// // Check the calorimter calibrations - Emiliano Mocchiutti // // FCaloCHKCALIB.c version 1.01 (2006-03-02) // // The only input needed is the path to the directory created by YODA for the data file you want to analyze. // // Changelog: // // 1.00 - 1.01 (2006-03-02): Works on YODA v6 output (single file), does not require anymore calocommon package. // // 0.00 - 1.00 (2006-03-02): Clone of CaloCHKCALIB.c // #include #include // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include // using namespace std; // void stringcopy(TString& s1, const TString& s2, Int_t from=0, Int_t to=0){ if ( to == 0 ){ Int_t t2length = s2.Length(); s1 = ""; to = t2length; }; for (Int_t i = from; iSetPaperSize(19.,25.); // Float_t ccalrmsthr=0.99; Float_t ccalpedthr=0.99; Float_t ccalbadthr=0.005; Float_t ccalthrthr=0.98; Float_t ccalvarthr=0.99; Float_t ccalbasthr=0.99; // Float_t ccalrms; Float_t ccalped; Float_t ccalbad; Float_t ccalthr; Float_t ccalvar; Float_t ccalbas; // struct Calib calib; stringstream titolo; stringstream xviewev; stringstream yviewev; const char* startingdir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); if ( !strcmp(outDir.Data(),"") ) outDir = startingdir; TString fififile = getFilename(filename); const char *file; file = fififile; // ifstream myfile; myfile.open(filename.Data()); if ( !myfile ){ printf(" No such file, exiting...\n"); return; }; myfile.close(); // TFile *File = new TFile(filename.Data()); // TTree *tr = (TTree*)File->Get("CalibCalPed"); pamela::CalibCalPedEvent *ce = 0; // UInt_t found; tr->SetBranchStatus("*",0,&found); //disable all branches // found = 0; tr->SetBranchStatus("iev*",1,&found); found = 0; tr->SetBranchStatus("cstwerr*",1,&found); // printf("enabled %i branches \n",found); found = 0; tr->SetBranchStatus("cperror*",1,&found); //printf("enabled %i branches \n",found); found = 0; tr->SetBranchStatus("cal*",1,&found); //printf("enabled %i branches \n",found); found = 0; tr->SetBranchStatus("CalibCalPed*",1,&found); //printf("enabled %i branches \n",found); // tr->SetBranchAddress("CalibCalPed", &ce); // Long64_t ncalibs = tr->GetEntries(); if ( ncalibs == 0 ){ printf(" No calibrations in this files! \n Exiting... \n"); return; }; printf("\n This file contains %i entries which corrispond to %i calibrations \n\n",(int)ncalibs,(int)ncalibs/4); Long64_t minev = 0; Long64_t maxev = ncalibs; if ( calibnumber ){ minev = (calibnumber - 1)* 4; maxev = minev + 4; }; TCanvas *figura1; TCanvas *figura2 = 0; TCanvas *figura3; TCanvas *rapporto = 0; Int_t cmask = 127 ; Int_t cestw = 0; Int_t ver[4][23]; // for (Int_t k = 0; k < 4; k++ ){ for (Int_t m = 0; m < 23 ; m++ ){ ver[k][m] = 0 ; }; }; // // const string fil = (const char*)filename; Int_t posiz = fil.find("dw_"); if ( posiz == -1 ) posiz = fil.find("DW_"); Int_t posiz2 = posiz+13; TString file2; stringcopy(file2,filename,posiz,posiz2); // const char *figrec = file2; const char *outdir = outDir; const char *format = saveas; stringstream figsave; stringstream figsave1; stringstream figsave2; // // to check or not to check? this is the problem... // Bool_t check = false; // for (Int_t ci = minev; ci < maxev ; ci+=4){ // Int_t incalrms = 0; Int_t outcalrms = 0; Int_t totcalbad = 0; Int_t incalped = 0; Int_t outcalped = 0; Int_t incalthr = 0; Int_t outcalthr = 0; Int_t incalvar = 0; Int_t outcalvar = 0; Int_t incalbas = 0; Int_t outcalbas = 0; // for ( Int_t s=0 ; s<4 ;s++ ){ tr->GetEntry(ci+s); calib.iev = ce->iev; // // // cestw = 0; if ( ce->cstwerr[s] ){ cestw = ce->cstwerr[s] & cmask ; ver[s][16]++; }; if ( cestw ){ if ( cestw & (1 << 0) ) ver[s][6]++ ; if ( cestw & (1 << 1) ) ver[s][5]++ ; if ( cestw & (1 << 2) ) ver[s][4]++ ; if ( cestw & (1 << 3) ) ver[s][3]++ ; if ( cestw & (1 << 4) ) ver[s][2]++ ; if ( cestw & (1 << 5) ) ver[s][1]++ ; if ( cestw & (1 << 6) ) ver[s][0]++ ; }; if ( ce->cperror[s] != 0. ){ if (ce->cperror[s] == 128) ver[s][7]++ ; if (ce->cperror[s] == 129) ver[s][8]++ ; if (ce->cperror[s] == 130) { ver[s][9]++ ; ver[s][16]--; }; if (ce->cperror[s] == 132) ver[s][11]++ ; if (ce->cperror[s] == 140) ver[s][19]++ ; if (ce->cperror[s] == 141) ver[s][20]++ ; if (ce->cperror[s] == 142) ver[s][22]++ ; }; // for ( Int_t d=0 ; d<11 ;d++ ){ Int_t pre = -1; for ( Int_t j=0; j<96 ;j++){ if ( j%16 == 0 ) pre++; if ( s == 2 ){ calib.calped[0][2*d+1][j] = ce->calped[3][d][j]; calib.cstwerr[3] = ce->cstwerr[3]; calib.cperror[3] = ce->cperror[3]; calib.calgood[0][2*d+1][j] = ce->calgood[3][d][j]; calib.calthr[0][2*d+1][pre] = ce->calthr[3][d][pre]; calib.calrms[0][2*d+1][j] = ce->calrms[3][d][j]; calib.calbase[0][2*d+1][pre] = ce->calbase[3][d][pre]; calib.calvar[0][2*d+1][pre] = ce->calvar[3][d][pre]; }; if ( s == 3 ){ calib.calped[0][2*d][j] = ce->calped[1][d][j]; calib.cstwerr[1] = ce->cstwerr[1]; calib.cperror[1] = ce->cperror[1]; calib.calgood[0][2*d][j] = ce->calgood[1][d][j]; calib.calthr[0][2*d][pre] = ce->calthr[1][d][pre]; calib.calrms[0][2*d][j] = ce->calrms[1][d][j]; calib.calbase[0][2*d][pre] = ce->calbase[1][d][pre]; calib.calvar[0][2*d][pre] = ce->calvar[1][d][pre]; }; if ( s == 0 ){ calib.calped[1][2*d][j] = ce->calped[0][d][j]; calib.cstwerr[0] = ce->cstwerr[0]; calib.cperror[0] = ce->cperror[0]; calib.calgood[1][2*d][j] = ce->calgood[0][d][j]; calib.calthr[1][2*d][pre] = ce->calthr[0][d][pre]; calib.calrms[1][2*d][j] = ce->calrms[0][d][j]; calib.calbase[1][2*d][pre] = ce->calbase[0][d][pre]; calib.calvar[1][2*d][pre] = ce->calvar[0][d][pre]; }; if ( s == 1 ){ calib.calped[1][2*d+1][j] = ce->calped[2][d][j]; calib.cstwerr[2] = ce->cstwerr[2]; calib.cperror[2] = ce->cperror[2]; calib.calgood[1][2*d+1][j] = ce->calgood[2][d][j]; calib.calthr[1][2*d+1][pre] = ce->calthr[2][d][pre]; calib.calrms[1][2*d+1][j] = ce->calrms[2][d][j]; calib.calbase[1][2*d+1][pre] = ce->calbase[2][d][pre]; calib.calvar[1][2*d+1][pre] = ce->calvar[2][d][pre]; }; }; }; }; // // Book the histograms: // // Int_t i = (ci-minev)/4; xviewev.str(""); xviewev << "x-view event " << (i+1); yviewev.str(""); yviewev << "y-view event " << (i+1); TH2F *Xview = new TH2F(xviewev.