/[PAMELA software]/calo/ground/COMMON/macros/CaloFINDCALIBS.c
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Contents of /calo/ground/COMMON/macros/CaloFINDCALIBS.c

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Tue Dec 6 10:18:53 2005 UTC (19 years, 3 months ago) by mocchiut
CVS Tags: start, v2r01, v2r00, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Imported sources

1 //
2 // Look for calibrations in the file - Emiliano Mocchiutti
3 //
4 // CaloFINDCALIBS.c version 2.06 (2005-11-16)
5 //
6 // The only input needed is the path to the directory created by YODA for the data file you want to analyze.
7 //
8 // Changelog:
9 //
10 // 2.05 - 2.06 (2005-11-16): compiled!
11 //
12 // 2.04 - 2.05 (2005-08-04): changes to fix bugs using 64 bit architecture.
13 //
14 // 2.03 - 2.04 (2005-07-25): Don't load anymore yodaUtility.c use clone of routines instead
15 //
16 // 2.02 - 2.03 (2005-06-28): Inserted in the new software architecture.
17 //
18 // 2.01 - 2.02 (2005-06-07): Check if file is older than 050515_007.
19 //
20 // 2.00 - 2.01 (2005-06-06): Added CaloMySQLFINDCALIBS script to look at calibrations using MySQL database (corrispondent to CaloFINDCALIBS).
21 //
22 // 1.05 - 2.00 (2005-05-31): Added CaloMySQLFILLCALIBS program to fill the MySQL database with calorimeter calibration informations.
23 //
24 // 1.04 - 1.05 (2005-05-17): Changes according to the changes to CaloFindCalibs subroutine.
25 //
26 // 1.03 - 1.04 (2005-04-06): Changes according to the new CaloFindCalibs subroutine.
27 //
28 // 1.02 - 1.03 (2005-02-24): Changed variable definition from C/C++ style to ROOT style (int->Int_t).
29 //
30 // 1.01 - 1.02 (2005-01-17): Cleanup of the code
31 //
32 // 1.00 - 1.01 (2004-12-15): Include also yodaUtility.c
33 //
34 #include <fstream>
35 #include <sstream>
36 #include <TTree.h>
37 #include <TClassEdit.h>
38 #include <TObject.h>
39 #include <TList.h>
40 #include <TSystem.h>
41 #include <TSystemDirectory.h>
42 #include <TString.h>
43 #include <TFile.h>
44 #include <TClass.h>
45 #include <TCanvas.h>
46 #include <TH1.h>
47 #include <TH1F.h>
48 #include <TH2D.h>
49 #include <TLatex.h>
50 #include <TPad.h>
51 #include <TPaveLabel.h>
52 #include <TChain.h>
53 #include <calomysqlstruct.h>
54 #if !defined (__CINT__)
55 #include <event/PamelaRun.h>
56 #include <event/physics/calorimeter/CalorimeterEvent.h>
57 #include <event/physics/trigger/TriggerEvent.h>
58 #include <event/CalibCalPedEvent.h>
59 #include <caloclasses.h>
60 extern short int cquerymysql(char [], const char []);
61 extern short int creadmysql(char [], char const [], struct Mystruct &);
62 #endif
63 #include <CaloFunctions.h>
65 void CaloFINDCALIBS(TString filename){
66 gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->Delete();
67 gDirectory->GetList()->Delete();
68 emicheckLib();
69 struct Calib calib;
70 //
71 for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){
72 for (Int_t d = 0; d<51; d++){
73 calib.ttime[s][d] = 0 ;
74 calib.time[s][d] = 0 ;
75 };
76 };
77 //
78 // first of all find the calibrations in the file
79 //
80 Int_t wused = 0;
81 CaloFindCalibs(filename, filename, wused, calib);
82 //
83 // print on the screen the results:
84 //
85 const char *ffile = filename;
86 printf(" ------ %s ------- \n \n",ffile);
87 Int_t calibex = 0;
88 TString pfile;
89 for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){
90 printf(" ** SECTION %i **\n",s);
91 for (Int_t d = 0; d<51; d++){
92 if ( calib.ttime[s][d] != 0 ) {
93 calibex++;
94 if ( calib.fcode[s][d] != 10 ){
95 TString file2 = "";
96 stringcopy(file2,filename);
97 pfile = (TString)whatnamewith(file2,calib.fcode[s][d]);
98 } else {
99 pfile = (TString)filename;
100 };
101 const char *ffile = pfile;
102 printf(" - from time %i to time %i use calibration at\n time %i, file: %s \n",calib.time[s][d],calib.time[s][d+1],calib.ttime[s][d],ffile);
103 };
104 };
105 printf("\n");
106 };
107 printf(" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n \n");
108 if ( calibex < 4 ) {
109 printf("No full calibration data in this file!\n");
110 };
111 //
112 return;
113 }
115 void CaloOLDFINDCALIBS(TString filename){
116 gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->Delete();
