// // Calorimeter useful functions and subroutines - Emiliano Mocchiutti // // FCaloFUNCTIONS.cxx version 1.00 (2006-03-03) // // Programs in this file are called by other programs and cannot be run by hand. // // Changelog: // // 1.00 - 1.01 (2006-03-03): read unique YODA file and compile correctly with ROOT classes etc. Small changes in the fetchpreviousfile/whatnamewith routines. // // 0.00 - 1.00 (2006-03-03) Clone of CaloFunctions.h // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include #include #include // #include #include #include // using namespace std; void stringcopy(TString& s1, const TString& s2, Int_t from=0, Int_t to=0){ if ( to == 0 ){ Int_t t2length = s2.Length(); s1 = ""; to = t2length; }; for (Int_t i = from; i 0.) { minstrip = evento.dexyc[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e]; rms = calib.calthr[l][m][pre]; }; }; // // compression // if ( minstrip < evento.base[l][m][pre] && minstrip != 100000.){ for (Int_t e = pre*16; e < (pre+1)*16 ; e++){ if ( evento.dexyc[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e] <= (minstrip+rms) ) evento.dexyc[l][m][e] = 0.; }; }; } void CaloFindBase(Calib & calib, Evento & evento, Int_t l, Int_t m, Int_t pre){ Float_t ominstrip = 100000.; Float_t orms = 0.; Float_t minstrip = 100000.; Float_t rms = 0.; evento.base[l][m][pre] = 0.; for (Int_t e = pre*16; e < (pre+1)*16 ; e++){ if ( calib.calgood[l][m][e] == 0. && evento.dexyc[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e] < minstrip && evento.dexyc[l][m][e] > 0.) { ominstrip = minstrip; minstrip = evento.dexyc[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e]; orms = rms; rms = calib.calthr[l][m][pre]; }; if ( calib.calgood[l][m][e] == 0. && evento.dexyc[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e] < ominstrip && evento.dexyc[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e] >minstrip ) { ominstrip = evento.dexyc[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e]; orms = calib.calthr[l][m][pre]; }; }; if ( minstrip != 100000. ) { if ( ominstrip != 10000.) { minstrip = ominstrip; rms = orms; }; Float_t strip6s = 0.; for (Int_t e = pre*16; e < (pre+1)*16 ; e++){ if ( (evento.dexyc[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e]) >= minstrip && (evento.dexyc[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e]) <= (minstrip+rms) ) { strip6s += 1.; evento.base[l][m][pre] += (evento.dexyc[l][m][e] - calib.calped[l][m][e]); }; // // compression // if ( evento.dexyc[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e] <= (minstrip+rms) ) evento.dexyc[l][m][e] = 0.; }; if ( strip6s >= 9. ){ Double_t arro = evento.base[l][m][pre]/strip6s; Float_t deci = 1000.*((float)arro - float(int(arro))); if ( deci < 500. ) { arro = double(int(arro)); } else { arro = 1. + double(int(arro)); }; evento.base[l][m][pre] = arro; } else { evento.base[l][m][pre] = 31000.; }; } else { evento.base[l][m][pre] = 31000.; }; } void CaloFindBaseRaw(Calib & calib, Evento & evento, Int_t l, Int_t m, Int_t pre){ Float_t minstrip = 100000.; Float_t rms = 0.; evento.base[l][m][pre] = 0.; for (Int_t e = pre*16; e < (pre+1)*16 ; e++){ if ( calib.calgood[l][m][e] == 0. && evento.dexy[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e] < minstrip && evento.dexy[l][m][e] > 0.) { minstrip = evento.dexy[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e]; rms = calib.calthr[l][m][pre]; }; }; if ( minstrip != 100000. ) { Float_t strip6s = 0.; for (Int_t e = pre*16; e < (pre+1)*16 ; e++){ if ( (evento.dexy[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e]) >= minstrip && (evento.dexy[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e]) <= (minstrip+rms) ) { strip6s += 1.; evento.base[l][m][pre] += (evento.dexy[l][m][e] - calib.calped[l][m][e]); }; // // compression // if ( abs((int)(evento.dexy[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e])) <= (minstrip+rms) ) { evento.dexyc[l][m][e] = 0.; } else { evento.dexyc[l][m][e] = evento.dexy[l][m][e]; }; }; if ( strip6s >= 9. ){ Double_t arro = evento.base[l][m][pre]/strip6s; Float_t deci = 1000.