/[PAMELA software]/calo/ground/COMMON/inc/testroutines.h
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Contents of /calo/ground/COMMON/inc/testroutines.h

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Dec 6 10:18:53 2005 UTC (19 years, 3 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch point for: MAIN, COMMON
File MIME type: text/plain
Initial revision

1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // test routines
3 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
6 void RootTest(TString filename){
7 Long64_t ntimes = 0;
8 inizio: TFile *calheadFile = 0;
9 TFile *calcalibFile = 0;
10 calheadFile = getFile(filename, "CalibCalPed", "Header");
11 calcalibFile = getFile(filename, "CalibCalPed");
12 //Takes the tree of the header file
13 char *filen = 0;
14 filen = filename;
15 //gObjectTable->Print();
16 if ( !calheadFile || !calcalibFile ) {
17 if ( calheadFile ) calheadFile->Close();
18 if ( calcalibFile ) calcalibFile->Close();
19 printf(" Not able to open file! %s \n",filen);
20 printf(" ntimes = %i\n",(int)ntimes);
21 ntimes++;
22 goto inizio;
23 return;
24 };
25 TTree *tr = (TTree*)calheadFile->Get("Pscu");
26 tr->AddFriend("CalibCalPed", calcalibFile);
27 // pamela::calorimeter::CalibCalPedEvent *ce = 0;
28 pamela::CalibCalPedEvent *ce = 0;
29 pamela::PscuHeader *cph = 0;
30 pamela::EventHeader *ceh = 0;
31 tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &ceh);
32 tr->SetBranchAddress("Event", &ce);
33 Long64_t ncalibs = tr->GetEntries();
34 calheadFile->Close();
35 calcalibFile->Close();
36 printf(" ntimes = %i\n",(int)ntimes);
37 ntimes++;
38 goto inizio;
39 }
41 void RootTestE(TString filename){
42 Long64_t ntimes = 0;
43 inizio:
44 TString scalheadFile;
45 TString scalcalibFile;
46 scalheadFile = getEmiFile(filename, "CalibCalPed", "Header");
47 scalcalibFile = getEmiFile(filename, "CalibCalPed","Event");
48 char *prova;
49 prova = scalheadFile;
50 if ( prova == "nofile" ){
51 printf("nofile\n");
52 goto inizio;
53 return;
54 };
55 TFile *calheadFile = 0;
56 calheadFile = new TFile(scalheadFile);
57 TFile *calcalibFile = 0;
58 calcalibFile = new TFile(scalcalibFile);
59 // TFile *calheadFile = 0;
60 //calheadFile = new TFile(scalheadFile);
61 //TFile *calcalibFile = 0;
62 //calcalibFile = new TFile(scalcalibFile);
63 //
64 if ( calheadFile->IsZombie() || calcalibFile->IsZombie() ) {
65 if ( !calheadFile->IsZombie() ) calheadFile->Close();
66 if ( !calcalibFile->IsZombie() ) calcalibFile->Close();
67 printf(" Not able to open file! \n");
68 printf(" ntimes = %i\n",ntimes);
69 ntimes++;
70 goto inizio;
71 return;
72 };
73 TTree *tr = (TTree*)calheadFile->Get("Pscu");
74 tr->AddFriend("CalibCalPed", calcalibFile);
75 // pamela::calorimeter::CalibCalPedEvent *ce = 0;
76 pamela::CalibCalPedEvent *ce = 0;
77 pamela::PscuHeader *cph = 0;
78 pamela::EventHeader *ceh = 0;
79 tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &ceh);
80 tr->SetBranchAddress("Event", &ce);
81 Long64_t ncalibs = tr->GetEntries();
82 calheadFile->Close();
83 calcalibFile->Close();
84 printf(" ntimes = %i\n",ntimes);
85 ntimes++;
86 goto inizio;
87 }
89 void RootTest2(TString filename){
90 Long64_t ntimes = 0;
91 inizio: TFile calcalibFile(filename);
92 if ( calcalibFile.IsZombie() ) {
93 if ( !calcalibFile.IsZombie() ) calheadFile.Close();
94 printf(" Not able to open file! \n");
95 printf(" ntimes = %i\n",ntimes);
96 ntimes++;
97 goto inizio;
98 };
99 printf(" ntimes = %i\n",ntimes);
100 ntimes++;
101 goto inizio;
102 }
104 void RootTest3(TString filename){
105 Long64_t ntimes = 0;
106 inizio: TFile *calcalibFile = 0;
107 calcalibFile = new TFile(filename);
108 if ( !calcalibFile ) {
109 if ( calcalibFile ) calheadFile.Close();
110 printf(" Not able to open file! \n");
111 printf(" ntimes = %i\n",ntimes);
112 ntimes++;
113 goto inizio;
114 };
115 printf(" ntimes = %i\n",ntimes);
116 ntimes++;
117 goto inizio;
