/[PAMELA software]/calo/flight/CaloEnergy/inc/CaloEnergy.h
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Annotation of /calo/flight/CaloEnergy/inc/CaloEnergy.h

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Revision 1.8 - (hide annotations) (download)
Mon Aug 17 15:00:53 2009 UTC (15 years, 6 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.7: +9 -3 lines
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New features added + bugs fixed

1 mocchiut 1.1 /**
2     * \file CaloEnergy.h
3     * \authors Emiliano Mocchiutti & Giovanna Jerse
4     */
5     #ifndef caloenergy_h
6     #define caloenergy_h
8     #include <PamLevel2.h>
10     #include <TTree.h>
11     #include <TFriendElement.h>
12     #include <TChain.h>
13     #include <TFile.h>
14     #include <TList.h>
15     #include <TKey.h>
16     #include <TSystemFile.h>
17     #include <TSystemDirectory.h>
18     #include <TSQLServer.h>
19 mocchiut 1.6
20 mocchiut 1.4 #include <CaloPreSampler.h>
21 mocchiut 1.6 #include <CaloProfile.h>
22 mocchiut 1.1
23     #include <iostream>
25     using namespace std;
27     /**
28     *
29     */
30     class CaloEnergy : public TObject {
32     private:
33     //
34 mocchiut 1.5 PamLevel2 *L2; ///< PamLevel2 object
35 mocchiut 1.4 Bool_t debug; ///< debug flag
36 mocchiut 1.1 //
37     // needed to avoid reprocessing the same event over and over to obtain the variables
38     //
39 mocchiut 1.4 UInt_t OBT; ///< CPU OBT
40     UInt_t PKT; ///< CPU packet number
41     UInt_t atime; ///< event absolute time
42     TString sntr; ///< string containing the list of section the user want to process
43     UInt_t AOBT; ///< CPU OBT
44     UInt_t APKT; ///< CPU packet number
45     UInt_t aatime;///< event absolute time
46     TString asntr;///< string containing the list of section the user want to process
47     //
48     Float_t fM; ///< margin in the strip direction
49     Float_t fM1; ///< margin along the strip reading direction
50     Int_t fPl; ///< number of dE/dx measurements over the maximum that are used to find the energy
51     Float_t fConv_rxe; ///< MIP - energy conversion factor for section XE
52     Float_t fConv_rxo; ///< MIP - energy conversion factor for section XO
53     Float_t fConv_rye; ///< MIP - energy conversion factor for section YE
54     Float_t fConv_ryo; ///< MIP - energy conversion factor for section YO
55     Bool_t fLong; ///< if true use the integral of the longitudinal profile to measure the energy (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET), default FALSE
56     //
57     Float_t fEnergyxe; ///< Energy as measured by section XE
58     Float_t fEnergyxo; ///< Energy as measured by section XO
59     Float_t fEnergyye; ///< Energy as measured by section YE
60     Float_t fEnergyyo; ///< Energy as measured by section YO
61     Float_t fEnergy; ///< Energy as measured by the average of the used section in "Independent mode" or energy as measured by the used section in "Coherent mode"
62     Float_t fCount; ///< Number of sections inside the acceptance (only the section given by the user are checked)
63     Int_t fMax_planexe; ///< plane of maximum energy release (independent mode) or last plane used for energy measurement (coherent mode) for section XE
64     Int_t fMax_planexo; ///< plane of maximum energy release (independent mode) or last plane used for energy measurement (coherent mode) for section XO
65     Int_t fMax_planeyo; ///< plane of maximum energy release (independent mode) or last plane used for energy measurement (coherent mode) for section YO
66     Int_t fMax_planeye; ///< plane of maximum energy release (independent mode) or last plane used for energy measurement (coherent mode) for section YE
67     Float_t fMax_plane; ///< average max plane [0,11] (independent mode) or last plane for energy measurement [0,43] (coherent mode)
68     //
69     Float_t fXOen_maxplane; ///< total energy [MIP] used for energy determination as given by section XO
70     Float_t fYOen_maxplane; ///< total energy [MIP] used for energy determination as given by section YO
71     Float_t fXEen_maxplane; ///< total energy [MIP] used for energy determination as given by section XE
72     Float_t fYEen_maxplane; ///< total energy [MIP] used for energy determination as given by section YE
73     //
74 mocchiut 1.6 Float_t xomax_en; ///< energy at plane of maximum of section XO
75     Float_t xemax_en; ///< energy at plane of maximum of section XE
