4 |
ClassImp(CaloLong); |
ClassImp(CaloLong); |
5 |
ClassImp(Calo2D); |
ClassImp(Calo2D); |
6 |
7 |
8 |
int isempty(struct stack *s){ |
9 |
return (s->top == EMPTY) ? 1 : 0; |
10 |
} |
11 |
12 |
void emptystack(struct stack* s){ |
13 |
s->top=EMPTY; |
14 |
strcpy(s->data," "); |
15 |
} |
16 |
17 |
void push(struct stack* s,int item){ |
18 |
if(s->top == (MAX-1)){ |
19 |
printf("\n ERROR! STACK FULL (too many digits in SetLower/UpperLimit)\n"); |
20 |
} else { |
21 |
s->data[++s->top]=(char)item; |
22 |
}; |
23 |
} |
24 |
25 |
char pop(struct stack* s){ |
26 |
char ret=(char)EMPTY; |
27 |
if(!isempty(s)){ |
28 |
ret= s->data[s->top--]; |
29 |
}; |
30 |
return ret; |
31 |
} |
32 |
33 |
34 |
int ipop(struct stack* s){ |
35 |
int ret=EMPTY; |
36 |
if(s->top == EMPTY) |
37 |
printf("\n ERROR! STACK EMPTY (too few digits in SetLower/UpperLimit)\n"); |
38 |
else { |
39 |
ret= s->data[s->top--]; |
40 |
}; |
41 |
return ret; |
42 |
} |
43 |
44 |
45 |
void display(struct stack s){ |
46 |
int ss = s.top; |
47 |
while(s.top != EMPTY){ |
48 |
printf("\n%d",s.data[s.top--]); |
49 |
}; |
50 |
printf(" s.top %i \n",ss); |
51 |
} |
52 |
53 |
int isoperator(char e){ |
54 |
if(e == '+' || e == '-' || e == '*' || e == '/' || e == '%') |
55 |
return 1; |
56 |
else |
57 |
return 0; |
58 |
} |
59 |
60 |
61 |
int priority(char e){ |
62 |
int pri = 0; |
63 |
if(e == '*' || e == '/' || e =='%') |
64 |
pri = 2; |
65 |
else { |
66 |
if(e == '+' || e == '-') pri = 1; |
67 |
}; |
68 |
return pri; |
69 |
} |
70 |
71 |
void infix2postfix(char* infix, char * postfix, int insertspace){ |
72 |
char *i,*p; |
73 |
struct stack X; |
74 |
char n1; |
75 |
emptystack(&X); |
76 |
i = &infix[0]; |
77 |
p = &postfix[0]; |
78 |
while(*i){ |
79 |
while(*i == ' ' || *i == '\t' ){ |
80 |
i++; |
81 |
}; |
82 |
TString c=i; |
83 |
if( isdigit(*i) || isalpha(*i) || c.BeginsWith(".") ){ |
84 |
while( isdigit(*i) || isalpha(*i) || c.BeginsWith(".") ){ |
85 |
*p = *i; |
86 |
p++; |
87 |
i++; |
88 |
c=i; |
89 |
}; |
90 |
91 |
if(insertspace){ |
92 |
*p = ' '; |
93 |
p++; |
94 |
}; |
95 |
96 |
}; |
97 |
if( *i == '(' ){ |
98 |
push(&X,*i); |
99 |
i++; |
100 |
}; |
101 |
if( *i == ')'){ |
102 |
n1 = pop(&X); |
103 |
while( n1 != '(' ){ |
104 |
*p = n1; |
105 |
p++; |
106 |
107 |
if(insertspace){ |
108 |
*p = ' '; |
109 |
p++; |
110 |
}; |
111 |
112 |
n1 = pop(&X); |
113 |
}; |
114 |
i++; |
115 |
}; |
116 |
if( isoperator(*i) ){ |
117 |
if(isempty(&X)){ |
118 |
push(&X,*i); |
119 |
} else { |
120 |
n1 = pop(&X); |
121 |
while( priority(n1) >= priority(*i) ){ |
122 |
*p = n1; |
123 |
p++; |
124 |
125 |
