// // Given a calibration and a data file this program create an ntuple with LEVEL2 calorimeter variables - Emiliano Mocchiutti // // CaloLEVEL2.c version 4.04 (2006-03-20) // // The only input needed is the path to the directory created by YODA for the data file you want to analyze. // // Changelog: // // 4.03 - 4.04 (2006-03-20): Fixed erroneous distance between x/y planes in the core routine // // 4.02 - 4.03 (2006-03-09): Adapted to work with tracker software release r3v02. // // 4.01 - 4.02 (2006-01-26): Bug: wrong baselines calculation in some cases, fixed. // // 4.00 - 4.01 (2006-01-11): Bugs: in Makefile (nothing to worry about) and here clevel1.trkchi2 never filled! fixed. Not really processing self trigger events! fixed. // Bug: not setting small values to zero after applying the cross-talk correction! fixed. // // 3.17 - 4.00 (2005-11-29): preparing for the final release, small changes in the makefile. // // 3.16 - 3.17 (2005-10-13): do not exclude all strips marked "bad" but only the ones with RMS>6. // // 3.15 - 3.16 (2005-10-04): now it reads Tracker Data version 2.00. Process self-trigger events assuming R=1000 GV and using the calorimeter fit of the track; // self-trigger events are still marked as "bad" and there is no energy info, nor any angular correction on the track. // // 3.14 - 3.15 (2005-09-20): QX22 and NX22 are not related to the last plane but the 11th! fixed! // // 3.13 - 3.14 (2005-09-09): Still some bugs in 64 bit arch, fixed. // // 3.12 - 3.13 (2005-09-08): Bug: variable cbar is filled incorrectly. Fixed. // // 3.11 - 3.12 (2005-08-31): Added two variables in the ntuple (thex, they sin of x/y angles as measured by the calorimeter) // // 3.10 - 3.11 (2005-08-30): Don't run in MySQL standalone mode even if in FORCE mode. // // 3.09 - 3.10 (2005-08-05): 64 bit arch bugs fixed. // // 3.08 - 3.09 (2005-07-27): x and y view were inverted when fitting the track using calorimeter information, fixed. (affect variables cbar, cibar, npcfit and varcfit). // // 3.07 - 3.08 (2005-07-25): planetot and qmean always empty in rootple, fixed. Added variables on goodness of the calorimeter fit (npcfit, varcfit). // // 3.06 - 3.07 (2005-07-21): If not in FORCE mode abort processing if no calibration file is found. // // 3.05 - 3.06 (2005-07-19): Infinite loop in case of OBT jumps, fixed. NaN in the ntuple and rootple in some cases, fixed (lowered optimization level in // the compilation of the ntuple and check for NaN from the tracking routine). Added variables in the ntuple/rootple: planetot, qmean. // // 3.04 - 3.05 (2005-07-18): No more class CalorimeterLevel2 since it makes very slow the filling of the rootple (unknown reason). Now the tree is filled // with variables from structure CaLevel2. // // 3.03 - 3.04 (2005-07-15): More tuning, now it can compile and it works! Not loaded anymore yodaUtility.c, use clone routines instead. // // 3.02 - 3.03 (2005-07-13): Start the tuning for compilation and speed optimization. // // 3.01 - 3.02 (2005-07-11): Correction for high energy deposit. Correction in the calorimeter planes position. // // 3.00 - 3.01 (2005-07-11): Infinite loop in some cases of lost of sync, fixed. Cannot write ntuples bigger than 3 MB, fixed. // // 2.10 - 3.00 (2005-07-05): Include track information. // // 2.09 - 2.10 (2005-07-05): Started the tuning for the compilation of the macro. Added include files of ROOT subroutines. // // 2.08 - 2.09 (2005-06-29): Simplification in the check of goodness for the events. Integer convention for software code. // // 2.07 - 2.08 (2005-06-24): Changed the structure of the release and added the enviromental variables. // // 2.06 - 2.07 (2005-06-23): Added boolean variables to ntuple: good, crc, perr, swerr. // // 2.05 - 2.06 (2005-06-22): Trigger flag set as default to -1. It will remain -1 if the program is not able to determine who gave the trigger. // Added: new tree (Software)/ntuple (number 2) with one entry only which contains the information about the software used to // produce the LEVEL2 data. Changed names in commons/struct/ntuples/rootples: evfile -> pro_num, headc -> pkt_num . // Disabled MySQL input variable (still there for testing purpouse). // // 2.04 - 2.05 (2005-06-17): Trigger flag is not always correct for S4 triggers, fixed with a workaround. // // 2.03 - 2.04 (2005-06-16): Bug, when casting from integer to float the resulting float is WRONG! changed in the rootple OBT, HEADC, EVFILE from real to integer. // Changes also in the fortran libraries and passing structures. // // 2.02 - 2.03 (2005-06-15): Bug, in PAW and FORCE mode the existence of file is not checked, finally fixed. // // 2.01 - 2.02 (2005-06-07): Bug, the calibration used could be incorrect for some events. Fixed: check that the event time is in the calibration window, // if not search for another calibration. // // 2.00 - 2.01 (2005-06-07): Check if file is older than 050515_007. // // 1.04 - 2.00 (2005-06-06): Added support to MySQL Trieste database. // // 1.03 - 1.04 (2005-05-31): Now it can unload all the libraries and you can run this script as many times you want without quitting ROOT. // // 1.02 - 1.03 (2005-05-27): cannot find libraries and calibration file when running twice in the same ROOT section, fixed. KNOWN BUG: cannot unload cfillcalol2_C!! // // 1.01 - 1.02 (2005-05-18): filename corruption in some cases. Workaround for the moment... // // 1.00 - 1.01 (2005-05-17): problems when starting with a possible backup calibration file. Fixed. // // 0.01 - 1.00 (2005-05-06): first time it works. evfile must be i+1 not i. // // 0.01 (2005-05-04): created. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include #include #include #include // #if !defined (__CINT__) extern short int creadmysql(char *, const char *, struct Mystruct &); extern void cfillcalol2(struct CaLevel1 &, struct CaLevel2 &); extern void creadB(const char []); extern void coptrklev2(const char [], struct Tracklev2 &, int &); extern void copencalol2(char [], Int_t &, Int_t &, int &); extern void cretrklev2(int &, Tracklev2 &); extern void cclosecalol2(char []); extern void ccltrklev2(struct Tracklev2 &); extern const char *pathtocalibration(); #include #include #include #include #endif // #include #include // #if !defined (__CINT__) void unloadf77lib(TString Framework, Int_t MySQL){} #endif #if defined (__CINT__) void unloadf77lib(TString Framework, Int_t MySQL){ const char *franame = Framework; // char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); if ( MySQL == 1 || MySQL == -1 ){ stringstream libload; libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libreadmy"; gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libreadmy_C"; gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str()); }; if ( !strcmp(franame,"paw") ) { stringstream libload; libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libclcalol2_C"; gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libclcalol2"; gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libopcalol2_C"; gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libopcalol2"; gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str()); }; stringstream libload; libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libcrcalol2_C"; gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str()); char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); stringstream libload; libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libcrcalol2"; gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str()); char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); stringstream libload; libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libreadb2maps_C"; gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str()); char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); stringstream libload; libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libreadb2maps"; gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str()); char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); stringstream libload; libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libtrack"; gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str()); } #endif short int calolevel2core(Int_t ei, Int_t b[4] , TTree *otr, TTree *tree, CaLevel2 & clevel2, Evento & evento, Calib & calib, TString calcalibfile){ // // Define variables // struct CaLevel1 clevel1; clevel1.xalig = 120.4; clevel1.yalig = 118.6; clevel1.zalig = -260.; struct Mystruct mystruct; clevel1.paw = calib.ispaw; Int_t done = 0; Int_t pre = -1; Int_t etime; Int_t S3 = 0; Int_t S2 = 0; Int_t S12 = 0; Int_t S11 = 0; Int_t se = 5; bool isCOMP = 0; bool isFULL = 0; bool isRAW = 0; Float_t ener; Float_t estripnull[96][22][2]; // Int_t doneb = 0; Int_t donec = 0; Int_t ck = 0; Int_t ipre = 0; Int_t ip[3] = {0}; Float_t base0, base1, base2; base0 = 0.; base1 = 0.; base2 = 0.; Float_t qpre[6] = {0}; Float_t ene[96] = {0}; // pamela::calorimeter::CalorimeterEvent *de = 0; pamela::PscuHeader *ph = 0; pamela::EventHeader *eh = 0; pamela::trigger::TriggerEvent *trig = 0; otr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); otr->SetBranchAddress("Calorimeter.Event", &de); otr->SetBranchAddress("Trigger.Event", &trig); // // other variables // char *yodala2; Int_t chdone[4] = {0,0,0,0}; Int_t pe = 0; Float_t tmptrigty = -1.; // // start processing // // // read from the header of the event the OBT and event number // otr->GetEntry(ei); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); clevel2.pkt_num = ph->GetCounter(); etime = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); clevel2.OBT = etime; clevel2.pro_num = (ei+1); // // determine who generate the trigger for this event (TOF, S4/PULSER, CALO) // S3 = 0; S2 = 0; S12 = 0; S11 = 0; S3 = trig->patterntrig[2]; S2 = trig->patterntrig[3]; S12 = trig->patterntrig[4]; S11 = trig->patterntrig[5]; if ( trig->patterntrig[0] ) tmptrigty = 2.; if ( S3 || S2 || S12 || S11 ) tmptrigty = 0.; if ( trig->patterntrig[1] & (1<<0) || (!trig->patterntrig[0] && !S3 && !S2 && !S12 && !S11) ) tmptrigty = 1.; clevel2.trigty = tmptrigty; // yodala2 = ""; if ( calib.mysql ){ if ( !calib.obtjump ){ for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ if ( etime > calib.time[s][0] ){ tryagain: printf(" ** SECTION %i **\n",s); stringstream qy; qy.str(""); Int_t chkmysql = 0; stringstream myfile; const char *tabula = calib.tablename; qy << "select * from " << tabula; qy << " where section = " << s; qy << " and fromtime >= " << calib.time[s][0]; qy << " limit 1"; chkmysql = creadmysql(calib.db,(char *)qy.str().c_str(),mystruct); if ( chkmysql ) { printf("- ERROR: problems querying MySQL database! -\n- ERROR: Empty table? -\n\n"); return(1); } else { if ( mystruct.totime == -1 ){ printf("- ERROR: problems querying MySQL database! -\n- ERROR: Corrupted table? -\n\n"); return(2); }; calib.time[s][0] = mystruct.totime; calib.time[s][1] = mystruct.fromtime; calib.ttime[s][0] = mystruct.calibtime; const char *caliba = calib.basepath; const char *yodala = calib.yodalev; yodala2 = (char *)yodala; const char *fila = mystruct.calcalibfile; myfile.str(""); myfile << caliba; if ( !calib.DW ) { myfile << fila; } else { myfile << "DW"; string myfil = (const char*)fila; Int_t myposiz = myfil.find("dw_"); TString mytmp; Int_t mspos = myposiz+2; Int_t mepos = myposiz+13; stringcopy(mytmp,fila,mspos,mepos); const char *myf = mytmp; myfile << mytmp; }; myfile << yodala << "/"; calib.obtjump = mystruct.obtjump; printf(" - event at time %i. From time %i to time %i \n use calibration at time %i, file %s\n",etime,calib.time[s][1],calib.time[s][0],calib.ttime[s][0],myfile.str().c_str()); if ( calib.obtjump ) printf("\n WARNING: jump in the OBT! this calibration might not be the best! \n"); if ( etime > calib.time[s][0] && !calib.obtjump ){ printf("\n WARNING: event at time greater than the upper limit for this calibration!\nSearch for the correct calibration\n"); goto tryagain; }; }; Int_t pedeerr = 0; pedeerr = CaloPede(myfile.str().c_str(),s,calib.ttime[s][0],calib); if ( pedeerr ) { printf("\n\nERROR: problems opening calibration file! \n\nERROR: YODA version of the calibration file is not %s? \n",yodala2); return(1); }; printf("\n"); }; }; }; } else { // // for each event check that the calibration we are using are still within calibration limits, if not call the next calibration // if ( !calib.obtjump ) { for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ if ( calib.ttime[s][b[s]] ){ while ( etime > calib.time[s][b[s]+1] ){ printf(" CALORIMETER: \n" ); printf(" - Section %i, event at time %i while old calibration time limit at %i. Use new calibration at time %i -\n",s,etime,calib.time[s][b[s]+1],calib.ttime[s][b[s]+1]); printf(" END CALORIMETER. \n\n" ); b[s]++; TString pfile; if ( calib.fcode[s][b[s]] != 10 ){ TString file2f = ""; stringcopy(file2f,calcalibfile); TString pfile = whatnamewith(file2f,calib.fcode[s][b[s]]); } else { pfile = (TString)calcalibfile; }; CaloPede(pfile,s,calib.ttime[s][b[s]],calib); }; }; }; }; }; // // run over views and planes // for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ // // determine the section number // se = 5; if (l == 0 && m%2 == 0) se = 3; if (l == 0 && m%2 != 0) se = 2; if (l == 1 && m%2 == 0) se = 1; if (l == 1 && m%2 != 0) se = 0; // // determine what kind of event we are going to analyze // isCOMP = 0; isFULL = 0; isRAW = 0; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 16) ) isCOMP = 1; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 17) ) isFULL = 1; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 3) ) isRAW = 1; if ( !chdone[se] ){ // // check for any error in the event // clevel2.crc[se] = 0; if ( de->perror[se] == 132 ){ clevel2.crc[se] = 1; pe++; }; clevel2.perr[se] = 0; if ( de->perror[se] != 0 ){ clevel2.perr[se] = 1; pe++; }; clevel2.swerr[se] = 0; for (Int_t j = 0; j < 7 ; j++){ if ( (j != 3) && (de->stwerr[se] & (1 << j)) ){ clevel2.swerr[se] = 1; pe++; }; }; chdone[se] = 1; }; if ( clevel2.crc[se] == 0 && (calib.good2 == 1 || clevel2.trigty == 2)){ pre = -1; if ( isRAW ){ for (Int_t nn = 0; nn < 96; nn++){ evento.dexy[l][m][nn] = de->dexy[l][m][nn] ; evento.dexyc[l][m][nn] = de->dexyc[l][m][nn] ; }; }; // // run over preamplifiers // pre = -1; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++){ for (Int_t j = 0; j < 2; j++){ pre = j + i*2; // // baseline check and calculation // if ( !isRAW ) { evento.base[l][m][pre] = de->base[l][m][pre] ; } else { // // if it is a raw event and we haven't checked // yet, calculate the baseline. // CaloFindBaseRaw(calib,evento,l,m,pre); }; }; }; // // run over strips // pre = -1; for (Int_t i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++){ // ck = 0; ip[i] = 0; for (Int_t n = i*32 ; n < (i+1)*32 ; n++){ if (n%16 == 0) { done = 0; doneb = 0; donec = 0; ck = 0; pre++; qpre[pre] = 0; }; // // baseline check and calculation // if ( !isRAW ) { evento.dexy[l][m][n] = de->dexy[l][m][n] ; evento.dexyc[l][m][n] = de->dexyc[l][m][n] ; }; // // no suitable new baseline, use old ones and compress data! // if ( !done ){ if ( (evento.base[l][m][pre] == 31000. || evento.base[l][m][pre] == 0.) ){ ck = 1; if (pre%2 == 0) { ip[i] = pre + 1; } else { ip[i] = pre - 1; }; if ( (evento.base[l][m][ip[i]] == 31000. || evento.base[l][m][ip[i]] == 0.) ){ // ck = 2; if ( calib.sbase[l][m][pre] == 31000. || calib.sbase[l][m][pre] == 0. ) { ck = 3; }; }; // upnn = n+16; //if ( upnn > 96 ) nn = 96; //for ( Int_t nn = n; nndexyc[l][m][nn]; //}; //CaloCompressData(calib,evento,l,m,pre); done = 1; }; }; // // CALIBRATION ALGORITHM // if ( !doneb ){ switch (ck) { case 0: base0 = evento.base[l][m][pre]; base2 = calib.calbase[l][m][pre]; break; case 1: base0 = evento.base[l][m][ip[i]]; base2 = calib.calbase[l][m][ip[i]]; break; case 2: base0 = calib.sbase[l][m][pre]; base2 = calib.calbase[l][m][pre]; break; case 3: base0 = calib.calbase[l][m][pre]; base2 = calib.calbase[l][m][pre]; break; }; base1 = calib.calbase[l][m][pre]; doneb = 1; }; ener = evento.dexyc[l][m][n]; clevel1.estrip[n][m][l] = 0.; if ( base0>0 && base0 < 30000. ){ if ( !donec && (base0 - base1 + base2) != 0. ){ calib.sbase[l][m][pre] = base0 - base1 + base2; donec = 1; }; if ( ener > 0. ){ clevel1.estrip[n][m][l] = (ener - calib.calped[l][m][n] - base0 - base1 + base2)/calib.mip[l][m][n] ; // // OK, now in estrip we have the energy deposit in MIP of all the strips for this event (at the end of loops of course) // qpre[pre] += clevel1.estrip[n][m][l]; }; }; }; if (ck == 1){ if (ip[i]%2 == 0) ipre = ip[i] + 1; else ipre = ip[i] - 1; for (Int_t j = ipre*16 ; j < (ipre+1)*16 ; j++){ clevel1.estrip[j][m][l] = clevel1.estrip[j][m][l] + (qpre[ipre] - qpre[ip[i]]) * 0.00478; }; }; if (ck == 2){ for (Int_t j = i*32 ; j < (i+1)*32 ; j++){ ipre = j/16 + 1; clevel1.estrip[j][m][l] = clevel1.estrip[j][m][l] + qpre[ipre] * 0.00478; }; }; }; // Int_t j4 = -4; Int_t jjj = -3; Int_t jj = -2; for (Int_t j = 0 ; j < 100 ; j++){ jj++; jjj++; j4++; if ( j < 96 ) ene[j] = clevel1.estrip[j][m][l]; if ( jj >= 0 && jj < 96 ){ if ( jj != 0 && jj != 32 && jj != 64 ) ene[jj-1] = ene[jj-1] - clevel1.estrip[jj][m][l] * 0.01581; if ( jj != 31 && jj != 63 && jj != 95 ) ene[jj+1] = ene[jj+1] - clevel1.estrip[jj][m][l] * 0.01581; }; if ( jjj >= 0 && jjj < 96 ){ if ( jjj != 0 && jjj != 32 && jjj != 64 ) clevel1.estrip[jjj-1][m][l] = clevel1.estrip[jjj-1][m][l] - ene[jjj] * 0.01581; if ( jjj != 31 && jjj != 63 && jjj != 95 ) clevel1.estrip[jjj+1][m][l] = clevel1.estrip[jjj+1][m][l] - ene[jjj] * 0.01581; }; if ( j4 >= 0 && j4 < 96 ){ if ( clevel1.estrip[j4][m][l]!=0. && ( clevel1.estrip[j4][m][l] < evento.emin || calib.calrms[l][m][j4] > 26 )){ clevel1.estrip[j4][m][l] = 0.; }; }; }; // } else { for (Int_t nn = 0; nn < 96; nn++){ clevel1.estrip[nn][m][l] = 0.; }; }; }; }; // // // if ( !pe && calib.good2 ){ clevel2.good = 1; } else { clevel2.good = 0; }; // // all we need from the tracker is the state vector al_p and the boolean for good events: // clevel1.trkchi2 = calib.trkchi2; if ( calib.good2 ){ for (Int_t e = 0; e<5 ; e++){ clevel1.al_p[e][0] = calib.al_p[e][0]; clevel1.al_p[e][1] = calib.al_p[e][1]; }; clevel1.good2 = 1; } else { for (Int_t e = 0; e<5 ; e++){ clevel1.al_p[e][0] = 0.; clevel1.al_p[e][1] = 0.; }; clevel1.good2 = 0; }; // // for each event generate level2 data (clevel2) calling the fortran routine and passing calibrated data (clevel1): // cfillcalol2(clevel1,clevel2); // // save in the class the level2 calorimeter informations // // // fill the rootple if not in paw mode // if ( clevel1.paw == 0. ) tree->Fill(); // // clear estrip values. // memcpy(clevel1.estrip, estripnull, sizeof(estripnull)); // return(0); } // short int CaloLEVEL2(TString filename, TString TrackerDir="", TString outDir ="", TString Framework = "root", Int_t FORCE = 0){ // // define variables // Int_t swcode = 04; Int_t swtrkcode = 0; Int_t MySQL = 1; Int_t debug = 0; // #if defined(__CINT__) if ( !gSystem->Getenv("PAM_INC") || !gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB") || !gSystem->Getenv("PAM_CALIB") ){ printf("\n ERROR: you first must set the PAMELA enviromental variables\n read the README file \n"); printf("\n Exiting... \n"); return(11); }; emicheckLib(); #endif Int_t trkdir = 1; TString trackerdir; if ( TrackerDir=="" ){ trackerdir = filename; trkdir = 0; } else { trackerdir = TrackerDir; }; TString calcalibfile; // // other variables // TFile *headerFile; TFile *caloFile; TFile *triggerFile; TString filety; stringstream file2; stringstream file3; const char *file4; Int_t okcalo = 0; TTree *ctree = 0; TFile *chfile; Long64_t cnevents=0; stringstream qy; qy.str(""); Int_t chkmysql = 0; Int_t imtrack; // // load libraries to determine the track information. // #if defined (__CINT__) const char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); stringstream libload; libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libtrack"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libreadb2maps"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libreadb2maps_C"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); // // open libraries to extract calorimeter level2 data // libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libcrcalol2"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libcrcalol2_C"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); #endif const char *franame = Framework; #if defined (__CINT__) if ( !strcmp(franame,"paw") ) { libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libopcalol2"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libopcalol2_C"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libclcalol2"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libclcalol2_C"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); }; #endif if ( MySQL != 1 ){ printf("\nWARNING: you MUST run this script using the MySQL database. Reverting MySQL to 1 \n\n"); MySQL = 1; }; //MySQL = 0; gDirectory->GetList()->Delete(); const char* startingdir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); TString path; stringcopy(path,startingdir); // #if defined (__CINT__) Int_t MySQLload = 0; #endif // // Open files // headerFile = emigetFile(filename, "Physics", "Header"); if ( !headerFile ){ printf("\n\n ERROR: no header file, exiting...