76     Float_t yomax_en; ///< energy at plane of maximum of section YO
77     Float_t yemax_en; ///< energy at plane of maximum of section YE
78     //
79     //
80 mocchiut 1.4 Float_t xe1; ///< position of strip 1 section XE
81     Float_t xe2; ///< position of strip 32 section XE
82     Float_t xe3; ///< position of strip 33 section XE
83     Float_t xe4; ///< position of strip 64 section XE
84     Float_t xe5; ///< position of strip 65 section XE
85     Float_t xe6; ///< position of strip 96 section XE
86     // Float_t z1;
87     Float_t yo1; ///< position of strip 1 section YO
88     Float_t yo2; ///< position of strip 32 section YO
89     Float_t yo3; ///< position of strip 33 section YO
90     Float_t yo4; ///< position of strip 64 section YO
91     Float_t yo5; ///< position of strip 65 section YO
92     Float_t yo6; ///< position of strip 96 section YO
93     // Float_t z2;
94     Float_t xo1; ///< position of strip 1 section XO
95     Float_t xo2; ///< position of strip 32 section XO
96     Float_t xo3; ///< position of strip 33 section XO
97     Float_t xo4; ///< position of strip 64 section XO
98     Float_t xo5; ///< position of strip 65 section XO
99     Float_t xo6; ///< position of strip 96 section XO
100     // Float_t z3;
101     Float_t ye1; ///< position of strip 1 section YE
102     Float_t ye2; ///< position of strip 32 section YE
103     Float_t ye3; ///< position of strip 33 section YE
104     Float_t ye4; ///< position of strip 64 section YE
105     Float_t ye5; ///< position of strip 65 section YE
106     Float_t ye6; ///< position of strip 96 section YE
107     // Float_t z4;
108 mocchiut 1.8 Float_t track_coordx[22][2];
109     Float_t track_coordy[22][2];
110     //
111 mocchiut 1.4 Float_t trk_z[22][2]; ///< Z position of calorimeter planes
112     Float_t en; ///< energy [mip] for decodeestrip
113     Int_t view; ///< view for decodeestrip
114     Int_t plane; ///< plane for decodeestrip
115     Int_t strip; ///< strip for decodeestrip
116     Int_t fRad; ///< Radius [strip] of the cylinder used to integrate the energy along the track, if negative radius is inf (the whole plane is used). Default: -1
117     Int_t fNumSec; ///< Number of sections given by the user
118     Float_t energyxe; ///< 11 planes detected energy [MIP] for section XE
119     Float_t energyyo; ///< 11 planes detected energy [MIP] for section YO
120     Float_t energyxo; ///< 11 planes detected energy [MIP] for section XO
121     Float_t energyye; ///< 11 planes detected energy [MIP] for section YE
122     Float_t en_xep[11]; ///< detected energy [MIP] for each plane of section XE
123     Float_t en_yop[11]; ///< detected energy [MIP] for each plane of section YO
124     Float_t en_xop[11]; ///< detected energy [MIP] for each plane of section XO
125     Float_t en_yep[11]; ///< detected energy [MIP] for each plane of section YE
126     Float_t enstrip[2][22][96]; ///< detected energy [MIP] for each strip of calorimeter
127 mocchiut 1.6 //
128     Float_t x0max; ///< plane of maximum given externally (only test purpose)
129 mocchiut 1.4 //
130     Bool_t fXosel; ///< true if event is contained in section XO
131     Bool_t fXesel; ///< true if event is contained in section XE
132     Bool_t fYosel; ///< true if event is contained in section YO
133     Bool_t fYesel; ///< true if event is contained in section YE
134     Bool_t fSel; ///< true if event is contained in at least one of the given section (independet mode) or in all the given section (coherent mode)
135     Bool_t fPartsel; ///< true if the event is contained only up to the last plane used for energy determination (can be used in conjunction with fXXmin)
136     Int_t fXeout; ///< last plane [0,11] for which the trajectory is contained in section XE
137     Int_t fYeout; ///< last plane [0,11] for which the trajectory is contained in section YE
138     Int_t fXoout; ///< last plane [0,11] for which the trajectory is contained in section XO
139     Int_t fYoout; ///< last plane [0,11] for which the trajectory is contained in section YO
140     Int_t fXomin; ///< last plane [0,11] for which the trajectory MUST be contained in section XO. Default 1000 means all the planes, if less than 10 events can be only partially contained in a section (NB: THIS INTRODUCE AN ENERGY DEPENDENT SELECTION CONTAINMENT EFFICIENCY)
141     Int_t fXemin; ///< last plane [0,11] for which the trajectory MUST be contained in section XE. Default 1000 means all the planes, if less than 10 events can be only partially contained in a section (NB: THIS INTRODUCE AN ENERGY DEPENDENT SELECTION CONTAINMENT EFFICIENCY)