if(insertspace){ |
126 |
*p = ' '; |
127 |
p++; |
128 |
}; |
129 |
130 |
n1 = pop(&X); |
131 |
}; |
132 |
push(&X,n1); |
133 |
push(&X,*i); |
134 |
}; |
135 |
i++; |
136 |
}; |
137 |
}; |
138 |
while(!isempty(&X)){ |
139 |
n1 = pop(&X); |
140 |
*p = n1; |
141 |
p++; |
142 |
143 |
if(insertspace){ |
144 |
*p = ' '; |
145 |
p++; |
146 |
}; |
147 |
148 |
}; |
149 |
*p = '\0'; |
150 |
} |
151 |
152 |
153 |
Float_t evaluate(char *postfix){ |
154 |
// |
155 |
Float_t op1 = 0.; |
156 |
Float_t op2 = 0.; |
157 |
Float_t result = 0.; |
158 |
// |
159 |
TString e = postfix; |
160 |
Float_t st[50]; |
161 |
memset(st,0,50*sizeof(Float_t)); |
162 |
TObjArray *ae = e.Tokenize(" "); |
163 |
Int_t o = 0; |
164 |
Int_t a = 0; |
165 |
Int_t ap = 0; |
166 |
// |
167 |
while ( o < ae->GetEntries() ){ |
168 |
if ( ((TString)(((TObjString*)ae->At(o))->GetString())).IsFloat() ){ |
169 |
st[a] = (Float_t)((TString)(((TObjString*)ae->At(o))->GetString())).Atof();; |
170 |
a++; |
171 |
} else { |
172 |
ap = a-1; |
173 |
op1 = st[ap--]; |
174 |
op2 = st[ap]; |
175 |
const char *p=((TString)(((TObjString*)ae->At(o))->GetString())).Data(); |
176 |
switch(*p){ |
177 |
case '+': |
178 |
result = op2 + op1; |
179 |
break; |
180 |
case '-': |
181 |
result = op2 - op1; |
182 |
break; |
183 |
case '/': |
184 |
result = op2 / op1; |
185 |
break; |
186 |
case '*': |
187 |
result = op2 * op1; |
188 |
break; |
189 |
case '%': |
190 |
result = (Int_t)round(op2) % (Int_t)round(op1); |
191 |
break; |
192 |
default: |
193 |
printf("\nInvalid Operator: %s \n",((TString)(((TObjString*)ae->At(o))->GetString())).Data()); |
194 |
return 0; |
195 |
}; |
196 |
st[ap] = result; |
197 |
a = ap+1; |
198 |
// |
199 |
}; |
200 |
o++; |
201 |
}; |
202 |
return result; |
203 |
// |
204 |
} |
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
209 |
/** |
/** |
210 |
* 1-dimension function describing lateral distribution of the |
* 1-dimension function describing lateral distribution of the |
667 |
maskYE = false; |
maskYE = false; |
668 |
maskYO = false; |
maskYO = false; |
669 |
// |
// |
670 |
lmax = 0.; |
671 |
umax = 100.; |
672 |
slmax = ""; |
673 |
sumax = ""; |
674 |
xyaverage = true; |
675 |
// |
676 |
}; |
}; |
677 |
678 |
void CaloLong::MaskSection(TString sec){ |
void CaloLong::MaskSection(TString sec){ |
702 |
chi2 = 0.; |
chi2 = 0.; |
703 |
ndf = 0.; |
ndf = 0.; |
704 |
E0 = 0.; |
E0 = 0.; |
705 |
defE0 = 0.; |
706 |
a = 0.; |
a = 0.; |
707 |
b = 0.; |
b = 0.; |
708 |
errE0 = 0.; |
errE0 = 0.; |
728 |
printf(" nchi2 :.. %f\n",chi2/ndf); |
printf(" nchi2 :.. %f\n",chi2/ndf); |
729 |
printf(" E0 :.. %f\n",E0); |