\n\n"); #if defined (__CINT__) gSystem->ChangeDirectory(path); unloadf77lib(Framework,MySQLload); #endif return(1); }; caloFile = emigetFile(filename, "Calorimeter"); if ( !caloFile ){ printf("\n\n ERROR: no calorimeter file! \n\n"); #if defined (__CINT__) gSystem->ChangeDirectory(path); unloadf77lib(Framework,MySQLload); #endif return(2); }; // TTree *otr = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("Pscu"); otr->AddFriend("Calorimeter",caloFile); triggerFile = emigetFile(filename, "Trigger"); if ( !triggerFile ){ printf("\n\n ERROR: No trigger file! \n"); #if defined (__CINT__) gSystem->ChangeDirectory(path); unloadf77lib(Framework,MySQLload); #endif return(1); } else { otr->AddFriend("Trigger",triggerFile); }; // // Define some basic variables // struct Evento evento; struct Calib calib; struct Mystruct mystruct; evento.emin = 0.7; Long64_t nevents = otr->GetEntries(); Int_t snevents = (Int_t)nevents; if ( nevents < 1 ) { printf(" ERROR: the file is empty!\n\n"); #if defined (__CINT__) gSystem->ChangeDirectory(path); unloadf77lib(Framework,MySQLload); #endif return(7); }; Int_t b[4]; Int_t paw = 0; // const string myfil = (const char *)filename; Int_t myposiz = myfil.find("dw_"); calib.DW = 0; if ( myposiz == -1 ) { myposiz = myfil.find("DW_"); calib.DW = 1; }; if ( myposiz == -1 ) return(6); stringcopy(calib.basepath,filename,0,myposiz); stringcopy(calib.yodalev,filename,myposiz+13,myposiz+15); // // calibration filename // calcalibfile = filename; // // create the ntuple level2 name depending on framework and starting from the YODA name // if ( !strcmp(franame,"paw") ) paw = 1; // if ( paw ){ calib.ispaw = 1.; filety = "rz"; } else { calib.ispaw = 0.; filety = "root"; }; // TString numb("2"); // level TString detc("Calorimeter"); // detector char *file = getLEVname(filename,detc,numb,filety); stringstream truefile; truefile.str(""); truefile << file; // if ( outDir == "" ){ file4 = filename; file3.str(""); file3 << file4 << "/Physics/Level2"; } else { file4 = outDir; file3.str(""); file3 << file4; } // file2.str(""); file2 << file3.str().c_str() << "/"; file2 << truefile.str().c_str(); printf("\n Filename will be: \n %s \n\n",file2.str().c_str()); // // check if Level2 directory exists, if not create it. // Int_t ERR = gSystem->MakeDirectory(file3.str().c_str()); // if ( !ERR ) { printf(" LEVEL2 directory doesn't exist! Creating LEVEL2 directory \n\n"); } else { // // directory exists, check if file exists (if we are not in the force mode) // if ( !FORCE ) { printf(" Not in FORCE mode, check the existence of LEVEL2 data: \n\n"); Int_t nofile = 0; if ( paw ){ ifstream mypawfile; mypawfile.open(file2.str().c_str()); if ( mypawfile ){ nofile = 1; } else { printf("Error in opening file: file %s does not exist \n",file2.str().c_str()); }; } else { TFile tfile(file2.str().c_str()); if ( !tfile.IsZombie() ) nofile = 1; }; if ( nofile ){ printf(" ERROR: file already exists! Use FORCE = 1 to override \n\n"); #if defined (__CINT__) gSystem->ChangeDirectory(path); unloadf77lib(Framework,MySQLload); #endif return(3); } else { printf("\n OK, I will create it!\n\n"); }; }; }; // // clear calibration time intervals // for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){ for (Int_t d = 0; d<51; d++){ calib.ttime[s][d] = 0 ; calib.time[s][d] = 0 ; }; }; // // open and read the rootple containing the ADC to MIP conversion values // stringstream calfile; calfile.str(""); const char *pam_calib = pathtocalibration(); calfile << pam_calib << "/CaloADC2MIP.root"; // printf(" Using calorimeter calibration file: \n %s \n",calfile.str().c_str()); chfile = new TFile(calfile.str().c_str(),"READ","Calorimeter CALIBRATION data"); CalorimeterCalibration *ccalo = 0; if ( chfile->IsZombie() ){ if ( !FORCE ){ printf("\n ERROR: no calorimeter calibration file! \n If you want to proceed using 26 as conversion factor for all strips use FORCE = 1. \n\n"); return(10); } else { printf("\n WARNING: no calorimeter calibration file! \n WARNING: using 26 as conversion factor for all strips. \n"); okcalo = 0; }; } else { okcalo = 1; ctree = (TTree*)chfile->Get("CaloADC"); ctree->SetBranchAddress("Event", &ccalo); // cnevents = ctree->GetEntries(); ctree->GetEntry(cnevents-1); }; // if ( okcalo ) { for (Int_t m = 0; m < 2 ; m++ ){ for (Int_t k = 0; k < 22; k++ ){ for (Int_t l = 0; l < 96; l++ ){ if ( (ccalo->fp[1][m][k][l] > 20. && ccalo->fp[1][m][k][l] < 32.) || ccalo->mask[m][k][l] == 1. ) { calib.mip[m][k][l] = ccalo->mip[m][k][l]; if ( calib.mip[m][k][l] == 0 ) calib.mip[m][k][l] = 26. ; } else { calib.mip[m][k][l] = 26. ; }; calib.calped[m][k][l] = 0. ; evento.dexy[m][k][l] = 0. ; evento.dexyc[m][k][l] = 0. ; }; }; }; } else { for (Int_t m = 0; m < 2 ; m++ ){ for (Int_t k = 0; k < 22; k++ ){ for (Int_t l = 0; l < 96; l++ ){ calib.mip[m][k][l] = 26. ; calib.calped[m][k][l] = 0. ; evento.dexy[m][k][l] = 0. ; evento.dexyc[m][k][l] = 0. ; }; }; }; }; chfile->Close(); // // Are we able to connect to the MySQL server? // if ( MySQL ){ calib.mysql = 1; gSystem->ChangeDirectory(path); #if defined (__CINT__) libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libreadmy"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); libload.str(""); libload << pam_lib << "/libreadmy_C"; gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str()); #endif calib.db = "romemuons"; string myfil = (const char*)filename; Int_t myposiz = myfil.find("dw_"); if ( myposiz == -1 ) myposiz = myfil.find("DW_"); if ( myposiz == -1 ) return(6); // TString mytmp; Int_t mspos = myposiz+2; Int_t mepos = myposiz+13; stringcopy(mytmp,filename,mspos,mepos); const char *myfile = mytmp; // stringstream tablename; tablename.str(""); tablename << "calocalib_dw" << myfile; TString tabula; tabula = tablename.str().c_str(); // printf("\n Try the connection to the MySQL database in Trieste...