/[PAMELA software]/calo/flight/FUTILITIES/src/FCaloLEVEL1.cc
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Contents of /calo/flight/FUTILITIES/src/FCaloLEVEL1.cc

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Wed Mar 22 15:07:48 2006 UTC (18 years, 11 months ago) by mocchiut
CVS Tags: start, v1r03, v1r01
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Flight Utilities calorimeter package 1st release

1 //
2 // FCaloLEVEL1.cc -- standalone program to call the FCaloLEVEL1 macro.
3 // by Emiliano Mocchiutti
4 //
5 // Version 1.00 (2005/08/16)
6 //
7 // Changelog:
8 //
9 // 0.00 - 1.00 : working.
10 //
11 #include <TString.h>
12 #include <iostream>
13 #include <FCaloLEVEL1fun.h>
14 extern void info();
15 using namespace std;
16 //
17 int main(int numinp, char *inps[]){
18 TString name;
19 TString outdir;
20 TString calibname;
21 int force;
22 if ( numinp != 5 ){
23 if ( numinp > 1 ){
24 if ( !strcmp(inps[1],"--version") ){
25 info();
26 return(0);
27 };
28 };
29 printf("\nUsage:\n\n FCaloLEVEL1 file out_dir calib_file force \n");
30 printf("\n - file must be in the form: /path/to/filesfromyoda/dw_000000_00000.root \n");
31 printf( " - out_dir output directory \n");
32 printf( " - calib_file calibration file (if any) in the same form as 'file' \n");
33 printf( " - force force flag (0 not force/1 force) \n");
34 printf("\nExample: \n\nFCaloLEVEL1 /home/pamela/filesfromyoda/dw_050301_00100.root /tmp/ \"\" 0 \n\n");
35 return(0);
36 //
37 } else {
38 printf("\n Welcome to FCaloLEVEL1! \n");
39 name = (TString)inps[1];
40 outdir = (TString)inps[2];
41 calibname = (TString)inps[3];
42 force = atoi(inps[4]);
43 };
44 //
45 int ERR = FCaloLEVEL1(name,outdir,calibname,force);
46 //
47 return(ERR);
48 }

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