/[PAMELA software]/calo/flight/CaloNuclei/inc/CaloNuclei.h
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Contents of /calo/flight/CaloNuclei/inc/CaloNuclei.h

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Revision 1.10 - (show annotations) (download)
Mon Apr 20 09:12:04 2015 UTC (9 years, 10 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.9: +4 -2 lines
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Error occurred while calculating annotation data.
Modified to implement new tracking algorithm aoutput (NB no back :compatibility!)

3 /**
4 * \file CaloNuclei.h
5 * \author Emiliano Mocchiutti
6 */
7 #ifndef calonuclei_h
8 #define calonuclei_h
10 #include <PamLevel2.h>
12 #include <TTree.h>
13 #include <TFriendElement.h>
14 #include <TChain.h>
15 #include <TFile.h>
16 #include <TList.h>
17 #include <TKey.h>
18 #include <TSystemFile.h>
19 #include <TSystemDirectory.h>
20 #include <TSQLServer.h>
22 #include <iostream>
24 using namespace std;
26 /**
27 *
28 * Class to store and calculate variables useful for nuclei analysis
29 */
30 class CaloNuclei : public TObject {
32 private:
33 //
34 PamLevel2 *L2;
35 Bool_t debug;
36 Bool_t usetrack;
37 const char* trkAlg;
39 //
40 // needed to avoid reprocessing the same event over and over to obtain the variables
41 //
42 UInt_t OBT;
43 UInt_t PKT;
44 UInt_t atime;
45 Int_t tr;
46 Int_t sntr;
47 //
48 Bool_t usepl18x;
49 //
50 Int_t interplane; ///< Number of available dE/dx measurements before interaction or exit from the calo (interaction plane)
51 Int_t N; ///< Number of dE/dx measurements to be used to calculate qpremeanN, default N = 5
52 Int_t R; ///< Number of strip to be used around the trajectory to calculate qpremeanN, default R = 3
53 Int_t UN; ///< Number of dE/dx measurements really used to calculate qpremeanN
54 Float_t preq; ///< Energy release (MIP) up to the interaction plane (included)
55 Float_t postq; ///< Energy release (MIP) from the interaction plane (excluded) up to the last plane
56 Float_t stdedx1; ///< Energy release (MIP) on the first Silicon detector (Y EVEN) around the strip with maximum energy release (no track information).
57 Float_t dedx1; ///< Energy release (MIP) along the track on the first Silicon detector (Y EVEN).
58 Float_t dedx3; ///< Energy release (MIP) along the track on the first three Silicon detectors (Y EVEN, X EVEN, Y ODD).
59 Float_t qpremean; ///< Truncated mean (MIP) along the track up to the interaction plane preq using three points
60 Float_t qpremeanN; ///< Truncated mean (MIP) along the track up to the interaction plane preq using N points
61 Float_t qNmin1; ///< Truncated mean (MIP) along the track using N-1 measurements before of the interaction plane
62 Float_t maxrel; ///<Energy maximum release on first Calorimeter plane (dedx of strip with maximum release)
63 Float_t ethr; ///< Threshold (MIP) needed to find the interaction plane
64 Bool_t multhit; ///< True if the interaction plane has been determined by multiple hit counting
65 Bool_t gap; ///< True if determining the interaction plane a big (>5 planes) gap has been found between a point and another along the track
66 Float_t charge_siegen1;
67 Float_t ZCalo_dedx_b; //Z from Calo using dedx in first Calorimeter plane vs. beta
68 Float_t ZCalo_maxrel_b; //Z from Calo using maximum release in first Calorimeter plane vs. beta
69 Float_t ZCalo_dedx_defl; //Z from Calo using dedx in first Calorimeter plane vs. rigidity
70 Float_t ZCalo_Nmin1_defl; //Z from Calo using truncated mean on N-1 Calorimeter planes (plane N+1 is the interaction plane) vs. rigidity
71 //
72 Float_t qNmin1_w;