\n"); qy.str(""); qy << "select * from " << tablename.str().c_str(); chkmysql = creadmysql(calib.db,(char *)qy.str().c_str(),mystruct); if ( chkmysql || mystruct.totime == -1 ) { printf("\n- ERROR: problems querying MySQL database! -\n\n- ERROR: Cannot use the MySQL database! -\n\n"); if ( mystruct.totime == -1 ) printf("- ERROR: it seems there are no data in table called %s -\n\n",tablename.str().c_str()); if ( chkmysql == 1 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL initialization -\n\n"); if ( chkmysql == 2 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL login, check username and password -\n\n"); if ( chkmysql == 3 ) printf("- ERROR: it seems there is no table called %s -\n\n",tablename.str().c_str()); // if ( !FORCE ){ // printf(" Exiting! Use FORCE = 1 or MySQL = 0 to run in standalone mode \n\n"); printf(" Exiting! Check your installation or contact calorimeter developers \n\n"); #if defined (__CINT__) gSystem->ChangeDirectory(path); unloadf77lib(Framework,MySQL); #endif return(5); //}; // printf("WARNING: running in standalone mode! \n\n"); // printf("WARNING: I will search for the best calibration\n\n"); // calib.mysql = 0; // MySQL = -1; } else { printf(" ...OK, the connection is fine! \n\n Using database \"%s\", table \"%s\"\n\n",calib.db,tablename.str().c_str()); }; calib.tablename = tablename.str().c_str(); } else { calib.tablename = ""; calib.mysql = 0; }; if ( MySQL < 1 ){ // // first of all find the best calibrations for this file // Int_t wused = 0; TString nfilen; stringcopy(nfilen,file2.str().c_str()); CaloFindCalibs(filename, calcalibfile, wused, calib); if ( wused == 1 ) calcalibfile = filename; // // print on the screen the results: // const char *ffile = filename; printf(" ------ %s ------- \n \n",ffile); Int_t calibex = 0; for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){ printf(" ** SECTION %i **\n",s); for (Int_t d = 0; d<51; d++){ TString pfile; if ( calib.ttime[s][d] != 0 ) { calibex++; if ( calib.fcode[s][d] != 10 ){ TString file2f = ""; stringcopy(file2f,calcalibfile); pfile = whatnamewith(file2f,calib.fcode[s][d]); } else { pfile = (TString)calcalibfile; }; const char *ffile = pfile; printf(" - from time %i to time %i use calibration at\n time %i, file: %s \n",calib.time[s][d],calib.time[s][d+1],calib.ttime[s][d],ffile); if ( !strcmp(ffile,"wrong") ) calibex--; }; }; printf("\n"); }; printf(" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n \n"); // // const char *file2 = nfilen; // the full path and name of the level1 ntuple file2.str(""); file2 << nfilen; if ( calibex < 4 ) { printf("No full calibration data in this file, sorry!\n\n "); // // remove the empty file! // stringstream remfile; remfile.str(""); remfile << "rm -f " << file2.str().c_str(); gSystem->Exec(remfile.str().c_str()); #if defined (__CINT__) gSystem->ChangeDirectory(path); unloadf77lib(Framework,MySQL); #endif return(4); }; // // fill with the first calibration values the common containing calibration informations // for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ b[s]=0; TString pfile; if ( calib.fcode[s][b[s]] != 10 ){ TString file2f = ""; stringcopy(file2f,calcalibfile); pfile = whatnamewith(file2f,calib.fcode[s][b[s]]); } else { pfile = (TString)calcalibfile; }; CaloPede(pfile,s,calib.ttime[s][b[s]],calib); }; } else { calib.obtjump = 0; calib.time[0][0] = -1; calib.time[1][0] = -1; calib.time[2][0] = -1; calib.time[3][0] = -1; }; // // Open file to write depending on the framework // // // In any case we must create a tree // TTree *tree = 0; // // Open tracker ntuple or rootples and load magnetic field maps. // // printf(" TRACKER: loading the magnetic field maps...\n\n\n"); pam_calib = pathtocalibration(); stringstream bdir; bdir.str(""); bdir << pam_calib << "."; creadB(bdir.str().c_str()); // printf(" ...done! \n"); // printf("\n Check the existence of tracker data... \n"); Int_t isrootple = 1; struct Tracklev2 trk; TFile *trfile = emigetFile(trackerdir,"Physics.Level2","Tracker"); TTree *tr = 0; Int_t trkpaw = 0; Int_t trnevents = 0; stringstream filetrk; if ( !trfile ) { const char *file0 = filename; string fil = (const char *)filename; Int_t posiz = fil.find("dw_"); if ( posiz == -1 ) posiz = fil.find("DW_"); if ( posiz == -1 ) return(5); // TString trntmp; Int_t spos = posiz+3; Int_t epos = posiz+13; stringcopy(trntmp,filename,spos,epos); const char *trname = trntmp; if ( !trkdir ){ filetrk.str(""); filetrk << file0 << "/Physics/Level2/DW_"; filetrk << trname << "_level2.rz"; } else { const char *trackdir = trackerdir; filetrk.str(""); filetrk << trackdir << "/DW_"; filetrk << trname << "_level2.rz"; }; // ifstream mypawfile; mypawfile.open(filetrk.str().c_str()); if ( mypawfile ){ trkpaw = 1; isrootple = 0; printf(" ...found tracker level2 NTUPLE:\n %s \n\n",filetrk.str().c_str()); #if defined (__CINT__) const char *sdir=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); bdir.str(""); bdir << sdir << "/liboptrklev2.so"; gSystem->Load(bdir.str().c_str()); bdir.str(""); bdir << sdir << "/liboptrklev2_C.so"; gSystem->Load(bdir.str().c_str()); bdir.str(""); bdir << sdir << "/libretrklev2.so"; gSystem->Load(bdir.str().c_str()); bdir.str(""); bdir << sdir << "/libretrklev2_C.so"; gSystem->Load(bdir.str().c_str()); bdir.str(""); bdir << sdir << "/libcltrklev2.so"; gSystem->Load(bdir.str().c_str()); bdir.str(""); bdir << sdir << "/libcltrklev2_C.so"; gSystem->Load(bdir.str().c_str()); #endif trnevents = 0; coptrklev2((char *)filetrk.str().c_str(),trk,trnevents); } else { printf("Error in opening file: file %s does not exist \n",file2.str().c_str()); printf("\n No tracker data! You must first process data with tracker programs\n and then you can run CaloLEVEL2. \n Exiting... \n\n"); return(8); }; } else { // const char *file0 = filename; string fil = (const char *)filename; Int_t posiz = fil.find("dw_"); if ( posiz == -1 ) posiz = fil.find("DW_"); if ( posiz == -1 ) return(5); // TString trntmp; Int_t spos = posiz; Int_t epos = posiz+15; stringcopy(trntmp,filename,spos,epos); const char *trname = trntmp; // if ( !trkdir ){ filetrk.str(""); filetrk << file0 << "/Physics/Level2/"; filetrk << trname << ".Physics.Level2.Tracker.Event.root"; } else { const char *trkdirname = trackerdir; filetrk.str(""); filetrk << trkdirname << "/"; filetrk << trname << ".Physics.Level2.Tracker.Event.root"; }; // printf(" ...found tracker level2 ROOTPLE:\n %s \n",filetrk.str().c_str()); tr = (TTree*) trfile->Get("TrkLevel2"); settrklev2(tr,trk); trnevents = tr->GetEntries(); }; if ( trnevents != nevents ){ printf("\n WARNING: different length for tracker and calorimeter ntuples!\n"); printf(" calorimeter: %i events \n",(int)nevents); printf(" tracker : %i events \n\n",(int)trnevents); }; // swtrkcode = trk.swcode; // stringstream name; TString tmpfile2; stringcopy(tmpfile2,file2.str().c_str()); const char *tmpname = tmpfile2; TFile *hfile = 0; struct CaLevel2 clevel2; if ( paw ){ name.str(""); name << tmpname; copencalol2((char *)name.str().c_str(),trkpaw,swcode,swtrkcode); } else { char *type; type = "NEW"; if ( FORCE ) type = "RECREATE"; hfile = new TFile(file2.str().c_str(),type,"Calorimeter LEVEL2 data"); // // hfile = new TFile(file2,type,"Calorimeter LEVEL2 data",0); // tree = new TTree("CaloLevel2","PAMELA Level2 calorimeter data"); tree->Branch("OBT",&clevel2.OBT,"OBT/I"); tree->Branch("pkt_num",&clevel2.pkt_num,"pkt_num/I"); tree->Branch("pro_num",&clevel2.pro_num,"pro_num/I"); tree->Branch("trigty",&clevel2.trigty,"trigty/F"); tree->Branch("good",&clevel2.good,"good/I"); tree->Branch("perr",clevel2.perr,"perr[4]/I"); tree->Branch("swerr",clevel2.swerr,"swerr[4]/I"); tree->Branch("crc",clevel2.crc,"crc[4]/I"); tree->Branch("nstrip",&clevel2.nstrip,"nstrip/F"); tree->Branch("qtot",&clevel2.qtot,"qtot/F"); tree->Branch("ncore",&clevel2.ncore,"ncore/F"); tree->Branch("qcore",&clevel2.qcore,"qcore/F"); tree->Branch("impx",&clevel2.impx,"impx/F"); tree->Branch("impy",&clevel2.impy,"impy/F"); tree->Branch("tanx",&clevel2.tanx,"tanx/F"); tree->Branch("tany",&clevel2.tany,"tany/F"); tree->Branch("nint",&clevel2.nint,"nint/F"); tree->Branch("ncyl",&clevel2.ncyl,"ncyl/F"); tree->Branch("qcyl",&clevel2.qcyl,"qcyl/F"); tree->Branch("qtrack",&clevel2.qtrack,"qtrack/F"); tree->Branch("qmax",&clevel2.qmax,"qmax/F"); tree->Branch("nx22",&clevel2.nx22,"nx22/F"); tree->Branch("qx22",&clevel2.nx22,"qx22/F"); tree->Branch("qq",clevel2.qq,"qq[4]/F"); tree->Branch("qtrackx",&clevel2.qtrackx,"qtrackx/F"); tree->Branch("qtracky",&clevel2.qtracky,"qtracky/F"); tree->Branch("dxtrack",&clevel2.dxtrack,"dxtrack/F"); tree->Branch("dytrack",&clevel2.dytrack,"dytrack/F"); tree->Branch("qlast",&clevel2.qlast,"qlast/F"); tree->Branch("nlast",&clevel2.nlast,"nlast/F"); tree->Branch("qpre",&clevel2.qpre,"qpre/F"); tree->Branch("npre",&clevel2.npre,"npre/F"); tree->Branch("qpresh",&clevel2.qpresh,"qpresh/F"); tree->Branch("npresh",&clevel2.npresh,"npresh/F"); tree->Branch("qlow",&clevel2.qlow,"qlow/F"); tree->Branch("nlow",&clevel2.nlow,"nlow/F"); tree->Branch("qtr",&clevel2.qtr,"qtr/F"); tree->Branch("ntr",&clevel2.ntr,"ntr/F"); tree->Branch("planetot",&clevel2.planetot,"planetot/F"); tree->Branch("qmean",&clevel2.qmean,"qmean/F"); tree->Branch("varcfit",clevel2.varcfit,"varcfit[2]/F"); tree->Branch("npcfit",clevel2.npcfit,"npcfit[2]/I"); tree->Branch("thex",&clevel2.thex,"thex/F"); tree->Branch("they",&clevel2.they,"they/F"); tree->Branch("cibar",clevel2.cibar,"cibar[22][2]/I"); tree->Branch("tibar",clevel2.tibar,"tibar[22][2]/I"); tree->Branch("cbar",clevel2.cbar,"cbar[22][2]/F"); tree->Branch("tbar",clevel2.tbar,"tbar[22][2]/F"); // TTree *software = 0; software = new TTree("Software","Software used to generate data"); software->Branch("swcode",&swcode,"swcode/I"); software->Branch("swtrkcode",&swtrkcode,"swtrkcode/I"); software->Fill(); }; // // run over all the events // printf("\n Processed events: \n\n"); // pamela::PscuHeader *ph = 0; pamela::EventHeader *eh = 0; Int_t caloerr = 0; Int_t i = -1; Int_t itr; if ( isrootple ){ itr = -1; } else { itr = 0; }; Int_t retval = 0; Int_t syncro = 1; Int_t trklost = 0; Int_t calolost = 0; Int_t pktnum = 0; Int_t obt = 0; // // while ( i < (nevents-1) ){ // if ( i%1000 == 0 && i > 0 ) printf(" %iK \n",i/1000); // printf(" %i \n",i); // // look for tracker data // itr++; i++; syncro = 1; #if !defined (__CINT__) trkcalosync: #endif #if defined (__CINT__) trkcalosync: printf(""); #endif // // check if we have tracker data // if ( i >= nevents ){ printf(" WARNING: no more calorimeter data.