/[PAMELA software]/YodaProfiler/src/PamelaDBOperations.cpp
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Contents of /YodaProfiler/src/PamelaDBOperations.cpp

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Revision 1.24 - (show annotations) (download)
Mon Dec 4 11:32:07 2006 UTC (18 years, 3 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v2r06, v2r05
Changes since 1.23: +117 -0 lines
Added -check option to control the GL_RUN table consistency

1 //
2 #include <iomanip>
3 #include <sstream>
4 //
5 #include <iostream>
6 #include <string>
7 #include <fstream>
8 #include <list>
9 #include <errno.h>
10 //
11 #include <TFile.h>
12 #include <TSystem.h>
13 #include <TSQLResult.h>
14 #include <TSQLRow.h>
15 #include <TTree.h>
16 #include <TGraph.h>
17 #include <TTimeStamp.h>
18 #include <TF1.h>
19 //
20 #include <EventHeader.h>
21 #include <PscuHeader.h>
22 #include <mcmd/McmdEvent.h>
23 #include <mcmd/McmdRecord.h>
24 #include <RunHeaderEvent.h>
25 #include <RunTrailerEvent.h>
26 #include <CalibCalPedEvent.h>
27 #include <CalibS4Event.h>
28 #include <CalibTrk1Event.h>
29 #include <CalibTrk2Event.h>
30 #include <varDump/VarDumpEvent.h>
31 #include <varDump/VarDumpRecord.h>
32 #include <physics/S4/S4Event.h>
33 //
34 #include <sgp4.h>
36 #include <PamelaDBOperations.h>
37 //
38 using namespace std;
39 using namespace pamela;
41 // Some function to work with cTle stuff.
42 bool compTLE(cTle* tle1, cTle *tle2);
43 float getTleJulian(cTle *);
44 string getTleDatetime(cTle*);
46 /**
47 * Constructor.
48 * @param host hostname for the SQL connection.
49 * @param user username for the SQL connection.
50 * @param password password for the SQL connection.
51 * @param filerawname The path and name to the raw file.
52 * @param filerootname The path and name of the raw file.
53 * @param boot file BOOT number.
54 * @param obt0 file obt0.
55 * @param tsync file timesync.
56 * @param debug debug flag.
57 * @param tlefilename ascii file with TLE 3 line elements.
58 */
59 PamelaDBOperations::PamelaDBOperations(TString host, TString user, TString password, TString filerawname, TString filerootname, UInt_t boot, UInt_t tsync, UInt_t obt0, Bool_t debug, TString tlefilename){
60 //
61 //
62 SetConnection(host,user,password);
63 //
64 SetDebugFlag(debug);
65 //
66 glrun = new GL_RUN();
67 //
68 if ( !boot ) SetNOBOOT(false);
69 SetBOOTnumber(boot);
70 SetTsync(tsync);
71 SetObt0(obt0);
72 //
73 SetTLEPath(tlefilename);
74 //
75 //
76 INSERT_RAW =!filerawname.IsNull();
77 if(INSERT_RAW)SetRawName(filerawname);
78 //
79 INSERT_ROOT = !filerootname.IsNull();
80 if( INSERT_ROOT ){
81 this->SetRootName(filerootname);
82 this->SetOrbitNo();
83 file = TFile::Open(this->GetRootName().Data());
84 } else {
85 this->SetRootName("");
86 };
87 //
88 this->SetID_RAW(0);
89 this->SetID_ROOT(0);
91 VALIDATE = false;
93 //
94 };
96 /**
97 * Destructor
98 */
99 void PamelaDBOperations::Close(){
100 if( conn && conn->IsConnected() ) conn->Close();
101 delete clean_time;
102 delete glrun;
103 delete this;
104 };
106 //
107 // SETTERS
108 //
110 //
111 // must be out of the constructor in order to FORCE the validation of the latest runs in case you run the validation together with the latest file
112 //
113 void PamelaDBOperations::CheckValidate(Long64_t olderthan){
114 clean_time = new TDatime();
115 //
116 if(olderthan >= 0){
117 VALIDATE = true;
118 UInt_t timelim = 0;
119 timelim = (UInt_t)clean_time->Convert(true) - olderthan;
120 clean_time->Set(timelim,false);
121 };
122 };
124 /**
125 * Open the DB connection
126 * @param host hostname for the SQL connection.
127 * @param user username for the SQL connection.
128 * @param password password for the SQL connection.
129 */
130 void PamelaDBOperations::SetConnection(TString host, TString user, TString password){
131 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Connecting using host = %s user = %s password = %s \n",host.Data(),user.Data(),password.Data());
132 conn = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),password.Data());
133 };
135 /**
136 * Store the ID of the ROOT file.
137 * @param idr ID of the ROOT file
138 */
139 void PamelaDBOperations::SetID_ROOT(UInt_t idr){
140 idroot=idr;
141 };
143 /**
144 * Store the ID of the RAW file.
145 * @param idr ID of the RAW file
146 */
147 void PamelaDBOperations::SetID_RAW(UInt_t idr){
148 id=idr;
149 };
151 /**
152 * Set the debug flag
153 *
154 */
155 void PamelaDBOperations::SetDebugFlag(Bool_t dbg){
156 debug = dbg;
157 };
159 /**
160 * Set the autoboot flag
161 *
162 */
163 void PamelaDBOperations::SetAutoBoot(Bool_t dbg){
164 AUTOBOOT = dbg;
165 };
167 /**
168 * Set the nofrag flag
169 *
170 */
171 void PamelaDBOperations::SetNoFrag(Bool_t nf){
172 NOFRAG = nf;
173 };
175 /**
176 * Store the BOOT number of the RAW file.
177 * @param boot BOOT number of the RAW file
178 */
179 void PamelaDBOperations::SetBOOTnumber(UInt_t boot){
180 BOOTNO=boot;
181 };
183 /**
184 * Store the time sync of the RAW file.
185 * @param boot time sync
186 */
187 void PamelaDBOperations::SetTsync(UInt_t ts){
188 tsync=ts;
189 };
191 /**
192 * Store the time sync of the RAW file.
193 * @param boot time sync
194 */
195 void PamelaDBOperations::SetObt0(UInt_t ts){
196 obt0=ts;
197 };
199 /**
200 * Store the RAW filename.
201 * @param str the RAW filename.
202 */
203 void PamelaDBOperations::SetRawName(TString str){
204 filerawname=str;
205 };
207 /**
208 * Store the ROOT filename.
209 * @param str the ROOT filename.
210 */
211 void PamelaDBOperations::SetRootName(TString str){
212 filerootname=str;
213 };
215 /**
216 * Store the downlink orbit number from filename.
217 */
218 void PamelaDBOperations::SetOrbitNo(){
219 dworbit = 0;
220 TString name = this->GetRootFile();
221 Int_t nlength = name.Length();
222 if ( nlength < 5 ) return;
223 TString dwo = 0;
224 for (Int_t i = 0; i<5; i++){
225 dwo.Append(name[i],1);
226 };
227 if ( dwo.IsDigit() ){
228 dworbit = (UInt_t)dwo.Atoi();
229 } else {
230 dwo="";
231 for (Int_t i = 8; i<13; i++){
232 dwo.Append(name[i],1);
233 };
234 if ( dwo.IsDigit() ) dworbit = (UInt_t)dwo.Atoi();
235 };
236 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Downlink orbit is %i (dwo = %s) \n",dworbit,dwo.Data());
237 return;
238 };
242 /**
243 * Store the NOBOOT flag.
244 * @param noboot true/false.
245 */
246 void PamelaDBOperations::SetNOBOOT(Bool_t noboot){
247 NOBOOT = noboot;
248 };
250 /**
251 * Store path to the TLE file.
252 */
253 void PamelaDBOperations::SetTLEPath(TString str){
254 tlefilename = str;
255 };
257 /**
258 * Store the olderthan variable
259 * @param olderthan
260 */
261 // void PamelaDBOperations::SetOlderThan(Long64_t oldthan){
262 // olderthan = oldthan;
263 // };
265 /**
266 * Retrieve the ID_RAW, if exists, returns NULL if does not exist.
267 */
268 Bool_t PamelaDBOperations::SetID_RAW(){
269 stringstream oss;
270 TSQLResult *result = 0;
271 TSQLRow *row = 0;
272 oss.str("");
274 << " PATH = '" << this->GetRawPath().Data() << "' AND "
275 << " NAME = '" << this->GetRawFile().Data() << "' ";
276 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
277 if ( result == NULL ) throw -4;
278 row = result->Next();
279 if ( !row ) return(false);
280 delete result;
281 id = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0));
282 return(true);
283 }
285 /**
286 *
287 * Set the variables which have to be stored in the GL_RUN table and that do not depend on the RUN
288 *
289 */
290 void PamelaDBOperations::SetCommonGLRUN(UInt_t absth, UInt_t abstt){
292 glrun->SetRUNHEADER_TIME(absth);
293 glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_TIME(abstt);
294 glrun->SetID_ROOT_L2(0);
295 glrun->SetID_ROOT_L0(idroot);
296 glrun->SetVALIDATION(0);
297 };
299 /**
300 * Patch, look for upper limits to avoid processing retransmitted data
301 */
302 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::SetUpperLimits(){
303 UInt_t nevent = 0;
304 UInt_t pktlast = 0;
305 UInt_t obtlast = 0;
306 Long64_t t_pktlast = 0LL;
307 // UInt_t t_obtlast = 0;
308 Long64_t t_obtlast = 0LL;
309 Long64_t upperpkt2 = 0LL;
310 Long64_t upperobt2 = 0LL;
311 UInt_t zomp = 0;
312 UInt_t jump = 50000; // was 5000
313 EventCounter *code=0;
314 //
315 Long64_t deltapkt = 5000LL;
316 Long64_t deltaobt = 50000LL;
317 //
318 // pcksList packetsNames;
319 // pcksList::iterator Iter;
320 // getPacketsNames(packetsNames);
321 //
322 pktfirst = 0;
323 obtfirst = 0;
324 //
325 TTree *T = 0;
326 T = (TTree*)file->Get("Physics");
327 if ( !T || T->IsZombie() ) throw -16;
328 EventHeader *eh = 0;
329 PscuHeader *ph = 0;
330 T->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh);
331 nevent = T->GetEntries();
332 //
333 T->GetEntry(0);
334 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
335 pktfirst = ph->GetCounter();
336 obtfirst = ph->GetOrbitalTime();
337 //
338 // code = eh->GetCounter();
339 // UInt_t en = 0;
340 // for(Iter = packetsNames.begin(); Iter != packetsNames.end(); Iter++){
341 // en = code->Get(GetPacketType(*Iter));
342 // if ( en ) printf(" Packet type is %s, entries: %i \n",*Iter,en);
343 //};
344 //
345 T->GetEntry(nevent-1);
346 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
347 pktlast = ph->GetCounter();
348 obtlast = ph->GetOrbitalTime();
349 //
350 upperpkt = PKT(pktlast);
351 upperobt = OBT(obtlast);
352 upperentry = nevent-1;
353 //
354 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" First entries are: OBT %i pkt_num %i \n",obtfirst,pktfirst);
355 //
356 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Last entries are: OBT %lld pkt_num %lld entry %i\n",upperobt,upperpkt,upperentry);
357 //
358 if ( (PKT(pktlast) < PKT(pktfirst) && OBT(obtlast) > OBT(obtfirst)) || (PKT(pktlast) > PKT(pktfirst) && OBT(obtlast) < OBT(obtfirst)) ) return(1);
359 //
360 if ( !nevent ) return(2);
361 //
362 if ( nevent < 2 ) return(4);
363 //
364 if ( (PKT(pktlast) < PKT(pktfirst) && OBT(obtlast) < OBT(obtfirst)) || (labs(PKT(pktlast)-PKT(pktfirst))<deltapkt && labs(OBT(obtlast)-OBT(obtfirst))<deltaobt) ){
365 //
366 // go back
367 zomp = nevent - 2;
368 //
369 while ( jump > 0 ){
370 //
371 t_pktlast = PKT(pktlast);
372 t_obtlast = OBT(obtlast);
373 //
374 for (UInt_t i = zomp; i>1; i-=jump){
375 //
376 if ( i >= 0 ) T->GetEntry(i);
377 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
378 upperpkt = PKT(ph->GetCounter());
379 upperobt = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime());
380 upperentry = i;
381 //
382 if ( (i-1) >= 0 ) T->GetEntry(i-1);
383 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
384 upperpkt2 = PKT(ph->GetCounter());
385 upperobt2 = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime());
386 //
387 if ( (t_pktlast < upperpkt && t_obtlast > upperobt) || (t_pktlast < upperpkt2 && t_obtlast > upperobt2) ){
388 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" .-. upperpkt2 %lld upperobt2 %lld \n",upperpkt2,upperobt2);
389 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" .-. upperpkt %lld t_pktlast %lld upperobt %lld t_obtlast %lld \n",upperpkt,t_pktlast,upperobt,t_obtlast);
390 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" .-. jump %i zomp %i upperpkt %lld pktlast %u upperobt %lld obtlast %u last entry is %i \n",jump,zomp,upperpkt,pktlast,upperobt,obtlast,i);
391 throw -13;
392 };
393 //
394 if ( t_pktlast < upperpkt && t_obtlast < upperobt && t_pktlast < upperpkt2 && t_obtlast < upperobt2 ){
395 zomp = i + jump + 1;
396 if ( zomp > nevent-2 ) zomp = nevent - 2;
397 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" .-. jump %i zomp %i upperpkt %lld pktlast %i upperobt %lld obtlast %u last entry is %i \n",jump,zomp,upperpkt,pktlast,upperobt,obtlast,i);
398 break;
399 };
400 //
401 t_pktlast = upperpkt;
402 t_obtlast = upperobt;
403 };
404 //
405 if ( jump == 1 ) jump = 0;
406 if ( jump == 10 ) jump = 1;
407 if ( jump == 100 ) jump = 10;
408 if ( jump == 1000 ) jump = 100;
409 if ( jump == 5000 ) jump = 1000;
410 if ( jump == 50000 ) jump = 5000;
411 //
412 };
413 //
414 };
415 //
416 // check if last runtrailer is within limits, if not extend limits (one should check for all packets but we need only runtrailer)
417 //
418 PacketType *pctp=0;
419 TTree *rh=(TTree*)file->Get("RunHeader");
420 if ( !rh || rh->IsZombie() ) throw -17;
421 TTree *rt=(TTree*)file->Get("RunTrailer");
422 if ( !rt || rt->IsZombie() ) throw -18;
423 //
424 rh->SetBranchAddress("RunHeader", &runh);
425 rh->SetBranchAddress("Header", &ehh);
426 //
427 rt->SetBranchAddress("RunTrailer", &runt);
428 rt->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eht);
429 //
430 rhev = rh->GetEntries();
431 rtev = rt->GetEntries();
432 Long64_t sobtt = 0LL;
433 Long64_t sobth = 0LL;
434 Long64_t spktt = 0LL;
435 Long64_t spkth = 0LL;
436 Long64_t pktt = 0LL;
437 Long64_t obtt = 0LL;
438 Long64_t pkth = 0LL;
439 Long64_t obth = 0LL;
440 //
441 T->GetEntry(upperentry);
442 code = eh->GetCounter();
443 Int_t lasttrail = code->Get(pctp->RunTrailer);
444 Int_t lasthead = code->Get(pctp->RunHeader);
445 if ( lasttrail < rtev ){
446 rt->GetEntry(lasttrail);
447 pht = eht->GetPscuHeader();
448 pktt = PKT(pht->GetCounter());
449 obtt = OBT(pht->GetOrbitalTime());
450 };
451 //
452 if ( lasthead < rhev ){
453 rh->GetEntry(lasthead);
454 phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader();
455 pkth = PKT(phh->GetCounter());
456 obth = OBT(phh->GetOrbitalTime());
457 };
458 //
459 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rhev before %i ph %lld upperp %lld oh %lld uppero %lld \n",rhev,pkth,upperpkt,obth,upperobt);
460 if ( pkth > upperpkt && obth > upperobt ){
461 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Upper limits extended to include last header: ph %lld upperp %lld oh %lld uppero %lld \n",pkth,upperpkt,obth,upperobt);
462 upperpkt = pkth;
463 upperobt = obth;
464 rhev = lasthead+1;
465 } else {
466 rhev = lasthead;
467 };
468 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rhev after %i ph %lld upperp %lld oh %lld uppero %lld \n",rhev,pkth,upperpkt,obth,upperobt);
469 //
470 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rtev beforev %i pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",rtev,pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt);
471 if ( pktt > upperpkt && obtt > upperobt ){
472 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Upper limits extended to include last trailer: pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt);
473 upperpkt = pktt;
474 upperobt = obtt;
475 rtev = lasttrail+1;
476 } else {
477 rtev = lasttrail;
478 };
479 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rtev after %i pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",rtev,pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt);
480 // goto kikko;
481 //
482 //
483 // Check if runtrailer/runheader are within lower limits
484 //
485 //
486 pkth = 0LL;
487 obth = 0LL;
488 spkth = 0LL;
489 sobth = 0LL;
490 for (Int_t k=0; k<rhev; k++){
491 if ( k > 0 ){
492 spkth = pkth;
493 sobth = obth;
494 };
495 rh->GetEntry(k);
496 phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader();
497 pkth = PKT(phh->GetCounter());
498 obth = OBT(phh->GetOrbitalTime());
499 //
500 // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" k %i rhev before %i ph %u upperp %u oh %u uppero %u \n",k,rhev,pkth,spkth,obth,sobth);
501 //
502 if ( pkth < spkth && obth < sobth ){
503 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" RH PROBLEMS determining the event repetition at the end of the file lasthead %i \n",rhev);
504 //
505 rhev = k-1;
506 rh->GetEntry(rhev);
507 pkth = spkth;
508 obth = sobth;
509 //
510 UInt_t evbefh = 0;
511 code = ehh->GetCounter();
512 evbefh = code->Get(pctp->Physics);
513 if ( evbefh >= 0 ){
514 T->GetEntry(evbefh);
515 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
516 t_pktlast = PKT(ph->GetCounter());
517 t_obtlast = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime());
518 if ( t_pktlast <= spkth && t_obtlast <= sobth ){ // jump
519 upperpkt = pkth;
520 upperobt = obth;
521 upperentry = evbefh-1;
522 } else {
523 while ( t_pktlast > spkth && t_obtlast > sobth && evbefh < nevent ){
524 evbefh++;
525 T->GetEntry(evbefh);
526 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
527 t_pktlast = PKT(ph->GetCounter());
528 t_obtlast = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime());
529 };
530 T->GetEntry(evbefh-1);
531 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
532 upperpkt = PKT(ph->GetCounter());
533 upperobt = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime());
534 upperentry = evbefh-1;
535 };
536 };
537 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rhev after %i ph %lld upperp %lld oh %lld uppero %lld \n",rhev,pkth,upperpkt,obth,upperobt);
538 goto kikko0;
539 };
540 };
541 kikko0:
542 //
543 //
544 //
545 pktt = 0LL;
546 obtt = 0LL;
547 spktt = 0LL;
548 sobtt = 0LL;
549 for (Int_t k=0; k<rtev; k++){
550 if ( k > 0 ){
551 spktt = pktt;
552 sobtt = obtt;
553 };
554 rt->GetEntry(k);
555 pht = eht->GetPscuHeader();
556 pktt = PKT(pht->GetCounter());
557 obtt = OBT(pht->GetOrbitalTime());
558 //
559 // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" k %i rtev beforev %i pt %i upperp %i ot %llu uppero %llu \n",k,rtev,pktt,spktt,obtt,sobtt);
560 //
561 if ( pktt < spktt && obtt < sobtt ){
562 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" RT PROBLEMS determining the event repetition at the end of the file lasttrail %i \n",rtev);
563 //
564 rtev = k-1;
565 rt->GetEntry(rtev);
566 pktt = spktt;
567 obtt = sobtt;
568 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" lasttrail %i pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",rtev,pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt);
569 //
570 UInt_t evbeft = 0;
571 code = eht->GetCounter();
572 evbeft = code->Get(pctp->Physics);
573 if ( evbeft >= 0 ){
574 T->GetEntry(evbeft);
575 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
576 t_pktlast = PKT(ph->GetCounter());
577 t_obtlast = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime());
578 if ( t_pktlast <= spktt && t_obtlast <= sobtt ){ // jump
579 upperpkt = pktt;
580 upperobt = obtt;
581 upperentry = evbeft-1;
582 } else {
583 while ( t_pktlast > spktt && t_obtlast > sobtt && evbeft < nevent ){
584 evbeft++;
585 T->GetEntry(evbeft);
586 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
587 t_pktlast = PKT(ph->GetCounter());
588 t_obtlast = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime());
589 };
590 T->GetEntry(evbeft-1);
591 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
592 upperpkt = PKT(ph->GetCounter());
593 upperobt = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime());
594 upperentry = evbeft-1;
595 };
596 };
597 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rtev after %i pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",rtev,pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt);
598 goto kikko;
599 // break;
600 //
601 };
602 //
603 };
604 //
605 kikko:
606 //
607 T->GetEntry(upperentry);
608 code = eh->GetCounter();
609 lasttrail = code->Get(pctp->RunTrailer);
610 lasthead = code->Get(pctp->RunHeader);
611 if ( lasttrail < rtev ){
612 rt->GetEntry(lasttrail);
613 pht = eht->GetPscuHeader();
614 pktt = PKT(pht->GetCounter());
615 obtt = OBT(pht->GetOrbitalTime());
616 };
617 //
618 if ( lasthead < rhev ){
619 rh->GetEntry(lasthead);
620 phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader();
621 pkth = PKT(phh->GetCounter());
622 obth = OBT(phh->GetOrbitalTime());
623 };
624 //
625 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rhev before %i ph %lld upperp %lld oh %lld uppero %lld \n",rhev,pkth,upperpkt,obth,upperobt);
626 if ( pkth > upperpkt && obth > upperobt ){
627 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Upper limits extended to include last header: ph %lld upperp %lld oh %lld uppero %lld \n",pkth,upperpkt,obth,upperobt);
628 upperpkt = pkth;
629 upperobt = obth;
630 rhev = lasthead+1;
631 } else {
632 rhev = lasthead;
633 };
634 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rhev after %i ph %lld upperp %lld oh %lld uppero %lld \n",rhev,pkth,upperpkt,obth,upperobt);
635 //
636 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rtev beforev %i pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",rtev,pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt);
637 if ( pktt > upperpkt && obtt > upperobt ){
638 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Upper limits extended to include last trailer: pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt);
639 upperpkt = pktt;
640 upperobt = obtt;
641 rtev = lasttrail+1;
642 } else {
643 rtev = lasttrail;
644 };
645 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rtev after %i pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",rtev,pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt);
646 //
647 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Upper limits are: OBT %lld pkt_num %lld upper entry %i \n",upperobt,upperpkt,upperentry);
648 //
649 return(0);
650 }
652 /**
653 *
654 * Trick to have unique RUN ID numbers even when runs are deleted and mysql deamon restarted.