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); TH2F *Yview = new TH2F(yviewev.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); // // figures: // gDirectory->Delete("C14"); gDirectory->Delete("C15"); gDirectory->Delete("C16"); TH1F *calped = new TH1F("C14","calped",4230,-3.5,4227.5); TH1F *calrms = new TH1F("C15","calrms",4230,-3.5,4228.5); TH1F *calbad = new TH1F("C16","calgood",4230,-3.5,4228.5); // gDirectory->Delete("C17"); gDirectory->Delete("C18"); gDirectory->Delete("C19"); TH1F *calthr = new TH1F("C17","calthr",271,-4.5,268.5); TH1F *calvar = new TH1F("C18","calvar",271,-4.5,268.5); TH1F *calbase = new TH1F("C19","calbase",271,-4.5,268.5); // Int_t bgcolor = 10; TPad *pd1 = 0; TPad *pd2 = 0; TPad *palette = 0; TLatex *t=new TLatex(); if ( figmatra ){ figura2 = new TCanvas("Calorimeter:_strip_RMS", "Calorimeter:_strip_RMS", 750, 650); figura2->SetFillColor(10); figura2->Range(0,0,100,100); bgcolor = 10; pd1 = new TPad("pd1","This is pad1",0.02,0.05,0.88,0.49,bgcolor); pd2 = new TPad("pd2","This is pad2",0.02,0.51,0.88,0.95,bgcolor); palette = new TPad("palette","This is palette",0.90,0.05,0.98,0.90,bgcolor); figura2->cd(); gStyle->SetOptStat(""); t=new TLatex(); t->SetTextFont(32); t->SetTextColor(1); t->SetTextSize(0.03); t->SetTextAlign(12); t->DrawLatex(90.,92.5,"ADC ch."); pd1->Range(0,0,100,100); pd2->Range(0,0,100,100); palette->Range(0,0,100,100); pd1->SetTicks(); pd2->SetTicks(); pd1->Draw(); pd2->Draw(); palette->Draw(); palette->cd(); // palette TPaveLabel *box1 = new TPaveLabel(2,2,98,14,"OFF",""); box1->SetTextFont(32); box1->SetTextColor(1); box1->SetTextSize(0.25); box1->SetFillColor(10); box1->Draw(); TPaveLabel *box2 = new TPaveLabel(2,16,98,28,"0-1.5",""); box2->SetTextFont(32); box2->SetTextColor(1); box2->SetTextSize(0.25); box2->SetFillColor(38); box2->Draw(); TPaveLabel *box3 = new TPaveLabel(2,30,98,42,"1.5-4",""); box3->SetTextFont(32); box3->SetTextColor(1); box3->SetTextSize(0.25); box3->SetFillColor(4); box3->Draw(); TPaveLabel *box4 = new TPaveLabel(2,44,98,56,"4-6.5",""); box4->SetTextFont(32); box4->SetTextColor(1); box4->SetTextSize(0.25); box4->SetFillColor(3); box4->Draw(); TPaveLabel *box5 = new TPaveLabel(2,58,98,70,"6.5-11.5",""); box5->SetTextFont(32); box5->SetTextColor(1); box5->SetTextSize(0.25); box5->SetFillColor(2); box5->Draw(); TPaveLabel *box6 = new TPaveLabel(2,72,98,84,">11.5",""); box6->SetTextFont(32); box6->SetTextColor(1); box6->SetTextSize(0.25); box6->SetFillColor(6); box6->Draw(); TPaveLabel *box7 = new TPaveLabel(2,86,98,98,"BAD",""); box7->SetTextFont(32); box7->SetTextColor(10); box7->SetTextSize(0.25); box7->SetFillColor(1); box7->Draw(); // pd1->cd(); gStyle->SetOptStat(""); Xview->SetXTitle("strip"); Xview->SetYTitle("X - plane"); Xview->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.5); Xview->SetFillColor(bgcolor); Xview->Fill(1.,1.,1.); Xview->Draw("box"); pd1->Update(); pd2->cd(); gStyle->SetOptStat(""); Yview->SetXTitle("strip"); Yview->SetYTitle("Y - plane"); Yview->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.5); Yview->SetFillColor(bgcolor); Yview->Fill(1.,1.,1.); Yview->Draw("box"); pd2->Update(); }; // // run over views and planes // Int_t j = 0; Int_t g = 0; gStyle->SetOptStat(""); for (Int_t m = 0; m < 22; m++){ for (Int_t l = 0; l < 2; l++){ for (Int_t n = 0; n < 96; n++){ // calped->Fill((float)j,calib.calped[l][m][n]); if ( (calib.calped[l][m][n] > 700. || calib.calped[l][m][n] < -700.) && (j < 4032 || j > 4048) ){ outcalped++; } else { incalped++; }; calrms->Fill((float)j,(calib.calrms[l][m][n]/4.)); if ( (calib.calrms[l][m][n]/4.) > 7. || (calib.calrms[l][m][n]/4.) < 1. ){ outcalrms++; } else { incalrms++; }; calbad->Fill((float)j,(float)calib.calgood[l][m][n]); if ( calib.calgood[l][m][n] ) totcalbad++; // if ( n < 6 ){ calthr->Fill((float)g,(float)calib.calthr[l][m][n]); if ( calib.calthr[l][m][n] > 21. || calib.calthr[l][m][n] < 12. ){ outcalthr++; } else { incalthr++; }; calvar->Fill((float)g,(float)calib.calvar[l][m][n]); if ( calib.calvar[l][m][n] > 8. || calib.calvar[l][m][n] < 1. ){ outcalvar++; } else { incalvar++; }; calbase->Fill((float)g,(float)calib.calbase[l][m][n]); if ( calib.calbase[l][m][n] > 4500. || calib.calbase[l][m][n] < 2000. ){ outcalbas++; } else { incalbas++; }; g++; }; // j++; // if ( figmatra ){ figura2->cd(); xviewev.str(""); xviewev << "x-view " << i; xviewev << " event " << n; xviewev << " " << m; xviewev << " " << l; yviewev.str(""); yviewev << "y-view " << i; yviewev << " event " << n; yviewev << " " << m; yviewev << " " << l; TH2F *Xview = new TH2F(xviewev.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); TH2F *Yview = new TH2F(yviewev.str().c_str(),"",96,-0.5,95.5,22,-0.5,21.5); if ( calib.calrms[l][m][n] > 0 ){ Xview->SetFillColor(38); Yview->SetFillColor(38); }; if ( calib.calrms[l][m][n] > 6 ){ Xview->SetFillColor(4); Yview->SetFillColor(4); }; if ( calib.calrms[l][m][n] > 16 ){ Xview->SetFillColor(3); Yview->SetFillColor(3); }; if ( calib.calrms[l][m][n] > 26 ){ Xview->SetFillColor(2); Yview->SetFillColor(2); }; if ( calib.calrms[l][m][n] > 46 ){ Xview->SetFillColor(6); Yview->SetFillColor(6); }; if ( calib.calrms[l][m][n] <= 0 || calib.calrms[l][m][n] >30000 || calib.calped[l][m][n]>25000){ Xview->SetFillColor(10); Yview->SetFillColor(10); }; if ( calib.calgood[l][m][n] != 0 ){ Xview->SetFillColor(1); Yview->SetFillColor(1); }; if ( l == 0 ) { Xview->Fill(n,m,1.); pd1->cd(); Xview->Draw("box same"); }; if ( l == 1 ) { Yview->Fill(n,m,1.); pd2->cd(); Yview->Draw("box same"); }; }; }; }; }; if ( figmatra ){ figura2->cd(); gStyle->SetOptStat(""); gStyle->SetOptDate(0); t=new