/[PAMELA software]/calo/unpacking/calpedestal.for
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Contents of /calo/unpacking/calpedestal.for

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Jun 29 07:50:53 2006 UTC (18 years, 7 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +5 -1 lines
Save crc values in case of crc errors

1 C
2 C Written by Mirko Boezio and Emiliano Mocchiutti
3 C
4 C * Version: 3.1.3 *
5 C
6 C 3.1.2 - 3.1.3: (2006-06-29) save in calped(section,1,1) and calped(section,1,2) the CRC values (transmitted and calculated) in case of CRC errors
7 C
8 C 3.1.1 - 3.1.2: (2005-12-02) recognize RAW mode command and exit with error 130.
9 C
10 C 3.1.0 - 3.1.1: (2004-12-21) changed common varie.
11 C
12 C 3.0.01 - 3.1.0: (2004-12-10) cleanup of the code and changes in the
13 C sections order.
14 C
15 C 3.0.00 - 3.0.01: (2004-11-08) changes in the commons (one more common for
16 C calpulse and from calstripshit to calstriphit).
17 C
18 C previous - 3.0.00: (2004-10-25) cleanup, some small bugs fixed
19 C
20 C - fixed compilation error
21 C
22 C------------------------------------------------
24 C------------------------------------------------
27 C
28 C Normal variables definition
29 C
30 integer lung
33 C
34 INTEGER*1 VECTA(lung)
35 INTEGER*2 VECT(60000)
36 C
37 integer*2 check, crc, e2(4)
38 INTEGER*2 length, length2
39 integer*4 chksum, chksum2
40 C
41 integer me, lleng
42 INTEGER i, j
43 INTEGER ERROR(4), merror(4)
44 INTEGER ic, k, ke, ic0, l
45 INTEGER contr, m
46 INTEGER inf, sup,iev
48 integer st1b, st2b, bit, bi, icb
49 INTEGER lunga, pari
50 integer stwerr(4),dump, cstwerr(4)
51 C
52 REAL calped(4,11,96), calgood(4,11,96), calthr(4,11,6)
53 REAL calrms(4,11,96), calbase(4,11,6), calvar(4,11,6)
54 real perror(4), cperror(4)
55 C
56 DATA YE/182/ ! CODE_DSP_R YE = 101 10110
57 DATA YO/173/ ! CODE_DSP_R YO = 101 01101
58 DATA XE/170/ ! CODE_DSP_R XE = 101 01010
59 DATA XO/177/ ! CODE_DSP_R XO = 101 10001
61 COMMON / calib / iev, cstwerr, cperror,
62 & calped, calgood, calthr, calrms,
63 & calbase, calvar
65 save / calib /
66 c
67 COMMON /VARIE/ dump, contr, merror
70 C
71 C Begin !
72 C
73 if (dump.eq.0) dump = -1
74 C
76 C
77 if (iev.eq.dump) then
78 do l=1,lung
79 write(*,17)l,vecta(l)
80 enddo
81 endif
82 17 FORMAT(2X,'Elemento:',2X,I6,2X,' word:',2X,Z8)
83 C
84 if (iev.lt.0.or.iev.gt.9000000) iev = 0
85 C
86 call clearall
87 do i = 1, 4
88 cstwerr(i) = 0
89 cperror(i) = 0.
90 error(i) = 0
91 e2(i) = 0
92 stwerr(i) = 0
93 enddo
94 contr = 1
95 me = 0
96 lleng = 0
97 ic = 0
98 pari = 0
99 length = 0
100 C
101 C input length must be > 0, if not go out with error code 142
102 C
103 if (lung.le.0) then
104 if (dump.eq.iev) print *,'lung = ',lung
105 do i=1,4
106 error(i)=142
107 enddo
108 goto 200
109 endif
110 C
111 C
112 IF (MOD(LUNG,2).EQ.0) THEN
113 lunga = lung / 2
114 pari = 1
115 else
116 lunga = int(lung/2) + 1
117 endif
118 c
119 if (lunga.gt.60000.and.dump.gt.0) then
120 print *,'Calorimeter WARNING: more than 60000 words!'
121 lunga = 60000
122 endif
123 c
124 C
125 C the fafede18 packet can also contain the answer to the force RAW mode command
126 C in that case the lenght is 4 and the answer is known.
127 C
128 IF (LUNG.LE.20) THEN
129 if (dump.eq.iev) print *,' RAW MODE COMMAND? '
130 print *,'vecta(1) ',vecta(1),' ',vecta(3)
131 IF ((VECTA(1).EQ.10.AND.VECTA(3).eq.74).or.
132 & (VECTA(1).EQ.17.AND.VECTA(3).eq.81).or.