655 * Entries in the _RUNID_GEN table are never deleted.
656 *
657 **/
658 UInt_t PamelaDBOperations::AssignRunID(){
659 //
660 TSQLResult *result = 0;
661 TSQLRow *row = 0;
662 UInt_t runid = 0;
663 //
664 stringstream oss;
665 //
666 oss.str("");
668 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
669 if ( !result ) throw -10;
670 oss.str("");
672 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
673 if ( !result ) throw -10;
674 //
675 row = result->Next();
676 //
677 if ( !row ) throw -28;
678 //
679 runid = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0));
680 //
681 return(runid);
682 };
684 //
685 // GETTERS
686 //
688 /**
689 *
690 * Returns the DB absolute time needed to associate calibrations to data
691 *
692 */
693 UInt_t PamelaDBOperations::GetAbsTime(UInt_t obt){
694 //
695 return(((UInt_t)(OBT(obt)/1000)+toffset));
696 //
697 };
699 /**
700 *
701 * List of packet types (just to make easily the loops)
702 *
703 */
704 const PacketType* PamelaDBOperations::GetPacketType(const char* type){
705 if ( !strcmp(type,"Pscu") ) return(PacketType::Pscu);
706 if ( !strcmp(type,"PhysEndRun") ) return(PacketType::PhysEndRun);
707 if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibCalPulse1") ) return(PacketType::CalibCalPulse1);
708 if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibCalPulse2") ) return(PacketType::CalibCalPulse2);
709 if ( !strcmp(type,"Physics") ) return(PacketType::Physics);
710 if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibTrkBoth") ) return(PacketType::CalibTrkBoth);
711 if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibTrk1") ) return(PacketType::CalibTrk1);
712 if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibTrk2") ) return(PacketType::CalibTrk2);
713 if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibTof") ) return(PacketType::CalibTof);
714 if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibS4") ) return(PacketType::CalibS4);
715 if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibCalPed") ) return(PacketType::CalibCalPed);
716 if ( !strcmp(type,"Calib1_Ac1") ) return(PacketType::Calib1_Ac1);
717 if ( !strcmp(type,"Calib2_Ac1") ) return(PacketType::Calib2_Ac1);
718 if ( !strcmp(type,"Calib1_Ac2") ) return(PacketType::Calib1_Ac2);
719 if ( !strcmp(type,"Calib2_Ac2") ) return(PacketType::Calib2_Ac2);
720 if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibCal") ) return(PacketType::CalibCal);
721 if ( !strcmp(type,"RunHeader") ) return(PacketType::RunHeader);
722 if ( !strcmp(type,"RunTrailer") ) return(PacketType::RunTrailer);
723 if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibHeader") ) return(PacketType::CalibHeader);
724 if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibTrailer") ) return(PacketType::CalibTrailer);
725 if ( !strcmp(type,"InitHeader") ) return(PacketType::InitHeader);
726 if ( !strcmp(type,"InitTrailer") ) return(PacketType::InitTrailer);
727 if ( !strcmp(type,"EventTrk") ) return(PacketType::EventTrk);
728 if ( !strcmp(type,"Log") ) return(PacketType::Log);
729 if ( !strcmp(type,"VarDump") ) return(PacketType::VarDump);
730 if ( !strcmp(type,"ArrDump") ) return(PacketType::ArrDump);
731 if ( !strcmp(type,"TabDump") ) return(PacketType::TabDump);
732 if ( !strcmp(type,"Tmtc") ) return(PacketType::Tmtc);
733 if ( !strcmp(type,"Mcmd") ) return(PacketType::Mcmd);
734 if ( !strcmp(type,"ForcedFECmd") ) return(PacketType::ForcedFECmd);
735 if ( !strcmp(type,"Ac1Init") ) return(PacketType::Ac1Init);
736 if ( !strcmp(type,"CalInit") ) return(PacketType::CalInit);
737 if ( !strcmp(type,"TrkInit") ) return(PacketType::TrkInit);
738 if ( !strcmp(type,"TofInit") ) return(PacketType::TofInit);
739 if ( !strcmp(type,"TrgInit") ) return(PacketType::TrgInit);
740 if ( !strcmp(type,"NdInit") ) return(PacketType::NdInit);
741 if ( !strcmp(type,"S4Init") ) return(PacketType::S4Init);
742 if ( !strcmp(type,"Ac2Init") ) return(PacketType::Ac2Init);
743 if ( !strcmp(type,"CalAlarm") ) return(PacketType::CalAlarm);
744 if ( !strcmp(type,"Ac1Alarm") ) return(PacketType::Ac1Alarm);
745 if ( !strcmp(type,"TrkAlarm") ) return(PacketType::TrkAlarm);
746 if ( !strcmp(type,"TrgAlarm") ) return(PacketType::TrgAlarm);
747 if ( !strcmp(type,"TofAlarm") ) return(PacketType::TofAlarm);
748 if ( !strcmp(type,"S4Alarm") ) return(PacketType::S4Alarm);
749 if ( !strcmp(type,"Ac2Alarm") ) return(PacketType::Ac2Alarm);
750 if ( !strcmp(type,"TsbT") ) return(PacketType::TsbT);
751 if ( !strcmp(type,"TsbB") ) return(PacketType::TsbB);
752 return(PacketType::Invalid);
753 };
755 //
757 //
759 // /**
760 // * Open the ROOT filename for reading
761 // */
762 // void PamelaDBOperations::OpenFile(){
763 // file = TFile::Open(this->GetRootName().Data());
764 // //
766 void PamelaDBOperations::CheckFile(){
767 if ( !file ) throw -12;
768 };
771 /**
772 * Check if LEVEL0 file and DB connection have really be opened
773 */
774 void PamelaDBOperations::CheckConnection(){
775 //
776 // check connection
777 //
778 if( !conn ) throw -1;
779 bool connect = conn->IsConnected();
780 if( !connect ) throw -1;
781 if ( !dworbit && strcmp(this->GetRootName().Data(),"") ) throw -27;
782 //
783 // set DB timezone to UTC
784 //
785 stringstream oss;
786 //
787 oss.str("");
788 oss << "SET time_zone='+0:00';";
789 TSQLResult *result = 0;
790 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
791 if ( !result ) throw -10;
792 //
793 };
795 /**
796 * Return the correct packet number if we went back to zero
797 */
798 Long64_t PamelaDBOperations::PKT(UInt_t pkt_num){
799 //
800 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" pkt conversion: pkt_num is %u pktfirst is %u (UInt_t)(16777214/2)) is %u \n",pkt_num,pktfirst,(UInt_t)(16777214/2));
801 //
802 if ( pkt_num < (pktfirst/2) && pktfirst > (16777214/2) ){
803 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rise up pktnum %lld \n",(Long64_t)pkt_num+16777215LL);
804 return((Long64_t)pkt_num+16777215LL);
805 };
806 //
807 if ( pkt_num > pktfirst*2 && pkt_num > (16777214/2) ){
808 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rise down pktnum %lld \n",(Long64_t)pkt_num-16777215LL);
809 return((Long64_t)pkt_num-16777215LL);
810 };
811 //
812 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" as it is %lld \n",(Long64_t)pkt_num);
813 return((Long64_t)pkt_num);
814 //
815 };
817 /**
818 * Return the correct On Board Time if we went back to zero
819 */
820 Long64_t PamelaDBOperations::OBT(UInt_t obt){
821 //
822 if ( obt < (obtfirst/2) && obtfirst > (numeric_limits<UInt_t>::max()/2) ) return((Long64_t)(obt+numeric_limits<UInt_t>::max()));
823 //
824 if ( obt > (obtfirst*2) && obt > (numeric_limits<UInt_t>::max()/2) ){
825 return((Long64_t)obt-(Long64_t)numeric_limits<UInt_t>::max());
826 };
827 //
828 return((Long64_t)obt);
829 };
831 /**
832 *
833 * Fill the glrun class with infos about the run when we have both runtrailer and runheader
834 *
835 */
836 void PamelaDBOperations::FillClass(){
837 this->FillClass(false,false,0,0);
838 };
840 /**
841 *
842 * Fill the glrun class with infos about the run when we have both runtrailer and runheader
843 *
844 */
845 void PamelaDBOperations::FillClass(Bool_t mishead, Bool_t mistrail, UInt_t firstev, UInt_t lastev){
846 //
847 TTree *T = 0;
848 T = (TTree*)file->Get("Physics");
849 if ( !T || T->IsZombie() ) throw -16;
850 //
851 EventHeader *eh = 0;
852 PscuHeader *ph = 0;
853 T->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh);
854 PacketType *pctp=0;
855 EventCounter *codt=0;
856 EventCounter *codh=0;
857 UInt_t firstObt = 0;
858 UInt_t lastObt = 0;
859 UInt_t firstPkt = 0;
860 UInt_t lastPkt = 0;
861 UInt_t rhtime = 0;
862 UInt_t rttime = 0;
863 if ( !mishead ){
864 codh = ehh->GetCounter();
865 firstev = codh->Get(pctp->Physics);
866 rhtime = this->GetAbsTime(phh->GetOrbitalTime());
867 glrun->Set_GL_RUNH(runh,phh);
868 firstObt = glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT();
869 firstPkt = glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT();
870 };
871 if ( !mistrail ){
872 codt = eht->GetCounter();
873 lastev = codt->Get(pctp->Physics)-1;
874 rttime = this->GetAbsTime(pht->GetOrbitalTime());
875 glrun->Set_GL_RUNT(runt,pht);
876 lastObt = glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT();
877 lastPkt = glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT();
878 };
879 //
880 if ( mishead && mistrail && lastev+1 == firstev ) throw -14; // run with no events, no runtrailer, no runheader... unsupported should never arrive here
881 //
882 if ( mishead ) {
883 glrun->Set_GL_RUNH0();
884 //
885 if ( lastev+1 == firstev ){
886 firstObt = lastObt;
887 firstPkt = lastPkt;
888 rhtime = rttime;
889 } else {
890 T->GetEntry(firstev);
891 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
892 firstObt = ph->GetOrbitalTime();
893 rhtime = this->GetAbsTime(firstObt);
894 firstPkt = ph->GetCounter();
895 };
896 //
897 glrun->SetRUNHEADER_PKT(firstPkt);
898 glrun->SetRUNHEADER_OBT(firstObt);
899 //
900 };
901 if ( mistrail ){
902 glrun->Set_GL_RUNT0();
903 //
904 if ( lastev+1 == firstev ){
905 lastObt = firstObt;
906 lastPkt = firstPkt;
907 rttime = rhtime;
908 } else {
909 T->GetEntry(lastev);
910 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
911 lastObt = ph->GetOrbitalTime();
912 rttime = this->GetAbsTime(lastObt);
913 lastPkt = ph->GetCounter();
914 };
915 //
916 glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_OBT(lastObt);
917 glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_PKT(lastPkt);
918 //
919 };
920 glrun->SetEV_FROM(firstev);
921 glrun->SetEV_TO(lastev);
922 glrun->SetNEVENTS(lastev-firstev+1);
923 //
924 this->SetCommonGLRUN(rhtime,rttime);
925 //
926 };
928 //
930 //
932 /**
933 * Insert a new row into GL_RAW table.
934 */
935 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertPamelaRawFile(){
936 //
937 stringstream oss;
938 //
939 Bool_t idr = this->SetID_RAW();
940 if ( idr ) return(1);
941 //
942 oss.str("");
944 << this->GetRawPath().Data() << "', '" << this->GetRawFile().Data() << "')";
945 if ( conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()) == 0 ) throw -4;
946 //
947 idr = this->SetID_RAW();
948 if ( !idr ) throw -11;
949 //
950 return(0);
951 }
954 /**
955 * Look for one timesync information in the file and
956 * fill the GL_TIMESYNC table. It will look for: 1) TS-MCMD 2) TS info in the RunHeader 3) TS info in the runtrailer, if none exists exit with error
957 */
958 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertPamelaGL_TIMESYNC(){
959 //
960 TSQLResult *result = 0;
961 TSQLRow *row = 0;
962 UInt_t t0 = 0;
963 //
964 stringstream oss;
965 //
966 if ( this->GetID_RAW() == 0 ) throw -11;
967 //
968 oss.str("");
970 << this->GetRawFile().Data() << "';";
971 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
972 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
973 if ( !result ) throw -10;
974 row = result->Next();
975 //
976 if ( !row ){
977 oss.str("");
979 << dworbit << " order by FROM_ORBIT desc limit 1;";
980 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
981 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
982 if ( !result ) throw -10;
983 row = result->Next();
984 if ( !row ) throw -10;
985 };
986 //
987 TTimeStamp tu = TTimeStamp((UInt_t)atoi(row->GetField(0)),(UInt_t)atoi(row->GetField(1)),(UInt_t)atoi(row->GetField(2)),(UInt_t)atoi(row->GetField(3)),(UInt_t)atoi(row->GetField(4)),(UInt_t)atoi(row->GetField(5)),0,true,0);
988 t0 = (UInt_t)tu.GetSec();
989 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" t0 is %u ti is %s %s %s %s %s %s\n",t0,row->GetField(0),row->GetField(1),row->GetField(2),row->GetField(3),row->GetField(4),row->GetField(5));
990 //
991 /*
992 * Verify that the TIMESYNC have been not already processed
993 */
994 oss.str("");
996 << " LEFT JOIN GL_RAW "
998 << " WHERE GL_TIMESYNC.ID_RAW = " << this->GetID_RAW()
1000 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" check for old timesync: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
1001 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
1002 if (result == NULL) throw -10;
1003 row = result->Next();
1004 if ((row != NULL) && ((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)) > 0)){
1005 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" found a timesync t0 is %u \n",t0);
1006 toffset = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2)) - (UInt_t)(this->OBT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)))/1000) + t0;
1007 //
1008 tsync = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2));
1009 obt0 = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1));
1010 //
1011 return(1);
1012 };
1013 //
1014 TTree *T = 0;
1015 Int_t signal = 0;
1016 //
1017 UInt_t nevent = 0;
1018 UInt_t recEntries = 0;
1019 //
1020 UInt_t OBT = 0;
1021 UInt_t TYPE = 0;
1022 //
1023 Double_t minimum = 0.;
1024 Double_t maximum = 0.;
1025 Double_t minimum2 = 0.;
1026 Double_t maximum2 = 0.;
1027 //
1028 UInt_t TSYNC = 0;
1029 //
1030 pamela::McmdEvent *mc = 0;
1031 pamela::McmdRecord *mcrc = 0;
1032 TArrayC *mcmddata = 0;
1033 //
1034 minimum = numeric_limits<Double_t>::max();
1035 maximum = numeric_limits<Double_t>::min();
1036 minimum2 = numeric_limits<Double_t>::max();
1037 maximum2 = numeric_limits<Double_t>::min();
1038 //
1039 T = (TTree*)file->Get("Mcmd");
1040 if ( !T || T->IsZombie() ) throw -19;
1041 T->SetBranchAddress("Mcmd",&mc);
1042 //
1043 nevent = T->GetEntries();
1044 //
1045 // loop over events
1046 //
1047 Bool_t existsts = false;
1048 //
1049 for (UInt_t i=0; i<nevent;i++){
1050 //
1051 T->GetEntry(i);
1052 //
1053 recEntries = mc->Records->GetEntries();
1054 //
1055 for (UInt_t j = 0; j < recEntries; j++){
1056 mcrc = (pamela::McmdRecord*)mc->Records->At(j);
1057 mcmddata = mcrc->McmdData;
1058 //
1059 if (mcrc->ID1 == 0xE0){ // mcmd timesync
1060 //
1061 OBT = (Int_t)(mcrc->MCMD_RECORD_OBT);
1062 //
1063 TSYNC = (((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(0)<<24)&0xFF000000) + (((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(1)<<16)&0x00FF0000) + (((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(2)<<8)&0x0000FF00) + (((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(3))&0x000000FF);
1064 //
1065 TYPE = 55;//224;
1066 //
1067 if ( IsDebug() ) printf("mcmd tsync %i tsync %u obt %u \n",i,TSYNC,OBT);
1068 //
1069 if ( TSYNC && OBT ){
1070 existsts = true;
1071 goto eout;
1072 };
1073 //
1074 };
1075 };
1076 };
1077 if ( !existsts ) { // try with runheader and runtrailer
1078 //
1079 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No ts mcmd \n");
1080 signal = 2;
1081 //
1082 TTree *rh=(TTree*)file->Get("RunHeader");
1083 if ( !rh || rh->IsZombie() ) throw -17;
1084 TTree *rt=(TTree*)file->Get("RunTrailer");
1085 if ( !rt || rt->IsZombie() ) throw -18;
1086 //
1087 rh->SetBranchAddress("RunHeader", &runh);
1088 //
1089 rt->SetBranchAddress("RunTrailer", &runt);
1090 //
1091 Int_t nrhev = rh->GetEntries();
1092 Int_t nrtev = rt->GetEntries();
1093 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ou nevent %i rhev %i rtev %i \n",nevent,nrhev,nrtev);
1094 //
1095 if ( nrhev > 0 ){
1096 for (Int_t i=0; i<nrhev; i++){
1097 //
1098 rh->GetEntry(i);
1099 //
1101 OBT = runh->OBT_TIME_SYNC * 1000;
1102 //
1103 TYPE = 20;
1104 //
1105 if ( IsDebug() ) printf("runheader %i tsync %u obt %u \n",i,TSYNC,OBT);
1106 //
1107 if ( TSYNC && OBT ){
1108 existsts = true;
1109 goto eout;
1110 };
1111 };
1112 //
1113 };
1114 if ( nrtev > 0 ){
1115 //
1116 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No runheader \n");
1117 signal = 6;
1118 //
1119 for (Int_t i=0; i<nrtev; i++){
1120 //
1121 rt->GetEntry(i);
1122 //
1124 OBT = runt->OBT_TYME_SYNC * 1000;
1125 //
1126 TYPE = 21;
1127 //
1128 if ( IsDebug() ) printf("runtrailer %i tsync %u obt %u \n",i,TSYNC,OBT);
1129 //
1130 if ( TSYNC && OBT ){
1131 existsts = true;
1132 goto eout;
1133 };
1134 };
1135 //
1136 } else {
1137 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No runheader \n");
1138 };
1139 };
1140 //
1141 if ( !existsts ){ // try with inclination mcmd
1142 //
1143 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No runtrailer \n");
1144 signal = 14;
1145 //
1146 Double_t timesync = 0.;
1147 for (UInt_t i=0; i<nevent;i++){
1148 //
1149 T->GetEntry(i);
1150 //
1151 recEntries = mc->Records->GetEntries();
1152 // //
1153 for (UInt_t j = 0; j < recEntries; j++){
1154 mcrc = (pamela::McmdRecord*)mc->Records->At(j);
1155 mcmddata = mcrc->McmdData;
1156 //
1157 if (mcrc->ID1 == 0xE2){ // mcmd inclination
1158 timesync = 0.;
1159 timesync = (Double_t)(((((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(0) << 24) & 0xFF000000) + (((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(1) << 16) & 0x00FF0000) + (((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(2) << 8) & 0x0000FF00) + ((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(3) & 0x000000FF))/128.0);
1160 //
1161 if ( timesync > maximum2){
1162 maximum2 = timesync;
1163 OBT = (Int_t)(mcrc->MCMD_RECORD_OBT);
1164 };
1165 };
1166 //
1167 };
1168 };
1169 if ( maximum2 > numeric_limits<Double_t>::min() ){
1170 TSYNC = (UInt_t)(maximum2 + 0.5);
1171 TYPE = 666;
1172 if ( TSYNC && OBT ){
1173 existsts = true;
1174 goto eout;
1175 };
1176 };
1177 };
1178 //
1179 if ( !existsts && obt0 ){ // insert timesync by hand
1180 //
1181 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No incl mcmd \n");
1182 signal = 30;
1183 //
1184 OBT = obt0;
1185 TSYNC = tsync;
1186 TYPE = 999;
1187 existsts = true;
1188 goto eout;
1189 };
1190 //
1191 eout:
1192 //
1193 if ( !existsts ) throw -3;
1194 //
1195 oss.str("");
1197 << this->GetID_RAW() << "','"//224'"
1198 << dec << (UInt_t)TYPE << "','"
1199 << dec << (UInt_t)OBT << "','"
1200 << dec << (UInt_t)TSYNC << "');";
1201 conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
1202 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Query the GL_TIMESYNC table to fill it:\n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
1203 //
1204 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" found a timesync t0 is %u \n",t0);
1205 toffset = (UInt_t)TSYNC - (UInt_t)(this->OBT(OBT)/1000) + t0;
1206 //
1207 tsync = TSYNC;
1208 obt0 = OBT;
1209 //
1210 delete result;
1211 return(signal);
1212 }
1214 /**
1215 * Insert all the new rows into GL_ROOT.
