// //- Emiliano Mocchiutti // // FCaloADC2MIP.c version 1.02 (2006-03-31) // // The only input needed is // // Changelog: // // 1.01 - 1.02 (2006-03-31): Added FCaloALIG2DAT and FCaloREADALIG to create and read the calorimeter alignment data file. // // 1.00 - 1.01 (2006-03-20): First flight version, read single yoda file. // // 0.00 - 1.00 (2006-03-20): Clone of CaloADC2MIP v4r01. // // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include // extern const char *pathtocalibration(); extern TString getFilename(const TString); extern TString whatnamewith(TString, Int_t); extern void stringcopy(TString&, const TString&, Int_t, Int_t); extern int CaloPede(TString, Int_t, Int_t, Calib &); extern void CaloFindBaseRaw(Calib &, Evento &, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t); extern void CaloFindBaseRawNC(Calib &, Evento &, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t); extern void CaloCompressData(Calib &, Evento &, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t); extern int CaloFindCalibs(TString &, TString &, Int_t &, Calib &); extern bool existfile(TString); TF1 *langaufit(TH1F *, Double_t *, Double_t *, Double_t *, Double_t *, Double_t *, Double_t *, Double_t *, Int_t *, TString); Double_t langaupro(Double_t *); // // #include #include #include #include // #include #include using namespace std; void FCaloADC2MIP(TString Filename, TString calcalibfile = "", TString OutDir="", TString flist=""){ const char *pam_calib = pathtocalibration(); if ( !strcmp(OutDir.Data(),"") ){ OutDir = pam_calib; }; // TString calcalib; struct Evento evento; struct Calib calib; Int_t debug = 0; Int_t b[4]; Int_t etime,evno; Float_t sdexy[2][22][96],sdexyc[2][22][96]; Float_t edelta[2][22][96]; Float_t estrip[2][22][96]; Float_t estripnull[2][22][96]; Float_t delta; delta = 1.; evento.emin = 0.7; Int_t UPYES = 0; Int_t se =5; Int_t pre; Int_t rdone=0; Int_t done; bool isCOMP = 0; bool isFULL = 0; bool isRAW = 0; TH1F *pfmip[2][22][96]; TF1 *pfitsnr[2][22][96]; stringstream Fmip; for (Int_t i=0; i<2;i++){ for (Int_t j=0; j<22;j++){ for (Int_t m=0; m<96;m++){ Fmip.str(""); Fmip << "Fmip " << i; Fmip << " " << j; Fmip << " " << m; pfmip[i][j][m] = new TH1F(Fmip.str().c_str(),"",56,0.,55.); pfitsnr[i][j][m] = new TF1; }; }; }; // // the file which contains the calorimeter ADC to MIP conversion values is file2 = path to the script dir / CaloADC2MIP.root // stringstream file2; file2.str(""); file2 << OutDir.Data() << "/CaloADC2MIP.root"; // // this the figures and fit (4224 x 2 objects!) // stringstream file3; file3.str(""); file3 << OutDir.Data() << "/CaloADC2MIPf.root"; // stringstream file4; file4.str(""); file4 << OutDir.Data() << "/CaloADC2MIPf"; // stringstream file5; file5.str(""); file5 << OutDir.Data() << "/CaloADC2MIPdata.root"; // Int_t nfile = 0; Int_t fileup = 0; if ( flist != "" ){ printf("\n You have given an input file list \n\n Files: \n"); ifstream in; in.open(flist, ios::in); char ctime[20]; while (1) { in >> ctime; if (!in.good()) break; printf(" File number %i = %s \n",nfile+1,ctime); nfile++; }; in.close(); if ( !nfile ) { printf("\n\n The list is empty, exiting... \n\n"); return; }; } else { nfile = 1; }; printf("\n"); // // First check if the calibration file exists: // Int_t EFILE = 0; printf(" Check the existence of CaloADC2MIP.root file: \n\n"); if ( !existfile(file2.str().c_str()) ){ printf(" %s :no such file or directory \n",file2.str().c_str()); printf("\n OK, I will create it!\n\n"); EFILE = 0; } else { printf(" The file already exists! Check if an update is needed \n\n"); EFILE = 1; }; // // the check for an update is done once even if we have a list. // TTree *tree; CalorimeterCalibration *calo = new CalorimeterCalibration(); if ( EFILE == 1) { // // The file exists, open it (READ ONLY) and check if any update is needed: // TFile *hfile = 0; hfile = new TFile(file2.str().c_str(),"READ","Calorimeter CALIBRATION data"); tree = (TTree*)hfile->Get("CaloADC"); calo = new CalorimeterCalibration(); tree->SetBranchAddress("Event", &calo); // Long64_t nevents = tree->GetEntries(); printf("\n Number of updates: %i\n",(int)nevents); tree->GetEntry(nevents-1); // // Read the status variable of the last event: if it is 0 then we need an update, if it is one print out informations and exit // if ( calo->status == 0 ) { printf("\n An update is needed: \n"); Int_t upstrip = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i<2; i++){ for (Int_t j = 0; j<22; j++){ for (Int_t l = 0; l<96; l++){ if ( calo->mask[i][j][l] == 0. ) upstrip++; }; }; }; printf(" %i strip out of 4224 have no statistic enough.\n\n",upstrip); } else { printf(" No update is needed! \n The data files used to obtain the ADC to MIP conversion are: \n"); for (Int_t i = 0; iGetEntry(i); const char *fout = calo->fname; printf(" - %s \n",fout); }; printf("\n\n"); return; }; hfile->Close(); }; // const char *filename2 = Filename; // TString lfile; TString sfile; // Int_t e = 0; ifstream in; in.open(flist, ios::in); char ctime[20]; TString file2f; TString pfile; const char *cali; const char *ffile; Int_t calibex = 0; // TString filename; const char *nome; TFile *hfile = 0; calo = new CalorimeterCalibration(); Long64_t nevents; Int_t used = 0; const char *compare; Int_t hf3 = 0; Int_t ufile = 0; TFile *headerFile = 0; file2f = ""; pfile = ""; stringstream fmippa; const char *porca; Int_t S4; Int_t upnn; Int_t notgood = 0; Int_t notgood1 = 0; stringstream files; TFile *hfileb = 0; // Int_t pl1, pl2, strmin, strmax; Int_t spre=0; Int_t surstrip = 0; Float_t estrippa = 0.; Int_t surmam = 0; Int_t surman = 0; Int_t surmatrix[3][3]; // TString fififile; const char *file; // stringstream nofi; nofi.str(""); TFile *hfile3 = 0; // while ( e < nfile ){ if ( flist != "" ){ in >> ctime; nofi.str(""); nofi << filename2 << "/"; nofi << ctime; lfile = TString(nofi.str().c_str()); fififile = getFilename(lfile); file = fififile; nofi.str(""); nofi << file; sfile = TString(nofi.str().c_str()); } else { nofi.str(""); nofi << filename2; lfile = TString(nofi.str().c_str()); fififile = getFilename(lfile); file = fififile; nofi.str(""); nofi << file; sfile = TString(nofi.str().c_str()); }; // filename = lfile; nome = filename; printf("\n Processing file number %i: %s \n\n",e,nome); nome = sfile; // // this must be done for each file. // const char *calname; calname = ""; Int_t wused = 0; TTree *otr; pamela::calorimeter::CalorimeterEvent *de = 0; pamela::trigger::TriggerEvent *trigger = 0; pamela::PscuHeader *ph = 0; pamela::EventHeader *eh = 0; // if ( EFILE == 1 ){ hfile = new TFile(file2.str().c_str(),"UPDATE","Calorimeter CALIBRATION data"); tree = (TTree*)hfile->Get("CaloADC"); calo = new CalorimeterCalibration(); tree->SetBranchAddress("Event", &calo); // // Check if the input file has already been used // printf(" Check if file %s has already been used... \n",nome); nevents = tree->GetEntries(); used = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; iGetEntry(i); compare= calo->fname; if ( !strcmp(compare,nome) ) { used = 1; break; }; }; if ( used ) { printf(" The file %s has already been used!\n You cannot run twice this program with that file!\n\n",nome); hfile->Close(); goto jumpfile; } else { printf(" Good, the file has not been used yet. \n\n"); nevents = tree->GetEntries() -1; tree->GetEntry(nevents); }; } else { // // If the file doesn't exist create it // calo = new CalorimeterCalibration(); hfile = new TFile(file2.str().c_str(),"NEW","Calorimeter CALIBRATION data"); if ( !existfile(file2.str().c_str()) ){ printf(" %s :no such file or directory \n",filename.Data()); printf(" ERROR: Cannot create file \n"); return; }; // if ( hfile->IsZombie() ){ // printf(" ERROR: Cannot create file \n"); // return; //}; tree = new TTree("CaloADC","Calorimeter calibration data"); tree->Branch("Event","CalorimeterCalibration",&calo); }; // // // hf3 = 0; if ( e == 0 ){ if ( !existfile(file3.str().c_str()) ){ ufile = 0; } else { printf(" Update figures file! \n\n"); ufile = 1; }; }; if ( (EFILE == 1 || ufile == 1) && e == 0 ){ printf(" Reading the old MIP figures to be updated...\n "); hfile3 = new TFile(file3.str().c_str()); hf3 = 1; // stringstream fmino; fmino.str(""); for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ for (Int_t n =0 ; n < 96; n++){ fmino.str(""); fmino << "fmip " << l; fmino << " " << m; fmino << " " << n; gDirectory->Delete(fmino.str().c_str()); TH1F *temp = (TH1F*)hfile3->Get(fmino.str().c_str()); pfmip[l][m][n] = (TH1F*)temp->Clone(); }; }; }; printf(" ...done!