117 gDirectory->GetList()->Delete();
118 emicheckLib();
119 struct Calib calib;
121 //
122 for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){
123 for (Int_t d = 0; d<50; d++){
124 calib.ttime[s][d] = 0 ;
125 if ( d < 49 ) calib.time[s][d] = 0 ;
126 };
127 };
128 //
129 // first of all find the calibrations in the file
130 //
131 OLDCaloFindCalibs(filename, calib);
132 //
133 // print on the screen the results:
134 //
135 printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------- \n \n");
136 Int_t calibex = 0;
137 for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){
138 Int_t stop = 0;
139 for (Int_t d = 0; d<48; d++){
140 if ( calib.ttime[s][d] != 0 ) calibex++;
141 if ( calib.time[s][0] != 0 ){
142 if ( d == 0 ) printf(" Section %i from time 0 to time %i use calibration at time %i \n",s,calib.time[s][d],calib.ttime[s][d]);
143 if ( calib.time[s][d+1] != 0 ) {
144 printf(" Section %i from time %i to time %i use calibration at time %i \n",s,calib.time[s][d],calib.time[s][d+1],calib.ttime[s][d+1]);
145 } else {
146 if ( !stop ){
147 printf(" Section %i from time %i use calibration at time %i \n",s,calib.time[s][d],calib.ttime[s][d+1]);
148 stop = 1;
149 };
150 };
151 } else {
152 if ( calib.ttime[s][d] != 0 ) printf(" Section %i from time 0 use calibration at time %i \n",s,calib.ttime[s][d]);
153 };
154 };
155 printf("\n");
156 };
157 printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------- \n");
158 const char *ffile = filename;
159 printf(" %s \n",ffile);
160 if ( calibex < 4 ) {
161 printf("No full calibration data in this file!\n");
162 };
163 //
164 return;
165 }
167 void CaloMySQLFILLCALIBS(TString filename, Int_t FORCE = 0){
168 gDirectory->GetList()->Delete();
169 const char* startingdir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory();
170 TString path;
171 stringcopy(path,startingdir);
172 emicheckLib();
173 struct Calib calib;
174 struct Mystruct mystruct;
175 #if defined (__CINT__)
176 const char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB");
177 stringstream libload;
178 libload.str("");
179 libload << pam_lib << "/libqumy";
180 gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str());
181 libload.str("");
182 libload << pam_lib << "/libqumy_C";
183 gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str());
184 libload.str("");
185 libload << pam_lib << "/libreadmy";
186 gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str());
187 libload.str("");
188 libload << pam_lib << "/libreadmy_C";
189 gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str());
190 #endif
191 printf("\n");
192 Int_t wused = 0;
193 TString nfilen;
194 Int_t calibex = 0;
195 TString pfile;
196 const char *ffile;
197 Int_t chkmysql = 0;
198 calib.db = "romemuons";
199 const string fil = (const char*)filename;
200 Int_t posiz = fil.find("dw_");
201 if ( posiz == -1 ) posiz = fil.find("DW_");
202 Int_t posiz2 = posiz+13;
203 TString file2;
204 stringcopy(file2,filename,posiz,posiz2);
205 const char *file = file2;
206 // char *file = 0;
207 //file = "dw_000000_000";
208 //char *file0 = filename;
209 //string fil = filename;
210 //Int_t posiz = fil.find("dw_");
211 //if ( posiz == -1 ) posiz = fil.find("DW_");
212 //if ( posiz == -1 ) return;
213 //memcpy(file, file0+posiz, 13);
214 stringstream tablename;
215 tablename.str("");
216 tablename << "calocalib_" << file;
217 TString tabula;
218 tabula = tablename.str().c_str();
219 const string myfil = (const char *)filename;
220 Int_t myposiz = myfil.find("dw_");
221 if ( myposiz == -1 ) myposiz = myfil.find("DW_");
222 if ( myposiz == -1 ) return;
223 stringcopy(calib.basepath,filename,0,myposiz);
224 //
225 // check existence of database
226 //
227 printf("Check existence of database %s...\n",calib.db);
228 stringstream qy;
229 qy.str("");
230 qy << "use " << calib.db;
231 chkmysql = cquerymysql(calib.db,qy.str().c_str());
232 if ( chkmysql ) {
233 printf(" - the database %s does not exists -\nCreating database %s ... \n",calib.db,calib.db);
234 qy.str("");
235 qy << "create database " << calib.db;
236 chkmysql = cquerymysql("mysql",qy.str().c_str());
237 if ( chkmysql ) {
