// #include #include // #include #include #include #include #include // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include #include // using namespace std; using namespace pamela; // Some function to work with cTle stuff. bool compTLE(cTle* tle1, cTle *tle2); float getTleJulian(cTle *); string getTleDatetime(cTle*); /** * Constructor. * @param host hostname for the SQL connection. * @param user username for the SQL connection. * @param password password for the SQL connection. * @param filerawname The path and name to the raw file. * @param filerootname The path and name of the raw file. * @param boot file BOOT number. * @param obt0 file obt0. * @param tsync file timesync. * @param debug debug flag. * @param tlefilename ascii file with TLE 3 line elements. */ PamelaDBOperations::PamelaDBOperations(TString host, TString user, TString password, TString filerawname, TString filerootname, UInt_t boot, UInt_t tsync, UInt_t obt0, Bool_t debug, TString tlefilename, UInt_t dwinput, Bool_t staticp){ // STATIC=false; if ( staticp ) STATIC=true; // SetConnection(host,user,password); // SetDebugFlag(debug); // glrun = new GL_RUN(); // if ( !boot ) SetNOBOOT(false); SetBOOTnumber(boot); SetTsync(tsync); SetObt0(obt0); // SetTLEPath(tlefilename); // // INSERT_RAW =!filerawname.IsNull(); if(INSERT_RAW)SetRawName(filerawname); // INSERT_ROOT = !filerootname.IsNull(); if( INSERT_ROOT ){ this->SetRootName(filerootname); this->SetOrbitNo(dwinput); file = TFile::Open(this->GetRootName().Data()); } else { this->SetRootName(""); }; // this->SetID_RAW(0); this->SetID_ROOT(0); VALIDATE = false; // }; /** * Destructor */ void PamelaDBOperations::Close(){ if( conn && conn->IsConnected() ) conn->Close(); delete clean_time; delete glrun; delete this; }; // // SETTERS // // // must be out of the constructor in order to FORCE the validation of the latest runs in case you run the validation together with the latest file // void PamelaDBOperations::CheckValidate(Long64_t olderthan){ clean_time = new TDatime(); // if(olderthan >= 0){ VALIDATE = true; UInt_t timelim = 0; timelim = (UInt_t)clean_time->Convert(true) - olderthan; clean_time->Set(timelim,false); }; }; /** * Open the DB connection * @param host hostname for the SQL connection. * @param user username for the SQL connection. * @param password password for the SQL connection. */ void PamelaDBOperations::SetConnection(TString host, TString user, TString password){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Connecting using host = %s user = %s password = %s \n",host.Data(),user.Data(),password.Data()); conn = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),password.Data()); }; /** * Store the ID of the ROOT file. * @param idr ID of the ROOT file */ void PamelaDBOperations::SetID_ROOT(UInt_t idr){ idroot=idr; }; /** * Store the ID of the RAW file. * @param idr ID of the RAW file */ void PamelaDBOperations::SetID_RAW(UInt_t idr){ id=idr; }; /** * Set the debug flag * */ void PamelaDBOperations::SetDebugFlag(Bool_t dbg){ debug = dbg; }; /** * Set the autoboot flag * */ void PamelaDBOperations::SetAutoBoot(Bool_t dbg){ AUTOBOOT = dbg; }; /** * Set the nofrag flag * */ void PamelaDBOperations::SetNoFrag(Bool_t nf){ NOFRAG = nf; }; /** * Store the BOOT number of the RAW file. * @param boot BOOT number of the RAW file */ void PamelaDBOperations::SetBOOTnumber(UInt_t boot){ BOOTNO=boot; }; /** * Store the time sync of the RAW file. * @param boot time sync */ void PamelaDBOperations::SetTsync(UInt_t ts){ tsync=ts; }; /** * Store the time sync of the RAW file. * @param boot time sync */ void PamelaDBOperations::SetObt0(UInt_t ts){ obt0=ts; }; /** * Store the RAW filename. * @param str the RAW filename. */ void PamelaDBOperations::SetRawName(TString str){ filerawname=str; }; /** * Store the ROOT filename. * @param str the ROOT filename. */ void PamelaDBOperations::SetRootName(TString str){ filerootname=str; }; /** * Store the downlink orbit number from filename. */ void PamelaDBOperations::SetOrbitNo(UInt_t dwinput){ dworbit = 0; // if ( dwinput ){ dworbit = dwinput; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Downlink orbit given by hand: %i \n",dworbit); return; }; // TString name = this->GetRootFile(); Int_t nlength = name.Length(); if ( nlength < 5 ) return; TString dwo = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i<5; i++){ dwo.Append(name[i],1); }; if ( dwo.IsDigit() ){ dworbit = (UInt_t)dwo.Atoi(); } else { dwo=""; for (Int_t i = 8; i<13; i++){ dwo.Append(name[i],1); }; if ( dwo.IsDigit() ) dworbit = (UInt_t)dwo.Atoi(); }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Downlink orbit is %i (dwo = %s) \n",dworbit,dwo.Data()); return; }; /** * Store the NOBOOT flag. * @param noboot true/false. */ void PamelaDBOperations::SetNOBOOT(Bool_t noboot){ NOBOOT = noboot; }; /** * Store path to the TLE file. */ void PamelaDBOperations::SetTLEPath(TString str){ tlefilename = str; }; TString PamelaDBOperations::GetRawPath(){ if ( STATIC ){ return((TString)gSystem->DirName(filerawname.Data())+'/'); } else { return((TString)gSystem->ExpandPathName("$PAM_RAW")+'/'); }; }; TString PamelaDBOperations::GetRootPath(){ if ( STATIC ){ return((TString)gSystem->DirName(filerootname.Data())+'/'); } else { return((TString)gSystem->ExpandPathName("$PAM_L0")+'/'); }; }; /** * Store the olderthan variable * @param olderthan */ // void PamelaDBOperations::SetOlderThan(Long64_t oldthan){ // olderthan = oldthan; // }; /** * Retrieve the ID_RAW, if exists, returns NULL if does not exist. */ Bool_t PamelaDBOperations::SetID_RAW(){ stringstream oss; TSQLResult *result = 0; TSQLRow *row = 0; oss.str(""); if ( STATIC ){ oss << "SELECT ID FROM GL_RAW WHERE " << " PATH = '" << this->GetRawPath().Data() << "' AND " << " NAME = '" << this->GetRawFile().Data() << "' "; } else { oss << "SELECT ID FROM GL_RAW WHERE " << " PATH = '$PAM_RAW' AND " << " NAME = '" << this->GetRawFile().Data() << "' "; } result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( result == NULL ) throw -4; row = result->Next(); if ( !row ) return(false); delete result; id = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)); return(true); } /** * * Set the variables which have to be stored in the GL_RUN table and that do not depend on the RUN * */ void PamelaDBOperations::SetCommonGLRUN(UInt_t absth, UInt_t abstt){ glrun->SetBOOTNUMBER(BOOTNO); glrun->SetRUNHEADER_TIME(absth); glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_TIME(abstt); glrun->SetID_ROOT_L2(0); glrun->SetID_ROOT_L0(idroot); glrun->SetVALIDATION(0); }; /** * Patch, look for upper limits to avoid processing retransmitted data */ Int_t PamelaDBOperations::SetUpperLimits(){ UInt_t nevent = 0; UInt_t pktlast = 0; UInt_t obtlast = 0; Long64_t t_pktlast = 0LL; // UInt_t t_obtlast = 0; Long64_t t_obtlast = 0LL; Long64_t upperpkt2 = 0LL; Long64_t upperobt2 = 0LL; UInt_t zomp = 0; UInt_t jump = 50000; // was 5000 EventCounter *code=0; // Long64_t deltapkt = 5000LL; Long64_t deltaobt = 50000LL; // pcksList packetsNames; pcksList::iterator Iter; getPacketsNames(packetsNames); // pktfirst = 0; obtfirst = 0; ppktfirst = 0; pobtfirst = 0; // TTree *T = 0; T = (TTree*)file->Get("Physics"); if ( !T || T->IsZombie() ) throw -16; EventHeader *eh = 0; PscuHeader *ph = 0; T->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); nevent = T->GetEntries(); // T->GetEntry(0); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); pktfirst = ph->GetCounter(); obtfirst = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); ppktfirst = pktfirst; pobtfirst = obtfirst; // code = eh->GetCounter(); UInt_t en = 0; for(Iter = packetsNames.begin(); Iter != packetsNames.end(); Iter++){ en = code->Get(GetPacketType(*Iter)); if ( !strcmp("CalibCalPed",*Iter) || !strcmp("CalibTrk1",*Iter) || !strcmp("CalibTrk2",*Iter) || !strcmp("CalibS4",*Iter) ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" We have a calibration before the first physic packet: packet type is %s, entries: %i \n",*Iter,en); // TTree *TC = 0; TC = (TTree*)file->Get("CalibCalPed"); if ( !TC || TC->IsZombie() ) throw -16; EventHeader *ehc = 0; PscuHeader *phc = 0; TC->SetBranchAddress("Header", &ehc); TC->GetEntry(0); phc = ehc->GetPscuHeader(); pktfirst = phc->GetCounter(); obtfirst = phc->GetOrbitalTime(); // }; }; // T->GetEntry(nevent-1); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); pktlast = ph->GetCounter(); obtlast = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); // upperpkt = PKT(pktlast); upperobt = OBT(obtlast); upperentry = nevent-1; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" First entries are: OBT %u pkt_num %u \n",obtfirst,pktfirst); // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Last entries are: OBT %lld pkt_num %lld entry %i\n",upperobt,upperpkt,upperentry); // if ( (PKT(pktlast) < PKT(pktfirst) && OBT(obtlast) > OBT(obtfirst)) || (PKT(pktlast) > PKT(pktfirst) && OBT(obtlast) < OBT(obtfirst)) ) return(32); // if ( !nevent ) return(64); // if ( nevent < 2 ) return(128); if ( nevent < jump ) jump = 1; // if ( nevent < jump ) jump = int(nevent/10); // if ( !jump ) jump = 1; // if ( (PKT(pktlast) < PKT(pktfirst) && OBT(obtlast) < OBT(obtfirst)) || (labs(PKT(pktlast)-PKT(pktfirst)) deltapkt ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" starting jump %i \n",jump); // go back zomp = nevent - 2; // while ( jump > 0 ){ // t_pktlast = PKT(pktlast); t_obtlast = OBT(obtlast); // for (UInt_t i = zomp; i>1; i-=jump){ // if ( i >= 0 ) T->GetEntry(i); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); upperpkt = PKT(ph->GetCounter()); upperobt = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime()); upperentry = i; // if ( (i-1) >= 0 ) T->GetEntry(i-1); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); upperpkt2 = PKT(ph->GetCounter()); upperobt2 = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime()); // if ( (t_pktlast < upperpkt && t_obtlast > upperobt) || (t_pktlast < upperpkt2 && t_obtlast > upperobt2) ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" .-. upperpkt2 %lld upperobt2 %lld \n",upperpkt2,upperobt2); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" .-. upperpkt %lld t_pktlast %lld upperobt %lld t_obtlast %lld \n",upperpkt,t_pktlast,upperobt,t_obtlast); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" .-. jump %i zomp %i upperpkt %lld pktlast %u upperobt %lld obtlast %u last entry is %i \n",jump,zomp,upperpkt,pktlast,upperobt,obtlast,i); throw -13; }; // if ( t_pktlast < upperpkt && t_obtlast < upperobt && t_pktlast < upperpkt2 && t_obtlast < upperobt2 ){ zomp = i + jump + 1; if ( zomp > nevent-2 ) zomp = nevent - 2; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" .-. jump %i zomp %i upperpkt %lld pktlast %u upperobt %lld obtlast %u last entry is %i \n",jump,zomp,upperpkt,pktlast,upperobt,obtlast,i); break; }; // t_pktlast = upperpkt; t_obtlast = upperobt; }; // if ( jump == 1 ) jump = 0; if ( jump == 10 ) jump = 1; if ( jump == 100 ) jump = 10; if ( jump == 1000 ) jump = 100; if ( jump == 5000 ) jump = 1000; if ( jump == 50000 ) jump = 5000; // }; // }; // // check if last runtrailer is within limits, if not extend limits (one should check for all packets but we need only runtrailer) // PacketType *pctp=0; TTree *rh=(TTree*)file->Get("RunHeader"); if ( !rh || rh->IsZombie() ) throw -17; TTree *rt=(TTree*)file->Get("RunTrailer"); if ( !rt || rt->IsZombie() ) throw -18; // rh->SetBranchAddress("RunHeader", &runh); rh->SetBranchAddress("Header", &ehh); // rt->SetBranchAddress("RunTrailer", &runt); rt->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eht); // rhev = rh->GetEntries(); rtev = rt->GetEntries(); Long64_t sobtt = 0LL; Long64_t sobth = 0LL; Long64_t spktt = 0LL; Long64_t spkth = 0LL; Long64_t pktt = 0LL; Long64_t obtt = 0LL; Long64_t pkth = 0LL; Long64_t obth = 0LL; // if ( rhev || rtev ){ T->GetEntry(upperentry); code = eh->GetCounter(); Int_t lasttrail = code->Get(pctp->RunTrailer); Int_t lasthead = code->Get(pctp->RunHeader); if ( lasttrail < rtev ){ rt->GetEntry(lasttrail); pht = eht->GetPscuHeader(); pktt = PKT(pht->GetCounter()); obtt = OBT(pht->GetOrbitalTime()); }; // if ( lasthead < rhev ){ rh->GetEntry(lasthead); phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader(); pkth = PKT(phh->GetCounter()); obth = OBT(phh->GetOrbitalTime()); }; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rhev before %i ph %lld upperp %lld oh %lld uppero %lld \n",rhev,pkth,upperpkt,obth,upperobt); if ( pkth > upperpkt && obth > upperobt ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Upper limits extended to include last header: ph %lld upperp %lld oh %lld uppero %lld \n",pkth,upperpkt,obth,upperobt); upperpkt = pkth; upperobt = obth; rhev = lasthead+1; } else { rhev = lasthead; }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rhev after %i ph %lld upperp %lld oh %lld uppero %lld \n",rhev,pkth,upperpkt,obth,upperobt); // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rtev beforev %i pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",rtev,pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt); if ( pktt > upperpkt && obtt > upperobt ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Upper limits extended to include last trailer: pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt); upperpkt = pktt; upperobt = obtt; rtev = lasttrail+1; } else { rtev = lasttrail; }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rtev after %i pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",rtev,pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt); // goto kikko; // // // Check if runtrailer/runheader are within lower limits // // pkth = 0LL; obth = 0LL; spkth = 0LL; sobth = 0LL; for (Int_t k=0; k 0 ){ spkth = pkth; sobth = obth; }; rh->GetEntry(k); phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader(); pkth = PKT(phh->GetCounter()); obth = OBT(phh->GetOrbitalTime()); // // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" k %i rhev before %i ph %u upperp %u oh %u uppero %u \n",k,rhev,pkth,spkth,obth,sobth); // if ( pkth < spkth && obth < sobth ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" RH PROBLEMS determining the event repetition at the end of the file lasthead %i \n",rhev); // rhev = k-1; rh->GetEntry(rhev); pkth = spkth; obth = sobth; // UInt_t evbefh = 0; code = ehh->GetCounter(); evbefh = code->Get(pctp->Physics); if ( evbefh >= 0 ){ T->GetEntry(evbefh); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); t_pktlast = PKT(ph->GetCounter()); t_obtlast = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime()); if ( t_pktlast <= spkth && t_obtlast <= sobth ){ // jump upperpkt = pkth; upperobt = obth; upperentry = evbefh-1; } else { while ( t_pktlast > spkth && t_obtlast > sobth && evbefh < nevent ){ evbefh++; T->GetEntry(evbefh); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); t_pktlast = PKT(ph->GetCounter()); t_obtlast = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime()); }; T->GetEntry(evbefh-1); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); upperpkt = PKT(ph->GetCounter()); upperobt = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime()); upperentry = evbefh-1; }; }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rhev after %i ph %lld upperp %lld oh %lld uppero %lld \n",rhev,pkth,upperpkt,obth,upperobt); goto kikko0; }; }; kikko0: // // // pktt = 0LL; obtt = 0LL; spktt = 0LL; sobtt = 0LL; for (Int_t k=0; k 0 ){ spktt = pktt; sobtt = obtt; }; rt->GetEntry(k); pht = eht->GetPscuHeader(); pktt = PKT(pht->GetCounter()); obtt = OBT(pht->GetOrbitalTime()); // // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" k %i rtev beforev %i pt %i upperp %i ot %llu uppero %llu \n",k,rtev,pktt,spktt,obtt,sobtt); // if ( pktt < spktt && obtt < sobtt ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" RT PROBLEMS determining the event repetition at the end of the file lasttrail %i \n",rtev); // rtev = k-1; rt->GetEntry(rtev); pktt = spktt; obtt = sobtt; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" lasttrail %i pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",rtev,pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt); // UInt_t evbeft = 0; code = eht->GetCounter(); evbeft = code->Get(pctp->Physics); if ( evbeft >= 0 ){ T->GetEntry(evbeft); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); t_pktlast = PKT(ph->GetCounter()); t_obtlast = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime()); if ( t_pktlast <= spktt && t_obtlast <= sobtt ){ // jump upperpkt = pktt; upperobt = obtt; upperentry = evbeft-1; } else { while ( t_pktlast > spktt && t_obtlast > sobtt && evbeft < nevent ){ evbeft++; T->GetEntry(evbeft); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); t_pktlast = PKT(ph->GetCounter()); t_obtlast = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime()); }; T->GetEntry(evbeft-1); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); upperpkt = PKT(ph->GetCounter()); upperobt = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime()); upperentry = evbeft-1; }; }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rtev after %i pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",rtev,pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt); goto kikko; // break; // }; // }; // kikko: // T->GetEntry(upperentry); code = eh->GetCounter(); lasttrail = code->Get(pctp->RunTrailer); lasthead = code->Get(pctp->RunHeader); if ( lasttrail < rtev ){ rt->GetEntry(lasttrail); pht = eht->GetPscuHeader(); pktt = PKT(pht->GetCounter()); obtt = OBT(pht->GetOrbitalTime()); }; // if ( lasthead < rhev ){ rh->GetEntry(lasthead); phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader(); pkth = PKT(phh->GetCounter()); obth = OBT(phh->GetOrbitalTime()); }; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rhev before %i ph %lld upperp %lld oh %lld uppero %lld \n",rhev,pkth,upperpkt,obth,upperobt); if ( pkth > upperpkt && obth > upperobt ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Upper