\n"); }; EFILE = 1; // // Check if the input calibration file contains any calibration data // done = 0; printf(" Check for calorimeter calibration: \n"); calcalib = filename; findcalibs: printf(" Calibration file: %s \n",calname); calname = calcalib; for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){ for (Int_t d = 0; d<50; d++){ calib.ttime[s][d] = 0 ; if ( d < 49 ) calib.time[s][d] = 0 ; }; }; for (Int_t m = 0; m < 2 ; m++ ){ for (Int_t k = 0; k < 22; k++ ){ for (Int_t l = 0; l < 96; l++ ){ calib.calped[m][k][l] = 0. ; evento.dexy[m][k][l] = 0. ; evento.dexyc[m][k][l] = 0. ; edelta[m][k][l] = 0.; estrip[m][k][l] = 0.; estripnull[m][k][l] = 0.; }; }; } wused = 0; CaloFindCalibs(calcalib, calcalib, wused, calib); // // print on the screen the results: // ffile = filename; printf(" ------ %s ------- \n \n",ffile); calibex = 0; for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){ printf(" ** SECTION %i **\n",s); for (Int_t d = 0; d<51; d++){ if ( calib.ttime[s][d] != 0 ) { calibex++; if ( calib.fcode[s][d] != 10 ){ file2f = ""; stringcopy(file2f,calcalib,0,0); pfile = (TString)whatnamewith(file2f,calib.fcode[s][d]); } else { pfile = (TString)calcalib; }; ffile = pfile; printf(" - from time %i to time %i use calibration at\n time %i, file: %s \n",calib.time[s][d],calib.time[s][d+1],calib.ttime[s][d],ffile); }; }; printf("\n"); }; printf(" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n \n"); // if ( calibex < 1 ) { printf("No calibration data in this file!\n"); calcalib = calcalibfile; if ( !done && calcalibfile != "" ) { cali = calcalibfile; printf(" Search in the calibration file %s \n",cali); done = 1; goto findcalibs; } else { printf(" Cannot find any calibration for this file! \n"); goto jumpfile; }; }; if ( calibex < 4 ) { printf(" WARNING! No full calibration data in this file! \n\n"); }; // // upgrade data... // if ( !existfile(filename) ){ printf(" %s :no such file or directory \n",filename.Data()); goto jumpfile; }; headerFile = new TFile(filename.Data()); otr = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("Physics"); otr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); otr->SetBranchAddress("Calorimeter", &de); otr->SetBranchAddress("Trigger", &trigger); // nevents = otr->GetEntries(); // // calibrate before starting // for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ b[s]=0; if ( calib.fcode[s][b[s]] != 10 ){ stringcopy(file2f,calcalib,0,0); pfile = (TString)whatnamewith(file2f,calib.fcode[s][b[s]]); } else { pfile = (TString)calcalib; }; porca = pfile; if ( debug ) printf(" porca miseria %s \n",porca); CaloPede(pfile,s,calib.ttime[s][b[s]],calib); }; // // run over all the events // printf("\n Processed events: \n\n"); // for (Int_t i = 0; i < nevents; i++){ evno = i; if ( i%1000 == 0 && i > 0 ) printf(" %iK \n",i/1000); // printf(" %i \n",i); // // read from the header of the event the absolute time at which it was recorded // otr->GetEntry(i); // S4 = trigger->patterntrig[1] & (1<<0); // if ( !S4 || i == 0 ) { ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); etime = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); // // for each event check that the calibration we are using are still within calibration limits, if not call the next calibration // if ( !calib.obtjump ) { for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ if ( calib.ttime[s][b[s]] ){ while ( etime > calib.time[s][b[s]+1] ){ printf(" CALORIMETER: \n" ); printf(" - Section %i, event at time %i while old calibration time limit at %i. Use new calibration at time %i -\n",s,etime,calib.time[s][b[s]+1],calib.ttime[s][b[s]+1]); printf(" END CALORIMETER. \n\n" ); b[s]++; if ( calib.fcode[s][b[s]] != 10 ){ stringcopy(file2f,calcalib,0,0); pfile = (TString)whatnamewith(file2f,calib.fcode[s][b[s]]); } else { pfile = (TString)calcalib; }; porca = pfile; if ( debug ) printf(" porca miseria %s \n",porca); CaloPede(pfile,s,calib.ttime[s][b[s]],calib); }; }; }; }; // // do whatever you want with data // evento.iev = de->iev; // // run over views and planes // for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ // // determine the section number // if (l == 0 && m%2 == 0) se = 3; if (l == 0 && m%2 != 0) se = 2; if (l == 1 && m%2 == 0) se = 0; if (l == 1 && m%2 != 0) se = 1; // // determine what kind of event we are going to analyze // isCOMP = 0; isFULL = 0; isRAW = 0; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 16) ) isCOMP = 1; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 17) ) isFULL = 1; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 3) ) isRAW = 1; // // save the prevoius energy deposit and calibration in sbase, sdexy, sdexyc // pre = -1; if ( isRAW ){ for (Int_t nn = 0; nn < 96; nn++){ if ( nn%16 == 0 ) pre++; evento.base[l][m][pre] = calib.calbase[l][m][pre]; sdexy[l][m][nn] = evento.dexy[l][m][nn]; evento.dexy[l][m][nn] = de->dexy[l][m][nn] ; sdexyc[l][m][nn] = evento.dexyc[l][m][nn]; evento.dexyc[l][m][nn] = de->dexyc[l][m][nn] ; }; }; // // run over strips // pre = -1; for (Int_t n =0 ; n < 96; n++){ if ( n%16 == 0 ) { pre++; rdone = 0; done = 0; }; if ( calo->mask[l][m][n] == 0. && ( isRAW || ( de->dexyc[l][m][n] > 0. && de->dexyc[l][m][n] < 32000.)) ){ // // baseline check and calculation // if ( isRAW ) { if ( !rdone ){ CaloFindBaseRaw(calib,evento,l,m,pre); rdone = 1; }; } else { if ( !done ){ evento.base[l][m][pre] = de->base[l][m][pre] ; evento.dexyc[l][m][n] = de->dexyc[l][m][n] ; }; }; // // no suitable new baseline, use old ones and compress data! // if ( !done && (evento.base[l][m][pre] > 30000. || evento.base[l][m][pre] == 0.) ){ evento.base[l][m][pre] = calib.sbase[l][m][pre]; upnn = n+16; if ( upnn > 96 ) upnn = 96; for ( Int_t nn = n; nndexyc[l][m][nn] ; }; CaloCompressData(calib,evento,l,m,pre); done = 1; }; // // CALIBRATION ALGORITHM // pl1 = -1; pl2 = -1; pl1 = m - 1; pl2 = m + 1; if ( pl1 < 0 ) { pl1 = pl2; pl2 = m + 2; }; if ( pl2 > 21 ) { pl2 = pl1; pl1 = m - 2; }; strmin = n - 1; if ( strmin < 0 ) strmin = 0; strmax = n + 1; if ( strmax > 95 ) strmax = 95; surstrip = 0; surmam = 0; surman = 0; for (Int_t im = 0; im<3 ;im++){ for (Int_t jm = 0; jm<3 ;jm++){ surmatrix[im][jm] = 0; }; }; for (Int_t spl = pl1; spl 0.7 && estrippa < 10. && calib.calgood[l][spl][sst] == 0 ){ surstrip++; surmatrix[surmam][surman]++; //printf("surstrip = %i estrip = %f \n",surstrip,estrip); }; }; }; }; if ( (surmatrix[0][0] && surmatrix[2][0]) ) surstrip = 0; if ( (surmatrix[0][2] && surmatrix[2][2]) ) surstrip = 0; // // estrip[l][m][n] = ( evento.dexyc[l][m][n] - calib.calped[l][m][n] - evento.base[l][m][pre]) ; if ( estrip[l][m][n] >= 0. && estrip[l][m][n] <= 56. && surstrip >=2 ){ pfmip[l][m][n]->Fill(estrip[l][m][n]); UPYES = 1; }; calib.sbase[l][m][pre] = evento.base[l][m][pre]; }; }; }; }; }; }; // // save filename // calo->fname = sfile; tree->Fill(); hfile->Write(); fileup++; hfile->Close(); // // create a backup copy! // if ( nfile > 1 && ( e%10 == 0 || e == nfile-1 ) && e > 0 ){ files.str(""); files << file4.str().c_str() << (e+1); files << ".bak"; printf(" Save the backup file with figures:\n %s \n ",files.str().c_str()); hfileb = new TFile(files.str().c_str(),"RECREATE","Calorimeter CALIBRATION figures"); if ( !existfile(files.str().c_str()) ){ printf(" ERROR: Cannot create file!!! \n"); goto oltre; }; TH1F *bfmip[2][22][96]; stringstream bmippa; bmippa.str(""); for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ for (Int_t n =0 ; n < 96; n++){ bmippa.str(""); bmippa << "bmip " << l; bmippa << " " << m; bmippa << " " << n; bfmip[l][m][n] = new TH1F(bmippa.str().c_str(),"",56,0.,55.); bfmip[l][m][n] = (TH1F*)pfmip[l][m][n]->Clone(bmippa.str().c_str()); bfmip[l][m][n]->Write(); }; }; }; hfileb->Close(); }; // // // headerFile->Close(); // caloFile->Close(); //triggerFile->Close(); goto oltre; jumpfile: printf(" File not processed! \n "); hfile->Close(); oltre: // gObjectTable->Print(); e++; }; // if ( !UPYES ) goto end; printf("\n OK, now I will fit the MIP distribution for each strip \n\n"); // hfile = new TFile(file2.str().c_str(),"UPDATE","Calorimeter CALIBRATION data"); calo = new CalorimeterCalibration(); tree = (TTree*)hfile->Get("CaloADC"); tree->SetBranchAddress("Event", &calo); nevents = tree->GetEntries(); if ( (nevents-1-fileup) > 0 ){ tree->GetEntry(nevents-1-fileup); }; // // Fit all 4224 distributions and save parameters, fit, figures (all basically). // notgood = 0; notgood1 = 0; // // for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ for (Int_t n =0 ; n < 96; n++){ Double_t SNRPeak = 0.; if ( calo->mask[l][m][n] == 0. ){ // // Setting fit range and start values // Double_t fr[2]; Double_t sv[4], pllo[4], plhi[4], fp[4], fpe[4]; if ( SNRPeak > 16. && SNRPeak < 35. ){ fr[0] = (Float_t)SNRPeak - 7.; sv[0]= fp[0]; sv[1]= fp[1]; sv[2]= fp[2]; sv[3]= fp[3]; } else { fr[0] = 19.; sv[0] = 2.8; sv[1] = 21.0; sv[2] = 1000.0; sv[3] = 0.1; }; Int_t doitagain = 0; fitting: printf("Fitting strip %i %i %i \n",l,m,n); fr[1] = 60.; pllo[0]=0.5; pllo[1]=5.0; pllo[2]=1.0; pllo[3]=0.2; plhi[0]=8.0; plhi[1]=50.0; plhi[2]=1000000.0; plhi[3]=8.0; Double_t chisqr; Int_t ndf; // // fit the figure pfmip and put fit results in pfitsnr // pfitsnr[l][m][n] = langaufit(pfmip[l][m][n],fr,sv,pllo,plhi,fp,fpe,&chisqr,&ndf,"QR0"); // // search for the maximum of the distribution, it will be the conversion factor between ADC channels and the MIP // Double_t SNRPeak = langaupro(fp); printf("\n Conversion factor: %f \n\n",SNRPeak); // // // if ( ( SNRPeak < 0. || (SNRPeak < 16. || SNRPeak > 35.) || chisqr > 100.) && doitagain < 3 ){ printf("\n The fit is not good, I will try again, step %i \n\n",doitagain); doitagain++; if ( chisqr > 100. ) { fr[0] = fr[0] + 5.; sv[0] = fp[0]; sv[1] = fp[1]; sv[2] = fp[2]; sv[3] = fp[3]; goto fitting; }; if ( doitagain == 2 ) { fr[0] = 19.; sv[0] = 2.8; sv[1] = 21.0; sv[2] = 1000.0; sv[3] = 0.1; goto fitting; }; if ( doitagain == 1 ) { fr[0] = 22.; sv[0] = 2.8; sv[1] = 25.0; sv[2] = 1000.0; sv[3] = 0.1; goto fitting; }; if ( doitagain == 3 ) { fr[0] = 12.; sv[0] = 2.8; sv[1] = 15.0; sv[2] = 1000.0; sv[3] = 0.1; goto fitting; }; }; // // save data // calo->mip[l][m][n] = (float)SNRPeak; calo->ermip[l][m][n] = (float)fpe[1]; for (Int_t a = 0; a < 4 ; a++){ calo->fp[a][l][m][n] = (float)fp[a]; calo->fpe[a][l][m][n] = (float)fpe[a]; }; calo->ndf[l][m][n] = (float)ndf; calo->chi2[l][m][n] = (float)chisqr; if ( calo->fp[1][l][m][n] > 16. && calo->fp[1][l][m][n] < 35. ) notgood1++; // if ( ndf!