238 if ( chkmysql == 1 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL initialization -\n\n");
239 if ( chkmysql == 2 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL login, check username and password -\n\n");
240 printf("ERROR: problems querying MySQL database! \nExiting...\n");
241 goto end;
242 } else {
243 printf("...done!\n\n");
244 };
245 } else {
246 printf("...OK it exists! \n\n");
247 };
248 //
249 if ( !FORCE ){
250 printf("Not in FORCE mode, check existence of table %s...\n",tablename.str().c_str());
251 //
252 // if not in force mode check if calibration exists and contains any data:
253 //
254 qy.str("");
255 qy << "select * from " << tablename.str().c_str();
256 chkmysql = creadmysql(calib.db,qy.str().c_str(),mystruct);
257 if ( chkmysql || mystruct.totime == -1 ) {
258 if ( chkmysql == 1 || chkmysql == 2 ){
259 if ( chkmysql == 1 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL initialization -\n\n");
260 if ( chkmysql == 2 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL login, check username and password -\n\n");
261 goto end;
262 };
263 if ( mystruct.totime == -1 ){
264 printf("- the table exists but it is empty, dropping empty table...\n");
265 qy.str("");
266 qy << "drop table " << tablename.str().c_str();
267 chkmysql = cquerymysql(calib.db,qy.str().c_str());
268 if ( chkmysql ) {
269 if ( chkmysql == 1 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL initialization -\n\n");
270 if ( chkmysql == 2 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL login, check username and password -\n\n");
271 printf("ERROR: problems querying MySQL database! \nExiting...\n");
272 goto end;
273 } else {
274 printf("...done!\n\n");
275 chkmysql = 3;
276 };
277 };
278 if ( chkmysql == 3 ){
279 printf("- the table %s does not exists - \nCreating calibration table %s ... \n",tablename.str().c_str(),tablename.str().c_str());
281 qy.str("");
282 qy << "create table " << tablename.str().c_str();
283 qy << " ( id int auto_increment not null, section tinyint(1) unsigned zerofill default '0' not null, obtjump tinyint(1) unsigned zerofill default '0' not null, fromtime int(30) unsigned default '0' not null, totime int(30) unsigned default '0' not null, calibtime int(30) unsigned default '0' not null, calcalibfile varchar(25) default '' not null, primary key (id) )";
284 chkmysql = cquerymysql(calib.db,qy.str().c_str());
285 if ( chkmysql ) {
286 if ( chkmysql == 1 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL initialization -\n\n");
287 if ( chkmysql == 2 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL login, check username and password -\n\n");
288 printf("ERROR: problems querying MySQL database! \nExiting...\n");
289 goto end;
290 } else {
291 printf("...done!\n\n");
292 };
293 };
294 } else {
295 printf("- the table exists -\nExiting! Use FORCE = 1 to override \n\n");
296 goto end;
297 };
298 } else {
299 //
300 // if in force mode drop the old table
301 //
302 qy.str("");
303 qy << "drop table " << tablename.str().c_str();
304 chkmysql = cquerymysql(calib.db,qy.str().c_str());
305 qy.str("");
306 qy << "create table " << tablename.str().c_str();
307 qy << " ( id int auto_increment not null, section tinyint(1) unsigned zerofill default '0' not null, obtjump tinyint(1) unsigned zerofill default '0' not null, fromtime int(30) unsigned default '0' not null, totime int(30) unsigned default '0' not null, calibtime int(30) unsigned default '0' not null, calcalibfile varchar(25) default '' not null, primary key (id) )";
308 printf("Creating calibration table %s ... \n",tablename.str().c_str());
309 chkmysql = cquerymysql(calib.db,qy.str().c_str());
310 if ( chkmysql ) {
311 if ( chkmysql == 1 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL initialization -\n\n");
312 if ( chkmysql == 2 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL login, check username and password -\n\n");
313 printf("ERROR: problems querying MySQL database! \nExiting...\n");
314 goto end;
315 } else {
316 printf("...done!\n");
317 };
318 };
319 //
320 for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){
321 for (Int_t d = 0; d<51; d++){
322 calib.ttime[s][d] = 0 ;
323 calib.time[s][d] = 0 ;
324 };
325 };
326 //