printf(" E0 :.. %f\n",E0); |
730 |
printf(" E0/260. :.. %f\n",E0/260.); |
printf(" E0/260. :.. %f\n",E0/260.); |
731 |
printf(" defE0 :.. %f\n",defE0); |
732 |
printf(" lower :.. %f\n",lmax); |
733 |
printf(" upper :.. %f\n",umax); |
734 |
printf(" s lower :.. %s\n",slmax.Data()); |
735 |
printf(" s upper :.. %s\n",sumax.Data()); |
736 |
printf(" a :.. %f\n",a); |
printf(" a :.. %f\n",a); |
737 |
printf(" b :.. %f\n",b); |
printf(" b :.. %f\n",b); |
738 |
printf(" errE0 :.. %f\n",errE0); |
printf(" errE0 :.. %f\n",errE0); |
995 |
this->Fit(false); |
this->Fit(false); |
996 |
}; |
}; |
997 |
998 |
Float_t CaloLong::Evaluate(TString s, Float_t tmax){ |
999 |
1000 |
Enter Infix Expression : A + B + C / (E - F) |
1001 |
Postfix Expression is : A B + C E F - / + |
1002 |
*/ |
1003 |
if ( !s.Contains("t") ){ |
1004 |
printf(" ERROR, the input formula must contain \"t\"\n"); |
1005 |
return 0.; |
1006 |
}; |
1007 |
if ( tmax != tmax ){ |
1008 |
printf(" ERROR, tmax is nan! \n"); |
1009 |
return 0.; |
1010 |
}; |
1011 |
TString g=Form("%f",tmax); |
1012 |
TString *ts= new TString(""); |
1013 |
ts->Prepend(s.Data()); |
1014 |
ts->ReplaceAll("t",1,g.Data(),g.Capacity()); |
1015 |
ts->Prepend("("); |
1016 |
ts->Append(")"); |
1017 |
if ( debug ) printf(" ts %s tssize %i capac %i s %s g %s \n",ts->Data(),ts->Sizeof(),ts->Capacity(),s.Data(),g.Data()); |
1018 |
char in[50],post[50]; |
1019 |
strcpy(&in[0]," "); |
1020 |
strcpy(&in[0],ts->Data()); |
1021 |
strcpy(&post[0]," "); |
1022 |
if ( debug ) printf("Infix Expression is : ##%s##\n",&in[0]); |
1023 |
infix2postfix(&in[0],&post[0],1); |
1024 |
if ( debug ) printf("Postfix Expression is : ##%s##\n",&post[0]); |
1025 |
1026 |
Enter Postfix Expression : 3 5 + 2 / |
1027 |
3 5 + 2 / EQUALS 4 |
1028 |
*/ |
1029 |
Float_t res = evaluate(&post[0]); |
1030 |
if ( debug ) printf("%s EQUALS %f\n",post,res); |
1031 |
return res; |
1032 |
} |
1033 |
1034 |
void CaloLong::Fit(Bool_t draw){ |
void CaloLong::Fit(Bool_t draw){ |
1035 |
// |
// |
1036 |
Process(); |
Process(); |
1075 |
}; |
}; |
1076 |
// |
// |
1077 |
TString thid = Form("hlongfit"); |
TString thid = Form("hlongfit"); |
1078 |
TH1F *th = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(gDirectory->FindObject(thid)); |
TH2F *th = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(gDirectory->FindObject(thid)); |
1079 |
if ( th ) th->Delete(); |
if ( th ) th->Delete(); |
1080 |
// |
1081 |
TString ghid = Form("glongfit"); |
1082 |
TGraphErrors *gh = dynamic_cast<TGraphErrors*>(gDirectory->FindObject(ghid)); |
1083 |
if ( gh ) gh->Delete(); |
1084 |