1216 * The raw file indicates in the parameters should be already been stored in the database.
1217 */
1218 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertPamelaRootFile(){
1219 stringstream oss;
1220 TSQLResult *result = 0;
1221 TSQLRow *row = 0;
1222 UInt_t idtimesync = 0;
1223 //
1224 oss.str("");
1226 << " LEFT JOIN GL_ROOT "
1227 << " ON GL_RAW.ID = GL_ROOT.ID_RAW "
1228 << " WHERE GL_RAW.PATH = '" << this->GetRawPath().Data() << "' AND "
1229 << " GL_RAW.NAME = '" << this->GetRawFile().Data() << "' GROUP BY GL_RAW.ID ";
1230 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
1231 //
1232 if ( !result ) throw -12;
1233 //
1234 row = result->Next();
1235 //
1236 if ( !row ) throw -10;
1237 if ( row != NULL && (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0))>0 ){
1238 idroot = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2));
1239 return(1);
1240 };
1241 //
1242 // determine which timesync has to be used
1243 //
1244 oss.str("");
1246 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
1247 //
1248 if ( !result ) throw -3;
1249 //
1250 row = result->Next();
1251 //
1252 if ( !row ) throw -3;
1253 idtimesync = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0));
1254 //
1255 oss.str("");
1257 << this->GetID_RAW() << "', '" << idtimesync << "', '" << this->GetRootPath().Data() << "', '" << this->GetRootFile().Data() << "')";
1258 //
1259 if (conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()) == 0) throw -4;
1260 //
1261 delete result;
1262 //
1263 oss.str("");
1264 oss << "SELECT ID FROM GL_ROOT WHERE ID_RAW=" << this->GetID_RAW() << ";";
1265 //
1266 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
1267 if ( !result ) throw -12;
1268 row = result->Next();
1269 this->SetID_ROOT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)));
1270 //
1271 delete result;
1272 //
1273 return(0);
1274 }
1276 /**
1277 * Assign the BOOT_NUMBER to the raw file.
1278 */
1279 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::assignBOOT_NUMBER(){
1280 stringstream oss;
1281 TSQLResult *result = 0;
1282 TSQLRow *row = 0;
1283 oss.str("");
1285 << " PATH = '" << this->GetRawPath().Data() << "' AND "
1286 << " NAME = '" << this->GetRawFile().Data() << "' ";
1287 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
1288 //
1289 if ( !result ) throw -4;;
1290 row = result->Next();
1291 if ( !row ) return(16);
1292 if ( row->GetField(1) ){
1293 this->SetBOOTnumber((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)));
1294 return(1);
1295 };
1296 if ( !row->GetField(0) ) throw -26;
1297 //
1298 UInt_t idRaw = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0));
1299 //
1300 //
1301 //
1302 TTree *trDumpEv = 0;
1303 trDumpEv = (TTree*)file->Get("VarDump");
1304 if ( !trDumpEv || trDumpEv->IsZombie() ) throw -20;
1305 //
1306 VarDumpEvent *vde = 0;
1307 VarDumpRecord *vdr = 0;
1308 //
1309 Bool_t found = false;
1310 trDumpEv->SetBranchAddress("VarDump", &vde);
1311 if ( trDumpEv->GetEntries() > 0 ){
1312 found = false;
1313 for ( Int_t i = 0; i < trDumpEv->GetEntries(); i++){
1314 trDumpEv->GetEntry(i);
1315 // vde->Records->GetEntries();
1316 if ( vde->Records->GetEntries()>5 ){
1317 found = true;
1318 goto fill;
1319 };
1320 };
1321 fill:
1322 if ( found ){
1323 //
1324 vdr = (VarDumpRecord*)vde->Records->At(6);
1325 //
1326 this->SetBOOTnumber((Int_t)vdr->VAR_VALUE);
1327 //
1328 } else {
1329 if ( !this->GetBOOTnumber() && !this->AutoBoot()) return(4);
1330 };
1331 } else {
1332 if ( !this->GetBOOTnumber() && !this->AutoBoot()) return(2);
1333 };
1334 //
1335 UInt_t bn = 0;
1336 Bool_t afound = false;
1337 if ( !found && this->AutoBoot()){
1338 afound = true;
1339 //
1340 // Search for other files with similar timesync
1341 //
1342 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" tsync %u obt0 %u \n",tsync,obt0);
1343 UInt_t upperts = tsync-(obt0/1000)+5;
1344 UInt_t lowerts = tsync-(obt0/1000)-5;
1345 oss.str("");
1347 << upperts
1348 << " AND TIMESYNC-(OBT0/1000)>"
1349 << lowerts
1351 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
1352 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Query the GL_TIMESYNC table to find boot number:\n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
1353 //
1354 if ( !result ) throw -4;;
1355 found = true;
1356 if ( result->GetRowCount()<3 ){
1357 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" AGH! no results!\n");
1358 found = false;
1359 } else {
1360 row = result->Next();
1361 bn = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0));
1362 for ( Int_t r=1; r<result->GetRowCount() ;r++){
1363 if ( !row ) throw -4;
1364 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" BOOT number is %s \n",row->GetField(0));
1365 if ( bn != (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)) ){
1366 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" AGH! bn = %u here instead %u \n",bn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)));
1367 found = false;
1368 };
1369 row = result->Next();
1370 };
1371 };
1372 };
1373 //
1374 Int_t sgn = 0;
1375 //
1376 if ( !found ){
1377 throw -29;
1378 } else {
1379 if ( afound ){
1380 this->SetBOOTnumber(bn);
1381 sgn = 8;
1382 };
1383 };
1384 //
1385 oss.str("");
1386 oss << " UPDATE GL_RAW "
1387 << " SET GL_RAW.BOOT_NUMBER = '" << dec << this->GetBOOTnumber() << "'"
1388 << " WHERE GL_RAW.ID = '" << idRaw << "'";
1389 conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
1390 //
1391 delete result;
1392 return(sgn);
1393 };
1395 /**
1396 * Scan runtrailer packet, fill the GL_RUN table and
1397 * check for missing and truncated runs
1398 */
1399 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertPamelaRUN(){
1400 Int_t signal = 0;
1401 //
1402 stringstream oss;
1403 oss.str("");
1404 //
1405 signal = this->SetUpperLimits();
1406 //
1407 // loop on runheader and runtrailer events
1408 //
1409 TTree *rh=(TTree*)file->Get("RunHeader");
1410 if ( !rh || rh->IsZombie() ) throw -17;
1411 TTree *rt=(TTree*)file->Get("RunTrailer");
1412 if ( !rt || rt->IsZombie() ) throw -18;
1413 //
1414 PacketType *pctp=0;
1415 EventCounter *cod=0;
1416 //
1417 rh->SetBranchAddress("RunHeader", &runh);
1418 rh->SetBranchAddress("Header", &ehh);
1419 //
1420 rt->SetBranchAddress("RunTrailer", &runt);
1421 rt->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eht);
1422 //
1423 UInt_t obtt = 0;
1424 UInt_t obth = 0;
1425 UInt_t pktt = 0;
1426 UInt_t pkth = 0;
1427 Int_t pth = -1;
1428 Int_t ptht = -1;
1429 Int_t evbeft = 0;
1430 Int_t evbefh = 0;
1431 //
1432 // no runtrailers in the file!
1433 //
1434 if ( !rtev ){
1435 if ( !upperentry ){
1436 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No physics events nor runs in the file \n");
1437 throw -8;
1438 } else {
1439 this->HandleRunFragments(true,true,0,upperentry);
1440 };
1441 } else {
1442 //
1443 for (Int_t ptt=0; ptt<rtev; ptt++){
1444 //
1445 rt->GetEntry(ptt);
1446 pht = eht->GetPscuHeader();
1447 pktt = pht->GetCounter();
1448 obtt = pht->GetOrbitalTime();
1449 //
1450 cod = eht->GetCounter();
1451 ptht = cod->Get(pctp->RunHeader) - 1;
1452 evbeft = cod->Get(pctp->Physics);
1453 //
1454 if ( !ptt && !(ptht+1) ){
1455 //
1456 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Piece of run at the beginning of the file %i %i %i \n",ptht,pth,ptt);
1457 //
1458 this->HandleRunFragments(true,false,0,(evbeft-1));
1459 //
1460 //
1461 } else if ( pth == ptht ){
1462 //
1463 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Missing header %i %i %i\n",ptht,pth,ptt);
1464 //
1465 if ( (ptt-1) < 0 ) throw -15; // should never arrive here!
1466 rt->GetEntry(ptt-1);
1467 cod = eht->GetCounter();
1468 evbefh = cod->Get(pctp->Physics);
1469 rt->GetEntry(ptt);
1470 pht = eht->GetPscuHeader();
1471 //
1472 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Try to find the beginning of a run which has only the runtrailer %i %i %i \n",ptht,pth,ptt);
1473 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' %i %i %i \n",pkth,obth,obtt);
1474 //
1475 this->HandleMissingHoT(true,false,evbefh,evbeft-1);
1476 //
1477 } else {
1478 //
1479 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Could be a good run, we have a runheader followed by a runtrailer %i %i %i\n",ptht,pth,ptt);
1480 //
1481 rh->GetEntry(ptht);
1482 phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader();
1483 pkth = phh->GetCounter();
1484 obth = phh->GetOrbitalTime();
1485 cod = ehh->GetCounter();
1486 evbefh = cod->Get(pctp->Physics);
1487 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' %i %i %i \n",pkth,obth,obtt);
1488 //
1489 // handle this run
1490 //
1491 this->HandleRun();
1492 //
1493 //
1494 //
1495 if ( PKT(pkth)>PKT(pktfirst) && OBT(obth)>OBT(obtfirst) && !ptt ){
1496 //
1497 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Piece of run at the beginning of the file WITH NO RUNTRAILER \n");
1498 //
1499 this->HandleRunFragments(true,true,0,(evbefh-1));
1500 //
1501 };
1502 //
1503 //
1504 if ( (ptht - pth) > 1 ){
1505 //
1506 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Missing runtrailers! \n");
1507 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Attention there is a jump in the runheader counter %i %i %i \n",ptht,pth,ptt);
1508 // is not the consecutive header
1509 while ( pth != ptht ){
1510 //
1511 // treat the header(s) in the middle and then go to the next header, repeat until you reach the correct header.
1512 //
1513 pth++;
1514 //
1515 rh->GetEntry(pth+1);
1516 phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader();
1517 pktt = phh->GetCounter();
1518 obtt = phh->GetOrbitalTime();
1519 cod = ehh->GetCounter();
1520 evbeft = cod->Get(pctp->Physics);
1521 rh->GetEntry(pth);
1522 phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader();
1523 cod = ehh->GetCounter();
1524 pkth = phh->GetCounter();
1525 obth = phh->GetOrbitalTime();
1526 evbefh = cod->Get(pctp->Physics);
1527 //
1528 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Try to find the end of a run which has only the runheader %i %i %i \n",ptht,pth,ptt);
1529 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' %i %i %i \n",pkth,obth,obtt);
1530 //
1531 this->HandleMissingHoT(false,true,evbefh,evbeft-1);
1532 //
1533 };
1534 //
1535 } else if ( !(ptht - pth) ){
1536 //
1537 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Missing runheader! \n");
1538 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Attention! the runheader counter did not changed %i %i %i \n",ptht,pth,ptt);
1539 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run should have already been handled by HandleRun() \n");
1540 //
1541 } else {
1542 //
1543 // go on with next header
1544 //
1545 pth = ptht;
1546 };
1547 //
1548 };
1549 //
1550 if ( ptt+1 == rtev){
1551 ptht++;
1552 if ( ptht < rhev ){
1553 rh->GetEntry(ptht);
1554 phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader();
1555 pkth = phh->GetCounter();
1556 obth = phh->GetOrbitalTime();
1557 cod = ehh->GetCounter();
1558 evbefh = cod->Get(pctp->Physics);
1559 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Piece of run at the end of file %i %i %i \n",pkth,obth,obtt);
1560 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' %i %i %i \n",ptht,pth,ptt);
1561 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' %i \n",rhev);
1562 //
1563 this->HandleRunFragments(false,true,evbefh,upperentry);
1564 } else {
1565 //
1566 // check if we have a fragment with no header
1567 //
1568 if ( (UInt_t)evbeft < upperentry-1 ){
1569 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Piece of run at the end of the file with NO RUNHEADER!\n");
1570 //
1571 if ( (ptt-1) < 0 ) throw -15; // should never arrive here!
1572 rt->GetEntry(ptt-1);
1573 cod = eht->GetCounter();
1574 evbefh = cod->Get(pctp->Physics);
1575 rt->GetEntry(ptt);
1576 pht = eht->GetPscuHeader();
1577 this->HandleRunFragments(true,true,evbefh,upperentry);
1578 };
1579 };
1580 };
1581 //
1582 };
1583 };
1584 //
1585 return(signal);
1586 };
1588 /**
1589 *
1590 * Check if the run has already been inserted
1591 *
1592 */
1593 Bool_t PamelaDBOperations::IsRunAlreadyInserted(){
1594 //
1595 TSQLResult *result = 0;
1596 TSQLRow *row = 0;
1597 //
1598 stringstream oss;
1599 oss.str("");
1600 //
1601 // the where clause is of the type: boot_number = _our_boot && (
1602 // ( runhead_time >= (_our_runhead_time-10) && runtrail_time <= (_our_runtrail_time+10) &&
1603 // ( runhead_obt >= _our_runheadobt || runhead_pkt >= _our_runheadpkt ) &&
1604 // ( runtrail_obt >= _our_runtrailobt || runtrail_pkt >= _our_runtrailpkt ) )
1605 // ||
1606 // ( runhead_time <= _our_runhead_time && runtrail_time >= _our_runtrail_time) &&
1607 // ( runhead_obt <= _our_runheadobt || runhead_pkt <= _our_runheadpkt ) &&
1608 // ( runtrail_obt <= _our_runtrailobt || runtrail_pkt <= _our_runtrailpkt ) )
1609 // )
1610 //
1612 << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND ("
1613 << " (RUNHEADER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME()-10) << " AND "
1614 << " RUNTRAILER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME()+10) << " AND ("
1615 << " RUNHEADER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR "
1616 << " RUNHEADER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND ("
1617 << " RUNTRAILER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR "
1618 << " RUNTRAILER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ) OR "
1619 << " (RUNHEADER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME() << " AND "
1620 << " RUNTRAILER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME() <<" AND ("
1621 << " RUNHEADER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR "
1622 << " RUNHEADER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND ("
1623 << " RUNTRAILER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR "
1624 << " RUNTRAILER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ));";
1625 //
1626 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" check if run has been inserted: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
1627 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
1628 //
1629 if ( !result ) throw -4;
1630 //
1631 row = result->Next();
1632 //
1633 if ( !row ){
1634 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run is new \n");
1635 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" -> fill the DB \n");
1636 return(false); // the file has not been inserted in the DB, go on.
1637 };
1638 //
1639 Bool_t signal = true;
1640 //
1641 while ( row != NULL ){
1642 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" A run exists with runheader and runtrailer time and packets compatible with this one \n");
1643 //
1644 // the run has already been inserted
1645 //
1646 // return(true); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< patch follows, uncomment here
1647 //
1648 // PATCH!
1649 // we keep the processing run if (in order of growing importance) 1) we have the runtrailer while the old run doesn't have it 2) we have the runheader
1650 // while the old run doesn't have it 3) we have more events than the old run
1651 //
1652 if ( glrun->GetNEVENTS() > (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)) ){
1653 //
1654 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The new run has more events than the old one \n");
1655 glrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN");
1656 // oss.str("");
1657 // oss << "DELETE FROM GL_RUN WHERE ID=" << row->GetField(0) <<";";
1658 // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" delete the run entry: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
1659 // conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
1660 if ( signal ) signal = false;
1661 goto gonext;
1662 //
1663 } else if ( glrun->GetNEVENTS() < (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)) ){
1664 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The new run has less events than the old one \n");
1665 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run is already inserted \n");
1666 goto gonext;
1667 };
1668 //
1669 if ( glrun->GetTRK_CALIB() && !(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2)) ){
1670 //
1671 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The new run has the same number of events and the runheader the old one miss the runheader \n");
1672 //
1673 glrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN");
1674 // oss.str("");
1675 // oss << "DELETE FROM GL_RUN WHERE ID=" << row->GetField(0) <<";";
1676 // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" delete the run entry: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
1677 // conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
1678 //
1679 if ( signal ) signal = false;
1680 goto gonext;
1681 } else if ( !glrun->GetTRK_CALIB() && (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2)) ){
1682 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The new run has the same number of events but miss the runheader the old has the runheader \n");
1683 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run is already inserted \n");
1684 goto gonext;
1685 };
1686 //
1687 if ( glrun->GetPKT_COUNTER() && !(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(3)) ){
1688 //
1689 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The new run has the same number of events, the runheader and the runtrailer the old one miss the runtrailer \n");
1690 //
1691 glrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN");
1692 // oss.str("");
1693 // oss << "DELETE FROM GL_RUN WHERE ID=" << row->GetField(0) <<";";
1694 // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" delete the run entry: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
1695 // conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
1696 if ( signal ) signal = false;
1697 //
1698 };
1699 //
1700 gonext:
1701 // END PATCH!