142     Int_t fYomin; ///< last plane [0,11] for which the trajectory MUST be contained in section YO. Default 1000 means all the planes, if less than 10 events can be only partially contained in a section (NB: THIS INTRODUCE AN ENERGY DEPENDENT SELECTION CONTAINMENT EFFICIENCY)
143     Int_t fYemin; ///< last plane [0,11] for which the trajectory MUST be contained in section YE. Default 1000 means all the planes, if less than 10 events can be only partially contained in a section (NB: THIS INTRODUCE AN ENERGY DEPENDENT SELECTION CONTAINMENT EFFICIENCY)
144     //
145     Bool_t fSimu; ///< true if we are using simulated data, default false
146     Bool_t indep; ///< flag to switch between INDEPENDENT or COHERENT mode, default false - COHERENT mode selected
147     //
148     CaloPreSampler *cp; ///< pointer to calopresampler object (object constructed only when invoking method UseCaloPreSampler() , default: use level2 data).
149 mocchiut 1.6 CaloLong *clong; ///< pointer to calolong object (object constructed only when invoking method UseLongFit(), default use energy up to maximum).
150 mocchiut 1.4 //
151     void DefineGeometry(); ///< called by constructors to fill geometrical variables (like xe1 etc).
152     void Set(); ///< called by contructors to define default variables
153 mocchiut 1.1
154     public:
155     //
156 mocchiut 1.4 CaloEnergy(); ///< default constructor (does nothing)
157     CaloEnergy(PamLevel2 *L2); ///< constructor
158     CaloEnergy(PamLevel2 *L2, Bool_t simulation); ///< constructor
159     ~CaloEnergy(){ Delete(); }; ///< default destructor
160     //
161     void SetDebug(Bool_t d){ debug=d; }; ///< set the debug flag (verbose print-out on STDOUT), default is false
162     //
163     void Clear(); ///< clear varibles
164     void Clear(Option_t *option){Clear();}; ///< compatibility with TObject
165     void Delete(); ///< delete object
166     void Delete(Option_t *option){Delete();}; ///< compatibility with TObject
167     //
168     void Process(); ///< Process the event
169     void Process(TString section); ///< Process the event for section "section"
170     void Print(); ///< Print variables on STDOUT
171     void Print(Option_t *option){Print();}; ///< compatibility with TObject
172 mocchiut 1.1 //
173 mocchiut 1.4 Bool_t IsInsideAcceptance(TString section); ///< returns true if event is inside acceptance of the given sections (all if coherent mode, at least one in independent mode)
174     Bool_t IsInsideReducedAcceptance(){return fPartsel;}; ///< returns true if the event is inside acceptance only up to the last used plane (see fXomin etc)
175 mocchiut 1.1 //
176     Bool_t IsInsideXE(){return(IsInsideAcceptance("XE"));};
177     Bool_t InsideXEcheck(){return fXesel;};
178     Bool_t IsInsideXO(){return(IsInsideAcceptance("XO"));};
179     Bool_t InsideXOcheck(){return fXosel;};
180     Bool_t IsInsideYE(){return(IsInsideAcceptance("YE"));};
181     Bool_t InsideYEcheck(){return fYesel;};
182     Bool_t IsInsideYO(){return(IsInsideAcceptance("YO"));};
183     Bool_t InsideYOcheck(){return fYosel;};
184     //
185 mocchiut 1.4 Float_t GetEnergy(){ Process(); return fEnergy;}; ///< returns the energy [GV] determined for this event
186     Float_t GetEnergy(TString section){ Process(section); return fEnergy;}; ///< returns the energy [GV] determined for this event
187     Float_t GetCount(){ return fCount;}; ///< returns the number of section inside acceptance for this event (equal to the number of given section in coherent mode)
188     //
189     Float_t GetMaxplane(){ return fMax_plane;}; ///< returns the average max plane [0,11] (independent mode) or last plane for energy measurement [0,43] (coherent mode)
190 mocchiut 1.6 Float_t GetEnergyAtMaxplane(TString section); ///< returns the energy at the plane of maximum for section "section"
191 mocchiut 1.4 //
192 mocchiut 1.6 Float_t GetMaxEnergy(); ///< returns the total energy [MIP] before conversion
193 mocchiut 1.4 Float_t GetMaxEnergy(TString section); ///< returns the total energy [MIP] before conversion for section "section"
194     Int_t GetMaxplane(TString section); ///< returns the plane of maximum (independent mode) or the last used plane (coherent mode) for section "section"
195     //
196 mocchiut 1.6 void UseLongFit();///< use or not the longitudinal fit to determine the energy