327 // first of all find the calibrations in the file
328 //
329 wused = 0;
330 stringcopy(nfilen,filename);
331 CaloFindCalibs(nfilen, nfilen, wused, calib);
332 //
333 // print on the screen the results:
334 //
335 ffile = (const char *)nfilen;
336 printf(" ------ %s ------- \n \n",ffile);
337 calibex = 0;
338 file2 = "";
339 for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){
340 printf(" ** SECTION %i **\n",s);
341 for (Int_t d = 0; d<51; d++){
342 if ( calib.ttime[s][d] != 0 ) {
343 calibex++;
344 if ( calib.fcode[s][d] != 10 ){
345 file2 = "";
346 stringcopy(file2,nfilen);
347 pfile = (TString)whatnamewith(file2,calib.fcode[s][d]);
348 } else {
349 pfile = (TString)nfilen;
350 };
352 // char *mfile = 0;
353 //mfile = "dw_000000_000";
354 //char *mfile0 = pfile;
355 //string mfil = pfile;
356 //Int_t posiz = fil.find("dw_");
357 //if ( posiz == -1 ) posiz = fil.find("DW_");
358 //if ( posiz == -1 ) return;
359 //memcpy(mfile, mfile0+posiz, 13);
361 const string fil = (const char*)pfile;
362 Int_t posiz = fil.find("dw_");
363 if ( posiz == -1 ) posiz = fil.find("DW_");
364 Int_t posiz2 = posiz+13;
365 TString file2;
366 stringcopy(file2,filename,posiz,posiz2);
367 const char *mfile = file2;
368 stringstream tablefilename;
369 tablefilename.str("");
370 tablefilename << mfile;
372 //
373 const char *caliba=calib.basepath;
374 printf(" - from time %i to time %i use calibration at\n time %i, file: %s%s00 \n",calib.time[s][d],calib.time[s][d+1],calib.ttime[s][d],caliba,tablefilename.str().c_str());
375 stringstream myquery;
376 myquery.str("");
377 const char *tabula2 = tabula;
378 //
379 myquery << "insert into " << tabula2;
380 myquery << " values (0," << s;
381 myquery << "," << calib.obtjump;
382 myquery << "," << calib.time[s][d];
383 myquery << "," << calib.time[s][d+1];
384 myquery << "," << calib.ttime[s][d];
385 myquery << ",\"" << tablefilename.str().c_str();
386 myquery << "\")";
387 Int_t chkmysql = cquerymysql(calib.db,myquery.str().c_str());
388 if ( chkmysql ) {
389 if ( chkmysql == 1 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL initialization -\n\n");
390 if ( chkmysql == 2 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL login, check username and password -\n\n");
391 printf("ERROR: problems querying MySQL database! \nExiting...\n");
392 goto end;
393 };
394 };
395 };
396 printf("\n");
397 };
398 printf(" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n \n");
399 if ( calibex < 4 ) {
400 printf("No full calibration data in this file!\n");
401 };
402 //
403 end:
404 #if defined (__CINT__)
405 char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB");
406 libload.str("");
407 libload << pam_lib << "/libreadmy";
408 gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str());
409 libload.str("");
410 libload << pam_lib << "/libreadmy_C";
411 gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str());
412 char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB");
413 stringstream libload;
414 libload.str("");
415 libload << pam_lib << "/libqumy";
416 gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str());
417 libload.str("");
418 libload << pam_lib << "/libqumy_C";
419 gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str());
420 #endif
421 return;
422 }
424 void CaloMySQLFINDCALIBS(TString filename){
425 emicheckLib();
426 const char* startingdir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory();
427 TString path;
428 stringcopy(path,startingdir);
429 struct Calib calib;
430 struct Mystruct mystruct;
431 //
432 const string myfil = (const char *)filename;
433 Int_t myposiz = myfil.find("dw_");
434 if ( myposiz == -1 ) myposiz = myfil.find("DW_");
435 if ( myposiz == -1 ) return;
437 stringcopy(calib.basepath,filename,0,myposiz);
438 stringcopy(calib.yodalev,filename,myposiz+13,myposiz+15);
439 //
440 calib.mysql = 1;
441 //
442 #if defined (__CINT__)
443 const char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB");
444 stringstream libload;
445 libload.str("");
446 libload << pam_lib << "/libreadmy";
447 gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str());
448 libload.str("");
449 libload << pam_lib << "/libreadmy_C";