// |
1085 |
Float_t xpos = 0.; |
Float_t xpos = 0.; |
1086 |
Float_t enemip = 0.; |
Float_t enemip = 0.; |
1087 |
Float_t xmax = NC * X0pl + 0.2; |
Float_t xmax = NC * X0pl + 0.2; |
1088 |
// th = new TH1F(thid,thid,int(NC*1.5),-0.2,xmax); |
// |
1089 |
th = new TH1F(thid,thid,100,-0.2,xmax); |
Double_t xxx[50]; |
1090 |
Double_t exx[50]; |
1091 |
Double_t yyy[50]; |
1092 |
Double_t eyy[50]; |
1093 |
Int_t numpo = 0; |
1094 |
memset(xxx,0,50*sizeof(Double_t)); |
1095 |
memset(exx,0,50*sizeof(Double_t)); |
1096 |
memset(yyy,0,50*sizeof(Double_t)); |
1097 |
memset(eyy,0,50*sizeof(Double_t)); |
1098 |
// |
// |
1099 |
// AGH, BUG! |
// AGH, BUG! |
1100 |
// |
// |
1108 |
mmax = NC; |
mmax = NC; |
1109 |
}; |
}; |
1110 |
// |
// |
1111 |
Float_t emax = 0.; |
1112 |
Float_t qtotparz = 0.; |
Float_t qtotparz = 0.; |
1113 |
for (Int_t st=mmin;st<mmax+1;st++){ |
for (Int_t st=mmin;st<mmax+1;st++){ |
1114 |
enemip = 0.; |
enemip = 0.; |
1115 |
xpos = (st - mmin) * X0pl; |
xpos = (st - mmin) * X0pl; |
1116 |
if ( st > mmin && st < mmax ){ |
// |
1117 |
if ( no18x && ( st == 18+1 || st == mask18b+1 )){ |
if ( xyaverage ){ |
1118 |
if ( !maskYO ){ |
// |
1119 |
enemip = 2. * eplane[1][st]; |
if ( st > mmin && st < mmax ){ |
1120 |
if ( no18x && ( st == 18+1 || st == mask18b+1 )){ |
1121 |
if ( !maskYO ){ |
1122 |
enemip = 2. * eplane[1][st]; |
1123 |
} else { |
1124 |
enemip = eplane[1][st]; |
1125 |
}; |
1126 |
} else { |
} else { |
1127 |
enemip = eplane[1][st]; |
enemip = eplane[0][st-1] + eplane[1][st]; |
1128 |
}; |
}; |
1129 |
} else { |
} else { |
1130 |
enemip = eplane[0][st-1] + eplane[1][st]; |
if ( st == mmin ){ |
1131 |
if ( !maskYE ){ |
1132 |
enemip = 2. * eplane[1][st]; |
1133 |
} else { |
1134 |
enemip = eplane[1][st]; |
1135 |
}; |
1136 |
}; |
1137 |
if ( st == mmax ){ |
1138 |
if ( !maskXE ){ |
1139 |
enemip = 2. * eplane[0][st-1]; |
1140 |
} else { |
1141 |
enemip = eplane[0][st-1]; |
1142 |
}; |
1143 |
}; |
1144 |
}; |
1145 |
// |
1146 |
qtotparz += enemip; |
1147 |
if ( enemip > emax ) emax = enemip; |
1148 |
if ( enemip > 0. ){ |
1149 |
xxx[numpo] = xpos; |
1150 |
exx[numpo] = 0.1; |
1151 |
yyy[numpo] = enemip; |
1152 |
eyy[numpo] = sqrt(enemip*3.)+sqrt(5.); |
1153 |
numpo++; |
1154 |
// th->Fill(xpos,enemip); |
1155 |
if ( debug ) printf(" AVE Filling: st %i xpos %f energy %f \n",st,xpos,enemip); |
1156 |
}; |
}; |
1157 |
} else { |
} else { |
1158 |
if ( st == mmin ){ |
for (Int_t jj=0; jj<2; jj++){ |
1159 |
if ( !maskYE ){ |
if ( st > mmin && st < mmax ){ |
1160 |
enemip = 2. * eplane[1][st]; |
if ( jj == 0 && no18x && ( st == 18+1 || st == mask18b+1 )){ |
