34 |
interplane = 0; |
interplane = 0; |
35 |
preq = 0.; |
preq = 0.; |
36 |
postq = 0.; |
postq = 0.; |
37 |
stdedx1 = 0.; |
38 |
ethr = 0.; |
39 |
dedx1 = 0.; |
dedx1 = 0.; |
40 |
dedx3 = 0.; |
dedx3 = 0.; |
41 |
qpremean = 0.; |
qpremean = 0.; |
108 |
if ( debug ) printf(" Processing event at OBT %u PKT %u time %u \n",OBT,PKT,atime); |
if ( debug ) printf(" Processing event at OBT %u PKT %u time %u \n",OBT,PKT,atime); |
109 |
// |
// |
110 |
Clear(); |
Clear(); |
111 |
if ( debug ) printf(" Always calculate stdedx1 \n"); |
112 |
// |
// |
113 |
// Always calculate stdedx1 |
// Always calculate stdedx1 |
114 |
// |
// |
135 |
// |
// |
136 |
}; |
}; |
137 |
// |
// |
138 |
if ( debug ) printf(" find energy released along the strip of maximum on the first plane and on the two neighbour strips \n"); |
139 |
// |
140 |
// find energy released along the strip of maximum on the first plane and on the two neighbour strips |
// find energy released along the strip of maximum on the first plane and on the two neighbour strips |
141 |
// |
// |
142 |
if ( indx > 0 ){ |
if ( indx > 0 ){ |
150 |
stdedx1 = 0.; |
stdedx1 = 0.; |
151 |
}; |
}; |
152 |
// |
// |
153 |
if ( debug ) printf(" if ( !usetrack ) return: usetrack %i ntr %i \n",usetrack,ntr); |
154 |
// |
// |
155 |
// |
// |
156 |
if ( !usetrack ) return; |
// if ( !usetrack ) return; |
157 |
// |
// |
158 |
PamTrack *ptrack = 0; |
PamTrack *ptrack = 0; |
159 |
CaloTrkVar *track = 0; |
CaloTrkVar *track = 0; |
if ( ntr >= 0 ){ |
ptrack = L2->GetTrack(ntr); |
track = ptrack->GetCaloTrack(); |
} else { |
track = L2->GetCaloStoredTrack(ntr); |
}; |
160 |
// |
// |
161 |
if ( !track && ntr >= 0 ){ |
if ( usetrack ){ |
162 |
printf(" ERROR: cannot find any track!\n"); |
if ( ntr >= 0 ){ |
163 |
printf(" ERROR: CaloNuclei variables not completely filled \n"); |
ptrack = L2->GetTrack(ntr); |
164 |
return; |
if ( ptrack ) track = ptrack->GetCaloTrack(); |
165 |
} else { |
166 |
track = L2->GetCaloStoredTrack(ntr); |
167 |
}; |
168 |
// |
169 |
if ( !track && ntr >= 0 ){ |
170 |
printf(" ERROR: cannot find any track!\n"); |
171 |
printf(" ERROR: CaloNuclei variables not completely filled \n"); |
172 |
return; |
173 |
}; |
174 |
} else { |
175 |
if ( ntr >= 0 ){ |
176 |
if ( debug ) printf(" ERROR: you asked not to use a track but you are looking for track number %i !\n",ntr); |
177 |
if ( debug ) printf(" ERROR: CaloNuclei variables not completely filled \n"); |
178 |
return; |
179 |
}; |
180 |
}; |
}; |
181 |
// |
// |
182 |
// Float_t defethr = 6. * 0.90; |
// Float_t defethr = 6. * 0.90; |
513 |
mesethr = mesethr2; |
mesethr = mesethr2; |
514 |
}; |
}; |
515 |
aldone = true; |
aldone = true; |
516 |
if ( mesethr > defethr ) goto retry; |
if ( mesethr > defethr ){ |
517 |
interplane = 0; |
518 |
preq = 0.; |
519 |
postq = 0.; |
520 |
qpremean = 0.; |
521 |
qpremeanN = 0.; |
522 |
multhit = false; |
523 |
gap = false; |
524 |
goto retry; |
525 |
}; |
526 |
}; |
}; |
527 |
}; |
}; |
528 |
// |
// |