197     CaloLong* GetCaloLong(){return clong;}; ///< Get calolong object.
198 mocchiut 1.4 void UseMeasuredEnergyUpToMax(){ fLong = false;}; ///< use the measured energy to determine the maximum (default)
199     //
200 mocchiut 1.8 void SetMargin(Float_t margin){fM = margin ; fM1 = margin - 0.122 - 0.096 + 0.096; if ( fM1 < 0. ) fM1 = 0.;}; ///< set the margin from the border of the silicon sensor (not from the first strip), set the same margin for both the directions
201     void SetMarginStripDirection(Float_t margin){fM = margin ;}; ///< set the margin from the border of the silicon sensor (not from the first strip) in the strip direction
202     void SetMarginStripReading(Float_t margin){fM1 = margin -0.122 - 0.096 + 0.096;}; ///< set the margin from the border of the silicon sensor (not from the first strip) in the strip reading direction
203 mocchiut 1.4 void SetRadius(Int_t strip){fRad = strip;}; ///< set the radius of the cylinder
204     void SetMaxPlaneOffset(Int_t noplanes){fPl = noplanes;}; ///< set the number of dE/dx measurements to be used after the maximum
205 mocchiut 1.6 void SetX0max(Float_t xm){ x0max = xm;}; ///< set the plane of maximum from external source X0 (test purpose only)
206     void SetRigX0max(Float_t rig){ x0max = -0.5+log(rig/0.0076);}; ///< set the plane of maximum from external source rigidity (GeV) (test purpose only)
207 mocchiut 1.4 //
208     void SetMinimumContainment(Int_t plane); ///< set the last plane [0,11] for which the trajectory MUST be contained in all the sections. Default 1000 means all the planes, if less than 10 events can be only partially contained in a section (NB: THIS INTRODUCE AN ENERGY DEPENDENT SELECTION CONTAINMENT EFFICIENCY)
209     void SetMinimumContainment(TString section, Int_t plane); ///< set the last plane [0,11] for which the trajectory MUST be contained in section "section". Default 1000 means all the planes, if less than 10 events can be only partially contained in a section (NB: THIS INTRODUCE AN ENERGY DEPENDENT SELECTION CONTAINMENT EFFICIENCY)
210     Int_t GetMinimumContainment(TString section); ///< get the last plane [0,11] for which the trajectory MUST be contained in section "section".
211     //
212     void SetConversionFactor(Float_t conv_r); ///< Set the MIP-GV conversion factor for all the four sections.
213     void SetConversionFactor(TString section, Float_t conv_r); ///< Set the MIP-GV conversion factor for section "section".
214     Float_t GetConversionFactor(TString section); ///< Get the MIP-GV conversion factor for section "section".
215     //
216     void IndependentMode(){ indep = true; }; ///< Set the independent mode
217     void CoherentMode(){ indep = false; }; ///< Set the coherent mode
218     //
219     void UseCaloPreSampler(); ///< use pre-sampler routine to refit the track (level2 default fitting could be wrong, in this case we force "shower fitting" in the DV library).
220     CaloPreSampler* GetCaloPreSampler(){return cp;}; ///< Get pre-sampler object.
221 mocchiut 1.1 //
222 mocchiut 1.8 Float_t Get_track_coordx(Int_t i, Int_t j){ return track_coordx[i][j];};
223     Float_t Get_track_coordy(Int_t i, Int_t j){ return track_coordy[i][j];};
224     //
225 mocchiut 1.1 ClassDef(CaloEnergy,1);
226     };
228     #endif

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