=0 && chisqr/ndf < 2. && fpe[1] < 0.15 && fp[1] > 15. && fp[1] < 40. && SNRPeak > 0. ) { printf(" THIS IS A GOOD FIT, SAVED! \n\n"); calo->mask[l][m][n] = 1.; } else { notgood++; calo->mask[l][m][n] = 0.; }; printf("Fitting done, strip %i %i %i \n\n\n",l,m,n); // // draw the figure and fit on the screen // //c1->Clear(); //c1->cd(); //pfmip[l][m][n]->DrawCopy(); //pfitsnr[l][m][n]->DrawCopy("lsame"); //c1->Modified(); //c1->Update(); }; }; }; }; // calo->status = 0; if ( !notgood ) calo->status = 1; // // save fit data // tree->Fill(); hfile->Write(); hfile->Close(); // // Save histograms and fit figures // TFile *hfile2; hfile2 = new TFile(file3.str().c_str(),"RECREATE","Calorimeter CALIBRATION figures"); if ( !existfile(file3.str().c_str()) ){ printf(" ERROR: Cannot create file \n"); return; }; TH1F *sfmip[2][22][96]; TF1 *sfitsnr[2][22][96]; fmippa.str(""); for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ for (Int_t n =0 ; n < 96; n++){ fmippa.str(""); fmippa << "fmip " << l; fmippa << " " << m; fmippa << " " << n; sfmip[l][m][n] = new TH1F(fmippa.str().c_str(),"",56,0.,55.); sfmip[l][m][n] = (TH1F*)pfmip[l][m][n]->Clone(fmippa.str().c_str()); fmippa.str(""); fmippa << "fit " << l; fmippa << " " << m; fmippa << " " << n; sfitsnr[l][m][n] = (TF1*)pfitsnr[l][m][n]->Clone(fmippa.str().c_str()); sfmip[l][m][n]->Write(); sfitsnr[l][m][n]->Write(); }; }; }; hfile2->Close(); if ( hf3 ) hfile3->Close(); // if ( notgood ) { printf("\n An update will be necessary:\n %i strip with too low statistic (%i of them gave a result anyway)\n\n",notgood,notgood1); }; // end: printf("\n"); // } void FCaloRAWADC2MIPPLOT(TString Filename, TString calcalibfile = "", TString OutDir="", TString flist=""){ const char *pam_calib = pathtocalibration(); if ( !strcmp(OutDir.Data(),"") ){ OutDir = pam_calib; }; // TString calcalib; struct Evento evento; struct Calib calib; Int_t debug = 0; Int_t b[4]; Int_t etime,evno; Float_t sdexy[2][22][96],sdexyc[2][22][96]; Float_t edelta[2][22][96]; Float_t estrip[2][22][96]; Float_t estripnull[2][22][96]; Float_t delta; CalorimeterCalibration *calo = new CalorimeterCalibration(); delta = 1.; evento.emin = 0.7; Int_t se =5; Int_t pre; Int_t rdone = 0; Int_t done; bool isCOMP = 0; bool isFULL = 0; bool isRAW = 0; TH1F *pfmip[2][22][96]; TF1 *pfitsnr[2][22][96]; stringstream Fmip; Fmip.str(""); for (Int_t i=0; i<2;i++){ for (Int_t j=0; j<22;j++){ for (Int_t m=0; m<96;m++){ Fmip.str(""); Fmip << "Fmip " << i; Fmip << " " << j; Fmip << " " << m; pfmip[i][j][m] = new TH1F(Fmip.str().c_str(),"",70,-15.,55.); pfitsnr[i][j][m] = new TF1; }; }; }; // // the file which contains the calorimeter ADC to MIP conversion values is file2 = path to the script dir / CaloADC2MIP.root // stringstream file2; file2.str(""); file2 << OutDir.Data() << "/CaloADC2MIP.raw"; // // this the figures and fit (4224 x 2 objects!) // stringstream file3; file3 << OutDir.Data() << "/CaloADC2MIPfr.raw"; // stringstream file4; file4.str(""); file4 << OutDir.Data() << "/CaloADC2MIPfr"; // stringstream file5; file5.str(""); file5 << OutDir.Data() << "/CaloADC2MIPdata.raw"; // Int_t nfile = 0; Int_t fileup = 0; if ( flist != "" ){ printf("\n You have given an input file list \n\n Files: \n"); ifstream in; in.open(flist, ios::in); char ctime[20]; while (1) { in >> ctime; if (!in.good()) break; printf(" File number %i = %s \n",nfile+1,ctime); nfile++; }; in.close(); if ( !nfile ) { printf("\n\n The list is empty, exiting... \n\n"); return; }; } else { nfile = 1; }; printf("\n"); // // First check if the calibration file exists: // Int_t EFILE = 0; printf(" Check the existence of CaloADC2MIP.raw file: \n\n"); if ( !existfile(file2.str().c_str()) ){ printf(" %s :no such file or directory \n",file2.str().c_str()); printf("\n OK, I will create it!\n\n"); EFILE = 0; } else { printf(" The file already exists! Check if an update is needed \n\n"); EFILE = 1; }; // // the check for an update is done once even if we have a list. // TTree *tree = 0; if ( EFILE == 1) { // // The file exists, open it (READ ONLY) and check if any update is needed: // TFile *hfile = 0; hfile = new TFile(file2.str().c_str(),"READ","Calorimeter CALIBRATION data"); calo = new CalorimeterCalibration(); tree = (TTree*)hfile->Get("CaloADC"); tree->SetBranchAddress("Event", &calo); // Long64_t nevents = tree->GetEntries(); printf("\n Number of updates: %i\n",(int)nevents); tree->GetEntry(nevents-1); // // Read the status variable of the last event: if it is 0 then we need an update, if it is one print out informations and exit // if ( calo->status == 0 ) { printf("\n An update is needed: \n"); Int_t upstrip = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i<2; i++){ for (Int_t j = 0; j<22; j++){ for (Int_t l = 0; l<96; l++){ if ( calo->mask[i][j][l] == 0. ) upstrip++; }; }; }; printf(" %i strip out of 4224 have no statistic enough.\n\n",upstrip); } else { printf(" No update is needed! \n The data files used to obtain the ADC to MIP conversion are: \n"); for (Int_t i = 0; iGetEntry(i); const char *fnout = calo->fname; printf(" - %s \n",fnout); }; printf("\n\n"); return; }; hfile->Close(); }; // const char *filename2 = Filename; // TString lfile; TString sfile; // Int_t e = 0; ifstream in; in.open(flist, ios::in); char ctime[20]; TString pfile; const char *cali; const char *ffile; Int_t calibex = 0; // TString filename; const char *nome = 0; TFile *hfile = 0; // CalorimeterCalibration *calo = 0; Long64_t nevents; Int_t used = 0; const char *compare = 0; Int_t hf3 = 0; TFile *headerFile = 0; TString file2f = ""; pfile = ""; const char *porca = 0; Int_t S4; Int_t upnn; stringstream files; TFile *hfileb = 0; // Int_t pl1, pl2, strmin, strmax; Int_t spre=0; Int_t surstrip = 0; Float_t estrippa = 0.; // TFile *hfile3 = 0; TString fififile; const char *file; // calo = new CalorimeterCalibration(); stringstream finome; finome.str(""); while ( e < nfile ){ if ( flist != "" ){ in >> ctime; finome.str(""); finome << filename2 << "/"; finome << ctime; lfile = TString(finome.str().c_str()); fififile = getFilename(lfile); file = fififile; finome.str(""); finome << file; sfile = TString(finome.str().c_str()); } else { finome.str(""); finome << filename2; lfile = TString(finome.str().c_str()); fififile = getFilename(lfile); file = fififile; finome.str(""); finome << file; sfile = TString(finome.str().c_str()); }; // filename = lfile; nome = filename; printf("\n Processing file number %i: %s \n\n",e,nome); nome = sfile; // // this must be done for each file. // TTree *otr; pamela::calorimeter::CalorimeterEvent *de = 0; pamela::trigger::TriggerEvent *trigger = 0; pamela::PscuHeader *ph = 0; pamela::EventHeader *eh = 0; const char *calname; Int_t wused = 0; // // TTree *tree; if ( EFILE == 1 ){ hfile = new TFile(file2.str().c_str(),"UPDATE","Calorimeter CALIBRATION data"); tree = (TTree*)hfile->Get("CaloADC"); tree->SetBranchAddress("Event", &calo); // // Check if the input file has already been used // printf(" Check if file %s has already been used... \n",nome); nevents = tree->GetEntries(); used = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; iGetEntry(i); compare= calo->fname; if ( !strcmp(compare,nome) ) { used = 1; break; }; }; if ( used ) { printf(" The file %s has already been used!\n You cannot run twice this program with that file!\n\n",nome); hfile->Close(); goto jumpfile; } else { printf(" Good, the file has not been used yet. \n\n"); nevents = tree->GetEntries() -1; tree->GetEntry(nevents); }; } else { // // If the file doesn't exist create it // calo = new CalorimeterCalibration(); hfile = new TFile(file2.str().c_str(),"NEW","Calorimeter CALIBRATION data"); if ( !existfile(file2.str().c_str()) ){ printf(" %s :no such file or directory \n",filename.Data()); printf(" ERROR: Cannot create file \n"); return; }; tree = new TTree("CaloADC","Calorimeter calibration data"); tree->Branch("Event","CalorimeterCalibration",&calo); }; // // // hf3 = 0; if ( EFILE == 1 && e == 0 ){ printf(" Reading the old MIP figures to be updated...\n "); hfile3 = new TFile(file3.str().c_str()); hf3 = 1; // stringstream fmippa; fmippa.str(""); for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ for (Int_t n =0 ; n < 96; n++){ fmippa.str(""); fmippa << "fmip " << l; fmippa << " " << m; fmippa << " " << n; TH1F *temp = (TH1F*)hfile3->Get(fmippa.str().c_str()); pfmip[l][m][n] = (TH1F*)temp->Clone(); }; }; }; printf(" ...done!