73 Int_t S2;
74 public:
75 //
76 //
77 //char* version();
79 Int_t Get_interplane(){ Process(); return interplane;}; ///< Number of available dE/dx measurements before interaction or exit from the calo (interaction plane)
80 Int_t Get_N(){ return N;}; ///< Number of dE/dx measurements to be used to calculate qpremeanN, default N = 5
81 Int_t Get_UsedN(){ return UN;}; ///< Number of dE/dx measurements really used to calculate qpremeanN
82 Int_t Get_R(){ return R;}; ///< Number of strip to be used around the trajectory to calculate qpremeanN, default R = 3
83 Float_t Get_preq(){ Process(); return preq;}; ///< Energy release (MIP) up to the interaction plane (included)
84 Float_t Get_postq(){ Process(); return postq;}; ///< Energy release (MIP) from the interaction plane (excluded) up to the last plane
85 Float_t Get_StdEdx1(){ Process(); return stdedx1;}; ///< Energy release (MIP) on the first Silicon detector (Y EVEN) around the strip with maximum energy release (no track information, 3 strips in total).
86 Float_t Get_dEdx1(){ Process(); return dedx1;}; ///< Energy release (MIP) along the track on the first Silicon detector (Y EVEN).
87 Float_t Get_dEdx3(){ Process(); return dedx3;}; ///< Energy release (MIP) along the track on the first three Silicon detectors (Y EVEN, X EVEN, Y ODD).
88 Float_t Get_qpremean(){ Process(); return qpremean;}; ///< Truncated mean (MIP) along the track up to the interaction plane preq using three points
89 Float_t Get_qpremeanN(){ Process(); return qpremeanN;}; ///< Truncated mean (MIP) along the track up to the interaction plane preq using N points
90 Float_t Get_qNmin1(){ Process(); return qNmin1;}; ///< Truncated mean (MIP) along the track using N-1 measurements before of the interaction plane
91 Float_t Get_maxrel(){ Process(); return maxrel;}; ///<Energy maximum release on first Calorimeter plane (dedx of strip with maximum release)
92 Float_t Get_ethr(){ Process(); return ethr;}; ///< Threshold (MIP) needed to find the interaction plane
93 Bool_t IsMulthit(){ Process(); return multhit;}; ///< True if the interaction plane has been determined by multiple hit counting
94 //
95 Float_t Get_charge_siegen1(){ Process(); return charge_siegen1;}; ///< charge Siegen method stdedx1 vs. beta
96 Float_t Get_ZCalo_dedx_b(){ Process(); return ZCalo_dedx_b;}; //Z from Calo using dedx (or StdEdx) in first Calorimeter plane vs. beta
97 Float_t Get_ZCalo_maxrel_b(){ Process(); return ZCalo_maxrel_b;}; //Z from Calo using maximum release in first Calorimeter plane vs. beta
98 Float_t Get_ZCalo_dedx_defl(){ Process(); return ZCalo_dedx_defl;}; //Z from Calo using dedx in first Calorimeter plane vs. rigidity
99 Float_t Get_ZCalo_Nmin1_defl(){ Process(); return ZCalo_Nmin1_defl;}; //Z from Calo using truncated mean on N-1 Calorimeter planes (plane N+1 is the interaction plane) vs. rigidity
101 //
102 void Set_N(Int_t n){ N=n;};
103 void Set_R(Int_t r){ R=r;};
104 //
105 // CaloNuclei();
106 CaloNuclei(PamLevel2 *L2,const char* alg);
107 ~CaloNuclei(){ Delete(); };
108 //
109 void SetDebug(Bool_t d){ debug=d; };
110 void UseTrack(Bool_t d){ usetrack=d; };
113 void UsePlane18X(Bool_t use){usepl18x = use;};
114 //
115 //
116 void Clear();
117 void Clear(Option_t *option){Clear();};
118 void Delete();
119 void Delete(Option_t *option){Delete();};
120 //
121 void Process(); ///< Process data for track number 0
122 void Process(Int_t ntr); ///< Process data for track number ntr
123 void Print();
124 void Print(Option_t *option){Print();};
125 //
126 ClassDef(CaloNuclei,3);
127 };
129 #endif

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