118 }
121 TString getEmiFile2(TString base, TString packetType, TString subType){
122 Int_t debug = 0;
123 //
124 TString newfile;
125 stringcopy(newfile,base);
126 //
127 string fil = base;
128 Int_t posiz = fil.find("dw_");
129 Int_t upper = 0;
130 if ( posiz == -1 ) {
131 posiz = fil.find("DW_");
132 upper = 1;
133 };
134 if ( posiz == -1 ) return "";
135 TString fullname;
136 stringcopy(fullname,base,posiz,posiz+15);
137 stringappend(fullname,".");
138 stringappend(fullname,packetType);
139 stringappend(fullname,".");
140 stringappend(fullname,subType);
141 stringappend(fullname,".root");
142 //
143 stringappend(newfile,"/");
144 stringappend(newfile,packetType);
145 stringappend(newfile,"/");
146 stringappend(newfile,fullname);
147 // char *vediamo;
148 //vediamo = newfile;
149 //printf("filename: %s \n",vediamo);
150 //return;
151 TFile retfile(newfile);
152 if ( retfile.IsZombie() ) {
153 return "nofile";
154 } else {
155 retfile.Close();
156 return newfile;
157 };
158 }
162 void RootTestE2(TString filename){
163 Long64_t ntimes = 0;
164 Long64_t ncalibs = 0;
165 Int_t forever = 1;
166 while ( forever ){
167 printf(" ntimes = %i\n",(int)ntimes);
168 TFile *calheadFile = 0;
169 calheadFile = getEmiFile(filename, "CalibCalPed","Header");
170 TFile *calcalibFile = 0;
171 calcalibFile = getEmiFile(filename, "CalibCalPed");
172 //
173 //gObjectTable->Print();
174 //
175 if ( !calcalibFile || !calheadFile ) {
176 printf(" -> not able to open file \n");
177 if ( calheadFile ) calheadFile->Close();
178 if ( calcalibFile ) calcalibFile->Close();
179 } else {
180 TTree *tr = (TTree*)calheadFile->Get("Pscu");
181 tr->AddFriend("CalibCalPed", calcalibFile);
182 // pamela::calorimeter::CalibCalPedEvent *ce = 0;
183 pamela::CalibCalPedEvent *ce = 0;
184 pamela::PscuHeader *cph = 0;
185 pamela::EventHeader *ceh = 0;
186 tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &ceh);
187 tr->SetBranchAddress("Event", &ce);
188 ncalibs = tr->GetEntries();
189 printf(" -> ncalibs = %i \n",(int)ncalibs);
190 calheadFile->Close();
191 calcalibFile->Close();
192 };
193 ntimes++;
194 };
195 }
197 void trktesting(TString filename){
198 TString startingdir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory();
199 char *bdir;
200 char *sdir=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_LIB");
201 //
202 // on 64 bit machines Form doesn't work, substitute it with stringstream oss; oss.str(""); oss << sdir << "/libblabla.so"; gSystem->Load(oss.str().c_str())
203 //
204 bdir = Form("%s/liboptrklev1.so",sdir);
205 gSystem->Load(bdir);
206 bdir = Form("%s/liboptrklev1_C.so",sdir);
207 gSystem->Load(bdir);
208 bdir = Form("%s/libretrklev1.so",sdir);
209 gSystem->Load(bdir);
210 bdir = Form("%s/libretrklev1_C.so",sdir);
211 gSystem->Load(bdir);
212 bdir = Form("%s/libcltrklev1.so",sdir);
213 gSystem->Load(bdir);
214 bdir = Form("%s/libcltrklev1_C.so",sdir);
215 gSystem->Load(bdir);
216 Int_t trnev = 0;
217 struct Tracklev1 trklev1;
218 char *name;
219 name = filename;
220 //char *name2;
221 //name2 = filename;
222 //// name = Form("%s",filename);
223 //name = name2;
224 //trnev = 123;
225 //printf("name = %s \n",name);
226 //printf("filename = %s \n",name2);
227 coptrklev1(name,trklev1,trnev);
228 //coptrklev1();
229 printf("The tracker ntuple contains %i events\n",trnev);
230 for ( Int_t i = 1; i < trnev+1; i++){
231 cretrklev1(i,trklev1);
232 printf("Event number %i ---> OBT %i \n",i,trklev1.obt1);
233 printf(" ---> PKTnum %i \n",trklev1.pkt_num1);
234 printf(" ---> PKTtype %x \n",trklev1.pkt_type1);
235 printf(" ---> nev1 %i \n",trklev1.nev1);
236 printf(" ---> good %i \n",trklev1.good1);
237 printf(" ---> nclstr %i \n",trklev1.nclstr1);
238 };
239 ccltrklev1(trklev1);
240 //ccltrklev1();
241 }
243 void trktesting2(TString filename){
244 TString startingdir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory();
245 char *bdir;
246 char *sdir;
