Release 7 November 2008 - Laura Marcelli New variables: maxrel:Energy of the strip of maximun release on the first Calo plane qNmin1:Truncated mean (N-1 values) of the energy released in N Calo planes Zcalo_maxrel_b:Z reconstructed by maximum release in the first Calo plane vs. beta Zcalo_dedx_b:Z reconstructed by dEdx (or StdEdx) release in the first Calo plane vs. beta Zcalo_dedx_defl:Z reconstructed by dEdx (or StdEdx) release in the first Calo plane vs. deflection Zcalo_Nmin1_defl: Z reconstructed by qNmin1 vs. deflection and corrispondent methods : Get_maxrel() Get_qNmin1() Get_Zcalo_maxrel_b() Get_Zcalo_dedx_b() Get_Zcalo_dedx_defl() Get_Zcalo_Nmin1_defl() NOTE: Z values are setted to: - 0 if event skipped by CaloNuclei routine (“ERROR: cannot find any track!”) - 1000 if 1) energy release (maxrel, dedx or qNmin1) = 0 2) beta<2 3) defl<0 || defl>0.5 (only for Zcalo_dedx_defl and Zcalo_Nmin1_defl) IMPORTANT: To use Get_Zcalo_dedx_b(), Get_Zcalo_dedx_defl(), Get_Zcalo_Nmin1_defl() is necessary to set: cn->UseTrack(true) cn->Process() because track existency is supposed.