133 & (VECTA(1).EQ.22.AND.VECTA(3).eq.86).or.
134 & (VECTA(1).EQ.13.AND.VECTA(3).eq.77)) THEN
135 if (dump.eq.iev) print *,' YES! '
136 call fillin(1,lunga,lleng,lung,pari,vect,vecta)
137 if (VECTA(1).EQ.10) contr = 1
138 if (VECTA(1).EQ.17) contr = 2
139 if (VECTA(1).EQ.22) contr = 3
140 if (VECTA(1).EQ.13) contr = 4
141 E2(contr) = vect(2)
142 do i=1,4
143 error(i)=130
144 enddo
145 goto 200
148 C
149 C
150 C
151 c
153 ic = ic + length + 1
154 32 continue
155 ke = 0
156 do while (ke.eq.0)
157 C
158 C Check consistency of header.
159 C it is composed by CODE+D# (8 bits) and by SATUS WORD (8 bits)
160 c so we must split vect into the two components:
161 C
162 C ST1 is CODE + D#
163 c
164 st1b = 0
165 st2b = 0
166 do bit = 0, 7
167 bi = ibits(vecta(ic),bit,1)
168 if (bi.eq.1) st1b = ibset(st1b,bit)
169 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+1),bit,1)
170 if (bi.eq.1) st2b = ibset(st2b,bit)
171 enddo
172 c
173 C ST2 is the STATUS WORD
174 c
175 length2 = 0
176 do bit=0, 7
177 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+3),bit,1)
178 if (bi.eq.1) length2 = ibset(length2,bit)
179 bi = ibits(vecta(ic+2),bit,1)
180 if (bi.eq.1) length2 = ibset(length2,bit+8)
181 enddo
182 c the crc should be at vect(length) with
183 length = length2 + 1
184 C
185 c some checks to be sure we have found the calorimeter data:
186 c
187 c status word is always less then 129
188 c
189 if (st2b.gt.128) then
190 length = 0
191 goto 100
192 endif
193 c
194 c length of the packet must be less then 20000 if no errors
195 c are found
196 c
197 if (st2b.eq.0.and.length2.gt.lunga) then
198 length = 0
199 goto 100
200 endif
201 c
202 if (length2.le.0) then
203 length = 0
204 goto 100
205 endif
206 c
207 c is it the first section?
208 c
209 if (st1b.eq.XE.and.length2.eq.4629) then
210 c if so go out of this loop and go on recording data
211 ke = 1
212 m = ic
213 contr = 1
214 call fillin(m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari,vect,vecta)
215 icb = 1
216 E2(contr) = vect(icb)
217 goto 9
218 endif
219 C
220 c the same for the second section, ...
221 c
222 if (st1b.eq.XO.and.length2.eq.4629) then
223 ke = 1
224 contr = 2
225 m = ic
226 call fillin(m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari,vect,vecta)
227 icb = 1
228 E2(contr) = vect(icb)
229 goto 9
230 endif
231 c
232 C ... for the third,...
233 c
234 if (st1b.eq.YE.and.length2.eq.4629) then
235 ke = 1
236 m = ic
237 contr = 3
238 call fillin(m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari,vect,vecta)
239 icb = 1
240 E2(contr) = vect(icb)
241 goto 9
242 endif
243 C
244 c ...and for the last section.
245 c
246 if (st1b.eq.YO.and.length2.eq.4629) then
247 contr = 4
248 ke = 1
249 m = ic
250 call fillin(m,lunga,lleng,lung,pari,vect,vecta)
251 icb = 1
252 E2(contr) = vect(icb)
253 endif
254 C
255 100 CONTINUE
256 c
257 c increment vector of one searching for the next section
258 c
259 9 continue
260 ic = ic + 1
261 c
262 c if we run out of vector give an error and exit the subroutine
263 c
264 if (ic.gt.(lung-1)) then
265 me = 1
266 call clearall
267 do i = 1, 4
268 error(i) = 129
269 e2(i) = 0
270 stwerr(i) = 0
271 enddo
272 goto 200
273 endif
274 enddo
275 C
276 10 FORMAT(2X,'Error for view:',2X,I1,2X,'Status word:',2X,Z4)
277 11 FORMAT(2X,'View or command not recognized for view:',2X,I1,2X,
278 & 'Status word:',2X,Z4)
279 12 FORMAT(2X,'Error - did NOT find view:',2X,I1)
280 13 FORMAT(2X,'Error - eov reached, exiting')
281 21 FORMAT(2X,'CRC: ',2X,Z8)
282 101 FORMAT(2X,'Status word 1:',2X,Z8)
283 102 FORMAT(2X,'CHKSUM: ',2X,Z16)
284 201 FORMAT(2X,'Status word 2:',2X,Z8)
285 C
286 K = CONTR
287 ic0 = icb
288 ic = ic - 1
289 icb = icb + 1
290 length = vect(icb) + 2
291 length2 = vect(icb)
292 lleng = (length * 2) - 1
293 C
294 C Check consistency of CRC.
295 C
296 check = 0.