limits extended to include last header: ph %lld upperp %lld oh %lld uppero %lld \n",pkth,upperpkt,obth,upperobt); upperpkt = pkth; upperobt = obth; rhev = lasthead+1; } else { rhev = lasthead; }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rhev after %i ph %lld upperp %lld oh %lld uppero %lld \n",rhev,pkth,upperpkt,obth,upperobt); // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rtev beforev %i pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",rtev,pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt); if ( pktt > upperpkt && obtt > upperobt ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Upper limits extended to include last trailer: pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt); upperpkt = pktt; upperobt = obtt; rtev = lasttrail+1; } else { rtev = lasttrail; }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rtev after %i pt %lld upperp %lld ot %lld uppero %lld \n",rtev,pktt,upperpkt,obtt,upperobt); // }; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Upper limits are: OBT %lld pkt_num %lld upper entry %i \n",upperobt,upperpkt,upperentry); // return(0); } /** * * Trick to have unique RUN ID numbers even when runs are deleted and mysql deamon restarted. * Entries in the _RUNID_GEN table are never deleted. * **/ UInt_t PamelaDBOperations::AssignRunID(){ // TSQLResult *result = 0; TSQLRow *row = 0; UInt_t runid = 0; // stringstream oss; // oss.str(""); oss << "INSERT INTO _RUNID_GEN VALUES (NULL);"; result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( !result ) throw -10; oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT ID FROM _RUNID_GEN ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1;"; result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( !result ) throw -10; // row = result->Next(); // if ( !row ) throw -28; // runid = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)); // return(runid); }; // // GETTERS // /** * * Returns the DB absolute time needed to associate calibrations to data * */ UInt_t PamelaDBOperations::GetAbsTime(UInt_t obt){ // return(((UInt_t)(OBT(obt)/1000)+toffset)); // }; /** * * List of packet types (just to make easily the loops) * */ const PacketType* PamelaDBOperations::GetPacketType(const char* type){ if ( !strcmp(type,"Pscu") ) return(PacketType::Pscu); if ( !strcmp(type,"PhysEndRun") ) return(PacketType::PhysEndRun); if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibCalPulse1") ) return(PacketType::CalibCalPulse1); if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibCalPulse2") ) return(PacketType::CalibCalPulse2); if ( !strcmp(type,"Physics") ) return(PacketType::Physics); if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibTrkBoth") ) return(PacketType::CalibTrkBoth); if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibTrk1") ) return(PacketType::CalibTrk1); if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibTrk2") ) return(PacketType::CalibTrk2); if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibTof") ) return(PacketType::CalibTof); if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibS4") ) return(PacketType::CalibS4); if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibCalPed") ) return(PacketType::CalibCalPed); if ( !strcmp(type,"Calib1_Ac1") ) return(PacketType::Calib1_Ac1); if ( !strcmp(type,"Calib2_Ac1") ) return(PacketType::Calib2_Ac1); if ( !strcmp(type,"Calib1_Ac2") ) return(PacketType::Calib1_Ac2); if ( !strcmp(type,"Calib2_Ac2") ) return(PacketType::Calib2_Ac2); if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibCal") ) return(PacketType::CalibCal); if ( !strcmp(type,"RunHeader") ) return(PacketType::RunHeader); if ( !strcmp(type,"RunTrailer") ) return(PacketType::RunTrailer); if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibHeader") ) return(PacketType::CalibHeader); if ( !strcmp(type,"CalibTrailer") ) return(PacketType::CalibTrailer); if ( !strcmp(type,"InitHeader") ) return(PacketType::InitHeader); if ( !strcmp(type,"InitTrailer") ) return(PacketType::InitTrailer); if ( !strcmp(type,"EventTrk") ) return(PacketType::EventTrk); if ( !strcmp(type,"Log") ) return(PacketType::Log); if ( !strcmp(type,"VarDump") ) return(PacketType::VarDump); if ( !strcmp(type,"ArrDump") ) return(PacketType::ArrDump); if ( !strcmp(type,"TabDump") ) return(PacketType::TabDump); if ( !strcmp(type,"Tmtc") ) return(PacketType::Tmtc); if ( !strcmp(type,"Mcmd") ) return(PacketType::Mcmd); if ( !strcmp(type,"ForcedFECmd") ) return(PacketType::ForcedFECmd); if ( !strcmp(type,"Ac1Init") ) return(PacketType::Ac1Init); if ( !strcmp(type,"CalInit") ) return(PacketType::CalInit); if ( !strcmp(type,"TrkInit") ) return(PacketType::TrkInit); if ( !strcmp(type,"TofInit") ) return(PacketType::TofInit); if ( !strcmp(type,"TrgInit") ) return(PacketType::TrgInit); if ( !strcmp(type,"NdInit") ) return(PacketType::NdInit); if ( !strcmp(type,"S4Init") ) return(PacketType::S4Init); if ( !strcmp(type,"Ac2Init") ) return(PacketType::Ac2Init); if ( !strcmp(type,"CalAlarm") ) return(PacketType::CalAlarm); if ( !strcmp(type,"Ac1Alarm") ) return(PacketType::Ac1Alarm); if ( !strcmp(type,"TrkAlarm") ) return(PacketType::TrkAlarm); if ( !strcmp(type,"TrgAlarm") ) return(PacketType::TrgAlarm); if ( !strcmp(type,"TofAlarm") ) return(PacketType::TofAlarm); if ( !strcmp(type,"S4Alarm") ) return(PacketType::S4Alarm); if ( !strcmp(type,"Ac2Alarm") ) return(PacketType::Ac2Alarm); if ( !strcmp(type,"TsbT") ) return(PacketType::TsbT); if ( !strcmp(type,"TsbB") ) return(PacketType::TsbB); return(PacketType::Invalid); }; // // PRIVATE FUNCTIONS // // /** // * Open the ROOT filename for reading // */ // void PamelaDBOperations::OpenFile(){ // file = TFile::Open(this->GetRootName().Data()); // // void PamelaDBOperations::CheckFile(){ if ( !file ) throw -12; }; /** * Check if LEVEL0 file and DB connection have really be opened */ void PamelaDBOperations::CheckConnection(){ // // check connection // if( !conn ) throw -1; bool connect = conn->IsConnected(); if( !connect ) throw -1; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf("\n DB INFORMATIONS:\n SQL: %s Version: %s Host %s Port %i \n\n",conn->GetDBMS(),conn->ServerInfo(),conn->GetHost(),conn->GetPort()); // if ( !dworbit && strcmp(this->GetRootName().Data(),"") ) throw -27; // // set DB timezone to UTC // stringstream oss; // oss.str(""); oss << "SET time_zone='+0:00';"; TSQLResult *result = 0; result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( !result ) throw -10; oss.str(""); oss << "SET wait_timeout=173000;"; conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // }; /** * Return the correct packet number if we went back to zero */ Long64_t PamelaDBOperations::PKT(UInt_t pkt_num){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" pkt conversion: pkt_num is %u pktfirst is %u (UInt_t)(16777214/2)) is %u \n",pkt_num,ppktfirst,(UInt_t)(16777214/2)); // if ( pkt_num < (ppktfirst/2) && ppktfirst > (16777214/2) ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rise up pktnum %lld \n",(Long64_t)pkt_num+16777215LL); return((Long64_t)pkt_num+16777215LL); }; // if ( pkt_num > ((Long64_t)ppktfirst*2) && pkt_num > (16777214/2) ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rise down pktnum %lld \n",(Long64_t)pkt_num-16777215LL); return((Long64_t)pkt_num-16777215LL); }; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" as it is %lld \n",(Long64_t)pkt_num); return((Long64_t)pkt_num); // }; /** * Return the correct On Board Time if we went back to zero */ Long64_t PamelaDBOperations::OBT(UInt_t obt){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" obt conversion: obt is %u obtfirst is %u (numeric_limits::max()/2) is %u \n",obt,pobtfirst,(UInt_t)(numeric_limits::max()/2)); // if ( obt < (pobtfirst/2) && pobtfirst > (numeric_limits::max()/2) ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rise up obt %lld \n",(Long64_t)(obt+numeric_limits::max())); return((Long64_t)(obt+numeric_limits::max())); }; // if ( obt > ((Long64_t)pobtfirst*2) && obt > (numeric_limits::max()/2) ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" pobtfirst*2 %lld \n",((Long64_t)pobtfirst*2)); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" rise down pktnum %lld \n", (Long64_t)obt-(Long64_t)numeric_limits::max()); return((Long64_t)obt-(Long64_t)numeric_limits::max()); }; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" as it is %lld \n",(Long64_t)obt); return((Long64_t)obt); }; /** * * Fill the glrun class with infos about the run when we have both runtrailer and runheader * */ void PamelaDBOperations::FillClass(){ this->FillClass(false,false,0,0); }; /** * * Fill the glrun class with infos about the run when we have both runtrailer and runheader * */ void PamelaDBOperations::FillClass(Bool_t mishead, Bool_t mistrail, UInt_t firstev, UInt_t lastev){ // TTree *T = 0; T = (TTree*)file->Get("Physics"); if ( !T || T->IsZombie() ) throw -16; // EventHeader *eh = 0; PscuHeader *ph = 0; T->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); PacketType *pctp=0; EventCounter *codt=0; EventCounter *codh=0; UInt_t firstObt = 0; UInt_t lastObt = 0; UInt_t firstPkt = 0; UInt_t lastPkt = 0; UInt_t rhtime = 0; UInt_t rttime = 0; if ( !mishead ){ codh = ehh->GetCounter(); firstev = codh->Get(pctp->Physics); rhtime = this->GetAbsTime(phh->GetOrbitalTime()); glrun->Set_GL_RUNH(runh,phh); firstObt = glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT(); firstPkt = glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT(); }; if ( !mistrail ){ codt = eht->GetCounter(); lastev = codt->Get(pctp->Physics)-1; rttime = this->GetAbsTime(pht->GetOrbitalTime()); glrun->Set_GL_RUNT(runt,pht); lastObt = glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT(); lastPkt = glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT(); }; // if ( mishead && mistrail && lastev+1 == firstev ) throw -14; // run with no events, no runtrailer, no runheader... unsupported should never arrive here // if ( mishead ) { glrun->Set_GL_RUNH0(); // if ( lastev+1 == firstev ){ firstObt = lastObt; firstPkt = lastPkt; rhtime = rttime; } else { T->GetEntry(firstev); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); firstObt = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); rhtime = this->GetAbsTime(firstObt); firstPkt = ph->GetCounter(); }; // glrun->SetRUNHEADER_PKT(firstPkt); glrun->SetRUNHEADER_OBT(firstObt); // }; if ( mistrail ){ glrun->Set_GL_RUNT0(); // if ( lastev+1 == firstev ){ lastObt = firstObt; lastPkt = firstPkt; rttime = rhtime; } else { T->GetEntry(lastev); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); lastObt = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); rttime = this->GetAbsTime(lastObt); lastPkt = ph->GetCounter(); }; // glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_OBT(lastObt); glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_PKT(lastPkt); // }; glrun->SetEV_FROM(firstev); glrun->SetEV_TO(lastev); glrun->SetNEVENTS(lastev-firstev+1); // this->SetCommonGLRUN(rhtime,rttime); // }; // // PUBLIC FUNCTIONS // /** * Insert a new row into GL_RAW table. */ Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertPamelaRawFile(){ // stringstream oss; // Bool_t idr = this->SetID_RAW(); if ( idr ) return(1); // oss.str(""); if ( STATIC ){ oss << "INSERT INTO GL_RAW (PATH, NAME) VALUES ('" << this->GetRawPath().Data() << "', '" << this->GetRawFile().Data() << "')"; } else { oss << "INSERT INTO GL_RAW (PATH, NAME) VALUES ('$PAM_RAW', '" << this->GetRawFile().Data() << "')"; }; if ( conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()) == 0 ) throw -4; // idr = this->SetID_RAW(); if ( !idr ) throw -11; // return(0); } /** * Look for one timesync information in the file and * fill the GL_TIMESYNC table. It will look for: 1) TS-MCMD 2) TS info in the RunHeader 3) TS info in the runtrailer, if none exists exit with error */ Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertPamelaGL_TIMESYNC(){ // TSQLResult *result = 0; TSQLRow *row = 0; UInt_t t0 = 0; Int_t signal = 0; // signal = this->SetUpperLimits(); // stringstream oss; // if ( this->GetID_RAW() == 0 ) throw -11; // oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT YEAR(OFFSET_DATE),MONTH(OFFSET_DATE),DAY(OFFSET_DATE),HOUR(OFFSET_DATE),MINUTE(OFFSET_DATE),SECOND(OFFSET_DATE) FROM GL_RESURS_OFFSET WHERE SPECIAL_FILE='" << this->GetRawFile().Data() << "';"; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( !result ) throw -10; row = result->Next(); // if ( !row ){ oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT YEAR(OFFSET_DATE),MONTH(OFFSET_DATE),DAY(OFFSET_DATE),HOUR(OFFSET_DATE),MINUTE(OFFSET_DATE),SECOND(OFFSET_DATE) FROM GL_RESURS_OFFSET WHERE FROM_ORBIT< " << dworbit << " order by FROM_ORBIT desc limit 1;"; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( !result ) throw -10; row = result->Next(); if ( !row ) throw -10; }; // TTimeStamp tu = TTimeStamp((UInt_t)atoi(row->GetField(0)),(UInt_t)atoi(row->GetField(1)),(UInt_t)atoi(row->GetField(2)),(UInt_t)atoi(row->GetField(3)),(UInt_t)atoi(row->GetField(4)),(UInt_t)atoi(row->GetField(5)),0,true,0); t0 = (UInt_t)tu.GetSec(); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" t0 is %u ti is %s %s %s %s %s %s\n",t0,row->GetField(0),row->GetField(1),row->GetField(2),row->GetField(3),row->GetField(4),row->GetField(5)); // /* * Verify that the TIMESYNC have been not already processed */ oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT COUNT(GL_TIMESYNC.ID),GL_TIMESYNC.OBT0,GL_TIMESYNC.TIMESYNC FROM GL_TIMESYNC " << " LEFT JOIN GL_RAW " << " ON GL_RAW.ID = GL_TIMESYNC.ID_RAW " << " WHERE GL_TIMESYNC.ID_RAW = " << this->GetID_RAW() << " GROUP BY GL_TIMESYNC.OBT0;"; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" check for old timesync: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if (result == NULL) throw -10; row = result->Next(); if ((row != NULL) && ((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)) > 0)){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" found a timesync t0 is %u \n",t0); toffset = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2)) - (UInt_t)(this->OBT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)))/1000) + t0; // tsync = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2)); obt0 = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)); // return(1); }; // TTree *T = 0; // UInt_t nevent = 0; UInt_t recEntries = 0; // UInt_t OBT = 0; UInt_t TYPE = 0; // Double_t minimum = 0.; Double_t maximum = 0.; Double_t minimum2 = 0.; Double_t maximum2 = 0.; // UInt_t TSYNC = 0; // pamela::McmdEvent *mc = 0; pamela::McmdRecord *mcrc = 0; TArrayC *mcmddata = 0; // minimum = numeric_limits::max(); maximum = numeric_limits::min(); minimum2 = numeric_limits::max(); maximum2 = numeric_limits::min(); // T = (TTree*)file->Get("Mcmd"); if ( !T || T->IsZombie() ) throw -19; T->SetBranchAddress("Mcmd",&mc); // nevent = T->GetEntries(); // // loop over events // Bool_t existsts = false; // for (UInt_t i=0; iGetEntry(i); // recEntries = mc->Records->GetEntries(); // for (UInt_t j = 0; j < recEntries; j++){ mcrc = (pamela::McmdRecord*)mc->Records->At(j); mcmddata = mcrc->McmdData; // if (mcrc->ID1 == 0xE0){ // mcmd timesync // OBT = (Int_t)(mcrc->MCMD_RECORD_OBT); // TSYNC = (((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(0)<<24)&0xFF000000) + (((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(1)<<16)&0x00FF0000) + (((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(2)<<8)&0x0000FF00) + (((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(3))&0x000000FF); // TYPE = 55;//224; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf("mcmd tsync %i tsync %u obt %u \n",i,TSYNC,OBT); // if ( TSYNC && OBT ){ existsts = true; goto eout; }; // }; }; }; if ( !existsts ) { // try with runheader and runtrailer // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No ts mcmd \n"); signal = 2; // TTree *rh=(TTree*)file->Get("RunHeader"); if ( !rh || rh->IsZombie() ) throw -17; TTree *rt=(TTree*)file->Get("RunTrailer"); if ( !rt || rt->IsZombie() ) throw -18; // rh->SetBranchAddress("RunHeader", &runh); // rt->SetBranchAddress("RunTrailer", &runt); // Int_t nrhev = rh->GetEntries(); Int_t nrtev = rt->GetEntries(); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ou nevent %i rhev %i rtev %i \n",nevent,nrhev,nrtev); // if ( nrhev > 0 ){ for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntry(i); // TSYNC = runh->LAST_TIME_SYNC_INFO; OBT = runh->OBT_TIME_SYNC * 1000; // TYPE = 20; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf("runheader %i tsync %u obt %u \n",i,TSYNC,OBT); // if ( TSYNC && OBT ){ existsts = true; goto eout; }; }; // }; if ( nrtev > 0 ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No runheader \n"); signal = 6; // for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntry(i); // TSYNC = runt->LAST_TYME_SYNC_INFO; OBT = runt->OBT_TYME_SYNC * 1000; // TYPE = 21; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf("runtrailer %i tsync %u obt %u \n",i,TSYNC,OBT); // if ( TSYNC && OBT ){ existsts = true; goto eout; }; }; // } else { if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No runheader \n"); }; }; // if ( !existsts ){ // try with inclination mcmd // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No runtrailer \n"); signal = 14; // Double_t timesync = 0.; for (UInt_t i=0; iGetEntry(i); // recEntries = mc->Records->GetEntries(); // // for (UInt_t j = 0; j < recEntries; j++){ mcrc = (pamela::McmdRecord*)mc->Records->At(j); mcmddata = mcrc->McmdData; // if (mcrc->ID1 == 0xE2){ // mcmd inclination timesync = 0.; timesync = (Double_t)(((((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(0) << 24) & 0xFF000000) + (((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(1) << 16) & 0x00FF0000) + (((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(2) << 8) & 0x0000FF00) + ((UInt_t)mcmddata->At(3) & 0x000000FF))/128.0); // if ( timesync > maximum2){ maximum2 = timesync; OBT = (Int_t)(mcrc->MCMD_RECORD_OBT); }; }; // }; }; if ( maximum2 > numeric_limits::min() ){ TSYNC = (UInt_t)(maximum2 + 0.5); TYPE = 666; if ( TSYNC && OBT ){ existsts = true; goto eout; }; }; }; // if ( !existsts && obt0 ){ // insert timesync by hand // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No incl mcmd \n"); signal = 30; // OBT = obt0; TSYNC = tsync; TYPE = 999; existsts = true; goto eout; }; // eout: // if ( !existsts ) throw -3; // oss.str(""); oss << "INSERT INTO GL_TIMESYNC (ID_RAW,TYPE,OBT0,TIMESYNC) VALUES ('" << this->GetID_RAW() << "','"//224'" << dec << (UInt_t)TYPE << "','" << dec << (UInt_t)OBT << "','" << dec << (UInt_t)TSYNC << "');"; conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Query the GL_TIMESYNC table to fill it:\n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" found a timesync t0 is %u \n",t0); toffset = (UInt_t)TSYNC - (UInt_t)(this->OBT(OBT)/1000) + t0; // tsync = TSYNC; obt0 = OBT; // delete result; return(signal); } /** * Insert all the new rows into GL_ROOT. * The raw file indicates in the parameters should be already been stored in the database. */ Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertPamelaRootFile(){ stringstream oss; TSQLResult *result = 0; TSQLRow *row = 0; UInt_t idtimesync = 0; // oss.str(""); if ( STATIC ){ oss << " SELECT COUNT(GL_ROOT.ID_RAW),GL_RAW.ID,GL_ROOT.ID FROM GL_RAW " << " LEFT JOIN GL_ROOT " << " ON GL_RAW.ID = GL_ROOT.ID_RAW " << " WHERE GL_RAW.PATH = '" << this->GetRawPath().Data() << "' AND " << " GL_RAW.NAME = '" << this->GetRawFile().Data() << "' GROUP BY GL_RAW.ID "; } else { oss << " SELECT COUNT(GL_ROOT.ID_RAW),GL_RAW.ID,GL_ROOT.ID FROM GL_RAW " << " LEFT JOIN GL_ROOT " << " ON GL_RAW.ID = GL_ROOT.ID_RAW " << " WHERE GL_RAW.PATH = '$PAM_RAW' AND " << " GL_RAW.NAME = '" << this->GetRawFile().Data() << "' GROUP BY GL_RAW.ID "; }; result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -12; // row = result->Next(); // if ( !row ) throw -10; if ( row != NULL && (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0))>0 ){ idroot = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2)); return(1); }; // // determine which timesync has to be used // oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT GL_TIMESYNC.ID FROM GL_TIMESYNC LEFT JOIN GL_RAW ON GL_RAW.ID = GL_TIMESYNC.ID_RAW ORDER BY GL_TIMESYNC.ID DESC LIMIT 1;"; result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -3; // row = result->Next(); // if ( !row ) throw -3; idtimesync = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)); // oss.str(""); if ( STATIC ){ oss << "INSERT INTO GL_ROOT (ID_RAW, ID_TIMESYNC,PATH, NAME) VALUES ('" << this->GetID_RAW() << "', '" << idtimesync << "', '" << this->GetRootPath().Data() << "', '" << this->GetRootFile().Data() << "')"; } else { oss << "INSERT INTO GL_ROOT (ID_RAW, ID_TIMESYNC,PATH, NAME) VALUES ('" << this->GetID_RAW() << "', '" << idtimesync << "', '$PAM_L0', '" << this->GetRootFile().Data() << "')"; }; // if (conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()) == 0) throw -4; // delete result; // oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT ID FROM GL_ROOT WHERE ID_RAW=" << this->GetID_RAW() << ";"; // result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( !result ) throw -12; row = result->Next(); this->SetID_ROOT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0))); // delete result; // return(0); } /** * Assign the BOOT_NUMBER to the raw file. */ Int_t PamelaDBOperations::assignBOOT_NUMBER(){ stringstream oss; TSQLResult *result = 0; TSQLRow *row = 0; oss.str(""); if ( STATIC ){ oss << "SELECT ID, BOOT_NUMBER FROM GL_RAW WHERE " << " PATH = '" << this->GetRawPath().Data() << "' AND " << " NAME = '" << this->GetRawFile().Data() << "' "; } else { oss << "SELECT ID, BOOT_NUMBER FROM GL_RAW WHERE " << " PATH = '$PAM_RAW' AND " << " NAME = '" << this->GetRawFile().Data() << "' "; }; result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4;; row = result->Next(); if ( !row ) return(16); if ( row->GetField(1) ){ this->SetBOOTnumber((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1))); return(1); }; if ( !row->GetField(0) ) throw -26; // UInt_t idRaw = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)); // // // TTree *trDumpEv = 0; trDumpEv = (TTree*)file->Get("VarDump"); if ( !trDumpEv || trDumpEv->IsZombie() ) throw -20; // VarDumpEvent *vde = 0; VarDumpRecord *vdr = 0; // Bool_t found = false; trDumpEv->SetBranchAddress("VarDump", &vde); if ( trDumpEv->GetEntries() > 0 ){ found = false; for ( Int_t i = 0; i < trDumpEv->GetEntries(); i++){ trDumpEv->GetEntry(i); // vde->Records->GetEntries(); if ( vde->Records->GetEntries()>5 ){ found = true; goto fill; }; }; fill: if ( found ){ // vdr = (VarDumpRecord*)vde->Records->At(6); // this->SetBOOTnumber((Int_t)vdr->VAR_VALUE); // } else { if ( !this->GetBOOTnumber() && !this->AutoBoot()) return(4); }; } else { if ( !this->GetBOOTnumber() && !this->AutoBoot()) return(2); }; // UInt_t bn = 0; Bool_t afound = false; if ( !found && this->AutoBoot()){ afound = true; // // Search for other files with similar timesync // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" tsync %u obt0 %u \n",tsync,obt0); UInt_t upperts = tsync-(obt0/1000)+5; UInt_t lowerts = tsync-(obt0/1000)-5; oss.str(""); oss << "select GL_RAW.BOOT_NUMBER from GL_TIMESYNC LEFT JOIN GL_RAW ON GL_RAW.ID = GL_TIMESYNC.ID_RAW where TIMESYNC-(OBT0/1000)<" << upperts << " AND TIMESYNC-(OBT0/1000)>" << lowerts << " AND GL_RAW.BOOT_NUMBER>0 GROUP BY GL_TIMESYNC.OBT0;"; result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Query the GL_TIMESYNC table to find boot number:\n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4;; found = true; if ( result->GetRowCount()<3 ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" AGH! no results!\n"); found = false; } else { row = result->Next(); bn = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)); for ( Int_t r=1; rGetRowCount() ;r++){ if ( !row ) throw -4; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" BOOT number is %s \n",row->GetField(0)); if ( bn != (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)) ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" AGH! bn = %u here instead %u \n",bn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0))); found = false; }; row = result->Next(); }; }; }; // Int_t sgn = 0; // if ( !found && !BOOTNO ){ throw -29; } else { if ( afound ){ this->SetBOOTnumber(bn); sgn = 8; }; }; // oss.str(""); oss << " UPDATE GL_RAW " << " SET GL_RAW.BOOT_NUMBER = '" << dec << this->GetBOOTnumber() << "'" << " WHERE GL_RAW.ID = '" << idRaw << "'"; conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // delete result; return(sgn); }; /** * Scan runtrailer packet, fill the GL_RUN table and * check for missing and truncated runs */ Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertPamelaRUN(){ Int_t signal = 0; // stringstream oss; oss.str(""); // // signal = this->SetUpperLimits(); // // loop on runheader and runtrailer events // TTree *rh=(TTree*)file->Get("RunHeader"); if ( !rh || rh->IsZombie() ) throw -17; TTree *rt=(TTree*)file->Get("RunTrailer"); if ( !rt || rt->IsZombie() ) throw -18; // PacketType *pctp=0; EventCounter *cod=0; // rh->SetBranchAddress("RunHeader", &runh); rh->SetBranchAddress("Header", &ehh); // rt->SetBranchAddress("RunTrailer", &runt); rt->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eht); // UInt_t obtt = 0; UInt_t obth = 0; UInt_t pktt = 0; UInt_t pkth = 0; Int_t pth = -1; Int_t ptht = -1; Int_t evbeft = 0; Int_t evbefh = 0; // // no runtrailers in the file! // if ( !rtev ){ if ( !upperentry ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No physics events nor runs in the file \n"); throw -8; } else { this->HandleRunFragments(true,true,0,upperentry); }; } else { // for (Int_t ptt=0; pttGetEntry(ptt); pht = eht->GetPscuHeader(); pktt = pht->GetCounter(); obtt = pht->GetOrbitalTime(); // cod = eht->GetCounter(); ptht = cod->Get(pctp->RunHeader) - 1; evbeft = cod->Get(pctp->Physics); // if ( !ptt && !(ptht+1) ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Piece of run at the beginning of the file %u %u %u \n",ptht,pth,ptt); // this->HandleRunFragments(true,false,0,(evbeft-1)); // // } else if ( pth == ptht ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Missing header %u %u %u\n",ptht,pth,ptt); // if ( (ptt-1) < 0 ) throw -15; // should never arrive here! rt->GetEntry(ptt-1); cod = eht->GetCounter(); evbefh = cod->Get(pctp->Physics); rt->GetEntry(ptt); pht = eht->GetPscuHeader(); // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Try to find the beginning of a run which has only the runtrailer %u %u %u \n",ptht,pth,ptt); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' %u %u %u \n",pkth,obth,obtt); // this->HandleMissingHoT(true,false,evbefh,evbeft-1); // } else { // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Could be a good run, we have a runheader followed by a runtrailer %u %u %u\n",ptht,pth,ptt); // rh->GetEntry(ptht); phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader(); pkth = phh->GetCounter(); obth = phh->GetOrbitalTime(); cod = ehh->GetCounter(); evbefh = cod->Get(pctp->Physics); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' %u %u %u \n",pkth,obth,obtt); // // handle this run // this->HandleRun(); // // // if ( PKT(pkth)>PKT(pktfirst) && OBT(obth)>OBT(obtfirst) && !ptt ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Piece of run at the beginning of the file WITH NO RUNTRAILER \n"); // if ( (evbefh-1) == 1999 ) { // signal = 8; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Not supported yet: run with no events, no runtrailer, no runheader \n"); // } else { // // this->HandleRunFragments(true,true,0,(evbefh-1)); this->HandleRunFragments(true,true,-1,(evbefh-1)); // }; }; // // if ( (ptht - pth) > 1 ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Missing runtrailers! \n"); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Attention there is a jump in the runheader counter %u %u %u \n",ptht,pth,ptt); // is not the consecutive header while ( pth != ptht ){ // // treat the header(s) in the middle and then go to the next header, repeat until you reach the correct header. // pth++; // rh->GetEntry(pth+1); phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader(); pktt = phh->GetCounter(); obtt = phh->GetOrbitalTime(); cod = ehh->GetCounter(); evbeft = cod->Get(pctp->Physics); rh->GetEntry(pth); phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader(); cod = ehh->GetCounter(); pkth = phh->GetCounter(); obth = phh->GetOrbitalTime(); evbefh = cod->Get(pctp->Physics); // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Try to find the end of a run which has only the runheader %u %u %u \n",ptht,pth,ptt); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' %u %u %u \n",pkth,obth,obtt); // this->HandleMissingHoT(false,true,evbefh,evbeft-1); // }; // } else if ( !(ptht - pth) ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Missing runheader! \n"); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Attention! the runheader counter did not changed %u %u %u \n",ptht,pth,ptt); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run should have already been handled by HandleRun() \n"); // } else { // // go on with next header // pth = ptht; }; // }; // if ( ptt+1 == rtev){ ptht++; if ( ptht < rhev ){ rh->GetEntry(ptht); phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader(); pkth = phh->GetCounter(); obth = phh->GetOrbitalTime(); cod = ehh->GetCounter(); evbefh = cod->Get(pctp->Physics); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Piece of run at the end of file %u %u %u \n",pkth,obth,obtt); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' %u %u %u \n",ptht,pth,ptt); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' %u \n",rhev); // this->HandleRunFragments(false,true,evbefh,upperentry); } else { // // check if we have a fragment with no header // if ( (UInt_t)evbeft < upperentry-1 ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Piece of run at the end of the file with NO RUNHEADER!\n"); // if ( (ptt-1) < 0 ) throw -15; // should never arrive here! rt->GetEntry(ptt-1); cod = eht->GetCounter(); evbefh = cod->Get(pctp->Physics); rt->GetEntry(ptt); pht = eht->GetPscuHeader(); this->HandleRunFragments(true,true,evbefh,upperentry); }; }; }; // }; }; // return(signal); }; /** * * Check if the run has already been inserted * */ Bool_t PamelaDBOperations::IsRunAlreadyInserted(){ // TSQLResult *result = 0; TSQLRow *row = 0; // stringstream oss; oss.str(""); // // the where clause is of the type: boot_number = _our_boot && ( // ( runhead_time >= (_our_runhead_time-10) && runtrail_time <= (_our_runtrail_time+10) && // ( runhead_obt >= _our_runheadobt || runhead_pkt >= _our_runheadpkt ) && // ( runtrail_obt >= _our_runtrailobt || runtrail_pkt >= _our_runtrailpkt ) ) // || // ( runhead_time <= _our_runhead_time && runtrail_time >= _our_runtrail_time) && // ( runhead_obt <= _our_runheadobt || runhead_pkt <= _our_runheadpkt ) && // ( runtrail_obt <= _our_runtrailobt || runtrail_pkt <= _our_runtrailpkt ) ) // ) // oss << " SELECT ID,NEVENTS,TRK_CALIB_USED,PKT_COUNTER FROM GL_RUN WHERE " << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND (" << " (RUNHEADER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME()-10) << " AND " << " RUNTRAILER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME()+10) << " AND (" << " RUNHEADER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNHEADER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND (" << " RUNTRAILER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNTRAILER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ) OR " << " (RUNHEADER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME() << " AND " << " RUNTRAILER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME() <<" AND (" << " RUNHEADER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNHEADER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND (" << " RUNTRAILER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNTRAILER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ));"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" check if run has been inserted: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // row = result->Next(); // if ( !row ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run is new \n"); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" -> fill the DB \n"); return(false); // the file has not been inserted in the DB, go on. }; // Bool_t signal = true; // while ( row != NULL ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" A run exists with runheader and runtrailer time and packets compatible with this one \n"); // // the run has already been inserted // // return(true); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< patch follows, uncomment here // // PATCH! // we keep the processing run if (in order of growing importance) 1) we have the runtrailer while the old run doesn't have it 2) we have the runheader // while the old run doesn't have it 3) we have more events than the old run // if ( glrun->GetNEVENTS() > (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)) ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The new run has more events than the old one \n"); glrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN"); // oss.str(""); // oss << "DELETE FROM GL_RUN WHERE ID=" << row->GetField(0) <<";"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" delete the run entry: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); // conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( signal ) signal = false; goto gonext; // } else if ( glrun->GetNEVENTS() < (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)) ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The new run has less events than the old one \n"); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run is already inserted \n"); goto gonext; }; // if ( glrun->GetTRK_CALIB() && !(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2)) ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The new run has the same number of events and the runheader the old one miss the runheader \n"); // glrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN"); // oss.str(""); // oss << "DELETE FROM GL_RUN WHERE ID=" << row->GetField(0) <<";"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" delete the run entry: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); // conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( signal ) signal = false; goto gonext; } else if ( !glrun->GetTRK_CALIB() && (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2)) ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The new run has the same number of events but miss the runheader the old has the runheader \n"); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run is already inserted \n"); goto gonext; }; // if ( glrun->GetPKT_COUNTER() && !