*((float)arro - float(int(arro))); if ( deci < 500. ) { arro = double(int(arro)); } else { arro = 1. + double(int(arro)); }; evento.base[l][m][pre] = arro; } else { evento.base[l][m][pre] = 31000.; for (Int_t e = pre*16; e < (pre+1)*16 ; e++){ evento.dexyc[l][m][e] = evento.dexy[l][m][e]; }; }; } else { evento.base[l][m][pre] = 31000.; }; } void CaloFindBaseRawNC(Calib & calib, Evento & evento, Int_t l, Int_t m, Int_t pre){ Float_t minstrip = 100000.; Float_t rms = 0.; evento.base[l][m][pre] = 0.; for (Int_t e = pre*16; e < (pre+1)*16 ; e++){ if ( calib.calgood[l][m][e] == 0. && evento.dexy[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e] < minstrip && evento.dexy[l][m][e] > 0.) { minstrip = evento.dexy[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e]; rms = calib.calthr[l][m][pre]; }; }; if ( minstrip != 100000. ) { Float_t strip6s = 0.; for (Int_t e = pre*16; e < (pre+1)*16 ; e++){ if ( (evento.dexy[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e]) >= minstrip && (evento.dexy[l][m][e]-calib.calped[l][m][e]) <= (minstrip+rms) ) { strip6s += 1.; evento.base[l][m][pre] += (evento.dexy[l][m][e] - calib.calped[l][m][e]); }; // // compression // evento.dexyc[l][m][e] = evento.dexy[l][m][e]; }; if ( strip6s >= 9. ){ Double_t arro = evento.base[l][m][pre]/strip6s; Float_t deci = 1000.*((float)arro - float(int(arro))); if ( deci < 500. ) { arro = double(int(arro)); } else { arro = 1. + double(int(arro)); }; evento.base[l][m][pre] = arro; } else { evento.base[l][m][pre] = 31000.; for (Int_t e = pre*16; e < (pre+1)*16 ; e++){ evento.dexyc[l][m][e] = evento.dexy[l][m][e]; }; }; } else { evento.base[l][m][pre] = 31000.; }; } Bool_t existfile(TString filename){ ifstream myfile; myfile.open(filename.Data()); if ( !myfile ){ // printf("\n\nERROR: not able to open file: %s \n",filename.Data()); return(false); }; myfile.close(); return(true); } int CaloPede(TString filename, Int_t s, Int_t atime, Calib & calib){ if ( !existfile(filename) ) return(3); // TFile *File = new TFile(filename.Data()); TTree *tr = (TTree*)File->Get("CalibCalPed"); // pamela::CalibCalPedEvent *ce = 0; pamela::PscuHeader *cph = 0; pamela::EventHeader *ceh = 0; tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &ceh); tr->SetBranchAddress("CalibCalPed", &ce); // Long64_t ncalibs = tr->GetEntries(); for (Int_t ci = 0; ci < ncalibs ; ci++){ tr->GetEntry(ci); cph = ceh->GetPscuHeader(); if ( atime == cph->GetOrbitalTime()){ calib.iev = ce->iev; if (ce->cstwerr[s] != 0 && ce->cperror[s] == 0 ) { for ( Int_t d=0 ; d<11 ;d++ ){ Int_t pre = -1; for ( Int_t j=0; j<96 ;j++){ if ( j%16 == 0 ) pre++; if ( s == 2 ){ calib.calped[0][2*d+1][j] = ce->calped[3][d][j]; calib.cstwerr[3] = ce->cstwerr[3]; calib.cperror[3] = ce->cperror[3]; calib.calgood[0][2*d+1][j] = ce->calgood[3][d][j]; calib.calthr[0][2*d+1][pre] = ce->calthr[3][d][pre]; calib.calrms[0][2*d+1][j] = ce->calrms[3][d][j]; calib.calbase[0][2*d+1][pre] = ce->calbase[3][d][pre]; calib.calvar[0][2*d+1][pre] = ce->calvar[3][d][pre]; }; if ( s == 3 ){ calib.calped[0][2*d][j] = ce->calped[1][d][j]; calib.cstwerr[1] = ce->cstwerr[1]; calib.cperror[1] = ce->cperror[1]; calib.calgood[0][2*d][j] = ce->calgood[1][d][j]; calib.calthr[0][2*d][pre] = ce->calthr[1][d][pre]; calib.calrms[0][2*d][j] = ce->calrms[1][d][j]; calib.calbase[0][2*d][pre] = ce->calbase[1][d][pre]; calib.calvar[0][2*d][pre] = ce->calvar[1][d][pre]; }; if ( s == 0 ){ calib.calped[1][2*d][j] = ce->calped[0][d][j]; calib.cstwerr[0] = ce->cstwerr[0]; calib.cperror[0] = ce->cperror[0]; calib.calgood[1][2*d][j] = ce->calgood[0][d][j]; calib.calthr[1][2*d][pre] = ce->calthr[0][d][pre]; calib.calrms[1][2*d][j] = ce->calrms[0][d][j]; calib.calbase[1][2*d][pre] = ce->calbase[0][d][pre]; calib.calvar[1][2*d][pre] = ce->calvar[0][d][pre]; }; if ( s == 1 ){ calib.calped[1][2*d+1][j] = ce->calped[2][d][j]; calib.cstwerr[2] = ce->cstwerr[2]; calib.cperror[2] = ce->cperror[2]; calib.calgood[1][2*d+1][j] = ce->calgood[2][d][j]; calib.calthr[1][2*d+1][pre] = ce->calthr[2][d][pre]; calib.calrms[1][2*d+1][j] = ce->calrms[2][d][j]; calib.calbase[1][2*d+1][pre] = ce->calbase[2][d][pre]; calib.calvar[1][2*d+1][pre] = ce->calvar[2][d][pre]; }; }; }; }; }; }; tr->Delete(); return(0); } TString getFilename(const TString filename){ const string fil = (const char*)filename; Int_t posiz = fil.find("dw_"); if ( posiz == -1 ) posiz = fil.find("DW_"); if ( posiz == -1 ) return 0; Int_t posiz2 = posiz+13; TString file2; stringcopy(file2,filename,posiz,posiz2); TString pdat(".dat"); stringappend(file2,pdat); return file2; } Int_t fetchpreviousfile(TString ffile, Int_t s){ const char *file = ffile; stringstream fil; fil.str(""); fil << file ; Int_t posiz = fil.str().find("dw_"); Int_t upper = 0; if ( posiz == -1 ) { posiz = fil.str().find("DW_"); upper = 1; }; if ( posiz == -1 ) return(1); // TString