1702 //
1703 row = result->Next();
1704 //
1705 };
1706 //
1707 delete result;
1708 //
1709 if ( signal && IsDebug() ) printf(" The run has already been inserted \n");
1710 if ( !signal && IsDebug() ) printf(" The run existed and was deleted, fill the DB \n");
1711 return(signal);
1712 };
1714 /**
1715 * Handle runs which seems to be good ones.
1716 **/
1717 void PamelaDBOperations::HandleRun(){
1718 ULong64_t chkpkt = 0;
1719 ULong64_t pktt = (ULong64_t)PKT(pht->GetCounter());
1720 ULong64_t pkth = (ULong64_t)PKT(phh->GetCounter());
1721 //
1722 chkpkt = pkth + (ULong64_t)runt->PKT_COUNTER + 1ULL + 1ULL;
1723 //
1724 if ( labs(chkpkt-pktt)<2 ){
1725 //
1726 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" check %llu pktt %llu \n",chkpkt,pktt);
1727 //
1728 // it must be a good run, fill the db
1729 //
1730 this->FillClass();
1731 //
1732 if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){
1733 glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID());
1734 glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0);
1735 glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn);
1736 };
1737 } else {
1738 //
1739 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" oh no! the distance between runheader and runtrailer seems wrong: check %llu pktt %llu \n",chkpkt,pktt);
1740 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" try to recover run(s) without runheader and runtrailer between runheader and runtrailer\n");
1741 //
1742 this->HandleSuspiciousRun();
1743 //
1744 };
1745 //
1746 //
1747 return;
1748 };
1751 /**
1752 * Handle run fragments at the beginning or at the end of the file
1753 **/
1754 void PamelaDBOperations::HandleRunFragments(Bool_t mishead, Bool_t mistrail, UInt_t firstev, UInt_t lastev){
1755 //
1756 UInt_t rhfirstev = firstev;
1757 UInt_t rtlastev = lastev;
1758 Bool_t found = false;
1759 Bool_t foundinrun = false;
1760 //
1761 TSQLResult *result = 0;
1762 TSQLRow *row = 0;
1763 //
1764 stringstream oss;
1765 oss.str("");
1766 //
1767 // is the piece of run good (no other packets inside)?
1768 //
1769 if ( !this->IsRunConsistent(mishead,mistrail,firstev,lastev)){
1770 //
1771 // if not, handle other pieces and continue with the first one
1772 //
1773 if ( IsDebug() ) printf("The run is not consistent, it contains non-physics packets! The run has been handled \n");
1774 //
1775 };
1776 //
1777 // we have now the good first piece of a run, fill the glrun object
1778 //
1779 if ( rhfirstev != firstev && !mishead ) mishead = true;
1780 if ( rtlastev != lastev && !mistrail ) mistrail = true;
1781 //
1782 this->FillClass(mishead,mistrail,firstev,lastev);
1783 //
1784 if ( IsDebug() ) printf("The run is good, is it the other piece in the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table?\n");
1785 //
1786 // First of all insert the run in the fragment table...
1787 //
1788 oss.str("");
1790 << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND ("
1791 << " (RUNHEADER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME()-10) << " AND "
1792 << " RUNTRAILER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME()+10) << " AND ("
1793 << " RUNHEADER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR "
1794 << " RUNHEADER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND ("
1795 << " RUNTRAILER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR "
1796 << " RUNTRAILER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ) OR "
1797 << " (RUNHEADER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME() << " AND "
1798 << " RUNTRAILER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME() <<" AND ("
1799 << " RUNHEADER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR "
1800 << " RUNHEADER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND ("
1801 << " RUNTRAILER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR "
1802 << " RUNTRAILER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ));";
1803 //
1804 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" check if run has been inserted: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
1805 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
1806 //
1807 if ( !result ) throw -4;
1808 //
1809 row = result->Next();
1810 //
1811 if ( !row ){
1812 //
1813 // no, insert this run in the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table (check if exist before!)
1814 //
1815 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run is new \n");
1816 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" -> fill the GL_RUNFRAGMENTS table \n");
1817 //
1818 glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID());
1819 glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0);
1820 glrun->Fill_GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(conn);
1821 //
1822 } else {
1823 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run is already present in the fragment table \n");
1824 return;
1825 };
1826 //
1827 //
1828 // can we find the other piece of the run in the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table?
1829 //
1830 if ( mishead && rhfirstev == firstev ) { // look for runheader (only when at the beginning of the file, if at the end and the runh is
1831 // missing it no way we can found a piece in the frag table
1832 //
1833 oss.str("");
1835 << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND "
1836 << " RUNHEADER_TIME <= " << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME() << " AND "
1837 << " ID != " << glrun->ID
1839 //
1840 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" look for runheader in the fragments table: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
1841 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
1842 //
1843 if ( !result ) throw -4;
1844 //
1845 row = result->Next();
1846 //
1847 if ( !row && NoFrag() ){
1848 //
1849 oss.str("");
1851 << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND "
1852 << " RUNHEADER_TIME <= " << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME() << " AND "
1853 << " ID != " << glrun->ID
1855 //
1856 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" look for runheader in the GL_RUN table: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
1857 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
1858 //
1859 if ( !result ) throw -4;
1860 //
1861 foundinrun = true;
1862 //
1863 row = result->Next();
1864 //
1865 };
1866 //
1867 if ( !row ){
1868 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" the corresponding piece has NOT been found \n");
1869 found = false;
1870 } else {
1871 //
1872 found = false; // default value
1873 //
1874 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Found a possible candidate, checking if it is the good one... \n");
1875 //
1876 // if we have both runheader and runtrailer we can check with pkt_counter:
1877 //
1878 if ( !mistrail && (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)) != 0 ){
1879 ULong64_t chkpkt = 0;
1880 ULong64_t pktt = (ULong64_t)PKT(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT());
1881 ULong64_t pkth = (ULong64_t)PKT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(4)));
1882 //
1883 chkpkt = pkth + (ULong64_t)glrun->GetPKT_COUNTER() + 1ULL + 1ULL;
1884 //
1885 if ( labs(chkpkt-pktt)<2 ){
1886 //
1887 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" FOUND!!! check %llu pktt %llu \n",chkpkt,pktt);
1888 //
1889 found = true;
1890 //
1891 } else {
1892 //
1893 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The check with pkt counter failed: check %llu pktt %llu \n",chkpkt,pktt);
1894 //
1895 found = false;
1896 //
1897 };
1898 };
1899 if ( !found ){
1900 //
1901 // if we arrive here we were not able to decide if the two pieces matches using only the pkt counter information, we must check times and obts
1902 //
1903 ULong64_t chkpkt1 = 0;
1904 ULong64_t orunh1 = (ULong64_t)PKT(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT());
1905 ULong64_t dbrunt1 = (ULong64_t)PKT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(5)));
1906 chkpkt1 = labs(orunh1-dbrunt1);
1907 //
1908 ULong64_t chkpkt2 = 0;
1909 ULong64_t orunh2 = (ULong64_t)OBT(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT());
1910 ULong64_t dbrunt2 = (ULong64_t)OBT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(3)));
1911 chkpkt2 = labs(orunh2-dbrunt2);
1912 //
1913 ULong64_t chkpkt3 = 0;
1914 ULong64_t orunh3 = (ULong64_t)(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME());
1915 ULong64_t dbrunt3 = (ULong64_t)((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2)));
1916 chkpkt3 = labs(orunh3-dbrunt3);
1917 //
1918 if ( (chkpkt1 < 200 || chkpkt2 < 20000) && chkpkt3 < 20 ){
1919 // if ( chkpkt1 < 100 && chkpkt2 < 30000 && chkpkt3 < 30 ){
1920 //
1921 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" FOUND!!! check1 %llu<200 cechk2 %llu<20000 check3 %llu<20 \n",chkpkt1,chkpkt2,chkpkt3);
1922 //
1923 found = true;
1924 //
1925 } else {
1926 //
1927 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check failed: check1 %llu<200? cechk2 %llu<20000? check3 %llu<20? \n",chkpkt1,chkpkt2,chkpkt3);
1928 //
1929 found = false;
1930 //
1931 };
1932 };
1933 };
1934 //
1935 if ( found ){
1936 //
1937 // we have found the missing piece, glue the two together, merge the informations, fill the gl_run table (check first runs do not exists), delete entry in frag table
1938 //
1939 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" now you can handle the piece of the run \n ");
1940 //
1941 if ( foundinrun ){
1942 glrun->RestoreRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS");
1943 glrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN");
1944 };
1945 //
1946 GL_RUN *glrun1 = new GL_RUN();
1947 //
1948 // UInt_t idfrag = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0));
1949 //
1950 oss.str("");
1951 oss << " ID="<<row->GetField(0)<<";";
1952 //
1953 glrun1->Query_GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(oss.str().c_str(),conn); // here we have runheader infos
1954 //
1955 // merge infos
1956 //
1957 UInt_t apkt = PKT(glrun1->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT());
1958 ULong64_t aobt = OBT(glrun1->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT());
1959 UInt_t bpkt = PKT(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT());
1960 ULong64_t bobt = OBT(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT());
1961 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check overlapping events: %i %i %llu %llu firstev is %i\n",apkt,bpkt,aobt,bobt,firstev);
1962 TTree *T= 0;
1963 T = (TTree*)file->Get("Physics");
1964 if ( !T || T->IsZombie() ) throw -16;
1965 EventHeader *eh = 0;
1966 PscuHeader *ph = 0;
1967 T->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh);
1968 while ( apkt > bpkt && aobt > bobt && firstev < lastev ){
1969 T->GetEntry(firstev);
1970 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
1971 bpkt = PKT(ph->GetCounter());
1972 bobt = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime());
1973 firstev++;
1974 };
1975 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check overlapping events done: %i %i %llu %llu firstev is %i\n",apkt,bpkt,aobt,bobt,firstev);
1976 //
1977 glrun1->SetPKT_COUNTER(glrun->GetPKT_COUNTER());
1978 glrun1->SetPKT_READY_COUNTER(glrun->GetPKT_READY_COUNTER());
1979 glrun1->SetRUNTRAILER_TIME(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME());
1980 glrun1->SetRUNTRAILER_OBT(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT());
1981 glrun1->SetRUNTRAILER_PKT(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT());
1982 //
1983 glrun->SetEV_FROM(firstev);
1984 glrun->SetNEVENTS(lastev-firstev+1);
1985 //
1986 glrun->SetRUNHEADER_TIME(glrun1->GetRUNHEADER_TIME());
1987 glrun->SetRUNHEADER_OBT(glrun1->GetRUNHEADER_OBT());
1988 glrun->SetRUNHEADER_PKT(glrun1->GetRUNHEADER_PKT());
1990 glrun->SetFAV_WRK_SCHEDULE(glrun1->GetFAV_WRK_SCHEDULE());
1991 glrun->SetEFF_WRK_SCHEDULE(glrun1->GetEFF_WRK_SCHEDULE());
1992 glrun->SetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A(glrun1->GetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A());
1993 glrun->SetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B(glrun1->GetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B());
1994 glrun->SetACQ_BUILD_INFO(glrun1->GetACQ_BUILD_INFO());
1995 glrun->SetACQ_VAR_INFO(glrun1->GetACQ_VAR_INFO());
1996 glrun->SetRM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB(glrun1->GetRM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB());
1997 glrun->SetRM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE(glrun1->GetRM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE());
1998 glrun->SetTRK_CALIB_USED(glrun1->GetTRK_CALIB_USED());
1999 glrun->SetCAL_DSP_MASK(glrun1->GetCAL_DSP_MASK());
2000 glrun->SetLAST_TIMESYNC(glrun1->GetLAST_TIMESYNC());
2001 glrun->SetOBT_TIMESYNC(glrun1->GetOBT_TIMESYNC());
2002 //
2003 if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){
2004 //
2005 // glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID());
2006 glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(glrun1->GetID());
2007 glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn);
2008 //
2009 // set id number
2010 //
2011 glrun1->SetID_RUN_FRAG(glrun->GetID());
2012 glrun1->Fill_GL_RUN(conn);
2013 //
2014 };
2015 // delete old entry in fragment table
2016 //
2017 glrun->DeleteRun(conn,0,"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS");
2018 glrun1->DeleteRun(conn,0,"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS");
2019 //
2020 delete glrun1;
2021 //
2022 //
2023 return;
2024 //
2025 };
2026 //
2027 };
2028 //
2029 if ( mistrail && rtlastev == lastev ) { // look for runtrailer (only when at the end of the file, if at the beginning and the runh is
2030 // missing it no way we can found a piece in the frag table
2031 //
2032 oss.str("");
2034 << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND "
2035 << " RUNTRAILER_TIME >= " << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME() << " AND "
2036 << " ID != " << glrun->ID
2038 //
2039 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" look for runtrailer in the fragments table: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
2040 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
2041 //
2042 if ( !result ) throw -4;
2043 //
2044 row = result->Next();
2045 //
2046 if ( !row && NoFrag() ){
2047 //
2048 oss.str("");
2050 << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND "
2051 << " RUNTRAILER_TIME >= " << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME() << " AND "
2052 << " ID != " << glrun->ID
2054 //
2055 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" look for runheader in the GL_RUN table: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
2056 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
2057 //
2058 if ( !result ) throw -4;
2059 //
2060 foundinrun = true;
2061 row = result->Next();
2062 //
2063 };
2064 //
2065 if ( !row ){
2066 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" the corresponding piece has NOT been found \n");
2067 found = false;
2068 } else {
2069 //
2070 found = false; // default value
2071 //
2072 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Found a possible candidate, checking if it is the good one... \n");
2073 //
2074 // if we have both runheader and runtrailer we can check with pkt_counter:
2075 //
2076 if ( !mishead && (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)) != 0 ){
2077 ULong64_t chkpkt = 0;
2078 ULong64_t pktt = (ULong64_t)PKT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(4)));
2079 ULong64_t pkth = (ULong64_t)PKT(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT());
2080 //
2081 chkpkt = pkth + (ULong64_t)((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1))) + 1ULL + 1ULL;
2082 //
2083 if ( labs(chkpkt-pktt)<2 ){
2084 //
2085 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" FOUND!!! check %llu pktt %llu \n",chkpkt,pktt);
2086 //
2087 found = true;
2088 //
2089 } else {
2090 //
2091 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The check with pkt counter failed: check %llu pktt %llu \n",chkpkt,pktt);
2092 //
2093 found = false;
2094 //
2095 };
2096 };
2097 if ( !found ){
2098 //
2099 // if we arrive here we were not able to decide if the two pieces matches using only the pkt counter information, we must check times and obts
2100 //
2101 ULong64_t chkpkt1 = 0;
2102 ULong64_t orunh1 = (ULong64_t)PKT(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT());
2103 ULong64_t dbrunt1 = (ULong64_t)PKT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(5)));
2104 chkpkt1 = labs(orunh1-dbrunt1);
2105 //
2106 ULong64_t chkpkt2 = 0;
2107 ULong64_t orunh2 = (ULong64_t)OBT(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT());
2108 ULong64_t dbrunt2 = (ULong64_t)OBT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(3)));
2109 chkpkt2 = labs(orunh2-dbrunt2);
2110 //
2111 ULong64_t chkpkt3 = 0;
2112 ULong64_t orunh3 = (ULong64_t)(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME());
2113 ULong64_t dbrunt3 = (ULong64_t)((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2)));
2114 chkpkt3 = labs(orunh3-dbrunt3);
2115 //
2116 if ( (chkpkt1 < 200 || chkpkt2 < 20000) && chkpkt3 < 20 ){
2117 //
2118 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" FOUND!!! check1 %llu<200 cechk2 %llu<20000 check3 %llu<20 \n",chkpkt1,chkpkt2,chkpkt3);
2119 //
2120 found = true;
2121 //
2122 } else {
2123 //
2124 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check failed: check1 %llu<200? cechk2 %llu<20000? check3 %llu<20? \n",chkpkt1,chkpkt2,chkpkt3);
2125 //
2126 found = false;
2127 //
2128 };
2129 };
2130 };
2131 //
2132 if ( found ){
2133 //
2134 // we have found the missing piece, glue the two together, merge the informations, fill the gl_run table (check first runs do not exists), delete entry in frag table
2135 //
2136 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" now you can handle the piece of the run \n ");
2137 //
2138 if ( foundinrun ){
2139 glrun->RestoreRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS");
2140 glrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN");
2141 };
2142 //
2143 GL_RUN *glrun1 = new GL_RUN();
2144 //
2145 // UInt_t idfrag = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0));
2146 //
2147 oss.str("");
2148 oss << " ID="<<row->GetField(0)<<";";
2149 //
2150 glrun1->Query_GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(oss.str().c_str(),conn); // here we have runtrailer infos
2151 //
2152 // merge infos
2153 //
2154 UInt_t apkt = PKT(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT());
2155 ULong64_t aobt = OBT(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT());
2156 UInt_t bpkt = PKT(glrun1->GetRUNHEADER_PKT());
2157 ULong64_t bobt = OBT(glrun1->GetRUNHEADER_OBT());
2158 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check overlapping events: %i %i %llu %llu lastev is %i\n",apkt,bpkt,aobt,bobt,lastev);
2159 TTree *T= 0;
2160 T = (TTree*)file->Get("Physics");
2161 if ( !T || T->IsZombie() ) throw -16;
2162 EventHeader *eh = 0;
2163 PscuHeader *ph = 0;
2164 T->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh);
2165 while ( apkt > bpkt && aobt > bobt && lastev > 0 ){
2166 T->GetEntry(lastev);
2167 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
2168 apkt = PKT(ph->GetCounter());
2169 aobt = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime());
2170 lastev--;
2171 };
2172 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check overlapping events done: %i %i %llu %llu lastev is %i\n",apkt,bpkt,aobt,bobt,lastev);
2173 //
2174 glrun->SetEV_TO(lastev);
2175 glrun->SetNEVENTS(lastev-firstev+1);
2176 glrun->SetPKT_COUNTER(glrun1->GetPKT_COUNTER());
2177 glrun->SetPKT_READY_COUNTER(glrun1->GetPKT_READY_COUNTER());
2178 glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_TIME(glrun1->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME());
2179 glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_OBT(glrun1->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT());
2180 glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_PKT(glrun1->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT());
2181 //
2182 glrun1->SetRUNHEADER_TIME(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME());
2183 glrun1->SetRUNHEADER_OBT(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT());
2184 glrun1->SetRUNHEADER_PKT(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT());
2186 glrun1->SetFAV_WRK_SCHEDULE(glrun->GetFAV_WRK_SCHEDULE());
2187 glrun1->SetEFF_WRK_SCHEDULE(glrun->GetEFF_WRK_SCHEDULE());
2188 glrun1->SetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A(glrun->GetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A());
2189 glrun1->SetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B(glrun->GetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B());
2190 glrun1->SetACQ_BUILD_INFO(glrun->GetACQ_BUILD_INFO());
2191 glrun1->SetACQ_VAR_INFO(glrun->GetACQ_VAR_INFO());
2192 glrun1->SetRM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB(glrun->GetRM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB());
2193 glrun1->SetRM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE(glrun->GetRM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE());
2194 glrun1->SetTRK_CALIB_USED(glrun->GetTRK_CALIB_USED());
2195 glrun1->SetCAL_DSP_MASK(glrun->GetCAL_DSP_MASK());
2196 glrun1->SetLAST_TIMESYNC(glrun->GetLAST_TIMESYNC());
2197 glrun1->SetOBT_TIMESYNC(glrun->GetOBT_TIMESYNC());
2198 //
2199 if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){
2200 //
2201 // glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID());
2202 //
2203 glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(glrun1->GetID());
2204 glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn);
2205 //
2206 // set id number
2207 //
2208 glrun1->SetID_RUN_FRAG(glrun->GetID());
2209 glrun1->Fill_GL_RUN(conn);
2210 //
2211 };
2212 //
2213 // delete old entries in fragment table
2214 //
2215 glrun->DeleteRun(conn,0,"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS");
2216 glrun1->DeleteRun(conn,0,"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS");
2217 //
2218 delete glrun1;
2219 //
2220 return;
2221 //
2222 };
2223 //
2224 };
2225 //
2226 if ( !found ){
2227 //
2228 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" not found, check if we have already processed the file \n ");
2229 //
2230 // not found, has this run already inserted in the GL_RUN or in the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table?
