// #include #include #include // #include // #include #include // using namespace std; // // Usage subroutine // void usage(){ printf("\nUsage:\n"); printf("\n YodaProfiler [options] -rawFile raw_filename -yodaFile yoda_filename \n"); printf("\n -rawFile full path to the raw file\n"); printf("\n -yodaFile full path to the YODA file\n"); printf("\n Options can be: \n"); printf("\n --version print informations about compilation and exit\n"); printf("\n -h | --help print this help and exit \n"); printf("\n -v | --verbose be verbose [default]\n"); printf("\n -s | --silent print nothing on STDOUT\n"); printf("\n -g | --debug be very verbose [default: no]\n"); printf("\n -boot number CPU boot number [default = taken from VarDump]\n"); printf("\n -tsync number timesync (s) [default = taken from data]\n"); printf("\n -obt0 number obt at timesync (ms) [default = taken from data]\n"); printf("\n -clean number number in seconds after which the fragment table\n"); printf("\n can be cleaned and runs validated [default = -1 do not clean],\n"); printf("\n if 0 force cleaning immediatly, if negative do not clean\n"); printf("\n -host name for the host [default = $PAM_DBHOST or mysql://localhost/pamelaprod]\n"); printf("\n -user username for the DB [default = $PAM_DBUSER or \"anonymous\"] \n"); printf("\n -psw password for the DB [default = $PAM_DBPSW or \"\"]\n"); printf("\n The order of input files and options does not matter. \n"); printf("\nExample: \n"); printf("\n YodaProfiler -yodaFile /path/to/raw/files/000_000_00000_cln2.pam -rawFile /path/to/filesfromyoda/000_000_00000_cln2.root -v \n\n"); }; // int main(int numinp, char *inps[]){ // // Variables booking // Int_t signal = 0; Int_t nul = 0; UInt_t boot = 0; UInt_t tsync = 0; UInt_t obt0 = 0; // Long64_t olderthan = 864000LL; Long64_t olderthan = -1LL; // // TString filerawname = ""; TString filerootname = ""; // TString host = "mysql://localhost/pamelaprod"; TString user = "anonymous"; TString password = ""; // const char *pamdbhost = gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBHOST"); const char *pamdbuser = gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBUSER"); const char *pamdbpsw = gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBPSW"); if ( !pamdbhost ) pamdbhost = ""; if ( !pamdbuser ) pamdbuser = ""; if ( !pamdbpsw ) pamdbpsw = ""; if ( strcmp(pamdbhost,"") ) host = pamdbhost; if ( strcmp(pamdbuser,"") ) user = pamdbuser; if ( strcmp(pamdbpsw,"") ) password = pamdbpsw; // // Bool_t beverbose = true; Bool_t debug = false; Int_t i = 0; // if ( numinp > 1 ){ while ( i < numinp ){ if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"--version") ){ YodaProfilerInfo(true); exit(0); }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-h") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--help") ){ usage(); exit(0); }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-rawFile") ) { if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){ usage(); exit(1); }; filerawname = (TString)inps[i+1]; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-yodaFile") ) { if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){ usage(); exit(1); }; filerootname = (TString)inps[i+1]; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-boot") ) { if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){ usage(); exit(1); }; boot = atoi(inps[i+1]); }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-tsync") ) { if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){ usage(); exit(1); }; tsync = (UInt_t)atoll(inps[i+1]); }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-obt0") ) { if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){ usage(); exit(1); }; obt0 = (UInt_t)atoll(inps[i+1]); }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-clean") ) { if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){ usage(); exit(1); }; olderthan = (Long64_t)atoll(inps[i+1]); }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-host") ) { if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){ usage(); exit(1); }; host = (TString)inps[i+1]; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-user") ) { if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){ usage(); exit(1); }; user = (TString)inps[i+1]; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-psw") ) { if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){ usage(); exit(1); }; password = (TString)inps[i+1]; }; // if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-v") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--verbose") ) beverbose = true; // if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-s") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--silent") ) beverbose = false; // if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-g") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--debug") ) debug = true; // i++; }; } else { // // no input parameters exit with error, we need at least the run id. // cout << "\n ERROR: NO INPUT PARAMETERS \n"; usage(); exit(1); }; // // If not in verbose mode redirect to /dev/null the stdout and stderr // if ( !beverbose ){ nul = open("/dev/null", O_CREAT | O_RDWR,S_IREAD | S_IWRITE); dup2(nul,1); dup2(nul,2); }; // // Start: // TString message; char *version = YodaProfilerInfo(false); PamelaDBOperations *pamDB = 0; UInt_t sizeofwar = 10; UInt_t WAR[10]; memset(WAR, 0, 10*sizeof(UInt_t)); // printf("\n Welcome to the PAMELA YodaProfiler, version %s \n\n",version); try{ // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create pamDB object and open SQL connection //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( beverbose ) printf(" 1 => Initialize and open SQL connection \n"); pamDB = new PamelaDBOperations(host,user,password,filerawname,filerootname,boot,tsync,obt0,debug); pamDB->CheckConnection(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if(pamDB->InsertRaw()){ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Insert a Raw file in GL_RAW //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( beverbose ) printf(" 2 => Insert a RAW file in GL_RAW \n"); WAR[0] = pamDB->insertPamelaRawFile(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; if(pamDB->InsertRoot()){ if(!pamDB->InsertRaw())printf("=> RAW file not inserted --- the DB might not ( yet ) be filled correctly \n"); pamDB->CheckFile(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Update a single GL_RAW record with its BOOT_NUMBER //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( beverbose ) printf(" 3 => Update a single GL_RAW record with its BOOT_NUMBER \n"); WAR[3] = pamDB->assignBOOT_NUMBER(); // if ( WAR[3] ) pamDB->SetNOBOOT(true); if ( WAR[3] && WAR[3] != 1 ) throw -9; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Insert an entry in GL_TIMESYNC //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( beverbose ) printf(" 4 => Insert an entry in GL_TIMESYNC \n"); WAR[1] = pamDB->insertPamelaGL_TIMESYNC(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Insert unpack ROOT file in GL_ROOT //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( beverbose ) printf(" 5 => Insert unpack ROOT file in GL_ROOT \n"); WAR[2] = pamDB->insertPamelaRootFile(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Insert in GL_RUN runs information records relative to a single unpack //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( beverbose ) printf(" 6 => Scan physics and store runs in the GL_RUN table\n"); WAR[4] = pamDB->insertPamelaRUN(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Insert in GL_CALO_CALIB calibration information records relative to a single unpack //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( beverbose ) printf(" 7 => Insert calorimeter calibrations in the GL_CALO_CALIB table\n"); WAR[5] = pamDB->insertCALO_CALIB(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Insert in GL_TRK_CALIB calibration information records relative to a single unpack //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( beverbose ) printf(" 8 => Insert tracker calibrations in the GL_TRK_CALIB table\n"); WAR[6] = pamDB->insertTRK_CALIB(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Insert in GL_S4_CALIB calibration information records relative to a single unpack //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( beverbose ) printf(" 9 => Insert S4 calibrations in the GL_S4_CALIB table\n"); WAR[7] = pamDB->insertS4_CALIB(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; // pamDB->CheckValidate(olderthan); // if(pamDB->Validate()){ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Clean the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( beverbose ) printf(" 10 => Clean the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table (earlier than %s) \n",pamDB->GetCleanTime() ); WAR[8] = pamDB->CleanGL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Validate runs //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( beverbose ) printf(" 11 => Validate runs (earlier than %s)\n",pamDB->GetCleanTime()); WAR[9] = pamDB->ValidateRuns(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; } catch (Int_t exc) { signal = exc; switch(exc){ case -1: message += " DB connection failure"; break; case -2: message += " Connection failure"; break; case -3: message += " Cannot determine the timesync, use the -tsync and -obt0 options to override"; break; case -4: message += " Error querying DB"; break; case -5: message += " Inconsistent OBT/pkt_num"; break; case -6: message += " The file is not in the database"; break; case -8: message += " Event file is empty"; break; case -9: message += " No VarDump no BOOT number, use the -boot option to override"; break; case -10: message += " No results from DB"; break; case -11: message += " Raw file not found"; break; case -12: message += " Cannot open Level0 file"; break; case -13: message += " No consistent OBT/PKT_NUM information"; break; case -14: message += " Not supported yet: run with no events, no runtrailer, no runheader"; break; case -15: message += " Not supported yet: run with no runheader at the beginning/end of file not recognized as run fragment"; break; case -16: message += " No Physics tree in Level0 file"; break; case -17: message += " No RunHeader tree in Level0 file"; break; case -18: message += " No RunTrailer tree in Level0 file"; break; case -19: message += " No Mcmd tree in Level0 file"; break; case -20: message += " No VarDump tree in Level0 file"; break; case -21: message += " No CalibCalPed tree in Level0 file"; break; case -22: message += " No CalibTrk1 tree in Level0 file"; break; case -23: message += " No CalibTrk2 tree in Level0 file"; break; case -24: message += " No CalibS4 tree in Level0 file"; break; case -25: message += " Cannot find the run just inserted"; break; case -26: message += " Raw file not found looking for VarDump"; break; default: message += " Unidentified error"; break; }; printf("\n"); printf(" ERROR (%i) %s \n",exc,message.Data()); printf("\n"); } // // warnings handlers // Bool_t printwarning = false; message=""; for (UInt_t j=0; j Free objects and close SQL connection \n"); pamDB->Close(); // printf("\n"); printf(" Finished, exiting...\n"); printf("\n"); // // Close redirection if the case. // if ( !beverbose ) close(nul); // exit(signal); // }