450 gSystem->Load(libload.str().c_str());
451 #endif
452 Int_t chkmysql = 0;
453 calib.db = "romemuons";
454 const string fil = (const char*)filename;
455 Int_t posiz = fil.find("dw_");
456 if ( posiz == -1 ) posiz = fil.find("DW_");
457 Int_t posiz2 = posiz+13;
458 TString file2;
459 stringcopy(file2,filename,posiz,posiz2);
460 const char *file = file2;
461 stringstream tablename;
462 tablename.str("");
463 tablename << "calocalib_" << file;
464 //
465 Int_t calibex = 0;
466 Int_t etime = 0;
467 const char *ffile = filename;
468 //
469 stringstream qy;
470 qy.str("");
471 printf("\nTry the connection to the MySQL database in Trieste...\n");
472 qy << "select * from " << tablename.str().c_str();
473 chkmysql = creadmysql(calib.db,qy.str().c_str(),mystruct);
474 if ( chkmysql || mystruct.totime == -1 ) {
475 printf("\n- ERROR: problems querying MySQL database! -\n\n- ERROR: Cannot use the MySQL database! -\n\n");
476 if ( mystruct.totime == -1 ) printf("- ERROR: it seems there are no data in table called %s -\n\n",tablename.str().c_str());
477 if ( chkmysql == 1 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL initialization -\n\n");
478 if ( chkmysql == 2 ) printf("- ERROR: problems in MySQL login, check username and password -\n\n");
479 if ( chkmysql == 3 ) printf("- ERROR: it seems there is no table called %s -\n\n",tablename.str().c_str());
480 gSystem->ChangeDirectory(path);
481 goto veryend;
482 } else {
483 printf("...OK the connection is fine! \n\n Using database \"%s\", table \"%s\"\n\n",calib.db,tablename.str().c_str());
484 };
485 calib.tablename = tablename.str().c_str();
487 calib.obtjump = 0;
488 calib.time[0][0] = -1;
489 calib.time[1][0] = -1;
490 calib.time[2][0] = -1;
491 calib.time[3][0] = -1;
492 calibex = 0;
493 etime = 0;
494 printf(" ------ %s ------- \n \n",ffile);
495 // stringstream qy;
496 qy.str("");
497 const char *caliba;
498 const char *yodala;
499 const char *fila;
500 for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){
501 etime = 0;
502 printf(" ** SECTION %i **\n",s);
503 while ( etime > -1 ){
504 if ( !calib.obtjump ){
505 if ( etime > calib.time[s][0] ){
506 Int_t chkmysql = 0;
507 stringstream myfile;
508 const char *tabula = calib.tablename;
509 qy.str("");
510 qy << "select * from " << tabula;
511 qy << " where section = " << s;
512 qy << " and fromtime >= " << calib.time[s][0];
513 qy << " limit 1";
514 chkmysql = creadmysql(calib.db,qy.str().c_str(),mystruct);
515 if ( mystruct.totime == -1 ){
516 etime = -2;
517 goto notend;
518 };
519 if ( chkmysql ) {
520 printf("- ERROR: problems querying MySQL database! -\n- ERROR: Empty table? -\n\n");
521 goto veryend;
522 } else {
523 calib.time[s][0] = mystruct.totime;
524 calib.time[s][1] = mystruct.fromtime;
525 calib.ttime[s][0] = mystruct.calibtime;
526 caliba = calib.basepath;
527 yodala = calib.yodalev;
528 fila = mystruct.calcalibfile;
529 myfile.str("");
530 myfile << caliba;
531 myfile << fila;
532 myfile << yodala << "/";
533 calib.obtjump = mystruct.obtjump;
534 printf(" - From time %i to time %i use calibration at\ntime %i, file: %s\n",calib.time[s][1],calib.time[s][0],calib.ttime[s][0],myfile.str().c_str());
535 calibex++;
536 };
537 Int_t pedeerr = 0;
538 pedeerr = CaloPede(myfile.str().c_str(),s,calib.ttime[s][0],calib);
539 if ( pedeerr ) {
540 printf("\n\nERROR: problems opening calibration file! \n\nERROR: YODA version of the calibration file is not %s? \n\n",yodala);
541 goto veryend;
542 };
543 };
544 };
545 etime = calib.time[0][0]+1;
546 notend:
547 printf(" ");
548 };
549 printf("\n");
550 };
551 printf(" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n \n");
552 if ( calibex < 4 ) {
553 printf("No full calibration data in this file!\n");
554 };
555 veryend:
556 #if defined (__CINT__)
557 gSystem->ChangeDirectory(path);
558 char *pam_lib=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB");
559 libload.str("");
560 libload << pam_lib << "/libreadmy";
561 gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str());
562 libload.str("");
563 libload << pam_lib << "/libreadmy_C";
564 gSystem->Unload(libload.str().c_str());
565 #endif
566 return;
567 }

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