/[PAMELA software]/calo/unpacking/calpulse.for
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Contents of /calo/unpacking/calpulse.for

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Revision 1.4 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Jun 29 15:04:41 2006 UTC (18 years, 8 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.3: +4 -2 lines
fixed another bug

1 C
2 C Written by Mirko Boezio and Emiliano Mocchiutti
3 C
4 C * Version: 3.1.7 *
5 C
6 C 3.1.6 - 3.1.7: (2006-06-29) another bug related to XO is rotated, not XE!! fixed.
7 C
8 C 3.1.5 - 3.1.6: (2006-06-29) XO is rotated, not XE!! fixed.
9 C
10 C 3.1.4 - 3.1.5: (2006-06-29) save in calpuls(section,1,1) and calpuls(section,1,2) the CRC values (transmitted and calculated) in case of CRC errors
11 C
12 C 3.1.3 - 3.1.4: (2005-05-26) the decoding is wrong!!! we are reading all strip in one plane per time and not one strip over all planes per time!!!!
13 C
14 C 3.1.2 - 3.1.3: (2005-02-23) added some printout in debugging mode.
15 C
16 C 3.1.1 - 3.1.2: (2004-12-21) changed common varie.
17 C
18 C 3.1.0 - 3.1.1: (2004-12-13) bug in filling the calpuls vector. Fixed.
19 C
20 C 3.0.0 - 3.1.0: (2004-12-10) changes in the sections order and increment
21 C iev each time calpulse is called. Cleanup of the code.
22 C
23 C 0.00.0 - 3.0.0: (2004-11-08) changes in the commons (one more common for
24 C calpulse and from calstripshit to calstriphit).
25 C
26 C - fixed compilation error
27 C
28 C------------------------------------------------
29 SUBROUTINE CALPULSE(vecta,lung,me)
30 C------------------------------------------------
33 C
34 C Normal variables definition
35 C
36 INTEGER i, j, lung, me
39 C
40 INTEGER*2 VECT(60000)
41 INTEGER*1 VECTA(lung)
42 integer*2 check, crc,e2(4)
43 INTEGER*2 length, length2
44 C
45 INTEGER ERROR(4), merror(4)
46 INTEGER ic, k, ke, ic0
48 INTEGER inf, sup, lunga,lleng,l
50 integer pstwerr(4), IEV
51 integer dump
52 integer st1b, st2b, bit,bi,icb, pari
54 real pperror(4)
55 REAL calpuls(4,11,96)
57 DATA XO/177/ ! CODE_DSP_R XO = 101 10001
58 DATA YO/173/ ! CODE_DSP_R YO = 101 01101
59 DATA XE/170/ ! CODE_DSP_R XE = 101 01010
60 DATA YE/182/ ! CODE_DSP_R YE = 101 10110
62 COMMON / calpul / iev, pstwerr, pperror,
63 & calpuls
65 save / calpul /
66 c
68 COMMON /VARIE/ dump, CONTR, merror
72 C
73 C Begin !
74 C
75 if (dump.eq.0) dump = -1
76 if (iev.lt.0.or.iev.gt.9000000) iev = 0
77 call clearall
78 do i = 1, 4
79 pstwerr(i) = 0
80 pperror(i) = 0.
81 error(i) = 0
82 e2(i) = 0
83 enddo
84 me = 0
85 lleng = 0
86 ic = 0
87 c
88 pari = 0
90 lunga = lung / 2
91 pari = 1
92 else
93 lunga = int(lung/2) + 1
94 endif
95 c
96 if (lunga.gt.60000.and.dump.gt.0) then
97 print *,'Calorimeter WARNING: more than 30000 words!'
98 lunga = 60000
99 endif
100 c
101 length = ic
102 c
103 20 continue
104 ic = ic + length + 1
105 32 continue
106 ke = 0
107 do while (ke.eq.0)
108 C
109 C Check consistency of header.
110 C it is composed by CODE+D# (8 bits) and by SATUS WORD (8 bits)
111 c so we must split vect into the two components:
112 C
113 C ST1 is CODE + D#
114 c
115 st1b = 0
116 st2b = 0
117 do bit = 0, 7
118 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
119 if (bi.eq.1) st1b = ibset(st1b,bit)
120 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
121 if (bi.eq.1) st2b = ibset(st2b,bit)
122 enddo
123 c
124 C ST2 is the STATUS WORD
125 c
126 length2 = 0
127 do bit=0, 7
128 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+3),bit,1)
129 if (bi.eq.1) length2 = ibset(length2,bit)
130 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+2),bit,1)
131 if (bi.eq.1) length2 = ibset(length2,bit+8)
132 enddo
133 c the crc should be at vect(length) with
134 length = length2 + 1
135 C
136 c some checks to be sure we have found the calorimeter data:
137 c
138 c status word is always less then 129
139 c
140 if (st2b.gt.128) then
141 length = 0
142 goto 100
143 endif
144 c
145 c length of the packet must be less then 20000 if no errors
146 c are found
147 c
148 if (st2b.eq.0.and.length2.gt.lunga) then
149 length = 0
150 goto 100
151 endif
152 c
153 if (length2.le.0) then
154 length = 0
155 goto 100
156 endif
157 c
158 c is it the first section?
159 c
160 if (st1b.eq.XE.and.length2.eq.1057) then
161 c if so go out of this loop and go on recording data
162 ke = 1
163 m = ic
164 contr = 1
165 if (iev.eq.dump) then
166 print *,'1m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari',m,lunga,lleng,lung,
167 & pari
168 endif
169 call fillin(m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari,vect,vecta)
170 icb = 1
171 E2(contr) = vect(icb)
172 goto 9
174 C
175 c the same for the second section, ...
176 C
177 if (st1b.eq.XO.and.length2.eq.1057) then
178 contr = 2
179 ke = 1
180 m = ic
181 call fillin(m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari,vect,vecta)
182 icb = 1
183 E2(contr) = vect(icb)
184 goto 9
186 c
187 C ... for the third,...
188 c
189 if (st1b.eq.YE.and.length2.eq.1057) then
190 contr = 3
191 ke = 1
192 m = ic
193 call fillin(m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari,vect,vecta)
194 icb = 1
195 E2(contr) = vect(icb)
196 goto 9
198 C
199 c ...and for the last section.
200 c
201 if (st1b.eq.YO.and.length2.eq.1057) then
202 contr = 4
203 ke = 1
204 m = ic
205 call fillin(m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari,vect,vecta)
206 icb = 1
207 E2(contr) = vect(icb)
208 endif
209 C
210 100 CONTINUE
211 c
212 c increment vector of one searching for the next section
213 c
214 9 continue
215 ic = ic + 1
216 c
217 c if we run out of vector give an error and exit the subroutine
218 c
219 if (ic.gt.(lung-1)) then
220 me = 1
221 c print *,'1 me = 1'
222 call clearall
223 do i = 1, 4
224 error(i) = 129
225 e2(i) = 0
226 pstwerr(i) = 0
227 enddo
228 goto 200
229 endif
230 enddo
231 C
232 10 FORMAT(2X,'Error for view:',2X,I1,2X,'Status word:',2X,Z4)
233 11 FORMAT(2X,'View or command not recognized for view:',2X,I1,2X,
234 & 'Status word:',2X,Z4)
235 12 FORMAT(2X,'Error - did NOT find view:',2X,I1)
236 13 FORMAT(2X,'Error - eof reached, exiting')
237 21 FORMAT(2X,'CRC: ',2X,Z8)
238 C
239 K = CONTR
240 ic0 = icb
241 ic = ic - 1
242 icb = icb + 1
243 length = vect(icb) + 2
244 length2 = vect(icb)
245 lleng = (length * 2) - 1
246 C
247 C Check consistency of CRC.
248 C
249 check = 0.
250 inf = ic0
251 sup = length - 1
252 do i = inf,sup
253 check=crc(check,vect(i))
254 enddo
255 if (check.ne.vect(length)) then
256 ERROR(contr) = 132
257 c print *,'2 me = 1'
258 calpuls(k,1,1) = check
259 calpuls(k,1,2) = vect(length)
260 me = 1
261 goto 200
262 endif
264 if (iev.eq.dump) write(*,21)vect(length)
265 if (iev.eq.dump) write(*,21)check
266 c
267 C
268 C Process data.
269 C
270 if (k.eq.1) then
271 k = 1
272 goto 49
273 endif
274 if (k.eq.2) then
275 k = 3
276 goto 49
277 endif
278 if (k.eq.3) then
279 k = 4
280 goto 49
281 endif
282 if (k.eq.4) k = 2
283 c
284 49 continue
285 c
286 do i = 1,11
287 do j = 1,96
288 icb = icb + 1
289 if (k.eq.3) then
290 calpuls(k,i,97-j) = vect(icb)
291 else
292 calpuls(k,i,j) = vect(icb)
293 endif
294 enddo
295 enddo
296 c print *,'3 me = 0'
297 me = 0
298 c
299 50 continue
300 c
301 C
302 200 continue
303 C
304 do l = 1, 4
305 do bit=0, 31
306 if (bit.lt.16) then
307 bi = ibits(E2(L),bit,1)
308 else
309 bi = 0
310 endif
311 if (l.ne.contr) bi = 0
312 if (bi.eq.1) then
313 pstwerr(l) = ibset(pstwerr(l),bit)
314 else
315 pstwerr(l) = ibclr(pstwerr(l),bit)
316 endif
317 enddo
318 pperror(l) = float(error(l))
319 enddo
320 C
321 iev = iev + 1
323 END

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