/[PAMELA software]/YodaProfiler/inc/GLTablesLinkDef.h
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Contents of /YodaProfiler/inc/GLTablesLinkDef.h

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Revision 1.4 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Oct 25 13:23:34 2007 UTC (17 years, 4 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v5r00, v5r01, HEAD
Changes since 1.3: +1 -0 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Error occurred while calculating annotation data.
Added GL_CALOPULSE_CALIB table in the DB, added its class to GL_Tables, added filling of this table

1 #ifdef __MAKECINT__
2 #pragma link off all class;
3 #pragma link off all function;
4 #pragma link off all global;
5 #pragma link off all typedef;
6 #pragma link C++ class GL_TABLES;
7 #pragma link C++ class GL_RUN;
8 #pragma link C++ class GL_ROOT;
9 #pragma link C++ class GL_PARAM;
10 #pragma link C++ class GL_TRK_CALIB;
11 #pragma link C++ class GL_CALO_CALIB;
12 #pragma link C++ class GL_CALOPULSE_CALIB;
13 #pragma link C++ class GL_S4_CALIB;
14 #pragma link C++ class GL_TIMESYNC;
15 #pragma link C++ class GL_TLE;
16 #endif

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