2231 //
2232 oss.str("");
2234 << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND ("
2235 << " (RUNHEADER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME()-10) << " AND "
2236 << " RUNTRAILER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME()+10) << " AND ("
2237 << " RUNHEADER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR "
2238 << " RUNHEADER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND ("
2239 << " RUNTRAILER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR "
2240 << " RUNTRAILER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ) OR "
2241 << " (RUNHEADER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME() << " AND "
2242 << " RUNTRAILER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME() <<" AND ("
2243 << " RUNHEADER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR "
2244 << " RUNHEADER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND ("
2245 << " RUNTRAILER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR "
2246 << " RUNTRAILER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ));";
2247 //
2248 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" check if run has been inserted: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
2249 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
2250 //
2251 if ( !result ) throw -4;
2252 //
2253 row = result->Next();
2254 //
2255 if ( row ){
2256 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run is already present in the GL_RUN table \n");
2257 } else {
2258 if ( NoFrag() ){
2259 glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(glrun->GetID());
2260 glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn);
2261 glrun->DeleteRun(conn,0,"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS");
2262 };
2263 };
2264 };
2265 //
2266 return;
2267 };
2270 /**
2271 * Handle run without header or trailer
2272 **/
2273 void PamelaDBOperations::HandleMissingHoT(Bool_t mishead, Bool_t mistrail, UInt_t firstev, UInt_t lastev){
2274 //
2275 //
2276 // is the piece of run good (no other packets inside)?
2277 //
2278 if ( !this->IsRunConsistent(mishead,mistrail,firstev,lastev)){
2279 //
2280 // if not, handle other pieces and continue with the first one
2281 //
2282 if ( IsDebug() ) printf("The run is not consistent, it contains non-physics packets! The run has been handled \n");
2283 //
2284 } else {
2285 //
2286 this->FillClass(mishead,mistrail,firstev,lastev);
2287 //
2288 if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){
2289 glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID());
2290 glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0);
2291 glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn);
2292 };
2293 //
2294 };
2295 //
2296 return;
2297 };
2299 /**
2300 *
2301 * check if we have non-physics packets inside the run
2302 *
2303 */
2304 Bool_t PamelaDBOperations::IsRunConsistent(Bool_t mishead, Bool_t mistrail, UInt_t &firstev, UInt_t &lastev){
2305 //
2306 EventCounter *code=0;
2307 //
2308 UInt_t nevent = 0;
2309 UInt_t checkfirst = 0;
2310 UInt_t checklast = 0;
2311 UInt_t firstentry = 0;
2312 UInt_t lastentry = 0;
2313 UInt_t firstTime = 0;
2314 UInt_t lastTime = 0;
2315 UInt_t firstPkt = 0;
2316 UInt_t lastPkt = 0;
2317 UInt_t firstObt = 0;
2318 UInt_t lastObt = 0;
2319 //
2320 pcksList packetsNames;
2321 pcksList::iterator Iter;
2322 getPacketsNames(packetsNames);
2323 //
2324 TTree *T= 0;
2325 T =(TTree*)file->Get("Physics");
2326 if ( !T || T->IsZombie() ) throw -16;
2327 EventHeader *eh = 0;
2328 PscuHeader *ph = 0;
2329 T->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh);
2330 nevent = T->GetEntries();
2331 //
2332 //
2333 if ( firstev == lastev+1 ) { // no events inside the run!
2334 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Checking but no events in the run! \n");
2335 // return true is correct
2336 return(true);
2337 //
2338 } else {
2339 //
2340 T->GetEntry(firstev);
2341 code = eh->GetCounter();
2342 checkfirst = 0;
2343 for(Iter = packetsNames.begin(); Iter != packetsNames.end(); Iter++){
2344 if ( strcmp(*Iter,"Physics") ) checkfirst += code->Get(GetPacketType(*Iter));
2345 };
2346 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check first is %i firstev is %i\n",checkfirst,firstev);
2347 //
2348 T->GetEntry(lastev);
2349 code = eh->GetCounter();
2350 checklast = 0;
2351 for(Iter = packetsNames.begin(); Iter != packetsNames.end(); Iter++){
2352 if ( strcmp(*Iter,"Physics") ) checklast += code->Get(GetPacketType(*Iter));
2353 };
2354 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check last is %i lastev is %i\n",checklast,lastev);
2355 //
2356 if ( checkfirst == checklast ){
2357 //
2358 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No packets but physics inside the run, I will consider it as good\n");
2359 //
2360 return(true);
2361 //
2362 } else {
2363 //
2364 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" There are no-phyics packets inside the run!\n");
2365 //
2367 //
2368 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Never seen this case, try to handle it anyway, it was throw -95\n");
2369 //
2370 Bool_t emptyruns = false;
2371 UInt_t check = 0;
2372 UInt_t lastevtemp = lastev;
2373 UInt_t firstevno = firstev;
2374 //
2375 for (UInt_t i=firstev; i<=lastev; i++){
2376 //
2377 T->GetEntry(i);
2378 code = eh->GetCounter();
2379 //
2380 check = 0;
2381 //
2382 for(Iter = packetsNames.begin(); Iter != packetsNames.end(); Iter++){
2383 if ( strcmp(*Iter,"Physics") ) check += code->Get(GetPacketType(*Iter));
2384 };
2385 //
2386 if ( checkfirst < check || i == lastev ){
2387 //
2388 firstentry = firstevno;
2389 //
2390 if ( checkfirst < check ){
2391 lastentry = i-1;
2392 } else {
2393 lastentry = i;
2394 };
2395 //
2396 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Run between %i and %i entries\n",firstentry,lastentry);
2397 //
2398 glrun->SetEV_FROM(firstentry);
2399 glrun->SetEV_TO(lastentry);
2400 if ( lastentry == (firstentry-1) ){ // no physics packets inside physics run with no runheader no runtrailer
2401 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" no physics packets inside physics run with no runheader no runtrailer\n");
2402 lastentry--;
2403 };
2404 glrun->SetNEVENTS(lastentry-firstentry+1);
2405 //
2406 glrun->Set_GL_RUNH0();
2407 glrun->Set_GL_RUNT0();
2408 //
2409 glrun->SetLAST_TIMESYNC(0);
2410 glrun->SetOBT_TIMESYNC(0);
2411 //
2412 T->GetEntry(firstentry);
2413 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
2414 firstObt = ph->GetOrbitalTime();
2415 firstTime = this->GetAbsTime(firstObt);
2416 firstPkt = ph->GetCounter();
2417 //
2418 T->GetEntry(lastentry);
2419 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
2420 lastObt = ph->GetOrbitalTime();
2421 lastTime = this->GetAbsTime(lastObt);
2422 lastPkt = ph->GetCounter();
2423 //
2424 glrun->SetRUNHEADER_PKT(firstPkt);
2425 glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_PKT(lastPkt);
2426 //
2427 glrun->SetRUNHEADER_OBT(firstObt);
2428 glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_OBT(lastObt);
2429 //
2430 if ( firstev == firstentry && !emptyruns && !mishead ){
2431 glrun->Set_GL_RUNH(runh,phh);
2432 firstTime = this->GetAbsTime(phh->GetOrbitalTime());
2433 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" We have the runheader \n");
2434 };
2435 if ( lastev == i && !mistrail ){
2436 glrun->Set_GL_RUNT(runt,pht);
2437 lastTime = this->GetAbsTime(pht->GetOrbitalTime());
2438 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" We have the runtrailer \n");
2439 };
2440 //
2441 if ( lastentry == (firstentry-2) ){ // no events in the run
2442 emptyruns = true;
2443 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No events in the run \n");
2444 lastTime = firstTime;
2445 if ( (UInt_t)firstTime == this->GetAbsTime(phh->GetOrbitalTime()) ){
2446 lastObt = glrun->RUNHEADER_OBT;
2447 lastPkt = glrun->RUNHEADER_PKT;
2448 } else {
2449 lastObt = firstObt;
2450 lastPkt = firstPkt;
2451 };
2452 glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_PKT(lastPkt);
2453 glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_OBT(lastObt);
2454 lastentry++;
2455 };
2456 //
2457 this->SetCommonGLRUN(firstTime,lastTime);
2458 //
2459 if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){
2460 glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID());
2461 glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0);
2462 glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn);
2463 };
2464 //
2465 firstevno = lastentry + 1;
2466 //
2467 checkfirst = check;
2468 //
2469 };
2470 //
2471 if ( check == checklast && i != lastev ){
2472 lastevtemp = i - 1;
2473 i = lastev - 1;
2474 };
2475 //
2476 };
2477 //
2478 lastev = lastevtemp;
2479 //
2480 return(false);
2481 //
2482 };
2483 };
2484 //
2485 return(false); // should never arrive here
2486 };
2488 /**
2489 *
2490 * we end up here when we have a runheader and a runtrailer but they seems not belonging to the same run since the number of events does not coincide with the
2491 * number of event written in the runtrailer. We try to split into different runs scanning the physics events from the runheader to the runtrailer and
2492 * looking for non-physics packets inside.
2493 *
2494 */
2495 void PamelaDBOperations::HandleSuspiciousRun(){
2496 //
2497 PacketType *pctp=0;
2498 EventCounter *codt=0;
2499 EventCounter *codh=0;
2500 EventCounter *code=0;
2501 UInt_t firstev = 0;
2502 UInt_t lastev = 0;
2503 UInt_t nevent = 0;
2504 UInt_t checkfirst = 0;
2505 UInt_t checklast = 0;
2506 UInt_t firstentry = 0;
2507 UInt_t lastentry = 0;
2508 UInt_t firstTime = 0;
2509 UInt_t lastTime = 0;
2510 UInt_t firstPkt = 0;
2511 UInt_t lastPkt = 0;
2512 UInt_t firstObt = 0;
2513 UInt_t lastObt = 0;
2514 //
2515 pcksList packetsNames;
2516 pcksList::iterator Iter;
2517 getPacketsNames(packetsNames);
2518 //
2519 TTree *rh=0;
2520 rh = (TTree*)file->Get("RunHeader");
2521 if ( !rh || rh->IsZombie() ) throw -17;
2522 TTree *T=0;
2523 T =(TTree*)file->Get("Physics");
2524 if ( !T || T->IsZombie() ) throw -16;
2525 EventHeader *eh = 0;
2526 PscuHeader *ph = 0;
2527 T->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh);
2528 nevent = T->GetEntries();
2529 //
2530 codt = eht->GetCounter();
2531 codh = ehh->GetCounter();
2532 firstev = codh->Get(pctp->Physics);
2533 lastev = codt->Get(pctp->Physics)-1;
2534 //
2535 if ( firstev == lastev+1 ) { // no events inside the run!
2536 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Checking but no events in the run! \n");
2537 //
2538 this->FillClass();
2539 if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){
2540 glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID());
2541 glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0);
2542 glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn);
2543 };
2544 //
2545 } else {
2546 //
2547 UInt_t nrunh = 0;
2548 UInt_t nrunh1 = 0;
2549 T->GetEntry(firstev);
2550 code = eh->GetCounter();
2551 checkfirst = 0;
2552 for(Iter = packetsNames.begin(); Iter != packetsNames.end(); Iter++){
2553 if ( strcmp(*Iter,"Physics") ) checkfirst += code->Get(GetPacketType(*Iter));
2554 if ( !strcmp(*Iter,"RunHeader") ) nrunh1++;
2555 };
2556 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check first is %i \n",checkfirst);
2557 //
2558 T->GetEntry(lastev);
2559 code = eh->GetCounter();
2560 checklast = 0;
2561 for(Iter = packetsNames.begin(); Iter != packetsNames.end(); Iter++){
2562 if ( strcmp(*Iter,"Physics") ) checklast += code->Get(GetPacketType(*Iter));
2563 };
2564 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check last is %i \n",checklast);
2565 //
2566 if ( checkfirst == checklast ){
2567 //
2568 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No packets but physics inside the run, I will consider it as good\n");
2569 //
2570 this->FillClass();
2571 if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){
2572 glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID());
2573 glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0);
2574 glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn);
2575 };
2576 //
2577 } else {
2578 //
2579 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" There are no-physics packets inside the run, try to separate runs \n");
2580 //
2581 Bool_t emptyruns = false;
2582 UInt_t check = 0;
2583 UInt_t firstevno = firstev;
2584 //
2585 for (UInt_t i=firstev; i<=lastev; i++){
2586 //
2587 T->GetEntry(i);
2588 code = eh->GetCounter();
2589 //
2590 check = 0;
2591 //
2592 for(Iter = packetsNames.begin(); Iter != packetsNames.end(); Iter++){
2593 if ( strcmp(*Iter,"Physics") ) check += code->Get(GetPacketType(*Iter));
2594 if ( !strcmp(*Iter,"RunHeader") ) nrunh++;
2595 };
2596 //
2597 if ( checkfirst < check || i == lastev ){
2598 //
2599 firstentry = firstevno;
2600 //
2601 if ( checkfirst < check ){
2602 lastentry = i-1;
2603 } else {
2604 lastentry = i;
2605 };
2606 //
2607 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Run between %i and %i entries\n",firstentry,lastentry);
2608 //
2609 glrun->SetEV_FROM(firstentry);
2610 glrun->SetEV_TO(lastentry);
2611 if ( lastentry == (firstentry-1) ){ // no physics packets inside physics run with no runheader no runtrailer
2612 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" no physics packets inside physics run with no runheader no runtrailer\n");
2613 lastentry--;
2614 };
2615 glrun->SetNEVENTS(lastentry-firstentry+1);
2616 //
2617 glrun->Set_GL_RUNH0();
2618 glrun->Set_GL_RUNT0();
2619 //
2620 glrun->SetLAST_TIMESYNC(0);
2621 glrun->SetOBT_TIMESYNC(0);
2622 //
2623 T->GetEntry(firstentry);
2624 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
2625 firstObt = ph->GetOrbitalTime();
2626 firstTime = this->GetAbsTime(firstObt);
2627 firstPkt = ph->GetCounter();
2628 //
2629 T->GetEntry(lastentry);
2630 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
2631 lastObt = ph->GetOrbitalTime();
2632 lastTime = this->GetAbsTime(lastObt);
2633 lastPkt = ph->GetCounter();
2634 //
2635 glrun->SetRUNHEADER_PKT(firstPkt);
2636 glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_PKT(lastPkt);
2637 //
2638 glrun->SetRUNHEADER_OBT(firstObt);
2639 glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_OBT(lastObt);
2640 //
2641 if ( (firstev == firstentry && !emptyruns) || nrunh == (nrunh1 + 1) ){
2642 rh->GetEntry(nrunh1-1);
2643 phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader();
2644 nrunh1++;
2645 glrun->Set_GL_RUNH(runh,phh);
2646 firstTime = this->GetAbsTime(phh->GetOrbitalTime());
2647 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" We have the runheader \n");
2648 };
2649 if ( lastev == i && checkfirst == check ){
2650 glrun->Set_GL_RUNT(runt,pht);
2651 lastTime = this->GetAbsTime(pht->GetOrbitalTime());
2652 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" We have the runtrailer \n");
2653 };
2654 //
2655 if ( lastentry == (firstentry-2) ){ // no events in the run
2656 emptyruns = true;
2657 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No events in the run \n");
2658 lastTime = firstTime;
2659 if ( (UInt_t)firstTime == this->GetAbsTime(phh->GetOrbitalTime()) ){
2660 lastObt = glrun->RUNHEADER_OBT;
2661 lastPkt = glrun->RUNHEADER_PKT;
2662 } else {
2663 lastObt = firstObt;
2664 lastPkt = firstPkt;
2665 };
2666 glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_PKT(lastPkt);
2667 glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_OBT(lastObt);
2668 lastentry++;
2669 };
2670 //
2671 this->SetCommonGLRUN(firstTime,lastTime);
2672 //
2673 if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){
2674 glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID());
2675 glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0);
2676 glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn);
2677 };
2678 //
2679 if ( i == lastev && checkfirst < check ){ // if the last event gives a wrong check...