\n"); }; EFILE = 1; // // Check if the input calibration file contains any calibration data // done = 0; printf(" Check for calorimeter calibration: \n"); calcalib = filename; findcalibs: calname = calcalib; printf(" Calibration file: %s \n",calname); for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){ for (Int_t d = 0; d<50; d++){ calib.ttime[s][d] = 0 ; if ( d < 49 ) calib.time[s][d] = 0 ; }; }; for (Int_t m = 0; m < 2 ; m++ ){ for (Int_t k = 0; k < 22; k++ ){ for (Int_t l = 0; l < 96; l++ ){ calib.calped[m][k][l] = 0. ; evento.dexy[m][k][l] = 0. ; evento.dexyc[m][k][l] = 0. ; edelta[m][k][l] = 0.; estrip[m][k][l] = 0.; estripnull[m][k][l] = 0.; }; }; } wused = 0; CaloFindCalibs(calcalib, calcalib, wused, calib); // // print on the screen the results: // ffile = filename; printf(" ------ %s ------- \n \n",ffile); calibex = 0; for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){ printf(" ** SECTION %i **\n",s); for (Int_t d = 0; d<51; d++){ if ( calib.ttime[s][d] != 0 ) { calibex++; if ( calib.fcode[s][d] != 10 ){ file2f = ""; stringcopy(file2f,calcalib,0,0); pfile = (TString)whatnamewith(file2f,calib.fcode[s][d]); } else { pfile = (TString)calcalib; }; ffile = pfile; printf(" - from time %i to time %i use calibration at\n time %i, file: %s \n",calib.time[s][d],calib.time[s][d+1],calib.ttime[s][d],ffile); }; }; printf("\n"); }; printf(" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n \n"); // if ( calibex < 1 ) { printf("No calibration data in this file!\n"); calcalib = calcalibfile; if ( !done && calcalibfile != "" ) { cali = calcalibfile; printf(" Search in the calibration file %s \n",cali); done = 1; goto findcalibs; } else { printf(" Cannot find any calibration for this file! \n"); goto jumpfile; }; }; if ( calibex < 4 ) { printf(" WARNING! No full calibration data in this file! \n\n"); }; // // upgrade data... // if ( !existfile(filename) ){ printf(" %s :no such file or directory \n",filename.Data()); goto jumpfile; }; headerFile = new TFile(filename.Data()); otr = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("Physics"); otr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); otr->SetBranchAddress("Calorimeter", &de); otr->SetBranchAddress("Trigger", &trigger); // // nevents = otr->GetEntries(); // // calibrate before starting // for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ b[s]=0; if ( calib.fcode[s][b[s]] != 10 ){ stringcopy(file2f,calcalib,0,0); pfile = (TString)whatnamewith(file2f,calib.fcode[s][b[s]]); } else { pfile = (TString)calcalib; }; porca = pfile; if ( debug ) printf(" porca miseria %s \n",porca); CaloPede(pfile,s,calib.ttime[s][b[s]],calib); }; // // run over all the events // printf("\n Processed events: \n\n"); // for (Int_t i = 0; i < nevents; i++){ evno = i; if ( i%1000 == 0 && i > 0 ) printf(" %iK \n",i/1000); // // read from the header of the event the absolute time at which it was recorded // otr->GetEntry(i); // S4 = trigger->patterntrig[1] & (1<<0); // if ( !S4 || i == 0 ) { ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); etime = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); // // for each event check that the calibration we are using are still within calibration limits, if not call the next calibration // if ( !calib.obtjump ) { for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ if ( calib.ttime[s][b[s]] ){ while ( etime > calib.time[s][b[s]+1] ){ printf(" CALORIMETER: \n" ); printf(" - Section %i, event at time %i while old calibration time limit at %i. Use new calibration at time %i -\n",s,etime,calib.time[s][b[s]+1],calib.ttime[s][b[s]+1]); printf(" END CALORIMETER. \n\n" ); b[s]++; if ( calib.fcode[s][b[s]] != 10 ){ stringcopy(file2f,calcalib,0,0); pfile = (TString)whatnamewith(file2f,calib.fcode[s][b[s]]); } else { pfile = (TString)calcalib; }; porca = pfile; if ( debug ) printf(" porca miseria %s \n",porca); CaloPede(pfile,s,calib.ttime[s][b[s]],calib); }; }; }; }; // // do whatever you want with data // evento.iev = de->iev; // // run over views and planes // for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ // // determine the section number // if (l == 0 && m%2 == 0) se = 3; if (l == 0 && m%2 != 0) se = 2; if (l == 1 && m%2 == 0) se = 0; if (l == 1 && m%2 != 0) se = 1; // // determine what kind of event we are going to analyze // isCOMP = 0; isFULL = 0; isRAW = 0; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 16) ) isCOMP = 1; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 17) ) isFULL = 1; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 3) ) isRAW = 1; // // save the prevoius energy deposit and calibration in sbase, sdexy, sdexyc // pre = -1; if ( isRAW ){ for (Int_t nn = 0; nn < 96; nn++){ if ( nn%16 == 0 ) pre++; evento.base[l][m][pre] = calib.calbase[l][m][pre]; sdexy[l][m][nn] = evento.dexy[l][m][nn]; evento.dexy[l][m][nn] = de->dexy[l][m][nn] ; sdexyc[l][m][nn] = evento.dexyc[l][m][nn]; evento.dexyc[l][m][nn] = de->dexyc[l][m][nn] ; }; // // run over strips // pre = -1; for (Int_t n =0 ; n < 96; n++){ if ( n%16 == 0 ) { pre++; rdone = 0; done = 0; }; if ( calo->mask[l][m][n] == 0. && ( isRAW || ( de->dexyc[l][m][n] > 0. && de->dexyc[l][m][n] < 32000.)) ){ // // baseline check and calculation // if ( !rdone ){ CaloFindBaseRawNC(calib,evento,l,m,pre); rdone = 1; }; // // no suitable new baseline, use old ones and compress data! // if ( !done && (evento.base[l][m][pre] > 30000. || evento.base[l][m][pre] == 0.) ){ evento.base[l][m][pre] = calib.sbase[l][m][pre]; upnn = n+16; if ( upnn > 96 ) upnn = 96; for ( Int_t nn = n; nndexyc[l][m][nn] ; }; done = 1; }; // // CALIBRATION ALGORITHM // pl1 = -1; pl2 = -1; pl1 = m - 1; pl2 = m + 1; if ( pl1 < 0 ) { pl1 = pl2; pl2 = m + 2; }; if ( pl2 > 21 ) { pl2 = pl1; pl1 = m - 2; }; strmin = n - 2; if ( strmin < 0 ) strmin = 0; strmax = n + 2; if ( strmax > 95 ) strmax = 95; surstrip = 0; for (Int_t spl = pl1; spl 0.7 && estrippa < 10. && calib.calgood[l][spl][sst] == 0 ){ surstrip++; //printf("surstrip = %i estrip = %f \n",surstrip,estrip); }; }; }; }; // // estrip[l][m][n] = ( evento.dexyc[l][m][n] - calib.calped[l][m][n] - evento.base[l][m][pre]) ; pfmip[l][m][n]->Fill(estrip[l][m][n]); calib.sbase[l][m][pre] = evento.base[l][m][pre]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; // // save filename // calo->fname = sfile; tree->Fill(); hfile->Write(); fileup++; hfile->Close(); // // create a backup copy! // if ( nfile > 1 && ( e%10 == 0 || e == nfile-1 ) && e > 0 ){ files.str(""); files << file4.str().c_str() << (e+1); files << ".bak"; printf(" Save the backup file with figures:\n %s \n ",files.str().c_str()); hfileb = new TFile(files.str().c_str(),"RECREATE","Calorimeter CALIBRATION figures"); if ( !existfile(files.str().c_str()) ){ printf(" ERROR: Cannot create file!!! \n"); goto oltre; }; TH1F *bfmip[2][22][96]; stringstream bmippa; for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ for (Int_t n =0 ; n < 96; n++){ bmippa.str(""); bmippa << "bmip " << l; bmippa << " " << m; bmippa << " " << n; bfmip[l][m][n] = new TH1F(bmippa.str().c_str(),"",70,-15.,55.); bfmip[l][m][n] = (TH1F*)pfmip[l][m][n]->Clone(bmippa.str().c_str()); bfmip[l][m][n]->Write(); }; }; }; hfileb->Close(); }; // // // headerFile->Close(); goto oltre; jumpfile: printf(" File not processed! \n "); hfile->Close(); oltre: // gObjectTable->Print(); e++; }; // // Save histograms and fit figures // TFile *hfile2; hfile2 = new TFile(file3.str().c_str(),"RECREATE","Calorimeter CALIBRATION figures"); if ( !existfile(file3.str().c_str()) ){ printf(" ERROR: Cannot create file!!! \n"); return; }; TH1F *sfmip[2][22][96]; stringstream fmippa; for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ for (Int_t n =0 ; n < 96; n++){ fmippa.str(""); fmippa << "fmip " << l; fmippa << " " << m; fmippa << " " << n; sfmip[l][m][n] = new TH1F(fmippa.str().c_str(),"",72,-15.,55.); sfmip[l][m][n] = (TH1F*)pfmip[l][m][n]->Clone(fmippa.str().c_str()); sfmip[l][m][n]->Write(); }; }; }; hfile2->Close(); if ( hf3 ) hfile3->Close(); } void FCaloRAWADC2MIPDATA(TString Filename, TString calcalibfile = "", TString OutDir="", TString flist=""){ const char *pam_calib = pathtocalibration(); if ( !strcmp(OutDir.Data(),"") ){ OutDir = pam_calib; }; TString calcalib; struct Evento evento; struct Calib calib; Int_t debug = 0; Int_t b[4]; Int_t etime,evno; Float_t sdexy[2][22][96],sdexyc[2][22][96]; Float_t edelta[2][22][96]; Float_t estrip[2][22][96]; Float_t estripnull[2][22][96]; Float_t delta; delta = 1.; evento.emin = 0.7; Int_t se =5; Int_t pre; Int_t rdone = 0; Int_t done; bool isCOMP = 0; bool isFULL = 0; bool isRAW = 0; // // the file which contains the calorimeter ADC to MIP conversion values is file2 = path to the script dir / CaloADC2MIP.root // stringstream file5; file5.str(""); file5 << OutDir.Data() << "/CaloADC2MIPdata.raw"; // Int_t nfile = 0; Int_t fileup = 0; if ( flist != "" ){ printf("\n You have given an input file list \n\n Files: \n"); ifstream in; in.open(flist, ios::in); char ctime[20]; while (1) { in >> ctime; if (!in.good()) break; printf(" File number %i = %s \n",nfile+1,ctime); nfile++; }; in.close(); if ( !nfile ) { printf("\n\n The list is empty, exiting... \n\n"); return; }; } else { nfile = 1; }; printf("\n"); // // First check if the calibration file exists: // // const char *filename2 = Filename; // TString lfile; TString sfile; // Int_t e = 0; ifstream in; in.open(flist, ios::in); char ctime[20]; TString file2f; TString pfile; const char *cali; const char *ffile; Int_t calibex = 0; // TString filename; const char *nome = 0; Long64_t nevents; TFile *headerFile = 0; file2f = ""; pfile = ""; const char *porca = 0; Int_t upnn; // // TFile *hfl1 = 0; hfl1 = new TFile(file5.str().c_str(),"RECREATE","Calorimeter LEVEL1 data"); // // class CalorimeterLevel1 // CalorimeterADCRAW *clev1 = new CalorimeterADCRAW(); TTree *trl1 = 0; trl1 = new TTree("CaloADCRAW","PAMELA Level1 calorimeter data"); trl1->Branch("Rawdata","CalorimeterADCRAW",&clev1); // Int_t glbc = 0; // TString fififile; const char *file; // stringstream lfillo; while ( e < nfile ){ if ( flist != "" ){ in >> ctime; lfillo.str(""); lfillo << filename2 << "/"; lfillo << ctime; lfile = TString(lfillo.str().c_str()); fififile = getFilename(lfile); file = fififile; lfillo.str(""); lfillo << file; sfile = TString(lfillo.str().c_str()); } else { lfillo.str(""); lfillo << filename2; lfile = TString(lfillo.str().c_str()); fififile = getFilename(lfile); file = fififile; lfillo.str(""); lfillo << file; sfile = TString(lfillo.str().c_str()); }; // filename = lfile; nome = filename; printf("\n Processing file number %i: %s \n\n",e,nome); nome = sfile; // // Check if the input calibration file contains any calibration data // TTree *otr; pamela::calorimeter::CalorimeterEvent *de = 0; pamela::PscuHeader *ph = 0; pamela::EventHeader *eh = 0; // done = 0; printf(" Check for calorimeter calibration: \n"); calcalib = filename; findcalibs: const char *calname = calcalib; printf(" Calibration file: %s \n",calname); for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){ for (Int_t d = 0; d<50; d++){ calib.ttime[s][d] = 0 ; if ( d < 49 ) calib.time[s][d] = 0 ; }; }; for (Int_t m = 0; m < 2 ; m++ ){ for (Int_t k = 0; k < 22; k++ ){ for (Int_t l = 0; l < 96; l++ ){ calib.calped[m][k][l] = 0. ; evento.dexy[m][k][l] = 0. ; evento.dexyc[m][k][l] = 0. ; edelta[m][k][l] = 0.; estrip[m][k][l] = 0.; estripnull[m][k][l] = 0.; }; }; } Int_t wused = 0; CaloFindCalibs(filename, calcalibfile, wused, calib); if ( wused == 1 ) calcalibfile = filename; // // print on the screen the results: // ffile = filename; printf(" ------ %s ------- \n \n",ffile); calibex = 0; for (Int_t s=0; s<4;s++){ printf(" ** SECTION %i **\n",s); for (Int_t d = 0; d<51; d++){ if ( calib.ttime[s][d] != 0 ) { calibex++; if ( calib.fcode[s][d] != 10 ){ file2f = ""; stringcopy(file2f,calcalib,0,0); pfile = (TString)whatnamewith(file2f,calib.fcode[s][d]); } else { pfile = (TString)calcalib; }; ffile = pfile; printf(" - from time %i to time %i use calibration at\n time %i, file: %s \n",calib.time[s][d],calib.time[s][d+1],calib.ttime[s][d],ffile); }; }; printf("\n"); }; printf(" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- \n \n"); // if ( calibex < 1 ) { printf("No calibration data in this file!\n"); calcalib = calcalibfile; if ( !done && calcalibfile != "" ) { cali = calcalibfile; printf(" Search in the calibration file %s \n",cali); done = 1; goto findcalibs; } else { printf(" Cannot find any calibration for this file! \n"); goto jumpfile; }; }; if ( calibex < 4 ) { printf(" WARNING! No full calibration data in this file! \n\n"); }; // // upgrade data... // if ( !existfile(filename) ){ printf(" %s :no such file or directory \n",filename.Data()); goto jumpfile; }; headerFile = new TFile(filename.Data()); otr = (TTree*)headerFile->Get("Physics"); otr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); otr->SetBranchAddress("Calorimeter", &de); // nevents = otr->GetEntries(); // // calibrate before starting // for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ b[s]=0; if ( calib.fcode[s][b[s]] != 10 ){ stringcopy(file2f,calcalib,0,0); pfile = (TString)whatnamewith(file2f,calib.fcode[s][b[s]]); } else { pfile = (TString)calcalib; }; porca = pfile; if ( debug ) printf(" porca miseria %s \n",porca); CaloPede(pfile,s,calib.ttime[s][b[s]],calib); }; // // run over all the events // printf("\n Processed events: \n\n"); // Int_t updata; for (Int_t i = 0; i < nevents; i++){ evno = i; if ( i%1000 == 0 && i > 0 ) printf(" %iK \n",i/1000); // // read from the header of the event the absolute time at which it was recorded // otr->GetEntry(i); // // ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); etime = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); // // for each event check that the calibration we are using are still within calibration limits, if not call the next calibration // if ( !calib.obtjump ) { for (Int_t s = 0; s < 4; s++){ if ( calib.ttime[s][b[s]] ){ while ( etime > calib.time[s][b[s]+1] ){ printf(" CALORIMETER: \n" ); printf(" - Section %i, event at time %i while old calibration time limit at %i. Use new calibration at time %i -\n",s,etime,calib.time[s][b[s]+1],calib.ttime[s][b[s]+1]); printf(" END CALORIMETER. \n\n" ); b[s]++; if ( calib.fcode[s][b[s]] != 10 ){ stringcopy(file2f,calcalib,0,0); pfile = (TString)whatnamewith(file2f,calib.fcode[s][b[s]]); } else { pfile = (TString)calcalib; }; porca = pfile; if ( debug ) printf(" porca miseria %s \n",porca); CaloPede(pfile,s,calib.ttime[s][b[s]],calib); }; }; }; }; // // do whatever you want with data // evento.iev = de->iev; // // run over views and planes // updata = 0; glbc++; for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ // // determine the section number // if (l == 0 && m%2 == 0) se = 3; if (l == 0 && m%2 != 0) se = 2; if (l == 1 && m%2 == 0) se = 0; if (l == 1 && m%2 != 0) se = 1; // // determine what kind of event we are going to analyze // isCOMP = 0; isFULL = 0; isRAW = 0; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 16) ) isCOMP = 1; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 17) ) isFULL = 1; if ( de->stwerr[se] & (1 << 3) ) isRAW = 1; // // save the prevoius energy deposit and calibration in sbase, sdexy, sdexyc // pre = -1; if ( isRAW || isFULL ){ updata = 1; for (Int_t nn = 0; nn < 96; nn++){ if ( nn%16 == 0 ) pre++; evento.base[l][m][pre] = calib.calbase[l][m][pre]; sdexy[l][m][nn] = evento.dexy[l][m][nn]; evento.dexy[l][m][nn] = de->dexy[l][m][nn] ; sdexyc[l][m][nn] = evento.dexyc[l][m][nn]; // !!! evento.dexyc[l][m][nn] = de->dexy[l][m][nn] ; // !!! }; // // run over strips // pre = -1; for (Int_t n =0 ; n < 96; n++){ if ( n%16 == 0 ) { pre++; rdone = 0; done = 0; }; if ( isRAW || ( de->dexyc[l][m][n] > 0. && de->dexyc[l][m][n] < 32000.) || isFULL ){ if ( isFULL && !rdone ) rdone = 1; // // baseline check and calculation // if ( !rdone ){ CaloFindBaseRawNC(calib,evento,l,m,pre); rdone = 1; }; // // no suitable new baseline, use old ones and compress data! // if ( !done && (evento.base[l][m][pre] > 30000. || evento.base[l][m][pre] == 0.) ){ evento.base[l][m][pre] = calib.sbase[l][m][pre]; upnn = n+16; if ( upnn > 96 ) upnn = 96; for ( Int_t nn = n; nndexy[l][m][nn] ; }; done = 1; }; // // CALIBRATION ALGORITHM // estrip[l][m][n] = ( evento.dexyc[l][m][n] - calib.calped[l][m][n] - evento.base[l][m][pre]) ; calib.sbase[l][m][pre] = evento.base[l][m][pre]; clev1->diffbas[l][m][pre] = evento.base[l][m][pre]; clev1->estrip[l][m][n] = estrip[l][m][n]; }; }; }; }; }; // if ( updata ){ clev1->evno = glbc; clev1->etime = etime; trl1->Fill(); for (Int_t l =0 ; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t m =0 ; m < 22; m++){ pre = -1; for (Int_t n =0 ; n < 96; n++){ // memcpy(estrip, estripnull, sizeof(estrip)); if ( n%16 == 0 ) pre++; estrip[l][m][n] = 0.; evento.base[l][m][pre] = 0.; clev1->diffbas[l][m][pre] = evento.base[l][m][pre]; clev1->estrip[l][m][n] = estrip[l][m][n]; }; }; }; //gObjectTable->Print(); //}; }; // // save filename // fileup++; // headerFile->Close(); goto oltre; jumpfile: printf(" File not processed! \n "); oltre: e++; }; hfl1->Write(); hfl1->Close(); } void FCalo4224STATUS(TString filename = "", TString style = ""){ const char *pam_calib = pathtocalibration(); // // this routine shows the calorimeter calibration status with a figure. You can choose style between "error" (or "") to show the error on the // peak maximum determined and "status" to show which strips have converged to a certain value. // if ( filename == "" ){ stringstream filenome; filenome.str(""); filenome << pam_calib << "/CaloADC2MIP.root"; filename = (TString)filenome.str().c_str(); }; if ( style == "" ) style = "error"; const char *file2 = filename; TFile *hfile; hfile = new TFile(file2,"READ","Calorimeter CALIBRATION data"); CalorimeterCalibration *calo = 0; TTree *tree; tree = (TTree*)hfile->Get("CaloADC"); tree->SetBranchAddress("Event", &calo); // Long64_t nevents = tree->GetEntries(); tree->GetEntry(nevents-1); // // Book the histograms: // // TH2F *Xview = new TH2F("x-view event ","",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); TH2F *Yview = new TH2F("y-view event ","",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); // // figures: // TCanvas *figura2 = new TCanvas("Calorimeter:_strip_RMS", "Calorimeter:_strip_RMS", 750, 650); figura2->SetFillColor(10); figura2->Range(0,0,100,100); Int_t bgcolor = 10; TPad *pd1 = new TPad("pd1","This is pad1",0.02,0.05,0.88,0.49,bgcolor); TPad *pd2 = new TPad("pd2","This is pad2",0.02,0.51,0.88,0.95,bgcolor); TPad *palette = new TPad("palette","This is palette",0.90,0.05,0.98,0.90,bgcolor); figura2->cd(); TLatex *t=new TLatex(); t->SetTextFont(32); t->SetTextColor(1); t->SetTextSize(0.03); t->SetTextAlign(12); t->DrawLatex(90.,92.5,"error"); pd1->Range(0,0,100,100); pd2->Range(0,0,100,100); palette->Range(0,0,101,100); pd1->SetTicks(); pd2->SetTicks(); pd1->Draw(); pd2->Draw(); palette->Draw(); palette->cd(); const char *style2 = style; if ( !strcmp(style2,"error") ){ // palette TPaveLabel *box1 = new TPaveLabel(1,2,99,14,"no fit",""); box1->SetTextFont(32); box1->SetTextColor(1); box1->SetTextSize(0.25); box1->SetFillColor(10); box1->Draw(); TPaveLabel *box2 = new TPaveLabel(1,16,99,28,"< 0.15",""); box2->SetTextFont(32); box2->SetTextColor(1); box2->SetTextSize(0.25); box2->SetFillColor(38); box2->Draw(); TPaveLabel *box3 = new TPaveLabel(1,30,99,42,"0.15 - 0.25",""); box3->SetTextFont(32); box3->SetTextColor(1); box3->SetTextSize(0.2); box3->SetFillColor(4); box3->Draw(); TPaveLabel *box4 = new TPaveLabel(1,44,99,56,"0.25 - 0.55",""); box4->SetTextFont(32); box4->SetTextColor(1); box4->SetTextSize(0.2); box4->SetFillColor(3); box4->Draw(); TPaveLabel *box5 = new TPaveLabel(1,58,99,70,"0.55 - 1",""); box5->SetTextFont(32); box5->SetTextColor(1); box5->SetTextSize(0.25); box5->SetFillColor(2); box5->Draw(); TPaveLabel *box6 = new TPaveLabel(1,72,99,84,"1 - 5",""); box6->SetTextFont(32); box6->SetTextColor(1); box6->SetTextSize(0.25); box6->SetFillColor(6); box6->Draw(); TPaveLabel *box7 = new TPaveLabel(1,86,99,98,"> 5",""); box7->SetTextFont(32); box7->SetTextColor(10); box7->SetTextSize(0.25); box7->SetFillColor(1); box7->Draw(); } else { TPaveLabel *box1 = new TPaveLabel(1,2,99,14,"not done",""); box1->SetTextFont(32); box1->SetTextColor(1); box1->SetTextSize(0.25); box1->SetFillColor(10); box1->Draw(); TPaveLabel *box2 = new TPaveLabel(1,16,99,28,"done",""); box2->SetTextFont(32); box2->SetTextColor(1); box2->SetTextSize(0.25); box2->SetFillColor(38); box2->Draw(); }; // pd1->cd(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); Xview->SetXTitle("strip"); Xview->SetYTitle("X - plane"); Xview->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.5); Xview->SetFillColor(bgcolor); Xview->Fill(1.,1.,1.); Xview->Draw("box"); pd1->Update(); pd2->cd(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); Yview->SetXTitle("strip"); Yview->SetYTitle("Y - plane"); Yview->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.5); Yview->SetFillColor(bgcolor); Yview->Fill(1.,1.,1.); Yview->Draw("box"); pd2->Update(); // // run over views and planes // stringstream xview; stringstream yview; for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t n = 0; n < 96; n++){ xview.str(""); xview << "x-view event " << n; xview << " " << m; xview << " " << l; yview.str(""); yview << "y-view event " << n; yview << " " << m; yview << " " << l; gDirectory->Delete(xview.str().c_str()); gDirectory->Delete(yview.str().c_str()); TH2F *Xview = new TH2F(xview.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); TH2F *Yview = new TH2F(yview.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); if ( !strcmp(style2,"error") ){ if ( calo->fpe[1][l][m][n] < 0.15 ){ Xview->SetFillColor(38); Yview->SetFillColor(38); }; if ( calo->fpe[1][l][m][n] >= 0.15 ){ Xview->SetFillColor(4); Yview->SetFillColor(4); }; if ( calo->fpe[1][l][m][n] >= 0.25){ Xview->SetFillColor(3); Yview->SetFillColor(3); }; if ( calo->fpe[1][l][m][n] >= 0.55 ){ Xview->SetFillColor(2); Yview->SetFillColor(2); }; if ( calo->fpe[1][l][m][n] >= 1. ){ Xview->SetFillColor(6); Yview->SetFillColor(6); }; if ( calo->fpe[1][l][m][n] >= 5. ){ Xview->SetFillColor(1); Yview->SetFillColor(1); }; if ( calo->mip[l][m][n] < 15. || calo->mip[l][m][n] > 40. ){ Xview->SetFillColor(10); Yview->SetFillColor(10); }; } else { if ( calo->mask[l][m][n] == 1 ){ Xview->SetFillColor(38); Yview->SetFillColor(38); } else { Xview->SetFillColor(10); Yview->SetFillColor(10); }; }; if ( l == 0 ) { Xview->Fill(n,m,1.); pd1->cd(); Xview->Draw("box same"); }; if ( l == 1 ) { Yview->Fill(n,m,1.); pd2->cd(); Yview->Draw("box same"); }; }; }; }; figura2->cd(); gStyle->SetOptDate(1); // t=new TLatex(); t->SetTextFont(32); t->SetTextColor(8); t->SetTextAlign(12); t->SetTextSize(0.02); figura2->Update(); pd1->Update(); pd2->Update(); // } void FCalo4224FIT(TString filename = "", TString OutDir="", TString filevalue = "", TString type=""){ const char *pam_calib = pathtocalibration(); if ( !strcmp(OutDir.Data(),"") ){ OutDir=pam_calib; }; // // this routine shows the 4224 figures with fit from the main program // const char* startingdir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); stringstream filenome; filenome.str(""); if ( filename == "" ){ filenome << OutDir.Data() << "/CaloADC2MIPf.root"; filename = (TString)filenome.str().c_str(); filenome.str(""); }; if ( filevalue == "" ){ filenome.str(""); filenome << OutDir.Data() << "/CaloADC2MIP.root"; } else { filenome << filevalue.Data(); }; // EM const char *file2; file2 = filenome.str().c_str(); TFile *hfile = 0; hfile = new TFile(file2,"UPDATE","Calorimeter CALIBRATION data"); CalorimeterCalibration *calo = 0; TTree *tree; tree = (TTree*)hfile->Get("CaloADC"); tree->SetBranchAddress("Event", &calo); Long64_t nevents = tree->GetEntries(); tree->GetEntry(nevents-1); // EM end // const char *file = filename; stringstream file3; file3.str(""); // file3 << OutDir.Data() << "/"; file3 << file; TFile hfile3(file3.str().c_str()); Int_t l = 0; TCanvas *c1; Int_t ty = 1; if ( type != "" ) ty = 0; c1 = new TCanvas("canvas","canvas",800,800); c1->Draw(); gStyle->SetOptFit(111); gPad->SetLogy(); gPad->SetTickx(); gPad->SetTicky(); gPad->SetGrid(); Int_t j = -1; Int_t k = -1; Int_t h = -1;; Int_t changed = 0; beginning: if ( j >= 0 ) l = j; stringstream fmippa; TF1 *tempf = 0; TH1F *temp; while ( l < 2){ Int_t m = 0; if ( k >= 0 ) m = k; while ( m < 22 ){ Int_t n =0 ; if ( h >= 0 ) n = h; while ( n < 96 ){ c1->Clear(); c1->cd(); fmippa.str(""); fmippa << "fmip " << l; fmippa << " " << m; fmippa << " " << n; temp = (TH1F*)hfile3.Get(fmippa.str().c_str()); if ( ty ) { fmippa.str(""); fmippa << "fit " << l; fmippa << " " << m; fmippa << " " << n; tempf = (TF1*)hfile3.Get(fmippa.str().c_str()); }; j = -1; k = -1; h = -1; temp->DrawCopy(); if ( ty ) tempf->DrawCopy("lsame"); c1->Update(); // // // printf(" **** STRIP: %i %i %i **** \n",l,m,n); printf(" MIP: %f \n",calo->mip[l][m][n]); printf(" ERMIP: %f \n",calo->ermip[l][m][n]); printf(" FP[0-3]: %f / %f / %f / %f \n",calo->fp[0][l][m][n],calo->fp[1][l][m][n],calo->fp[2][l][m][n],calo->fp[3][l][m][n]); printf(" FPE[0-3]: %f / %f / %f / %f \n",calo->fpe[0][l][m][n],calo->fpe[1][l][m][n],calo->fpe[2][l][m][n],calo->fpe[3][l][m][n]); printf(" CHI2: %f \n",calo->chi2[l][m][n]); printf(" NDF: %f \n",calo->ndf[l][m][n]); printf(" MASK: %f \n",calo->mask[l][m][n]); // // what to do? // char tellme[256]; char tellme2[256]; stringstream input; stringstream input2; stringstream out; stringstream stc; input.str("a"); out.str("a"); while ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str()) ) { printf("\nPress to continue, b to go backward, j to jump to a\nfigure, p to save the figure, f to do the fit, q to quit: \n"); cin.getline(tellme,256); input.str(""); input << tellme; out.str("1"); // stc.str("f"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { printf("\n Do you want to give a number by hand, h, or do you want to try a better fit, f?"); cin.getline(tellme,256); input.str(""); input << tellme; out.str("f"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { Double_t fr[2],vtemp; Double_t sv[4], pllo[4], plhi[4], ffp[4], ffpe[4]; for ( Int_t fk = 0; fk < 4; fk++){ sv[fk] = (int)calo->fp[fk][l][m][n]; printf(" Give input parameter [fp[%i]=%f] \n",fk,sv[fk]); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; vtemp = (Double_t)atoi(input2.str().c_str()); if ( vtemp != 0. ) sv[fk] = vtemp; printf(" -> fp[%i] = %f \n\n",fk,sv[fk]); }; printf(" Give lower limit of fitting range fr[0] \n"); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; fr[0] = (Double_t)atoi(input2.str().c_str()); printf(" -> fr[0] = %f \n\n",fr[0]); printf(" Give upper limit of fitting range fr[1] \n"); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; fr[1] = (Double_t)atoi(input2.str().c_str()); printf(" -> fr[1] = %f \n",fr[1]); pllo[0]=0.5; pllo[1]=5.0; pllo[2]=1.0; pllo[3]=0.2; plhi[0]=8.0; plhi[1]=50.0; plhi[2]=1000000.0; plhi[3]=8.0; Double_t chisqr; Int_t fndf; // // fit the figure pfmip and put fit results in pfitsnr // tempf = langaufit(temp,fr,sv,pllo,plhi,ffp,ffpe,&chisqr,&fndf,"R0"); Double_t SNRPeak = langaupro(ffp); printf("\n Conversion factor: %f \n",SNRPeak); tempf->DrawCopy("lsame"); c1->Update(); c1->Modified(); c1->Update(); printf(" Do you want to save this result y/n ?