1161 |
enemip = eplane[1][st]; |
1162 |
} else { |
1163 |
if ( jj == 0 ){ |
1164 |
enemip = eplane[jj][st-1]; |
1165 |
} else { |
1166 |
enemip = eplane[jj][st]; |
1167 |
}; |
1168 |
}; |
1169 |
} else { |
} else { |
1170 |
enemip = eplane[1][st]; |
if ( st == mmin && jj == 1 ){ |
1171 |
enemip = eplane[jj][st]; |
1172 |
}; |
1173 |
if ( st == mmax && jj == 0){ |
1174 |
enemip = eplane[jj][st-1]; |
1175 |
}; |
1176 |
}; |
}; |
1177 |
}; |
// |
1178 |
if ( st == mmax ){ |
qtotparz += enemip; |
1179 |
if ( !maskXE ){ |
if ( enemip > emax ) emax = enemip; |
1180 |
enemip = 2. * eplane[0][st-1]; |
if ( enemip > 0. ){ |
1181 |
} else { |
xxx[numpo] = xpos; |
1182 |
enemip = eplane[0][st-1]; |
exx[numpo] = 0.1; |
1183 |
yyy[numpo] = enemip; |
1184 |
eyy[numpo] = sqrt(enemip*3.)+sqrt(5.); |
1185 |
// eyy[numpo] = sqrt(enemip)/(st*0.95); |
1186 |
numpo++; |
1187 |
// th->Fill(xpos,enemip); |
1188 |
if ( debug ) printf(" XY Filling: st %i xpos %f energy %f \n",st,xpos,enemip); |
1189 |
}; |
}; |
1190 |
}; |
}; |
}; |
// |
qtotparz += enemip; |
if ( enemip > 0. ){ |
th->Fill(xpos,enemip); |
if ( debug ) printf(" Filling: st %i xpos %f energy %f \n",st,xpos,enemip); |
1191 |
}; |
}; |
1192 |
1193 |
// |
// |
1194 |
// for (Int_t v=1; v>=0;v--)// { |
// for (Int_t v=1; v>=0;v--)// { |
1195 |
// // |
// // |
1215 |
// }; |
// }; |
1216 |
}; |
}; |
1217 |
// |
// |
1218 |
TF1 *lfit = new TF1("lfit",ccurve,0.,xmax,3); |
// th = new TH2F(thid,thid,int(NC*1.5),-0.2,xmax); |
1219 |
th = new TH2F(thid,thid,1000,-0.2,xmax,1000,0.,emax*1.2); |
1220 |
gh = new TGraphErrors(numpo,xxx,yyy,exx,eyy); |
1221 |
TF1 *lfit = dynamic_cast<TF1*>(gDirectory->FindObject("lfit")); |
1222 |
if ( lfit ) lfit->Delete(); |
1223 |
lfit = new TF1("lfit",ccurve,0.,xmax,3); |
1224 |
if ( debug ) printf("qtot %f qtotparz %f \n",clp->qtot,qtotparz); |
if ( debug ) printf("qtot %f qtotparz %f \n",clp->qtot,qtotparz); |
1225 |
E0 = qtotparz; |
E0 = qtotparz; |
1226 |
// E0 = clp->qtot; |
// E0 = clp->qtot; |
1231 |
// lfit->SetParLimits(0,0.,1000.); |
// lfit->SetParLimits(0,0.,1000.); |
1232 |
// lfit->SetParLimits(1,-1.,80.); |
// lfit->SetParLimits(1,-1.,80.); |
1233 |
// lfit->SetParLimits(2,-1.,10.); |
// lfit->SetParLimits(2,-1.,10.); |
1234 |
TString optio; |
// TString optio = "ROW"; // "RO" |
1235 |
TString optio = "RO"; // "RO" |
1236 |
if ( debug ){ |
if ( debug ){ |
1237 |
// optio = "MERBOV"; |
optio += "NV"; |
1238 |
// optio = "MEROV"; |
if ( draw ) optio += "V"; |
// optio = "EROV"; |
optio = "RNOV"; |
if ( draw ) optio = "ROV"; |
1239 |
} else { |
} else { |
1240 |