nomefile = getFilename(ffile); const char *ufnome = nomefile; stringstream nyear; stringstream nmonth; stringstream nday; stringstream nfno; TString year; TString month; TString day; TString fno; TString yno; stringcopy(year, ufnome, 3, 5); stringcopy(month, ufnome, 5, 7); stringcopy(day, ufnome, 7, 9); stringcopy(fno, ufnome, 10, 13); stringcopy(yno, ffile.Data(), posiz+14, posiz+16); const char *cyear = year; const char *cmonth = month; const char *cday = day; const char *cfno = fno; const char *cyno = yno; Int_t jy = atoi(cyear); Int_t jm = atoi(cmonth); Int_t jd = atoi(cday); Int_t jn = atoi(cfno); Int_t jynst = atoi(cyno); Int_t jyn = 0; Int_t inter = 0; char *zy; char *zm; char *zd; char *zn = ""; char *zyn; Int_t goodthis = 0; Int_t onegood = 0; Long64_t ncalibs; if ( jn > 1 ) { jn--; } else { jn = 999; if ( jd > 1 ) { jd--; } else { if ( jm > 1 ) { jm--; } else { jm = 12; if ( jy > 3 ) { jy--; } else { return(1); }; }; if ( jm==4 || jm==6 || jm==9 || jm==11 ){ jd = 30; } else { jd = 31; }; if ( jm==2 ) jd = 29; }; }; Int_t gday = 0; Int_t retvar = 1; stringstream nyd; while ( jy>3 ) { while ( jm>0 ){ while ( jd > 0 ){ while ( jn > 0 ){ retvar--; nyear.str(""); nyear << jy; if ( jy<10 ){ zy = "0"; } else { zy = ""; }; nmonth.str(""); nmonth << jm; if ( jm<10 ){ zm = "0"; } else { zm = ""; }; nday.str(""); nday << jd; if ( jd<10 ){ zd = "0"; } else { zd = ""; }; nfno.str(""); nfno << jn; if ( jn>99 ) zn = ""; if ( jn<100 && jn>9 ) zn = "0"; if ( jn<10 ) zn = "00"; jyn = jynst; goodthis = 0; onegood = 0; while ( jyn < 100 ){ begwhile: nyd.str(""); nyd << jyn; if ( jyn<10 ){ zyn = "0"; } else { zyn = ""; }; stringstream nfile; nfile.str(""); if ( upper ){ nfile << "DW_" << zy; } else { nfile << "dw_" << zy; }; nfile << nyear.str().c_str(); nfile << zm; nfile << nmonth.str().c_str(); nfile << zd; nfile << nday.str().c_str() << "_"; nfile << zn; nfile << nfno.str().c_str(); nfile << zyn; nfile << nyd.str().c_str(); nfile << ".root"; // addded // TString fgfile = ""; stringcopy(fgfile,ffile,0,posiz); stringappend(fgfile,nfile.str().c_str()); // TFile *File = 0; TTree *tr = 0; pamela::CalibCalPedEvent *ce = 0; pamela::PscuHeader *cph = 0; pamela::EventHeader *ceh = 0; if ( !existfile(fgfile) ){ if ( jyn > jynst && onegood ) { goodthis = 1; jyn--; goto begwhile; }; if ( jyn == jynst ) { onegood = 0; jyn = 100; goto salta; }; if ( jyn > jynst && !onegood ) { onegood = 0; jyn = 100; goto salta; }; goto salta; } else { onegood = 1; if ( !goodthis ) { goto salta; }; }; File = new TFile(fgfile.Data()); tr = (TTree*)File->Get("CalibCalPed"); //Takes the tree of the header file tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &ceh); tr->SetBranchAddress("CalibCalPed", &ce); ncalibs = tr->GetEntries(); if ( ncalibs == 0 ) { jyn = 100; onegood = 0; goodthis = 0; File->Close(); goto salta; }; inter = 0; for (Int_t c = 0; c < ncalibs; c++){ tr->GetEntry(c); cph = ceh->GetPscuHeader(); if ( ce->cstwerr[s] != 0 && ce->cperror[s] == 0 ) { inter++; }; }; if ( inter ){ jyn = 100; File->Close(); return(retvar); }; File->Close(); salta: jyn++; }; jn--; }; jn = 999; jd--; gday++; if ( gday>1 ) return(1); }; jm--; if ( jm==4 || jm==6 || jm==9 || jm==11 ){ jd = 30; } else { jd = 31; }; if ( jm==2 ) jd = 29; }; jm = 12; jy--; }; return(retvar); } TString whatnamewith(TString ffile, Int_t retvar){ Int_t debug = 0; const char *file = ffile; stringstream fil; fil.str(""); fil << file ; if ( debug ) printf("ffile %s retvar %i \n",file,retvar); Int_t posiz = fil.str().find("dw_"); Int_t upper = 0; if ( posiz == -1 ) { posiz = fil.str().find("DW_"); upper = 1; }; if ( posiz == -1 ) return("wrong"); // TString nomefile = getFilename(ffile); const char *ufnome = nomefile; stringstream nyear; stringstream nmonth; stringstream nday; stringstream nfno; TString year; TString month; TString day; TString fno; TString yno; stringcopy(year, ufnome, 3, 5); stringcopy(month, ufnome, 5, 7); stringcopy(day, ufnome, 7, 9); stringcopy(fno, ufnome, 10, 13); stringcopy(yno, ffile.Data(), posiz+14, posiz+16); const char *cyear = year; const char *cmonth = month; const char *cday = day; const char *cfno = fno; const char *cyno = yno; Int_t jy = atoi(cyear); Int_t jm = atoi(cmonth); Int_t jd = atoi(cday); Int_t jn = atoi(cfno); Int_t jynst = atoi(cyno); Int_t jyn = 0; Int_t goodthis = 0; Int_t onegood = 0; char *zy; char *zm; char *zd; char *zn = ""; char *zyn; Long64_t ncalibs; TString fgfile; if ( jn > 1 ) { jn--; } else { jn = 999; if ( jd > 1 ) { jd--; } else { if ( jm > 1 ) { jm--; } else { jm = 12; if ( jy > 3 ) { jy--; } else { return("wrong"); }; }; if ( jm==4 || jm==6 || jm==9 || jm==11 ){ jd = 30; } else { jd = 31; }; if ( jm==2 ) jd = 29; }; }; Int_t retval = 1; Int_t gday = 0; stringstream nyd; while ( jy>3 ) { while ( jm>0 ){ while ( jd > 0 ){ while ( jn > 0 ){ retval--; if ( retval < retvar ) return("wrong"); nyear.str(""); nyear << jy; if ( jy<10 ){ zy = "0"; } else { zy = ""; }; nmonth.str(""); nmonth << jm; if ( jm<10 ){ zm = "0"; } else { zm = ""; }; nday.str(""); nday << jd; if ( jd<10 ){ zd = "0"; } else { zd = ""; }; nfno.str(""); nfno << jn; if ( jn>99 ) zn = ""; if ( jn<100 && jn>9 ) zn = "0"; if ( jn<10 ) zn = "00"; jyn = jynst; goodthis = 0; onegood = 0; while ( jyn < 100 ){ begwhile: nyd.str(""); nyd << jyn; if ( jyn<10 ){ zyn = "0"; } else { zyn = ""; }; stringstream nfile; nfile.str(""); if ( upper ){ nfile << "DW_" << zy; } else { nfile << "dw_" << zy; }; nfile << nyear.str().c_str(); nfile << zm; nfile << nmonth.str().c_str(); nfile << zd; nfile << nday.str().c_str() << "_"; nfile << zn; nfile << nfno.str().c_str(); nfile << zyn; nfile << nyd.str().c_str(); nfile << ".root"; // added // fgfile = ""; stringcopy(fgfile,ffile,0,posiz); stringappend(fgfile,nfile.str().c_str()); const char *tosee = fgfile; if ( debug ) printf("file: %s retval %i retvar %i \n",tosee,retval,retvar); TFile *File = 0; TTree *tr = 0; // if ( !existfile(fgfile) ){ if ( jyn > jynst && onegood ) { goodthis = 1; jyn--; goto begwhile; }; if ( jyn == jynst ) { onegood = 0; jyn = 100; goto salta; }; if ( jyn > jynst && !onegood ) { onegood = 0; jyn = 100; goto salta; }; goto salta; } else { onegood = 1; if ( !goodthis ){ goto salta; }; }; File = new TFile(fgfile.Data()); tr = (TTree*)File->Get("CalibCalPed"); ncalibs = tr->GetEntries(); if ( ncalibs == 0 ) { jyn = 100; onegood = 0; goodthis = 0; File->Close(); goto salta; }; File->Close(); if ( retval == retvar ) return(fgfile); salta: jyn++; }; jn--; }; jn = 999; jd--; gday++; if ( gday>7 ) return("wrong"); }; jm--; if ( jm==4 || jm==6 || jm==9 || jm==11 ){ jd = 30; } else { jd = 31; }; if ( jm==2 ) jd = 29; }; jm = 12; jy--; }; return("wrong"); } char *getLEVname(TString filename, TString detc, TString numb, TString frame="root"){ // char *file; stringstream file; file.str(""); const char *num = numb; const char *det = detc; const char *fra = frame; string fil = (const char *)filename; Int_t posiz = fil.find("dw_"); if ( posiz == -1 ) posiz = fil.find("DW_"); if ( posiz == -1 ) return("unkwnown.root"); Int_t spos = posiz; Int_t epos = posiz+15; TString tmptempf; stringcopy(tmptempf,filename,spos,epos); const char *tempf = tmptempf; file << tempf << ".Physics.Level"; file << num << "."; file << det << ".Event."; file << fra; const char *rfile = file.str().c_str(); return((char*)rfile); }; char *getfileLEVname(TString filename, TString detc, TString numb, TString frame="root"){ // char *file; stringstream file; const char *num = numb; const char *det = detc; const char *fra = frame; string fil = (const char *)filename; Int_t posiz = fil.find("dw_"); if ( posiz == -1 ) posiz = fil.find("DW_"); if ( posiz == -1 ) return("unknown.root"); Int_t spos = posiz; Int_t epos = posiz+13; TString tmptempf; stringcopy(tmptempf,filename,spos,epos); const char *tempf = tmptempf; file.str(""); file << tempf << "00.Physics.Level"; // file << "00.Physics.Level"; file << num << "."; file << det << ".Event."; file << fra; const char *rfile = file.str().c_str(); return((char*)rfile); }; int OLDCaloFindCalibs(TString &filename, Calib & calib){ for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ for (Int_t d = 1; d<50; d++){ calib.ttime[s][d] = 0; if ( d < 49 ) calib.time[s][d] = 0; }; }; if ( !existfile(filename) ) return(1); // TFile *File = new TFile(filename.Data()); TTree *tr = (TTree*)File->Get("CalibCalPed"); pamela::CalibCalPedEvent *ce = 0; pamela::PscuHeader *cph = 0; pamela::EventHeader *ceh = 0; tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &ceh); tr->SetBranchAddress("CalibCalPed", &ce); Long64_t ncalibs = tr->GetEntries(); Int_t inter; for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ for (Int_t d = 1; d<50; d++){ calib.ttime[s][d] = 0; if ( d < 49 ) calib.time[s][d] = 0; }; }; for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ inter = 0; for (Int_t c = 0; c < ncalibs; c++){ tr->GetEntry(c); cph = ceh->GetPscuHeader(); calib.ttime[s][inter] = 0; if ( ce->cstwerr[s] != 0 && ce->cperror[s] == 0 ) { calib.ttime[s][inter] = cph->GetOrbitalTime(); inter++; } else { if ( ce->cstwerr[s] != 0 && ce->cperror[s] != 0 ) { printf(" ERROR: entry %i stwerr %X perror %f \n",c,ce->cstwerr[s],ce->cperror[s]); }; }; }; if ( inter == 0 ){ printf(" ERROR: no suitable calibration for section %i in this file!