TLatex(); t->SetTextFont(32); t->SetTextColor(1); t->SetTextSize(0.03); t->SetTextAlign(12); titolo.str(""); titolo << "C13 - Calorimeter: strip RMS - file "; titolo << file; titolo << " - calibration number "; titolo << (i+1); t->DrawLatex(0.5,97.,titolo.str().c_str()); pd1->Update(); pd2->Update(); figura2->Update(); }; // figura1 = new TCanvas("Calorimeter_calped_calrms_calgood", "Calorimeter_calped_calrms_calgood", 750, 950); figura1->SetFillColor(10); figura1->Range(0,0,100,100); // ccalped = (float)incalped/((float)outcalped + (float)incalped); Int_t f1pd1col = 10; if ( ccalped < ccalpedthr ) { check = true; f1pd1col = 45; }; // ccalrms = (float)incalrms/((float)outcalrms + (float)incalrms); Int_t f1pd2col = 10; if ( ccalrms < ccalrmsthr ) { check = true; f1pd2col = 45; }; // ccalbad = (float)totcalbad/4224.; Int_t f1pd3col = 10; if ( ccalbad > ccalbadthr ) { check = true; f1pd3col = 45; }; // TPad *f1pd1 = new TPad("f1pd1","This is f1pad1",0.02,0.684,0.98,0.95,f1pd1col); TPad *f1pd2 = new TPad("f1pd2","This is f1pad2",0.02,0.367,0.98,0.634,f1pd2col); TPad *f1pd3 = new TPad("f1pd3","This is f1pad3",0.02,0.05,0.98,0.317,f1pd3col); figura1->Clear(); figura1->cd(); f1pd1->SetTicks(); f1pd2->SetTicks(); f1pd3->SetTicks(); f1pd1->Draw(); f1pd2->Draw(); f1pd3->Draw(); figura1->Draw(); figura3 = new TCanvas("Calorimeter_calthr_calvar_calbase", "Calorimeter_calthr_calvar_calbase", 750, 950); figura3->SetFillColor(10); figura3->Range(0,0,100,100); // ccalthr = (float)incalthr/((float)outcalthr + (float)incalthr); Int_t f3pd1col = 10; if ( ccalthr < ccalthrthr ) { check = true; f3pd1col = 45; }; // ccalvar = (float)incalvar/((float)outcalvar + (float)incalvar); Int_t f3pd2col = 10; if ( ccalvar < ccalvarthr ) { check = true; f3pd2col = 45; }; // ccalbas = (float)incalbas/((float)outcalbas + (float)incalbas); Int_t f3pd3col = 10; if ( ccalbas < ccalbasthr ) { check = true; f3pd3col = 45; }; // TPad *f3pd1 = new TPad("f3pd1","This is f3pad1",0.02,0.684,0.98,0.95,f3pd1col); TPad *f3pd2 = new TPad("f3pd2","This is f3pad2",0.02,0.367,0.98,0.634,f3pd2col); TPad *f3pd3 = new TPad("f3pd3","This is f3pad3",0.02,0.05,0.98,0.317,f3pd3col); figura3->Clear(); figura3->cd(); f3pd1->SetTicks(); f3pd2->SetTicks(); f3pd3->SetTicks(); f3pd1->Draw(); f3pd2->Draw(); f3pd3->Draw(); figura3->Draw(); // gStyle->SetOptStat("N"); figura1->cd(); gStyle->SetNdivisions(322,"x"); t=new TLatex(); t->SetTextFont(32); t->SetTextColor(1); t->SetTextSize(0.025); t->SetTextAlign(12); titolo.str(""); titolo << "EXPERT - Calorimeter: calped/calrms/calgood - file "; titolo << file; titolo << " - calibration number "; titolo << (i+1); t->DrawLatex(0.5,97.,titolo.str().c_str()); t->SetTextSize(0.03); f1pd1->cd(); // calped->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(322); calped->SetXTitle("strip"); calped->SetYTitle("ADC channels"); calped->Draw(); TPolyLine *banda1; Double_t xc[4] = {0.,4224.,4224.,0.