/[PAMELA software]/calo/flight/CaloBragg/inc/CaloBragg.h
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Contents of /calo/flight/CaloBragg/inc/CaloBragg.h

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Revision 1.11 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Oct 6 11:52:56 2011 UTC (13 years, 3 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.10: +1 -1 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Emiliano's data handling review + bugs fixed

1 /**
2 * \file CaloBragg.h
3 * \author Emiliano Mocchiutti & Valeria Malvezzi & Daniele Tavagnacco
4 */
5 #ifndef calobragg_h
6 #define calobragg_h
7 #define SQ(a) ( a * a )
8 #include <PamLevel2.h>
10 #include <TTree.h>
11 #include <TFriendElement.h>
12 #include <TChain.h>
13 #include <TFile.h>
14 #include <TList.h>
15 #include <TKey.h>
16 #include <TSystemFile.h>
17 #include <TStyle.h>
18 #include <TSystemDirectory.h>
19 #include <TSQLServer.h>
20 #include <TCanvas.h>
21 #include <TH2F.h>
22 #include <iostream>
24 using namespace std;
27 /**
28 *
29 * Class to store and calculate variables useful for nuclei analysis
30 */
31 class CaloBragg : public TObject {
33 private:
34 //
35 PamLevel2 *L2;
36 Bool_t debug;
37 Bool_t usetrack;
38 Bool_t startZero;
40 //
41 // needed to avoid reprocessing the same event over and over to obtain the variables
42 //
43 UInt_t OBT;
44 UInt_t PKT;
45 UInt_t atime;
46 Int_t tr;
47 Int_t sntr;
48 //parametri calorimetro
49 Int_t NPLA;
50 Int_t NCHA;
51 Int_t nView;
53 Float_t AA;//mm larghezza strip
54 Float_t ADIST;//mm distanza tra pad
55 Float_t PIANO;//mm distanza
57 Float_t ySi;//mm spessore silicio
58 Float_t yW;//mm spessore tungsteno
59 Float_t rhoSi;//g/cm3 densita' silicio
60 Float_t rhoW;//g/cm3 densita' tugsteno
61 Float_t MIP;//Mev g/cm2 energia al minimo nel silicio per 0.38 mm
63 Float_t emin;
64 Float_t fzeta;
65 Float_t fene;
67 //
68 Bool_t usepl18x;
69 Bool_t newchi2;
70 Bool_t usenewBB;
71 Int_t ndf;
74 //parametri bethe-bloch
75 Float_t pigr;
76 Float_t Na;
77 Float_t ZA; /*Z/A per Si*/
78 Float_t ISi; /*MeV*/
79 Float_t IW; /*MeV*/
80 Float_t Me; /* MeV*/
81 Float_t MassP;/*MeV*/
82 Float_t r2; /*ro*ro in cm */
84 //variabili globali caricabili
85 Float_t Integrale;
86 Float_t bestchi2[5];
87 /* Float_t qtchi2; */
88 /* Float_t qtz; */
89 /* Float_t qtetot; */
90 /* Float_t qtpskip; */
91 Float_t lpchi2;
92 Float_t lpz;
93 Float_t lpisotope;
94 Float_t lpetot;
95 Float_t lppskip;
96 Float_t calorimetro[44][2];
97 Float_t spessore[4];
98 Float_t estremi[2][2];//[0][0]primo piano [0][1]energia primo
99 //[1][0]ultim piano [1][1]energia ultim
100 //Float_t shift[2][22];//shift dei piani
101 //Float_t piano[22]; //posizione z dei piani
102 Float_t elem[32][7];//A degli elementi compresi isotopi
103 //
105 Float_t dEplan[2*22];//energia rilasciata calcolata
107 /* void SWAP(Float_t*,Float_t*); */
108 void LoadParam();
109 void conversione();
110 void BetheBloch(Float_t *,Float_t *,Float_t *,Float_t *,Float_t *,Float_t *, Float_t);
111 void ELOSS(Float_t *,Int_t *,Int_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *, Float_t);
112 void Enetrack(Int_t *,Int_t *, Float_t *, Float_t *,Float_t *,Float_t * );
113 void chiquadro(Float_t *, Float_t *);
114 void loopze(Float_t ,Float_t ,Float_t ,Float_t, Int_t );
115 void mediatroncata();
116 void Zdaloop();
117 void CleanPlanes(Float_t epiano[22][2], Bool_t zpiano[22][2]);
119 public:
120 //
121 void SetStartZero(Bool_t yes=false){ startZero = yes;};
122 //
123 Float_t Get_firstplane(){ Process(); return estremi[0][0];}; ///< Number of available dE/dx measurements before interaction or exit from the calo (interaction plane)
124 Float_t Get_lastplane(){ Process(); return estremi[1][0];}; ///< Number of available dE/dx measurements before interaction or exit from the calo (interaction plane)
125 /* Float_t Get_qtchi2(){ Process(); return qtchi2;}; ///< Number of available dE/dx measurements before interaction or exit from the calo (interaction plane) */
126 /* Float_t Get_qtz(){ Process(); return qtz;}; ///< Number of available dE/dx measurements before interaction or exit from the calo (interaction plane) */
127 /* Float_t Get_qtetot(){ Process(); return qtetot;}; ///< Number of available dE/dx measurements before interaction or exit from the calo (interaction plane) */
128 /* Float_t Get_qtpskip(){ Process(); return qtpskip;}; ///< Number of available dE/dx measurements before interaction or exit from the calo (interaction plane) */
129 Float_t Get_lpchi2(){ Process(); return lpchi2;}; ///< Number of available dE/dx measurements before interaction or exit from the calo (interaction plane)
130 Float_t Get_lpz(){ Process(); return lpz;}; ///< Number of available dE/dx measurements before interaction or exit from the calo (interaction plane)
131 Float_t Get_mass(){ Process(); return elem[(Int_t)lpz - 1][(Int_t)lpisotope];}; ///< Number of available dE/dx measurements before interaction or exit from the calo (interaction plane)
132 Float_t Get_lpetot(){ Process(); return lpetot;}; ///< Number of available dE/dx measurements before interaction or exit from the calo (interaction plane)
133 Float_t Get_lppskip(){ Process(); return lppskip;}; ///< Number of available dE/dx measurements before interaction or exit from the calo (interaction plane)
135 Float_t Integral();
136 Float_t LastIntegral();
138 void ForceZeta(Float_t zeta){ fzeta = zeta;};
139 void ForceEne(Float_t ener ){ fene = ener;};
140 void ForceProcessing(){ sntr = -1000.;};
142 void UsePlane18X(Bool_t use){usepl18x = use;};
144 void UseNewChi2(Bool_t use){newchi2 = use;};
145 void UseNewBB(Bool_t use){usenewBB = use;};
146 //
148 //
149 CaloBragg();
150 CaloBragg(PamLevel2 *L2);
151 ~CaloBragg(){ Delete(); };
152 //
153 void Draw();
154 void Draw(Int_t,Int_t, Float_t);
155 void SetDebug(Bool_t d){ debug=d; };
156 void UseTrack(Bool_t d){ usetrack=d; };
157 //
158 void Clear();
159 void Clear(Option_t *option){Clear();};
160 void Delete();
161 void Delete(Option_t *option){Delete();};
162 //
163 void Process(); ///< Process data for track number 0
164 void Process(Int_t ntr); ///< Process data for track number ntr
165 void Print();
166 void Print(Option_t *option){Print();};
167 //
168 ClassDef(CaloBragg,6);
169 };
171 #endif

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