(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(3)) ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The new run has the same number of events, the runheader and the runtrailer the old one miss the runtrailer \n"); // glrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN"); // oss.str(""); // oss << "DELETE FROM GL_RUN WHERE ID=" << row->GetField(0) <<";"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" delete the run entry: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); // conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( signal ) signal = false; // }; // gonext: // END PATCH! // row = result->Next(); // }; // delete result; // if ( signal && IsDebug() ) printf(" The run has already been inserted \n"); if ( !signal && IsDebug() ) printf(" The run existed and was deleted, fill the DB \n"); return(signal); }; /** * Handle runs which seems to be good ones. **/ void PamelaDBOperations::HandleRun(){ ULong64_t chkpkt = 0; ULong64_t pktt = (ULong64_t)PKT(pht->GetCounter()); ULong64_t pkth = (ULong64_t)PKT(phh->GetCounter()); // chkpkt = pkth + (ULong64_t)runt->PKT_COUNTER + 1ULL + 1ULL; // if ( labs(chkpkt-pktt)<2 ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" check %llu pktt %llu \n",chkpkt,pktt); // // it must be a good run, fill the db // this->FillClass(); // if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){ glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID()); glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0); glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn); }; } else { // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" oh no! the distance between runheader and runtrailer seems wrong: check %llu pktt %llu \n",chkpkt,pktt); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" try to recover run(s) without runheader and runtrailer between runheader and runtrailer\n"); // this->HandleSuspiciousRun(); // }; // // return; }; /** * Handle run fragments at the beginning or at the end of the file **/ void PamelaDBOperations::HandleRunFragments(Bool_t mishead, Bool_t mistrail, UInt_t firstev, UInt_t lastev){ // UInt_t rhfirstev = firstev; UInt_t rtlastev = lastev; Bool_t found = false; Bool_t foundinrun = false; // TSQLResult *result = 0; TSQLRow *row = 0; // stringstream oss; oss.str(""); // // is the piece of run good (no other packets inside)? // if ( !this->IsRunConsistent(mishead,mistrail,firstev,lastev)){ // // if not, handle other pieces and continue with the first one // if ( IsDebug() ) printf("The run is not consistent, it contains non-physics packets! The run has been handled \n"); // }; // // we have now the good first piece of a run, fill the glrun object // if ( rhfirstev != firstev && !mishead ) mishead = true; if ( rtlastev != lastev && !mistrail ) mistrail = true; // this->FillClass(mishead,mistrail,firstev,lastev); // if ( IsDebug() ) printf("The run is good, is it the other piece in the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table?\n"); // // First of all insert the run in the fragment table... // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID FROM GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS WHERE " << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND (" << " (RUNHEADER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME()-10) << " AND " << " RUNTRAILER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME()+10) << " AND (" << " RUNHEADER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNHEADER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND (" << " RUNTRAILER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNTRAILER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ) OR " << " (RUNHEADER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME() << " AND " << " RUNTRAILER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME() <<" AND (" << " RUNHEADER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNHEADER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND (" << " RUNTRAILER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNTRAILER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ));"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" check if run has been inserted: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // row = result->Next(); // if ( !row ){ // // no, insert this run in the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table (check if exist before!) // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run is new \n"); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" -> fill the GL_RUNFRAGMENTS table \n"); // glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID()); glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0); glrun->Fill_GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(conn); // } else { if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run is already present in the fragment table \n"); return; }; // // // can we find the other piece of the run in the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table? // if ( mishead && rhfirstev == firstev ) { // look for runheader (only when at the beginning of the file, if at the end and the runh is // missing it no way we can found a piece in the frag table // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID,TRK_CALIB_USED,RUNTRAILER_TIME,RUNTRAILER_OBT,RUNHEADER_PKT,RUNTRAILER_PKT FROM GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS WHERE " << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND " << " RUNHEADER_TIME <= " << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME() << " AND " << " ID != " << glrun->ID << " ORDER BY RUNHEADER_TIME DESC LIMIT 1;"; // DESC NOT ASC!! // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" look for runheader in the fragments table: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // row = result->Next(); // if ( !row && NoFrag() ){ // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID,TRK_CALIB_USED,RUNTRAILER_TIME,RUNTRAILER_OBT,RUNHEADER_PKT,RUNTRAILER_PKT FROM GL_RUN WHERE " << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND " << " RUNHEADER_TIME <= " << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME() << " AND " << " ID != " << glrun->ID << " AND ID=ID_RUN_FRAG ORDER BY RUNHEADER_TIME DESC LIMIT 1;"; // DESC NOT ASC!! // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" look for runheader in the GL_RUN table: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // foundinrun = true; // row = result->Next(); // }; // if ( !row ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" the corresponding piece has NOT been found \n"); found = false; } else { // found = false; // default value // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Found a possible candidate, checking if it is the good one... \n"); // // if we have both runheader and runtrailer we can check with pkt_counter: // if ( !mistrail && (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)) != 0 ){ ULong64_t chkpkt = 0; ULong64_t pktt = (ULong64_t)PKT(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT()); ULong64_t pkth = (ULong64_t)PKT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(4))); // chkpkt = pkth + (ULong64_t)glrun->GetPKT_COUNTER() + 1ULL + 1ULL; // if ( labs(chkpkt-pktt)<2 ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" FOUND!!! check %llu pktt %llu \n",chkpkt,pktt); // found = true; // } else { // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The check with pkt counter failed: check %llu pktt %llu \n",chkpkt,pktt); // found = false; // }; }; if ( !found ){ // // if we arrive here we were not able to decide if the two pieces matches using only the pkt counter information, we must check times and obts // ULong64_t chkpkt1 = 0; ULong64_t orunh1 = (ULong64_t)PKT(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT()); ULong64_t dbrunt1 = (ULong64_t)PKT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(5))); chkpkt1 = labs(orunh1-dbrunt1); // ULong64_t chkpkt2 = 0; ULong64_t orunh2 = (ULong64_t)OBT(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT()); ULong64_t dbrunt2 = (ULong64_t)OBT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(3))); chkpkt2 = labs(orunh2-dbrunt2); // ULong64_t chkpkt3 = 0; ULong64_t orunh3 = (ULong64_t)(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME()); ULong64_t dbrunt3 = (ULong64_t)((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2))); chkpkt3 = labs(orunh3-dbrunt3); // if ( (chkpkt1 < 200 || chkpkt2 < 20000) && chkpkt3 < 20 ){ // if ( chkpkt1 < 100 && chkpkt2 < 30000 && chkpkt3 < 30 ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" FOUND!!! check1 %llu<200 cechk2 %llu<20000 check3 %llu<20 \n",chkpkt1,chkpkt2,chkpkt3); // found = true; // } else { // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check failed: check1 %llu<200? cechk2 %llu<20000? check3 %llu<20? \n",chkpkt1,chkpkt2,chkpkt3); // found = false; // }; }; }; // if ( found ){ // // we have found the missing piece, glue the two together, merge the informations, fill the gl_run table (check first runs do not exists), delete entry in frag table // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" now you can handle the piece of the run \n "); // if ( foundinrun ){ glrun->RestoreRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS"); glrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN"); }; // GL_RUN *glrun1 = new GL_RUN(); // // UInt_t idfrag = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)); // oss.str(""); oss << " ID="<GetField(0)<<";"; // glrun1->Query_GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(oss.str().c_str(),conn); // here we have runheader infos // // merge infos // UInt_t apkt = PKT(glrun1->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT()); ULong64_t aobt = OBT(glrun1->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT()); UInt_t bpkt = PKT(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT()); ULong64_t bobt = OBT(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT()); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check overlapping events: %u %u %llu %llu firstev is %i\n",apkt,bpkt,aobt,bobt,firstev); TTree *T= 0; T = (TTree*)file->Get("Physics"); if ( !T || T->IsZombie() ) throw -16; EventHeader *eh = 0; PscuHeader *ph = 0; T->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); while ( apkt > bpkt && aobt > bobt && firstev < lastev ){ T->GetEntry(firstev); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); bpkt = PKT(ph->GetCounter()); bobt = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime()); firstev++; }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check overlapping events done: %u %u %llu %llu firstev is %i\n",apkt,bpkt,aobt,bobt,firstev); // glrun1->SetPKT_COUNTER(glrun->GetPKT_COUNTER()); glrun1->SetPKT_READY_COUNTER(glrun->GetPKT_READY_COUNTER()); glrun1->SetRUNTRAILER_TIME(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME()); glrun1->SetRUNTRAILER_OBT(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT()); glrun1->SetRUNTRAILER_PKT(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT()); // glrun->SetEV_FROM(firstev); glrun->SetNEVENTS(lastev-firstev+1); // glrun->SetRUNHEADER_TIME(glrun1->GetRUNHEADER_TIME()); glrun->SetRUNHEADER_OBT(glrun1->GetRUNHEADER_OBT()); glrun->SetRUNHEADER_PKT(glrun1->GetRUNHEADER_PKT()); glrun->SetCOMPILATIONTIMESTAMP(glrun1->GetCOMPILATIONTIMESTAMP()); glrun->SetFAV_WRK_SCHEDULE(glrun1->GetFAV_WRK_SCHEDULE()); glrun->SetEFF_WRK_SCHEDULE(glrun1->GetEFF_WRK_SCHEDULE()); glrun->SetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A(glrun1->GetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A()); glrun->SetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B(glrun1->GetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B()); glrun->SetACQ_BUILD_INFO(glrun1->GetACQ_BUILD_INFO()); glrun->SetACQ_VAR_INFO(glrun1->GetACQ_VAR_INFO()); glrun->SetRM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB(glrun1->GetRM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB()); glrun->SetRM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE(glrun1->GetRM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE()); glrun->SetTRK_CALIB_USED(glrun1->GetTRK_CALIB_USED()); glrun->SetCAL_DSP_MASK(glrun1->GetCAL_DSP_MASK()); glrun->SetLAST_TIMESYNC(glrun1->GetLAST_TIMESYNC()); glrun->SetOBT_TIMESYNC(glrun1->GetOBT_TIMESYNC()); // if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){ // // glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID()); glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(glrun1->GetID()); glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn); // // set id number // glrun1->SetID_RUN_FRAG(glrun->GetID()); glrun1->Fill_GL_RUN(conn); // }; // delete old entry in fragment table // glrun->DeleteRun(conn,0,"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS"); glrun1->DeleteRun(conn,0,"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS"); // delete glrun1; // // return; // }; // }; // if ( mistrail && rtlastev == lastev ) { // look for runtrailer (only when at the end of the file, if at the beginning and the runh is // missing it no way we can found a piece in the frag table // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID,PKT_COUNTER,RUNHEADER_TIME,RUNHEADER_OBT,RUNTRAILER_PKT,RUNHEADER_PKT FROM GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS WHERE " << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND " << " RUNTRAILER_TIME >= " << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME() << " AND " << " ID != " << glrun->ID << " ORDER BY RUNTRAILER_TIME ASC LIMIT 1;"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" look for runtrailer in the fragments table: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // row = result->Next(); // if ( !row && NoFrag() ){ // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID,PKT_COUNTER,RUNHEADER_TIME,RUNHEADER_OBT,RUNTRAILER_PKT,RUNHEADER_PKT FROM GL_RUN WHERE " << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND " << " RUNTRAILER_TIME >= " << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME() << " AND " << " ID != " << glrun->ID << " AND ID=ID_RUN_FRAG ORDER BY RUNTRAILER_TIME ASC LIMIT 1;"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" look for runheader in the GL_RUN table: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // foundinrun = true; row = result->Next(); // }; // if ( !row ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" the corresponding piece has NOT been found \n"); found = false; } else { // found = false; // default value // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Found a possible candidate, checking if it is the good one... \n"); // // if we have both runheader and runtrailer we can check with pkt_counter: // if ( !mishead && (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)) != 0 ){ ULong64_t chkpkt = 0; ULong64_t pktt = (ULong64_t)PKT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(4))); ULong64_t pkth = (ULong64_t)PKT(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT()); // chkpkt = pkth + (ULong64_t)((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1))) + 1ULL + 1ULL; // if ( labs(chkpkt-pktt)<2 ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" FOUND!!! check %llu pktt %llu \n",chkpkt,pktt); // found = true; // } else { // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The check with pkt counter failed: check %llu pktt %llu \n",chkpkt,pktt); // found = false; // }; }; if ( !found ){ // // if we arrive here we were not able to decide if the two pieces matches using only the pkt counter information, we must check times and obts // ULong64_t chkpkt1 = 0; ULong64_t orunh1 = (ULong64_t)PKT(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT()); ULong64_t dbrunt1 = (ULong64_t)PKT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(5))); chkpkt1 = labs(orunh1-dbrunt1); // ULong64_t chkpkt2 = 0; ULong64_t orunh2 = (ULong64_t)OBT(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT()); ULong64_t dbrunt2 = (ULong64_t)OBT((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(3))); chkpkt2 = labs(orunh2-dbrunt2); // ULong64_t chkpkt3 = 0; ULong64_t orunh3 = (ULong64_t)(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME()); ULong64_t dbrunt3 = (ULong64_t)((UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2))); chkpkt3 = labs(orunh3-dbrunt3); // if ( (chkpkt1 < 200 || chkpkt2 < 20000) && chkpkt3 < 20 ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" FOUND!!! check1 %llu<200 cechk2 %llu<20000 check3 %llu<20 \n",chkpkt1,chkpkt2,chkpkt3); // found = true; // } else { // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check failed: check1 %llu<200? cechk2 %llu<20000? check3 %llu<20? \n",chkpkt1,chkpkt2,chkpkt3); // found = false; // }; }; }; // if ( found ){ // // we have found the missing piece, glue the two together, merge the informations, fill the gl_run table (check first runs do not exists), delete entry in frag table // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" now you can handle the piece of the run \n "); // if ( foundinrun ){ glrun->RestoreRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS"); glrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN"); }; // GL_RUN *glrun1 = new GL_RUN(); // // UInt_t idfrag = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)); // oss.str(""); oss << " ID="<GetField(0)<<";"; // glrun1->Query_GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(oss.str().c_str(),conn); // here we have runtrailer infos // // merge infos // UInt_t apkt = PKT(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT()); ULong64_t aobt = OBT(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT()); UInt_t bpkt = PKT(glrun1->GetRUNHEADER_PKT()); ULong64_t bobt = OBT(glrun1->GetRUNHEADER_OBT()); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check overlapping events: %u %u %llu %llu lastev is %i\n",apkt,bpkt,aobt,bobt,lastev); TTree *T= 0; T = (TTree*)file->Get("Physics"); if ( !T || T->IsZombie() ) throw -16; EventHeader *eh = 0; PscuHeader *ph = 0; T->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); while ( apkt > bpkt && aobt > bobt && lastev > 0 ){ T->GetEntry(lastev); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); apkt = PKT(ph->GetCounter()); aobt = OBT(ph->GetOrbitalTime()); lastev--; }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check overlapping events done: %u %u %llu %llu lastev is %i\n",apkt,bpkt,aobt,bobt,lastev); // glrun->SetEV_TO(lastev); glrun->SetNEVENTS(lastev-firstev+1); glrun->SetPKT_COUNTER(glrun1->GetPKT_COUNTER()); glrun->SetPKT_READY_COUNTER(glrun1->GetPKT_READY_COUNTER()); glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_TIME(glrun1->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME()); glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_OBT(glrun1->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT()); glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_PKT(glrun1->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT()); // glrun1->SetRUNHEADER_TIME(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME()); glrun1->SetRUNHEADER_OBT(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT()); glrun1->SetRUNHEADER_PKT(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT()); glrun1->SetCOMPILATIONTIMESTAMP(glrun->GetCOMPILATIONTIMESTAMP()); glrun1->SetFAV_WRK_SCHEDULE(glrun->GetFAV_WRK_SCHEDULE()); glrun1->SetEFF_WRK_SCHEDULE(glrun->GetEFF_WRK_SCHEDULE()); glrun1->SetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A(glrun->GetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A()); glrun1->SetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B(glrun->GetPRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B()); glrun1->SetACQ_BUILD_INFO(glrun->GetACQ_BUILD_INFO()); glrun1->SetACQ_VAR_INFO(glrun->GetACQ_VAR_INFO()); glrun1->SetRM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB(glrun->GetRM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB()); glrun1->SetRM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE(glrun->GetRM_ACQ_SETTING_MODE()); glrun1->SetTRK_CALIB_USED(glrun->GetTRK_CALIB_USED()); glrun1->SetCAL_DSP_MASK(glrun->GetCAL_DSP_MASK()); glrun1->SetLAST_TIMESYNC(glrun->GetLAST_TIMESYNC()); glrun1->SetOBT_TIMESYNC(glrun->GetOBT_TIMESYNC()); // if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){ // // glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID()); // glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(glrun1->GetID()); glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn); // // set id number // glrun1->SetID_RUN_FRAG(glrun->GetID()); glrun1->Fill_GL_RUN(conn); // }; // // delete old entries in fragment table // glrun->DeleteRun(conn,0,"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS"); glrun1->DeleteRun(conn,0,"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS"); // delete glrun1; // return; // }; // }; // if ( !found ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" not found, check if we have already processed the file \n "); // // not found, has this run already inserted in the GL_RUN or in the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table? // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID FROM GL_RUN WHERE " << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND (" << " (RUNHEADER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME()-10) << " AND " << " RUNTRAILER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME()+10) << " AND (" << " RUNHEADER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNHEADER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND (" << " RUNTRAILER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNTRAILER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ) OR " << " (RUNHEADER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME() << " AND " << " RUNTRAILER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME() <<" AND (" << " RUNHEADER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNHEADER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND (" << " RUNTRAILER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNTRAILER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ));"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" check if run has been inserted: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // row = result->Next(); // if ( row ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run is already present in the GL_RUN table \n"); } else { if ( NoFrag() ){ glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(glrun->GetID()); glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn); glrun->DeleteRun(conn,0,"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS"); }; }; }; // return; }; /** * Handle run without header or trailer **/ void PamelaDBOperations::HandleMissingHoT(Bool_t mishead, Bool_t mistrail, UInt_t firstev, UInt_t lastev){ // // // is the piece of run good (no other packets inside)? // if ( !this->IsRunConsistent(mishead,mistrail,firstev,lastev)){ // // if not, handle other pieces and continue with the first one // if ( IsDebug() ) printf("The run is not consistent, it contains non-physics packets! The run has been handled \n"); // } else { // this->FillClass(mishead,mistrail,firstev,lastev); // if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){ glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID()); glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0); glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn); }; // }; // return; }; /** * * check if we have non-physics packets inside the run * */ Bool_t PamelaDBOperations::IsRunConsistent(Bool_t mishead, Bool_t mistrail, UInt_t &firstev, UInt_t &lastev){ // EventCounter *code=0; // UInt_t nevent = 0; UInt_t checkfirst = 0; UInt_t checklast = 0; UInt_t firstentry = 0; UInt_t lastentry = 0; UInt_t firstTime = 0; UInt_t lastTime = 0; UInt_t firstPkt = 0; UInt_t lastPkt = 0; UInt_t firstObt = 0; UInt_t lastObt = 0; // pcksList packetsNames; pcksList::iterator Iter; getPacketsNames(packetsNames); // TTree *T= 0; T =(TTree*)file->Get("Physics"); if ( !T || T->IsZombie() ) throw -16; EventHeader *eh = 0; PscuHeader *ph = 0; T->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); nevent = T->GetEntries(); // // if ( firstev == lastev+1 ) { // no events inside the run! if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Checking but no events in the run! \n"); // return true is correct return(true); // } else { // T->GetEntry(firstev); code = eh->GetCounter(); checkfirst = 0; for(Iter = packetsNames.begin(); Iter != packetsNames.end(); Iter++){ if ( strcmp(*Iter,"Physics") ) checkfirst += code->Get(GetPacketType(*Iter)); }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check first is %i firstev is %i\n",checkfirst,firstev); // T->GetEntry(lastev); code = eh->GetCounter(); checklast = 0; for(Iter = packetsNames.begin(); Iter != packetsNames.end(); Iter++){ if ( strcmp(*Iter,"Physics") ) checklast += code->Get(GetPacketType(*Iter)); }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check last is %i lastev is %i\n",checklast,lastev); // if ( checkfirst == checklast ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No packets but physics inside the run, I will consider it as good\n"); // return(true); // } else { // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" There are no-phyics packets inside the run!\n"); // // HERE WE MUST HANDLE THAT RUNS AND GO BACK // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Never seen this case, try to handle it anyway, it was throw -95\n"); // Bool_t emptyruns = false; UInt_t check = 0; UInt_t lastevtemp = lastev; UInt_t firstevno = firstev; // for (UInt_t i=firstev; i<=lastev; i++){ // T->GetEntry(i); code = eh->GetCounter(); // check = 0; // for(Iter = packetsNames.begin(); Iter != packetsNames.end(); Iter++){ if ( strcmp(*Iter,"Physics") ) check += code->Get(GetPacketType(*Iter)); }; // if ( checkfirst < check || i == lastev ){ // firstentry = firstevno; // if ( checkfirst < check ){ lastentry = i-1; } else { lastentry = i; }; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Run between %i and %i entries\n",firstentry,lastentry); // glrun->SetEV_FROM(firstentry); glrun->SetEV_TO(lastentry); if ( lastentry == (firstentry-1) ){ // no physics packets inside physics run with no runheader no runtrailer if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" no physics packets inside physics run with no runheader no runtrailer\n"); lastentry--; }; glrun->SetNEVENTS(lastentry-firstentry+1); // glrun->Set_GL_RUNH0(); glrun->Set_GL_RUNT0(); // glrun->SetLAST_TIMESYNC(0); glrun->SetOBT_TIMESYNC(0); // T->GetEntry(firstentry); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); firstObt = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); firstTime = this->GetAbsTime(firstObt); firstPkt = ph->GetCounter(); // T->GetEntry(lastentry); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); lastObt = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); lastTime = this->GetAbsTime(lastObt); lastPkt = ph->GetCounter(); // glrun->SetRUNHEADER_PKT(firstPkt); glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_PKT(lastPkt); // glrun->SetRUNHEADER_OBT(firstObt); glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_OBT(lastObt); // if ( firstev == firstentry && !emptyruns && !mishead ){ glrun->Set_GL_RUNH(runh,phh); firstTime = this->GetAbsTime(phh->GetOrbitalTime()); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" We have the runheader \n"); }; if ( lastev == i && !mistrail ){ glrun->Set_GL_RUNT(runt,pht); lastTime = this->GetAbsTime(pht->GetOrbitalTime()); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" We have the runtrailer \n"); }; // if ( lastentry == (firstentry-2) ){ // no events in the run emptyruns = true; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No events in the run \n"); lastTime = firstTime; if ( (UInt_t)firstTime == this->GetAbsTime(phh->GetOrbitalTime()) ){ lastObt = glrun->RUNHEADER_OBT; lastPkt = glrun->RUNHEADER_PKT; } else { lastObt = firstObt; lastPkt = firstPkt; }; glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_PKT(lastPkt); glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_OBT(lastObt); lastentry++; }; // this->SetCommonGLRUN(firstTime,lastTime); // if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){ glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID()); glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0); glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn); }; // firstevno = lastentry + 1; // checkfirst = check; // }; // if ( check == checklast && i != lastev ){ lastevtemp = i - 1; i = lastev - 1; }; // }; // lastev = lastevtemp; // return(false); // }; }; // return(false); // should never arrive here }; /** * * we end up here when we have a runheader and a runtrailer but they seems not belonging to the same run since the number of events does not coincide with the * number of event written in the runtrailer. We try to split into different runs scanning the physics events from the runheader to the runtrailer and * looking for non-physics packets inside. * */ void PamelaDBOperations::HandleSuspiciousRun(){ // PacketType *pctp=0; EventCounter *codt=0; EventCounter *codh=0; EventCounter *code=0; UInt_t firstev = 0; UInt_t lastev = 0; UInt_t nevent = 0; UInt_t checkfirst = 0; UInt_t checklast = 0; UInt_t firstentry = 0; UInt_t lastentry = 0; UInt_t firstTime = 0; UInt_t lastTime = 0; UInt_t firstPkt = 0; UInt_t lastPkt = 0; UInt_t firstObt = 0; UInt_t lastObt = 0; // pcksList packetsNames; pcksList::iterator Iter; getPacketsNames(packetsNames); // TTree *rh=0; rh = (TTree*)file->Get("RunHeader"); if ( !rh || rh->IsZombie() ) throw -17; TTree *T=0; T =(TTree*)file->Get("Physics"); if ( !T || T->IsZombie() ) throw -16; EventHeader *eh = 0; PscuHeader *ph = 0; T->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); nevent = T->GetEntries(); // codt = eht->GetCounter(); codh = ehh->GetCounter(); firstev = codh->Get(pctp->Physics); lastev = codt->Get(pctp->Physics)-1; // if ( firstev == lastev+1 ) { // no events inside the run! if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Checking but no events in the run! \n"); // this->FillClass(); if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){ glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID()); glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0); glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn); }; // } else { // UInt_t nrunh = 0; UInt_t nrunh1 = 0; T->GetEntry(firstev); code = eh->GetCounter(); checkfirst = 0; for(Iter = packetsNames.begin(); Iter != packetsNames.end(); Iter++){ if ( strcmp(*Iter,"Physics") ) checkfirst += code->Get(GetPacketType(*Iter)); if ( !strcmp(*Iter,"RunHeader") ) nrunh1++; }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check first is %i \n",checkfirst); // T->GetEntry(lastev); code = eh->GetCounter(); checklast = 0; for(Iter = packetsNames.begin(); Iter != packetsNames.end(); Iter++){ if ( strcmp(*Iter,"Physics") ) checklast += code->Get(GetPacketType(*Iter)); }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check last is %i \n",checklast); // if ( checkfirst == checklast ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No packets but physics inside the run, I will consider it as good\n"); // this->FillClass(); if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){ glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID()); glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0); glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn); }; // } else { // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" There are no-physics packets inside the run, try to separate runs \n"); // Bool_t emptyruns = false; UInt_t check = 0; UInt_t firstevno = firstev; // for (UInt_t i=firstev; i<=lastev; i++){ // T->GetEntry(i); code = eh->GetCounter(); // check = 0; // for(Iter = packetsNames.begin(); Iter != packetsNames.end(); Iter++){ if ( strcmp(*Iter,"Physics") ) check += code->Get(GetPacketType(*Iter)); if ( !strcmp(*Iter,"RunHeader") ) nrunh++; }; // if ( checkfirst < check || i == lastev ){ // firstentry = firstevno; // if ( checkfirst < check ){ lastentry = i-1; } else { lastentry = i; }; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Run between %i and %i entries\n",firstentry,lastentry); // glrun->SetEV_FROM(firstentry); glrun->SetEV_TO(lastentry); if ( lastentry == (firstentry-1) ){ // no physics packets inside physics run with no runheader no runtrailer if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" no physics packets inside physics run with no runheader no runtrailer\n"); lastentry--; }; glrun->SetNEVENTS(lastentry-firstentry+1); // glrun->Set_GL_RUNH0(); glrun->Set_GL_RUNT0(); // glrun->SetLAST_TIMESYNC(0); glrun->SetOBT_TIMESYNC(0); // T->GetEntry(firstentry); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); firstObt = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); firstTime = this->GetAbsTime(firstObt); firstPkt = ph->GetCounter(); // T->GetEntry(lastentry); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); lastObt = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); lastTime = this->GetAbsTime(lastObt); lastPkt = ph->GetCounter(); // glrun->SetRUNHEADER_PKT(firstPkt); glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_PKT(lastPkt); // glrun->SetRUNHEADER_OBT(firstObt); glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_OBT(lastObt); // if ( (firstev == firstentry && !emptyruns) || nrunh == (nrunh1 + 1) ){ rh->GetEntry(nrunh1-1); phh = ehh->GetPscuHeader(); nrunh1++; glrun->Set_GL_RUNH(runh,phh); firstTime = this->GetAbsTime(phh->GetOrbitalTime()); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" We have the runheader \n"); }; if ( lastev == i && checkfirst == check ){ glrun->Set_GL_RUNT(runt,pht); lastTime = this->GetAbsTime(pht->GetOrbitalTime()); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" We have the runtrailer \n"); }; // if ( lastentry == (firstentry-2) ){ // no events in the run emptyruns = true; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No events in the run \n"); lastTime = firstTime; if ( (UInt_t)firstTime == this->GetAbsTime(phh->GetOrbitalTime()) ){ lastObt = glrun->RUNHEADER_OBT; lastPkt = glrun->RUNHEADER_PKT; } else { lastObt = firstObt; lastPkt = firstPkt; }; glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_PKT(lastPkt); glrun->SetRUNTRAILER_OBT(lastObt); lastentry++; }; // this->SetCommonGLRUN(firstTime,lastTime); // if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){ glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID()); glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0); glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn); }; // if ( i == lastev && checkfirst < check ){ // if the last event gives a wrong check... // firstentry = i; // lastentry = i; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Run between %i and %i entries\n",firstentry,lastentry); // glrun->SetEV_FROM(firstentry); glrun->SetEV_TO(lastentry); glrun->SetNEVENTS(lastentry-firstentry+1); // glrun->Set_GL_RUNH0(); // glrun->SetLAST_TIMESYNC(0); glrun->SetOBT_TIMESYNC(0); // T->GetEntry(firstentry); ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); firstObt = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); firstTime = this->GetAbsTime(firstObt); firstPkt = ph->GetCounter(); // glrun->SetRUNHEADER_PKT(firstPkt); // glrun->SetRUNHEADER_OBT(firstObt); // glrun->Set_GL_RUNT(runt,pht); lastTime = this->GetAbsTime(pht->GetOrbitalTime()); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" We have the runtrailer \n"); // this->SetCommonGLRUN(firstTime,lastTime); // if ( !IsRunAlreadyInserted() ){ glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID()); glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(0); glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn); }; }; // firstevno = lastentry + 1; // checkfirst = check; // }; // if ( check == checklast && i != lastev ) i = lastev - 1; // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // }; }; }; // return; }; /** * Scan calorimeter calibrations packets, fill the GL_CALO_CALIB table */ Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertCALO_CALIB(){ // TSQLResult *result = 0; TSQLRow *row = 0; // stringstream oss; oss.str(""); // CalibCalPedEvent *calibCalPed = 0; TTree *tr = 0; EventHeader *eh = 0; PscuHeader *ph = 0; // UInt_t nevents = 0; UInt_t fromtime = 0; UInt_t totime = 0; UInt_t obt = 0; UInt_t pkt = 0; // tr = (TTree*)file->Get("CalibCalPed"); if ( !tr || tr->IsZombie() ) throw -21; // tr->SetBranchAddress("CalibCalPed", &calibCalPed); tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); nevents = tr->GetEntries(); // if ( !nevents ) return(1); // for (UInt_t i=0; i < nevents; i++){ tr->GetEntry(i); for (UInt_t section = 0; section < 4; section++){ // if ( calibCalPed->cstwerr[section] ){ valid = 1; if ( calibCalPed->cperror[section] ) valid = 0; ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); obt = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); pkt = ph->GetCounter(); fromtime = this->GetAbsTime(ph->GetOrbitalTime()); if ( this->PKT(pkt) >= this->PKT(pktfirst) && this->OBT(obt) >= this->OBT(obtfirst) ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Calo calibration for section %i at time %u obt %u pkt %u \n",section,fromtime,obt,pkt); // // check if the calibration has already been inserted // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID FROM GL_CALO_CALIB WHERE " << " SECTION = "<< section << " AND " << " BOOT_NUMBER = "<< this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND " << " OBT = "<< obt << " AND " << " PKT = "<< pkt << ";"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check if the calo calibration has already been inserted: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // row = result->Next(); // if ( row ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Calo calibration already inserted in the DB\n"); // } else { // // we have to insert a new calibration, check where to place it // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID,TO_TIME FROM GL_CALO_CALIB WHERE " << " SECTION = "<< section << " AND " << " FROM_TIME < "<< fromtime << " AND " << " TO_TIME > "<< fromtime << ";"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check where to place the calo calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // row = result->Next(); // if ( !row ){ // // no calibrations in the db contain our calibration // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Calibration with fromtime lower than others to be inserted in the DB for section %i \n",section); if ( fromtime < 1150871000 ){ //1150866904 if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" First PAMELA flight calibration at time %u \n",fromtime); fromtime = 0;// the first flight calibration was taken at about 1156429100 s, this line allow to analyze first runs in raw mode }; // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT FROM_TIME FROM GL_CALO_CALIB WHERE " << " SECTION = "<< section << " AND " << " FROM_TIME > "<< fromtime << " ORDER BY FROM_TIME ASC LIMIT 1;"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check the upper limit for calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // row = result->Next(); if ( !row ){ totime = numeric_limits::max(); } else { totime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)); }; // } else { // // determine upper and lower limits and make space for the new calibration // totime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)); // oss.str(""); oss << " UPDATE GL_CALO_CALIB SET " << " TO_TIME = "<< fromtime << " WHERE " // NOTICE: to_time is equal to from_time of the calibration before, so the interval is: [from_time,to_time[ << " ID = "<< row->GetField(0) << ";"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Make space for the new calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // }; // oss.str(""); oss << " INSERT INTO GL_CALO_CALIB (ID,ID_ROOT_L0,EV_ROOT,FROM_TIME,TO_TIME,SECTION,OBT,PKT,BOOT_NUMBER,VALIDATION) " << " VALUES (NULL,' " << idroot << "','" << i << "','" << fromtime << "','" << totime << "','" << section << "','" << obt << "','" << pkt << "','" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << "','" << valid << "');"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Insert the new calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); // result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // }; // } else { // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Repeated calo calibration for section %i at time %u obt %u pkt %u \n",section,fromtime,obt,pkt); // }; // }; }; }; // return(0); }; /** * Fill the GL_TRK_CALIB table */ void PamelaDBOperations::HandleTRK_CALIB(Bool_t pk1, Bool_t pk2){ // TSQLResult *result = 0; TSQLRow *row = 0; // stringstream oss; oss.str(""); // UInt_t totime = 0; // if ( !pk1 && !pk2 ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Cannot handle trk calibration with both packet missing!\n"); }; // // check if the calibration has already been inserted // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID FROM GL_TRK_CALIB WHERE " << " BOOT_NUMBER = "<< this->GetBOOTnumber(); // oss << " AND ( ( "; if ( pk1 ){ oss << " OBT1 = "<< obt1 << " AND " << " PKT1 = "<< pkt1 << " ) OR ( "; } else { oss << " PKT1 = "<< pkt2-1 << " ) OR ( "; }; if ( pk2 ){ oss << " OBT2 = "<< obt2 << " AND " << " PKT2 = "<< pkt2; } else { oss << " PKT2 = "<< pkt1+1; }; oss << " ) );"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check if the trk calibration has already been inserted: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // row = result->Next(); // if ( row ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Trk calibration already inserted in the DB\n"); // } else { // // we have to insert a new calibration, check where to place it // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID,TO_TIME FROM GL_TRK_CALIB WHERE " << " FROM_TIME < "<< fromtime << " AND " << " TO_TIME > "<< fromtime << ";"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check where to place the trk calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // row = result->Next(); // if ( !row ){ // // no calibrations in the db contain our calibration // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Calibration with fromtime lower than others to be inserted in the DB\n"); if ( fromtime < 1150871000 ) fromtime = 0; // the first flight calibration was taken at about 1150863300 s, this line allows to analyze first runs in raw mode // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT FROM_TIME FROM GL_TRK_CALIB WHERE " << " FROM_TIME > "<< fromtime << " ORDER BY FROM_TIME ASC LIMIT 1;"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check the upper limit for calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // row = result->Next(); if ( !row ){ totime = numeric_limits::max(); } else { totime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)); }; // } else { // // determine upper and lower limits and make space for the new calibration // totime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)); // oss.str(""); oss << " UPDATE GL_TRK_CALIB SET " << " TO_TIME = "<< fromtime << " WHERE " // NOTICE: to_time is equal to from_time of the calibration before, so the interval is: [from_time,to_time[ << " ID = "<< row->GetField(0) << ";"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Make space for the new trk calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // }; // oss.str(""); oss << " INSERT INTO GL_TRK_CALIB (ID,ID_ROOT_L0,EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK1,EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK2,FROM_TIME,TO_TIME,OBT1,PKT1,OBT2,PKT2,BOOT_NUMBER,VALIDATION) " << " VALUES (NULL,' " << idroot << "',"; // if ( !pk1 ){ oss << "NULL,"; } else { oss << "'" << t1 << "',"; }; // if ( !pk2 ){ oss << "NULL,'"; } else { oss << "'" << t2 << "','"; }; // oss << fromtime << "','" << totime << "','" << obt1 << "','" << pkt1 << "','" << obt2 << "','" << pkt2 << "','" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << "','" << valid << "');"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Insert the new trk calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); // result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // }; // }; /** * Scan tracker calibrations packets, fill the GL_TRK_CALIB table */ Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertTRK_CALIB(){ // CalibTrk1Event *caltrk1 = 0; CalibTrk2Event *caltrk2 = 0; TTree *tr1 = 0; TTree *tr2 = 0; EventHeader *eh1 = 0; PscuHeader *ph1 = 0; EventHeader *eh2 = 0; PscuHeader *ph2 = 0; // PacketType *pctp=0; EventCounter *codt2=0; // Int_t nevents1 = 0; Int_t nevents2 = 0; // fromtime = 0; // obt1 = 0; pkt1 = 0; obt2 = 0; pkt2 = 0; // tr1 = (TTree*)file->Get("CalibTrk1"); if ( !tr1 || tr1->IsZombie() ) throw -22; tr2 = (TTree*)file->Get("CalibTrk2"); if ( !tr2 || tr2->IsZombie() ) throw -23; // tr1->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk1", &caltrk1); tr1->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh1); nevents1 = tr1->GetEntries(); tr2->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk2", &caltrk2); tr2->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh2); nevents2 = tr2->GetEntries(); // if ( !nevents1 && !nevents2 ) return(1); // t2 = -1; Int_t pret2 = 0; Int_t t2t1cal = 0; // for (t1=0; t1 < nevents1; t1++){ // pret2 = t2; tr1->GetEntry(t1); // ph1 = eh1->GetPscuHeader(); obt1 = ph1->GetOrbitalTime(); pkt1 = ph1->GetCounter(); fromtime = this->GetAbsTime(ph1->GetOrbitalTime()); // // valid = 1; // // // if ( caltrk1->unpackError != 0 && caltrk1->good0 == 0 ) valid = 0;// CONDITIONS ON THE GOODNESS OF THE CALIBRATION PKT1 // // if ( this->PKT(pkt1) >= this->PKT(pktfirst) && this->OBT(obt1) >= this->OBT(obtfirst) ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Trk calibration1 at time %u obt %u pkt %u \n",fromtime,obt1,pkt1); // valid = ValidateTrkCalib( caltrk1, eh1 ); if ( IsDebug() ) cout << " pkt1 validation --> "<GetEntry(t2); codt2 = eh2->GetCounter(); t2t1cal = codt2->Get(pctp->CalibTrk1); // ph2 = eh2->GetPscuHeader(); obt2 = ph2->GetOrbitalTime(); pkt2 = ph2->GetCounter(); // // if ( caltrk2->unpackError != 0 || caltrk2->good0 == 0 ) valid = 0; // CONDITIONS ON THE GOODNESS OF THE CALIBRATION PKT2 // } else { // // running out of vector without finding the corresponding calibration, sig // pret2 = t2; obt2 = 0; pkt2 = pkt1+2; t2t1cal = t1+1; }; if ( this->PKT(pkt2) < this->PKT(pktfirst) && this->OBT(obt2) < this->OBT(obtfirst) ){ // // running out of vector without finding the corresponding calibration, sig // pret2 = t2; obt2 = 0; pkt2 = pkt1+2; t2t1cal = t1+1; }; // }; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Found trk calibration2 at obt %u pkt %u t2 is %u \n",obt2,pkt2,t2); // // The calibration is good // if ( this->PKT(pkt2) == this->PKT(pkt1)+1 ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The trk calibration2 at obt %u pkt %u t2 is %u is good \n",obt2,pkt2,t2); // UInt_t valid2 = ValidateTrkCalib( caltrk2, eh2 ); if ( IsDebug() ) cout << " pkt2 validation --> "<HandleTRK_CALIB(true,true); // // Check for missing calibtrk1 // if ( t2 != pret2+1 ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Missing the trk calibration1! Next one at obt %u pkt %u t2 is %u pret2 is %u \n",obt2,pkt2,t2,pret2); // while ( t2 > pret2+1 ){ // // handle missing calib1 // pret2++; // obt1 = 0; pkt1 = 0; // tr2->GetEntry(pret2); ph2 = eh2->GetPscuHeader(); obt2 = ph2->GetOrbitalTime(); pkt2 = ph2->GetCounter(); // fromtime = this->GetAbsTime(ph2->GetOrbitalTime()); // valid = 0; this->HandleTRK_CALIB(false,true); // }; // }; // } else if ( this->PKT(pkt2) > this->PKT(pkt1)+1 ){ // // Check for missing calibtrk2 // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Missing the trk calibration2! Next one at obt %u pkt %u t2 is %u\n",obt2,pkt2,t2); t2 = pret2; // // handle missing calib2 // obt2 = 0; pkt2 = 0; valid = 0; this->HandleTRK_CALIB(true,false); // }; // } else { // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Repetead trk calibration1 at time %u obt %u pkt %u \n",fromtime,obt1,pkt1); // }; // }; // // we have one more calib pkt2 ! // t2++; while ( t2 < nevents2 ){ // // handle missing calib1 // obt1 = 0; pkt1 = 0; // tr2->GetEntry(t2); ph2 = eh2->GetPscuHeader(); obt2 = ph2->GetOrbitalTime(); pkt2 = ph2->GetCounter(); // fromtime = this->GetAbsTime(ph2->GetOrbitalTime()); valid = 0; if ( this->PKT(pkt2) > this->PKT(pktfirst) || this->OBT(obt2) > this->OBT(obtfirst) ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Missing the trk calibration1! Next one at obt %u pkt %u t2 is %u\n",obt2,pkt2,t2); // this->HandleTRK_CALIB(false,true); // }; // t2++; // }; // return(0); }; /** * Scan S4 calibrations packets, fill the GL_S4_CALIB table */ Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertS4_CALIB(){ // TSQLResult *result = 0; TSQLRow *row = 0; // stringstream oss; oss.str(""); // TTree *tr = 0; EventHeader *eh = 0; PscuHeader *ph = 0; // UInt_t nevents = 0; UInt_t fromtime = 0; UInt_t totime = 0; UInt_t obt = 0; UInt_t pkt = 0; // tr = (TTree*)file->Get("CalibS4"); if ( !tr || tr->IsZombie() ) throw -24; // tr->SetBranchAddress("Header", &eh); // nevents = tr->GetEntries(); // if ( !nevents ) return(1); // for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nevents; i++){ // tr->GetEntry(i); // ph = eh->GetPscuHeader(); obt = ph->GetOrbitalTime(); pkt = ph->GetCounter(); fromtime = this->GetAbsTime(ph->GetOrbitalTime()); if ( this->PKT(pkt) >= this->PKT(pktfirst) && this->OBT(obt) >= this->OBT(obtfirst) ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" S4 calibration at time %u obt %u pkt %u \n",fromtime,obt,pkt); // // check if the calibration has already been inserted // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID FROM GL_S4_CALIB WHERE " << " BOOT_NUMBER = "<< this->GetBOOTnumber() << " AND " << " OBT = "<< obt << " AND " << " PKT = "<< pkt << ";"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check if the S4 calibration has already been inserted: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // row = result->Next(); // if ( row ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" S4 calibration already inserted in the DB\n"); // } else { // // we have to insert a new calibration, check where to place it // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID,TO_TIME FROM GL_S4_CALIB WHERE " << " FROM_TIME < "<< fromtime << " AND " << " TO_TIME > "<< fromtime << ";"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check where to place the S4 calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // row = result->Next(); // if ( !row ){ // // no calibrations in the db contain our calibration // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Calibration with fromtime lower than others to be inserted in the DB \n"); if ( fromtime < 1150871000 ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" First PAMELA flight calibration at time %u \n",fromtime); fromtime = 0;// the first flight calibration was taken at about 1156429100 s, this line allow to analyze first runs in raw mode }; // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT FROM_TIME FROM GL_S4_CALIB WHERE " << " FROM_TIME > "<< fromtime << " ORDER BY FROM_TIME ASC LIMIT 1;"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Check the upper limit for calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // row = result->Next(); if ( !row ){ totime = numeric_limits::max(); } else { totime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)); }; // } else { // // determine upper and lower limits and make space for the new calibration // totime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)); // oss.str(""); oss << " UPDATE GL_S4_CALIB SET " << " TO_TIME = "<< fromtime << " WHERE " // NOTICE: to_time is equal to from_time of the calibration before, so the interval is: [from_time,to_time[ << " ID = "<< row->GetField(0) << ";"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Make space for the new calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // }; // oss.str(""); oss << " INSERT INTO GL_S4_CALIB (ID,ID_ROOT_L0,EV_ROOT,FROM_TIME,TO_TIME,OBT,PKT,BOOT_NUMBER) " << " VALUES (NULL,' " << idroot << "','" << i << "','" << fromtime << "','" << totime << "','" << obt << "','" << pkt << "','" << this->GetBOOTnumber() << "');"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Insert the new calibration: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); // result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4; // }; // } else { // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Repeated S4 calibration at time %u obt %u pkt %u \n",fromtime,obt,pkt); // }; // }; // return(0); }; /** * Scan the fragment table and move old fragments to the GL_RUN table */ Int_t PamelaDBOperations::CleanGL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(){ return(this->CleanGL_RUN_FRAGMENTS("")); }; /** * Scan the fragment table and move old fragments to the GL_RUN table */ Int_t PamelaDBOperations::CleanGL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(TString fcleanfile){ // TSQLResult *result = 0; TSQLRow *row = 0; TSQLResult *result2 = 0; TSQLRow *row2 = 0; // UInt_t moved = 0; // stringstream oss; oss.str(""); // if ( !strcmp(fcleanfile.Data(),"") ){ // // check if there are entries older than "olderthan" seconds from now // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID FROM GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS WHERE" << " INSERT_TIME <= '" << clean_time->AsSQLString() << "';"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Select from GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS runs older than %s : query is \n %s \n",clean_time->AsSQLString(),oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // } else { oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID FROM GL_ROOT WHERE NAME='" << fcleanfile.Data() << "';"; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Getting ID_ROOT_L0 query %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( result ){ // row = result->Next(); // if ( row ){ oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID FROM GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS WHERE" << " ID_ROOT_L0=" << row->GetField(0) << ";"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Select from GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS for ROOT file query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // }; } else { return(2); }; }; // if ( result ){ // row = result->Next(); // while ( row ){ // oss.str(""); oss << " ID= "<< row->GetField(0); // glrun->Query_GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS(oss.str().c_str(),conn); // oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT ID,NEVENTS,TRK_CALIB_USED,PKT_COUNTER FROM GL_RUN WHERE " << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << glrun->GetBOOT_NUMBER() << " AND (" << " (RUNHEADER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME()-10) << " AND " << " RUNTRAILER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)(glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME()+10) << " AND (" << " RUNHEADER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNHEADER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND (" << " RUNTRAILER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNTRAILER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ) OR " << " (RUNHEADER_TIME<=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_TIME() << " AND " << " RUNTRAILER_TIME>=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME() <<" AND (" << " RUNHEADER_OBT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNHEADER_PKT<=" << glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << ") AND (" << " RUNTRAILER_OBT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << " OR " << " RUNTRAILER_PKT>=" << glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << ") ));"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" check if run has been inserted: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result2 ) throw -4; // row2 = result2->Next(); // if ( !row2 ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The run is new \n"); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" -> fill the DB \n"); // // glrun->SetID(this->AssignRunID()); we use the old run number! glrun->SetID_RUN_FRAG(glrun->GetID()); glrun->Fill_GL_RUN(conn); // // oss.str(""); // oss << " SELECT ID FROM GL_RUN WHERE " // << " BOOT_NUMBER=" << glrun->GetBOOT_NUMBER() << " AND " // << " RUNHEADER_PKT=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_PKT() << " AND " // << " RUNTRAILER_PKT=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_PKT() << " AND " // << " RUNHEADER_OBT=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNHEADER_OBT() << " AND " // << " RUNTRAILER_OBT=" << (UInt_t)glrun->GetRUNTRAILER_OBT() << "; "; // // // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Look for the ID of the inserted run: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); // result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // // // if ( !result2 ) throw -4; // // // row2 = result2->Next(); // // // if ( !row2 ) throw -25; // // // oss.str(""); // oss << " UPDATE GL_RUN SET ID_RUN_FRAG = " << row2->GetField(0) << " WHERE ID = " << row2->GetField(0); // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Update the ID_RUN_FRAG of the inserted run: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); // result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // // // if ( !result2 ) throw -4; // moved++; // } else { if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" The already exist in the GL_RUN table! \n"); }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Delete run %s from the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table \n",row->GetField(0)); // // glrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS"); // oss.str(""); // oss << " DELETE from GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS where ID = " << row->GetField(0); // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Clean the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); // result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // // // if ( !result2 ) throw -4; // // row = result->Next(); }; }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Moved %u runs\n",moved); return(0); }; /** * Check if runs are good, i.e. if the tracker calibration is correctly associated.. */ Int_t PamelaDBOperations::ValidateRuns(){ return(this->ValidateRuns("")); }; /** * Check if runs are good, i.e. if the tracker calibration is correctly associated.. */ Int_t PamelaDBOperations::ValidateRuns(TString valfile){ // TSQLResult *result = 0; TSQLRow *row = 0; // UInt_t calibtime = 50; // stringstream oss; oss.str(""); // // ======================================================= // validate runs by checking missing calibrations // ======================================================= UInt_t t_stop = 0; UInt_t t_start = 0; if ( !strcmp(valfile.Data(),"") ) { // -------------------------------------------------------------- // 1) get the OBT of the last run inserted after clean-time limit // -------------------------------------------------------------- oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT * FROM GL_RUN WHERE INSERT_TIME <= '" << clean_time->AsSQLString() << "' ORDER BY RUNHEADER_TIME DESC LIMIT 1;"; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Get start validation-time: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( !result ) throw -4; if ( !result->GetRowCount() ) { printf(" No runs to validate \n"); return(1); }else{ row = result->Next(); t_start = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(4)); }; // -------------------------------------------------------------- // 2) get the OBT of the last validated run // -------------------------------------------------------------- oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT * FROM GL_RUN WHERE VALIDATION=1 AND RUNHEADER_TIME<="<< t_start <<" ORDER BY RUNHEADER_TIME DESC LIMIT 1;"; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Get stop validation-time: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( !result ) throw -4; if ( result->GetRowCount() ){ row = result->Next(); t_stop = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(4)); }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf("Validation interval: from time %u - to time %u \n\n",t_stop,t_start); // -------------------------------------------------------------- // now retrieves runs to be validated // -------------------------------------------------------------- oss.str(""); oss << " SELECT * FROM GL_RUN WHERE RUNHEADER_TIME <=" << t_start; oss << " AND RUNHEADER_TIME >="<< t_stop; oss << " ORDER BY RUNHEADER_TIME DESC;"; if ( IsDebug() )printf(" Check runs for validation: query is \n %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); } else { // stringstream myquery; UInt_t myid = 0; myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT ID FROM GL_ROOT where NAME='"<Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // row = result->Next(); if( !row ){ if ( strcmp(valfile.Data(),GetRootName().Data()) ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No file to be validated even if option \"-validate file\" was used!!\n"); return(2); }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No file to be validated (force mode)! \n"); return(0); }; myid=(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)); // myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT MAX(RUNTRAILER_TIME),MIN(RUNHEADER_TIME) FROM GL_RUN WHERE ID_ROOT_L0="<< myid <<";"; // result = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // row = result->Next(); if( !row->GetField(0) || !row->GetField(1)){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" NO RUN ASSOCIATED TO THIS FILE! \n"); // return(0); // } else { // UInt_t runhtime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)); UInt_t runttime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)); UInt_t caltime = 0; // myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT FROM_TIME FROM GL_TRK_CALIB where FROM_TIME>" <Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // row = result->Next(); if( !row ){ caltime = runhtime; } else { caltime = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)); }; // myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT * from GL_RUN where RUNHEADER_TIME>="<< runttime <<" AND RUNHEADER_TIME<=" ; myquery << caltime << " order by RUNHEADER_TIME DESC"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" query is \n %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // result = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // }; }; // if ( !result ) throw -4; if ( !result->GetRowCount() && IsDebug() ) printf(" No runs to validate \n"); // Int_t nrow = 0; GL_RUN* this_run = new GL_RUN(); GL_RUN* next_run = new GL_RUN(); Int_t nseq_max = 1000; // UInt_t* sequence = new UInt_t[100]; vector sequence(nseq_max); Int_t nseq = 0; Bool_t CHECK = false; Bool_t this_ONLINE = false; Bool_t next_ONLINE = false; UInt_t t1=0,t2=0; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // - loop over runs, back in time, // - select sequences of runs close in time (less than calibtime s apart), // which could be preceeded by a calibration // - check if there might be a missing calibration // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- while(1){ row = result->Next(); if( row == NULL ) break; //------------ //get run info //------------ this_run->Set_GL_RUN(row); Bool_t this_BAD = false; if(this_run->GetTRK_CALIB_USED() == 1 || this_run->GetTRK_CALIB_USED() == 2) this_ONLINE = true; else if (this_run->GetTRK_CALIB_USED() == 104) this_ONLINE = false; else{ // printf("Missing or corrupted header!! \n"); this_ONLINE = false; this_BAD = true; }; //----------------------------------- //compare with previous(next in time) //----------------------------------- CHECK = false; UInt_t interval=0; if( nrow != 0){ t1 = this_run->GetRUNTRAILER_TIME(); t2 = next_run->GetRUNHEADER_TIME(); interval = (t2-t1); if(this_ONLINE && next_ONLINE){ // this: ON-LINE + next: ON-LINE if( this_run->ID == next_run->ID_RUN_FRAG ) interval = 0; //=> run fragments if( interval >= calibtime )CHECK = true; //more than calibtime s => there might be a calibration if( !CHECK && this_run->VALIDATION ){ for (Int_t irun = 0; irun < nseq; irun++)assignVALIDATION(sequence[irun],true); nseq=0; } }else if( !this_ONLINE && next_ONLINE) { // this: DEFAULT + next:ON-LINE CHECK = true; }else if( !next_ONLINE ){ // this:ANY + next:DEFAULT assignVALIDATION(next_run->ID,true); nseq=0; } } //---------------------------- //check run sequence for calib //---------------------------- if( CHECK ){ // check if calibration exists if ( IsDebug() )printf("DT %i ===> CHECK Missing calibration\n",interval); Bool_t MISSING = MissingTRK_CALIB(t1,t2); for (Int_t irun = 0; irun < nseq; irun++)assignVALIDATION(sequence[irun],!MISSING); nseq=0; }; //-------------- //store run info //-------------- *next_run = *this_run; next_ONLINE = this_ONLINE; if( !this_BAD ){ if(nseq < nseq_max){ sequence[nseq] = this_run->ID; nseq++; }else printf("ValidateRuns ***WARNING*** : run sequence exceed assumed size (%i) \n",nseq_max); }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf("%i Run %u \n",nrow,this_run->ID); nrow++; }; delete this_run; delete next_run; // return(0); }; /** * Check if there might be a missing tracker calibration in a given time interval * @param t1 From absolute time * @param t2 To absolute time * @return true if there might be a missing calibration */ Bool_t PamelaDBOperations::MissingTRK_CALIB(UInt_t t1,UInt_t t2){ GL_TRK_CALIB* trkcalib = new GL_TRK_CALIB(); // get the closest VALIDATED calibration before the run start (t2) if ( trkcalib->Query_GL_TRK_CALIB(t2, conn) )return(true); //>>> missing if ( trkcalib->TO_TIME < t2 ) return(true); //>>> missing //============================================================== // Check is done first on the basis of time between calibration, // which should be equal to the time between ascending-nodes. //============================================================== if ( t2 - trkcalib->FROM_TIME > 5700) { if ( IsDebug() )printf("Long time between calib and run start %u :-( ==> there might be a missing calib \n",t2 - trkcalib->FROM_TIME); //============================================================== // there might be a missing calibration, due to: // - MM full // - corrupted packets // - loss of data // There is an exception in case a download was done during ascending node //============================================================== Bool_t DOWNLOAD = false; // check if the calib was skipped becouse of download .... DA FARE!! if(DOWNLOAD)return(false); return(true); //>>> missing }; //============================================================== // If the last calibration is close to the run less than this time, // it is enough to say that there are no missing calibrations //============================================================== // the long time interval bewteen runs might be due to download if ( IsDebug() )printf("Short time between calib and run start %u :-) ==> OK! \n",t2 - trkcalib->FROM_TIME); return(false); }; /** * Assign VALIDATION value to a GL_RUN entry * @param idrun Run ID * @param validation true/false */ Int_t PamelaDBOperations::assignVALIDATION(UInt_t idrun, Bool_t validation){ TSQLResult *result = 0; stringstream oss; oss.str(""); oss << " UPDATE GL_RUN SET VALIDATION="<< (UInt_t)validation <<" WHERE ID= " << idrun << ";"; // // if ( IsDebug() ) // printf(" Set VALIDATION = %i for run %i \n",validation,idrun); if ( IsDebug() )printf(" Query: %s \n",oss.str().c_str()); result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( !result ) throw -4; return(0); } // Insert TLEs from file tlefilename in the table GL_TLE in the db // opened by conn, sorting them by date from older to newer, if each // TLE has not been alread inserted. Int_t PamelaDBOperations::populateTLE()//(TSQLServer *conn, char *tleFile) { fstream tlefile(tlefilename, ios::in); if ( !tlefile ) throw -7; vector ctles; vector::iterator iter; int present = 0; // Get three lines from tlefile, create a cTle object and put it // into ctles while(1) { cTle *tlef; string str1, str2, str3; getline(tlefile, str1); if(tlefile.eof()) break; getline(tlefile, str2); if(tlefile.eof()) break; getline(tlefile, str3); if(tlefile.eof()) break; // We now have three good lines for a cTle. tlef = new cTle(str1, str2, str3); ctles.push_back(tlef); } tlefile.close(); // Sort by date sort(ctles.begin(), ctles.end(), compTLE); // Now we insert each TLE into the db for(iter = ctles.begin(); iter != ctles.end(); iter++) { cTle *tle = *iter; // Do nothing if it's already present in the db. Just increase // the counter present. if (! isTlePresent(tle)) { int status = insertTle(tle); // Insert query failed. Return 1. if(status == EXIT_FAILURE) { if( IsDebug() ) { cerr << "Error: inserting TLE:" << endl << tle->getName() << endl << tle->getLine1() << endl << tle->getLine2() << endl; } throw -4; return 1; } } else present++; } int inserted = ctles.size() - present; // Number of inserted TLE. if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "\nProcessed TLEs ranging from " << getTleDatetime(ctles[0]) << " to " << getTleDatetime(ctles[ctles.size()-1]) << "." << endl << inserted << " newly inserted TLEs out of " << ctles.size() << " processed." << endl; ctles.clear(); // Return 2 if no new TLE has been inserted. 0 otherwise. if(! inserted ) return 2; return 0; } // Insert tle in the table GL_TLE using the connection conn. Int_t PamelaDBOperations::insertTle(cTle *tle) { stringstream oss; TSQLResult *result = 0; oss.str(""); oss << " INSERT INTO GL_TLE (TLE1, TLE2, TLE3, FROM_TIME)" << " VALUES ( '" << tle->getName() << "', '" << tle->getLine1() << "', '" << tle->getLine2() << "', '" << getTleDatetime(tle) << "')"; // cout << oss.str().c_str() << endl; result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if (result == NULL) return EXIT_FAILURE; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // Return whether tle is already in the db connected by conn. bool PamelaDBOperations::isTlePresent(cTle *tle) { stringstream oss; TSQLResult *result = 0; oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT * FROM GL_TLE WHERE FROM_TIME = '" << getTleDatetime(tle) << "'"; result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if (result == NULL) throw -4; if (result->GetRowCount()) return true; else return false; } // Return whether the first TLE is dated early than the second bool compTLE (cTle *tle1, cTle *tle2) { return getTleJulian(tle1) < getTleJulian(tle2); } // Return the date of the tle using the format (year-2000)*1e3 + // julian day. e.g. 6365 is the 31th Dec 2006. // It does *not* return a cJulian date. float getTleJulian(cTle *tle) { return tle->getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHYEAR)*1e3 + tle->getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHDAY); } // Return a string like YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, usable for mysql datetime // format. string getTleDatetime(cTle *tle) { int year, mon, day, hh, mm, ss; double dom; // day of month (is double!) stringstream date; // date in datetime format // create a cJulian from the date in tle cJulian jdate = cJulian( 2000 + (int) tle->getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHYEAR), tle->getField(cTle::FLD_EPOCHDAY)); // get year, month, day of month jdate.getComponent(&year, &mon, &dom); // build a datetime YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss date.str(""); day = (int) floor(dom); hh = (int) floor( (dom - day) * 24); mm = (int) floor( ((dom - day) * 24 - hh) * 60); ss = (int) floor( ((((dom - day) * 24 - hh) * 60 - mm) * 60)); // ms = (int) floor( (((((dom - day) * 24 - hh) * 60 - mm) * 60) - ss) * 1000); date << year << "-" << mon << "-" << day << " " << hh << ":" << mm << ":" << ss; return date.str(); } /** * Remove a file from the DB, delete on cascade all entries related to that file * rearrange GL_RUN and GL_XXX_CALIB tables, turn off validation till the following * calibration **/ Int_t PamelaDBOperations::removeFile(TString remfile){ // // Determine ID_ROOT_L0 and ID_RAW // TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; stringstream myquery; // myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT ID, ID_RAW FROM GL_ROOT where NAME='"<Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // Row = pResult->Next(); if( !Row ){ if ( strcmp(remfile.Data(),GetRootName().Data()) ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No file to be removed even if option \"-remove file\" was used!!