}; Double_t yc[4] = {-700.,-700.,700.,700.}; banda1 = new TPolyLine(4,xc,yc); banda1->SetLineColor(5); banda1->SetFillColor(5); banda1->SetLineWidth(1); banda1->Draw("fSAME"); TPolyLine *banda2; Double_t xc2[4] = {4031.5,4047.5,4047.5,4031.5}; Double_t yc2[4] = {-2500.,-2500.,28000.,28000.}; banda2 = new TPolyLine(4,xc2,yc2); banda2->SetLineColor(5); banda2->SetFillColor(5); banda2->SetLineWidth(1); banda2->Draw("fSAME"); calped->Draw("SAME"); f1pd2->cd(); f1pd2->SetLogy(); calrms->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(322); calrms->Draw(); Double_t xd[4] = {0.,4224.,4224.,0.}; Double_t yd[4] = {1.,1.,7.,7.}; banda1 = new TPolyLine(4,xd,yd); banda1->SetLineColor(5); banda1->SetFillColor(5); banda1->SetLineWidth(1); banda1->Draw("fSAME"); calrms->SetXTitle("strip"); calrms->SetYTitle("ADC channels"); calrms->Draw("SAME"); f1pd3->cd(); gStyle->SetNdivisions(344,"x"); calbad->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(322); calbad->Draw(); calbad->SetXTitle("strip"); calbad->SetYTitle("0=good 255=bad"); f1pd1->Update(); f1pd2->Update(); f1pd3->Update(); figura1->Update(); // figura3->cd(); gStyle->SetNdivisions(644,"x"); t=new TLatex(); t->SetTextFont(32); t->SetTextColor(1); t->SetTextSize(0.025); t->SetTextAlign(12); titolo.str(""); titolo << "EXPERT - Calorimeter: calthr/calvar/calbase - file "; titolo << file; titolo << " - calibration number "; titolo << (i+1); t->DrawLatex(0.5,97.,titolo.str().c_str()); t->SetTextSize(0.03); // f3pd1->cd(); calthr->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(644); calthr->SetXTitle("pre-amplifier"); calthr->SetYTitle("ADC channels"); calthr->Draw(); Double_t xe[4] = {0.,264.,264.,0.}; Double_t ye[4] = {12.,12.,21.,21.}; banda1 = new TPolyLine(4,xe,ye); banda1->SetLineColor(5); banda1->SetFillColor(5); banda1->SetLineWidth(1); banda1->Draw("fSAME"); calthr->Draw("SAME"); f3pd2->cd(); calvar->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(644); calvar->SetXTitle("pre-amplifier"); calvar->SetYTitle("ADC channels"); calvar->Draw(); Double_t xt[4] = {0.,264.,264.,0.}; Double_t yt[4] = {1.,1.,8.,8.}; banda1 = new TPolyLine(4,xt,yt); banda1->SetLineColor(5); banda1->SetFillColor(5); banda1->SetLineWidth(1); banda1->Draw("fSAME"); calvar->Draw("SAME"); f3pd3->cd(); calbase->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(644); calbase->SetXTitle("pre-amplifier"); calbase->SetYTitle("ADC channels"); calbase->Draw(); Double_t xg[4] = {0.,264.,264.,0.}; Double_t yg[4] = {2000.,2000.,4500.,4500.