// // CaloPULSE.cc -- standalone program to call the CaloPLANES macro. // by Emiliano Mocchiutti // // Version 1.00 (2005/11/07) // // Changelog: // // 0.00 - 1.00 : working. // #include #include #include #include extern void info(); using namespace std; // int main(int numinp, char *inps[]){ TString program; TString name; TString outdir; TString figty; int sflag; if ( numinp != 6 ){ if ( numinp > 1 ){ if ( !strcmp(inps[1],"--version") ){ info(); return(0); }; }; printf("\nUsage:\n\n FCaloPULSE program file outDir save_flag figformat \n"); printf("\n - program can be PULSE or MATRA \n"); printf( " - file must be in the form: /path/to/filesfromyoda/dw_000000_00000/ \n"); printf( " - outDir directory where to save figures\n"); printf( " - save_flag when 0 does not save figures, when 1 saves figures\n"); printf( " - figformat format to save figures (eps,ps,root,...) \n"); printf("\nExample: \n\nFCaloPULSE PULSE /home/pamela/filesfromyoda/dw_050301_00100/ /home/pamela/ 1 ps \n\n"); return(0); // } else { printf("\n Welcome to FCaloPULSE! \n"); program = (TString)inps[1]; name = (TString)inps[2]; outdir = (TString)inps[3]; sflag = atoi(inps[4]); figty = (TString)inps[5]; }; // if ( !strcmp(program.Data(),"PULSE") ){ printf("\n Calling FCaloPULSE\n"); FCaloPULSE(name,outdir,sflag,figty); }; if ( !strcmp(program.Data(),"MATRA") ){ printf("\n Calling FCaloPULSEMATRA\n"); FCaloPULSEMATRA(name,outdir,sflag,figty); }; // return(0); }