2680 //
2681 firstentry = i;
2682 //
2683 lastentry = i;
2684 //
2685 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Run between %i and %i entries\n",firstentry,lastentry);
2686 //
2687 glrun->SetEV_FROM(firstentry);
2688 glrun->SetEV_TO(lastentry);
2689 glrun->SetNEVENTS(lastentry-firstentry+1);
2690 //
2691 glrun->Set_GL_RUNH0();
2692 //
2693 glrun->SetLAST_TIMESYNC(0);
2694 glrun->SetOBT_TIMESYNC(0);
2695 //
2696 T->GetEntry(firstentry);
2697 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
2698 firstObt = ph->GetOrbitalTime();
2699 firstTime = this->GetAbsTime(firstObt);
2700 firstPkt = ph->GetCounter();
2701 //
2702 glrun->SetRUNHEADER_PKT(firstPkt);
2703 //
2704 glrun->SetRUNHEADER_OBT(firstObt);
2705 //
2706 glrun->Set_GL_RUNT(runt,pht);
2707 lastTime = this->GetAbsTime(pht->GetOrbitalTime());
2708 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" We have the runtrailer \n");
2709 //
2710 this->SetCommonGLRUN(firstTime,lastTime);
2711 //
2712 if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){
2713 glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID());
2714 glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0);
2715 glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn);
2716 };
2717 };
2718 //
2719 firstevno = lastentry + 1;
2720 //
2721 checkfirst = check;
2722 //
2723 };
2724 //
2725 if ( check == checklast && i != lastev ) i = lastev - 1; // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2726 //
2727 };
2728 };
2729 };
2730 //
2731 return;
2732 };
2735 /**
2736 * Scan calorimeter calibrations packets, fill the GL_CALO_CALIB table
2737 */
2738 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertCALO_CALIB(){
2739 //
2740 TSQLResult *result = 0;
2741 TSQLRow *row = 0;
2742 //
2743 stringstream oss;
2744 oss.str("");
2745 //
2746 CalibCalPedEvent *calibCalPed = 0;
2747 TTree *tr = 0;
2748 EventHeader *eh = 0;
2749 PscuHeader *ph = 0;
2750 //
2751 UInt_t nevents = 0;
2752 UInt_t fromtime = 0;
2753 UInt_t totime = 0;
2754 UInt_t obt = 0;
2755 UInt_t pkt = 0;
2756 //
2757 tr = (TTree*)file->Get("CalibCalPed");
2758 if ( !tr || tr->IsZombie() ) throw -21;
2759 //
2760 tr->SetBranchAddress("CalibCalPed", &calibCalPed);
2761 tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh);
2762 nevents = tr->GetEntries();
2763 //
2764 if ( !nevents ) return(1);
2765 //
2766 for (UInt_t i=0; i < nevents; i++){
2767 tr->GetEntry(i);
2768 for (UInt_t section = 0; section < 4; section++){
2769 //
2770 if ( calibCalPed->cstwerr[section] ){
2771 valid = 1;
2772 if ( calibCalPed->cperror[section] ) valid = 0;
2773 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
2774 obt = ph->GetOrbitalTime();
2775 pkt = ph->GetCounter();
2776 fromtime = this->GetAbsTime(ph->GetOrbitalTime());
2777 if ( this->PKT(pkt) >= this->PKT(pktfirst) && this->OBT(obt) >= this->OBT(obtfirst) ){
2778 //
2779 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Calo calibration for section %i at time %i obt %i pkt %i \n",section,fromtime,obt,pkt);
2780 //
2781 // check if the calibration has already been inserted
2782 //
2783 oss.str("");
2785 << " SECTION = "<< section << " AND "
2786 << " BOOT_NUMBER = "<< this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND "
2787 << " OBT = "<< obt << " AND "
2788 << " PKT = "<< pkt << ";";
2789 //
2790 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check if the calo calibration has already been inserted: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
2791 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
2792 //
2793 if ( !result ) throw -4;
2794 //
2795 row = result->Next();
2796 //
2797 if ( row ){
2798 //
2799 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Calo calibration already inserted in the DB\n");
2800 //
2801 } else {
2802 //
2803 // we have to insert a new calibration, check where to place it
2804 //
2805 oss.str("");
2807 << " SECTION = "<< section << " AND "
2808 << " FROM_TIME < "<< fromtime << " AND "
2809 << " TO_TIME > "<< fromtime << ";";
2810 //
2811 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check where to place the calo calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
2812 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
2813 //
2814 if ( !result ) throw -4;
2815 //
2816 row = result->Next();
2817 //
2818 if ( !row ){
2819 //
2820 // no calibrations in the db contain our calibration
2821 //
2822 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Calibration with fromtime lower than others to be inserted in the DB for section %i \n",section);
2823 if ( fromtime < 1150871000 ){ //1150866904
2824 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" First PAMELA flight calibration at time %i \n",fromtime);
2825 fromtime = 0;// the first flight calibration was taken at about 1156429100 s, this line allow to analyze first runs in raw mode
2826 };
2827 //
2828 oss.str("");
2830 << " SECTION = "<< section << " AND "
2831 << " FROM_TIME > "<< fromtime << " ORDER BY FROM_TIME ASC LIMIT 1;";
2832 //
2833 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check the upper limit for calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
2834 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
2835 //
2836 if ( !result ) throw -4;
2837 //
2838 row = result->Next();
2839 if ( !row ){
2840 totime = numeric_limits<UInt_t>::max();
2841 } else {
2842 totime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0));
2843 };
2844 //
2845 } else {
2846 //
2847 // determine upper and lower limits and make space for the new calibration
2848 //
2849 totime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1));
2850 //
2851 oss.str("");
2852 oss << " UPDATE GL_CALO_CALIB SET "
2853 << " TO_TIME = "<< fromtime << " WHERE " // NOTICE: to_time is equal to from_time of the calibration before, so the interval is: [from_time,to_time[
2854 << " ID = "<< row->GetField(0) << ";";
2855 //
2856 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Make space for the new calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
2857 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
2858 //
2859 if ( !result ) throw -4;
2860 //
2861 };
2862 //
2863 oss.str("");
2865 << " VALUES (NULL,' "
2866 << idroot << "','"
2867 << i << "','"
2868 << fromtime << "','"
2869 << totime << "','"
2870 << section << "','"
2871 << obt << "','"
2872 << pkt << "','"
2873 << this->GetBOOTnumber() << "','"
2874 << valid << "');";
2875 //
2876 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Insert the new calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
2877 //
2878 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
2879 //
2880 if ( !result ) throw -4;
2881 //
2882 };
2883 //
2884 } else {
2885 //
2886 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Repetead calo calibration for section %i at time %i obt %i pkt %i \n",section,fromtime,obt,pkt);
2887 //
2888 };
2889 //
2890 };
2891 };
2892 };
2893 //
2894 return(0);
2895 };
2897 /**
2898 * Fill the GL_TRK_CALIB table
2899 */
2900 void PamelaDBOperations::HandleTRK_CALIB(Bool_t pk1, Bool_t pk2){
2901 //
2902 TSQLResult *result = 0;
2903 TSQLRow *row = 0;
2904 //
2905 stringstream oss;
2906 oss.str("");
2907 //
2908 UInt_t totime = 0;
2909 //
2910 if ( !pk1 && !pk2 ){
2911 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Cannot handle trk calibration with both packet missing!\n");
2912 };
2913 //
2914 // check if the calibration has already been inserted
2915 //
2916 oss.str("");
2918 << " BOOT_NUMBER = "<< this->GetBOOTnumber(); //
2919 oss << " AND ( ( ";
2920 if ( pk1 ){
2921 oss << " OBT1 = "<< obt1 << " AND "
2922 << " PKT1 = "<< pkt1
2923 << " ) OR ( ";
2924 } else {
2925 oss << " PKT1 = "<< pkt2-1
2926 << " ) OR ( ";
2927 };
2928 if ( pk2 ){
2929 oss << " OBT2 = "<< obt2 << " AND "
2930 << " PKT2 = "<< pkt2;
2931 } else {
2932 oss << " PKT2 = "<< pkt1+1;
2933 };
2934 oss << " ) );";
2935 //
2936 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check if the trk calibration has already been inserted: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
2937 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
2938 //
2939 if ( !result ) throw -4;
2940 //
2941 row = result->Next();
2942 //
2943 if ( row ){
2944 //
2945 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Trk calibration already inserted in the DB\n");
2946 //
2947 } else {
2948 //
2949 // we have to insert a new calibration, check where to place it
2950 //
2951 oss.str("");
2953 << " FROM_TIME < "<< fromtime << " AND "
2954 << " TO_TIME > "<< fromtime << ";";
2955 //
2956 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check where to place the trk calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
2957 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
2958 //
2959 if ( !result ) throw -4;
2960 //
2961 row = result->Next();
2962 //
2963 if ( !row ){
2964 //
2965 // no calibrations in the db contain our calibration
2966 //
2967 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Calibration with fromtime lower than others to be inserted in the DB\n");
2968 if ( fromtime < 1150871000 ) fromtime = 0; // the first flight calibration was taken at about 1150863300 s, this line allows to analyze first runs in raw mode
2969 //
2970 oss.str("");
2972 << " FROM_TIME > "<< fromtime << " ORDER BY FROM_TIME ASC LIMIT 1;";
2973 //
2974 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check the upper limit for calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
2975 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
2976 //
2977 if ( !result ) throw -4;
2978 //
2979 row = result->Next();
2980 if ( !row ){
2981 totime = numeric_limits<UInt_t>::max();
2982 } else {
2983 totime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0));
2984 };
2985 //
2986 } else {
2987 //
2988 // determine upper and lower limits and make space for the new calibration
2989 //
2990 totime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1));
2991 //
2992 oss.str("");
2993 oss << " UPDATE GL_TRK_CALIB SET "
2994 << " TO_TIME = "<< fromtime << " WHERE " // NOTICE: to_time is equal to from_time of the calibration before, so the interval is: [from_time,to_time[
2995 << " ID = "<< row->GetField(0) << ";";
2996 //
2997 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Make space for the new trk calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
2998 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
2999 //
3000 if ( !result ) throw -4;
3001 //
3002 };
3003 //
3004 oss.str("");
3006 << " VALUES (NULL,' "
3007 << idroot << "',";
3008 //
3009 if ( !pk1 ){
3010 oss << "NULL,";
3011 } else {
3012 oss << "'"
3013 << t1 << "',";
3014 };
3015 //
3016 if ( !pk2 ){
3017 oss << "NULL,'";
3018 } else {
3019 oss << "'"
3020 << t2 << "','";
3021 };
3022 //
3023 oss << fromtime << "','"
3024 << totime << "','"
3025 << obt1 << "','"
3026 << pkt1 << "','"
3027 << obt2 << "','"
3028 << pkt2 << "','"
3029 << this->GetBOOTnumber() << "','"
3030 << valid << "');";
3031 //
3032 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Insert the new trk calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3033 //
3034 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3035 //
3036 if ( !result ) throw -4;
3037 //
3038 };
3039 //
3040 };
3042 /**
3043 * Scan tracker calibrations packets, fill the GL_TRK_CALIB table
3044 */
3045 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertTRK_CALIB(){
3046 //
3047 CalibTrk1Event *caltrk1 = 0;
3048 CalibTrk2Event *caltrk2 = 0;
3049 TTree *tr1 = 0;
3050 TTree *tr2 = 0;
3051 EventHeader *eh1 = 0;
3052 PscuHeader *ph1 = 0;
3053 EventHeader *eh2 = 0;
3054 PscuHeader *ph2 = 0;
3055 //
3056 PacketType *pctp=0;
3057 EventCounter *codt2=0;
3058 //
3059 Int_t nevents1 = 0;
3060 Int_t nevents2 = 0;
3061 //
3062 fromtime = 0;
3063 //
3064 obt1 = 0;
3065 pkt1 = 0;
3066 obt2 = 0;
3067 pkt2 = 0;
3068 //
3069 tr1 = (TTree*)file->Get("CalibTrk1");
3070 if ( !tr1 || tr1->IsZombie() ) throw -22;
3071 tr2 = (TTree*)file->Get("CalibTrk2");
3072 if ( !tr2 || tr2->IsZombie() ) throw -23;
3073 //
3074 tr1->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk1", &caltrk1);
3075 tr1->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh1);
3076 nevents1 = tr1->GetEntries();
3077 tr2->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk2", &caltrk2);
3078 tr2->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh2);
3079 nevents2 = tr2->GetEntries();
3080 //
3081 if ( !nevents1 && !nevents2 ) return(1);
3082 //
3083 t2 = -1;
3084 Int_t pret2 = 0;
3085 Int_t t2t1cal = 0;
3086 //
3087 for (t1=0; t1 < nevents1; t1++){
3088 //
3089 pret2 = t2;
3090 tr1->GetEntry(t1);
3091 //
3092 ph1 = eh1->GetPscuHeader();
3093 obt1 = ph1->GetOrbitalTime();
3094 pkt1 = ph1->GetCounter();
3095 fromtime = this->GetAbsTime(ph1->GetOrbitalTime());
3096 //
3097 // valid = 1;
3098 // //
3099 // if ( caltrk1->unpackError != 0 && caltrk1->good0 == 0 ) valid = 0;// CONDITIONS ON THE GOODNESS OF THE CALIBRATION PKT1
3100 //
3101 //
3102 if ( this->PKT(pkt1) >= this->PKT(pktfirst) && this->OBT(obt1) >= this->OBT(obtfirst) ){
3103 //
3104 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Trk calibration1 at time %i obt %i pkt %i \n",fromtime,obt1,pkt1);
3105 //
3106 valid = ValidateTrkCalib( caltrk1, eh1 );
3107 if ( IsDebug() ) cout << " pkt1 validation --> "<<valid<<endl;
3108 //
3109 // Do we have the second calibration packet?
3110 //
3111 while ( t2t1cal < t1+1 ){ // get the calibration packet2 that follows the packet1
3112 //
3113 t2++;
3114 //
3115 if ( t2 < nevents2 ){
3116 tr2->GetEntry(t2);
3117 codt2 = eh2->GetCounter();
3118 t2t1cal = codt2->Get(pctp->CalibTrk1);
3119 //
3120 ph2 = eh2->GetPscuHeader();
3121 obt2 = ph2->GetOrbitalTime();
3122 pkt2 = ph2->GetCounter();
3123 //
3124 // if ( caltrk2->unpackError != 0 || caltrk2->good0 == 0 ) valid = 0; // CONDITIONS ON THE GOODNESS OF THE CALIBRATION PKT2
3125 //
3126 } else {
3127 //
3128 // running out of vector without finding the corresponding calibration, sig
3129 //
3130 pret2 = t2;
3131 obt2 = 0;
3132 pkt2 = pkt1+2;
3133 t2t1cal = t1+1;
3134 };
3135 if ( this->PKT(pkt2) < this->PKT(pktfirst) && this->OBT(obt2) < this->OBT(obtfirst) ){
3136 //
3137 // running out of vector without finding the corresponding calibration, sig
3138 //
3139 pret2 = t2;
3140 obt2 = 0;
3141 pkt2 = pkt1+2;
3142 t2t1cal = t1+1;
3143 };
3144 //
3145 };
3146 //
3147 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Found trk calibration2 at obt %i pkt %i t2 is %i \n",obt2,pkt2,t2);
3148 //
3149 // The calibration is good
3150 //
3151 if ( this->PKT(pkt2) == this->PKT(pkt1)+1 ){
3152 //
3153 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The trk calibration2 at obt %i pkt %i t2 is %i is good \n",obt2,pkt2,t2);
3154 //
3155 UInt_t valid2 = ValidateTrkCalib( caltrk2, eh2 );
3156 if ( IsDebug() ) cout << " pkt2 validation --> "<<valid2<<endl;
3157 valid = valid & valid2;
3158 //
3159 // Handle good calib
3160 //
3161 this->HandleTRK_CALIB(true,true);
3162 //
3163 // Check for missing calibtrk1
3164 //
3165 if ( t2 != pret2+1 ){
3166 //
3167 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Missing the trk calibration1! Next one at obt %i pkt %i t2 is %i pret2 is %i \n",obt2,pkt2,t2,pret2);
3168 //
3169 while ( t2 > pret2+1 ){
3170 //
3171 // handle missing calib1
3172 //
3173 pret2++;
3174 //
3175 obt1 = 0;
3176 pkt1 = 0;
3177 //
3178 tr2->GetEntry(pret2);
3179 ph2 = eh2->GetPscuHeader();
3180 obt2 = ph2->GetOrbitalTime();
3181 pkt2 = ph2->GetCounter();
3182 //
3183 fromtime = this->GetAbsTime(ph2->GetOrbitalTime());
3184 //
3185 valid = 0;
3186 this->HandleTRK_CALIB(false,true);
3187 //
3188 };
3189 //
3190 };
3191 //
3192 } else if ( this->PKT(pkt2) > this->PKT(pkt1)+1 ){
3193 //
3194 // Check for missing calibtrk2
3195 //
3196 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Missing the trk calibration2! Next one at obt %i pkt %i t2 is %i\n",obt2,pkt2,t2);
3197 t2 = pret2;
3198 //
3199 // handle missing calib2
3200 //
3201 obt2 = 0;
3202 pkt2 = 0;
3203 valid = 0;
3204 this->HandleTRK_CALIB(true,false);
3205 //
3206 };
3207 //
3208 } else {
3209 //
3210 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Repetead trk calibration1 at time %i obt %i pkt %i \n",fromtime,obt1,pkt1);
3211 //
3212 };
3213 //
3214 };
3215 //
3216 // we have one more calib pkt2 !
3217 //
3218 t2++;
3219 while ( t2 < nevents2 ){
3220 //
3221 // handle missing calib1
3222 //
3223 obt1 = 0;
3224 pkt1 = 0;
3225 //
3226 tr2->GetEntry(t2);
3227 ph2 = eh2->GetPscuHeader();
3228 obt2 = ph2->GetOrbitalTime();
3229 pkt2 = ph2->GetCounter();
3230 //
3231 fromtime = this->GetAbsTime(ph2->GetOrbitalTime());
3232 valid = 0;
3233 if ( this->PKT(pkt2) > this->PKT(pktfirst) || this->OBT(obt2) > this->OBT(obtfirst) ){
3234 //
3235 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Missing the trk calibration1! Next one at obt %i pkt %i t2 is %i\n",obt2,pkt2,t2);
3236 //
3237 this->HandleTRK_CALIB(false,true);
3238 //
3239 };
3240 //
3241 t2++;
3242 //
3243 };
3244 //
3245 return(0);
3246 };
3249 /**
3250 * Scan S4 calibrations packets, fill the GL_S4_CALIB table
3251 */
3252 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertS4_CALIB(){
3253 //
3254 TSQLResult *result = 0;
3255 TSQLRow *row = 0;
3256 //
3257 stringstream oss;
3258 oss.str("");
3259 //
3260 TTree *tr = 0;
3261 EventHeader *eh = 0;
3262 PscuHeader *ph = 0;
3263 //
3264 UInt_t nevents = 0;
3265 UInt_t fromtime = 0;
3266 UInt_t totime = 0;
3267 UInt_t obt = 0;
3268 UInt_t pkt = 0;
3269 //
3270 tr = (TTree*)file->Get("CalibS4");
3271 if ( !tr || tr->IsZombie() ) throw -24;
3272 //
3273 tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh);
3274 //
3275 nevents = tr->GetEntries();
3276 //
3277 if ( !nevents ) return(1);
3278 //
3279 for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nevents; i++){
3280 //
3281 tr->GetEntry(i);
3282 //
3283 ph = eh->GetPscuHeader();
3284 obt = ph->GetOrbitalTime();
3285 pkt = ph->GetCounter();
3286 fromtime = this->GetAbsTime(ph->GetOrbitalTime());
3287 if ( this->PKT(pkt) >= this->PKT(pktfirst) && this->OBT(obt) >= this->OBT(obtfirst) ){
3288 //
3289 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" S4 calibration at time %i obt %i pkt %i \n",fromtime,obt,pkt);
3290 //
3291 // check if the calibration has already been inserted
3292 //
3293 oss.str("");
3295 << " BOOT_NUMBER = "<< this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND "
3296 << " OBT = "<< obt << " AND "
3297 << " PKT = "<< pkt << ";";
3298 //
3299 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check if the S4 calibration has already been inserted: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3300 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3301 //
3302 if ( !result ) throw -4;
3303 //
3304 row = result->Next();
3305 //
3306 if ( row ){
3307 //
3308 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" S4 calibration already inserted in the DB\n");
3309 //
3310 } else {
3311 //
3312 // we have to insert a new calibration, check where to place it
3313 //
3314 oss.str("");
3316 << " FROM_TIME < "<< fromtime << " AND "
3317 << " TO_TIME > "<< fromtime << ";";
3318 //
3319 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check where to place the S4 calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3320 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3321 //
3322 if ( !result ) throw -4;
3323 //
3324 row = result->Next();
3325 //
3326 if ( !row ){
3327 //
3328 // no calibrations in the db contain our calibration
3329 //
3330 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Calibration with fromtime lower than others to be inserted in the DB \n");
3331 if ( fromtime < 1150871000 ){
3332 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" First PAMELA flight calibration at time %i \n",fromtime);
3333 fromtime = 0;// the first flight calibration was taken at about 1156429100 s, this line allow to analyze first runs in raw mode
3334 };
3335 //
3336 oss.str("");
3338 << " FROM_TIME > "<< fromtime << " ORDER BY FROM_TIME ASC LIMIT 1;";
3339 //
3340 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check the upper limit for calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3341 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3342 //
3343 if ( !result ) throw -4;
3344 //
3345 row = result->Next();
3346 if ( !row ){
3347 totime = numeric_limits<UInt_t>::max();
3348 } else {
3349 totime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0));
3350 };
3351 //
3352 } else {
3353 //
3354 // determine upper and lower limits and make space for the new calibration
3355 //
3356 totime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1));
3357 //
3358 oss.str("");
3359 oss << " UPDATE GL_S4_CALIB SET "
3360 << " TO_TIME = "<< fromtime << " WHERE " // NOTICE: to_time is equal to from_time of the calibration before, so the interval is: [from_time,to_time[
3361 << " ID = "<< row->GetField(0) << ";";
3362 //
3363 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Make space for the new calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3364 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3365 //
3366 if ( !result ) throw -4;
3367 //
3368 };
3369 //
3370 oss.str("");
3372 << " VALUES (NULL,' "
3373 << idroot << "','"
3374 << i << "','"
3375 << fromtime << "','"
3376 << totime << "','"
3377 << obt << "','"
3378 << pkt << "','"
3379 << this->GetBOOTnumber() << "');";
3380 //
3381 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Insert the new calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3382 //
3383 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3384 //
3385 if ( !result ) throw -4;
3386 //
3387 };
3388 //
3389 } else {
3390 //
3391 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Repetead S4 calibration at time %i obt %i pkt %i \n",fromtime,obt,pkt);
3392 //
3393 };
3394 //
3395 };
3396 //
3397 return(0);
3398 };
3400 /**
3401 * Scan the fragment table and move old fragments to the GL_RUN table
3402 */
3403 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::CleanGL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(){
3404 return(this->CleanGL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(""));
3405 };
3407 /**
3408 * Scan the fragment table and move old fragments to the GL_RUN table
3409 */
3410 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::CleanGL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(TString fcleanfile){
3411 //
3412 TSQLResult *result = 0;
3413 TSQLRow *row = 0;
3414 TSQLResult *result2 = 0;
3415 TSQLRow *row2 = 0;
3416 //
3417 UInt_t moved = 0;
3418 //
3419 stringstream oss;
3420 oss.str("");
3421 //
3422 if ( !strcmp(fcleanfile.Data(),"") ){
3423 //
3424 // check if there are entries older than "olderthan" seconds from now
3425 //
3426 oss.str("");
3428 << " INSERT_TIME <= '" << clean_time->AsSQLString() << "';";
3429 //
3430 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Select from GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS runs older than %s : query is \n %s \n",clean_time->AsSQLString(),oss.str().c_str());
3431 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3432 //
3433 } else {
3434 oss.str("");
3435 oss << " SELECT ID FROM GL_ROOT WHERE NAME='" << fcleanfile.Data() << "';";
3436 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Getting ID_ROOT_L0 query %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3437 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3438 //
3439 if ( result ){
3440 //
3441 row = result->Next();
3442 //
3443 if ( row ){
3444 oss.str("");
3446 << " ID_ROOT_L0=" << row->GetField(0) << ";";
3447 //
3448 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Select from GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS for ROOT file query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3449 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3450 //
3451 };
3452 } else {
3453 return(2);
3454 };
3455 };
3456 //
3457 if ( result ){
3458 //
3459 row = result->Next();
3460 //
3461 while ( row ){
3462 //
3463 oss.str("");
3464 oss << " ID= "<< row->GetField(0);
3465 //
3466 glrun->Query_GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(oss.str().c_str(),conn);
3467 //
3468 oss.str("");
3470 << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << glrun->GetBOOT_NUMBER() << " AND ("
3471 << " (RUNHEADER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME()-10) << " AND "
3472 << " RUNTRAILER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME()+10) << " AND ("
3473 << " RUNHEADER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR "
3474 << " RUNHEADER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND ("
3475 << " RUNTRAILER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR "
3476 << " RUNTRAILER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ) OR "
3477 << " (RUNHEADER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME() << " AND "
3478 << " RUNTRAILER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME() <<" AND ("
3479 << " RUNHEADER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR "
3480 << " RUNHEADER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND ("
3481 << " RUNTRAILER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR "
3482 << " RUNTRAILER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ));";
3483 //
3484 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" check if run has been inserted: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3485 result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3486 //
3487 if ( !result2 ) throw -4;
3488 //
3489 row2 = result2->Next();
3490 //
3491 if ( !row2 ){
3492 //
3493 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run is new \n");
3494 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" -> fill the DB \n");
3495 //
3496 // glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID()); we use the old run number!