}; banda1 = new TPolyLine(4,xg,yg); banda1->SetLineColor(5); banda1->SetFillColor(5); banda1->SetLineWidth(1); banda1->Draw("fSAME"); calbase->Draw("SAME"); f3pd1->Update(); f3pd2->Update(); f3pd3->Update(); figura3->Update(); // // // if ( ci == maxev-4 ) { // // report sheet: // stringstream errore; rapporto= new TCanvas("Calorimeter calibration report", "Calorimeter calibration report", 750, 950); rapporto->cd(); rapporto->SetFillColor(10); rapporto->Range(0,0,100,100); t=new TLatex(); t->SetTextFont(32); t->SetTextColor(1); t->SetTextSize(0.035); t->SetTextAlign(12); errore.str(""); errore << "BASIC - C20 - Calibrations in file: " << file; errore << " "; t->SetTextSize(0.02); t->DrawLatex(2.,99.,errore.str().c_str()); // TPad *pad1; TPad *pad2; TPad *pad3; TPad *pad4; pad1 = new TPad("pad1","This is pad1",0.02,0.47,0.49,0.90,19); pad2 = new TPad("pad2","This is pad2",0.51,0.47,0.98,0.90,19); pad3 = new TPad("pad3","This is pad3",0.02,0.02,0.49,0.45,19); pad4 = new TPad("pad4","This is pad4",0.51,0.02,0.98,0.45,19); pad1->Range(0,0,100,100); pad2->Range(0,0,100,100); pad3->Range(0,0,100,100); pad4->Range(0,0,100,100); // pad1->Draw(); pad2->Draw(); pad3->Draw(); pad4->Draw(); // char *sezione = 0; for (Int_t si = 0; si < 4; si++){ if (si == 2) { pad1->cd() ; sezione = "** Section YE (x even) **"; } if (si == 3) { pad2->cd(); sezione = "** Section YO (x odd) **"; } if (si == 0) { pad3->cd(); sezione = "** Section XE (y odd) **"; } if (si == 1) { pad4->cd(); sezione = "** Section XO (y even) **"; } t->SetTextFont(32); t->SetTextColor(1); t->SetTextSize(0.05); t->SetTextAlign(12); t->DrawLatex(33.,97.,sezione); t->SetTextSize(0.05); for (Int_t j = 0; j < 23; j++){ if ( ver[si][j] ) { t->SetTextColor(50); if (j == 0) { errore.str(""); errore << "* DSP ack error: " << ver[si][j]; errore << " time(s)"; t->DrawLatex(2.,30.,errore.str().c_str()); check = true; } if (j == 1) { errore.str(""); errore << "* Temperature alarm: " << ver[si][j]; errore << " time(s)"; t->DrawLatex(2.,74.,errore.str().c_str()); check = true; } if (j == 2) { errore.str(""); errore << "* Latch up alarm: " << ver[si][j]; errore << " time(s)."; t->DrawLatex(2.,65.,errore.str().c_str()); check = true; } if (j == 3) { errore.str(""); errore << "RAW mode: " << ver[si][j]; errore << " time(s)"; t->SetTextColor(38); t->DrawLatex(2.,90.,errore.str().c_str()); } if (j == 4) { errore.str(""); errore << "* CMD length error: " << ver[si][j]; errore << " time(s)"; t->DrawLatex(2.,66.,errore.str().c_str()); check = true; } if (j == 5) { errore.str(""); errore << "* Execution error: " << ver[si][j]; errore << " time(s)"; t->DrawLatex(2.,62.,errore.str().c_str()); check = true; } if (j == 6) { errore.str(""); errore << "* CRC error (st. word): " << ver[si][j]; errore << " time(s)"; t->DrawLatex(2.,58.,errore.str().c_str()); check = true; } if (j == 7) { errore.str(""); errore << "View or command not recognized: " << ver[si][j]; errore << " time(s)"; t->DrawLatex(2.,54.,errore.str().c_str()); check = true; } // if (j == 8) { errore.str(""); errore << "Missing section: " << ver[si][j]; errore << " time(s)"; t->DrawLatex(2.,50.,errore.str().c_str()); check = true; } if (j == 9) { errore.str(""); errore << "RAW MODE COMMAND: " << ver[si][j]; errore << " time(s)"; t->DrawLatex(2.,42.,errore.str().c_str()); } if (j == 11) { errore.str(""); errore << "CRC error (data): " << ver[si][j]; errore << " time(s)"; t->DrawLatex(2.,38.,errore.str().c_str()); check = true; } if (j == 16) { errore.str(""); errore << "Number of calibrations: " << ver[si][j]; t->SetTextColor(38); t->DrawLatex(2.,86.,errore.str().c_str()); } if (j == 19) { errore.str(""); errore << "Pedestal checksum wrong: " << ver[si][j]; errore << " time(s)"; t->DrawLatex(2.,14.,errore.str().c_str()); check = true; } if (j == 20) { errore.str(""); errore << "Thresholds checksum wrong: " << ver[si][j]; errore << " time(s)"; t->DrawLatex(2.,10.,errore.str().c_str()); check = true; } if (j == 22) { errore.str(""); errore << "Packet length is zero (YODA input error), skipped: " << ver[si][j]; errore << " time(s)"; t->DrawLatex(2.,3.,errore.str().c_str()); check = true; }; }; }; }; rapporto->cd(); t->SetTextFont(32); t->SetTextColor(1); t->SetTextSize(0.035); t->SetTextAlign(12); t->DrawLatex(7.,95.,"Calorimeter CALIBRATION quick look: "); //printf("vediamo: ccalped %f ccalrms %f ccalbad %f ccalthr %f ccalvar %f ccalbas %f \n",ccalped,ccalrms,ccalbad,ccalthr,ccalvar,ccalbas); if ( check ) { t->SetTextColor(50); t->DrawLatex(65.,95.,"WARNING, CHECK!"); t->SetTextColor(1); } else { t->SetTextColor(38); t->DrawLatex(65.,95.,"OK!"); t->SetTextColor(1); }; rapporto->Update(); }; // if ( !strcmp(format,"ps") ) { if ( ci == minev ) { figsave.str(""); figsave << outdir << "/" ; figsave << figrec << "_chkcalib."; figsave << format; figsave << "("; }; if ( figmatra ) { figura2->Print(figsave.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); if ( ci == minev ) { figsave.str(""); figsave << outdir << "/" ; figsave << figrec << "_chkcalib."; figsave << format; }; }; // figura1->Print(figsave.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); if ( ci == minev ) { figsave.str(""); figsave << outdir << "/" ; figsave << figrec << "_chkcalib."; figsave << format; }; // figura3->Print(figsave.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); // if ( ci == maxev-4 ) { figsave.str(""); figsave << outdir << "/" ; figsave << figrec << "_chkcalib."; figsave << format; figsave << ")"; rapporto->Print(figsave.str().c_str(),"Portrait"); }; } else { if ( figmatra ) { figsave.str(""); figsave << outdir << "/" ; figsave << figrec << "_chkcalib1_"; figsave << (i+1) << "."; figsave << format; figura2->SaveAs(figsave.str().c_str()); }; // figsave1.str(""); figsave1 << outdir << "/" ; figsave1 << figrec << "_chkcalib2_"; figsave1 << (i+1) << "."; figsave1 << format; figura1->SaveAs(figsave1.str().c_str()); // figsave2.str(""); figsave2 << outdir << "/" ; figsave2 << figrec << "_chkcalib3_"; figsave2 << (i+1) << "."; figsave2 << format; figura3->SaveAs(figsave2.str().c_str()); // if ( ci == maxev-4 ) { figsave.str(""); figsave << outdir << "/" ; figsave << figrec << "_chkcalib_report."; figsave << format; rapporto->SaveAs(figsave.str().c_str()); }; }; }; printf("\n"); return; }