\n",s); }; for (Int_t d = 1; d<50; d++){ if ( calib.ttime[s][d] != 0 ) { calib.time[s][d-1] = calib.ttime[s][d-1] + (int)((calib.ttime[s][d] - calib.ttime[s][d-1])/2.); } else { if ( d == 1 ) { calib.time[s][d-1] = 0; }; }; }; }; File->Close(); return(0); } int CaloFindCalibs(TString &filename, TString &calibfile, Int_t &wused, Calib & calib){ // // First of all check if the file has a monotone growing OBT time function. // Int_t debug = 0; Int_t obtjump = 0; Int_t evjump[50]; Int_t OBT = 0; Int_t OOBT = 0; Int_t OBT1 = 0; Int_t LOBT = 0; pamela::PscuHeader *ph = 0; pamela::EventHeader *eh = 0; // if ( !existfile(filename) ) return(1); TFile *File = new TFile(filename.Data()); TTree *ctr = (TTree*)File->Get("Physics"); ctr->SetBranchStatus("*",0); ctr->SetBranchStatus("Header*",1); ctr->SetBranchStatus("Pscu*",1); Long64_t nevents = ctr->GetEntries(); if ( nevents == 0 ) { printf(" The file is empty! \n "); return(1); }; ctr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nevents; i++){ ctr->GetEntry(i); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); OBT = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); if ( !i ) OBT1 = OBT; if ( i == nevents-1 ) LOBT = OBT; if ( OOBT > OBT ) { evjump[obtjump] = i; obtjump++; }; OOBT = OBT; }; printf("\n Obtjump = %i - FIRST OBT %i - LAST OBT %i \n\n",obtjump,OBT1,LOBT); // TTree *tr; pamela::CalibCalPedEvent *ce = 0; pamela::PscuHeader *cph = 0; pamela::EventHeader *ceh = 0; Long64_t ncalibs; // for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ for (Int_t d = 1; d<50; d++){ calib.ttime[s][d] = 0; if ( d < 49 ) calib.time[s][d] = 0; }; }; for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ // Int_t firstlook = 0; repeatsearch: // Int_t inter = 0; // tr = (TTree*)File->Get("CalibCalPed"); tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &ceh); tr->SetBranchAddress("CalibCalPed", &ce); if ( tr->GetEntries() == 0 ){ printf(" No calibration in this file! \n"); if ( !firstlook ){ wused = 2; filename = calibfile; firstlook = 1; goto repeatsearch; } else { wused = 0; goto jte; }; }; wused = 1; // ncalibs = tr->GetEntries(); calib.obtjump = 0; inter = 0; for (Int_t c = 0; c < ncalibs; c++){ tr->GetEntry(c); cph = ceh->GetPscuHeader(); calib.ttime[s][inter] = 0; if ( ce->cstwerr[s] != 0 && ce->cperror[s] == 0 ) { calib.ttime[s][inter] = cph->GetOrbitalTime(); inter++; } else { if ( ce->cstwerr[s] != 0 && ce->cperror[s] != 0 ) { printf(" ERROR: entry %i stwerr %X perror %f \n",c,ce->cstwerr[s],ce->cperror[s]); }; }; }; jte: if ( inter == 0 ){ printf(" WARNING: no suitable calibration for section %i in this file!\n",s); printf(" I WILL SEARCH IN PREVIOUS FILES\n"); if ( !firstlook ){ wused = 2; filename = calibfile; firstlook = 1; goto repeatsearch; }; }; if ( inter > 50 ){ printf(" WARNING: cannot handle more than 50 calibrations for file!\n"); printf(" I WILL SEARCH IN PREVIOUS FILES\n"); inter = 0; if ( !firstlook ){ wused = 2; filename = calibfile; firstlook = 1; goto repeatsearch; }; }; if ( obtjump ){ calib.obtjump = 1; printf(" ERROR: jump in OBT! CPU restarded? \n"); printf(" WARNING: I will use only the first calibration (if any)\n"); }; // Int_t lastcal = 0; Int_t of = 0; if ( OBT1 < calib.ttime[s][0] || !inter ) { // // here we must look for a calibration in the previous file... // TString ffile = ""; stringcopy(ffile,filename,0,0); Int_t fcodep = fetchpreviousfile(ffile,s); if ( fcodep == 1 ) { if ( inter ){ of = -3; printf(" WARNING: Problems to find a good calibration for section %i \n",s); } else { of = -2; printf(" ERROR: I was not able to find any good calibration for section %i \n",s); }; } else { stringcopy(ffile,filename,0,0); TString pfile = whatnamewith(ffile,fcodep); struct Calib tcal; OLDCaloFindCalibs(pfile,tcal); for ( Int_t d = 0; d<51; d++ ){ if ( tcal.ttime[s][d] == 0 ){ lastcal = d-1; break; }; }; if ( !inter ){ calib.ttime[s][0] = tcal.ttime[s][lastcal]; calib.time[s][0] = OBT1; calib.time[s][1] = LOBT; calib.fcode[s][0] = fcodep; if ( debug ) printf("boh! %i \n",fcodep); if ( debug ) getchar(); of = -1; } else { if ( obtjump ){ if ( debug ) printf("boh2! %i \n",fcodep); if ( debug ) getchar(); inter = 1; calib.time[s][0] = OBT1; calib.time[s][1] = LOBT; calib.fcode[s][0] = 10; of = -5; for (Int_t d = 1; d<50; d++){ calib.ttime[s][d] = 0; if ( d>1 && d<49 ) calib.time[s][d] = 0; }; } else { if ( lastcal >= 0 && tcal.ttime[s][lastcal]0 ){ for (Int_t i = inter+1; i>0; i--){ calib.ttime[s][i] = calib.ttime[s][i-1]; }; calib.time[s][0] = OBT1; calib.ttime[s][0] = tcal.ttime[s][lastcal]; calib.fcode[s][0] = fcodep; of = 2; } else { calib.time[s][0] = OBT1; calib.fcode[s][0] = 10; of = 1; }; }; }; }; } else { of = 0; }; if ( debug ) printf("boh3! %i \n",of); Int_t of1 = 0; if ( inter && of != 0 && of != 2 && of != -2 && of != -5) { for (Int_t i = inter+1; i>0; i--){ calib.ttime[s][i] = calib.ttime[s][i-1]; }; of1 = 0; }; if ( of == -2 ) of = -1; if ( of == -3 ) { of = 1; calib.fcode[s][0] = 10; }; // if ( of != -1 && of != -5 ){ if ( of == 2 ) of = 1; for (Int_t d = 0; dClose(); // if ( calcalibFile ) calcalibFile->Close(); //if ( File ) File->Close(); }; return(0); } void Calo1stcalib(TString filename, Calib & calib, Int_t b[4]){ Float_t estrip[2][22][96]; // // this is the value of the mip for each strip. To be changed when we will have the real values // for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){ for (Int_t d = 0; d<50; d++){ calib.ttime[s][d] = 0 ; if ( d < 49 ) calib.time[s][d] = 0 ; }; }; for (Int_t m = 0; m < 2 ; m++ ){ for (Int_t k = 0; k < 22; k++ ){ for (Int_t l = 0; l < 96; l++ ){ calib.calped[m][k][l] = 0. ; estrip[m][k][l] = 0.; }; }; } // // first of all find the calibrations in the file // OLDCaloFindCalibs(filename, calib); // // print on the screen the results: // printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------- \n \n"); Int_t calibex = 0; for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){ Int_t stop = 0; for (Int_t d = 0; d<48; d++){ if ( calib.ttime[s][d] != 0 ) calibex++; if ( calib.time[s][0] != 0 ){ if ( d == 0 ) printf(" Section %i from time 0 to time %i use calibration at time %i \n",s,calib.time[s][d],calib.ttime[s][d]); if ( calib.time[s][d+1] != 0 ) { printf(" Section %i from time %i to time %i use calibration at time %i \n",s,calib.time[s][d],calib.time[s][d+1],calib.ttime[s][d+1]); } else { if ( !stop ){ printf(" Section %i from time %i use calibration at time %i \n",s,calib.time[s][d],calib.ttime[s][d+1]); stop = 1; }; }; } else { if ( calib.ttime[s][d] != 0 ) printf(" Section %i from time 0 use calibration at time %i \n",s,calib.ttime[s][d]); }; }; printf("\n"); }; printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------- \n"); if ( calibex < 1 ) { printf("No full calibration data in this file, sorry!\n"); } else { // // calibrate before starting // for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ b[s]=0; CaloPede(filename,s,calib.ttime[s][b[s]],calib); }; }; } void ColorMIP(Float_t mip, int& colo){ // printf("mip = %f \n",mip); if ( colo > 0 ){ colo = 10; if ( mip > 0.7 ) colo = 38; if ( mip > 2. ) colo = 4; if ( mip > 10. ) colo = 3; if ( mip > 100. ) colo = 2; if ( mip > 500. ) colo = 6; } else { colo = 10; if ( mip > 0.7 ) colo = 17; if ( mip > 2. ) colo = 15; if ( mip > 10. ) colo = 14; if ( mip > 100. ) colo = 13; if ( mip > 500. ) colo = 12; }; } void ColorTOFMIP(Float_t mip, int& colo){ // printf("mip = %f \n",mip); if ( colo > 0 ){ colo = 10; if ( mip > 0. ) colo = 38; if ( mip > 2. ) colo = 4; if ( mip > 10. ) colo = 3; if ( mip > 100. ) colo = 2; if ( mip > 500. ) colo = 6; } else { colo = 10; if ( mip > 0. ) colo = 17; if ( mip > 2. ) colo = 15; if ( mip > 10. ) colo = 14; if ( mip > 100. ) colo = 13; if ( mip > 500. ) colo = 12; }; } void *processevents(void *ptr){ char *tellme = (char *)ptr; cin.getline(tellme,256); delete TThread::Self(); return(NULL); } Int_t WhatToDo(int& i, int& doflag, int& jumpto, Long64_t nevents, Float_t lastevno, Float_t firstevno, const char *file, TString outDir, TString figty, TCanvas &figure) { char *bw; if ( jumpto == -1 ){ bw = "bw"; } else { bw = ""; }; jumpto = 0; char tellme[256]; stringstream input; char tellme2[256]; stringstream input2; char tellme3[256]; stringstream input3; stringstream out; out.str("x"); input2.str("zzzzzzzzzzzzzz"); input3.str("z"); input << out.str().c_str(); stringstream stc; stringstream stc2; while ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str()) ) { printf("\nPress to continue, b to go backward, j to jump to a\nparticular event number, p to save the figure, q to quit: \n"); // input.str(""); if ( !gROOT->GetListOfClasses()->FindObject("TRint") ){ TThread *thread = new TThread((TThread::VoidFunc_t)processevents,(void *)tellme); thread->Run(); while ( thread->GetState() == TThread::kRunningState ){ gSystem->ProcessEvents(); }; thread->Kill(); } else { cin.getline(tellme,256); }; input << tellme; // out << "y"; // stc.str("b"); // if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { if ( i > 0 ) { printf("WARNING: going backward!