3497 glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(glrun->GetID());
3498 glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn);
3499 //
3500 // oss.str("");
3501 // oss << " SELECT ID FROM GL_RUN WHERE "
3502 // << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << glrun->GetBOOT_NUMBER() << " AND "
3503 // << " RUNHEADER_PKT=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << " AND "
3504 // << " RUNTRAILER_PKT=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << " AND "
3505 // << " RUNHEADER_OBT=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " AND "
3506 // << " RUNTRAILER_OBT=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << "; ";
3507 // //
3508 // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Look for the ID of the inserted run: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3509 // result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3510 // //
3511 // if ( !result2 ) throw -4;
3512 // //
3513 // row2 = result2->Next();
3514 // //
3515 // if ( !row2 ) throw -25;
3516 // //
3517 // oss.str("");
3518 // oss << " UPDATE GL_RUN SET ID_RUN_FRAG = " << row2->GetField(0) << " WHERE ID = " << row2->GetField(0);
3519 // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Update the ID_RUN_FRAG of the inserted run: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3520 // result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3521 // //
3522 // if ( !result2 ) throw -4;
3523 //
3524 moved++;
3525 //
3526 } else {
3527 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The already exist in the GL_RUN table! \n");
3528 };
3529 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Delete run %s from the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table \n",row->GetField(0));
3530 //
3531 //
3532 glrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS");
3533 // oss.str("");
3534 // oss << " DELETE from GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS where ID = " << row->GetField(0);
3535 // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Clean the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3536 // result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3537 // //
3538 // if ( !result2 ) throw -4;
3539 // //
3540 row = result->Next();
3541 };
3542 };
3543 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Moved %u runs\n",moved);
3544 return(0);
3545 };
3547 /**
3548 * Check if runs are good, i.e. if the tracker calibration is correctly associated..
3549 */
3550 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::ValidateRuns(){
3551 return(this->ValidateRuns(""));
3552 };
3554 /**
3555 * Check if runs are good, i.e. if the tracker calibration is correctly associated..
3556 */
3557 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::ValidateRuns(TString valfile){
3558 //
3559 TSQLResult *result = 0;
3560 TSQLRow *row = 0;
3561 //
3562 UInt_t calibtime = 50;
3563 //
3564 stringstream oss;
3565 oss.str("");
3566 //
3567 // =======================================================
3568 // validate runs by checking missing calibrations
3569 // =======================================================
3570 UInt_t t_stop = 0;
3571 UInt_t t_start = 0;
3572 if ( !strcmp(valfile.Data(),"") ) {
3573 // --------------------------------------------------------------
3574 // 1) get the OBT of the last run inserted after clean-time limit
3575 // --------------------------------------------------------------
3576 oss.str("");
3577 oss << " SELECT * FROM GL_RUN WHERE INSERT_TIME <= '" << clean_time->AsSQLString()
3579 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Get start validation-time: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3580 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3581 if ( !result ) throw -4;
3582 if ( !result->GetRowCount() ) {
3583 printf(" No runs to validate \n");
3584 return(1);
3585 }else{
3586 row = result->Next();
3587 t_start = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(4));
3588 };
3589 // --------------------------------------------------------------
3590 // 2) get the OBT of the last validated run
3591 // --------------------------------------------------------------
3592 oss.str("");
3595 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Get stop validation-time: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3596 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3597 if ( !result ) throw -4;
3598 if ( result->GetRowCount() ){
3599 row = result->Next();
3600 t_stop = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(4));
3601 };
3602 if ( IsDebug() ) printf("Validation interval: from time %i - to time %i \n\n",t_stop,t_start);
3603 // --------------------------------------------------------------
3604 // now retrieves runs to be validated
3605 // --------------------------------------------------------------
3606 oss.str("");
3607 oss << " SELECT * FROM GL_RUN WHERE RUNHEADER_TIME <=" << t_start;
3608 oss << " AND RUNHEADER_TIME >="<< t_stop;
3610 if ( IsDebug() )printf(" Check runs for validation: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3611 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3612 } else {
3613 //
3614 stringstream myquery;
3615 UInt_t myid = 0;
3616 myquery.str("");
3617 myquery << " SELECT ID FROM GL_ROOT where NAME='"<<valfile.Data() <<"';";
3618 //
3619 result = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
3620 //
3621 row = result->Next();
3622 if( !row ){
3623 if ( strcmp(valfile.Data(),GetRootName().Data()) ){
3624 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No file to be validated even if option \"-validate file\" was used!!\n");
3625 return(2);
3626 };
3627 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No file to be validated (force mode)! \n");
3628 return(0);
3629 };
3630 myid=(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0));
3631 //
3632 myquery.str("");
3634 //
3635 result = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
3636 //
3637 row = result->Next();
3638 if( !row->GetField(0) || !row->GetField(1)){
3639 //
3640 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" NO RUN ASSOCIATED TO THIS FILE! \n");
3641 //
3642 return(0);
3643 //
3644 } else {
3645 //
3646 UInt_t runhtime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0));
3647 UInt_t runttime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1));
3648 UInt_t caltime = 0;
3649 //
3650 myquery.str("");
3651 myquery << " SELECT FROM_TIME FROM GL_TRK_CALIB where FROM_TIME>" <<runhtime;
3652 myquery << " order by FROM_TIME asc limit 1;";
3653 //
3654 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" query is \n %s \n",myquery.str().c_str());
3655 //
3656 //
3657 result = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
3658 //
3659 row = result->Next();
3660 if( !row ){
3661 caltime = runhtime;
3662 } else {
3663 caltime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0));
3664 };
3665 //
3666 myquery.str("");
3667 myquery << " SELECT * from GL_RUN where RUNHEADER_TIME>="<< runttime <<" AND RUNHEADER_TIME<=" ;
3668 myquery << caltime << " order by RUNHEADER_TIME DESC";
3669 //
3670 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" query is \n %s \n",myquery.str().c_str());
3671 //
3672 result = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
3673 //
3674 };
3675 };
3676 //
3677 if ( !result ) throw -4;
3678 if ( !result->GetRowCount() && IsDebug() ) printf(" No runs to validate \n");
3679 //
3680 Int_t nrow = 0;
3681 GL_RUN* this_run = new GL_RUN();
3682 GL_RUN* next_run = new GL_RUN();
3683 Int_t nseq_max = 1000;
3684 // UInt_t* sequence = new UInt_t[100];
3685 vector<UInt_t> sequence(nseq_max);
3686 Int_t nseq = 0;
3687 Bool_t CHECK = false;
3688 Bool_t this_ONLINE = false;
3689 Bool_t next_ONLINE = false;
3690 UInt_t t1=0,t2=0;
3691 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3692 // - loop over runs, back in time,
3693 // - select sequences of runs close in time (less than calibtime s apart),
3694 // which could be preceeded by a calibration
3695 // - check if there might be a missing calibration
3696 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3697 while(1){
3699 row = result->Next();
3700 if( row == NULL ) break;
3702 //------------
3703 //get run info
3704 //------------
3705 this_run->Set_GL_RUN(row);
3707 Bool_t this_BAD = false;
3708 if(this_run->GetTRK_CALIB_USED() == 1 || this_run->GetTRK_CALIB_USED() == 2) this_ONLINE = true;
3709 else if (this_run->GetTRK_CALIB_USED() == 104) this_ONLINE = false;
3710 else{
3711 // printf("Missing or corrupted header!! \n");
3712 this_ONLINE = false;
3713 this_BAD = true;
3714 };
3716 //-----------------------------------
3717 //compare with previous(next in time)
3718 //-----------------------------------
3719 CHECK = false;
3720 UInt_t interval=0;
3722 if( nrow != 0){
3725 t1 = this_run->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME();
3726 t2 = next_run->GetRUNHEADER_TIME();
3727 interval = (t2-t1);
3729 if(this_ONLINE && next_ONLINE){ // this: ON-LINE + next: ON-LINE
3731 if( this_run->ID == next_run->ID_RUN_FRAG ) interval = 0; //=> run fragments
3733 if( interval >= calibtime )CHECK = true; //more than calibtime s => there might be a calibration
3735 if( !CHECK && this_run->VALIDATION ){
3736 for (Int_t irun = 0; irun < nseq; irun++)assignVALIDATION(sequence[irun],true);
3737 nseq=0;
3738 }
3740 }else if( !this_ONLINE && next_ONLINE) { // this: DEFAULT + next:ON-LINE
3742 CHECK = true;
3744 }else if( !next_ONLINE ){ // this:ANY + next:DEFAULT
3746 assignVALIDATION(next_run->ID,true);
3747 nseq=0;
3748 }
3749 }
3751 //----------------------------
3752 //check run sequence for calib
3753 //----------------------------
3754 if( CHECK ){
3755 // check if calibration exists
3756 if ( IsDebug() )printf("DT %i ===> CHECK Missing calibration\n",interval);
3757 Bool_t MISSING = MissingTRK_CALIB(t1,t2);
3758 for (Int_t irun = 0; irun < nseq; irun++)assignVALIDATION(sequence[irun],!MISSING);
3759 nseq=0;
3760 };
3761 //--------------
3762 //store run info
3763 //--------------
3764 *next_run = *this_run;
3765 next_ONLINE = this_ONLINE;
3766 if( !this_BAD ){
3767 if(nseq < nseq_max){
3768 sequence[nseq] = this_run->ID;
3769 nseq++;
3770 }else printf("ValidateRuns ***WARNING*** : run sequence exceed assumed size (%i) \n",nseq_max);
3771 };
3773 if ( IsDebug() ) printf("%i Run %i \n",nrow,this_run->ID);
3774 nrow++;
3776 };
3777 delete this_run;
3778 delete next_run;
3779 //
3780 return(0);
3781 };
3782 /**
3783 * Check if there might be a missing tracker calibration in a given time interval
3784 * @param t1 From absolute time
3785 * @param t2 To absolute time
3786 * @return true if there might be a missing calibration
3787 */
3788 Bool_t PamelaDBOperations::MissingTRK_CALIB(UInt_t t1,UInt_t t2){
3790 GL_TRK_CALIB* trkcalib = new GL_TRK_CALIB();
3792 // get the closest VALIDATED calibration before the run start (t2)
3793 if ( trkcalib->Query_GL_TRK_CALIB(t2, conn) )return(true); //>>> missing
3795 if ( trkcalib->TO_TIME < t2 ) return(true); //>>> missing
3797 //==============================================================
3798 // Check is done first on the basis of time between calibration,
3799 // which should be equal to the time between ascending-nodes.
3800 //==============================================================
3801 if ( t2 - trkcalib->FROM_TIME > 5700) {
3802 if ( IsDebug() )printf("Long time between calib and run start %i :-( ==> there might be a missing calib \n",t2 - trkcalib->FROM_TIME);
3803 //==============================================================
3804 // there might be a missing calibration, due to:
3805 // - MM full
3806 // - corrupted packets
3807 // - loss of data
3808 // There is an exception in case a download was done during ascending node
3809 //==============================================================
3810 Bool_t DOWNLOAD = false;
3811 // check if the calib was skipped becouse of download .... DA FARE!!
3812 if(DOWNLOAD)return(false);
3814 return(true); //>>> missing
3816 };
3818 //==============================================================
3819 // If the last calibration is close to the run less than this time,
3820 // it is enough to say that there are no missing calibrations
3821 //==============================================================
3822 // the long time interval bewteen runs might be due to download
3823 if ( IsDebug() )printf("Short time between calib and run start %i :-) ==> OK! \n",t2 - trkcalib->FROM_TIME);
3824 return(false);
3826 };
3827 /**
3828 * Assign VALIDATION value to a GL_RUN entry
3829 * @param idrun Run ID
3830 * @param validation true/false
3831 */
3832 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::assignVALIDATION(UInt_t idrun, Bool_t validation){
3833 TSQLResult *result = 0;
3834 stringstream oss;
3835 oss.str("");
3836 oss << " UPDATE GL_RUN SET VALIDATION="<< (UInt_t)validation <<" WHERE ID= " << idrun << ";";
3837 //
3838 // if ( IsDebug() )
3839 // printf(" Set VALIDATION = %i for run %i \n",validation,idrun);
3840 if ( IsDebug() )printf(" Query: %s \n",oss.str().c_str());
3841 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3842 if ( !result ) throw -4;
3843 return(0);
3844 }
3848 // Insert TLEs from file tlefilename in the table GL_TLE in the db
3849 // opened by conn, sorting them by date from older to newer, if each
3850 // TLE has not been alread inserted.
3851 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::populateTLE()//(TSQLServer *conn, char *tleFile)
3852 {
3853 fstream tlefile(tlefilename, ios::in);
3855 if ( !tlefile ) throw -7;
3857 vector<cTle*> ctles;
3858 vector<cTle*>::iterator iter;
3859 int present = 0;
3861 // Get three lines from tlefile, create a cTle object and put it
3862 // into ctles
3863 while(1) {
3864 cTle *tlef;
3865 string str1, str2, str3;
3867 getline(tlefile, str1);
3868 if(tlefile.eof()) break;
3870 getline(tlefile, str2);
3871 if(tlefile.eof()) break;
3873 getline(tlefile, str3);
3874 if(tlefile.eof()) break;
3876 // We now have three good lines for a cTle.
3877 tlef = new cTle(str1, str2, str3);
3878 ctles.push_back(tlef);
3879 }
3881 tlefile.close();
3883 // Sort by date
3884 sort(ctles.begin(), ctles.end(), compTLE);
3886 // Now we insert each TLE into the db
3887 for(iter = ctles.begin(); iter != ctles.end(); iter++) {
3888 cTle *tle = *iter;
3890 // Do nothing if it's already present in the db. Just increase
3891 // the counter present.
3892 if (! isTlePresent(tle))
3893 {
3894 int status = insertTle(tle);
3896 // Insert query failed. Return 1.
3897 if(status == EXIT_FAILURE) {
3899 if( IsDebug() ) {
3900 cerr << "Error: inserting TLE:" << endl
3901 << tle->getName() << endl
3902 << tle->getLine1() << endl
3903 << tle->getLine2() << endl;
3904 }
3906 throw -4;
3907 return 1;
3908 }
3910 }
3911 else
3912 present++;
3914 }
3916 int inserted = ctles.size() - present; // Number of inserted TLE.
3917 if ( IsDebug() )
3918 cout << "\nProcessed TLEs ranging from " << getTleDatetime(ctles[0]) << " to " << getTleDatetime(ctles[ctles.size()-1]) << "." << endl
3919 << inserted << " newly inserted TLEs out of " << ctles.size() << " processed." << endl;
3921 ctles.clear();
3924 // Return 2 if no new TLE has been inserted. 0 otherwise.
3925 if(! inserted ) return 2;
3926 return 0;
3927 }
3930 // Insert tle in the table GL_TLE using the connection conn.
3931 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertTle(cTle *tle)
3932 {
3933 stringstream oss;
3934 TSQLResult *result = 0;
3936 oss.str("");
3938 << " VALUES ( '"
3939 << tle->getName() << "', '"
3940 << tle->getLine1() << "', '"
3941 << tle->getLine2() << "', '"
3942 << getTleDatetime(tle) << "')";
3944 // cout << oss.str().c_str() << endl;
3945 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3946 if (result == NULL)
3947 return EXIT_FAILURE;
3949 return EXIT_SUCCESS;
3950 }
3953 // Return whether tle is already in the db connected by conn.
3954 bool PamelaDBOperations::isTlePresent(cTle *tle)
3955 {
3956 stringstream oss;
3957 TSQLResult *result = 0;
3959 oss.str("");
3961 << getTleDatetime(tle) << "'";
3963 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
3964 if (result == NULL) throw -4;
3966 if (result->GetRowCount())
3967 return true;
3968 else
3969 return false;
3970 }
3973 // Return whether the first TLE is dated early than the second
3974 bool compTLE (cTle *tle1, cTle *tle2)
3975 {
3976 return getTleJulian(tle1) < getTleJulian(tle2);
3977 }
3980 // Return the date of the tle using the format (year-2000)*1e3 +
3981 // julian day. e.g. 6365 is the 31th Dec 2006.
3982 // It does *not* return a cJulian date.
3983 float getTleJulian(cTle *tle) {
3984 return tle->getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHYEAR)*1e3 + tle->getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHDAY);
3985 }
3988 // Return a string like YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, usable for mysql datetime
3989 // format.
3990 string getTleDatetime(cTle *tle)
3991 {
3992 int year, mon, day, hh, mm, ss;
3993 double dom; // day of month (is double!)