\n"); cin.getline(tellme,256); input.str(""); input << tellme; out.str("y"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { calo->mip[l][m][n] = (float)SNRPeak; calo->ermip[l][m][n] = (float)ffpe[1]; for (Int_t a = 0; a < 4 ; a++){ calo->fp[a][l][m][n] = (float)ffp[a]; calo->fpe[a][l][m][n] = (float)ffpe[a]; }; calo->ndf[l][m][n] = (float)fndf; calo->chi2[l][m][n] = (float)chisqr; // if ( fndf!=0 && (float)chisqr/(float)fndf < 2. && ffpe[1] < 0.15 && ffp[1] > 15. && ffp[1] < 40. ) { calo->mask[l][m][n] = 1.; } else { calo->mask[l][m][n] = 0.; }; printf(" Saved! \n"); changed = 1; }; } else { printf(" Give the MIP conversion value \n"); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; calo->mip[l][m][n] = (Float_t)atoi(input2.str().c_str()); printf(" -> mip = %f \n",calo->mip[l][m][n]); printf(" Give the mask value \n"); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; calo->mask[l][m][n] = (Float_t)atoi(input2.str().c_str()); printf(" -> mask = %f \n",calo->mask[l][m][n]); changed = 1; }; out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); }; stc.str("b"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { if ( n > 0 ) { printf("WARNING: going one figure backward!\n\n"); n -= 2; } else { printf("This is the first strip of plane, you can't go backward! \n"); out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); }; }; stc.str("j"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { printf("\n Enter the view number you want to jump to (0 = x, 1 = y): "); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; j = atoi(input2.str().c_str()); if ( j < 0 || j > 1 ) { printf("\n You can choose between 0 and 1 \n"); out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); } else { printf("\n Enter the plane number you want to jump to (0 to 21): "); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; k = atoi(input2.str().c_str()); if ( k < 0 || k > 21 ) { printf("\n You can choose between 0 and 21 \n"); out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); } else { printf("\n Enter the strip number you want to jump to (0 to 95): "); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; h = atoi(input2.str().c_str()); if ( h < 0 || h > 95 ) { printf("\n You can choose between 0 and 95 \n"); out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); } else { printf("\n Jumping to strip %i %i %i \n\n",j,k,h); goto beginning; }; }; }; }; // stc.str("q"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { printf("Exiting...\n"); goto end; }; // stc.str("p"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { printf("Enter a file extension recognized by ROOT (ps, eps, gif,...):\n"); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); stringstream figsave; figsave.str(""); figsave << startingdir << "/mip2adc_"; figsave << l << "_"; figsave << m << "_"; figsave << n << "."; figsave << input2.str().c_str(); c1->SaveAs(figsave.str().c_str()); printf("\n"); }; }; n++; }; m++; }; l++; }; end: printf("\n"); if ( changed ){ tree->Fill(); hfile->Write(); }; hfile->Close(); } void FCalo4224MIPVALUES(TString filevalue = "", TString type=""){ const char* startingdir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); const char *pam_calib = pathtocalibration(); // // this routine shows the 4224 figures with fit from the main program // stringstream filenome; filenome.str(""); if ( filevalue == "" ){ filenome << pam_calib << "/CaloADC2MIP.root"; } else { filenome << filevalue.Data(); }; // EM const char *file2; file2 = filenome.str().c_str(); TFile *hfile = 0; hfile = new TFile(file2,"READ","Calorimeter CALIBRATION data"); CalorimeterCalibration *calo = 0; TTree *tree; tree = (TTree*)hfile->Get("CaloADC"); tree->SetBranchAddress("Event", &calo); Long64_t nevents = tree->GetEntries(); tree->GetEntry(nevents-1); // EM end // TCanvas *c1; Int_t ty = 1; if ( type != "" ) ty = 0; c1 = new TCanvas("canvas","canvas",1200,800); c1->Draw(); gStyle->SetOptFit(111); gPad->SetTickx(); gPad->SetTicky(); Int_t k = -1; Int_t changed = 0; Float_t mipf[1]={0}; Float_t val[1]={0}; TLatex *text=new TLatex(); TLine *linea; stringstream testo; beginning: Int_t m = 0; if ( k >= 0 ) m = k; while ( m < 22 ){ Int_t l = 0; c1->Clear(); c1->cd(); TMultiGraph *mg = new TMultiGraph(); while ( l < 2){ Int_t n = 0; while ( n < 96 ){ val[0] = (float)n + 100.*(float)l ; mipf[0] = (float)calo->mip[l][m][n]; TGraph *graph = new TGraph(1, val, mipf); graph->SetMarkerColor(2); graph->SetMarkerStyle(22+l); graph->SetMarkerSize(0.7); mg->Add(graph); printf(" **** STRIP: %i %i %i **** \n",l,m,n); printf(" MIP: %f \n",calo->mip[l][m][n]); printf(" ERMIP: %f \n",calo->ermip[l][m][n]); printf(" FP[0-3]: %f / %f / %f / %f \n",calo->fp[0][l][m][n],calo->fp[1][l][m][n],calo->fp[2][l][m][n],calo->fp[3][l][m][n]); printf(" FPE[0-3]: %f / %f / %f / %f \n",calo->fpe[0][l][m][n],calo->fpe[1][l][m][n],calo->fpe[2][l][m][n],calo->fpe[3][l][m][n]); printf(" CHI2: %f \n",calo->chi2[l][m][n]); printf(" NDF: %f \n",calo->ndf[l][m][n]); printf(" MASK: %f \n",calo->mask[l][m][n]); n++; }; l++; }; mg->SetMaximum(50.); mg->SetMinimum(0.); mg->Draw("AP"); for (Int_t e = 0; e<2 ; e++){ for (Int_t ep = 0; ep<96 ; ep++){ if ( ep%16 == 0 ) { linea = new TLine((float)ep+100.*(float)e,0.,(float)ep+100.*(float)e,50.); linea->SetLineColor(15); linea->SetLineStyle(2); linea->SetLineWidth(1); linea->Draw("lsame"); if ( ep > 0 ){ linea = new TLine((float)ep-1.+100.*(float)e,0.,(float)ep-1.+100.*(float)e,50.); linea->SetLineColor(15); linea->SetLineStyle(2); linea->SetLineWidth(1); linea->Draw("lsame"); }; }; if ( ep == 95 ){ linea = new TLine(95.+100.*(float)e,0.,95.+100.*(float)e,50.); linea->SetLineColor(15); linea->SetLineStyle(2); linea->SetLineWidth(1); linea->Draw("lsame"); }; }; }; text->SetTextAngle(0); text->SetTextFont(32); text->SetTextColor(1); text->SetTextSize(0.050); text->SetTextAlign(12); testo.str(""); testo << "Plane " << m; text->DrawLatex(85.,52.,testo.str().c_str()); c1->Update(); // // what to do? // char tellme[256]; char tellme2[256]; stringstream input; stringstream input2; stringstream out; stringstream stc; input.str("a"); out.str("a"); while ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str()) ) { printf("\nPress to continue, b to go backward, j to jump to a\nfigure, p to save the figure, q to quit: \n"); cin.getline(tellme,256); input.str(""); input << tellme; out.str("1"); // stc.str("b"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { if ( m > 0 ) { printf("WARNING: going one figure backward!\n\n"); m -= 2; } else { printf("This is the first plane, you can't go backward! \n"); out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); }; }; stc.str("j"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { printf("\n Enter the plane number you want to jump to (0 to 21): "); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; k = atoi(input2.str().c_str()); if ( k < 0 || k > 21 ) { printf("\n You can choose between 0 and 21 \n"); out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); } else { printf("\n Jumping to plane %i \n\n",k); m = k; goto beginning; }; }; // stc.str("q"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { printf("Exiting...\n"); goto end; }; // stc.str("p"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { printf("Enter a file extension recognized by ROOT (ps, eps, gif,...):\n"); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); stringstream figsave; figsave.str(""); figsave << startingdir << "/mip2adc_plane_"; figsave << m << "."; figsave << input2.str().c_str(); c1->SaveAs(figsave.str().c_str()); printf("\n"); }; }; m++; }; end: printf("\n"); if ( changed ){ tree->Fill(); hfile->Write(); }; hfile->Close(); } void FCalo4224BAK(TString filename){ // // this shows the 4224 figure from a backup file // const char* startingdir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); const char *file3 = filename; TFile hfile3(file3); Int_t l = 0; TCanvas *c1; c1 = new TCanvas("canvas","canvas",800,800); c1->Draw(); gStyle->SetOptFit(111); gPad->SetLogy(); Int_t j = 0; Int_t k = 0; Int_t h = 0; beginning: if ( j ) l = j; stringstream bmippa; while ( l < 2){ Int_t m = 0; if ( k ) m = k; while ( m < 22 ){ Int_t n =0 ; if ( h ) n = h; while ( n < 96 ){ c1->Clear(); c1->cd(); bmippa.str(""); bmippa << "bmip " << l; bmippa << " " << m; bmippa << " " << n; TH1F *temp = (TH1F*)hfile3.Get(bmippa.str().c_str()); j = 0; k = 0; h = 0; temp->DrawCopy(); c1->Update(); // // what to do? // char tellme[256]; char tellme2[256]; stringstream input; stringstream input2; stringstream out; stringstream stc; input.str("a"); out.str("a"); while ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),out.str().c_str()) ) { printf("\nPress to continue, b to go backward, j to jump to a\nfigure, p to save the figure, q to quit: \n"); cin.getline(tellme,256); input.str(""); input << tellme; out.str("1"); // stc.str("b"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { if ( n > 0 ) { printf("WARNING: going one figure backward!