAMETER (NPLA=22,NCHA=96,LENSEV=NPLA*NCHA) C INTEGER*2 VECT(30000) INTEGER*2 st, st1 INTEGER inf, sup INTEGER i,j, iev INTEGER ib INTEGER ipl, ipr, ist INTEGER merror(4) INTEGER contr integer stwerr(4),dumpo integer bit,bi C REAL DEXY(2,NPLA,NCHA), dexyc(2,npla,ncha), base(2,npla,6) real calselftrig(4,7), calIItrig(4), calstriphit(4), & calDSPtaberr(4), calevnum(4) REAL dedx(11,96), basse(11,6) real perror(4) C COMMON / evento / IEV, stwerr,perror, & dexy,dexyc,base, & calselftrig,calIItrig, & calstriphit,calDSPtaberr,calevnum save / evento / c COMMON / VARIE / dumpo, CONTR, merror SAVE / VARIE / C DO I = 1,11 DO J = 1,96 if (j.le.6) basse(i,j) = 0. DEDX(I,J) = 0. ENDDO ENDDO C i = inf c 10 continue if (i.gt.sup) then RETURN endif C 40 format(2x,i5,2x,'status :',1x,Z4) C c st1 = 0 do bit=0, 7 bi = ibits(vect(i),bit+8,1) if (bi.eq.1) st1 = ibset(st1,bit) enddo 43 format(2x,'vect(i) = ',Z8) if (st1.eq.8) then ib = 1 else if (st1.eq.16) then ib = 0 else if (iev.eq.dumpo) then print *,'i ',i write(*,43)vect(i) endif merror(contr) = 139 RETURN endif endif C if (ib.eq.1) then C st = IAND(vect(i),'00FF'x) c ipl = int(st/6) + 1 ipr = st - (ipl - 1) * 6 + 1 i = i + 1 if (i.gt.sup) RETURN basse(ipl,ipr) = vect(i) c 20 continue if (i.gt.sup) RETURN C i = i + 1 if (i.gt.sup) RETURN if ((vect(i)+1).gt.16.or.(vect(i)+1).lt.1) then goto 10 endif ist = vect(i) + 1 + 16 * (ipr - 1) i = i + 1 if (i.gt.sup) RETURN dedx(ipl,ist) = vect(i) goto 20 else C st = IAND(vect(i),'00FF'x) ipl = int(st/6) + 1 ipr = st - (ipl - 1) * 6 + 1 do j = 1,16 i = i + 1 if (i.gt.sup) RETURN ist = j + 16 * (ipr - 1) dedx(ipl,ist) = vect(i) enddo i = i + 1 if (i.gt.sup) RETURN goto 10 C endif RETURN END C---------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE CALFULL(vect,inf,sup,dedx,dedxc,basse) C-------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER NPLA, NCHA, LENSEV PARAMETER (NPLA=22,NCHA=96,LENSEV=NPLA*NCHA) C INTEGER*2 VECT(30000) INTEGER inf, sup INTEGER i,j,k, iev INTEGER contr integer stwerr(4),dumpo,merror(4) C REAL DEXY(2,NPLA,NCHA), dexyc(2,npla,ncha), base(2,npla,6) real calselftrig(4,7), calIItrig(4), calstriphit(4), & calDSPtaberr(4), calevnum(4) REAL dedx(11,96), basse(11,6), dedxc(11,96) real perror(4) C COMMON / evento / iev, stwerr,perror, & dexy,dexyc,base, & calselftrig,calIItrig, & calstriphit,calDSPtaberr,calevnum save / evento / c COMMON / VARIE / dumpo, CONTR, merror SAVE / VARIE / C k = inf do i = 1,11 do j = 1,96 DEDX(I,J) = 0. dedx(i,j) = vect(k) k = k + 1 enddo enddo C call CALCOMPRESS(vect,k,sup,dedxc,basse) C 10 FORMAT(2X,'Status word:',2X,Z8) RETURN END C------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE COUNTER(ve,er) C------------------------------------------------ IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER NPLA, NCHA, LENSEV PARAMETER (NPLA=22,NCHA=96,LENSEV=NPLA*NCHA) C INTEGER*2 VE, st4 INTEGER er, bit, bi, iev INTEGER contr integer stwerr(4),dumpo, merror(4) C REAL DEXY(2,NPLA,NCHA), dexyc(2,npla,ncha), base(2,npla,6) real calselftrig(4,7), calIItrig(4), calstriphit(4), & calDSPtaberr(4), calevnum(4) real perror(4) C COMMON / evento / IEV, stwerr,perror, & dexy,dexyc,base, & calselftrig,calIItrig, & calstriphit,calDSPtaberr,calevnum save / evento / COMMON / VARIE / dumpo, CONTR, merror SAVE / VARIE / st4 = 0 st4 = IAND(ve,'00FF'x) if (st4.ne.0) then do bit=0, 6 bi = ibits(st4,bit,1) if (bi.ne.0) then er = er + 2 endif enddo endif 10 FORMAT(2X,'Status word:',2X,Z4) return end C------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE MINERR(ic,icsave,chi,min,co) C------------------------------------------------ IMPLICIT NONE C INTEGER NPLA, NCHA, LENSEV PARAMETER (NPLA=22,NCHA=96,LENSEV=NPLA*NCHA) C INTEGER ic, icsave(1000), chi(1000) integer l, st, min,co INTEGER iev INTEGER contr integer stwerr(4),dumpo, merror(4) C REAL DEXY(2,NPLA,NCHA), dexyc(2,npla,ncha), base(2,npla,6) real calselftrig(4,7), calIItrig(4), calstriphit(4), & calDSPtaberr(4), calevnum(4) real perror(4) C COMMON / evento / iev, stwerr,perror, & dexy,dexyc,base, & calselftrig,calIItrig, & calstriphit,calDSPtaberr,calevnum save / evento / C COMMON / VARIE / dumpo, CONTR, merror SAVE / VARIE / st = chi(1) min = 1 if (co.gt.1) then do l = 2, co if (chi(l).lt.st) then st = chi(l) min = l endif enddo endif ic = icsave(min) return end C----------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE CLEARSEC C----------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE C INTEGER NPLA, NCHA, LENSEV PARAMETER (NPLA=22,NCHA=96,LENSEV=NPLA*NCHA) C INTEGER iev INTEGER contr, i,j integer stwerr(4),dumpo, merror(4) C REAL DEXY(2,NPLA,NCHA), dexyc(2,npla,ncha), base(2,npla,6) real calselftrig(4,7), calIItrig(4), calstriphit(4), & calDSPtaberr(4), calevnum(4) real perror(4) C COMMON / evento / iev, stwerr,perror, & dexy,dexyc,base, & calselftrig,calIItrig, & calstriphit,calDSPtaberr,calevnum save / evento / c COMMON / VARIE / dumpo, CONTR, merror SAVE / VARIE / C DO I = 1,11 DO J = 1,96 if (contr.eq.3) then DEXY(1,2*I,J) = 0. DEXYC(1,2*I,J) = 0. endif if (contr.eq.4) then DEXY(1,2*I-1,J) = 0. DEXYC(1,2*I-1,J) = 0. endif if (contr.eq.1) then DEXY(2,2*I-1,97-J) = 0. DEXYC(2,2*I-1,97-J) = 0. endif if (contr.eq.2) then DEXY(2,2*I,J) = 0. DEXYC(2,2*I,J) = 0. endif enddo do j = 1,6 if (contr.eq.1) base(2,2*i-1,7-j) = 0. if (contr.eq.4) base(1,2*i-1,j) = 0. if (contr.eq.2) base(2,2*i,j) = 0. if (contr.eq.3) base(1,2*i,j) = 0. enddo if (i.le.7) calselftrig(contr,i) = 0. enddo calIItrig(contr) = 0. calstriphit(contr) = 0. calDSPtaberr(contr) = 0. calevnum(contr) = 0. return end C