\n"); if ( nevents > trnevents ) calolost += (snevents-trnevents); if ( nevents < trnevents ) trklost += (-snevents+trnevents); retval = 9; goto closeandexit; }; if ( itr > trnevents && isrootple ){ printf(" WARNING: no more tracker data.\n"); if ( nevents > trnevents ) calolost += (snevents-trnevents); if ( nevents < trnevents ) trklost += (-snevents+trnevents); retval = 9; goto closeandexit; }; if ( itr >= trnevents+1 && !isrootple ){ printf(" WARNING: no more tracker data.\n"); if ( nevents > trnevents ) calolost += (snevents-trnevents); if ( nevents < trnevents ) trklost += (-snevents+trnevents); retval = 9; goto closeandexit; }; // // retrieve tracker informations // if ( isrootple ){ if ( debug ) printf(" itr %i i %i nevents %i trnevents %i \n",itr,i,(int)nevents,trnevents); tr->GetEntry(itr); } else { if ( debug ) printf(" itr %i i %i nevents %i trnevents %i \n",itr,i,(int)nevents,trnevents); cretrklev2(itr,trk); }; // // check synchronization tracker and calorimeter informations: // otr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); otr->GetEntry(i); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); pktnum = ph->GetCounter(); obt = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); if ( pktnum != trk.pkt_num || obt != trk.obt ){ if ( pktnum > trk.pkt_num || obt > trk.obt ){ if ( debug ) printf("itr++ %i pktnum calo %i trk %i obt calo %i trk %i \n",itr,pktnum,trk.pkt_num,obt,trk.obt); itr++; trklost++; if ( syncro ) printf(" WARNING: lost sync! try to recover... \n"); syncro = 0; goto trkcalosync; }; if ( pktnum < trk.pkt_num || obt < trk.obt ){ if ( debug ) printf("i++ %i pktnum calo %i trk %i obt calo %i trk %i \n",i,pktnum,trk.pkt_num,obt,trk.obt); i++; calolost++; if ( syncro ) printf(" WARNING: lost sync! try to recover... \n"); syncro = 0; goto trkcalosync; }; }; // // here we have synchronized data // if ( !syncro ) { printf(" ...synchronization recovered! \n"); printf(" Sync info: \n - tracker packets without calorimeter %i\n - calorimeter packets without tracker %i\n\n",trklost,calolost); syncro = 1; if ( debug ) printf("pktnum calo %i trk %i obt calo %i trk %i \n",pktnum,trk.pkt_num,obt,trk.obt); }; // // store track information in the calib structure // if ( trk.ntrk > 0 ){ imtrack = 0; for (Int_t e = 0; etrk.chi2[1] ) { calib.trkchi2 = 1; } else { calib.trkchi2 = 2; }; } else { calib.trkchi2 = 1; }; } else { calib.good2 = false; for (Int_t e = 0; e<5 ; e++){ calib.al_p[e][0] = 0.; calib.al_p[e][1] = 0.; }; }; } else { calib.good2 = false; for (Int_t e = 0; e<5 ; e++){ calib.al_p[e][0] = 0.; calib.al_p[e][1] = 0.; }; }; // // calibrate calorimeter data and retrieve level2 informations // // ====> NOTICE: in the case of no tracks or not good tracker events the program will fill the ntuple with zero values; <==== // ====> in case of multiple tracks the program will calculate variables using the state vector and rigidity of the first track stored <==== // caloerr = calolevel2core(i,b,otr,tree,clevel2,evento,calib,calcalibfile); // // // if ( caloerr ){ if ( i > 0 ){ printf("\nTrying to close the file anyway...\n"); if ( paw ){ name.str(""); name << tmpname; cclosecalol2((char *)name.str().c_str()); } else { hfile->Write(); hfile->Close(); }; printf("...done!\n"); } else { printf("\nERROR: output file is empty! \n"); stringstream remfile; remfile.str(""); remfile << "rm -f " << file2.str().c_str(); gSystem->Exec(remfile.str().c_str()); }; printf("\nERROR: processed %i out of %i events\n",i,(int)nevents); printf("\nERROR: an error occurred during processing!\n\n Exiting...\n\n"); goto theend; }; Int_t ciccio; ciccio = 1; }; if ( (i+1) < trnevents ){ printf(" WARNING: no more calorimeter data. \n"); if ( nevents > trnevents ) calolost += (snevents-trnevents); if ( nevents < trnevents ) trklost += (-snevents+trnevents); printf(" Sync info: \n - tracker packets without calorimeter %i\n - calorimeter packets without tracker %i\n",trklost,calolost); retval = 9; }; // // close rootple/ntuple files // closeandexit: if ( paw ){ name.str(""); name << tmpname; cclosecalol2((char *)name.str().c_str()); } else { hfile->Write(); hfile->Close(); }; if ( isrootple ){ trfile->Close(); } else { ccltrklev2(trk); }; printf("\n"); printf(" Finished, exiting... \n"); printf("\n"); if ( trklost || calolost ){ printf("\n Sync info over the whole file: \n - tracker packets without calorimeter %i\n - calorimeter packets without tracker %i\n",trklost,calolost); }; printf("\n"); theend: // // go back to the starting path and unload fortran libraries // gSystem->ChangeDirectory(path); #if defined (__CINT__) if ( !isrootple ){ const char *sdir=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB"); bdir.str(""); bdir << sdir << "/libcltrklev2_C.so"; gSystem->Unload(bdir.str().c_str()); bdir.str(""); bdir << sdir << "/libcltrklev2.so"; gSystem->Unload(bdir.str().c_str()); bdir.str(""); bdir << sdir << "/libretrklev2_C.so"; gSystem->Unload(bdir.str().c_str()); bdir.str(""); bdir << sdir << "/libretrklev2.so"; gSystem->Unload(bdir.str().c_str()); bdir.str(""); bdir << sdir << "/liboptrklev2_C.so"; gSystem->Unload(bdir.str().c_str()); bdir.str(""); bdir << sdir << "/liboptrklev2.so"; gSystem->Unload(bdir.str().c_str()); }; // unloadf77lib(Framework,MySQL); #endif return(retval); }