// optio = "MERNOQ"; |
optio += "NQ"; |
1241 |
// optio = "ERNOQ"; |
if ( draw ) optio += "Q"; |
optio = "RNOQ"; |
if ( draw ) optio = "ROQ"; |
1242 |
}; |
}; |
1243 |
// |
// |
1244 |
if ( debug ) printf(" OK, start the fitting procedure...\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" OK, start the fitting procedure...\n"); |
1245 |
// |
// |
1246 |
fitresult = th->Fit("lfit",optio); |
// fitresult = th->Fit("lfit",optio); |
1247 |
fitresult = gh->Fit("lfit",optio); |
1248 |
// |
// |
1249 |
if ( debug ) printf(" the fit is done! result: %i \n",fitresult); |
if ( debug ) printf(" the fit is done! result: %i \n",fitresult); |
1250 |
// |
// |
1263 |
if ( fitresult != 0 ){ |
if ( fitresult != 0 ){ |
1264 |
if ( debug ) printf(" The fit failed, no integrals calculation and asymm is set to -1. \n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" The fit failed, no integrals calculation and asymm is set to -1. \n"); |
1265 |
asymm = -1.; |
asymm = -1.; |
1266 |
defE0 = -1.; |
1267 |
} else { |
} else { |
1268 |
if ( slmax.MaybeRegexp() ) lmax = this->Evaluate(slmax,tmax); |
1269 |
if ( sumax.MaybeRegexp() ) umax = this->Evaluate(sumax,tmax); |
1270 |
Int_t npp = 1000; |
Int_t npp = 1000; |
1271 |
double *xpp=new double[npp]; |
1272 |
double *wpp=new double[npp]; |
1273 |
lfit->CalcGaussLegendreSamplingPoints(npp,xpp,wpp,1e-12); |
1274 |
defE0 = lfit->IntegralFast(npp,xpp,wpp,lmax,umax); |
1275 |
// |
1276 |
double *xp=new double[npp]; |
double *xp=new double[npp]; |
1277 |
double *wp=new double[npp]; |
double *wp=new double[npp]; |
1278 |
lfit->CalcGaussLegendreSamplingPoints(npp,xp,wp,1e-12); |
lfit->CalcGaussLegendreSamplingPoints(npp,xp,wp,1e-12); |
1321 |
// axis titles |
// axis titles |
1322 |
th->SetXTitle("Depth [X0]"); |
th->SetXTitle("Depth [X0]"); |
1323 |
th->SetYTitle("Energy [MIP]"); |
th->SetYTitle("Energy [MIP]"); |
1324 |
th->DrawCopy("Perror"); |
// th->DrawCopy("Perror"); |
1325 |
th->DrawCopy(); |
1326 |
gh->SetMarkerSize(1.); |
1327 |
gh->SetMarkerStyle(21); |
1328 |
// gh->SetMarkerColor(kRed); |
1329 |
gh->Draw("Psame"); |
1330 |
lfit->Draw("same"); |
lfit->Draw("same"); |
1331 |
tc->Modified(); |
tc->Modified(); |
1332 |
tc->Update(); |
tc->Update(); |
1338 |
if ( th ) th->Delete(); |
if ( th ) th->Delete(); |
1339 |
}; |
}; |
1340 |
// |
// |
1341 |
delete lfit; |
// delete lfit; |
1342 |
// |
// |
1343 |
}; |
}; |
1344 |
1429 |
Clear(); |
Clear(); |
1430 |
//delete this; |
//delete this; |
1431 |
}; |
}; |
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1439 |
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