247 sdir = startingdir;
248 bdir = Form("%s/tracker/liboptrklev2.so",sdir);
249 gSystem->Load(bdir);
250 bdir = Form("%s/tracker/coptrklev2_C.so",sdir);
251 gSystem->Load(bdir);
252 bdir = Form("%s/tracker/libretrklev2.so",sdir);
253 gSystem->Load(bdir);
254 bdir = Form("%s/tracker/cretrklev2_C.so",sdir);
255 gSystem->Load(bdir);
256 bdir = Form("%s/tracker/libcltrklev2.so",sdir);
257 gSystem->Load(bdir);
258 bdir = Form("%s/tracker/ccltrklev2_C.so",sdir);
259 gSystem->Load(bdir);
260 Int_t trnev = 0;
261 struct Tracklev2 trklev2;
262 char *name;
263 name = filename;
264 coptrklev2(name,trklev2,trnev);
265 printf("The tracker ntuple contains %i events\n",trnev);
266 for ( Int_t i = 1; i < trnev+1; i++){
267 cretrklev2(i,trklev2);
268 printf("Event number %i ---> OBT %i \n",i,trklev2.obt);
269 printf(" ---> PKTnum %i \n",trklev2.pkt_num);
270 printf(" ---> PKTtype %x \n",trklev2.pkt_type);
271 printf(" ---> nev2 %i \n",trklev2.nev2);
272 printf(" ---> good2 %i \n",trklev2.good2);
273 printf(" ---> ntrk %i \n",trklev2.ntrk);
274 if ( trklev2.ntrk == 1 && trklev2.al[0][4] != 0. ) printf("c-> RIG = %.9f \n",1./trklev2.al[0][4]);
275 };
276 ccltrklev2(trklev2);
277 //ccltrklev1();
278 }
280 void trkhtestlev2(TString filename){
281 // char *name;
282 //name = filename;
283 //char *nome;
284 //nome = Form("%s/Physics/Level1/",name);
285 // TFile *f = new TFile(nome);
286 TFile *f = getFile(filename,"Physics.Level2","Tracker");
287 TFile *caloFile;
288 caloFile = getFile(filename, "Physics.Level2", "Calorimeter");
289 TTree *tr = (TTree*) f->Get("TrkLevel2");
290 tr->AddFriend("CaloLevel2", caloFile);
291 struct Tracklev2 trk;
292 struct CTracklev2 track;
293 settrklev2(tr,trk);
294 Int_t nevents = tr->GetEntries();
295 CalorimeterLevel2 *calo = new CalorimeterLevel2();
296 tr->SetBranchAddress("CaloLevel2.Event",&calo);
297 for ( Int_t i = 0; i<nevents ; i++){
298 tr->GetEntry(i);
299 accesstrklev2(trk,track);
300 printf("Event %i tracker OBT = %i \n",i,track.obt);
301 if ( track.ntrk>0 ) printf("Event %i tracker RIG = %f \n",i,1./track.al[4][0]);
302 // Float_t obt = (float)trk.obt1;
303 //printf("Event %i tracker OBT1 = %f \n",i,obt);
304 printf("Event %i calo OBT = %i \n",i,calo->OBT);
305 };
306 }
308 void trkhtest(TString filename){
309 // char *name;
310 //name = filename;
311 //char *nome;
312 //nome = Form("%s/Physics/Level1/",name);
313 // TFile *f = new TFile(nome);
314 TFile *f = getFile(filename,"Physics.Level1","Tracker");
315 TFile *caloFile;
316 caloFile = getFile(filename, "Physics.Level2", "Calorimeter");
317 TTree *tr = (TTree*) f->Get("TrkLevel1");
318 tr->AddFriend("CaloLevel2", caloFile);
319 struct Tracklev1 trk;
320 struct CTracklev1 track;
321 settrklev1(tr,trk);
322 Int_t nevents = tr->GetEntries();
323 CalorimeterLevel2 *calo = new CalorimeterLevel2();
324 tr->SetBranchAddress("CaloLevel2.Event",&calo);
325 for ( Int_t i = 0; i<nevents ; i++){
326 tr->GetEntry(i);
327 accesstrklev1(trk,track);
328 printf("Event %i tracker OBT1 = %i \n",i,track.obt1);
329 // Float_t obt = (float)trk.obt1;
330 //printf("Event %i tracker OBT1 = %f \n",i,obt);
331 printf("Event %i calo OBT1 = %i \n",i,calo->OBT);
332 };
333 }
336 void trkhtest2(TString filename){
337 TFile *f = new TFile(filename);
338 TTree *tr = (TTree*) f->Get("TrkLevel1");
339 TrackerLevel1 *trk = new TrackerLevel1();
340 //struct Tracklev1 trk;
341 tr->SetBranchAddress("good1", &trk->good1);
342 tr->SetBranchAddress("obt1", &trk->obt1);
343 tr->SetBranchAddress("pkt_num1", &trk->pkt_num1);
344 //tr->SetBranchAddress("obt1", &trk.obt1);
345 Int_t nevents = tr->GetEntries();
346 for ( Int_t i = 0; i<nevents ; i++){
347 tr->GetEntry(i);
348 printf("Event %i GOOD1 = %i \n",i,trk->good1);
349 printf("Event %i PKT_NUM1 = %i \n",i,trk->pkt_num1);
350 printf("Event %i OBT1 = %i \n",i,trk->obt1);
351 };
352 }

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