3994 stringstream date; // date in datetime format
3996 // create a cJulian from the date in tle
3997 cJulian jdate = cJulian( 2000 + (int) tle->getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHYEAR), tle->getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHDAY));
3999 // get year, month, day of month
4000 jdate.getComponent(&year, &mon, &dom);
4002 // build a datetime YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
4003 date.str("");
4004 day = (int) floor(dom);
4005 hh = (int) floor( (dom - day) * 24);
4006 mm = (int) floor( ((dom - day) * 24 - hh) * 60);
4007 ss = (int) floor( ((((dom - day) * 24 - hh) * 60 - mm) * 60));
4008 // ms = (int) floor( (((((dom - day) * 24 - hh) * 60 - mm) * 60) - ss) * 1000);
4010 date << year << "-" << mon << "-" << day << " " << hh << ":" << mm << ":" << ss;
4012 return date.str();
4013 }
4015 /**
4016 * Remove a file from the DB, delete on cascade all entries related to that file
4017 * rearrange GL_RUN and GL_XXX_CALIB tables, turn off validation till the following
4018 * calibration
4019 **/
4020 Int_t PamelaDBOperations::removeFile(TString remfile){
4021 //
4022 // Determine ID_ROOT_L0 and ID_RAW
4023 //
4024 TSQLResult *pResult;
4025 TSQLRow *Row;
4026 stringstream myquery;
4027 //
4028 myquery.str("");
4029 myquery << " SELECT ID, ID_RAW FROM GL_ROOT where NAME='"<<remfile.Data() <<"';";
4030 //
4031 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4032 //
4033 Row = pResult->Next();
4034 if( !Row ){
4035 if ( strcmp(remfile.Data(),GetRootName().Data()) ){
4036 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No file to be removed even if option \"-remove file\" was used!!\n");
4037 return(1);
4038 };
4039 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No file to be removed (force mode)! \n");
4040 return(0);
4041 };
4042 //
4043 this->SetID_ROOT((UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)));
4044 this->SetID_RAW((UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)));
4045 //
4046 this->ValidationOFF();
4047 //
4048 this->RemoveCALIBS();
4049 //
4050 this->RemoveRUNS();
4051 //
4052 this->RemoveFILES();
4053 //
4054 this->SetID_ROOT(0);
4055 this->SetID_RAW(0);
4056 //
4057 return(0);
4058 };
4060 /**
4061 *
4062 * Set validation bit to zero for runs following the removing file till
4063 * 1) a run with TRK_CALIB_USED=140
4064 * 2) a run with VALIDATION = 0
4065 * 3) the next calibration
4066 *
4067 **/
4068 void PamelaDBOperations::ValidationOFF(){
4069 TSQLResult *pResult;
4070 TSQLRow *Row;
4071 stringstream myquery;
4072 Int_t unv = 0;
4073 //select ID from GL_RUN where RUNHEADER_TIME>=1152671382 AND (VALIDATION=0 OR TRK_CALIB_USED=104) order by RUNHEADER_TIME asc limit 1;
4074 myquery.str("");
4075 myquery << " SELECT MAX(RUNTRAILER_TIME) FROM GL_RUN WHERE ID_ROOT_L0="<< this->GetID_ROOT() <<";";
4076 //
4077 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4078 //
4079 Row = pResult->Next();
4080 if( !Row->GetField(0) ){
4081 //
4082 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" NO RUN ASSOCIATED TO THIS FILE! \n");
4083 //
4084 } else {
4085 //
4086 UInt_t runhtime = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0));
4087 UInt_t caltime = 0;
4088 //
4089 myquery.str("");
4090 myquery << " SELECT FROM_TIME FROM GL_TRK_CALIB where FROM_TIME>" <<runhtime;
4091 myquery << " order by FROM_TIME asc limit 1;";
4092 //
4093 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" query is \n %s \n",myquery.str().c_str());
4094 //
4095 //
4096 delete pResult;
4097 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4098 //
4099 Row = pResult->Next();
4100 if( !Row ){
4101 caltime = runhtime;
4102 } else {
4103 caltime = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0));
4104 };
4105 //
4106 myquery.str("");
4108 myquery << caltime << ") order by RUNHEADER_TIME asc LIMIT 1";
4109 //
4110 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" query is \n %s \n",myquery.str().c_str());
4111 //
4112 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4113 //
4114 Row = pResult->Next();
4115 if( !Row ){
4116 //
4117 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" NO RUN NEED TO BE UNVALIDATED \n");
4118 //
4119 } else {
4120 myquery.str("");
4121 myquery << " SELECT ID from GL_RUN where RUNHEADER_TIME<"<< Row->GetField(1) <<" AND ";
4122 myquery << " RUNHEADER_TIME>=" <<runhtime;
4123 myquery << " order by RUNHEADER_TIME asc;";
4124 //
4125 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" query is \n %s \n",myquery.str().c_str());
4126 //
4127 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4128 //
4129 Row = pResult->Next();
4130 while ( Row ){
4131 //
4132 unv++;
4133 this->assignVALIDATION((UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)), false);
4134 Row = pResult->Next();
4135 //
4136 };
4137 };
4138 };
4139 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" %i runs have been unvalidated \n",unv);
4140 };
4142 /**
4143 *
4144 * Rearrange GL_RUN table and remove runs
4145 *
4146 **/
4147 void PamelaDBOperations::RemoveRUNS(){
4148 TSQLResult *pResult;
4149 TSQLRow *Row;
4150 stringstream myquery;
4151 UInt_t drun = 0;
4152 GL_RUN *delrun = new GL_RUN();
4153 //
4154 myquery.str("");
4155 myquery << " SELECT ID FROM GL_RUN where ID_RUN_FRAG=0 and ID_ROOT_L0=" <<this->GetID_ROOT() <<";";
4156 //
4157 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" query is \n %s \n",myquery.str().c_str());
4158 //
4159 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4160 //
4161 Row = pResult->Next();
4162 //
4163 //
4164 if ( !Row ){
4165 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No run with ID_RUN_FRAG=0 belonged to this file \n");
4166 } else {
4167 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Deleting run from GL_RUN table \n");
4168 while ( Row ){
4169 delrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN");
4170 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" del run %i \n",(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)));
4171 drun++;
4172 Row = pResult->Next();
4173 };
4174 };
4175 //
4176 //
4177 myquery.str("");
4178 myquery << " SELECT ID,ID_RUN_FRAG FROM GL_RUN where ID_RUN_FRAG!=0 and ID_ROOT_L0=" <<this->GetID_ROOT() <<";";
4179 //
4180 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" query is \n %s \n",myquery.str().c_str());
4181 //
4182 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4183 //
4184 Row = pResult->Next();
4185 //
4186 if ( !Row ){
4187 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No run with ID_RUN_FRAG!=0 belonged to this file \n");
4188 } else {
4189 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Deleting run fragments from GL_RUN table \n");
4190 while ( Row ){
4191 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" restore run %i \n",(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)));
4192 delrun->RestoreRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)),"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS");
4193 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" del run %i \n",(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)));
4194 delrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)),"GL_RUN");
4195 if ( (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)) != (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)) ){
4196 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" del run %i \n",(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)));
4197 delrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN");
4198 };
4199 drun++;
4200 Row = pResult->Next();
4201 };
4202 };
4203 //
4204 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Deleted %i run(s) from GL_RUN table \n",drun);
4205 //
4206 //
4207 //
4208 drun = 0;
4209 //
4210 myquery.str("");
4212 //
4213 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4214 //
4215 Row = pResult->Next();
4216 //
4217 if ( !Row ){
4218 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No run from GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table in the trash table for this file \n");
4219 } else {
4220 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Deleting run fragments from GL_RUN_TRASH table \n");
4221 while ( Row ){
4222 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" del run idtrash %i \n",(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)));
4223 myquery.str("");
4224 myquery << " DELETE FROM GL_RUN_TRASH where ID_TRASH=" << Row->GetField(0) <<";";
4225 conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4226 drun++;
4227 Row = pResult->Next();
4228 };
4229 };
4230 //
4231 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Deleted %i run(s) from GL_RUN_TRASH table \n",drun);
4232 //
4233 //
4234 //
4235 drun = 0;
4236 //
4237 myquery.str("");
4238 myquery << " SELECT ID FROM GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS where ID_ROOT_L0=" <<this->GetID_ROOT() <<";";
4239 //
4240 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4241 //
4242 Row = pResult->Next();
4243 //
4244 if ( !Row ){
4245 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No run in the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table for this file \n");
4246 } else {
4247 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Deleting run fragments from GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table \n");
4248 while ( Row ){
4249 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" del run %i \n",(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)));
4250 myquery.str("");
4251 myquery << " DELETE FROM GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS where ID=" << Row->GetField(0) <<";";
4252 conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4253 drun++;
4254 Row = pResult->Next();
4255 };
4256 };
4257 //
4258 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Deleted %i run(s) from GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table \n",drun);
4259 //
4260 //
4261 //
4262 delete delrun;
4263 //
4264 };
4267 /**
4268 *
4269 * Rearrange calibration tables
4270 *
4271 **/
4272 void PamelaDBOperations::RemoveFILES(){
4273 stringstream myquery;
4274 //
4275 myquery.str("");
4276 myquery << " DELETE FROM GL_RAW WHERE ID=" <<this->GetID_RAW() <<";";
4277 //
4278 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" query is \n %s \n",myquery.str().c_str());
4279 //
4280 conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4281 //
4282 };
4284 /**
4285 *
4286 * Rearrange calibration tables
4287 *
4288 **/
4289 void PamelaDBOperations::RemoveCALIBS(){
4290 TSQLResult *pResult;
4291 TSQLRow *Row;
4292 stringstream myquery;
4293 //
4294 //
4295 // Calorimeter
4296 //
4297 for (Int_t section = 0; section < 4; section++){
4298 myquery.str("");
4300 myquery << " SECTION=" << section << ";";
4301 //
4302 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4303 //
4304 Row = pResult->Next();
4305 if( !Row->GetField(0) || !Row->GetField(1) ){
4306 //
4307 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" NO CALO CALIBRATION SECTION %i ASSOCIATED TO THIS FILE! \n",section);
4308 //
4309 } else {
4310 //
4311 myquery.str("");
4312 myquery << " UPDATE GL_CALO_CALIB SET TO_TIME=" << Row->GetField(1);
4313 myquery << " WHERE TO_TIME="<< Row->GetField(0) << " AND ";
4314 myquery << " SECTION=" << section << ";";
4315 //
4316 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4317 //
4318 if( !pResult ){
4319 //
4320 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ERROR DELETING CALO CALIBRATIONS \n");
4321 //
4322 throw -4;
4323 //
4324 };
4325 //
4326 };
4327 };
4328 myquery.str("");
4329 myquery << " DELETE FROM GL_CALO_CALIB WHERE ID_ROOT_L0=" << this->GetID_ROOT();
4330 //
4331 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4332 //
4333 if( !pResult ){
4334 //
4335 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ERROR DELETING CALO CALIBRATIONS \n");
4336 //
4337 throw -4;
4338 //
4339 };
4340 //
4341 // Tracker
4342 //
4343 myquery.str("");
4345 //
4346 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4347 //
4348 Row = pResult->Next();
4349 if( !Row->GetField(0) || !Row->GetField(1) ){
4350 //
4351 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" NO TRK CALIBRATION ASSOCIATED TO THIS FILE! \n");
4352 //
4353 } else {
4354 //
4355 myquery.str("");
4356 myquery << " UPDATE GL_TRK_CALIB SET TO_TIME=" << Row->GetField(1);
4357 myquery << " WHERE TO_TIME="<< Row->GetField(0) << ";";
4358 //
4359 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4360 //
4361 if( !pResult ){
4362 //
4363 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ERROR DELETING TRK CALIBRATIONS \n");
4364 //
4365 throw -4;
4366 //
4367 };
4368 //
4369 myquery.str("");
4370 myquery << " DELETE FROM GL_TRK_CALIB WHERE ID_ROOT_L0=" << this->GetID_ROOT();
4371 //
4372 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4373 //
4374 if( !pResult ){
4375 //
4376 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ERROR DELETING TRK CALIBRATIONS \n");
4377 //
4378 throw -4;
4379 //
4380 };
4381 };
4382 //
4383 //
4384 // S4
4385 //
4386 myquery.str("");
4387 myquery << " SELECT MIN(FROM_TIME),MAX(TO_TIME) FROM GL_S4_CALIB WHERE ID_ROOT_L0="<< this->GetID_ROOT() <<";";
4388 //
4389 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4390 //
4391 Row = pResult->Next();
4392 if( !Row->GetField(0) || !Row->GetField(1) ){
4393 //
4394 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" NO S4 CALIBRATION ASSOCIATED TO THIS FILE! \n");
4395 //
4396 } else {
4397 //
4398 myquery.str("");
4399 myquery << " UPDATE GL_S4_CALIB SET TO_TIME=" << Row->GetField(1);
4400 myquery << " WHERE TO_TIME="<< Row->GetField(0) << ";";
4401 //
4402 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4403 //
4404 if( !pResult ){
4405 //
4406 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ERROR DELETING S4 CALIBRATIONS \n");
4407 //
4408 throw -4;
4409 //
4410 };
4411 //
4412 myquery.str("");
4413 myquery << " DELETE FROM GL_S4_CALIB WHERE ID_ROOT_L0=" << this->GetID_ROOT();
4414 //
4415 pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
4416 //
4417 if( !pResult ){
4418 //
4419 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ERROR DELETING S4 CALIBRATIONS \n");
4420 //
4421 throw -4;
4422 //
4423 };
4424 //
4425 };
4426 };
4428 /**
4429 *
4430 * Rearrange calibration tables
4431 *
4432 **/
4433 UInt_t PamelaDBOperations::ValidateTrkCalib( CalibTrk1Event* caltrk, EventHeader *eh ){
4435 Int_t vorder[]={5,5,3,3,4,4,2,2,1,1,0,0};
4436 UInt_t timeaftercalib=120000; //2000;
4437 // ----------
4438 // Check CRCs
4439 // ----------
4440 for(Int_t ipkt=0; ipkt<6; ipkt++){
4441 if( caltrk->crc_hcal[ipkt] )return 0; // :-(
4442 for(Int_t ilad=0; ilad<3; ilad++)if( caltrk->crc_cal[ipkt][ilad] )return 0; // :-(
4443 }
4444 // -----------------------
4445 // Check missing packets:
4446 // -----------------------
4447 // Readout order:
4448 // ------------------
4449 // DSP packet board
4450 // ------------------
4451 // 12 0 1
4452 // 10 1 1
4453 // 8 2 1
4454 // 4 3 1
4455 // 6 4 1
4456 // 2 5 1
4457 // ------------------
4458 // 11 0 2
4459 // 9 1 2
4460 // 7 2 2
4461 // 3 3 2
4462 // 5 4 2
4463 // 1 5 2
4464 // ------------------
4465 // -------------------------------------------------
4466 // Check if it is first or second calibration packet
4467 // -------------------------------------------------
4468 UInt_t build=0;
4469 TString classname = caltrk->GetName();
4470 UInt_t base=0;
4471 UInt_t mask=0;
4472 if(classname.Contains("CalibTrk1Event")){
4473 base=12;
4474 mask=0x03F000;
4475 }
4476 if(classname.Contains("CalibTrk2Event")){
4477 base=18;
4478 mask=0xFC0000;
4479 }
4480 // -------------------------------------------------
4481 // Count number of packets and set build variable
4482 // -------------------------------------------------
4483 Int_t npkts=0;
4484 for(Int_t ipkt=0; ipkt<6; ipkt++){
4485 if(caltrk->DSPnumber[ipkt]>0 && caltrk->DSPnumber[ipkt]<=12){
4486 npkts++;
4487 build = build | ( 1<<(base+vorder[caltrk->DSPnumber[ipkt]-1]) );
4488 }
4489 }
4490 // if( npkts==6 )return 1; // :-)
4492 // cout << classname << " "<<eh->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime()<<endl;
4494 // -----------------------------------------------
4495 // If missing packets: check the acq configuration
4496 // (some DSPs might be excluded from acquisition)
4497 // -----------------------------------------------
4499 // -----------------------------------------------
4500 // retrieve the first run header after calib
4501 // -----------------------------------------------
4502 PacketType *pctp;
4503 EventCounter *cod;
4504 cod = eh->GetCounter();
4505 Int_t irun = cod->Get(pctp->RunHeader);
4506 TTree *rh=(TTree*)file->Get("RunHeader");
4507 if ( !rh || rh->IsZombie() ) throw -17;
4508 if( rh->GetEntries() == irun ){
4509 if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: (MISSING VIEW) no runs after calib (1) -- cannot validate :-( "<<endl;
4510 return 0; // :-(
4511 }
4513 RunHeaderEvent *run = 0;
4514 EventHeader *hrun = 0;
4515 rh->SetBranchAddress("RunHeader", &run);
4516 rh->SetBranchAddress("Header", &hrun);
4517 rh->GetEntry(irun);
4518 // cout << classname << " "<<eh->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime() << " Run " << hrun->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime() <<endl;
4520 if( OBT(hrun->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime()) < OBT(eh->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime())){
4521 if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: (MISSING VIEW) no runs after calib (2) -- cannot validate :-( "<<endl;
4522 return 0; // :-(
4523 }
4525 if( !run->RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB ){
4526 if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: (MISSING VIEW) RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB=0 -- cannot validate :-( "<<endl;
4527 return 0; // :-(
4528 }
4530 UInt_t dtime = OBT(hrun->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime()) - OBT(eh->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime());
4531 if( dtime > timeaftercalib ){
4532 if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: (MISSING VIEW) run after calib too far ( "<<dtime<<"ms ) -- cannot validate :-( "<<endl;
4533 return 0; // :-(
4534 }
4538 if( (run->ACQ_BUILD_INFO & mask) != build ){
4539 if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: (MISSING VIEW) ACQ_BUILD_INFO= >>> "<<hex << (run->ACQ_BUILD_INFO&mask) << " != "<< build << dec<<endl;
4540 return 0; // :-(
4541 }
4542 return 1; // :-)
4544 }
4546 /**
4547 *
4548 * Check the DB (only for overlapping runs at the moment)
4549 *
4550 **/
4551 UInt_t PamelaDBOperations::Check(){
4552 //
4553 UInt_t test = 0;
4554 //
4555 UInt_t thisrht = 0;
4556 UInt_t thisrtt = 0;
4557 UInt_t thisid = 0;
4558 UInt_t prevrht = 0;
4559 UInt_t prevrtt = 0;
4560 UInt_t previd = 0;
4561 //
4562 UInt_t prevl0id = 0;
4563 UInt_t thisl0id = 0;
4564 //
4565 stringstream oss;
4566 TSQLResult *result = 0;
4567 TSQLRow *row = 0;
4568 TSQLResult *result2 = 0;
4569 TSQLRow *row2 = 0;
4570 oss.str("");
4572 // oss << "SELECT ID,RUNHEADER_TIME,RUNTRAILER_TIME FROM GL_RUN where ID>10170 and ID<10190 order by RUNHEADER_TIME asc;";
4573 result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
4574 //
4575 if ( !result ) throw -4;;
4576 //
4577 row = result->Next();
4578 //
4579 while ( row ){
4580 thisid = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0));
4581 thisl0id = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1));
4582 thisrht = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2));
4583 thisrtt = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(3));
4584 //
4585 // if ( thisrht < prevrtt || thisrtt < prevrht || thisrht > thisrtt && !(!prevrht && !prevrtt &&!previd) ){
4586 // if ( (thisrht < prevrtt || thisrtt < prevrht || thisrht > thisrtt) && (thisrht != prevrht) ){
4587 if ( (thisrht < prevrtt) && (thisrht != prevrht) ){
4588 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" IDprev %u ID %u prevrht %u prevrtt %u thisrht %u thisrtt %u \n",previd,thisid,prevrht,prevrtt,thisrht,thisrtt);
4589 printf(" CHECK n.1 TIME SCREW of %i s AROUND RUNs %u and %u \n",(thisrht-prevrtt),previd,thisid);
4590 TString prevf = "";
4591 TString thisf = "";
4592 oss.str("");
4593 oss << "SELECT NAME FROM GL_ROOT where ID=" << (UInt_t)prevl0id <<";";
4594 result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
4595 if ( !result2 ) throw -4;;
4596 row2 = result2->Next();
4597 prevf = (TString)row2->GetField(0);
4598 oss.str("");
4599 oss << "SELECT NAME FROM GL_ROOT where ID=" << (UInt_t)thisl0id <<";";
4600 result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
4601 if ( !result2 ) throw -4;;
4602 row2 = result2->Next();
4603 thisf = (TString)row2->GetField(0);
4604 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ==> files %s and %s \n",prevf.Data(),thisf.Data());
4605 test = 1;
4606 };
4607 //
4608 if ( (thisrtt < prevrht) && (thisrht != prevrht) ){
4609 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" IDprev %u ID %u prevrht %u prevrtt %u thisrht %u thisrtt %u \n",previd,thisid,prevrht,prevrtt,thisrht,thisrtt);
4610 printf(" CHECK n.2 TIME SCREW of %i s AROUND RUNs %u and %u \n",(thisrtt-prevrht),previd,thisid);
4611 TString prevf = "";
4612 TString thisf = "";
4613 oss.str("");
4614 oss << "SELECT NAME FROM GL_ROOT where ID=" << (UInt_t)prevl0id <<";";
4615 result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
4616 if ( !result2 ) throw -4;;
4617 row2 = result2->Next();
4618 prevf = (TString)row2->GetField(0);
4619 oss.str("");
4620 oss << "SELECT NAME FROM GL_ROOT where ID=" << (UInt_t)thisl0id <<";";
4621 result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
4622 if ( !result2 ) throw -4;;
4623 row2 = result2->Next();
4624 thisf = (TString)row2->GetField(0);
4625 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ==> files %s and %s \n",prevf.Data(),thisf.Data());
4626 test = 1;
4627 };
4628 //
4629 if ( (thisrht > thisrtt) && (thisrht != prevrht) ){
4630 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" IDprev %u ID %u prevrht %u prevrtt %u thisrht %u thisrtt %u \n",previd,thisid,prevrht,prevrtt,thisrht,thisrtt);
4631 printf(" CHECK n.3 TIME SCREW of %i s AROUND RUNs %u and %u \n",(thisrht-thisrtt),previd,thisid);
4632 TString prevf = "";
4633 TString thisf = "";
4634 oss.str("");
4635 oss << "SELECT NAME FROM GL_ROOT where ID=" << (UInt_t)prevl0id <<";";
4636 result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
4637 if ( !result2 ) throw -4;;
4638 row2 = result2->Next();
4639 prevf = (TString)row2->GetField(0);
4640 oss.str("");
4641 oss << "SELECT NAME FROM GL_ROOT where ID=" << (UInt_t)thisl0id <<";";
4642 result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str());
4643 if ( !result2 ) throw -4;;
4644 row2 = result2->Next();
4645 thisf = (TString)row2->GetField(0);
4646 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ==> files %s and %s \n",prevf.Data(),thisf.Data());
4647 test = 1;
4648 };
4650 //
4651 prevrht = thisrht;
4652 prevrtt = thisrtt;
4653 previd = thisid;
4654 prevl0id = thisl0id;
4655 row = result->Next();
4656 };
4657 //
4658 return(test);
4659 //
4660 };

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