297 inf = ic0
298 sup = length - 1
299 do i = inf,sup
300 check=crc(check,vect(i))
301 enddo
302 if (check.ne.vect(length)) then
303 ERROR(contr) = 132
304 calped(k,1,1) = check
305 calped(k,1,2) = vect(length)
306 goto 200
307 endif
308 C
309 if (iev.eq.dump) write(*,21)vect(length)
310 if (iev.eq.dump) write(*,21)check
311 C
312 C Process data.
313 C
314 if (k.eq.1) then
315 k = 1
316 goto 49
317 endif
318 if (k.eq.2) then
319 k = 3
320 goto 49
321 endif
322 if (k.eq.3) then
323 k = 4
324 goto 49
325 endif
326 if (k.eq.4) k = 2
327 c
328 49 continue
329 c
330 chksum = 0
331 do i = 1,11
332 do j = 1,96
333 icb = icb + 1
334 if (k.eq.1) then
335 calped(k,i,97-j) = vect(icb)
336 calgood(k,i,97-j) = vect(icb+1)
337 else
338 calped(k,i,j) = vect(icb)
339 calgood(k,i,j) = vect(icb+1)
340 endif
341 chksum = chksum + vect(icb)
342 icb = icb + 1
343 enddo
344 enddo
345 C
346 chksum2 = 0
347 do bit=0, 15
348 bi = ibits(vect(icb+1),bit,1)
349 if (bi.eq.1) chksum2 = ibset(chksum2,bit)
350 bi = ibits(vect(icb+3),bit,1)
351 if (bi.eq.1) chksum2 = ibset(chksum2,bit+16)
352 enddo
353 C
354 if (chksum.ne.chksum2) then
355 error(contr) = 140
356 endif
357 C
358 icb = icb + 4
359 chksum = 0
360 do i = 1,11
361 do j = 1,6
362 icb = icb + 1
363 if (k.eq.1) then
364 calthr(k,i,7-j) = vect(icb)
365 else
366 calthr(k,i,j) = vect(icb)
367 endif
368 chksum = chksum + vect(icb)
369 icb = icb + 1
370 enddo
371 enddo
372 c
373 chksum2 = 0
374 do bit=0, 15
375 bi = ibits(vect(icb+1),bit,1)
376 if (bi.eq.1) chksum2 = ibset(chksum2,bit)
377 bi = ibits(vect(icb+3),bit,1)
378 if (bi.eq.1) chksum2 = ibset(chksum2,bit+16)
379 enddo
380 C
381 if (chksum.ne.chksum2) then
382 error(contr) = 141
383 endif
384 C
385 icb = icb + 4
386 do i = 1,11
387 do j = 1,96
388 icb = icb + 1
389 if (k.eq.1) then
390 calrms(k,i,97-j) = vect(icb)
391 else
392 calrms(k,i,j) = vect(icb)
393 endif
394 icb = icb + 1
395 enddo
396 enddo
397 c
398 do i = 1,11
399 do j = 1,6
400 icb = icb + 1
401 if (k.eq.1) then
402 calbase(k,i,7-j) = vect(icb)
403 icb = icb + 1
404 icb = icb + 1
405 calvar(k,i,7-j) = vect(icb)
406 icb = icb + 1
407 else
408 calbase(k,i,j) = vect(icb)
409 icb = icb + 1
410 icb = icb + 1
411 calvar(k,i,j) = vect(icb)
412 icb = icb + 1
413 endif
414 enddo
415 enddo
416 me = 0
417 c
418 c
419 50 continue
420 C
421 200 continue
422 C
423 do l = 1, 4
424 do bit=0, 31
425 if (bit.lt.16) then
426 bi = ibits(E2(L),bit,1)
427 else
428 bi = 0
429 endif
430 if (bi.eq.1) then
431 stwerr(l) = ibset(stwerr(l),bit)
432 else
433 stwerr(l) = ibclr(stwerr(l),bit)
434 endif
435 enddo
436 perror(l) = float(error(l))
437 cstwerr(l) = stwerr(l)
438 cperror(l) = perror(l)
439 enddo
440 C
441 iev = iev + 1
442 C
444 END

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