\n\n"); doflag = 2; } else { printf("This is the first event, you can't go backward! \n"); out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); }; }; // stc.str("j"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { printf("\n Do you want to jump to a progressive number [p] or to an event number [e]? "); cin.getline(tellme3,256); input3.str(""); input3 << tellme3; stc.str("p"); if ( !strcmp(input3.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { printf("\n Enter the progressive number you want to jump to: "); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; Int_t j; j = atoi(input2.str().c_str()); if ( j < 1 || j > nevents+1 ) { printf("\n You can choose between 1 and %i \n",(int)nevents+1); out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); } else { printf("\n Jumping to progressive number %i\n\n",j); i = j-2; }; }; stc.str("e"); if ( !strcmp(input3.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { printf("\n Enter the event number you want to jump to: "); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; Int_t j; j = atoi(input2.str().c_str()); if ( j < firstevno || j > lastevno ) { printf("\n You can choose between %i and %i \n",(int)firstevno,(int)lastevno); out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); } else { printf("\n Jumping to event number %i\n\n",j); jumpto = j; i = -1; }; }; stc.str("e"); stc2.str("p"); if ( strcmp(input3.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) && strcmp(input3.str().c_str(),stc2.str().c_str()) ) { printf(" You must type or \"p\" or \"e\"\n"); out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); }; }; // stc.str("q"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { printf("Exiting...\n"); return(1); }; // stc.str("p"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { printf("Enter a file extension recognized by ROOT (ps, eps, gif,...):\n"); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); // TString filename = file; const string fil = (const char*)filename; Int_t posiz = fil.find("dw_"); if ( posiz == -1 ) posiz = fil.find("DW_"); Int_t posiz2 = posiz+13; TString file2; stringcopy(file2,filename,posiz,posiz2); const char *figrec = file2; const char *outdir = outDir; stringstream figsave; const char *ty = figty; figsave.str(""); figsave << outdir << "/"; figsave << ty << "_"; figsave << (i+1) << "_"; figsave << figrec; figsave << bw << "."; figsave << input2.str().c_str(); figure.SaveAs(figsave.str().c_str()); printf("\n"); }; }; return(0); } void PrintFigure(TString filename, TString outDir, TString figty, TString saveas, TCanvas& figure) { const string fil = (const char*)filename; Int_t posiz = fil.find("dw_"); if ( posiz == -1 ) posiz = fil.find("DW_"); Int_t posiz2 = posiz+13; TString file2; stringcopy(file2,filename,posiz,posiz2); // const char *figrec = file2; stringstream figsave; figsave.str(""); figsave << outDir.Data() << "/"; figsave << figrec << "_"; figsave << figty.Data() << "."; figsave << saveas.Data(); figure.SaveAs(figsave.str().c_str()); return; } Double_t langaufun(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) { // Numeric constants Double_t invsq2pi = 0.3989422804014; // (2 pi)^(-1/2) Double_t mpshift = -0.22278298; // Landau maximum location // Control constants Double_t np = 100.0; // number of convolution steps Double_t sc = 3.; // convolution extends to +-sc Gaussian sigmas // Variables Double_t xx; Double_t mpc; Double_t fland; Double_t sum = 0.0; Double_t xlow,xupp; Double_t step; Double_t i; // MP shift correction mpc = par[1] - mpshift * par[0]; // Range of convolution integral xlow = x[0] - sc * par[3]; xupp = x[0] + sc * par[3]; step = (xupp-xlow) / np; // Convolution integral of Landau and Gaussian by sum for(i=1.0; i<=np/2; i++) { xx = xlow + (i-.5) * step; fland = TMath::Landau(xx,mpc,par[0]) / par[0]; sum += fland * TMath::Gaus(x[0],xx,par[3]); xx = xupp - (i-.5) * step; fland = TMath::Landau(xx,mpc,par[0]) / par[0]; sum += fland * TMath::Gaus(x[0],xx,par[3]); }; return (par[2] * step * sum * invsq2pi / par[3]); } TF1 *langaufit(TH1F *his, Double_t *fitrange, Double_t *startvalues, Double_t *parlimitslo, Double_t *parlimitshi, Double_t *fitparams, Double_t *fiterrors, Double_t *ChiSqr, Int_t *NDF, TString drw="QR0"){ // Once again, here are the Landau * Gaussian parameters: // par[0]=Width (scale) parameter of Landau density // par[1]=Most Probable (MP, location) parameter of Landau density // par[2]=Total area (integral -inf to inf, normalization constant) // par[3]=Width (sigma) of convoluted Gaussian function // // Variables for langaufit call: // his histogram to fit // fitrange[2] lo and hi boundaries of fit range // startvalues[4] reasonable start values for the fit // parlimitslo[4] lower parameter limits // parlimitshi[4] upper parameter limits // fitparams[4] returns the final fit parameters // fiterrors[4] returns the final fit errors // ChiSqr returns the chi square // NDF returns ndf Int_t i; Char_t FunName[100]; sprintf(FunName,"Fitfcn_%s",his->GetName()); // TF1 *ffitold = (TF1*)gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject(FunName); if (ffitold) delete ffitold; // TF1 *ffit = new TF1(FunName,langaufun,fitrange[0],fitrange[1],4); ffit->SetParameters(startvalues); ffit->SetParNames("Width","MP","Area","GSigma"); // for (i=0; i<4; i++) { ffit->SetParLimits(i, parlimitslo[i], parlimitshi[i]); }; his->Fit(FunName,drw); // fit within specified range, use ParLimits, do not plot // ffit->GetParameters(fitparams); // obtain fit parameters for (i=0; i<4; i++) { fiterrors[i] = ffit->GetParError(i); // obtain fit parameter errors } ChiSqr[0] = ffit->GetChisquare(); // obtain chi^2 NDF[0] = ffit->GetNDF(); // obtain ndf // return (ffit); // return fit function } //Double_t langaupro(Double_t *params, Double_t &maxx) { Double_t langaupro(Double_t *params) { // Seaches for the location (x value) at the maximum of the // Landau-Gaussian convolute and its full width at half-maximum. // Double_t p,x; Double_t step; Double_t l,lold; Int_t i = 0; Int_t MAXCALLS = 5000; // Search for maximum p = params[1] - 0.1 * params[0]; step = 0.05 * params[0]; lold = -2.0; l = -1.0; // while ( (l != lold) && (i < MAXCALLS) ) { while ( fabs(l-lold)>10e-12 && (i < MAXCALLS) ) { i++; lold = l; x = p + step; l = langaufun(&x,params); if ( l < lold ) step = -step/10.; p += step; // printf(" i %i: l %.16g lold %.16g x %.16g p %.16g step %.16g \n",i,l,lold,x,p,step); // printf(" l %.16g \n",l); }; // printf(" i %i: l %.16g lold %.16g x %.16g p %.16g step %.16g \n",i,l,lold,x,p,step); //printf(" l %.16g \n",l); if (i == MAXCALLS) return (-1.); // return(x); } void delay(int selftrig, int &del){ int i; i = 0; del = 300; // while ((i < 16) && ((selftrig & (0x8000>>i)) == 0)) { del += 50; i++; }; if (i > 15) del = 1100; } Double_t fitraw(Double_t *x, Double_t *par){ // Double_t fitval = par[3] + par[0]*TMath::Exp(-par[2]*(x[0]-par[1])); // return fitval; } int checkmerging(Chmerge & chmerge){ for (Int_t i = chmerge.fromflag; i<1000; i++){ if ( chmerge.pscuOBT == 0 && chmerge.pscucount == 0 ) return(1); if ( chmerge.pscuOBT == chmerge.lastOBT[i] && chmerge.pscucount == chmerge.lastcount[i] ){ chmerge.fromflag = i; printf("\n WARNING! %i event number %i at OBT %i already processed, skipped!\n",i,chmerge.pscucount,chmerge.pscuOBT); return(1); }; }; return(0); } int fillmerging(Chmerge & chmerge){ chmerge.lastOBT[chmerge.scanflag] = chmerge.pscuOBT; chmerge.lastcount[chmerge.scanflag] = chmerge.pscucount; chmerge.scanflag++; if ( chmerge.scanflag > 999 ) return(0); chmerge.lastOBT[chmerge.scanflag] = 0; chmerge.lastcount[chmerge.scanflag] = 0; return(0); } //short int checkifpretyodaversion(TString filename){ // string fil = (const char *)filename; // Int_t posiz = fil.find("dw_"); // if ( posiz == -1 ) posiz = fil.find("DW_"); // if ( posiz == -1 ) return (-1); // TString year; // stringcopy(year,filename,posiz+3,posiz+5); // const char *ye = year; // Int_t y = atoi(ye); // TString month; // stringcopy(month,filename,posiz+5,posiz+7); // const char *mo = month; // Int_t m = atoi(mo); // TString day; // stringcopy(day,filename,posiz+7,posiz+9); // const char *da = day; // Int_t d = atoi(da); // TString fno; // stringcopy(fno,filename,posiz+10,posiz+13); // const char *fn = fno; // Int_t f = atoi(fn); // if ( y >= 5 && m >= 5 && d < 15 ) return(1); // if ( y == 5 && m == 5 && d == 15 && f < 7 ) return(1); // return(0); //}