\n\n"); n -= 2; } else { printf("This is the first strip of plane, you can't go backward! \n"); out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); }; }; stc.str("j"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { printf("\n Enter the view number you want to jump to (0 = x, 1 = y): "); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; j = atoi(input2.str().c_str()); if ( j < 0 || j > 1 ) { printf("\n You can choose between 0 and 1 \n"); out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); } else { printf("\n Enter the plane number you want to jump to (0 to 21): "); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; k = atoi(input2.str().c_str()); if ( k < 0 || k > 21 ) { printf("\n You can choose between 0 and 21 \n"); out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); } else { printf("\n Enter the strip number you want to jump to (0 to 95): "); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; h = atoi(input2.str().c_str()); if ( h < 0 || h > 95 ) { printf("\n You can choose between 0 and 95 \n"); out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); } else { printf("\n Jumping to strip %i %i %i \n\n",j,k,h); goto beginning; }; }; }; }; // stc.str("q"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { printf("Exiting...\n"); goto end; }; // stc.str("p"); if ( !strcmp(input.str().c_str(),stc.str().c_str()) ) { printf("Enter a file extension recognized by ROOT (ps, eps, gif,...):\n"); cin.getline(tellme2,256); input2.str(""); input2 << tellme2; out.str(""); out << input.str().c_str(); stringstream figsave; figsave.str(""); figsave << startingdir << "/mip2adcbak_"; figsave << l << "_"; figsave << m << "_"; figsave << n << "."; figsave << input2.str().c_str(); c1->SaveAs(figsave.str().c_str()); printf("\n"); }; }; n++; }; m++; }; l++; }; end: printf("\n"); } void FCaloBAKFIT(TString filename, TString OutDir=""){ const char *pam_calib = pathtocalibration(); if ( !strcmp(OutDir.Data(),"") ){ OutDir = pam_calib; }; // // this routine perform the 4224 fit on a backup figure file and save - with extension .bak - the two output file // in the correct format, ready to be updated etc. etc. // NB: you will LOSE information about used files // stringstream file2; file2.str(""); file2 << OutDir.Data() << "/CaloADC2MIP.bak"; stringstream file4; file4.str(""); file4 << OutDir.Data() << "/CaloADC2MIPf.bak"; // Int_t notgood = 0; // TFile *hfile = 0; CalorimeterCalibration *calo = new CalorimeterCalibration(); hfile = new TFile(file2.str().c_str(),"RECREATE","Calorimeter CALIBRATION data"); if ( !existfile(file2.str().c_str()) ){ printf(" ERROR: Cannot create file!!! \n"); return; }; TTree *tree = 0; tree = new TTree("CaloADC","Calorimeter calibration data"); tree->Branch("Event","CalorimeterCalibration",&calo); // const char *file3 = filename; TFile hfile3(file3); TCanvas *c1; c1 = new TCanvas("canvas","canvas",800,800); c1->Draw(); gStyle->SetOptFit(111); TH1F *pfmip[2][22][96]; TF1 *pfitsnr[2][22][96]; stringstream Fmip; for (Int_t i=0; i<2;i++){ for (Int_t j=0; j<22;j++){ for (Int_t m=0; m<96;m++){ Fmip.str(""); Fmip << "Fmip " << i; Fmip << " " << j; Fmip << " " << m; pfmip[i][j][m] = new TH1F(Fmip.str().c_str(),"",56,0.,55.); pfitsnr[i][j][m] = new TF1; }; }; }; gStyle->SetOptFit(111); gPad->SetLogy(); // Int_t l = 0; stringstream bmippa; while ( l < 2){ Int_t m = 0; while ( m < 22 ){ Int_t n =0 ; Double_t SNRPeak = 0.; while ( n < 96 ){ c1->Clear(); c1->cd(); bmippa.str(""); bmippa << "bmip " << l; bmippa << " " << m; bmippa << " " << n; TH1F *temp = (TH1F*)hfile3.Get(bmippa.str().c_str()); bmippa.str(""); bmippa << "fmip " << l; bmippa << " " << m; bmippa << " " << n; pfmip[l][m][n] = (TH1F*)temp->Clone(bmippa.str().c_str()); Int_t doitagain = 0; Double_t fr[2]; Double_t sv[4], pllo[4], plhi[4], fp[4], fpe[4]; if ( SNRPeak > 16. && SNRPeak < 35. ){ fr[0] = (Float_t)SNRPeak - 7.; sv[0]= fp[0]; sv[1]= fp[1]; sv[2]= fp[2]; sv[3]= fp[3]; } else { fr[0] = 19.; sv[0] = 2.8; sv[1] = 21.0; sv[2] = 1000.0; sv[3] = 0.1; }; fitting: printf("Fitting strip %i %i %i \n",l,m,n); fr[1] = 60.; pllo[0]=0.5; pllo[1]=5.0; pllo[2]=1.0; pllo[3]=0.2; plhi[0]=8.0; plhi[1]=50.0; plhi[2]=1000000.0; plhi[3]=8.0; Double_t chisqr; Int_t ndf; pfitsnr[l][m][n] = langaufit(pfmip[l][m][n],fr,sv,pllo,plhi,fp,fpe,&chisqr,&ndf,"QR0"); // Double_t SNRPeak = langaupro(fp); printf("\n Conversion factor: %f \n\n",SNRPeak); // // // if ( (SNRPeak<0. || (SNRPeak < 16. || SNRPeak > 35.) || chisqr > 100.) && doitagain < 3 ){ printf("\n The fit is not good, I will try again, step %i \n\n",doitagain); doitagain++; if ( chisqr > 100. ) { fr[0] = fr[0] + 5.; sv[0] = fp[0]; sv[1] = fp[1]; sv[2] = fp[2]; sv[3] = fp[3]; goto fitting; }; if ( doitagain == 1 ) { fr[0] = 19.; sv[0] = 2.8; sv[1] = 21.0; sv[2] = 1000.0; sv[3] = 0.1; goto fitting; }; if ( doitagain == 2 ) { fr[0] = 22.; sv[0] = 2.8; sv[1] = 25.0; sv[2] = 1000.0; sv[3] = 0.1; goto fitting; }; if ( doitagain == 3 ) { fr[0] = 12.; sv[0] = 2.8; sv[1] = 15.0; sv[2] = 1000.0; sv[3] = 0.1; goto fitting; }; }; // calo->mip[l][m][n] = (float)SNRPeak; calo->ermip[l][m][n] = (float)fpe[1]; for (Int_t a = 0; a < 4 ; a++){ calo->fp[a][l][m][n] = (float)fp[a]; calo->fpe[a][l][m][n] = (float)fpe[a]; }; calo->ndf[l][m][n] = (float)ndf; calo->chi2[l][m][n] = (float)chisqr; // if ( ndf!=0 && chisqr/ndf < 2. && fpe[1] < 0.15 && fp[1] > 15. && fp[1] < 40. && SNRPeak > 0. ) { printf("\n THIS IS A GOOD FIT, SAVED! \n\n"); calo->mask[l][m][n] = 1.; } else { notgood++; calo->mask[l][m][n] = 0.; }; printf("Fitting done, strip %i %i %i \n\n\n",l,m,n); c1->cd(); pfmip[l][m][n]->DrawCopy(); pfitsnr[l][m][n]->DrawCopy("lsame"); c1->Modified(); c1->Update(); n++; }; m++; }; l++; }; // calo->status = 0; if ( !notgood ) calo->status = 1; // tree->Fill(); hfile->Write(); hfile->Close(); // // Save histograms // TFile *hfile2; hfile2 = new TFile(file4.str().c_str(),"RECREATE","Calorimeter CALIBRATION figures"); if ( !existfile(file4.str().c_str()) ){ printf(" ERROR: Cannot create file!!! \n"); return; }; TH1F *sfmip[2][22][96]; TF1 *sfitsnr[2][22][96]; stringstream fmipfi; for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ for (Int_t n =0 ; n < 96; n++){ fmipfi.str(""); fmipfi << "fmip " << l; fmipfi << " " << m; fmipfi << " " << n; sfmip[l][m][n] = new TH1F(fmipfi.str().c_str(),"",56,0.,55.); sfmip[l][m][n] = (TH1F*)pfmip[l][m][n]->Clone(fmipfi.str().c_str()); fmipfi.str(""); fmipfi << "fit " << l; fmipfi << " " << m; fmipfi << " " << n; sfitsnr[l][m][n] = (TF1*)pfitsnr[l][m][n]->Clone(fmipfi.str().c_str()); sfmip[l][m][n]->Write(); sfitsnr[l][m][n]->Write(); }; }; }; hfile2->Close(); printf("\n"); hfile3.Close(); FCalo4224STATUS("CaloADC2MIP.bak",""); } void FCaloROOT2TXT(TString rootple, TString txtple){ FILE *f; f = fopen(txtple.Data(),"wb"); TTree *ctree = 0; TFile *chfile; CalorimeterCalibration *ccalo = new CalorimeterCalibration(); chfile = new TFile(rootple.Data(),"READ","Calorimeter CALIBRATION data"); if ( chfile->IsZombie() ){ printf(" ERROR: no calorimeter calibration file! \n"); } else { ctree = (TTree*)chfile->Get("CaloADC"); ctree->SetBranchAddress("Event", &ccalo); // Long64_t cnevents = ctree->GetEntries(); ctree->GetEntry(cnevents-1); }; // Float_t mip = 0.; for (Int_t m = 0; m < 2 ; m++ ){ for (Int_t k = 0; k < 22; k++ ){ for (Int_t l = 0; l < 96; l++ ){ mip = 0.; if ( (ccalo->fp[1][m][k][l] > 20. && ccalo->fp[1][m][k][l] < 32.) || ccalo->mask[m][k][l] == 1. ) { mip = ccalo->mip[m][k][l]; } else { mip = 26. ; }; if ( mip == 0 ) mip = 26. ; // if ( m == 1 && k == 17 ) printf(" %i mip = %f \n",l,mip); fwrite(&mip,sizeof(mip),1,f); }; }; }; fclose(f); } void FCaloREADTXT(TString txtple){ FILE *f; f = fopen(txtple.Data(),"rb"); Float_t mip = 0.; for (Int_t m = 0; m < 2 ; m++ ){ for (Int_t k = 0; k < 22; k++ ){ for (Int_t l = 0; l < 96; l++ ){ mip = 0.; fread(&mip,sizeof(mip),1,f); // if ( m == 1 && k == 17 ) printf(" %i mip = %f \n",l,mip); }; }; }; fclose(f); } void FCaloALIG2DAT(TString txtple){ // clevel1_.xalig = 121.1; // clevel1_.yalig = 119.8; // clevel1_.zalig = -263.1; char value[256]; Int_t ixalig; Int_t iyalig; Int_t izalig; Float_t xalig; Float_t yalig; Float_t zalig; // FILE *f; f = fopen(txtple.Data(),"wb"); // printf("\n Insert four cifres parameters, the last one will become the decimal (1234 will be transformed into 123.4) \n"); printf("\n Insert the x alignment parameter: \n"); cin.getline(value,256); ixalig = atoi(value); xalig = (Float_t)ixalig/10.; fwrite(&xalig,sizeof(xalig),1,f); printf(" xalig = %f \n",xalig); // printf("\n Insert the y alignment parameter: \n"); cin.getline(value,256); iyalig = atoi(value); yalig = (Float_t)iyalig/10.; fwrite(&yalig,sizeof(yalig),1,f); printf(" yalig = %f \n",yalig); // printf("\n Insert the z alignment parameter: \n"); cin.getline(value,256); izalig = atoi(value); zalig = (Float_t)izalig/10.; fwrite(&zalig,sizeof(zalig),1,f); printf(" zalig = %f \n",zalig); // fclose(f); } void FCaloREADALIG(TString txtple){ FILE *f; f = fopen(txtple.Data(),"rb"); Float_t mip = 0.; fread(&mip,sizeof(mip),1,f); printf(" xalig = %f \n",mip); mip = 0.; fread(&mip,sizeof(mip),1,f); printf(" yalig = %f \n",mip); mip = 0.; fread(&mip,sizeof(mip),1,f); printf(" zalig = %f \n",mip); fclose(f); }