\n"); return(1); }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No file to be removed (force mode)! \n"); return(0); }; // this->SetID_ROOT((UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0))); this->SetID_RAW((UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1))); // this->ValidationOFF(); // this->RemoveCALIBS(); // this->RemoveRUNS(); // this->RemoveFILES(); // this->SetID_ROOT(0); this->SetID_RAW(0); // return(0); }; /** * * Set validation bit to zero for runs following the removing file till * 1) a run with TRK_CALIB_USED=140 * 2) a run with VALIDATION = 0 * 3) the next calibration * **/ void PamelaDBOperations::ValidationOFF(){ TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; stringstream myquery; Int_t unv = 0; //select ID from GL_RUN where RUNHEADER_TIME>=1152671382 AND (VALIDATION=0 OR TRK_CALIB_USED=104) order by RUNHEADER_TIME asc limit 1; myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT MAX(RUNTRAILER_TIME) FROM GL_RUN WHERE ID_ROOT_L0="<< this->GetID_ROOT() <<";"; // pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // Row = pResult->Next(); if( !Row->GetField(0) ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" NO RUN ASSOCIATED TO THIS FILE! \n"); // } else { // UInt_t runhtime = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)); UInt_t caltime = 0; // myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT FROM_TIME FROM GL_TRK_CALIB where FROM_TIME>" <Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // Row = pResult->Next(); if( !Row ){ caltime = runhtime; } else { caltime = (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)); }; // myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT ID,RUNHEADER_TIME from GL_RUN where RUNHEADER_TIME>="<< runhtime <<" AND (VALIDATION=0 OR TRK_CALIB_USED=104 OR RUNHEADER_TIME>" ; myquery << caltime << ") order by RUNHEADER_TIME asc LIMIT 1"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" query is \n %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // Row = pResult->Next(); if( !Row ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" NO RUN NEED TO BE UNVALIDATED \n"); // } else { myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT ID from GL_RUN where RUNHEADER_TIME<"<< Row->GetField(1) <<" AND "; myquery << " RUNHEADER_TIME>=" <Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // Row = pResult->Next(); while ( Row ){ // unv++; this->assignVALIDATION((UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)), false); Row = pResult->Next(); // }; }; }; if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" %u runs have been unvalidated \n",unv); }; /** * * Rearrange GL_RUN table and remove runs * **/ void PamelaDBOperations::RemoveRUNS(){ TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; stringstream myquery; UInt_t drun = 0; GL_RUN *delrun = new GL_RUN(); // myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT ID FROM GL_RUN where ID_RUN_FRAG=0 and ID_ROOT_L0=" <GetID_ROOT() <<";"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" query is \n %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // Row = pResult->Next(); // // if ( !Row ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No run with ID_RUN_FRAG=0 belonged to this file \n"); } else { if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Deleting run from GL_RUN table \n"); while ( Row ){ delrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN"); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" del run %u \n",(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0))); drun++; Row = pResult->Next(); }; }; // // myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT ID,ID_RUN_FRAG FROM GL_RUN where ID_RUN_FRAG!=0 and ID_ROOT_L0=" <GetID_ROOT() <<";"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" query is \n %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // Row = pResult->Next(); // if ( !Row ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No run with ID_RUN_FRAG!=0 belonged to this file \n"); } else { if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Deleting run fragments from GL_RUN table \n"); while ( Row ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" restore run %u \n",(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1))); delrun->RestoreRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)),"GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS"); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" del run %u \n",(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1))); delrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)),"GL_RUN"); if ( (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(1)) != (UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)) ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" del run %u \n",(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0))); delrun->DeleteRun(conn,(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0)),"GL_RUN"); }; drun++; Row = pResult->Next(); }; }; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Deleted %i run(s) from GL_RUN table \n",drun); // // // drun = 0; // myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT ID_TRASH FROM GL_RUN_TRASH where BELONGED_TO='GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS' AND ID_ROOT_L0=" <GetID_ROOT() <<";"; // pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // Row = pResult->Next(); // if ( !Row ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No run from GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table in the trash table for this file \n"); } else { if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Deleting run fragments from GL_RUN_TRASH table \n"); while ( Row ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" del run idtrash %u \n",(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0))); myquery.str(""); myquery << " DELETE FROM GL_RUN_TRASH where ID_TRASH=" << Row->GetField(0) <<";"; conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); drun++; Row = pResult->Next(); }; }; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Deleted %u run(s) from GL_RUN_TRASH table \n",drun); // // // drun = 0; // myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT ID FROM GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS where ID_ROOT_L0=" <GetID_ROOT() <<";"; // pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // Row = pResult->Next(); // if ( !Row ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" No run in the GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table for this file \n"); } else { if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Deleting run fragments from GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table \n"); while ( Row ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" del run %u \n",(UInt_t)atoll(Row->GetField(0))); myquery.str(""); myquery << " DELETE FROM GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS where ID=" << Row->GetField(0) <<";"; conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); drun++; Row = pResult->Next(); }; }; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" Deleted %u run(s) from GL_RUN_FRAGMENTS table \n",drun); // // // delete delrun; // }; /** * * Rearrange calibration tables * **/ void PamelaDBOperations::RemoveFILES(){ stringstream myquery; // myquery.str(""); myquery << " DELETE FROM GL_RAW WHERE ID=" <GetID_RAW() <<";"; // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" query is \n %s \n",myquery.str().c_str()); // conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // }; /** * * Rearrange calibration tables * **/ void PamelaDBOperations::RemoveCALIBS(){ TSQLResult *pResult; TSQLRow *Row; stringstream myquery; // // // Calorimeter // for (Int_t section = 0; section < 4; section++){ myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT MIN(FROM_TIME),MAX(TO_TIME) FROM GL_CALO_CALIB WHERE ID_ROOT_L0="<< this->GetID_ROOT() <<" AND "; myquery << " SECTION=" << section << ";"; // pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // Row = pResult->Next(); if( !Row->GetField(0) || !Row->GetField(1) ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" NO CALO CALIBRATION SECTION %i ASSOCIATED TO THIS FILE! \n",section); // } else { // myquery.str(""); myquery << " UPDATE GL_CALO_CALIB SET TO_TIME=" << Row->GetField(1); myquery << " WHERE TO_TIME="<< Row->GetField(0) << " AND "; myquery << " SECTION=" << section << ";"; // pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // if( !pResult ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ERROR DELETING CALO CALIBRATIONS \n"); // throw -4; // }; // }; }; myquery.str(""); myquery << " DELETE FROM GL_CALO_CALIB WHERE ID_ROOT_L0=" << this->GetID_ROOT(); // pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // if( !pResult ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ERROR DELETING CALO CALIBRATIONS \n"); // throw -4; // }; // // Tracker // myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT MIN(FROM_TIME),MAX(TO_TIME) FROM GL_TRK_CALIB WHERE ID_ROOT_L0="<< this->GetID_ROOT() <<";"; // pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // Row = pResult->Next(); if( !Row->GetField(0) || !Row->GetField(1) ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" NO TRK CALIBRATION ASSOCIATED TO THIS FILE! \n"); // } else { // myquery.str(""); myquery << " UPDATE GL_TRK_CALIB SET TO_TIME=" << Row->GetField(1); myquery << " WHERE TO_TIME="<< Row->GetField(0) << ";"; // pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // if( !pResult ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ERROR DELETING TRK CALIBRATIONS \n"); // throw -4; // }; // myquery.str(""); myquery << " DELETE FROM GL_TRK_CALIB WHERE ID_ROOT_L0=" << this->GetID_ROOT(); // pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // if( !pResult ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ERROR DELETING TRK CALIBRATIONS \n"); // throw -4; // }; }; // // // S4 // myquery.str(""); myquery << " SELECT MIN(FROM_TIME),MAX(TO_TIME) FROM GL_S4_CALIB WHERE ID_ROOT_L0="<< this->GetID_ROOT() <<";"; // pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // Row = pResult->Next(); if( !Row->GetField(0) || !Row->GetField(1) ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" NO S4 CALIBRATION ASSOCIATED TO THIS FILE! \n"); // } else { // myquery.str(""); myquery << " UPDATE GL_S4_CALIB SET TO_TIME=" << Row->GetField(1); myquery << " WHERE TO_TIME="<< Row->GetField(0) << ";"; // pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // if( !pResult ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ERROR DELETING S4 CALIBRATIONS \n"); // throw -4; // }; // myquery.str(""); myquery << " DELETE FROM GL_S4_CALIB WHERE ID_ROOT_L0=" << this->GetID_ROOT(); // pResult = conn->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // if( !pResult ){ // if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ERROR DELETING S4 CALIBRATIONS \n"); // throw -4; // }; // }; }; /** * * Rearrange calibration tables * **/ UInt_t PamelaDBOperations::ValidateTrkCalib( CalibTrk1Event* caltrk, EventHeader *eh ){ Int_t vorder[]={5,5,3,3,4,4,2,2,1,1,0,0}; UInt_t timeaftercalib=120000; //2000; // ---------- // Check CRCs // ---------- for(Int_t ipkt=0; ipkt<6; ipkt++){ if( caltrk->crc_hcal[ipkt] )return 0; // :-( for(Int_t ilad=0; ilad<3; ilad++)if( caltrk->crc_cal[ipkt][ilad] )return 0; // :-( } // ----------------------- // Check missing packets: // ----------------------- // Readout order: // ------------------ // DSP packet board // ------------------ // 12 0 1 // 10 1 1 // 8 2 1 // 4 3 1 // 6 4 1 // 2 5 1 // ------------------ // 11 0 2 // 9 1 2 // 7 2 2 // 3 3 2 // 5 4 2 // 1 5 2 // ------------------ // ------------------------------------------------- // Check if it is first or second calibration packet // ------------------------------------------------- UInt_t build=0; TString classname = caltrk->GetName(); UInt_t base=0; UInt_t mask=0; if(classname.Contains("CalibTrk1Event")){ base=12; mask=0x03F000; } if(classname.Contains("CalibTrk2Event")){ base=18; mask=0xFC0000; } // ------------------------------------------------- // Count number of packets and set build variable // ------------------------------------------------- Int_t npkts=0; for(Int_t ipkt=0; ipkt<6; ipkt++){ if(caltrk->DSPnumber[ipkt]>0 && caltrk->DSPnumber[ipkt]<=12){ npkts++; build = build | ( 1<<(base+vorder[caltrk->DSPnumber[ipkt]-1]) ); } } // if( npkts==6 )return 1; // :-) // cout << classname << " "<GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime()<GetCounter(); Int_t irun = cod->Get(pctp->RunHeader); TTree *rh=(TTree*)file->Get("RunHeader"); if ( !rh || rh->IsZombie() ) throw -17; if( rh->GetEntries() == irun ){ if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: (MISSING VIEW) no runs after calib (1) -- cannot validate :-( "<SetBranchAddress("RunHeader", &run); rh->SetBranchAddress("Header", &hrun); rh->GetEntry(irun); // cout << classname << " "<GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime() << " Run " << hrun->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime() <GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime()) < OBT(eh->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime())){ if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: (MISSING VIEW) no runs after calib (2) -- cannot validate :-( "<RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB ){ if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: (MISSING VIEW) RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB=0 -- cannot validate :-( "<GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime()) - OBT(eh->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime()); if( dtime > timeaftercalib ){ if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: (MISSING VIEW) run after calib too far ( "<ACQ_BUILD_INFO & mask) != build ){ if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: (MISSING VIEW) ACQ_BUILD_INFO= >>> "<ACQ_BUILD_INFO&mask) << " != "<< build << dec<10170 and ID<10190 order by RUNHEADER_TIME asc;"; result = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); // if ( !result ) throw -4;; // row = result->Next(); // while ( row ){ thisid = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0)); thisl0id = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(1)); thisrht = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(2)); thisrtt = (UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(3)); // // if ( thisrht < prevrtt || thisrtt < prevrht || thisrht > thisrtt && !(!prevrht && !prevrtt &&!previd) ){ // if ( (thisrht < prevrtt || thisrtt < prevrht || thisrht > thisrtt) && (thisrht != prevrht) ){ if ( (thisrht < prevrtt) && (thisrht != prevrht) ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" IDprev %u ID %u prevrht %u prevrtt %u thisrht %u thisrtt %u \n",previd,thisid,prevrht,prevrtt,thisrht,thisrtt); printf(" CHECK n.1 TIME SCREW of %u s AROUND RUNs %u and %u \n",(thisrht-prevrtt),previd,thisid); TString prevf = ""; TString thisf = ""; oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT NAME FROM GL_ROOT where ID=" << (UInt_t)prevl0id <<";"; result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( !result2 ) throw -4;; row2 = result2->Next(); prevf = (TString)row2->GetField(0); oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT NAME FROM GL_ROOT where ID=" << (UInt_t)thisl0id <<";"; result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( !result2 ) throw -4;; row2 = result2->Next(); thisf = (TString)row2->GetField(0); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ==> files %s and %s \n",prevf.Data(),thisf.Data()); test = 1; }; // if ( (thisrtt < prevrht) && (thisrht != prevrht) ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" IDprev %u ID %u prevrht %u prevrtt %u thisrht %u thisrtt %u \n",previd,thisid,prevrht,prevrtt,thisrht,thisrtt); printf(" CHECK n.2 TIME SCREW of %u s AROUND RUNs %u and %u \n",(thisrtt-prevrht),previd,thisid); TString prevf = ""; TString thisf = ""; oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT NAME FROM GL_ROOT where ID=" << (UInt_t)prevl0id <<";"; result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( !result2 ) throw -4;; row2 = result2->Next(); prevf = (TString)row2->GetField(0); oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT NAME FROM GL_ROOT where ID=" << (UInt_t)thisl0id <<";"; result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( !result2 ) throw -4;; row2 = result2->Next(); thisf = (TString)row2->GetField(0); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ==> files %s and %s \n",prevf.Data(),thisf.Data()); test = 1; }; // if ( (thisrht > thisrtt) && (thisrht != prevrht) ){ if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" IDprev %u ID %u prevrht %u prevrtt %u thisrht %u thisrtt %u \n",previd,thisid,prevrht,prevrtt,thisrht,thisrtt); printf(" CHECK n.3 TIME SCREW of %u s AROUND RUNs %u and %u \n",(thisrht-thisrtt),previd,thisid); TString prevf = ""; TString thisf = ""; oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT NAME FROM GL_ROOT where ID=" << (UInt_t)prevl0id <<";"; result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( !result2 ) throw -4;; row2 = result2->Next(); prevf = (TString)row2->GetField(0); oss.str(""); oss << "SELECT NAME FROM GL_ROOT where ID=" << (UInt_t)thisl0id <<";"; result2 = conn->Query(oss.str().c_str()); if ( !result2 ) throw -4;; row2 = result2->Next(); thisf = (TString)row2->GetField(0); if ( IsDebug() ) printf(" ==> files %s and %s \n",prevf.Data(),thisf.Data()); test = 1; }; // prevrht = thisrht; prevrtt = thisrtt; previd = thisid; prevl0id = thisl0id; row = result->Next(); }; // return(test); // };